I watched it a couple of times, scripted, phony and aimed at city folk who don't know anything about hunting, farming or firearms so they don't see the glaring misinformation in the format.
Example; Billy Bob(or who ever he was) is given the task of sighting in a 30-30 for the boss. The boss has to get a deer or he might STARVE over the winter(another scripted crisis).
Next scene; the boss is in a tree stand hunting with the rifle Billy Bob sighted in for him. The problem; the 30-30 has turned into a Ruger #1 single shot. Well, the boss gut shoots a deer at 30 yds and blames his miss on poor, incompetent Billy Bob's lousy job of sighting in the rifle, except poor Billy Bob never sighted in the rifle he was using.
Next the boss has to plant a patch of greens or he might STARVE over the winter. Next scene, he is out in the rain turning his seed in about 6" deep with a horse drawn disc harrow. Any fool who has ever grown a garden knows that's not how you plant turnip greens. He is not going to get much up with the seed 6" under ground.
The show lost me at this point.