Author Topic: Life is good  (Read 5016390 times)

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #450 on: September 05, 2007, 12:26:08 am »
Dana your right I don't look like Col. Sanders he had hair.

The bow I was glueing up is a Boo back Ipe, My first Backed bow.

I had a great time this weekend as always. Pappy makes a mean tenderloin. He found me using my stomach as a table entertaining. I would go on a diet but then I might have to eat at the dinner table  ;D.

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #451 on: September 05, 2007, 05:59:18 am »
I agree Otoe,I need it bad after a week in Nashville at work,helps keep me sane.Yes it is a hot plate and a pan of water.The ends are closed.One with a screw in plug and the other is a piece of wood cut in a circle with a peg in the middle to remove.They have 3  3/8 holes drilled in them to let the steam pass through.The pipes are at a slight angle so the steam when it turns back into water will drain back into the pot.I turn it on and let it get hot then put the stave in for about 2 hours.
I have everything set up before I start steaming cause you don't have but a few minutes once
you take it out.I also keep a heat gun handy in case it starts to cool.You can do it by yourself but it helps if you have some help.You take one limb and your help take the other starting
form the handle out to the tips.You can really straighten one out useing it.
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

Offline Otoe Bow

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #452 on: September 05, 2007, 10:22:47 am »
Pappy:  Very nice.  Thanks.  In your experience, can twisting be removed by steaming?  I split a piece of persimmon and it twisted pretty bad.  Also, I noticed that little boring bugs have started burrowing into the wood.  Some you can still see their back sides.  How do you keep them filling the wood full of holes?

So far, I haven't found any Osage or knappable rock over here.  Embrace the suck

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #453 on: September 05, 2007, 12:33:06 pm »
You can take a pretty good twist out of Osage with steam but on white wood and that would included persimmon I oil it down with cooking oil and use dry heat.Persimmon is bad about that.I usually let it dry for a few month before I split it.I spray it down with bug spray and seal the back.If you haven't got the bark off I would do that now before they get worse.Then seal it.You may even have to take it down 1 growth ring to get rid of them. :)
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Life is Good

Offline Otoe Bow

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #454 on: September 05, 2007, 01:33:25 pm »
Thanks Pappy:  I peeled the bark right after I cut it so that part's done.  I sealed the ends and back and most bug damage appears to be on the inside (split) part.  Next time I'll wait on splitting it. 

Will any bug spray work?  I've got my eye on a nice piece of Osage that's going to fall next, especially after seeing Cowboy's recent pictures. 

So far, I haven't found any Osage or knappable rock over here.  Embrace the suck

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #455 on: September 05, 2007, 02:41:25 pm »
Hey Otoe (was it Glenn?) on that osage in our part of the country anyway, the bugs will attack it almost immideatly after you cut it - think they sense or smell the sap, you'll see em crawling all over it. They breed (from what I've seen) and lay their eggs in the bark, you have a couple of weeks usually and will be safe - if you leave it with bark on for a month or more you'll most likely have a few bugs into the yellow wood a grain or two (or deeper)
  Best to cut the tree and seal the ends soon as it hits the ground. Get it split up and get the bark off as soon as your able, haven't left any sap wood on mine yet will try that on some of these most rescent one's, when you get the bark off seal the whole backside real good. Your on easy street from that point as far as bugs are concerned. Don't work green staves down too small unless you have something to clamp them to or you'll prolly get some twist or sideways warping.
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Re: Life is good
« Reply #456 on: September 06, 2007, 05:42:05 am »
What cowboy said.I cut most of my Osage in the winter and that helps. :)
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Re: Life is good
« Reply #457 on: September 07, 2007, 06:01:17 am »
FRIDAY,YA. Got a big weekend planed.We have the Deer Classic this weekend at the club.
It is a laid back shoot where we shoot 18 deer and 2 Turkey.We score them 12/10/8/ and a
wound is -3.We take that score and opening weekend if you take a deer or Turkey we weigh it and add them to you points.It is a 3 man team event and we usually have 30 to 40 teams.It
is a lot of fun especially on opening weekend.Lots of cooking and get to see a lot of deer.I
also plan on putting up some more stands and tiller an Osage bow I am working on and
of course some camp fire cooking.No Col. Sanders this weekend. ;D.It time to check out my broad heads and get my hunting equipment in order so got lots to do.Hope yall have a good one also.
Pictures Monday. :)
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Offline BearG

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #458 on: September 07, 2007, 01:16:15 pm »
PAPPY, cant wait to come down !!!!!
we are talking about the regular week after kids season is that cool, or is a there a better week?
I call a lot of people brother, but only count a few as family.

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #459 on: September 10, 2007, 06:05:22 am »
Bear I am off the 5th through the 9th.Had a great weekend,we had the deer Classic at
the club.We had 21- 3 man teams to enter that is a few teams less than normal but it was raingin[finely !!!!! ;D] so it was OK.Worked on my bow some but had to run the registration most
of the day.Ron done some more to his Boo backed bow but ran into a little problem with the grip.
I think he got it fixed,always something with bow building. ???.Had Tuna casserole for Friday night
and Chicken and taters for Sat.Put out 1 more food plot and got 1 stand up also so I guess I am as ready as I can be for opening weekend only 12 days now.Life is good. :) ;)

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« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 02:20:21 pm by Pappy »
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #460 on: September 10, 2007, 06:09:44 am »
The first pictures was of the straight piece of wood I am working on now[I thought it was]
till I got the bark off.You just never no till it is laid out.This is supper and Ron and son in law
working on a grip.[How many Yankees dose it take to put a grip on] ;D ;D

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« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 02:21:02 pm by Pappy »
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #461 on: September 10, 2007, 06:12:19 am »
Guests,Ron and his bow and I finely get to set down.Good time and good friends. :)

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« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 02:22:06 pm by Pappy »
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Offline BearG

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #462 on: September 11, 2007, 02:40:06 pm »
Pappy Nov. 5-9th. ???
also just wanted to let you know steve's ( thundernose) mom passed away Sunday nite.  dont have any details yet.
I call a lot of people brother, but only count a few as family.

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #463 on: September 12, 2007, 09:36:17 am »
Ron's glue up looks good, like to see it bending and arrow grouping. That's my kind of combo - grilled somethinorother and a silver bullet :)
When you come upon a track or trail you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.

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Re: Life is good
« Reply #464 on: September 14, 2007, 05:44:40 am »
Friday again,got to put up a couple more stands and I really need to finish tillering the Osage I am working on,other than that just a little scouting and relax.Don't know whats for supper but I bet I come up with something.I got a birthday coming up Monday and a lot of Honey dos to get done next week before the season starts so this weekend I hope to just rest and tie up a few loose
ends around the farm.Hope yall have a good one .Pictures Monday. :) ;)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good