Now I wonder what virtual bow says about your hypothetical bow Arvin? Im curios to check my work against that. It would be fun to have a bow build off competition between my formula and the virtual bows design.
Virtualbow doesnt "say" much, it's more of a visualizer for your inputs, but I would be happy to plug in your design if thats what you are asking. can you supply a thickness description?
1. assuming a straight taper, I would need the thickness at the point where the handle dip ends and the full bend begins along with the distance of that point from the center of the bow. And the thickness at the nock.
2. if the taper is not straight, then additional info will help. Its easy to change the thicknesses once the end of the dips are located to see different results.
should I assume the same recurve at the tips as in Arvins model above?