Those are some crazy curves on that bow Pearly. Wheres the full draw pic???
I got a proposition for all you mouth runnin' sissy's. How's about I grab my (soon to be) pink bow and give you a 30 yard head start?!?!?!?!?! Is that too close you think?
The Sparrow hawk and the Screech Owl are my favorites !
Sure wish Ohio would not make it so hard to keep them !
Share some pics with us please!
What did you do 9 months ago? :-[do i have to explain it hehehe :o jk. My wife will be happy to have her body back once the symbiont is out of its temporary host.
If you give the pike skins a skim coat of CA glue like Gordon does on his snakeskin backings, maybe the scales would stay intact?
That's a mean looking forge Leroy, can't wait to see what comes out of it!
Spent most of my morning on PA discussing Pos/Neg tiller. ??? ??? ;D ;D ;D man I need to get a life. ;) ;D
LOL me too, Pappy:)
Why, you volunteering to sinew it, tiller it, and send it back? ;DNow that was funny. You just moved to the top of my super hero list for the quick come back to Ol Roy
Nice lil' tractor :) One of the guys I work with bought diesel like it last week for $200. The guy that owned it wanted someone else other than his exwife to be to have it.
Nice work Cam.
Last night my wife and son were away from home so after dinner I got to work on knife handles for the obsidian and glass blades that have been accumulating around the house. Got a few more to make and then some sanding and grinding to pretty up the handles. Antler and a repurposed hatchet handle so far. Yes, when I get them done I will post pics.
A stave you gave me Clint, when we first met at the classic. I think it was cut in '09.
Momma sez "Idle hands are the devils tools"
Leroy your the busiest dude I know!
That's the one, Clint. It should be a fun project. ;)
That's great Keenan, I see they put your name on it too. Ugly Stik:) >:D LMAODont make me come out there to whoop ya boy1 LOL
Today I took a tri lam out of the clamps. Boo, red cedar, and osage.
Glued on the riser.
he sent me a stick and i sent him one.happy fishing Keenan.
Thanx clint :) the only thing i dont like is the rubber coated handle i figure in a year itl be all worn down real bad we will see
Sounds like fun. I hope someone took some pictures of the bows you guys were working on.
Came down with the Flu yesterday - YUK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob
Well lastnit was interesting amanda went in to false labor :( didnt get home till 2am and no baby yet
Hey Noel, college might be the wrong place for you, buddy. ;D
I meant to post this yesterday so it would fit into what I did today. I made a heat treating reflex caul and cut 12 2" holes in it with a hole saw bit ( whew that was some work) for the clamps. I also built a little stand/ holder for the heat gun. I been just rigging something redneck up and finally decided to make something that would make it easier to do and more consistent. Today I will be putting the jig to use by heat treating a little hackberry bow I made my step mom. I will also get another hackberry bow I have roughed out that I started for my wife at least to floor tiller stage as well debarking a couple staves and shooting the stuffed animal course with Rocky later in the afternoon. Danny
Happy Fat Tuesday to you too Sadie. I get your drift. I grew up in Savannah and we had one of the three biggest celebrations in the US for St Patricks Day; New york and Boston the other two. Long days with lots of embibing will surely take it toll. I don't miss those days much anymore...I do still hold on to some of the memories. ;)
Well got side tracked with work today so I didn't get to go out with the tree trimming crew,guess ill catch up with them on Friday. I did meet a trapper and now I have to go get 14 beaver tails ohh poor pity me
Well, I was actually around the campfire, kinda sorta. Lol!! Broke out the rivet forge and coal and hickory and spent the day makin fire and forging out two horseshoe knives. Lol!! Also tried making a tomahawk from a railroad spike, but it split while opening the hole for the handle. Poop!!
Well, I was actually around the campfire, kinda sorta. Lol!! Broke out the rivet forge and coal and hickory and spent the day makin fire and forging out two horseshoe knives. Lol!! Also tried making a tomahawk from a railroad spike, but it split while opening the hole for the handle. Poop!!
wow. really like these knives.
prefer a more "primitive" look and these are great!
Took the dog out for the final day of bunny season.
Charlie what am I gonna do with you ole timer? LOL
Says they do, Clint. Here is the link, check it out a 12 inch sears is listed.
Kennan ya son of a gun, I've been worried about your crusty ole butt. Nice to see your still kicking:)
I'm heading out to the bow shop to install my roller guide upgrade on the band saw and then put the rest and grip on the tri lam.
Ya mean the one playing pocket pool?:) LOL, he's the neighbor kid an we just let him pretend to make bows:)
Ya mean the one playing pocket pool?:) LOL, he's the neighbor kid an we just let him pretend to make bows:)
I'm no longer a trad-virgin. Thanks for poppin my cherry Roy! lol Picking up the bow at Tom's today and can't wait to remove the clamps and peel off the wrap. Looking forward to finishing it at your place.... and already dreaming of the next one.
I owe you. Cmon out west and show the bulls what osage can do.
Cleaning off my garden, pruning my muscadine vines an replacing broken support poles, stacking osage staves in the dry, just general piddling on taps for today
I worked on my sparkler a little a few days ago.
finished most of the butt stock shaping.
Good thing they don't let you hit nurses, several tries and two ivs later only one of them in a vein they finally got started , an hour after they started, mom is glad there is only one more chemo treatment .
Made it back in time for the potluck diner at OJAM and meet everyone befor it gets underway tomarow.
Good thing they don't let you hit nurses, several tries and two ivs later only one of them in a vein they finally got started , an hour after they started, mom is glad there is only one more chemo treatment .
Made it back in time for the potluck diner at OJAM and meet everyone befor it gets underway tomarow.
