I started my morning by gutting three mice, two rats, and dicing several small shrimp to feed birds. I perched the kestrel, the smallest falcon in the western hemisphere, in the kitchen and made him fly to glove across the room about a dozen time. I scraped bird poop, mopped up, and made a cup of tea.* I them went outside and shoveled snow for 20 minutes. After that I took a shower and got in the jeep to drive to work.
The jeep stalled at an intersection about 4 houses down from my place and wouldn't re-start. I coasted it backwards and parked it next to a curb and called for a ride. Made it to work 20 minutes late and I have been reading P.A. Forum threads for the most part ever since.
Tonite when I get home, I'll try starting the jeep again. I probably flooded it -I do that with fuel injected vehicles from time to time. Then I am going to put our new bird on glove and watch tv as part of training her. She will be a little distraught at first, but eventually she will become bored in the extreme. After sitting on a glove for three hours bored out of her little screech owl mind, she will be a little closer to understanding being on glove is safe and nothing ever happens.
*just realized it reads like I made tea from bird poop. no, it was black tea, Liptons.