Well, with you being our secret Southern Spy, secretly disguised as a Yooper, just watin fer the South to rise again, and raise the Stars and Bars up there, and funnelin down dem Yooper words, so's we kin use em when we invade and take over the lutefisk vats, and hold em fer ransom to support the effort, I have gained a plethora of Yooperisms. Keep up the good work Brother, the Sons of the Confederacy is right proud o ya.

Oh hey der, kinda keep dis under yer Kromer hey.

We wouldn't want all yer hard work ta be fer nuttin now.

Oh, uh, the boys wuz wonderin if'n there wuz anythin you might be a needin, in the way of Grits, possum fritters, possum on the half shell, (armadillo) fat back, turnips, collards, snap peas, butter beans, sweet taters, etc.? If'n you do , then we might have to make a night raid on ol Mullets garden, whilst he is out hog stickin. He ain't one to ta send his garden up north. Sorta sticks in his craw. Well you jes keep up the good work, and, oh uh by the way, I think we might promote you to a Kentucky Colonel. No free coupons or anything, but just the rank.

Ok, I think I better get off'n this h'yar thang, and let you git back to Yooperin. Hey, keep an eye on that El Destructo Feller, I think he might be a counter intelligence plant from up yonder.

Ok, watch yer step, if the ice hasn't melted yet. Keep a good supply o them there frozen Pasties. We ain't got none o them down here, but a moon pier will frizbie really well. Like one o them Ninja shuriken, or throwing stars. Reverend Puffball is real good at tossin em, from a kudzu patch. Take care now ya hear.