I know the feeling, on my first knee replacement they didn't get a vein till the 9th try
Thanks guys!Then even more kudos are due ;)
Pekane, It isn't a kit uke. :)
Pictures pictures pictures :o
What fer? Don't you have enough stashed away ;D Somebody already called dibs on the biggest one....Me >:D That thing was like trying to cut through a steel pipe. My Dad was standing 20 feet away and when I stopped sawing he said, "that sounded different". I threw him the wedge and told him to check out the color.
What fer? Don't you have enough stashed away ;D Somebody already called dibs on the biggest one....Me >:D That thing was like trying to cut through a steel pipe. My Dad was standing 20 feet away and when I stopped sawing he said, "that sounded different". I threw him the wedge and told him to check out the color.
Yeah I got plenty of yellow wood,but not the red kind ;)
Geez stocking up for the end of the world or what? You've been tearing some up lately pal ;)
I polished all the lock internals and drilled the touch hole to 5/64", the gun goes off like a percussion gun.
Good for him. Personally I think Osage is very over rated. I quit using it 4 years ago.:)
Red letter day for this feller. Had a lunch date with a lady. And it was for personal reasons!
I was real smart. I didn't start talking about bows and scare her off!
finally got to see my two youngest grandsons play little league this year, working night's sucks, took them out to lunch after the game, fun day
With that set of ears you have, you would think you could get enough wax to do about anything you need it to. ;D
Come on Chris, you know ole sawed off can't run fast with his shorty legs:)
I always thought the guys at the classic slept on the ground like real Trad guys do?:)
Built the fire at Twin Oaks.
I always thought the guys at the classic slept on the ground like real Trad guys do?:)
Wow, Clint......... 8) idea using the lawnmower wheels. Your a genius!!!! I need to talk to you more at the classic and pick your brain. You really must not have been yourself at Moontree after that chicken. :(
I bet Roy's coworkers have a big party planned for Monday >:D
Congratulations you old fart.
Pretty sure I broke my big toe today. I dropped a big osage log on it :o Its not to bad standing and walking but if I try to bend it the pain is terrible.
Clint, quit being such a big sissy pants and just don't bend it:)
It happened around noon and I quit working at 8:30. No sissy pants here. I might have to wear my steel toe shoes to the classic. If someone steps on it, it might trigger my punch reflex
It happened around noon and I quit working at 8:30. No sissy pants here. I might have to wear my steel toe shoes to the classic. If someone steps on it, it might trigger my punch reflex
Yah, and that might trigger my gun ship be careful Clint.
Gun Ships? I've seen bigger cannons on match box cars:) LMAO
What a great morning, the wife just left for work and I'm home alone, Retired last Friday:)
Went to the hardware store and picked up 2 boards, one for a bow to sell and another for myself. The red oak was good enough, with just a little run-off and good rings, but what I thought was maple turned out to be poplar. >:( Someone needs to have a chat with the guy who did the stocking.That will teach you to trust labels ;) It's a losing battle trying to educate many minimum wage retail employees on what they're putting on the shelves.
Roy, the only chainsaw I could get that would be better than the one I have would be a BIGGER STIHL. My 029 has been running for the last 15 years without a hitch, probably has kept me out of trouble by only having an 18" bar. My wood cutting buddy and I found a patch of osage trees, arrow straight but over 24" in diameter, some were more like 48". My undersized chainsaw kept me from tackling one.Short bars are under rated. My favorite saw was a Husqy 385 running a 20" bar. Your Stihl could probably fell up to 28" trees with the right technique.
I guess the real reason for my reluctance is I have more osage put back than I could use in two lifetimes, from back in my hale and hardy days when I was osage cutting crazy.So what you're really saying is you have enough to trade for all the stave's you want of the wood you can't get. At least that's what Im reading.
I picked up some lumber and began building a lean-to for my osage. Seems I'm running out of room in my barn for staves. Hoping the osage seasons better outside, but still protected from rain. Plan on finishing today, I'll post pics.
You girls aren't made from sugar, so ya all won't melt. The real Trad Men stayed and toughed it out. And the sissy pants girls went home early:)
Sorry about dragging an innocent into the whole shebang, Eric. Now I gotta try to remember where I got that wonderful yelper!
...and Wild Irishman Gulch.
...and Wild Irishman Gulch.
Is there a story as to how it got it's name? :D
Finally got the pics up ...First sturgeon of the year...Only way is up :laugh:
Thanks Leroy
Finally got the pics up ...First sturgeon of the year...Only way is up :laugh:
Thanks Leroy
Whoa dats a biggy.... :laugh: :laugh: Where I live they to get to around 12' long :o
Sadie, I am dead jealous over those windows. Natural light just can't be duplicated! Hope some day I can decorate the floor with some curls from my spokeshave!
@ Livefortheoutdoors - You came all the way to Yosemite and did not stop to visit me in the NDN Museum? I am verily crushed! Next time perhaps.oops...sorry! ;D ::)
Today I found out that I'm finally getting to go to dayshift. Night shift has been taking its toll on me and my family. I had decided come August I was going to step down from my position just so I could get to days. Thankfully I won't have to do that now. It will probably be a month or two before I make the switch, but at least now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Hey Guys,
Just got back a few hours ago from vacation, Didn't look on this site for over a week, wow.... did I had withdraws, got a lot of catching up to do...............I've been in Mullet country ...Florida!!! my wife and I were in southwest Florida during Andrea! what a experience. Before the storm came in I caught a bunch of Snook right off of the beach in the trough. even caught a Pompano, flounder and trout. Had a great day before that damn storm came in with the wind and rain, it was un believable, and it was just a tropical storm! the surf was in our back yard, I could spit in it from our deck. My wife thought the sea foam looked like white cotton candy blowing around. I think she had one too many run drinks before lunch. She got a few pic's... I'll try and post a few later. other than the storm had a good vacation. back to the grind Monday.
