Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: Keenan on January 05, 2013, 09:00:57 pm

Title: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 05, 2013, 09:00:57 pm
 David (DVSHunter) has had a thread going on another site that I really like and I thought it might be good to start one here. It's been fun to see what others are doing on a daily bases and it helps to get to know people as well. Since this is our campfire section We can think of this as a sit down and share your day by the fire.
So Please join in and share your day!

Today I finished up a Sturgeon fillet knife and got the first coat of finish on the Sister stave that I've been working on. Seems like I've been sanding on this one since last year,,,, ::) OK I guess it has been since last year. It was a little heavy and I thought it would drop weight enough on the sand out.Sand and shoot some more, sand and shoot some ore and sand,,,,,well you get the picture.  Sure has been a good work out for the arms and it is still a touch heavy.

I wanted a longer knife for the sturgeon skinning so decided to make one. Not sure if I like the hand guard but got to play with the new anvil.

This bow is number two of four sister staves. Just the first coat of finish today. Once again It seems somewhere in the process I fell in love with this piece of wood. Like the bowyers rule says "don't get married to the wood".  But at times I'm guilty of having short love affairs with these character bows. I know she'll be well loved where she is going when she's done. ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 05, 2013, 09:21:38 pm
my day didn't go as good as yours brother.i was going to floor tiller my snakey osage luck would have it,she broke a brakeline on her car.i spent all day laying in the snow under her car.that is a very cool knife.reminds me of a sword that a pirate would have.and the bow(WOW)it is another Keenan masterpiece.thanks for the look.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: mullet on January 05, 2013, 09:22:15 pm
 I went dove hunting. I'll be back to grinding hog meat and bagging again tomorrow.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BowEd on January 05, 2013, 09:26:22 pm
Everything you do is done to a pristine status Keenan.Like the knife and what a wiggly piece of wood....LOL.What kind of finish are you using?
I put a couple pair of overlays on two hickorys today.No pictures of course.But it's always mostly horn with my overlays.Think I'll try to get these two hickorys done while I wait for two sinewed bows to cure.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 05, 2013, 09:29:12 pm
Steve, sorry to hear that Bro. Some days are just that way. Yesterday was that day for me.

 Eddie, Dove hunting,,,,,,You lucky Dog,,, We have a foot of snow still and toady was the first day above freezing for over a week

Beadman, Thanks the black is Gemsbuk horn and osage accents . Finish is spray on poly. Best to work on another while watching sinew dry,LOL
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BowEd on January 05, 2013, 09:29:49 pm
Oh is that a bit of osage in the handle of your knife?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 05, 2013, 09:35:00 pm
Yes, Osage front and back of horn, The blade was out of an old mill saw bade and the guard made from stainless rod
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BowEd on January 05, 2013, 09:38:29 pm
I've made a few knives myself...bear jaw,deer leg bone,coon jaw handled patch knives etc. and your knife would of taken me a while to make.Did you make a sheath for it too?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 05, 2013, 09:41:15 pm
Not yet just finished the knife today, That will be next
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: killir duck on January 05, 2013, 09:49:27 pm
i worked on a plains style sinew backed osageand an ironwood longbow and i finished a knife for Eric and worked on a new drawknife. and i played with the dog for awhile and read a book
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: madcrow on January 05, 2013, 09:56:47 pm
I sorted thru the debitage pile and picked out the usable flakes for small points.  Also sorted thru three buckets that were full.  For some reaon they only had debitage on the top.  I ended up with a large flat rate box of obsidian and dacite spalls, and two smaller boxes of usable flakes and half a bucket of usable stone flakes and two buckets of bigger stuff and spalls.  It all got lined up beside my boxes and buckets of untouched rock. While digging thru all of it I found 35 preform/ bifaces and ten started and never finished points.  Only one finished point.  I always wondered what I did with it.

Nice fillet knife and bow Keenan.  I need to get back into the osage.  Its been a while since I scraped on one.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 05, 2013, 10:13:32 pm
Killer, sounds like a great day! Be sure to post some pics when you can. The plains bow sounds nice. Worked some ironwood a while back.

Madcrow, Thanks,  I wish I could get to my rocks. Gets dangerous digging for obsidian in the snow  :o
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bowsandroses on January 05, 2013, 10:59:13 pm
Goodness Keenan what an ambitious feller you are. Many of us have seen sisters we'd like to rub oil on but want and do? Four sisters? for Pete sake hide the knife lad! >:D Myself helped the uncle load a pick up load of wood for his mother in-law, let my dog Sly run a bit, oiled my boots, sat around on my duff and annoyed the heck out of my wife O:) yep lazy day. Tomorrow though Sly and I are headed to the Mtns. to see if we can find some staves and maybe a few shafts.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: paulsemp on January 05, 2013, 11:05:16 pm
Watched toy story 3 times, played barbie and changed poopy diapers.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 05, 2013, 11:10:49 pm
Amazing work as usual Keenan.  Your craftsmanship is incredible.

Today was a rough one for me.  I dropped my baby off at the auto salvage yard and then watched my Bengals get put out of the playoffs  :(   To cheer myself up I put the finishing touches on my Christmas trade bow.  I built a shelf up out of leather and then stitched up a handle wrap for it.  Finally getting it done was a relief.  I'll do some final testing tomorrow and ship it out on Monday.


Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Rick Wallace on January 05, 2013, 11:16:56 pm
Re-mounted my boat motor after rebuilding the transom,drank some beer,took a nap,now watchin Green Bay whoop up on Minnisota!!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 05, 2013, 11:40:53 pm
Bowsandroses, That was funny, guess I lft myself open for that one. Be carefull and good luck on the gathering.

Paul, I remember that stage of life all to well,,,,,,,,,LOL :o Enjoy every minute as it will be gone in a flash

Clint that is a dandy gift. Love the bangles theme, Nice coffe table as well. Sorry about your ride.

Rick were are watching it as well.  Go Packers!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: H Rhodes on January 05, 2013, 11:44:43 pm
Nothing but work and sleep the last couple of days.  Looking toward hunting some in the next two or three days though.  Daydreaming about super straight,  two inch wide piece of white oak that has been drying for six months in my shop.  49" inches long.  I am thinking about a short recurve, bendy handled,  sinew backed, turkey blind bow.....  Working for a living is fine, but it sure takes up a lot of your time...  ::)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 06, 2013, 12:23:55 am
I sawed up the remainder of a knuckle boom truck of hardwood logs yesterday and split half of it today. Will finish it all up tomorrow if the freezing rain ain't too bad tonight.
  Clint, your tiger striped bow came out great. That tissue paper is cool stuff once you figure it out.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Ifrit617 on January 06, 2013, 12:29:56 am
I worked till 2, then Straightend some wood shafts for arrows that I'm making Chickenhawk in a trade, started turning one of them into an arrow, hand straightened some shoots for arrows, put a coat of finish on the handle of one of my knives and touched up the blade of another knife that had a small chip in it.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 06, 2013, 12:34:54 am
Thanks Pat.  And thanks for coming up with the idea.

Keenan, you would like that coffee table.  Its got a lot of heavy steel in it.  I bet it weighs over 150 lbs easy.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Frawg on January 06, 2013, 02:06:46 am
I got home from work went to bed around 11am. The mailman woke me up at 1pm banging on my door ( osage stave from Fred  ;D ). Went back to work. And my Bengals lost to top off my day.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: chamookman on January 06, 2013, 04:44:10 am
A day late to post, but got some Yew dust all over Miss Heathers bench at the Wirwickis. Scraped the back, layed out the frontal profile and Matt did the bandsawing ( I am WAY to rusty to be sawing on the "other" Sister stave ). Matt and I had good company in the shop too - Wee Wicki "supervised" Us . Thanks again Keenan for the cool stave ! It was GREAT to be back making some dust and talking BOW with Matt. Bob
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 06, 2013, 07:19:31 am
A day late, but got another load of staves/billets split out.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 06, 2013, 08:19:06 am
I gotta clean the house this morning. Momma has been in Louisiana all week with her grand kids and I've been batching it. Ya all know how that goes:) Then I gotta pick her up at the airport at 1PM. The party is over:)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 06, 2013, 09:24:21 am
I enjoy Daves thread as well. Its ALMOST as good as Clints, "What's your day job?" thread!

I worked on overlays for a  static recurve project and repaired all my son's broken arrows, his quiver floweth over yet once again. Then rubbed a few coats on another bow Im sealing.

Clint, Keenan you guys go great work, excellent details as expected.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on January 06, 2013, 10:34:37 am
saturday-spent the late morning/early afternoon with friends going to a couple of art galleries new openings.
(can never get to all i want to on first friday nites-kc premier art gallery crawl)
i even had a couple of photos in one gallery-
worked on a pile of feathers getting em split and ground for arrow making.
reading "secrets of the omaha bow" pat b loaned me-thanks pat!
worked on my resume for a possible part time job at our local brewery-wish my luck!!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 06, 2013, 10:50:19 am
Were off to a good start! Great postings and love hearing about the happening of everyone.

Pat, A log truck load of hard wood logs,,,,,,,,you animal. Between you and Charlie there will be a new gold rush started :o

Roy batching it ! Now there is a whole picture in just a few words. 

Pearl those are some great looking curves. That's got the makings of a great bow

Bob. Glad you like the stave. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make from her.

Sadie Good luck with your job hunt. This area is leading the Nation in the micro brew world, and there are brewerys everywhere now. One of the leading locals just came out with a new batch called (Rocky Mountain Oster Stout)  They add Bull testicules to give the unique flavor.  No joke just watched it on TV add. The were lowering a big sack of nuts in the batch.  Try watching that while drinking your coffee
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sonny on January 06, 2013, 11:10:07 am
Saturday- deer hunted (with a gun) ..last day of the season here in Va. A couple of other guys hunting with us killed deer but I didn't even see one. But I reckon that's how it goes - see plenty of deer one season, not so many the next.
....the countdown to next season now starts!!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on January 06, 2013, 11:14:02 am
Been home alone for over a week as my supervisor is in Oregon visiting her world class new great grand daughter!  Have till Monday to clean up the house mess!  Been feeding my horses, tracking the Mt. Lion with no luck, ice fishing, and trying to design a leather tooled photo album for my Game Warden friend. Been checking the PA site several times a day!  Heard from Cowboy and really like that bow Keenan showed.  Planning on a big fishing trip to Northwest Territory this summer!  Working on learning how to use my new wolf call with hopes of scoring this winter!  A/Ho Joe 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 06, 2013, 11:29:34 am
Those are some crazy curves on that bow Pearly.  Wheres the full draw pic???
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 06, 2013, 11:29:58 am
Good to hear from you Joe, I sure envy your life there on the ranch in the heart of all that wild life. Good luck on the cougars and wolves. If you get anywhere close to this area maybe we could hook up for a sturgeon fishing trip. Let me know whenyou are planning and maybe we can put something together.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 06, 2013, 12:00:19 pm
Good post! Love hearing from everyone!

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on January 06, 2013, 12:16:27 pm
Keenan:  Have been thinking of a road trip to Hell's Canyon.  I have a hard top jet boat that was made for that river.  Seems like there is a lot of traffic on the river these days!  In the old days you could spend several days on the river and only see the mail boat!  Had to turn the monsters back but what an experience!  Having the echo of hundreds of Chuckers coming to water in the evenings and all the small mouth bass and salmon makes for a life long memory.  Can be honest about coming out those 70 miles headed down thru those rapids had some serious pucker factor!  A/Ho Joe
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 06, 2013, 12:36:14 pm
Joe that sounds like an awesome trip! I've been thinking about doing that one as well. I have hunted over in the area when I was a teenager but have never run that part of the river. We have an 18' jet sled, maybe we could meet up over that way and you could lead the way. I know of another group that does the trip every year, and thought about going with them to learn.  But it's a fairly large group and are more into the partying then enjoying the surounding.
 Your right the chuckar are thick and the bass fishing can be hot. dont forget a few bow fishing set ups for the carp ;)  What time of year you thinking?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: johnston on January 06, 2013, 12:42:30 pm
Saturday morning serious rabbit hunt...6 hunters and 12 beagles. Busted 8 miles of briars. Got
home and after cleaning rabbits took my new Super Single Six for a sight in session. Back home
went squirrel hunting with same. After cleaning squirrels got to skype with my grandbaby. Here
she is with her puppup.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 06, 2013, 12:55:08 pm
Wow great picture!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 06, 2013, 01:00:54 pm
Today and for the past several days I have been getting paid to be an NDN at work in the Indian Museum at Yosemite National Park.  I got a bunch of games and flutes made for the gift shop and am getting started on a new project - but you all will have to wait and see.  I have a couple of other new projects in mind and one labor of love for my wife that will just take some time.  Snowed a little here last night and continues to spit a few lazy flakes. Today is my friday and tomorrow will be a play date with a family friend - tuesday a team meeting with social services over my son and his kids.  Somewhere in there I need to get some sand to fill in the spaces on the slate pation my dad and I put in last week. So, nothing really going on around here!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 06, 2013, 01:02:18 pm
Sadie a little correction if I may..."The Secrets of the Omaha Bow". The best book on tillering for me I have seen. It has drawings showing problems and remedies even I can understand.  ;D 
Any time Sadie!  ;)
  Keenan this is the last 1/3 of the truck load I'm talking about. Heck, it's just about to kill me and I'm using a log splitter.  ;D The chain saw I used on Friday is an old Craftsman(Pouland) with a 24" bar and that sucker is quite heavy. It is good for cutting these 18" to 24" oak logs but after a few fuel refills I'm worn out.  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: beetlebailey1977 on January 06, 2013, 01:14:15 pm
I have been working on my Christmas exchange gift.....trying to get it finished up and sent off.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Cyrille on January 06, 2013, 01:54:16 pm
Woke up at 4:30 got my bow, arrows, glove, bracer put all outside on my worktable( going bunny hunting ),went back inside made some coffee drank same while waiting for daylight. When it got grey enough to see the fence went back outside togather my gear and go... (good thing I have a covered porch).... watched in dismay as a frog strangling gully wamper of a rainstom began....
 Guess it'll be another "football day."
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: vinemaplebows on January 06, 2013, 03:29:37 pm
Maybe just the pic, but around here you better put some orange on that dog before you put it outside! ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 06, 2013, 04:50:41 pm
Thanks for starting this Keenan !
Good idea but now I may have to learn how to post pics !
It was Black Powder season in Ohio yesterday!,The sun was out so I took down my Christmas lights and stuff !
Sadie I hope you get the job !
Looks like you folks did more fun stuff than this worthless old nut ! (as usual)
Keenan and Joe I can only dream of being in your part of the  country !
Have fun Folks !!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 06, 2013, 05:40:31 pm
not much going on today.bought mom a preasent for her b-day tomarrow,then went to visit granny in the hospital.she had a strokebut is doing very well now.she is 83 and tougher than most.i am sure the nurses want to she her go home.she wears them i am gonna make some barbaque sauce and put some chicken on the grill.maybe i can get a little time with my snakey osage after dinner.have a good day guys.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: killir duck on January 06, 2013, 06:31:19 pm
well so far i went to church and got back about noon had lunch and stripped some feathers for some arrows for seabass and i'm about to go work on the osage/sinew some more, i'll try and get some pics sometime today
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 06, 2013, 07:02:05 pm
Today I served the string and then shot my trade bow some more.  It is shooting hard and straight.  I just finished packaging it up and will be taking it to the P.O. in the morning.  Spent the rest of the day with the wife and kids.  They are back to school tomorrow.  Now I'm going to sort some sinew while watching football. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: killir duck on January 06, 2013, 07:06:59 pm
dang Outlaw, i wish that bow was a lefty
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 06, 2013, 07:10:31 pm
Had roast, taters, carrots and cabbage with the in-laws then came home and piddled on some knives I'm putting together. Gotta head into work tonight for a couple hours. Tomorrow morning I'll get the workshop warmed up and keep after em. Funny how when it rains, it pours. Seems like all at once I have 6 knives to get finished up. Fortunately, this is the right time of year to have these little projects!  ;D


Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 06, 2013, 07:33:02 pm
 Nice looking knife Scott.

