Bow on the tiller board,not looking to bad,and supper Sat. night.Venison roast,with veggies,Beans
and corn bread.I also heat treated the bow I was working on and turned up the tips.The last
shot is of it after the treatment,Also Sunday Mickey Lotzs came by and left his motorcycle trailer
for the week while he and his lovely wife took a ride on the Nathash trace.They will pick it up
this coming Sat.I told him he could leave it there so he made it.I told him he didn't owe me anything but he brought me a prime piece of Ohio Osage,some dried carp skins for backing a bow,
some elk sinew and some of his floppy rules.Also one of his Cain arrows with a stone point on it.
It is beautiful.It's going on the wall.

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