I have a friend who likes to make bows out of narrow splinters of osage that most folk would throw away. He is just about out of wood so I scrounged around to see what I could give him.
First was a really rough piece I cut over 10 years ago, one mis cut with my band saw and a usable stave was reduced to a kiddie bow, haven't made that goof up in many years.
Next I had a piece of worm eaten wood I retrieved from a friend's burn pile. Looked hopeless but after I pealed off about ten rings I was left with a super nice 1 1/8' wide 65" stave, bug hole free. A little work straightening with my heat gun and the stave would be a prize in anybody's stash.
I love it when you find a gem in wood that you think is a worthless piece of firewood.
Went to a bow shoot with my 10 year old daughter today we had a great time.
that is good news Leroy.i am glad you guys had good weather.that was alot of burger flippin though,but it was for a good cause.hows the fishing been?
As I understand it the reaction from next sting could kill you before you can do anything about it. Allergic reactions to stings tend to get much worse each time they occur, happened to a guy I worked with. He either died or almost died in the ER but they were able to bring him back.
Are your honey supers drwn comb? If not, I may get them on a little early.
Where I grew up in Norris Tn we had a hollow in the back part of the land that had been a rifle range, relatively flat and really grown up with blackberries. My dad had a Gravely walk behind yard tractor with a front mounted bushog on it. He would put the Gravely in low gear on one side of the patch, turn it loose, run around to the other side of the patch and catch it as it came out in the clear on the other side. A few passes like this and he had some berry picking lanes without getting eaten up by the briers while trying to cut the lanes.
Had a great birthday today TRACY Sam and Nate came over and wile the kids swam TRACY and me worked on some bows it was a real good time ;D
Clint, how do you use the remote to tiller? Is that your secret tool? >:D
my girl just made a strawberry rubarb pie.her was great.i love the rubarb.are you making a rubarb apple pie Leroy?if you are,let me know all about it.i have never had that.Gonna giver a try. My mom makes a stewed rhuebarb and apple type sauce.. Might have to cut it with strawberries.. Pie is always good..
Gonna make up some cat fish bait today. Anyone have a good recipe for catching silver channel cats?
Gonna make up some cat fish bait today. Anyone have a good recipe for catching silver channel cats?
lots of science involved with bending wood, arrow flight and conical flake removal
She was a remarkable woman in many ways, an incredible beauty in her youth, often referred to by people who didn't know her name as"that really pretty Liles girl".
Here is her obit and the last time I bring this topic up, time to let her rest.
I put some hickory staves in my hot box at about 13%mc a couple weeks ago, checked them yesterday and they were down to 7%. These are for students who happen by, wanting to make their first bow.Eric, for some reason I didn't have you as messy bench guy. You surprised me!
I have got to clean my shop up, my work bench is 8ft long and has the remnants of at least a half dozen started projects piled one on top of the other on top of it. I know there is a wood work bench top under there somewhere, just have to do an archaeological dig to find it.
Hey Eric, check out my new toy:)
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Shiney.. Picking up the chicks with that rig
How ya doing ya old coot? Good to see your still kicking:)
Dove season opens today, have a couple of marginal fields on public land spotted, may get to burn a little powder, I sure like eating them.
Dove season opens today, have a couple of marginal fields on public land spotted, may get to burn a little powder, I sure like eating them.
Sounds alot like our woodchucks.
I've got a friend that livetraps them from his garden and gives them to me. Mostly I have been parting them out to feed the great horned owl...she loves 'em. But he gave me two 5 pounders recently and I think I am gonna have to skin 'em out and crockpot 'em.
If you have a favorite raccoon recipe, feel free to send it my way!
Deer season opens tomorrow in Tn where I hunt. Yesterday I put out 5 3D deer targets in the woods below my deck to start my tree stand shooting practice, kinda' late but I shot well when I got my bow out.
Worked on a bow fix, repaired some arrows and signed a contract to put gutter guards on the gutters around my house, the leaves have gotten to be a pain to remove from them as my trees have grown. 16 bucks a foot for the guards, they sure are proud of them.
Being on furlough - not as much as I should have!
Had one of those gratifying days where your bow student walks off with his first completed selfbow. Hickory bow, a little string follow, dead in the hand, no hand shock and really spits out an arrow.
I got the pics of the snakes to finally load .
...more than 3K stems...Goodness...
Of course drawing a bow will be impossible for him so he doesn't need one but like an elderly friend told me one time "when you want something what does need have to do with it".
I started a bow for a young man(26) with cerebral palsy. His mom asked if she could buy one of my bows for him, won't be any buying involved. His body is twisted, arms drawn up, he requires an electric wheelchair for mobility and has difficulty with his speech but asked for a bow so he can go "deer hunting". Of course drawing a bow will be impossible for him so he doesn't need one but like an elderly friend told me one time "when you want something what does need have to do with it".Sure are some good folks around here !
I will make it just light enough so I can get a string on it a low brace and leave it strung. This way it will be about 100 pound pull and none of his brother's he-man friends, or anyone else who happens by can pull it back and break it.
A friend donated a bow quiver for the project so the bow, the quiver and few blunt tipped arrows for safety will have the young man cruising the gravel roads around his rural house looking for deer.
I split the bark and most of the sapwood off a couple of osage staves I cut in the spring. Dang if I didn't find some wood wasp larva munching on my staves. I sprayed them regularly with diazanon strong enough to prompt the EPA to put my picture up in the wanted section of the post office and the little buggers still went to work. They had just started into the sapwood wood so no damage was done. The bad part is, I now have a huge pile of osage I have to work down or loose to bugs and I am not in an osage working mood, it's hunting season.