Clint you da man

Killer I'm with ya, went to a great church service this morning and now trying to stay awake through the games. Lulyn was on call last night and it started gettinng slammed a little after mid night. Needless to say we didn't get much sleep. Lazy day of Rest
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 06, 2013, 08:05:36 pm
beutiful knife Scott.Clint,that bow looks awesome.Killerduck,i am getting excited about the arrows brother.i hope you enjoy your quiver.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 07, 2013, 12:31:07 am
I went hunting on Thursday til tonight and ended up breaking in my new hackberry bow.


One thing about this thread, it's way better with pictures.   O:)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on January 07, 2013, 01:15:16 am
And that type of picture in particular is always nice to see :) Glad to see it already put some meat on the ground!

My day was pretty lame so I won't even comment on it.  This thread is a good idea though, kinda like Pappy's, but for everyone!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 07, 2013, 02:05:05 am
Nice doe DVS.  That will fill the freezer.

I agree Cameroo, we need more pictures.  I'm taking the wife to get her black toenail permanently removed tomorrow, anybody want to see pictures of that?  >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: killir duck on January 07, 2013, 12:08:42 pm
yep :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 07, 2013, 12:35:28 pm
Congratulations David. Nice job on bringing in the meat!.   Agree with David. Pics are great !
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 07, 2013, 02:21:27 pm
Spent the weekend cleaning the garage. Think I found DB Cooper's parachute. How one person can make such a mess. Did manage to start lining the forge. Can't wait to gett'er fired up, a freind is a gas fitter he's gonna hook it up to natural gas.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 07, 2013, 06:13:25 pm
Those are some crazy curves on that bow Pearly.  Wheres the full draw pic???

Look about right now Clintster? Its 60# @ 23-24 for now.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 07, 2013, 06:14:01 pm
Nice deer Dave. Sweet beard to.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 07, 2013, 06:42:26 pm
Sure does Pearly.  Hey, that's about full draw for me  ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 07, 2013, 07:11:46 pm
Sell it to ya' for $899., plus standard rate shipping...  :o
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: paulsemp on January 07, 2013, 07:14:09 pm
sweet bow PD!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bubby on January 07, 2013, 07:43:19 pm
yeah it's nice to see one of pd's bows, Bub
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 07, 2013, 08:31:17 pm
Thanks guys.

 Pearly, I like that curve. It's looking good, but ava bit over priced with the shipping costs ;)
The beard gives me a good palace to store pencils. ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 07, 2013, 09:19:35 pm
$900 for hedge!!! We all know that's overpriced for fence posts

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 07, 2013, 09:56:38 pm
Thats the "u-finish" price Scott. Its wayyyyyyy more if you want it finished.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 07, 2013, 10:01:55 pm
nice work Chris.that is nice.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 07, 2013, 10:14:25 pm
That's a steal for an original PD bow. 

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: TRACY on January 07, 2013, 10:54:27 pm
Headed back to the classroom after two weeks off. :(

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 08, 2013, 12:26:23 am
Nice bow Pearly ;)

Got a few more coats of finish on the #2 Lumpy Yew Sister Bow Here are a few sneak peaks
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on January 08, 2013, 01:27:54 am
Thats one sweet bow
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 08, 2013, 08:25:29 am
Good work Keenan. That oil just makes that yew explode with life. Awesome finish as usual.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on January 08, 2013, 09:36:00 am
kansas city is home to rural grit, an independent record label and weekly event at a small dive bar downtown.
last nite we heard casey rausch, dale frazier and betse ellis of the wilders, along with the ever present rural grit allstars.
archery content, dale frazier is not only a well recognized mandolin player, he is also part of our wed nite bow group.
if yr ever in kc on a monday nite and enjoy homespun country and blue grass music, dont miss rural grit.
this little vid is the "jubilee", the last song of the nite when everyone gets up and joins in. (
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on January 08, 2013, 10:22:31 am
keenan-that is one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen. bow or otherwise...
gonna get my paws on one of them left coast yew bows one day;
wow, just WOW!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 08, 2013, 03:20:03 pm
Nice stick Keenan !
Pearly you want how much for a piece of that inferior wood ?!!!! I don't think so!!
I spent the evening with William he was passing thru !
So good to be with good ol friends ! Friends you can say I want an adz shaped like so and so to use for bow work ,and the next time you see them they hand you one that works perfectly !!So sweet !
Hand crafted by a true craftsman that I am grateful to call my friend !!
Have fun !
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 08, 2013, 05:02:12 pm
that is one sweet bow Keenan.i gotta get me some yew.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 08, 2013, 06:01:08 pm
Keenan,mine isn't as exciting as is a pic of the osage i am currently working on.i need to get it floor tillered and shorten it some,but i have been real busy lately.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 08, 2013, 06:10:42 pm
Only got four done today, but the stash is growing.  The four from today were some great staves.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 08, 2013, 06:24:34 pm
lookin good Charles.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 08, 2013, 07:39:22 pm
Thanks guys,

Steve you have some yew fairly soon Bro.  BTW that is a nice looking sage snake

Charlie your are very diligent and tenacious or just a "Gold Digger" >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 08, 2013, 07:45:35 pm
LOL....thanks Steve, and Keenan, I am just trying to catch up man.....long was to go yet.  But it is worth every draw of the knife.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 08, 2013, 08:21:08 pm
Nice work on those staves Charlie.  I bet that Stavemaster sure makes it easier to clean them up.  Be sure you seal the backs with several coats of poly, shellac, or something similar.  You don't want any checks when you start turning them into bows.

I took advantage of some warm January weather and got a lot done today.  I took down 5 ladder stands, took down the Christmas lights and decorations from the yard, cut Blackhawk a special character piece of osage, and cut out a HHB bow for my Niece.  It is going to be a high school graduation gift.  Does anyone know of a good pink dye?  The bow is going to be all pink with solid black snake skins.   And a pink and black string.  I'm going for 30# @ 24".


Don't laugh at my zigzag cuts.  I found out real quick that my blade needs replaced.  I layed it out wide anyway.  A few minutes with the ferriors rasp and you will never know.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 08, 2013, 08:34:36 pm
Dang Charlie! I know what door Im knocking on when I need a chunk of the king.

Thats a good looking, clean stave Stevey. Should make a solid bow for you.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 09, 2013, 12:23:14 am
I worked on Pearly Boys BBO tonight... And made some Cedar arrahs.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on January 09, 2013, 10:15:01 am
I hung one of my many guitars today in the living room
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Frawg on January 09, 2013, 12:46:26 pm
Finished up a couple leg bone knives for a lady at work. Heading to bed now to get a bit of rest for my 14hr night @ work

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 09, 2013, 02:48:25 pm
Nice nives.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 09, 2013, 04:30:38 pm
Nice stave Clint

 Great looking Guitar Sterling

Neat knives Matt
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Frawg on January 09, 2013, 05:41:11 pm
Thanks Clint, Thanks Keenan
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 09, 2013, 06:45:47 pm
I chickened out and took my new static down to 62 @ 27". I wanted to keep it a few higher, but I just dont need it. Its comfy now and riiiiips a 75-80 shaft.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 09, 2013, 09:32:43 pm
That's what old age does to ya Pearly.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 09, 2013, 10:07:50 pm
That's alright Pearlie, lighten it up a bit and dye it to match your purse.  ::)  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 09, 2013, 10:18:20 pm
 ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 09, 2013, 10:24:36 pm
Speakin of purse Dave, nice DOE you shot the other day. And keep your trap running and that osage log at the Classic wont cost me a thing!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: killir duck on January 09, 2013, 11:36:54 pm
well today i shot bows with a friend, worked on an ironwood longbow for the same friend, chased a ring on an osage bow for my dad, it's a nasty stave 8 knots, 6 pin knots 2 grub holes, prop twist, a sharb kink toward the back and to one side about 5" in one limb, and a bit of deflex in the other, honestly i don't know if it's gonna work, and watched the movie "Gray One" it was stupid that's about all i have to say about that, i think every other word was F*** or s***. other than that it was a pretty good day, there was a chinook wind all day which makes sense since i live about 7 miles away from the town of chinook mt, it melted all the snow but it's sapposed to snow 8 or 10 inches tomorrow.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BowEd on January 10, 2013, 07:21:45 am
Well yesterday I got a string on a hickory.Day before I heat treated another.Both from one big stave.Center shot with the natural wiggles they have.Same design & layout.If not one the other gets attention.This after sinewing a couple of bows.Warm weather in the the winter you know.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 10, 2013, 10:31:40 am
Got the next two days off so I'm heading back to the farm to finish my bowseason. I might bring some tools and cut down a hackberry and a hickory.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on January 10, 2013, 10:33:43 am
last nite(wed) was our weekly bow making group. worked on a nearly complete osage.
and sharpened an old hatchet a pal gave me over the holidays.
helped a cupla new folks get  their staves worked down to a ring.
i remember how frustrated i got on my first osage bow trying to "see" the rings
now it comes natural but its obviously its a learning process.
sure is fun to watch new folks eyes light up as things begin to come together for em.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 10, 2013, 10:57:12 am
Pearly  :embarassed:
What color stain you need to go with your purse ,Maybe I can get you some at work !!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 10, 2013, 12:07:56 pm
Pretty sure Pearlys purse is hot pink:)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: killir duck on January 10, 2013, 12:16:55 pm
naw pearlys more of a purple with polka dots kinda guy >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 10, 2013, 01:36:25 pm
I got a proposition for all you mouth runnin' sissy's. How's about I grab my (soon to be) pink bow and give you a 30 yard head start?!?!?!?!?! Is that too close you think?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 10, 2013, 02:24:51 pm
I got a proposition for all you mouth runnin' sissy's. How's about I grab my (soon to be) pink bow and give you a 30 yard head start?!?!?!?!?! Is that too close you think?


Finished these 4 last night, gotta get 'em sent off now.



The caps are (left to right) walnut, buffalo horn, walnut/cherry, Osage.


I'm started to get the bow bug again, so I might have to go dig something out of the pile. Yew, Osage, mulberry... Hmmm???

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 10, 2013, 02:31:32 pm
Great looking knives Scott.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 10, 2013, 03:36:37 pm
Pearl I think yad do better putten rocks in yer purse and throwing the purse. Prolly go further than yer arrows fly.
Very nice knives, Scott.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 10, 2013, 03:55:15 pm
Those knives are awesome.  How do you finish the turkey legs?

If anyone has some pink dye, I could sure use some.  It's for my niece's bow, not Pearly's  ;)     ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 10, 2013, 04:38:09 pm
Thanks guys. Legs are sprayed with poly to seal them.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: killir duck on January 10, 2013, 04:56:16 pm
those are sweet knives, someday i hope to be able to work stone like some of you guys can, but for now i'm stuck with steel
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 10, 2013, 05:40:00 pm
nice knives Scott.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Otis on January 10, 2013, 08:47:14 pm
Scott, the turkey leg handles are awesome!  :)

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 11, 2013, 10:49:52 am
Worked on the new forge lining the door
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 11, 2013, 12:25:23 pm
Great looking knives Stringman.

Great looking forge Leroy, more pics and details please
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 11, 2013, 12:47:42 pm
Forge is built outta propane tank. It's my first attempt. Used the buildalong thread. Only mixed enough refractory cement to do the door last night didn't want it to get away on me. Wasn't sure what it was like to work with. Hopefully get it done this weekend pending how the icefishing goes pike are calling. I'll make sure to take more pics of progress.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on January 12, 2013, 12:03:45 pm
What im doing today working in a mud hole. Almost to 400 ft hopefully we can have casing set in a few days
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 12, 2013, 01:43:23 pm
Nice knifes !!!

Osage if you still need some pink stain I can look at work next week to see what we can come up with !
PM me so I don't forget !

Poor Pearly ,why is everybody all ways picking on him!!
Sorry Pearly ,it just so much fun !!
See ya soon !
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 12, 2013, 03:09:21 pm
today i went to a fishing expo at a church.i ended up meeting a bowyer selling a few bows it turns out,he lives 10 minutes from me.looks like we are going to meet up next week to make some bows and shoot some arrows.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on January 12, 2013, 04:53:59 pm
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 12, 2013, 06:29:50 pm
I started my morning by gutting three mice, two rats, and dicing several small shrimp to feed birds.  I perched the kestrel, the smallest falcon in the western hemisphere, in the kitchen and made him fly to glove across the room about a dozen time.  I scraped bird poop, mopped up, and made a cup of tea.*  I them went outside and shoveled snow for 20 minutes.  After that I took a shower and got in the jeep to drive to work. 

The jeep stalled at an intersection about 4 houses down from my place and wouldn't re-start.  I coasted it backwards and parked it next to a curb and called for a ride.  Made it to work 20 minutes late and I have been reading P.A. Forum threads for the most part ever since. 

Tonite when I get home, I'll try starting the jeep again.  I probably flooded it -I do that with fuel injected vehicles from time to time.  Then I am going to put our new bird on glove and watch tv as part of training her.  She will be a little distraught at first, but eventually she will become bored in the extreme.  After sitting on a glove for three hours bored out of her little screech owl mind, she will be a little closer to understanding being on glove is safe and nothing ever happens. 

*just realized it reads like I made tea from bird poop.  no, it was black tea, Liptons.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 12, 2013, 06:52:14 pm
i drink liptons also.i was hoping you didn't drink bird poop tea.i know you you love the birds.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 12, 2013, 10:01:51 pm
 I knew it!   JW DRINKS BIRD POOP TEA!  >:D  At first I thought you were making your breakfast when you were talking about the mice ;D :o

  Really miss watching my friend work with his falcons, Great hunters they are.

 Nice mud hole Sterling, Didn't your mama teach you not to play in the mud?

