Had a great few days hunting, mostly by myself again, spent a lot of time in the woods and the shop. Didn't see a deer from the stand but I will say I am Blessed with Turkey, seen as many as 55 in different spots through the week, they were everywhere.

Didn't kill any deer with my bow but did hit 1 on the way in Thursday morning, no damage to the old dodge but sure didn't do the deer any good. I went back and got him and salvaged what i could, it was kind of a mess but waste not want not i always say.

got 12 lbs of burger/shoulders and back strap/brains and a few other supplies so he didn't go to wast.

I spent some time in the shop on another file knife and refurbished an old meat fork, so time well spent. The knife was from an old Simmons file USA, and the meat fork was gifted me by a good friend, the handle was bad an all rusted up.I never really saw one like this before and just thought it was cool and worthy of repair.