I split the bark and most of the sapwood off a couple of osage staves I cut in the spring. Dang if I didn't find some wood wasp larva munching on my staves. I sprayed them regularly with diazanon strong enough to prompt the EPA to put my picture up in the wanted section of the post office and the little buggers still went to work. They had just started into the sapwood wood so no damage was done. The bad part is, I now have a huge pile of osage I have to work down or loose to bugs and I am not in an osage working mood, it's hunting season.
In the end I am glad to have ended her life to ease her suffering. Her hide will go to great use. It is never easy for me to take life even though I love to hunt.
Finally got some time and did a little work on a'n on a sinew backed osage recurve. thanks to osage outlaw I've got some premium sinew. I've had trouble with thin ringed osage staves, but I picked one out today and got it down to floor tillering.
Pat B got my adrenalin (SP)?? going on a sinew backed bow. We'll see how it turns out. I've done some research, but I may have a few questions as it goes. I'll posts some pictures in the bow section in a couple of days.
Finally got some time and did a little work on a'n on a sinew backed osage recurve. thanks to osage outlaw I've got some premium sinew. I've had trouble with thin ringed osage staves, but I picked one out today and got it down to floor tillering.
Pat B got my adrenalin (SP)?? going on a sinew backed bow. We'll see how it turns out. I've done some research, but I may have a few questions as it goes. I'll posts some pictures in the bow section in a couple of days.
Have you glued any of that sinew down yet?
Today I started on a new bow. I haven't worked on one since last summer. I've been busy finishing up some other stuff. I got everything done and now its time to make some bows.
I can just hear Clint hollering "DONKEY!" in his best Shrek imitation!
My son has already suggested I dress up like Shrek and lead donkey around next Halloween.
Ouch! That sucks Jeb. Table saws scare me. I hardly ever use mine. My uncle is down to 7.5 fingers because of table saws. When he is golfing and somebody misses a short put he says "Where I'm from they cut fingers off for missing a put like that", and then he holds up his hands and shows them his nubs. It gets a laugh every time.
one of my coworkers started off their day just plain bad! I passed an accident this morning and it was an NPS vehicle! No details yet.
Apparently this guy has only been working a couple of weeks for the NPS. He is a local kid to the park. Going to fast and fell asleep at the wheel! He is physically fine definitely feeling more than a little sheepish.
112.5mph average for a soapbox derby race? :o
Went up in the mountains to give a fellow an estimate on moving a couple of metal buildings and ended up killing a hog too. The guy gave us a tour of his property and told us to kill every hog we saw but i only came home with one. Hit another one but couldnt find it.
nothing to laugh at Eric, real men sew ;)
Not funny at the moment JW. :(
What did you boil it down on?
Most of it was done in a 2 gallon stainless stock pot on the wood stove, kept adding to it as it boiled down. I finished it off on the gas stove range in two separate pots, a quart pot to start with then a smaller one for the finale. Strained it through a doubled cheese cloth right off the range into a pint jar then poured it into this half pint jar. dp
GO HALLIE!! GO HALLIE!! That's awesome Stoker! dp
Where do you cook down the sap?? That's a lot of moisture to put into the house.................
I hate to lose hives , looks like all of mine made it this winter now if the trees would just start blooming . Sounds like you left a lot of honey on that hive .
I am starting to think I live in a showglobe and some jackwagon keeps walking over and shaking it up!
We finally got about a half inch of rain but the wind blew all night and dried it up a lot and they are calling for a record low tonight (29) , was nice to sleep with all the windows open last week that's over for a while now .
Made some hide glue todayWell OK,
You don't have to tan the hides to use them as a bow backing. Just skin them, scrape all the meat and fat off, then tack them down on a board to air dry. I did some walleye skins that way.
I just got back from a fantastic Drummond Island (Michigan's U.P) fishing trip and had to start packing up for the Marshall Michigan shoot. It never ends...;)
You're a man of many talents, Mr. Outlaw!! ;)
You're a man of many talents, Mr. Outlaw!! ;)
Nice perch Zuma. Deer stand?
You're a man of many talents, Mr. Outlaw!! ;)
For a short round guy I can hit a golf ball. Now if I can just figure out how to putt halfway decent.
Nice perch Zuma. Deer stand?
:o Scott.........really like your make shift shaving horse, that's cool .. 8)
Tn M/L season opened today. Got this 7 point with it this morning.Nice shootin', Eric.
Took the daughter on her first deer hunt this morning. We have a ground blind set up in a fallen osage tree. About an hour into the hunt a doe jogged in and stopped in front of us. We were getting ready for the shot when she looked behind her and took off again. I thought maybe a buck would be coming down the trail behind her but it turned out to be a big bobcat. It walked the trail in front of us less than 20 yards away. I've been hunting for 23 years and that is the first time I've seen one in the woods. My daughter got to see one her first time out. I was glad to share that moment with her. It didn't take long for the excitement to pass though. We are heading back out tonight in the same spot.That's great Clint .....cherish these days Clint the days they go by very fast , it seams like just the other day my 6 yr old daughter was out hunting squirrels with me, she is 30 now....
Nighty fine job there, Clint. That vice looks like it belongs in your shop...... :)
That should work....
Percussion or Flinter?
Someone made out like a bandit! ;)
Flash forward 75 years to
I'm imagining the look of horror when this person figures out that you didn't keep them as pets for the visitors. ;D :o >:D
I've been busy since Deer Season ended. Into bow blank mode...
I went turkey hunting Sunday, felt poorly, things weren’t right so I drove myself to the ER. Just got out of the hospital, Dr Heaton ran me through the cath lab and added a couple of stints to my heart. I suspected things have been going downhill for a while and was about to schedule a stress test.
All is good, no heart attack, had a couple of 80% blockages, no heart damage.