 Today I Got some of the things in the freezer thawed out and fleshed.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Ifrit617 on January 12, 2013, 10:10:12 pm
Came down with flu, Just my luck.  ;D  >:(

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on January 12, 2013, 10:14:26 pm
Hang in there bud my 3 year old picked the flu up yesterday :( 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on January 12, 2013, 11:38:32 pm
Today was the last decent day before we get some really cold weather around here. Could have hunted again but that has been futile in the past couple weeks, seeing nothing at all the last few trips out. So spent the day outdoors with the wife and our dog hiking. We did about six miles through the woods in my hunting area and also explored some beautiful river bluff canyons. It was a good day but she pushed us hard on the trail and my knees are hurting tonight. I enjoy a slow paced long hike but Sharons in it for the no pain no gain
type exercise hike. It was a good day spent with my favorite person though and worth the pain. :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 13, 2013, 12:20:43 am
That is some beautiful country there. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 13, 2013, 12:42:55 am
Those big rock shelves are cool, Greg.
   I've been off work since before Christmas. It is a yearly planned layoff and I get seasonal unemployment til March.   So, my wife thought this would be a great time to paint the inside of our house. We are doing it a little at a time but only started yesterday with some of the trim work.   
   ...and it has been too warm here for this time of year. It was 70 today.  >:(
 Our low tonight(about 50) is what our high should be with 20 at night. The whole Eastern half of the country is in this heat wave while the West is in the deep freeze. Denver was 8 this afternoon.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: H Rhodes on January 13, 2013, 01:38:01 am
 I received my first sack of turkey feathers from a buddy of mine.  I gave him a bow back before Christmas and he offered to pay me.  I told him just to give me any of the turkey wings he comes across.  He is a son-in-law to the busiest taxidermist in these parts and the whole family is a bunch of avid turkey hunters.  I really wasn't expecting to see any feathers till spring, but I am already stocked up on my fletchings! :)
  The warm rain has sort of put a damper on the hunting around here.  I did take a fox squirrel with my recurve in a little strip of woods between pastures out back of the house.  Skinned him out and tacked him to piece of wood.  He will be part of a rawhide bowstring before long.  I skinned the tail out for string silencers.   
  Shot my bow a little into the hay bale in the backyard.   Rained started up again, so I went into the shop and finished chasing a ring on a black locust stave that I got from Greg.  I also worked on a winged elm that is dealing me grief.  It is deflexed, propeller twisted, and just downright contrary!  I have heated, steamed, bent, straightened, and doggone near given up on this piece a couple of times....    Oh well, I am committed to torturing this thing into a bow.  Back at work now 7 -7.  yee haw.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 13, 2013, 09:02:07 am
I spent most of Saturday visiting with "Ryoon". He worked on an osage stave I gave him, we stitched a grip on another rig of his and added some skrat silencers to the string. It was a good visit and Im glad we made it happen. Its so much easier to get and give perspective when you can see a persons face and hear their voice, this electronic communication will be our demise one day! As usual with this "crowd", he left with a bunch of stuff and he left a bunch of stuff. Including one of his recent hickory creations! ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on January 13, 2013, 01:31:14 pm
Joy looks like another few inches lastninte back to working in the pond today
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 13, 2013, 01:50:29 pm
Sterling, in a few days you might be able to do a bit of ice skating around your drill rig!  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on January 13, 2013, 02:46:02 pm
Hehe true pat ice and rig dont mix well  ;D i hate it  when my gloves freeze to the slips and when i throw them in the rotary my gloves slip off my hands and it looks like a ghost is holding the slips wearing my gloves  :o and there are ice sickles hanging from my hard hat  lol. Well the good news is Sullivan will be here in a few weeks cant wait to see my new baby boy   
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 13, 2013, 03:38:01 pm
What did you do 9 months ago?  :-[
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 13, 2013, 04:30:46 pm
congrats Sterling.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 13, 2013, 04:58:19 pm
The Sparrow hawk and the Screech Owl are my favorites !
Sure wish Ohio would not make it so hard to keep them !
Share some pics with us please!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 13, 2013, 05:22:30 pm
The Sparrow hawk and the Screech Owl are my favorites !
Sure wish Ohio would not make it so hard to keep them !
Share some pics with us please!

They, and all raptors in the United States that are protected with some pretty serious laws.  I hold a Special Use/Educational Permit from the US Fish & Wildlife service to keep these birds.  I am required to meet their minimum standards for training and experience, housing, and have to turn in reports regularly indicating how many education/conservation programs I have done with each bird, etc.  At a minimum, I must do 12 programs with each bird on our permit.  Most years I have that requiment fulfilled by the third week of January.  Last year our non-profit did 177 programs!

I use up close to 25 hours a week for this organization and I still do not draw any reimbursement, we are all volunteer operated.  You just have to come along on one school classroom visit and watch those kids' faces to understand why I do it.

That and the birdpoop tea.  Mind you, it's not as good as BevanR's weasel poo coffee, right Iowabow???
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 13, 2013, 06:32:26 pm
That was some good coffee!! How's Bevan doing?

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on January 13, 2013, 06:36:15 pm
What did you do 9 months ago?  :-[
do i have to explain it hehehe  :o jk. My wife will be happy to have her body back once the symbiont is out of its temporary host.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on January 13, 2013, 09:11:42 pm
I finally finished off my gifts for the Christmas exchange, I just have to put an edge on the knife and throw it in the mail.

The sheath is veg-tanned cowhide covered with deer rawhide from the doe I got this fall.  I hope my guy has some patience because I know I should have finished this a month ago.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 13, 2013, 09:51:34 pm
Nice work Cam.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 13, 2013, 09:59:27 pm
 Nice looking area Greg, What part of the country? Looks allot like Kentucky.

Early Congratulations Sterling, keep us posted when she's close.

Very nice knife Cam.

Pat we definitely are in the deep freeze. -5 here this morning. Forgot to drip the faucets and froze up this morning. got the heaters on quickly and no damage.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 13, 2013, 10:12:05 pm
I walked to the wood pile stuck my hand in and pull out this snakey thing I had forgot I even had. Might be a nice bow here somewhere. Did a little heat correcting first then see where we are.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on January 13, 2013, 10:14:05 pm
Nice cam looks good

Will do keenan there projecting between feb 1 to feb 18 so some time in those dates. Who nows itl be cool of he shares the same day as me and cam feb 1 hehe
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 13, 2013, 11:35:59 pm
Stringman, that's going to make one fine lookin' bow.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 14, 2013, 11:07:44 am
Pike fishing on saturday caught 5 biggest one around 30". Watched them hit using underwater camara. It was awesome.
Worked on the forge Sunday afternoon. Just about ready.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 14, 2013, 11:32:44 am
1st pic - inside of forge
2nd pic - torch just burning propane
3rd pic - adding air
4th pic - front veiw of forge
5th pic - back veiw with torch
6th - torch with air hookup
Forge was built out of a 30lb propane tank. Lined with insulation and refractory cement. Using a tiger torch for a burner and spliced in a air line that connects to my air compessor. There is a quarter turn ball valve to control the air.
More pics
Tools I made to smear the cement
Things I learned -
When working with refractory cement wear gloves and clothes you may never want to wear again.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 14, 2013, 12:53:12 pm
Wow, that is looking great Leroy. Thanks for the info. been thinking of making a propane one as well. Did you save the skins on the pike? Looks like some great bow backing there.

Nice snakey stave Scott, Great pictures of your caul form
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on January 14, 2013, 12:56:09 pm
Real fine knife there Cameroo and the sheath is cool too.
Thats a cool stave Stringman, should make an interesting bow.
keenan, that area we were hiking in is in Northern Illinois along the Illinois river bluff. Starved Rock area has a rich native american history and beautiful rock walled canyons.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 14, 2013, 01:41:56 pm
None of these pics really show it, but this stave has a natural deflex to the handle and now the limbs are reflexed equally.


Gonna be a light draw bow unless I pike it a bit. Still considering flipping the tips before going further. Either way this bow is gonna get skinned, no question.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 14, 2013, 03:30:07 pm
Keenan- Didn't save the skins. Fish were a tad bit frozen when i filleted them and butchered the skins. They're are more of them I'll be better prepared. They would be great on a bow or knife sheath.
Stringman- That's gonna be nice.
Caneroo- Nice knife and sheath
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 14, 2013, 04:59:08 pm
 When you go to dry the skins Leroy give a shout if you have any questions. If they are very thin skins you can use cardboard but if they are like sturgeon its best to staple down to a piece of plywood. I used my air stapler, works great
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 14, 2013, 06:12:06 pm
I was told pike skins loose all their color when the scales come off. My nephew tried some on an elm bow we built for him. He ended up peeling them off.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 14, 2013, 07:30:21 pm
Hopefully next weekend sitting on the ice again. Ifin the fish cooperate. If I run into any problems I'll be sure to pm you Keenan. Thanks for the offer.
PD- That's interesting to know. I'll have to do a test run on leather and wood what could go wrong  ::) Outta curiousity what kind of glue did you use?
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on January 14, 2013, 07:51:52 pm
If you give the pike skins a skim coat of CA glue like Gordon does on his snakeskin backings, maybe the scales would stay intact?

That's a mean looking forge Leroy, can't wait to see what comes out of it!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 14, 2013, 09:49:04 pm
Leroy,i miss ice fishing so much.i wish i could be catching those pike with ya.we don't get good ice any more.i can't remember the last time we had 3".it is good to see you catching some.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 14, 2013, 10:04:14 pm
Mmmm, love catching and eating pike....Y bones and all!  Pike=snot rockets, water wolves, freshwater barracuda, slough sharks.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 15, 2013, 08:49:49 am
If you give the pike skins a skim coat of CA glue like Gordon does on his snakeskin backings, maybe the scales would stay intact?

That's a mean looking forge Leroy, can't wait to see what comes out of it!

Worth a try Cam?

 Leroy TBIII was used to hold the pike skins down. I was dissapointed when I seen it. I wanted a pike skinned bow badly! You know how us northern guys are about our northerns!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 15, 2013, 11:34:01 am
Cam, going brain dead CA glue? :-[
Want to hookup the forge to natural gas in the shop. Some tweeking should be ready to roll hopefully in a couple weeks.
Steve, Ifin you get up here sometime we'll drag the shanty out.
JW, It was beer battered and deep fried with homecut fries Mmmmmmmmmm
No bones. Ms Kerrie doesn't like bones in fish as I'm told.
Pearl Drums, I was thinking TBIII but it does dry a darker colour maybe it washes the colour out. I was going to scale the fish first according to grass carp skinalong. Any advice is always welcome. Never used fish or snake skin only rawhide. Yes we do like our northerns.
Thanks leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 15, 2013, 11:38:53 am
Stoker, CA glueis super glue!  ;)
  TBIII works well for fish skins but so does TB, TBII and any of the water based carpenters glues as well as hide glue or fish glue.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 15, 2013, 12:50:20 pm
Thanks Pat...I went completely blank. Figured I'd ask  ;) Just about 50 some days I can't remember the simple stuff  ??? Got hide glue and TBIII it has worked good for me on rawhide.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pappy on January 15, 2013, 12:50:55 pm
Spent most of my morning on PA discussing Pos/Neg tiller. ??? ???  ;D ;D ;D man I need to get a life. ;) ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 15, 2013, 12:52:32 pm
Yo have a "good life" Pappy!   8)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 15, 2013, 01:10:50 pm
A good one if I had to bet!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 15, 2013, 02:34:59 pm
Spent most of my morning on PA discussing Pos/Neg tiller. ??? ???  ;D ;D ;D man I need to get a life. ;) ;D

LOL me too, Pappy:)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 15, 2013, 06:24:51 pm
Spent most of my morning on PA discussing Pos/Neg tiller. ??? ???  ;D ;D ;D man I need to get a life. ;) ;D

LOL me too, Pappy:)

Oh My, I'm worst off then both of you. I responded to it this morning, left for a while then came right back to it for more,,,,,,,,,,,,,Help ::)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: darwin on January 15, 2013, 06:52:45 pm
I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep, only to realize that our 3 dogs were all sick and had pooped, pee'd, and vomited everywhere in the night (I'm not sure whats going on with them). Drove to work in bad rain, tried to by a breakfast burrito only to have my card declined, so no breakfast. Then as i have one leg in my scrubs trying to change for work (i do lab work) i get a call from my bank telling me that someone spent over $900 at walmart using my check card and that my card has been deactivated. they should cover all the fraudulent charges and refund my money but for now with my only card deactivated and no cash ...... :(

On top of that I got called into the vp office to tell me that they are putting me on a regulations committee, which means more work but no more money, like a promotion without a raise, i just hope they remember the stuff i do for them when it comes time for my review next month.

lastly i am having dinner with mother tonight, hopefully that will be fun

Its been a long day for me ...
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 15, 2013, 07:05:58 pm
sorry to hear your troubles darwin and hope all gets better for you.just remember,with every bad thing something good will follow.have a great dinner with your mom
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stiks-N-Strings on January 16, 2013, 06:42:56 am
Howdy folks! Longtime no see. Just finished reading through this thread.

 I really need to make time to drop in more often and get back to makin shavings!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BowEd on January 16, 2013, 12:12:01 pm
I hear ya Pap and Keenan about that posy tillering deal.
Well to day I might rough out two choke cherry cut back in Oct.They've been a stave for that long anyway.Gonna clamp it to a form like Dean Torges' R/D form to be sure it don't twist only in a very slight reflex.Just enough to get enough pressure so It can't twist on me..The staves have been behaving good so far but still don't trust it.It's cold here too and drying is'nt very fast which might be a blessing in disquise.I'll cut it 2" wide and 1" or maybe 3/4" thick the whole way evenly except for the handle of course.I know it's different cherry but I might still sinew these on acount of blackhawks' explosion lately.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Adam on January 16, 2013, 12:38:39 pm
I just replaced the thrust bearings on my bandsaw.  The ones that were on there when I bought it were not sealed and did not spin very easily.  It works much better now.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 17, 2013, 04:07:07 pm
I skinned a static osage curve and got her ready to seal tonite. Its coming along nicely.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 17, 2013, 04:51:40 pm
Got a couple more osage staves taken down to a ring.  Let the drying begin....
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 17, 2013, 05:23:48 pm
Cleaned up the garage and swept out the dust. Getting. Ready to but her a beef this weekend with my bro. S'pposed to be in the 40's on Sat and that will be darn near perfect for meat cuttin!

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 17, 2013, 07:01:00 pm
Damn fine butchering weather Scott. Dad and I get after beef and hogs often enough. Dad is a old world German sausage maker. He has anything and eveything realted to slaughtering, butchering and processing anything humans eat. I love knowing where every stitch of meat came from.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 17, 2013, 08:03:18 pm
Same here, Chris. You can't buy that kind of confidence. Knowing how it was raised and butchered makes me feel a lot better about putting it on the table.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: darwin on January 17, 2013, 08:51:40 pm
Started messing with a xbow I ordered parts for inspired but the build along i saw here
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 17, 2013, 11:21:51 pm
Got the final finish on $##&@$$ lumpy yew bow  :o >:D  Think it is good enough to do the wrap and full draw pic, then on her way to $##&@$$ 

Did a buildalong for a Handle wrap W/arrow pass and shelf built in.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: coaster500 on January 17, 2013, 11:29:33 pm
Recieved my Christmas bow from Bryce!!!!  Man is it sweet!!!,36491.msg490842.html#msg490842

Took my wife out to the Taco Temple....  she had Halibut Tacos and I had a Giant Chile breaded stuffed with shrimp and cheese with a kind of mole sauce....  a couple of longboard drafts and man, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !!! Yea baby :)

Great day !!!!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Marc St Louis on January 18, 2013, 09:26:25 am
Yew warbow


Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 18, 2013, 09:31:38 am
Sheep horn tips Marc?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BowEd on January 18, 2013, 11:05:37 am
A real classic Marc.Looks great.Whoever gets that will be happy.
Well I skinned a coyote,tillered a hickory bow,and finished floor tillering a choke cherry.
 Besides the usual of stuffin wood in the wood stove and taking care of my hounds and terrier.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 18, 2013, 11:18:47 am
Still cutting in and painting the inside of our house.  ::) Hoping to get into some sawdust soon. I haven't even had a chance to get well aquainted with my new Stave Master.  :(
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 18, 2013, 11:55:16 am
Merry Christmas Kip that is awesome! Good job Bryce.

