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Flight Bows / Re: Arvins 62" osage design
« Last post by willie on December 19, 2024, 04:36:37 pm »
So, thats a fancy way of saying... idk?

yeah, Thats the traditional way of tillering.  If you wanted the program to help you could measure a bow you have, or since you eyeball your bend while you tiller, would comparing two bends in a screenshot of the program help?
Flight Bows / Re: Arvins 62" osage design
« Last post by sleek on December 19, 2024, 04:01:13 pm »

Now I wonder what virtual bow says about your hypothetical bow Arvin? Im curios to check my work against that. It would be fun to have a bow build off competition between my formula and the virtual bows design.

Virtualbow doesnt "say" much, it's more of a visualizer for your inputs, but I would be happy to plug in your design if thats what you are asking.  can you supply a thickness description? 

1. assuming a straight taper, I would need the thickness at the point where the handle dip ends and the full bend begins along with the distance of that point from the center of the bow.   And the thickness at the nock.

2. if the taper is not straight, then additional info will help.  Its easy to  change the thicknesses once the end of the dips are located to see different results.

should I assume the same recurve at the tips as in Arvins model above?

Basically ai leave the thickness to be determined by the final bend radius the bow has, as you tiller it toward your draw length, never drawing past your desired draw weight. So, thats a fancy way of saying... idk?
Flight Bows / Re: Arvins 62" osage design
« Last post by sleek on December 19, 2024, 03:56:50 pm »
I have no thickness description unfortunately. The thickness of the bow is determined by how stiff the wood is, and that I cant calculate. So, i leave it to the bowyer to determine as they tiller it, and as there is no draw length given by Arvin, one could only guess. That said, the draw length and thickness are not important to my equation, because they arent a factor in set and how much surface area a bow requires to be a certain draw weight. You can assume a 28 inch draw if you like to fill the requirements of virtual bow program.

 The design i ran for Arvin is based on working surface area alone. the stiff tips, the recurve etc are not relevant, as that is again, a factor of tye bend radius, determined by the bows thickness.

If there is a way you can plug in generic numbers or just leave them as variables to be determined by the numbers I gave above, it would be nice to see.
Flight Bows / Re: Arvins 62" osage design
« Last post by willie on December 19, 2024, 01:53:04 pm »

Now I wonder what virtual bow says about your hypothetical bow Arvin? Im curios to check my work against that. It would be fun to have a bow build off competition between my formula and the virtual bows design.

Virtualbow doesnt "say" much, it's more of a visualizer for your inputs, but I would be happy to plug in your design if thats what you are asking.  can you supply a thickness description? 

1. assuming a straight taper, I would need the thickness at the point where the handle dip ends and the full bend begins along with the distance of that point from the center of the bow.   And the thickness at the nock.

2. if the taper is not straight, then additional info will help.  Its easy to  change the thicknesses once the end of the dips are located to see different results.

should I assume the same recurve at the tips as in Arvins model above?
Flight Bows / Re: Arvins 62" osage design
« Last post by sleek on December 19, 2024, 01:31:23 pm »
Sq inches in the back of the working limbs for no set. You said you wanted more hands on proof . Just trying to help you out.🤠🤠🤠

Whats the dimensions of the bow he is building. Ill try and calculate how much set i think he will take.
Flight Bows / Re: Arvins 62" osage design
« Last post by sleek on December 19, 2024, 12:06:56 pm »
Oh yeah, Id like to see that tested and tried to be proven wrong. Got to have honest trial by fire. If Im right it will stand to scrutiny, if nkt, i need to know.
Flight Bows / Re: Arvins 62" osage design
« Last post by Selfbowman on December 19, 2024, 11:15:22 am »
Sq inches in the back of the working limbs for no set. You said you wanted more hands on proof . Just trying to help you out.🤠🤠🤠
Flight Bows / Re: Arvins 62" osage design
« Last post by sleek on December 19, 2024, 11:02:21 am »
Kevin there was some mention of extremely long bows in bowyers bible 1 I think . I might go back and review that section. Kevin Ive got BJ fixing to build some narrow flight bows . If it can be done with no set at 25” by him it might Poke a hole in your theory. That we will have to watch.  Brian can tiller a bow.

Im often excited to be shown im wrong. It gives me an opportunity to learn more and more quickly.

Which theory are you refering too? Im full of them lol.
Bows / Re: Meare Heath bow
« Last post by WhistlingBadger on December 19, 2024, 10:43:17 am »
The Meare Heath bow is a LOT of wood.  I've never shot one but I can't think it would spit an arrow very fast or feel good doing it.  Narrow down the tips and you have a Sudbury/holmegaard -ish design, which in my limited experience are better shooters that don't beat the daylights out of your bow arm.  Those wide limb, narrow tip, narrow handle bows look really nice, too.  And I find it fascinating how similar the designs are on opposite sides of the Atlantic.

Sometimes I wonder if some of those ancient bows got chucked into a bog for a reason...   (--)
Bows / For the computer generated bow guys.
« Last post by Selfbowman on December 19, 2024, 10:30:07 am »
Kevin , Willie, AVCase and me are doing another flight bow. The hat page does not get looked at much so if interested go to flight page.
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