Just what the Doc ordered!
I have a small batch of mead brewing at this time, too.
Cooked a mothers day dinner for the wife today. Marinated deer over a bed of osage coals with baked potatoes.
Don't get to excited Bill. It was meat over a fire. Can't get much simpler. That basket works great for small steaks like that. I can bring it to Marshall if you want.I will have everything we need and some food too!!!!
I took the Black Hills Raptor Center on the road today to the Hot Springs Veterans Administration Hospital.
I got to meet some damn fine vets. I got to talk with them, show them raptors up close, tell really bad jokes, and tell them that I appreciate them. I got to meet staff there that could probably make much better wages in the private sector, but they care too much to walk away from the people that need them.
Dunno if you have a VA Hospital nearby, but if you do and you are not working with their volunteer services coordinator, you are missing the boat. Repost a hundred of those chain letter "I love my vets" posts of you want, but they don't hold water. Not when there are men and women that fought and bled for your country, now are hanging on by a thread at a VA facility miles from home. Just make a call, go visit, spend an afternoon or an evening shooting the breeze with them. It's worth more than any million "Likes".
The Merlins that nested across the street have fledged and are flying around the neighborhood. I'll be in the shop and hear their call and try as I might I can't ignore them. I spend half the day standing in the driveway staring up. I know they are bathing in our pond but I haven't been able to get any pictures. I thought bow making was addictive but boy oh boy. My wife was trying to explain a chore and the Merlins started up and I just zoned out. She waited patiently until I came back to earth. Love those little creatures :D
Well 39 years ago i married a sweetheart of a girl, can't imagine why she's kept me around
Thanks dbar and congrats on you upcoming 34th and yes it takes a lot of work, and the right gal
Well 39 years ago i married a sweetheart of a girl, can't imagine why she's kept me around
Congratulations !!! Bubby..... 34 next month for me and my best friend..... was some hard work ,its not easy, good and bad times, but well worth it in the long run......Kids now a days don't want to work at anything.......
Thank you. 37 years with the telephone company. DC circuits are not much of a problem for me. AC circuits, on the other hand, I keep going back and forth on them. ;)
Feeling sad today as I put down a three or four year old black bear that was in the yard last evening. He has been up and down the ranches along the river this summer and am not sure he was a real threat. He had no fear and was all around the yard, shop and barn last evening. He has two ear tags so maybe I will be able to find some history. This is not the only bear I have killed, but all others were fair chase and I am having a tough time justifying killing him. There has also been a grizzly in the area and we have no right to shoot him even if he is in your yard. My game warden friend told me this has been a bad year for bear problems in this part of the state. I have been a hunter all my life and still have respect for the lives of the animals we live with and except for a few varmints I feel I must respect their right to live. Wolf Watcher
In Wyoming you have to take the hide and head into the G&F within 72 hours for any black bear you kill. I guess I have a weird since of humor as all the time I was skinning the bear with three stone knives (two I made and one I got in trade at the Classic with Stringman)) I was thinking of Jim Shockey! It kept going over in my mind "This Bear with these "Havastones"!
Lebhuntfish-a shock collar would have fixed that problem. My Mt Cur started out chasing cows and the old jack. That jack kicked him in the head 4-5 times but it wouldn't break him. They loved to hate each other. A couple shock therapy treatments and now he makes a wide circle around the cow if they are in his path.
It is never fun to kill a tame animal. We had a doe that followed my truck across the field one day on my way to go deer hunting. I couldn't have shot that deer if I wanted to. It wouldn't have been fair chase. I doubt I could have shot that dog. Anyone who faults you for being that "soft hearted" is crazy.
In Wyoming you have to take the hide and head into the G&F within 72 hours for any black bear you kill. I guess I have a weird since of humor as all the time I was skinning the bear with three stone knives (two I made and one I got in trade at the Classic with Stringman)) I was thinking of Jim Shockey! It kept going over in my mind "This Bear with these "Havastones"!
One of my favorite pirds of prey, I notice them sitting on power lines while I'm driving, thier quite common here in western New York.
That's the same color a JW's honey >:D >:D >:D >:D
Had one of those fun days, time for a little testing, no polyps or cancer was found.
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Heck, once they put you under you don't remember anything but the farting.
Heck, once they put you under you don't remember anything but the farting.
I've had nights like that....
Good luck with your recovery... Any op' really knocks the stuffing out of you. I've been lucky, a couple of minor ops but V little pain.
(If you want to get rid of fifty pounds just write me a cheque ;) (£50) )
Best of luck on the recovery and weight loss. I don't know if you drink a lot of soft drinks or not, but if you do, cutting those from your diet will make a huge difference.
I had a conversation with Guy at the Classic and he encouraged me to lose weight and live healthier. I decided to take his advice and make some changes. I cut MT. Dew and all other soft drinks cold turkey. I would drink 2 liters of Mt. Dew every day. I feel so much better without caffeine in my system. I hardly ever get headaches now. I also made some diet changes. Bananas for breakfast and apples for snacks. I replaced frozen pizzas with baked chicken and rice. I've lost over 30 lbs since the Classic and I feel great. I was able to stop taking blood pressure medication. I can work in my shop all day and my legs don't hurt now. I would like to lose about 30 more lbs to get to my goal. I still cheat every now and then. I love eating pizza and watching football. I will have about 1 caffeine free root beer a month and about 2 gatorades a week. Other than that its all water and fruit juice. I have noticed a difference climbing the hills to and from my tree stands. I'm not near as winded as I used to get last year.
I hope you can stick with the healthier lifestyle. It takes some work but it is well worth it.
My goal was to lose 10 lbs this year. I only have 15 to go.
My goal was to lose 10 lbs this year. I only have 15 to go.