Great looking bow Mark. Fantastic bend and perfect tiller.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 18, 2013, 12:11:26 pm
Pat shouldnt that be done by now?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 18, 2013, 01:53:17 pm
Maybe!  What's your point?   >:(   ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 18, 2013, 02:46:32 pm
Oh nothing......what else you got to do anyway?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Marc St Louis on January 18, 2013, 03:19:30 pm
Those are cows horn nocks
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 18, 2013, 05:52:43 pm
nice bow Marc.i am going to the build along page now Keenan ;D :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 18, 2013, 06:26:03 pm
Continued to get my stash built up
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 18, 2013, 06:32:39 pm
is that some snakey stuff i see on the bottom Charles?don't be tring to hide it on the bottom of the know we all want to see any character staves >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on January 18, 2013, 06:37:43 pm
Just braced a new osage being made for her down to 24"....still in one piece and looking nasty ;) pics ...not ready for an unveiling yet for obvious reasons....I'm letting it take a rest,and ill go down n reduce the levers tonight so I can start shooting it tomorrow :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 18, 2013, 06:39:08 pm
sweet.i love it when a plan comes together.can't wait to see it hawkman.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 18, 2013, 06:45:21 pm
There are a couple here and there Steve ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 18, 2013, 06:48:48 pm
i like that thin squiggly one on the bottom in the first pic.looks like a cool stave.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 18, 2013, 09:15:39 pm
Charlie that stash is building fast.

After looking through my junk tonite, I may have to bring some cash and trading goods to the Classic to get some better osage to haul home. Those ugly staves are getting uglier every minute I get older!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 18, 2013, 09:50:26 pm
i call dibs Chris lol.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: mullet on January 18, 2013, 10:18:07 pm
I tillered out a Classic, Marc St Louis, look a like, recurve glued up by Parnel. What a booger to string.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 18, 2013, 11:19:21 pm
do you have some pics sounds cool.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on January 18, 2013, 11:27:16 pm
Here is what i did today after work i built a new bridge for my first guitar an old regal. I lost the original one a long time ago
And here is a quick video of its sound
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 19, 2013, 12:37:04 am
Cool trick, skyarrow.  BTW, loved the guitar work, muy classico!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on January 19, 2013, 12:40:53 am
Thanx JW im way out of practice i almost cut my finger tip off back in November talk about having guitar withdraws hehe its feeling much better. now its time  to practice harder and pickup where i left  off :)   
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 19, 2013, 08:24:15 am
I just got up. Made some coffee and dipped the last dip of finish on a bow. Just watching it drip now......Like Tom Petty always says, " The waitin' is the hardest part."
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on January 19, 2013, 01:03:21 pm
nothing like an early morning fire to drink coffee by..
thinking thinking thinking about what to make today...bad need of some new arrows
but started a bear hide possibles bag i need to finish up.
cupla bows in the works too and with the sun shining and the fire roaring....
then there is the local indigenous food/flower seed exchange this afternoon
the day is mine and its gonna be a lovely one-blessed
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 19, 2013, 05:55:54 pm
i worked on three cars today.i put two brakelines on the wifes car about a week ago laying in the i had great weather so she made me get off my butt and bleed them.i hate bleeding brakes,but today it went very well and i got it done.then i fixed my had been slipping a bit and needed some fluid.then i put plugs,wires,battery and an oil change on the nieces sucks being the only guy around.i get to do all the grunt work.oh well,such is life.i hope all you guys are having a great day.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 19, 2013, 08:21:17 pm
I took advantage of finally having a day at home and spent a little time in my shop.  I got my girly HHB all lined up and reflexed a little.  This is one of my favorite parts of bowmaking.  I love the smell of the hot wood.  HHB doesn't smell as good as osage.  It will take me 10 minutes to get that mess of clamps off of there.  I'm in no hurry with this bow so I think I'll leave it on the caul for a week or so.  I hope to get some more shop time tomorrow.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Gsulfridge on January 19, 2013, 08:33:52 pm
I went out and cut some Osage and harvested 5 dozen pieces of cane. Good day of gathering material.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BowEd on January 19, 2013, 08:40:40 pm
No pics but I went and cut three straight 4 to 5 inch ironwood logs today.Just wonering if it's ok to lightly scrape the bark off with a drawknife to or just past the cambium on these.They don't split straight so I think I'll just cut them on the bandsaw.I've never dried the stuff before hope it works.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bubby on January 19, 2013, 09:48:31 pm
went to my grandson's basketball game and then his 13 yr old sis' birthday party, came home and shot the bows a little
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 20, 2013, 11:12:05 am
Got a bit done yesterday.

Split an elm log and pulled the bark of five staves.

Tillered a bit more on an Osage.

Had the horn in a tip delaminate. Not the glue lines but the horn itself let go. Very frustraiting.

Heated another bow and then got the shop as clean as its been in a long time. Then I shot my bow.



Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 20, 2013, 11:50:00 am
Nice looking stave on the bench David.

Got the handle wrap done on the lumpy yew bow. Going to get some full draw pics today and get her in the mail tomarrow. Guess it's time to quit playing with her and let her find her way to her new home ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 20, 2013, 12:28:58 pm
Ya need my address, Keenan?:)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 20, 2013, 03:06:45 pm
Dvs, what kind of glue did you use for the antler tip overlays?  When I use super glue I size the antler first and let that glue dry before glueing tit to the bow tip. The pithy portions of the antler can soak up glue and starve the joint.  Also, I have set a small wood dowel(blind) in the bow and into the overlay to help hold the overlay in place along with the glue.
  Beadman, If your staves won't split straight it probably grew in a spoial and sawing it out will cause runoffs in your stave. You might be better splitting it out and correcting the twist with heat.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 20, 2013, 06:50:40 pm
I used superglue pat. Like I said though it wasn't a glue failure. If you look at the pic close you can see there is horn on both the antler and bow. It was a small strip about 3/16th thick that delaminated. I am going to.just try and reglue it. Hopefully it won't happen again.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on January 20, 2013, 07:48:41 pm
I spent a couple hours skinning and fleshing some beaver tails.  Turned out to be pretty touchy work because there was a fine line between getting the fat off and going too far into the flesh, especially toward the tip of the tail where the flesh gets very thin.  You can't really feel much difference with the blade between the fat and the flesh, so it's easy to take a little too much if you lose focus on what you're doing (see second pic).  It seems like once you hit the blood vessels, most of the fat is gone.  The third picture is of one that I did yesterday.  It's already dried, and toward the tip it's as thin as a snake skin.  You can almost see through it.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BowEd on January 20, 2013, 09:02:42 pm
Good job of skinning Cameroo.A very sharp knife is the key and getting a feel for it.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 20, 2013, 09:15:12 pm
Dvs, try stauration the horn first with super glue and let it cure. The thin super glue should sink into the horn and give you a better support for the joint.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 21, 2013, 12:42:24 am
this evening i hand cut 26 turkey feathers into fletchings for some arrows that i am making for the upcoming classic.i also helped her get some bark off a twisted walking stick that she is working on.then i glued some rabbit fur on the inside of a quiver i made to get it a little more quiet.i'll try and get some pics tomarrow of that stuff.have a great night everyone.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 21, 2013, 09:10:55 am
Worked on a BBO bow, almost finished, needs a little more wood removed from the right limb.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 21, 2013, 11:53:46 am
Icefished Saturday caught a couple pike one good eater 29". Saved the skins gonna giver a whirl, might be nice on a sheath.
I generally don't do this but. I opened the guts up and this pike was full of fresh water shrimp. Winter food? In the spring and summer it's minnows. We saw a ton of shrimp on the camera.
Cam-beaver tail ain't no fun
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 21, 2013, 12:09:14 pm
nice catch Leroy.i'll try and get those tip-ups in the mail this coming week.are you a drywall finisher by chance.your email said something about drywall.i'm a finisher.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BowEd on January 21, 2013, 12:19:27 pm
Pat B......I hear what your saying about the spiral growth on these ironwood logs I've got here but the bark was as straight as can be.They were growing way down in bottom of a draw in the woods completely out of any adverese wind and in the shade.Growing tall and straight with no limbs to speak of.I'll let em dry cut like this.There's more out there if I need to try again.It's 0 this morning here so the drying will be kind of slow in my tractor shed.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 21, 2013, 01:14:37 pm
Yes Steve I am a drywaller 32 years. Starting to feel the overhead trowelling.
Either got to give up working or bowhunting. Hmmmm?
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 21, 2013, 01:37:13 pm
Leroy,i'ed give up work.i have been at it for 23 years.building a casino right's been allmost a year of overhead work.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: darwin on January 21, 2013, 02:15:23 pm
I'm still messing around with this crossbow project got most of the stock cut out and ready. I'm making it out of red cedar and it looks pretty, but I'm slightly concerned about stability after all the prod has a 200 lbs draw. I will get some pics up when i get a little further along
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 21, 2013, 03:21:54 pm
Went out last night to fill a meat tag. Last hour of the last day of the last season of the year and I pulled off a long shot with a smooth bore 12 ga. Just so happened that while I was standing around waiting for a deer to come out I spied a pile of fence posts. After loading up my deer I discussed this find with my buddy and he said "throw it in, I'll tell the Aunt later." This will likely become its own post later, but I will let you all in on the start of it.


Anybody see a bow in there?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 21, 2013, 03:27:02 pm
BTW, Roy that BBO is looking sharp! I just got my Unibond in the mail and I'm getting excited to start mine up.

Leroy, that's a nice fish there. Only caught a couple northerns in my life but they were fun on the end of a line! Can't imagine playin one on the end of an ice fishing rig.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: cracker on January 21, 2013, 04:06:22 pm
Making a knife that I am going to selfishly keep for myself.Ron
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 21, 2013, 04:10:30 pm
Steve- I was hoping to quit friday but the lotto didn't come in. Be nice to call in rich  >:D Casinos are no fun did one all that work nobody looks up.
Stringman- Nice looking post. Fighting a pike on a 24" rod through a 8" hole is a riot.
Roy the bow is looking real good.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on January 21, 2013, 08:40:23 pm
Skinned, fleshed an stretched 4 beavers today after checking my line, pretty much took care of the day. Took some deer hides out of the freezer, need to rack an dry a couple more an with the zero weather were getting  fiqured be a good time to keep fire going in the fur shed an work some hides. Later Bob
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 21, 2013, 09:30:16 pm
I got some quality work done today.  I tried splitting the bottom of this stave off along a single ring before sawing out the bow.  I really didn't need to, I just wanted to try it out on a shorter stave. 


It worked!


I got it and the deflexed stave cut out.  The shorter bow is 52" long.  I have plans on sinew backing it.  It might be my hunting bow next fall.  After I got it roughed out I chased it down 1 ring to the final back.  It took forever because the back is concave and I had to scrape it down the center for most of the length.  The ring was about 1/4" thick to. 

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 22, 2013, 12:38:33 am
Clint just send that short stave on the left to me, son. Ya need my addy?:)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 22, 2013, 12:45:30 am
Why, you volunteering to sinew it, tiller it, and send it back?  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 22, 2013, 01:23:31 am
Would ya settle for 2 out of 3? I sinew it, tiller it, and keep the darn thing:) ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 22, 2013, 02:03:05 am
Why, you volunteering to sinew it, tiller it, and send it back?  ;D
Now that was funny. You just moved to the top of my super hero list for the quick come back to Ol Roy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 22, 2013, 09:56:24 am
Funny and quick... Two things that ole Roy hasn't been called in a long time.  >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 22, 2013, 11:08:22 am
Hey DVS, I gotta make a road trip today and thump ya a good one, son?:) Might as well keep going and give ole Keenan  ah thumpen too:)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on January 22, 2013, 11:27:25 am
Today, I am watching the thermometer drop out of site :o Six degrees this morning with a nasty wind a blowing -14 chill factor, I thawed out some deer hides yesterday  so today in the nice warm fur shed racking some deer hides. Sooner or later I have to go an fight the cold war an plow the driveway :'( :'( Later Bob
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 22, 2013, 11:56:02 am
Was 8 here in SW Pa this morning with some wind. But the darn oil furnace won't run, guess that's because I have the wood burner cranking:) Have hot water baseboard heat and the wood burner has a water jacket in it and I have the oil furnace and wood burner sitting side by side and piped in parallel with each other. Just love it when it's this cold outside and I'm not burning any oil.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bubby on January 22, 2013, 02:22:03 pm
yeah it's cold here too, the low this mornin' was 38%, burrr >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on January 22, 2013, 02:25:27 pm
You ever fed that wood burner any Osage???
I burned a small stack of stave ends and knots in my fireplace insert years back.
The stuff got HOT!!!  Talking like REAL HOT!!!  May not ever burn any more.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 22, 2013, 02:41:31 pm
Well Dave yes I have and it does burn very hot. But I only burn small pieces of what's been trimmed off, or hate to say it but I have burned pieces of BBO bows that didn't quite work out and got cut into 4 or 5 pieces. LOL
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 22, 2013, 03:16:16 pm
We burnt almost all osage when I was younger.  Thats all I thought it was good for until I learned about making bows.  It hurts to think of how many staves Dad sent up the chimney  :'(
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 22, 2013, 08:59:09 pm
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! say it's not so, Burning good bow wood????? Shame on you for uttering such words,,LOL   Got some things packaged and shipped out today.

We have been in a warm spell after the artic plunge came threw here a few weeks ago. Still cold at nights and are expecting snow again in a few days
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 22, 2013, 09:07:26 pm
when i was young me and my friend drove to kentucky and snuck into his dads house trailer that he kept on the farm.i went and got some wood off the pile for the buck stove.i stoked up a fire and we when to sleep.we woke it the middle of the night sweating.i looked over and the stove was glowing red.darn near burned the trailer down.turns out i had filled the stove all with hedge that his dad had laying around.i was young and dumb.i learned what not to do that night.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 22, 2013, 09:15:22 pm
It was cold here today to but not in the shop. An apprentice bowyers came by  so I helped him and I worked on an elm I have had speed drying in my hot box. A week at 100 degrees it feels and works like its pretty dry. I've got it floor tillered and I'm hoping that I can keep all of the prop twist as well as some of the heartwood in limbs. I haven't heat treated it yet or even heat corrected it.  dont think I'm going to have to.



Then I worked on my trade bow for trad gang a bit to.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 22, 2013, 09:21:45 pm
that is a nice looking skinny stave.that would be great for a na bow.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 22, 2013, 09:51:00 pm
Nice lookin' bows you got there DVS
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: mullet on January 22, 2013, 10:36:50 pm
I got to slide across three lanes of traffic today when a 150 year old lady pulled out in front of my truck. I still hit her but she wasn't hurt and I kept from T-boning her in the drivers door. Now I get to take a drug test in the morning.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 22, 2013, 10:48:05 pm
That sucks. Hope you studied food the test. ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 22, 2013, 10:49:30 pm
Did you get hurt Mullet?  I bet you will be sore tomorrow.  Drink lots of water.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 22, 2013, 10:55:47 pm
sorry to hear that Eddie.glad everyone made it out ok.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: mullet on January 23, 2013, 08:43:58 am
Clint, nobody got hurt. My knee was sore last night from standing on the brake so hard. I was doing about 10mph when I finally hit her Caddy. She never saw me till I hit her in the median ::)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Bone pile on January 23, 2013, 09:34:02 am
Welcome to Venice Eddie,blue hairs drivin' caddys are everywere.Most of them can't see over the dashboard and after happy hour it's bummper cars on 41.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 23, 2013, 11:22:50 am
Good on you, Eddie, for avoiding tragedy. Still, life can be bitter-sweet...

