Nice work on those staves Charlie. I bet that Stavemaster sure makes it easier to clean them up. Be sure you seal the backs with several coats of poly, shellac, or something similar. You don't want any checks when you start turning them into bows.
I took advantage of some warm January weather and got a lot done today. I took down 5 ladder stands, took down the Christmas lights and decorations from the yard, cut Blackhawk a special character piece of osage, and cut out a HHB bow for my Niece. It is going to be a high school graduation gift. Does anyone know of a good pink dye? The bow is going to be all pink with solid black snake skins. And a pink and black string. I'm going for 30# @ 24".
Don't laugh at my zigzag cuts. I found out real quick that my blade needs replaced. I layed it out wide anyway. A few minutes with the ferriors rasp and you will never know.