Thats kinda like being on a seafood diet ain't it JW? >:D
Osage Outlaw. I sat with one of my grandkids for the first three days of our gun season. I took my .06 but never picked it up. I was going to let him do all the shooting. We saw deer but no legal antlered bucks so none got shot. I could care less if I shoot a deer again but I like to be out there and enjoy what God has given us. Going back to the cabin on Monday for the week.
Pretty sure you can pull the front trigger on a TC and cock it soundlessly then release the front trigger while holding the hammer back. You still have to set it but the set has less of a click. You can set it off without setting it by pulling the front trigger but the trigger pull will be hard. You can go completely to the front trigger by adjusting the little screw between the triggers. I owned at least 6 TC rifles but that was along time ago and I may have my facts mixed up about the lock cocking operation.
My flintlock .54 has a single trigger, I can pull the trigger and cock it without a sound. When I sit on a stand I cock my rifle and put a leather cover over the fritzen so it can't spark. Lots easier to flip the leather frizzen stall off than to try to cock a rifle with a deer headed your way.
I would like to see your whole restoration project, I have a bunch of old draw knives.
Give him time jw, eventually he will work up to a good beer, like pbr lol
Tonight I proved once again that full length truck beds are unnecessary ;D
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Pat - You need to get Ya a .32 or .36 caliber Flintlock for those Tree Rats >:D. Bob
Going to a local elementary school today! 3/4th graders! NDNs and primitive skills!
And ear hair :o
Done with the clean-up, antlers off the wall except for a couple of special ones, all the trophies except the state championships are gone, The planer is gone and the floor is open again. I wonder how long it will stay like this?Show us a picture tomorrow ;D My shop is like Pigpen from "Peanuts" it manages to stay clean for one frame ;)
I took a day and hit the trails with my buddy. Nice to get out and get some fresh air, but I'm sore today! :o
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I had a new bow student in my shop yesterday, Jarrod Jackson. Always rewarding to start a new guy on his bow making journey.
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Kidney stones don't sound fun at all. A couple of guys at work have had them. Hope they all worked their way out.
The only bad part is Clint don't drink so the rolling rock qent to waste😳
That's good Clint.............I really didn't need it, better I didn't.
That rifle was bought new in 1851 by one of my 3rd great grandpas. It was original a flintlock and was converted sometime in the late 1800s. I'm going to make a duplicate of it.
Congrats on the doe Clint. Looks like that will be some really good meat.
Hey Clint - Do You save the Hoofs and Dew Claws ? Boiled and slipped off the bone, then dried - they make pretty cool door danglers, like a wind chime every time You open/close the door. Made a few Years ago. Bob
Eric; I'd take one of your worst builds any day of the week.
Say what they will about the historical accuracy of TC guns, the barrels were sound and accurate!
She might be unlucky, but she's really lucky. Sure glad no one was hurt. I remember you posting about that Memorial Day one.
Your a hell of a guy JW !!
Loon, what are you using to grind your blades?A 120 grit water stone. This is the current state of my knife.
The conservation clubs around me are about 35-45$ per year. Over a $100 seems crazy. Check out the Demmer Center at MSU
We finally got time to trim the trails to our stand locations. We got started at daylight to try to beat the heat. Nothing went as planned today. The carb was leaking on the old mower we use. I had to take it off and fix it. Then a wire broke that hooked up to the motor. I had to fix that twice today. We hit roots and rocks. We had to take the blades off 3 times to straighten them. We had 2 flat tires because of the osage thorns. The belt was thrown off the pulleys a few times. The plug wire has a short in it and that ended the day for the old mower. I got mine out and finished the last 50 yards of trails. Found a couple dead trees across our trails that needed cut. I also dropped a large red oak tree on the edge of a field. It had been dead for years. My Dad was afraid it was going to fall on him while he was mowing. I had to clean it all up and get it out of the field for him. We expected to be done by lunch time. We didn't get finished until almost 6:00. It was a long day. I'm hoping we can get our stands hung before opening day.I've found I've had to keep a low maintenance on my trails periodically through the summer to lessen the chore some come hunting season.
You are going to really like the smooth on Eric, it is easy to work with for sureGetting the perfect amount of sizing can take some experience.I'm always using a putty knife.I also use saran wrap around the bow before clamping.Always a little clean up though after curing.It's been excellent glue for me too especially with the 2 hour pot life it has.Sounds weird but I believe it's valid.I warm the wood many times before sizing the wood.
Ed.... Blondie sounds more like a sexy singer than a bow unless Clint can pull it off............. ;)
What kind of car is that? I like the instruments :) :)
Looks pretty good ...... back sinew?
I've been working on some deer to. Cut up a two bucks and a doe my dad , brother and nephew got during gun season. Got some bones and sinew, salted the hides and boiled the skulls. I saved the brains from several deer this fall to use for tanning. I also made a display for my second selfbow buck horns and the broken shaft and broad head I recovered from his chess cavity. Now I have lots of projects to tackle. Love this time of year.
Deer hides starting to come in, Fleshed 2 and grained 2 today, One of the bigger 2 1/2 yr old buck hides kicked my butt, neck was really thick and grain did not want to come off. Shoulders are hurtin for sure but I think I will survive :o Bob
Deer hides starting to come in, Fleshed 2 and grained 2 today, One of the bigger 2 1/2 yr old buck hides kicked my butt, neck was really thick and grain did not want to come off. Shoulders are hurtin for sure but I think I will survive :o Bob
Thats a lot of work, any pics of the process? (-P
BJ, It would be nice if you could crank that pressure washer up to full throttle and blast sapwood off like you do the bark.
Hey don. I fried some t'maters up and there great!
One Bow Nerd to another, Good Job :OK ! Bob
Glad to hear it went good for you. Very rewarding when you do something like this. You are correct in encouraging others if they have the chance to do something similar.