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 23, 2013, 11:45:42 am
Glad your Ok Eddie, Good job keeping it to a minimum,
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 23, 2013, 06:47:47 pm
I got a string on and low braced the elm I'm working on.



I hope the limbs don't flop sideways.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 23, 2013, 07:10:48 pm
Oooooh!  :o  I like those curves.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 23, 2013, 07:17:51 pm
Today, I did absolutely nothing.  Got up this morning and it was 6 degrees here.  Now to some that is nothing, but to us, it has been years since it got down that cold.  Three more days of it so they say.  So this ole boy stayed in the house and did nothing. >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bubby on January 23, 2013, 08:00:35 pm
got the dead freezer hauled off and it started raining, watching sinew dry, gotta get to work on the other bows while I wait
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: rileyconcrete on January 23, 2013, 08:02:26 pm
Hey stringstretcher  its been -10 every morning here for about the past two weeks.  Havent been able to work since christmas.  gonna warm back up by friday they say.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 23, 2013, 08:04:04 pm
Back in the summer I found paw paw patch down by the Tennessee river, hadn't seen any mature trees around here ever. I saved a bunch of seed, watched the planting how to videos on utube and put the seed in the frig to stratify.

Today I took my little tractor down in my woods and pushed out a clearing in the thick stuff at the edge of the big woods. I initially planned to make a paw paw patch but the place looks pretty good so I may plant a few crabapples for the deer in conjunction with the paw paws.

I also figured out where to put a path for my future 3 D archery range. My land is on a pretty steep slope so finding a good path location will be a challenge. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 23, 2013, 08:41:06 pm
That Kubota will handle it, Eric. I can't believe ya got her dirty, LOL
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 23, 2013, 11:16:14 pm
Yep, a really fun toy.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 23, 2013, 11:19:43 pm
nice toy Eric.that is a beauty.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 24, 2013, 12:15:18 pm
You can't tell from the picture but my tractor is really small, 48" wide and will go about anywhere a 4 wheeler will go. The amount of work one can do with one these things is amazing.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 24, 2013, 12:46:29 pm
That's a nice one Eric.  It would be the perfect size for my place.  I bet it will pull an osage log out with ease.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on January 24, 2013, 01:35:16 pm
We have a 28HP, 4WD, Diesel, Kubota.
Great little tractor.  I use it primarily to haul firewood out of the woods and to keep the weeds mowed down.

Eric:  Where do you Squirrel Hunt???

What did I do today??? 
Got dignosed with Pneumonia. :o

Had the flu last week.  Three days of 102 fever and feeling like crap.  Snot all over the place.  Some of that snot got into my left lung.  It is not bad.  Just a strange sort of pulled muscle feeling under my left boob.  Sharpe pain when I take a real deep breath.  Two weeks of horse pill antibiotics will knock it out.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: mullet on January 24, 2013, 09:01:00 pm
Nice lil' tractor :) One of the guys I work with bought diesel like it last week for $200. The guy that owned it wanted someone else other than his exwife to be to have it.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 24, 2013, 11:02:06 pm
Nice lil' tractor :) One of the guys I work with bought diesel like it last week for $200. The guy that owned it wanted someone else other than his exwife to be to have it.

Wow what a score1   Nice tractor Eric.  We have an 855 JD and love it it's older but sure is a great help around the place
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 25, 2013, 12:47:02 am
I love my Kubota 25 hp 4 X 4 diesel.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 25, 2013, 11:33:11 am
Worked on the ice augger last night been sputtering not coming to full power cleaned the plug and adjusted the fuel air ratio. 2 strokes can be moody at times. Can't complain brought it in 93 good ole Jiffy.
Thanks leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 25, 2013, 04:57:06 pm
Leroy,if i would have known your auger was acting up i would have sent you my hand cranker model would be to wore out to fish.mine aien't long enough to reach the water on your ice up there.i got home today to find a long tube waiting on was my bow from keenan.i am finally having my best day was my last day working on the new casino down in cincy.been there almost a year.time for some new if that wasn't great enough,i come home to find out my grandmother got to come home from the hospital and i had a new bow waiting for's my best day ever.time to celebrate.hope all of you are also having a great day.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Adam on January 25, 2013, 05:08:53 pm
Congrats Seabass! Sounds like everything is going your way!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 25, 2013, 05:13:53 pm
Sounds like a good day Steve.  Lets see that new bow
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on January 25, 2013, 07:28:55 pm
congrats on all those things seabass. esp yr grandmother!
man, i have to say i really envy you.
that bow keenan made for you was one of the prettiest things i ever did lay my eyes on.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on January 25, 2013, 07:33:56 pm
nothing to write home about, but i did get finished tillering that hickory bow i was playing in the fire with over the wkend.
my first completed bow other than osage....
now to get a few more arrows thru it

also worked out a nasty hinge on an old bow someone else started yrs ago and ive been trying to finish up.
funny how when ya dont chase the ring yrself, it just feels weird, like im not really quite sure whats going on under the "skin" of this bow.
one limb is much heavier than the other. the light limb, man was there a hinge from hell...but finally got the rest of the limb working enough to even it all out.
now to take the stout limb down to match....
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 25, 2013, 07:52:32 pm
Steve that is awesome !!
Grandma and a bow from Keenan !
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 25, 2013, 10:18:03 pm
thank you has been a great day.i am glad granny got to come home.i'll try and get some bow pics in the morning.hey Clint,hows your son doing?let me know bro.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 25, 2013, 10:19:38 pm
 ;D ;D ;D Happy Happy Happy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 25, 2013, 10:21:45 pm
Keenan,i am getting ready to string that baby up.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 25, 2013, 10:58:59 pm
Today was his first day back to school in a week and a half.  Still waiting for test results to show something.  Thanks for asking.

Now where's those bow pics.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 25, 2013, 11:03:11 pm
Clint i have to wait for daylight.i will get you those will get to hold it in your hands in may is way better than the pics.just strung it up a minute ago,oh man what a bow.perfection for sure.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on January 25, 2013, 11:08:21 pm
Well it's not very primitive, but I had an urge to do some leatherwork, so I made a holster for my primitive flip-phone.  I usually have it in my pocket with a bunch of change, a jack-knife, and lots of other pointy, scratchy stuff, so I figured it would hold up a little better in this instead.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 25, 2013, 11:14:27 pm
Very nice... How about I send you the dimensions for my cell phone?:)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 25, 2013, 11:58:06 pm
Wow Cam that is some nice work
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on January 26, 2013, 11:48:26 am
Sweet leather work on that phone holder Cameroo. I like to keep it primitive with the flip phone also, none of that newfangled high- tech
I-Phone business in my camp. ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 26, 2013, 12:48:16 pm
Nice work Cam.
Last night my wife and son were away from home so after dinner I got to work on knife handles for the obsidian and glass blades that have been accumulating around the house.   Got a few more to make and then some sanding and grinding to pretty up the handles.  Antler and a repurposed hatchet handle so far.  Yes, when I get them done I will post pics. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 26, 2013, 01:55:15 pm
Nice work Cam.
Last night my wife and son were away from home so after dinner I got to work on knife handles for the obsidian and glass blades that have been accumulating around the house.   Got a few more to make and then some sanding and grinding to pretty up the handles.  Antler and a repurposed hatchet handle so far.  Yes, when I get them done I will post pics.

Oh good!  I was afraid you might be out of digital film. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 26, 2013, 05:01:54 pm
David, I squirrel hunt a bunch of places. Today I will walk down in my neighbors woods behind my house(40 Acres). I did have a lot of squirrels on my 4 acres of woods but declared ware on them when they ate up the deck furnature cushions, about 50 took a dirt nap.

I have hunted on Seven Mile Island Mgt area, Freedom hill mgt area, Lauderdale mgt area and the Shoal Creek Perserve in the past.

Most of my squirrel hunting now is on 350 acres a friend owns just across the state line outside of St Joseph Tn.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 26, 2013, 06:12:14 pm
Clint,here are those pics i camera sucks.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 26, 2013, 07:54:53 pm
 ;D ;D Looks like you got a little skiff of snow Steve.

I got home to another package from Steve. A very nice hip quiver! Thank you Steve. I will use it allot.  Last week he sent me a new Penn 340 GT lever wind reel for sturgeon fishing and a note to say the new pole was ordered as well,   ;D ;D ;D Happy Happy Happy. Can't wait to get out and rip some lip on the big boys. Thanks again Steve

Got some skins on a bow refurbish today. I decided to give an old friend a new look. My Halibut skinned yew bow was looking kind of rough after several years of hunting and dragging threw the brush. Removed the halibut skins and replaced with Python skins after adding a little more flip to the tips.  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 26, 2013, 08:47:19 pm
let us see those new skins know we wanna see them.i hope the quiver serves you well.i love mine.we got a little snow yesterday,but not too much.that is the way i like it.i am tired of the cold.i know it has been real cold where you are Keenan.i might just be a crybaby.i hate the cold.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 26, 2013, 08:55:45 pm
Got home today and my buddy had dropped off a late Christmas gift!


Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 26, 2013, 10:48:39 pm
Looks like some good stave in tht Stringman.

 Temp took another nose dive here today Steve.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 26, 2013, 11:31:05 pm
i am sorry to hear that Keenan.i am ready for spring.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 27, 2013, 01:53:28 am
Steve you lucky dog.  That looks like an awesome bow.  I hope you are going to have it at the Classic so I can get a better look at it.

That's a nice osage log there Stringman.  Do you have it split yet? 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: chamookman on January 27, 2013, 06:12:24 am
Went to the BIG Traditional Bow Expo in Kalamazoo MI. expo yesterday. Matt (Wirwicki) and Gary Davis were there with developed staves and Matt was doing demonstrations on sinewing. Also ran into BuckeyeGuy and Marty (Old Timber bows) from this site while wandering around - plus I got to see alot of old Friends. Picked up a couple of stone tipped arrows made by Norm Blaker - will keep one for show, plus I'm going to try and take a Turkey this Spring with the other - I'm sure Norm would like that. Bob
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 27, 2013, 10:23:27 am
No, Clint I don't. And really not looking forward to the job. The log is about 12' and 20" across so it will likely have at least 2 good splits in it.  ;D

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 27, 2013, 10:33:36 am
Splitting a big Osage log is fun if it is straight like that one.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 27, 2013, 01:13:52 pm
It's even more fun when ya have a couple young guys swinging the sledge:)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 27, 2013, 06:53:23 pm
Steve Here is a pic of the skins I put on yesterday. Python on yew. Not trimmed or detailed yet.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on January 27, 2013, 07:23:24 pm
That's one nice looking skin, gonna be a stunner once you shine it up!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 27, 2013, 07:52:03 pm
Thanks Cam. Got the edges trimmed in a little bit. No more time for today.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 27, 2013, 08:12:29 pm
Got a BBO to 27.5 on the tree, have it stained and first coat of tung oil on it. Riser is not shaped yet in the pictures.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: mullet on January 27, 2013, 08:30:58 pm
I went to the flea market this morning and bought some camo clothes, shooting jacket and a brand new tent in the box for $12, a new rack for my mountain bike, in the box for $3. Then came home and skinned a Yew bow and made a knife with Zebra wood scales. Pictures to come. :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 27, 2013, 08:37:43 pm
sounds like you had a busy day Eddie.good bargin there brother.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 27, 2013, 08:39:59 pm
the skins look great Keenan.that is a sweet bow brother.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 27, 2013, 10:36:41 pm
Those skins look great Keenan. I was wondering what they would look like over a white back. I may put them on my elm if it picked up a few lbs from the heat.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bowsandroses on January 28, 2013, 01:25:11 am
A kid that I work with told his little brother that I build my own bows and arrows. His little brother told him to ask me if I would help him build a bow, so of coarse I said yes (like heck ya). After a few days this high school boy calls me and I give him directions to get to our place and discussed a few options for him, where we decided on a R/D BBO with help from pics on the bow forum(thanks guys). I instructed him to get some straight grain hickory  around 4/4" X 1.5", rip a thin strip 1/8" X 1.5" blck walnut and purchase a bamboo backing stip. He finaly got his material, we started the bending on the hickory and gluing the handle block on today. pics of my reflexing, deflexing form and the 6'6" 17 year old future bowyer working on his blkwalnut handle block. Any day a young one volunteers to build a bow or anything as apposed to buying is a good day. And get this what brought this idea to him was his brother and Dad just went and dumped $700 each on new wheelies and his Dad planned on buying him one as well but he thought it would be cooler to build one. (all I can say is God bless the young man and I hope I do him justice)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 28, 2013, 06:05:52 am
You guys are getting it done.  I did chase a final ring  on a stave and one billet.  Going to do the other billet today maybe since we are getting iced in again.  Man, this weather around here is something else this year.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 28, 2013, 06:54:27 am
You need to get that boy a taller belt sander.

Be carefull with that ice Charlie
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 28, 2013, 07:29:37 am
Yeah osage outlaw, I just found out the hard way that the concrete at the bottom of the steps is a lot harder than the steps....phew.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 28, 2013, 11:59:03 am
Ms Kerrie's christmas present just came in. New jet tub. Better late then never. Guess I'll be doing a bathroom build-a-along  :o Dang I hate plumbing
Guess all the other projects be on hold for a while
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 28, 2013, 02:15:17 pm
Boy that hedge don't like to give up her gold easy! Always work, but man I love getting a nice log like this split and stowed away for the future!



Sealing the ends and then stacking in the shed.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 28, 2013, 04:51:17 pm
I got yellow dust all over me and got a mess of fire starting shavings for the wood stove.  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 28, 2013, 08:30:38 pm
Those are some nice rings on those staves Stringman.  You could chase those blindfolded.

Pat, what's the yeller shavins from?  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 29, 2013, 12:18:33 am
A stave you gave me Clint, when we first met at the classic. I think it was cut in '09.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: soy on January 29, 2013, 01:15:45 am
Wish I was having fun like you guys..... I'm driving in the freezing rain , then I stopped to put tire chains on drive a little farther take the tire chains off, put them on, take them off... you get the point forgot to bring my ice skates could be playing hockey on the highway eah!!!!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 29, 2013, 01:29:26 am
A stave you gave me Clint, when we first met at the classic. I think it was cut in '09.

