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Primitive Skills / Re: Life is good
« Last post by Pappy on December 16, 2024, 06:27:07 pm »
These 2 aren’t blood related, the Shepherd belongs to my buddy that owns a little farm that joins ours, but he is over about every day and brings his dog, so they have played together since they were pups, you would think they were sisters. Sister my brother old dog loves it also, gives her a break from Annie . 😉😊 Pappy
Bows / Re: What do you think?
« Last post by pierce_schmeichel on December 16, 2024, 05:10:55 pm »
My thoughts on sinew backing is that it gives you 25% more draw length on any bow wood. So If you wanted to make a self bow out of juniper specifically then you would take your draw length 27" × 2 = 54" then multiply that by 1.25 which equals 67.5".  (And that's on a bendy handle bow)

I know this isn't necessarily relavent but it's an idea that I wanted to throw out there.
Bows / Re: What do you think?
« Last post by pierce_schmeichel on December 16, 2024, 05:01:37 pm »
It would be pretty good but I definitely would not over draw juniper. It is explosive hahaha I've almost taken my eye out many times, pushing the limits. With 27" draw you need 54" ntn bow at least, 55" to be on the safe side. It is a super powerful wood but you can't get it as short as osage and elm just because you can bend the heck out of osage an elm.

And yes sinewed juniper in my opinion is the best bow wood but osage and elm can bend crazy amounts when sinew backed. You can usually overdraw them 25% further than without sinew without any crazy set. I mean honestly you could probably go further but you wouldn't really gain much. 25% has been the sweetspot for me when it comes to arrow speed that is.

Also if you are backing a short osage or elm bow I would suggest only doing 1 to 1.5 layers because on the short bows I've noticed the extra weight of adding sinew actually can slow the bow down. The least amount of sinew you can get away with is the best.

With juniper you could play around with it but I've noticed that 60" and up only need 1 layer and anything below that really needs 1.5 to 2 layers otherwise the sinew can snap and the bow explodes. And again if you add too much sinew it actually starts to slow the bow down.
Flight Bows / Re: Top Secret Classified Flight Arrow
« Last post by willie on December 16, 2024, 04:33:00 pm »
My best flight arrows tend to be on the edge of aerodynamic instability.  The center of gravity is usually close to the center of the arrow. But center of gravity is not the only significant point on the arrow. The center of pressure is equally as significant. On my arrows, the center of pressure is a short distance aft of the center of gravity.

Thanks for the reply and my apologies for not seeing your response earlier.

your consistency with the pneumatic straw shooter must be satifying. seems amazing to me actually.  Is there a MK 2 for heavier arrows in the works?

Around the Campfire / Re: What Did You Do Today?
« Last post by bjrogg on December 16, 2024, 04:28:42 pm »
Looks good Eric.

It is a lot of work but very rewarding if your family likes venison. And like pappy say. When you do it yourself you can get a little fussier than a processor might.

Personally I always find the dragging them out, skinning and gutting to be the hardest part.

I kinda enjoy the rest of the process. I get help with my wife and son though to, so it’s not all on me and more of a family tradition which I really like

I’m really lucky that my wife is so good with it. I can bring two front shoulders in and put them on the kitchen table. She will debone one and I’ll do the other.

It’s how we both grew up. I try to pass it on to my kids and grandkids. They have all helped making pork sausage.

Primitive Skills / Re: Life is good
« Last post by bjrogg on December 16, 2024, 04:12:25 pm »
There were a lot of farms around here that had a dinner bell Pappy.

When dinner was ready the bell rang calling everyone in from the fields.

I love watching our dogs play. It’s just like the two you described except they aren’t blood related but they sure do love to play. It sure is good exercise for them.

Bows / Re: What do you think?
« Last post by WhistlingBadger on December 16, 2024, 02:44:43 pm »
Yep do a sinew backed bendy handle bow. If it's elm or osage you can get away with it only being 50"ntn as long as it's sinew backed and has a bendy handle. I've seen some push that even further and go 46"ntn sinew backed bendy handle 27" draw
I suspect juniper/sinew would be a great option for a design like that.  Stay tuned...
Bows / Re: What do you think?
« Last post by pierce_schmeichel on December 16, 2024, 01:48:22 pm »
Yep do a sinew backed bendy handle bow. If it's elm or osage you can get away with it only being 50"ntn as long as it's sinew backed and has a bendy handle. I've seen some push that even further and go 46"ntn sinew backed bendy handle 27" draw
Bows / Re: What do you think?
« Last post by bentstick54 on December 16, 2024, 11:37:25 am »
I really like the looks of it now. Good job resurrecting it. I agree with the others, I would leave well enough alone.
Flight Bows / Re: Top Secret Classified Flight Arrow
« Last post by Selfbowman on December 16, 2024, 11:16:39 am »
The arrow was to light and to much drag. Just an opinion.
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