I taught the archery side of hunter safety for a number of years, I was surprised at how little knowledge the general public had about traditional archery, all of my young students shot wheels. I was asked a several times by a kids pulling one of my trad bows "when does it break over", I answered "it doesn't".
I knock myself out planting corn and putting newspapers and grass clippings between the rows to keep the weeds down. It is a lot of work for an old guy collecting and spreading a dump truck load of grass clippings.:OK
My girlfriend had bought a lot of produce from the local Amish community yesterday. There were several bags of corn, the cost, $2.50 for a dozen ears, I have grown my last corn crop, their corn looked better than mine. I could put up the same amount of corn as I grew for $25 and not have all the aggravation of planting it.
BJ, that's one of the biggest reasons I left the band. Got tired of unloading and loading a trailer full of equipment. I miss the camaraderie though. Nothing better than friends making music together, its a great feeling when its just right.
BJ, that's one of the biggest reasons I left the band. Got tired of unloading and loading a trailer full of equipment. I miss the camaraderie though. Nothing better than friends making music together, its a great feeling when its just right.
I hear you Pearl. I have several cousins that play instruments. They have all been in bands in the past and done the packing and unpacking bit. Now they play together and just have all their stuff set up at my Aunts big shed. It's out in the country without a neighbor closer than a mile. A lot of good times there and now the next generation is going to be even better than this one. They could easily get paying jobs but like you said. They like the playing together and don't feel the hassle is worth it. I guess when you make it big somebody else does all that.
PS honestly some of my favorite times are with the acoustic guitar and a five gallon bucket for a drum around the campfire.
Thank you, Brian.
I played the piano at a nursing home. I hope everyone liked it!
14 degrees here this morning with a nice crisp wind so I tuffed it out and fed the woodstove all day ahhhh 8) BobSounds to me like you're a smart guy! ha ha
I played the piano at a nursing home. I hope everyone liked it!
The way music programs in schools have been eliminated is a damn shame. Some day they will realize music in school is much, much more than simply learning music and instruments. Its more cerebral than any other subject in school. Our local school was on the brink of going away, but somehow made it through. I donated a gob of old percussion stuff and a few electronics I hadn't used in years. The boy playing drums at that time was pretty excited. He was using old hi-hat halves as crashes and rides. Miserable sounding junk that didn't express what the kid was actually playing.
Ive been playing since i was six. I play Suzuki although my piano teacher stopped teaching for a while so i have had no teacher for a year. Have made barely any progress on piano. Trumpet.
Ya ever notice that when you find a stave with a crook in the handle that's going to make a centershot bow it turns out to be for a lefty. What's worse is that I'm a lefty-- that shoots right handed >:( >:(
I figured about 9.2% of you would think that way ;D ;D
For the last couple days I've been taking advantage of a dry spell and hauling horse manure from down the road and unloading it on the garden. Loading the 6'x8' trailer with the bucket loader is easier than unloading the trailer with the shovel tho... ::)Gooood stuff for the garden there Paul.The best.Get it in there while you can.Robin has a little pony too that helps us out with that.I managed to till things up good here too.
Oh well, good exercise. ;)
The rain held off so got it tilled in yesterday. Been feeding this clay soil in the garden plot for 20 years now. Still has some hard spots tho. Took two tanks of gas in the old Troybilt Horse to get it all stirred up. Worth the effort ...For the last couple days I've been taking advantage of a dry spell and hauling horse manure from down the road and unloading it on the garden. Loading the 6'x8' trailer with the bucket loader is easier than unloading the trailer with the shovel tho... ::)Gooood stuff for the garden there Paul.The best.Get it in there while you can.Robin has a little pony too that helps us out with that.I managed to till things up good here too.
Oh well, good exercise. ;)
Now more snow and temps into the 20's......Ha Ha.It's early enough though yet.
squirrels can be fun hunting too ;DThe only squirrels around here live in town. People frown at you when you shoot squirrels out of trees in their yard. >:(
I cut up a foam foot pad and used it to pad the jaws of my vise. It's even tapered on one side to fit pyramid bows, used it last night it works great!
still finding how weak I am, yesterday we managed (the wife mainly) to move, get rid of and clean a big area in my second bay of the two car garage (filled to brim with more of my dad's stuff). We were able to unload the 2x6 and 2x4 4'x8' work table and wash all of the built up dirt and grime off of it. finally got it inside where we put on a thick coat of varnish. Now I will be able to drag my belt sander easily out a door to use outside plus I can put my big vice on the corner of the table to get most of the shavings outside as well. After a careful sweeping by my wife, I used the leaf blower to get most of the remaining dust outside. Now I have room to move my knife sharpener and bandsaw around easily. I can also get my clamps hanging nicely. great day for sure.
Got my flag ready turn flip upside down tomorrow at 1300hrs. Loaded 1000 rounds of semi wad cutters.Our Neighbors did that on Jan 7th. The flag, not the ammo.
surviving having all my teeth pulled, now have two blocks of wood in my mouth LOL. Struggling to drink water with them in right now. finally got the blood to slow down in my mouth. my wife claims that it gets better but it sure ain't right now. right now I don't see how I could get any food into my mouth with these things in but give it another 2 weeks or so. old hat to some but all new to me.
I see Clint is up to his revizing tactics again.Nice work.Stainless...That should'nt wear out very quick.
We keep 2 of those kind of stoves around for when the current goes off for an extended amount of time.I've always had one and picked up the other at a sale for $10.00.They are still both coleman white gassers.
We canned a bakers' dozen of peaches from our peach trees today.There should be more to come on the second tree soon.Looking foraward to some cobbler and pies.
