I like that law,

that's the way it always seems to work out for me that's for sure. Had a great weekend, lots of rain for most of it but did get some hunting in, seen a few deer, no shots but still seeing tons of turkey, stopped counting at over 100 hens withsome jakes mixed in and 7 long beards, seems they are everywhere when you can't hunt them. It's pretty slow this time of year at the cabin, everyone busy getting ready for Christmas but did have a few friends drop by.

I spent most of the weekend working on knives in between trying to hunt, guess yall are getting tired of seeing my knife work but that's about all that's going on for me other that hunting and ant killing nothing to get pictures of.

Here are a couple of knives I finished up this weekend. First one and old saw blade and the 2nd another old file, 1 with elk antler scales and the other hidden tang with deer leg bone handle.