Is it the squiggly one?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Rick Wallace on January 29, 2013, 02:12:07 am
Fed chickens,fed the rabbit,,loafed around mostly!!  Lazy day   :embarassed:
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 29, 2013, 11:39:04 am
Yesterday I gave some lessons on applying sturgeon skins. Jeff has just completed his first bow building coarse with me and this was his first bow.  Hackberry with gemsbuck tips and sturgeon skins. This shows a little trick that I have learned when using fish skins.  The firber&!$$ drywall tape is sticky backed and makes a perfect wrap for holding fish skins in place. I split it lengthwise into 1/2 strips about three feet long. It breaths well and is extremely easy to use as it is self adhesive.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 29, 2013, 11:39:40 am
Ms Kerrie doesn't want me to gut the bathroom till febuary when she'll be gone for a week. Started to rough out a knife inspired by swampmonkey's skinner gonna be a hudson bay trade knife.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 29, 2013, 01:01:52 pm

Leroy your the busiest dude I know!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 29, 2013, 01:31:19 pm
That's the one, Clint. It should be a fun project.  ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 29, 2013, 02:37:13 pm

Leroy your the busiest dude I know!
Momma sez "Idle hands are the devils tools"
Gotta big load of lead. just got a mold for my 45C gonna start casting.
OK I gotta problem. I walk the dog every night for a mile or so. Good time to clear my head and think about knives and stuff good therapy (and cheaper)
Keenan- That's gonna be a awesome looking bow.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 29, 2013, 04:07:02 pm
That's the one, Clint. It should be a fun project.  ;)

Oh yeah!  I can't wait to see what you are able to make from it.  Are you going for one or two bows out of it?  If anyone can coax a bow from it you can Pat.  I roughed a bow out of the other half.  It's in my "to do" stack.  It looks a little intimidating.  Good luck with it.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on January 29, 2013, 06:42:46 pm
man, yesterday sucked!
the police found a good pal who had been missing since saturday
dead in her car-she had committed suicide...
spent the rest of the day/evening holding a small impromptu private wake with the tribe
drinking beer and telling stories, laughing and crying. julie was a hoot-she brought much joy to those who knew her.
so grateful to have such good friends-woulda been hard sitting home alone thinking about her and her family

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 29, 2013, 07:16:46 pm
Worked on some other billets, and still finding these things.  I think they like me. 
But I won in the end.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 29, 2013, 07:21:06 pm
Today has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs and no sleep.  I took a little walk in the woods to clear my head and enjoy the warm weather.  I had a few osage trees speak to me along the way.  It was nice to spend some time with nature.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 29, 2013, 07:28:06 pm
sorry to hear about your pal Sadie.Keenan,that is a great idea with the drywall tape.Charles,are you starting a bug collection?if you are,a stave is a bad place to house them buddy lol.well,after work i started debarking a stave that Clint gave me.after spreading drywall mudd all day,this turned out to be a real is going good,just my arms feel like limp noodles when i get home from work.i am having fun doing it.i am just on a break at the moment.tring to get some blanks ready for the classic.hope you guys are having a great day.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 29, 2013, 07:30:51 pm
Steve, make sure to seal the back on that stave once you quit for the night. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 29, 2013, 07:32:26 pm
will do Clint.btw,how is your son doing?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 29, 2013, 07:40:01 pm
Sadie, sometimes life doesn't make any sense at all. Sorry for your loss.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 29, 2013, 07:42:22 pm
Sadie, Sorry for your loss. Losing friends is hard especailly that way.

Charlie you are going to have one heck of a hornet farm the way you are going.

Steve glad to see ya working on a stave ;) Nice Stave Master

Our farrier came to trim the horses today and when I went out to get my horse he was bound up and calliky, We are still taking turns walking him. ::)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 29, 2013, 07:43:19 pm
Sorry for your loss Saddie.  And Steve, I am saving all the worm and wasp I can find, going to put them in one of those good clear water jars at the classic and call it "Virginia Tequila"...want a sip?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 29, 2013, 07:43:42 pm
Sorry about your friend Sadie.  You are in our thoughts.

Steve, still no better.  Going back to Childrens Hospital tomorrow.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 29, 2013, 09:05:33 pm
sorry to hear that about your boy Clint.i hope the find the cause soon buddy.Charlie,you make it and i'll drink it.we will call it "saving the staves"lol
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 29, 2013, 10:46:21 pm
 Clint sorry about your son. we will get back on the prayers for ya both

Charlie, Them bugs is going to your head my friend! >:D  Id be freezing them guys for the trout fishing ;D

Steve, If you do we'll be calling you "beetle juice"  for years,,,,,,LOL
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on January 30, 2013, 10:30:18 am
Those are tough times for sure ,and it is good to have friends to be around !
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 30, 2013, 12:11:36 pm
Finished rough shaping the knife last night. 10 1/2" blade is 6 1/4 handle is 4 1/4. Being a trade knife handle will probaly maple or hickory rubbed with tung oil brass pins.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 30, 2013, 05:10:18 pm
that is one heck of a blade Leroy.i can't wait to see it finished.Keenan,i am going to let Charles take the first sip. >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on January 30, 2013, 06:59:53 pm
Oh no no no no.... ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bubby on January 30, 2013, 07:07:05 pm
finished up a sinew job, heat treated and straitened a hackberry bow and i'm watching the granddaughter she's had the flu, Bub
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 30, 2013, 07:40:39 pm
this morning I talked with bubby on the phone for a bit - went out and busted ice sheets in the NDN village to make the walk ways safer and then raked leaves. In the 50's today and the waterfall is beautiful!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: KShip85 on January 30, 2013, 07:58:36 pm
Today I worked on this...


When I would have rather been working on this...


Ah, if only bow building could pay the bills...oh well, there are worse ways to make a buck than spending the day in the shop, even if it is just cabinet building :)

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 30, 2013, 08:09:55 pm
@Kip - wish I had that much shop to work in....sigh :D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: KShip85 on January 30, 2013, 08:24:02 pm
@sadie, posted before reading,  sorry for your loss.  Thoughts and prayers to all the family and friends. 

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 30, 2013, 08:27:09 pm
Sorry to hear the bad news Ms. Sadie Jane. Keep your chin up!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on January 30, 2013, 09:21:30 pm
I made 8 knife sheaths finished up for knives I made.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 30, 2013, 11:53:19 pm
Sorry to hear that Sadie.

I worked on a trade bow I'm trying to finish before I join the one here.


I shaped the handle and added overlays. They are tigerwood.


The string lines up well after just one heat session. I need to drop weight some more.


I keep working that snakey spot but it is being stubborn. I still have room so hopefully it will come around.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 31, 2013, 11:21:18 am
 David that thing is wicked cool. Love how you curved the tip. I may have to technique some day. BTW Love that skin you sent me. I will have some good pics up in a few days
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Dvshunter on January 31, 2013, 01:35:40 pm
Thanks bud. ;D

This is the second time I've tried the curved tip thingy. This one looks better than the first time. I can't wait to see how that skin looks under finish cuz I got one in mind. >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on January 31, 2013, 02:41:43 pm
After suffering a terrible defeat at the hands of Osage and boo, I decided to get the bad taste out of my mouth with this little bit of wood sitting in the corner. It has a naturally deflexed handle and I gave the limbs a touch of reflex. After tillering I decided they were long enough and so I just recently reworked the tips. This stick is waiting to be shot in before I cover its nakedness.



Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 31, 2013, 03:51:14 pm
That is looking great Stringman
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 31, 2013, 04:08:53 pm
I tried to gently flip the tips on a HHB in progress with a heat gun.  CRACK!  This is the second time I have tried it with HHB and failed both times.  I guess it is steam from now on.  Luckily I was watching for it this time and as soon as I saw it start I released the clamp.  I think I can scrape it out. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 31, 2013, 05:24:14 pm
nice bow Scott.that is gonna be cool.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 31, 2013, 07:06:46 pm
Worked on filling out tax receipts :P for Ms kerries montessori. Only good news she phoned and the postman dropped of a box for me. Can't wait to get home. Thanks Steve
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 31, 2013, 07:47:16 pm
i hope you and the grandkids enjoy the tip-ups Leroy.i figured you could use them more than me.we don't get good ice anymore.i probably haven't ice fished in four or five the very end,i was getting out on three would be so thin,i would leave the gear on the bank and just take the auger and a jigging pole out with me.i miss it alot.have fun.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: wapiti1997 on January 31, 2013, 08:33:40 pm
I met with a landowner today to give him wildlife habitat imrovement advise.  He'd pushed the edge of a pasture with a dozer to increase his open land potential.  The edge was full of really straight, tall, potential bow, osage trees.  Literally, I bet he piled up, 300-500 potential staves... 

Funny how your perspectives change after you split a few hedgeapple logs.. :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 31, 2013, 10:00:13 pm
Wooo Hoooo!  Got a long package today for Seabass,,,,,,,,, This baby put one heck of a nice grin on my face.  A New 7 ft med/heavy Ungly Stik Tiger Rod  with a 340 GT 2 Pen reel.  This is the sturgeon fisherm dream pole for sure. Absolutely going to enjoy this one. We got a boat last year but our fishing gear is very old and limited. 
 Steve I can't say thanks enough my friend.   Thank you Bro!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 31, 2013, 10:19:24 pm
That's great Keenan, I see they put your name on it too. Ugly Stik:) >:D LMAO

Today I took a tri lam out of the clamps. Boo, red cedar, and osage.
Glued on the riser.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 31, 2013, 10:23:27 pm
he sent me a stick and i sent him one.happy fishing Keenan.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 31, 2013, 10:24:06 pm
And put the 4th coat of Tung Oil on Pearly Boys BBO.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 31, 2013, 10:45:07 pm
That's great Keenan, I see they put your name on it too. Ugly Stik:) >:D LMAO

Today I took a tri lam out of the clamps. Boo, red cedar, and osage.
Glued on the riser.

Dont make me come out there to whoop ya boy1  LOL

he sent me a stick and i sent him one.happy fishing Keenan.

Steve I think I got the better end of the deal ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Trapper Rob on January 31, 2013, 10:51:31 pm
Got my work done at the barn came home & had cake & ice cream for the daughter she turned 10 today she's growing up fast.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 31, 2013, 10:56:52 pm
Nice pole Keenan.

Roy, That bow looks sharp.  I'm glad Ol' Pearly will have something to hunt with this fall  ;D

This evening I scored a new tent for the Classic.  A Craigslist special  ;)    A Coleman Evanston tent.  I got it for $50.  Walmart has it for $197.  I took it out and looked it over.  It looks brand new.  They said they only had it out of the bag one time to see how big it was.  After looking at it I believe them.  Should be plenty of room for me and all my stuff this year.  If the forcast looks bad maybe I'll set up my little tent inside of this one.  That should keep me dry  :D

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on January 31, 2013, 11:25:43 pm
Come on out Keenie:)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on January 31, 2013, 11:48:05 pm
nice score Clint

Bows are looking great Roy ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 01, 2013, 01:14:11 am
Clint, I buy 8 man tents. It is just enough room room for me and all my sh...and maybe one other person.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 01, 2013, 01:25:54 am
I hear ya Pat. 

If anyone needs a small tent down there let me know and I can bring it.  I'll make somebody a heck of a deal on it  ;)  I think it is 8' X 8'.  It is the blue and yellow one in this pic


Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 01, 2013, 09:18:01 am
Nice tent clint :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: cracker on February 01, 2013, 10:10:24 am
Went dumpster diving "don't laugh yet" come out with 2 american made deitz lanterns dated 1942 one keen kutter draw knife appeared to be unused one 8 inch lodge frying pan looked new one 2 stroke generator pulled the cord and she fired right up found the box with the leads for batterycharging and one weed eater. also works. Ron
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 01, 2013, 10:36:14 am
Ronnie, that was not a dumpster it was the police inpound storage!  :o >:D   LOL  Nice score!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 01, 2013, 10:44:31 am
Roy you forgot the pink stain on Pearly's bow !
Seabass we have 5 " + here come on up !
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: darwin on February 01, 2013, 11:01:29 am
found out that my father has a new job that will move him from Houston to Midland, Texas so with him and both my younger brothers either moving or going off to school i will be losing my hunting and fishing buddies. Its the right career move for him and its a great opportunity but it still sucks, they will be almost 8 hours away
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 01, 2013, 11:08:23 am
Worked on my sparkey thing that goes bang, here is a progress report.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: cracker on February 01, 2013, 11:13:24 am
yeah Keenan my father in law is mad with me for muscelin in on his turf. Ron
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 01, 2013, 12:04:54 pm
Play'ed with the tip-ups Steve sent Thanks bro. We got 20" of ice light for this time of the year. Normally be 30-36" but it's been a warm winter. Here's a pic of lil habby. Oct 3rd I was at work and we had a freak snow 4" on the ground. When I got home my chilis jalapenoes and habenores were really sad. Managed to save one habby been in the shop since started to fruit. Hopefully it'll live till I can getter back in the ground in May. Been fighting thripes can't bring it in the house till their DEAD. Useing insectical soap but it's been a battle.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 01, 2013, 01:07:50 pm
howdy folks-
wanted to express my sincere appreciation for all the kind words you guys have sent my way.
it really means a lot.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 01, 2013, 02:58:17 pm
Well a few days ago i forgot i placed my work knife on the toolbox and it fell off on the freeway lets say it didnt survive
Today my dad got me a new knife for my birthday i will say im not big on havin celebrity stuff but i do like the bear grylls survival knife it has a sharpaner,whistle,striker, and it can be used as a hammer. All with a lifetime warenty
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 01, 2013, 03:18:46 pm
Happy Birthday Sterrling. Very nice knife
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 01, 2013, 03:57:22 pm
Thanx keenan  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 01, 2013, 04:29:39 pm
Sweet knife Sterling. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 01, 2013, 05:17:32 pm
Thanx clint :) the only thing i dont like is the rubber coated handle i figure in a year itl be all worn down real bad we will see
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: trad bow on February 01, 2013, 05:21:51 pm
Made up some arrows for tradtional Bowhunters of Ga youth trailer and finished up some bow stave clamps for trade items.(
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 01, 2013, 05:23:41 pm
Thanx clint :) the only thing i dont like is the rubber coated handle i figure in a year itl be all worn down real bad we will see

Maybe it will prevent it from breaking if it hits the road at 70 mph
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 01, 2013, 05:32:55 pm
Ronnie,keen cutters are my fav drawknife,wanna trade it off?
guy,i saw that the snow is comming tonight,i hope it don't.i am tired of it allready.5" of ice would be great.
Stoker i wish i had some ice to go out on.hope you catch some nice fish brother.nice peppers btw.
Sterling,that is a very cool knife.i was thinking of gettin one.let us know how it holds up.
Clint,that was a great deal on the tent.the bigger the better i think.
well tomarrow i am going over to Ed Neats house.i found out he lives about ten minutes from me.he is a bowyer that i met at a shoot up north last year.he goes to the classic every year,but we have never met until recently.i am going to show him how to make a flemish string so he don't have to buy them for the bows he makes.he is a very nice guy and i am sure we will have a great time.maybe i can learn a few things from him.have a great day guys and gals.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 01, 2013, 05:40:42 pm
Will do seabass so far i like it, its very stout the hammer on the end is very strong iv used it today at work and the back of the blade seems very strong i used it as a hammer also haha il put it through the ringer this weekend it say lifetime warranty and il damn sure test that real soon i dont like a cheap knife that'll break
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 01, 2013, 05:53:41 pm
i know what you mean Sterling,i am hard on them myself.i could break a ball bearing.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 01, 2013, 06:16:13 pm
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 01, 2013, 06:50:54 pm
I think we have a keeper threw this close to thirty feet away first throw and the tip is just as sharp as it was before no chipping, dents,bends. Time will tell on the rest
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 01, 2013, 06:59:03 pm
looks like i am gonna get one Sterling.nice shot btw.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 02, 2013, 08:42:27 pm
I was going to start heating in the reflex on my D/R stave tonight but didn't get around to it.  I did set up my new tent to make sure nothing was wrong with it.  It is good to go.  I guess they were telling me the truth.  The rain cover was still bundled up from the factory.  I don't think the tent was ever used.  I sure got a good deal on it.  I can't wait to set it up in a Tennessee valley in a couple of months   ;)