Well... I am now learning how to boulder and rock climb!! i hate lifting so i needed to find another way to work out.... i got invited to go to a rock climbing gym for 15 buck a month!!! man im sore..... ;D ;D ;D ;D
As anyone who has opened a can of cat food can attest.
What we think stinks the critters often time find irresistible.
After you catch a skunk in a live trap you catch everything in it. I know guys who chop them up and use them for fox bait. At least they tell me they do.
What we think stinks the critters often time find irresistible.
Gimlis, what shot did you get?
Watched toy story 3 times, played barbie and changed poopy diapers.No one will thank you for that, but it is a very important job. So I thank you.
Watched toy story 3 times, played barbie and changed poopy diapers.No one will thank you for that, but it is a very important job. So I thank you.
Just gigged my first flounder!
Welp, i just bought all the climbing gear i will need to go sport climbing. Im (hopefully) heading off to college in december so thats pretty exciting!Are you planning on climbing at a gym or on a cliff? I used to do a lot of both. Gym is more convenient, but cliff is a lot more fun.
Welp, i just bought all the climbing gear i will need to go sport climbing. Im (hopefully) heading off to college in december so thats pretty exciting!Are you planning on climbing at a gym or on a cliff? I used to do a lot of both. Gym is more convenient, but cliff is a lot more fun.
With power to my charger and it clicking merrily away, I put my volt meter on a strand of the electric fence and only had 1500 volts, not enough I thought. I grabbed the fence for the ultimate test, POW! When I got back up off the ground from being tased I thought, yea that will do.
Mission accomplished.....
New growth, just up.
The fence is up, deer beware.
A small dog pen charger but it does the job, I have a 10-mile charger on my vegetable garden fence that puts out 7500V.
I take the fence down and let the deer in when it grows to this stage.
Fantastic Clint.
I’m sure you both will remember that for a long time. And hopefully they get into helping with the processing too. Always good to have a little help in that department
Fantastic Clint.
I’m sure you both will remember that for a long time. And hopefully they get into helping with the processing too. Always good to have a little help in that department
He did most of the processing on both of his deer. I showed him how to do a couple things but he did 90% of the work.
I turned 73 today. (A)
This will probably ruffle some feathers; I will be 76 in three weeks, my body is falling apart, I have worked for months to try to shoot lighter and lighter bows so I could bow hunt. If I shoot very much, I can count on a sleepless night of tossing and turning from the pain from various body parts, the worst is a hernia mesh failure that gets terribly inflamed very easily and will sometimes put me in the recliner for days.
Years ago, a friend gave me one of those funny looking things that looks like a rifle but has a bow like object on the front. I shot it a couple of times and hung it on the wall in my shop vowing never to touch it again, after all I am selfbow guy.
A few days ago, I got this strange looking object off the wall, I may hunt during bow season after all.
Personally I prefer fresh toasted HHB it has a really nice smell
Pappy yes it does.
Yeah Pat I was surprised. On inspection it apparently had bug damage that went inside a very small knot I had little concern for. It went down about three rings and all the way across the limb. That damage was done while it was still a tree and it filled the hole. It was looking promising to that point.
I changed out a bad tail light bulb and finished packing the truck, I'll leave around 5 AM and hope to be there about lunch time. Safe travels, JW.
well, the week of June 3rd I was in a historic log and wood preservation class. Got to put into practice skills I knew of but have never used. Got to use a wide variety of axes, slicks, chisels, screw jacks. Learned how to replace crowns on log cabins, hewed some logs, cut notches and other preservation techniques. It was a good time meeting new folks too.
Looking good WB, lots of good meat and supplies on them critters. :)My previous elk were both cows, and I'm amazed at how much more meat is on a big bull like this. I'm going to have to wait until the end of the month to hunt antelope, just because the freezer is packed and there's nowhere to put one! Nice problem to have.
I have always regretted not serving but at the time 68/69/70 we had the lottery and my number never came up, but I have the greatest appreciating for the ones that served and are serving now, many thanks to all of you. Eric you don't look any older, you know what they say age is just a number. ;) :)
I have always regretted not serving but at the time 68/69/70 we had the lottery and my number never came up, but I have the greatest appreciating for the ones that served and are serving now, many thanks to all of you. Eric you don't look any older, you know what they say age is just a number. ;) :)
Pappy, I was too young to serve and honestly I am not sorry I was. I remember the news stories on TV. The POWs coming home. The sad treatment of our returning soldiers.
It sure would be nice if we didn’t need the brave men and women who defend our freedom. But as I see it we need them more than ever.
Thank you veterans and I second that Pappy. Eric looks great
I am working at a hotel these days. It's a great gig - easy work and I enjoy helping guests with their questions about where to go and what to do in the Black Hills.
Last week I finally got the phone call at the hotel I had been waiting for!!! This woman from a large city back east was inquiring about hotel rates and so on for next summer. I was happily giving her the answers she needed when she paused the conversation and said she had an important question for me. She asked in a very serious voice: "Is your hotel haunted?" I replied in an equally serious tone, "No. Our hotel is not haunted." Poor woman, I could feel her deflating on the other end of the line. Then I told her, "Ma'am, I have been in Keystone since 1883 and in all that time I have never EVER seen a ghost here." The silence on the line was deafening as I imagined her doing the mental mathematics. And then the line erupted in laughter. When her hysterical cackling died down she told me to book the dates, haunted or not, she wanted to stay here so she could meet me.
When I turned around, there was the general manager standing behind me with a grin on her face. "You know you are fired for that, right?" she said. "Yeah, I figgered." I responded. But then I do something every week to get told I am being fired. I love my boss, she's a one-of-a-kind real deal. If she tells me to go fight a bear I'll rip off my shirt, rub down with honey, and get to fighting the bear. Because I know she'd be right there beside me in the fight and fighting to win.