RangerB, I'm glad to have seen you home for a visit and counting those days til you're home for good. My husband, Allen always kept me posted on any pics and stories you posted. Our son had been in Afghanistan in 05 and our son-in-law currently is on his 2nd tour in Iraq. We always watched for news of you. We both hoped to meet you one day.
Anthony, that is one good looking bow you're scrapping on!!!
Pappy, I know how happy you and Joanie are to have your boy home. Is it for good or just for right now? I saw the pics of you "making fire" we have a member named Joe Darnell (tasani bows)that showed us (Allen too) how to do that back in March. I videoed him in 3 segments while doing it. Really neat to watch and learn. Allen was working on putting his "fire kit" together before he passed.
Hope all turns out well this next weekend with the scouts.
take care and Life Is Good!!, Tomi (Mrs. Cheapshot)