My Dad helped/supervised

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 02, 2013, 11:06:03 pm
Looks good, Clint.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 02, 2013, 11:12:22 pm
Thanks Roy.  25 degrees and a few inches of snow is why its set up in the garage  ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: okie64 on February 02, 2013, 11:23:38 pm
Good lookin tent there Clint. Your dad looks like he helps about like my dad, mostly standing there and telling me how i should be doing it.
Well my know-it-all cousin came over to visit me this evening and somehow we got to talkin about firewood. He proceeded to tell me how osage was terrible firewood and that it didnt put off any heat and burned up way too fast. Usually I just ignore him but just for kicks I decided to show him what it would do. I burn osage all the time in my firepit but I pretended like I had never tried burning it. So I grabbed some shavings and a few osage billets and threw em in the pit and it was priceless to see him speechless! I love my cousin just like a brother but it sure was funny to mess with him a little bit.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 02, 2013, 11:27:21 pm
that looks like a great tent did get a good deal on that one.tonight i made dinner for my mom.pork loin on the grill with a blackberry reduction was very good.when i got home from moms,i found one of my dogs had dog Carie was dead.i loved her very when i got up,i noticed that she was having trouble breathing.other than that,she appeared fine.i was going to make her a vet appointment for monday.i had no indication that she was this sick.i am really tore up right now.i just buried her up on the hill.i will miss her alot.she was the sweetest dog i had.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 02, 2013, 11:32:09 pm
Sorry to hear that Steve.  A good dog is the most honest friend a man will ever have. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 02, 2013, 11:39:28 pm
this was devastating Clint.i loved her very much.i just got her buried on the hill.this was the first day that she acted sick.i don't know what happened.i guess she is in a better place other dogs are bummed out.they allready know what happened and are very sad.she will be missed.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 03, 2013, 06:40:06 am
Sorry to hear that Steve.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: cracker on February 03, 2013, 08:30:50 am
I'm sorry to hear about that Steve, my dogs are like my children I get all tore up when something happens to one of them.Ron
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 03, 2013, 10:10:23 am
Hard to lose family memebers Steve, I can tell by your words she was way more then a pet. Thoughts are with you my friend.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 03, 2013, 10:14:21 am
oh dear seabass-so sorry to  hear of yr pup. thinking of you man.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 03, 2013, 11:59:57 am
I spent 15 hours with some of my best bow friends working bows Saturday. We all gathered at Martys shop to visit, talk shop and work on bows. It was our second gathering in as many years and it was an absolute ball. If there is a a heaven on earth? I was there yesterday.

Cody (Misslemasetr)
Chris (Blackhawk)
Guy (Buckeye Guy)
Matt (MWiricki)
Marty (Oldtimberbows)
Darryl Quidort (DQ)
Ryan (Ryoon)    *osage hater*
Chamookman (Bob)

Plus a few others that arent on the boards. Great people and it almost brings me to tears thinking about it again. Its just not fair that everybodyt cant enjoy the day like we did. Four states of friends in one garage for one weekend. The generosity with goods and knowledge was overwhelming. I love all these guys like brothers.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 03, 2013, 12:07:54 pm
Sounds like fun.  I hope someone took some pictures of the bows you guys were working on.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 03, 2013, 12:19:46 pm
Sounds like fun.  I hope someone took some pictures of the bows you guys were working on.

We all snapped quite a few Clintster. DQ had a nice camera, not sure he will post them though. Im sure Chris or I will slap some up soon.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 03, 2013, 12:33:37 pm
looking forward to the pictures Pearl
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 03, 2013, 12:53:30 pm
A Seabass - My condolences on the loss of a friend. The loss of my first dog is still burned in my mind - I was 12 on the fateful day.

Here is a rainbow shot of Yosemite Falls.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 03, 2013, 01:03:32 pm
thanks guys for all the kind words.i am pretty sad.Carie was a sweet dog.her brother Cash is allready missing her.they were like peas and carrots together.he has been walking around looking for her.he was standing by her side when i found her last night.she was 11 years old.she will be missed.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: darwin on February 03, 2013, 01:07:22 pm
Went trout fishing yesterday at a stocked pond and watched the Damn bird catch about 30 fish while I didn't catch anything
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: RyanY on February 03, 2013, 01:35:54 pm
Had an amazing time at Marty's with the guys this weekend! Got lots of bows to finish up and do some more work on. Pics soon.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: turtle on February 03, 2013, 04:58:27 pm
Had a great time friday and saturday rabbit hunting with my father. We were tracking them in reclaimed strip mine ground without any dogs. Our two day total was 15. I just love fresh snow for tracking rabbits. ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 03, 2013, 06:03:42 pm
Yep good times for sure at Marty's !!
Thanks for having us brother !
It was good to see ya all !!
Hope to see ya again real soon !

Seabass , bummer about your dog !

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 03, 2013, 06:35:07 pm
just workin' on some bows and waiting for my NINERS to take it to the ravens >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Old timber bows on February 03, 2013, 06:47:16 pm
The Marty Jam 2nd annal was great we built a lot of great bows and ate some great food and had fun by all I want to say thanks to every one that come cant wait until next year you all are great bow makers and was a fun weekend learning new ideas agin to many to right names we had 13 bow guys in my grage on sat it was sweet as black hack would say we had some sexey bows going on I think we had 15 bows built this weekend thanks all for a good time it was great untill the next time we cross paths and meet take care bros . Marty T. Old Timber Bows.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 03, 2013, 07:08:15 pm
Oh yes good food !
And good times for sure !
I gotta quit begging , you folks are goona fill my garage back up !
Arrows are sweeeet thanks Pearly !
Glad to see that pink stain matched your purse OK !! >:D
Pennsylvania Black Locust to try out !!! Thanks Blackhawk !
And while you all where worrying about trying to prove your king Misslemaster was blowing right on by you with find another king !! thanks for the Buckthorn I hope I can do it justice my friend !! Ryoons new war bow in a 1/2 a day helps proves the value of this resource !
And most of all thanks to all that were there for being a friend to this worthless old nut !!

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on February 03, 2013, 07:42:40 pm
I'm whooped guys....40 countable hours of bowmaking madness over a weekend all on pure god given bowmaking adrenaline....another great bowananza marathon with a bunch of my good bros.  ; I got three more bows to finish shooting in and seal n post.... :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: DQ on February 03, 2013, 07:57:48 pm
Wow!  All those guys in Marty's shop sure can whittle some wood!  I took a newbee friend along and PEARLY (mostly) got him rasping in the right direction to make a bow.  He was shooting it by Saturday afternoon.  I got to put a few faces to names, real names not alias, secret society, internet type names.  LOL  I had a great day.  Thanks, Marty and all of the rest, for an interesting, enjoyable day.  DQ
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 03, 2013, 09:09:56 pm
I custom painted my cover plates today kn my 5 string bass
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on February 03, 2013, 11:15:08 pm
Marty Jam sounds like it would have been a blast, and maybe even educational! :)  Nice paint job Sterling.

I've been on a leather kick lately.  Made a new dog collar and a bracelet this weekend.


Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Poggins on February 03, 2013, 11:20:15 pm
Lastnight I went to the OSS (Oklahoma Selfbow Society) banquet . Members brought items for a rafle and an aucion  , T.J. Conrads was our guest speaker this year . We made plans for a workday before OJAM coming up in March . I'm on the local volinter fire department and today we cleaned our fire station for our annual fund raiser next weekend .
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 03, 2013, 11:28:43 pm
Cam your leather work has gone through the roof man.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on February 03, 2013, 11:32:56 pm
Thanks Pearlie.  Only downfall is that my bowyering skills are going down the crapper!  I gotta remedy that soon!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 04, 2013, 01:53:53 am
Boy Pearlie. You guys had the cream of the crop there for sure.  Nothing like a bunch of bow building guys getting together to have fun. Some of you guys can have a reunion at the Classic.  ;)
 I can't believe Blackhawk is crying uncle. y'all must have run him ragged.  ;D Forty hours, sheesh. What a woose!  ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: RyanY on February 04, 2013, 02:19:35 am
Even after that long day I spent all day working on a piece that blackhawk gave me at the end of the night on Saturday. This is probably the craziest bow I've ever made or even seen. Hopefully I'll get it finished up here soon but here's a hint. What do you get when you cross a recurve, a yumi, and a cable backed bow? You'll see soon!  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 04, 2013, 04:50:28 am
It was fun meeting all the Guys at Martys. These Young Guys are Bowmaking machines !!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Marty for asking Matt & I over, really enjoyed Myself - Bob.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on February 04, 2013, 09:10:34 am
Yeah pat..ill admit it...I was crying uncle  :laugh:....ill explain and share martyjam in a thread later today after work..

Ryan I think I have an idea as to what your doing with that piece...oh  :laugh:

Good meeting you Bob... :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 04, 2013, 09:15:22 am
Ok guys, bring on the pictures. :D :D :D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 04, 2013, 11:31:08 am
Steve sorry for the loss of your dog. They are truley members of our families.
Got 2 pike saturday SkinnyD got the biggest 31" 9 1/2lbs. Pike closes in March hopefully the ice hangs in.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 04, 2013, 11:38:58 am
Did you save the skins?
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 04, 2013, 11:51:47 am
Saved the skins on mine. The bigger one came up the hole like a tornado. Damaged the skin bad woulda been a nice peice.
Thanks leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pappy on February 04, 2013, 11:55:11 am
Looks like everyone is staying busy.Sorry about your dog Steve,I know just where you are coming from. :( Sounds like a great time at Marty's,that had to be a blast. :) Good looking fish Stoker,looks cold where you are at. :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 04, 2013, 11:56:53 am
Don't know if this is allowed, talking about gun building instead of bows but it is what i am doing at the present.

Started shaping the butt stock on my English fowler. The wrist on a fowler fades out deeply into the butt. New territory for me, I am working the wood down a little at a time.

Blurry picture, didn't want to walk back out to the shop to take another.


This is going to be an iron mounted, English fowler, flint turkey gun. This is an expensive hobby, I probably have $900 in parts. Curly walnut stock, Chambers English round face lock and a white lightning touch hole liner, furniture from TOW,  38" Colerain 12 ga barrel jug choked by Danny Caywood.

Been working on it for a year, off and on when the mood strikes me. It will be ready to go bang when turkey season rolls around this year.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 04, 2013, 01:17:23 pm
That looks like a lot of work Eric.  Please post some pictures of it when you get it done.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 04, 2013, 02:26:03 pm
Eric your wood working skills are amazing. Looks very nice.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 04, 2013, 05:17:02 pm
nice fish Leroy,glad to see you catching some.
Eric that is a cool looking fowler.i allways wanted to make one,but didn't have the cash or skills.
Thanks Pappy,it is tough loosing one.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BowEd on February 05, 2013, 10:59:57 am
Nice fish fellas.Glued up one half of the grooved horn to the grooved wood core yesterday with hide glue for this hornbow I'm building.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 06, 2013, 12:15:36 am
Nice fish Stoker.

Great looking stock Eric
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 06, 2013, 04:38:15 am
Came down with the Flu yesterday - YUK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: darwin on February 06, 2013, 10:48:54 am
We have been haveing a bug problem for awhile and when i discovered them in my oatmeal i decided it was time to take more drastic measures so i cleaned out the fridge freezer and pantry, and i was shocked to discover the amount of food that we had tucked away in back corners that was expired. I threw away about 6 garbage bags of food that had gone bad most not even because of the bugs. I felt so disgusted with myself for the sheer amount of wastefulness that i felt i had to share, don't be like me.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 06, 2013, 12:06:17 pm
Well lastnit was interesting amanda went in to false labor :( didnt get home till 2am and no baby yet
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 06, 2013, 01:43:59 pm
Came down with the Flu yesterday - YUK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bob

Blame it on me Bob, I brought it to Martys party. I couldnt stand missing it and dragged myself down for the day. Sorry!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 06, 2013, 02:25:38 pm
Sterling, Sorry about the false part,,,,,,,,,,,been there done that. The real thing should be soon!

Bob, sorry to hear that . We have had a nasty cold bug the last couple weeks.  Im going to blame it on Pearls >:D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on February 06, 2013, 02:30:54 pm
Ugh! The flu is running thru my house now too!

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: beetlebailey1977 on February 06, 2013, 02:45:53 pm
Some sort of sickness in my house also.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 06, 2013, 04:17:12 pm
I know it knocked me down a few pegs. Other than stitiching a grip on my static, I havent done anything in my shop for 18 days.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 06, 2013, 05:29:02 pm
Well lastnit was interesting amanda went in to false labor :( didnt get home till 2am and no baby yet

I have been there several times before Sterling.  That is so frustrating.  You think the time has come and then you get sent home. 
The first time that happened I was at work that evening.  It was my first child and didn't want to miss it so I was speeding like crazy.  That's when I learned my 96 saturn topped out at 108 mph  :o
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 06, 2013, 05:31:23 pm
Allright, I'll blame You Pearlly - even tho 50% of Genessee County has it too  ;D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:! Bob
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 06, 2013, 09:51:03 pm
Nice i didnt know those cars went that fast. Update for today her mucus plug has started coming out:) so hopefully in the  next few days Sullivan will be here :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 06, 2013, 10:09:09 pm
It was aided by a downhill slope.  Good luck Sterling  :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 06, 2013, 10:11:01 pm
Thanx clint :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 06, 2013, 10:12:37 pm
I built a bark lined briefcase out of 1x2's, plywood, brass furniture.  There is no explaining it, you will have to look at it:


Now here it is opened:


By now I am sure many are scratching their heads.  And for good reason.  You don't see one of these every day do you!  One side is American elm bark, the other is cottonwood.

Lots of you think I'm about as nutty as an almond orchard, and you're not far off!  But this isn't proof that I'm ready for the white dinner jacket with the wrap around sleeves and lotsa shiney, shiney buckles and straps.  Not quite yet.  This has a purpose.  Behold!


Owls by nature are nocturnal, much like teenagers, werewolves, and other monsters.  They are often colored cryptically (camoflauged) in order to blend into their environment.  I built this background in order to allow the owls to feel more relaxed when on display at programs.

This little eastern screech owl came from Raptor Rehab of Kentucky. She was hit by a car late this summer and suffers from a detached retina.  Her eyesight is affected enough that she is unable to successfully hunt for herself.  We obtained her under Federal Permits to become one of our education birds at the Black Hills Raptor Center.  She's a red phase bird, most are grey colored.  We are slowly getting her used to being around people and we hope she has a long life with us doing wildlife education in schools and in the public. 

Six ounces of raging predatorial raptor, BEWARE her wrath!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 06, 2013, 11:08:28 pm
i saw a pygmy owl in kentucy when i was young.i was opening a cattle gate to get the truck trough.we had the head lights pointed right at it sitting on a low branch.till this day,it is the only one i have ever seen.great pic Jdub.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Shiloh on February 07, 2013, 12:47:38 am
Awwww, cute.  :) I love birds of prey, especially owls.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Jimbob on February 07, 2013, 05:38:42 am
JW, that's neat! Fine craftsmanship too.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: skyarrow on February 07, 2013, 10:43:05 am
What i did this morning installed a new poweratroke 3 reso head with a 5" port hole :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 08, 2013, 07:32:35 pm
Got my tri lam cut out, damn she got some sexy curves.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 08, 2013, 07:57:21 pm
Thats looking great Roy.  You sure make some fine laminated bows.

Today I got this 52" bow floor tillered, shaped the handle, and rounded all the edges.  I got it all set up on my reflex caul and then I realized most of my clamps were on my D/R bow from where I made a string alignment bend.  I want to reflex it, flip the tips, and sinew back it. 


Also today I learned to never try to pick up a nervous cat when the wife is running the vaccum cleaner.  You can see the results on the back of my hand.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 08, 2013, 08:07:39 pm
man,that cat tore you up buddy.nice looking bow.i am wanting to make a shortie sinew backed bow.i can't wait to see your progress Clint.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 08, 2013, 08:34:10 pm
AH Geeze Oh Man Clint.... Ya mean a little kitty cat tore ya up, son?

Ifin ya had big gunships like Pearly Boy has ya could have whooped up on that kitty cat...  :laugh:
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: turtle on February 08, 2013, 09:26:39 pm
Tha t scratched up hands not nearly as bad as a friend of mines  was when we were kids. We were fishing from the end of a sand bar in a creek when we saw a fox squirrel climbing up a large sycamore tree that leaned out over the creek. Just as the squirrel got out over the water the bark onthe tree peeled of and into the creek he went. Well that squirrel swam back to the bank and went right back up thr same tree. He managed to get to just about the same spot when the bark peeled again and back in the creek he went. By now we were rolling on the ground laughing. Well that squirrel didnt know how to give up so he swam back to shore and up the same tree he went. While the squirrel was climbing we went up on yhe bank and ran down to the tree. Just as we got there the squirrel went into the creek for the third time. When the squirrel made it back to shore he saw us standing there so instead of going up the sycamore he went up a box elder and into a hole about 5 feet up the trunk. Now that hole wasnt deep enough and about half his tail was hanging out. My friend decided we should catch that squirrel. Having been bit by a wounded squirrel once before I said that i would pull it out if he wanted to grab it. He said fine so i cut a stick about 2 feet long and started a split on one end. I managed to get the squirrels tail into the split and started twisting. When i had it twisted enough i started to slowly pull out the squirrel. When it was most of the way out my friend grabbed it by the back of the neck. Well i removed the stick from its tail and my friend was standing there holding it while we were discussing what we should do with it now. Well that squirrel decided it had had enough so it put both hind feet up over its head and sunk all its claws into the back of me friends hand and clawed all the way across it. Needless to say the squirrel got away and my friends hand looked like someone had worked it over with a razor blade. Ended the fishing for that day.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 08, 2013, 11:39:30 pm
I felt really bad for the cat.  She is a shy timid little thing we got from the pound.  I must have scared her to death.  I was standing behind her and I guess she didn't know I was there.  She turned inside out and crashed into the front of the stove. 

I think I would had to try to catch that squirrel to.  That would be a cool story to say you caught a squirrel with your hands.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on February 09, 2013, 12:12:09 am
'Twas a busy day.  Emptied the wood burner ash bucket.  Started a new fire.  Got on the tractor early, plowed 7-inches of new snow off the long driveway, and the pass to the pole barn.  Got the snowmobile running and towed the kids behind on a sled.  Went out to the woods in back and cut another few days worth of firewood.  (Had a victory beer).  Cooked pizza for dinner and made Miss Heather and her visiting friend drinks.  (Had another beer)  Worked out two of five bow blanks out of a recent billet glue up session.  Whew, I'm wooped.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: fishfinder401 on February 09, 2013, 03:26:44 am
what did i do today with classes canceled....... go sledding during a blizzard  ;D, by the way, the reason my eyes were closed is that the wind was blowing the snow so hard it was painful to look into the wind
because of this im now famous on my campus as the guy wearing shorts and a t shirt in below freezing weather ::)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 09, 2013, 11:06:46 am
Hey Noel, college might be the wrong place for you, buddy.  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 09, 2013, 11:36:53 am
Hey Noel, college might be the wrong place for you, buddy.  ;D

Pat may be right! LOL
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 09, 2013, 12:32:19 pm
I bet it took an hour for that beard to thaw out  ;D

Today has started out great.  I had to drop my son off at school this morning so on the way home I hit a cane patch I recently found.  I crawled out with 48 shafts.  Then when I got home I went to swap out memory cards in my trail camera.  On the way back to the car I found a nice shed antler in the yard.  And when I checked my pictures, I got some of a good buck with his full rack still on.  Now I'm headed out to my workshop to start reflexing that short bow. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Sidewinder on February 09, 2013, 12:41:51 pm
I meant to post this yesterday so it would fit into what I did today. I made a heat treating reflex caul and cut 12 2" holes in it with a hole saw bit ( whew that was some work) for the clamps. I also built a little stand/ holder for the heat gun. I been just rigging something redneck up and finally decided to make something that would make it easier to do and more consistent. Today I will be putting the jig to use by heat treating a little hackberry bow I made my step mom. I will also get another hackberry bow I have roughed out that I started for my wife at least to floor tiller stage as well debarking a couple staves and shooting the stuffed animal course with Rocky later in the afternoon.   Danny
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 09, 2013, 12:44:32 pm
a very dear old friend has a 50th bday party tonite!
many of our pals who play music are gonna be there fiddling and strumming and singing and dancing.
all acoustic and all folk/bluegrass.
in much need of a good old fashion swinging good time!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 09, 2013, 12:46:58 pm
I meant to post this yesterday so it would fit into what I did today. I made a heat treating reflex caul and cut 12 2" holes in it with a hole saw bit ( whew that was some work) for the clamps. I also built a little stand/ holder for the heat gun. I been just rigging something redneck up and finally decided to make something that would make it easier to do and more consistent. Today I will be putting the jig to use by heat treating a little hackberry bow I made my step mom. I will also get another hackberry bow I have roughed out that I started for my wife at least to floor tiller stage as well debarking a couple staves and shooting the stuffed animal course with Rocky later in the afternoon.   Danny

Could you post a picture of your heat gun stand?  Making one of those is on my to do list.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 09, 2013, 01:05:07 pm
It is fine to post stuff you did days earlier.  ;D This thread is for keepiing us all in touch and sharing life!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 09, 2013, 06:13:25 pm
I felt better today than I have in 3 weeks. So I headed to the shop for some serious catch up time. I finished gripping a 60# hickory flat bow I started at Martys last weekend, Ryan gave me that stave. Then I tillered out and started sealing a buckthorn beauty Cody gifted me last weekend, I love that stuff mand need more. After that I grabbed my little 46" sinew backed osage bow and tillered it to 26", it perfers 25" and so do I. It felt good to suck dust again, I needed that.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on February 09, 2013, 09:27:56 pm
Now Drums, you KNOW that I want to see the 46-incher!  Glad you're feeling better.  Sucking dust - I like it..  :laugh:
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 09, 2013, 09:55:36 pm
I got a tri lam to 20 inches on the tree.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on February 09, 2013, 10:50:29 pm
Aww man, Roy, now that thing looks convincing!!

Yes, Chris, let's see the sinew bow. I have half a notion to give sinew a try some day in the future and I would like to see your work in the area. BTW, glad you're feeling better. I'm hoping to be over this flu bug before the weekends out.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: ksnow on February 09, 2013, 11:07:37 pm
I was finally able to start making some wood shavings at my temporary home in Georgia.  I brought my new shaving horse down from WI, picked up a few boards, and I am well on my way to my first made in GA bow.  Can't wait.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: trad bow on February 09, 2013, 11:33:56 pm
Slept for the most part as this is my last nite on shift rotation for the next several weeks. Kyle, I have plenty of cane cut for that bow you are working on and can cut more than you can carry back to the northlands if you want some. Even have some hickory staves  ready if you want to try one. I know how it is to be away from home so if you want to just want to  hang out in the swamps and chill some give me a hollar.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 09, 2013, 11:47:37 pm
Roy that tiller is just about perfect. Great looking bow!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on February 10, 2013, 01:34:22 am
I made 5 knife sheaths today.  Passed along to Pappy a couple yesterday.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 10, 2013, 08:47:27 am
I dont know how you guys can start tillering a bow, then walk away and finish it later. When I start tillering I feel like Im on a slippery slope and I dont quit til Im shooting it. If it takes 15 minutes or if it takes an hour I finish it.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: robby on February 10, 2013, 09:51:50 am
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.   
But I have promises to keep,   
And miles to go before I sleep,   
And miles to go before I sleep
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: ksnow on February 10, 2013, 10:02:11 am
Robby, I thought I was okay at building flintlocks, but that makes mine look like firewood.  Absolutely gorgeous.  Any man would be proud to carry a rifle like that.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Sidewinder on February 10, 2013, 10:46:00 am
Sure Clint. Let me get  a pic taken then I'll post it. I stole the idea from one of my bow building students. Its kinda funny so when I post the pics I will tell the story.  By the way got everything done on my list with the exception of gettting the new hackberry to floor tiller. I did gett the belly depth lines layed out on it so when I get rady to put it to the knife it'll be ready for me. Its kind of hard to get everything done when life gets in the way, lol.
 Today will be mostly taken up with spiritual things but I will get two more staves debarked and sealed before the days over. Danny
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 10, 2013, 11:21:30 am
Incredible work Robby,  some day ::)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 10, 2013, 11:59:48 am
Awesome work Robby.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 11, 2013, 01:29:11 am
was dinkin' around doing some cleanup, cut down a privet, got some staves there, cut a nice sized oleander, got a stave there, went to wally world and three houses down the street and around the corner a neighbor was getting her mulberry trimmed, stopped and talked to her and she had the boys buck up some nice big branches for me, like 8" dia. stuff all I had to do was load'em up ;D. the guys wanted to see some of my bows and while i'm showing them the bows, she says "I've got an old bow and some arrows from Vietnam want to see them?', i'm lookin' at these cool arrows and bow that she said she's had for 35 years or so, then she gives them to me, SCORE!!!, i'll post some pics later, Bub
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 11, 2013, 01:46:03 am
Now thats a good day Bubby.   Looking forward to seeing the pics of the bow.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 11, 2013, 03:15:21 am
yeah OO, once in awhile an old dog finds a bone
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: cracker on February 11, 2013, 09:53:57 am
Spent the weekend helping my son move into his new house. Took turns babysitting my 10 month old grand son, had a ball playing with him he's a sport. Ron
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 11, 2013, 09:56:07 am
heya bubby-looking forward to seeing pix of that bow!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stringman on February 11, 2013, 10:38:49 am
Daughter an I was fighting the flu for the last 4-5 days and we ended up spending a lot of time together in the house or in the garage. Yesterday I was doin a little knapping when she sat down across from me and joined in. It was just too good a shot to pass.


Thankfully, we are all feeling better, and headed back to school/work.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 11, 2013, 10:46:01 am
scott-thats priceless! and precious!

glad yall are feeling better too!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 11, 2013, 12:00:41 pm
Stringman- Those are some nice pics. It ain't long and your watching your daughter graduating college.
Went perch fishing with my son. Caught tons but only went home with 8. Had a nice visit with the fish cop. He gave me some good info on a few lakes. Got a vac leak on my ice auger still trying to figure it out. It runs than sputters and dies. I put all new fuel lines on last year. Thinking the diaphram or the gasket.
Saturday night went to a high school musical play "Guys and Dolls" my niece was in the play. Those kids sang and danced their hearts out. It was really good.
6 days till Ms Kerrie goes to New York and the bathroom blowout happens. Got everything ready to go. Operation " Jettub" is a go on 16th at 7am MST
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 11, 2013, 12:29:26 pm
Great pics Scott.

 Because I know people are getting names already and I see Marie is on the site I am checking constantly for the magical PM that will send me running in who knows what direction.  Checking, Checking, checking, checking, you get the idea! :o
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 11, 2013, 03:35:22 pm
these are the pics of the Vietnamese bow and arrows i was gifted, the bow is 66" ttt and 1 5/15" at the widest point, and nearly 3/4" thick in the grip area, high crown and flat belly with a strip of boo for a string no nocks on the cane arrows but some cool points, one has barbs cut in it, arrows are 52"-54" in length with tips(
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 11, 2013, 04:02:28 pm
WOW!  That is some cool stuff Bubby. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PrimitiveTim on February 11, 2013, 06:35:51 pm
That's crazy looking!  I would like to see it shoot.  Just a strip of bamboo for a string?  I guess no stretch in that string.

Today I gathered some bamboo to trade and I heard my neighbor's chainsaw going so I went over to check it out and he was half way though taking a hackberry tree down.  I told him that I would like the trunk part cut here and there so now I have two hackberry logs to split and season.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Ifrit617 on February 11, 2013, 06:44:36 pm
Finally got home from school and ate some delicious homemade bread, watched an episode of Hawaii five-o, practiced my awful hand (offhand) shooting in my basement with the airgun finally seeing my groups shrink some, got outside and did a little shooting with a old red oak bow, studied for a physics test, and my days only part over... Still have to go to boxing later tonight. Pretty damn good day.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 11, 2013, 09:34:28 pm
Not just today but over the last week or so...

 resulting in these works in progress...
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 11, 2013, 09:43:25 pm
Great score Bubby

Pat them looks good ;) ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 11, 2013, 09:47:56 pm
looking good Pat.after work i took all the sinew off an old bow that i had been meaning to finish.i followed Pats advice and it worked out perfectly.thank you helped a bunch brother.i now need to do some heat corrections,add some reflex and put the new sinew on properly this time.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 11, 2013, 09:51:09 pm
That's a fine row of bows you got going there Pat. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 11, 2013, 10:06:29 pm
hey Pat,i just saw that you have the tool caddy for your stave master.hows that working for ya.i have been meaning to get one,just haven't done it yet.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: trad bow on February 11, 2013, 10:45:04 pm
Nice desk Pat. Would work great for arrow making, string making and tying some flies. Great looking bows.   Jeff
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 11, 2013, 11:05:55 pm
Thanks guys. It feels good to breath orange sawdust again.
  The tool caddy is very convenient. I need to add a magnet or two for scrapers.
  By the way, just soak the sinew to remove the glue and reuse it.
 Jeff the desk has seen lots of projects over the years. It is very sturdy and handy.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 11, 2013, 11:14:40 pm
thanks for the info Pat.i use magnetic sticky backed strips for my scrapers.i can bring you some to the classic if you would like some.let me know brother
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 11, 2013, 11:53:06 pm
Let's see?  What did I do today?  Oh yeah!

I crapped a concrete cinder block when I got my bow trade name.  This young feller is someone I think has some real talent as a bowyer.  His fondness for character bows is only exceeded by his mania for decoration! 

Yup.  This is gonna be a tough bow to do.  I think I may go the opposite direction for him, plain and simple.  But that means I got nothing to hide behind in my tillering.  Sometimes you can blame poor tillering on character, but a plain bow doesn't offer that opportunity. 

Yup. This is gonna be a tough bow to do.  I like this kid.  I wanna do this right.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on February 12, 2013, 12:11:40 am
I finished up another knife and sheath.  Stocking up I guess.   :)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 12, 2013, 12:17:42 am
Yes, magnetic self adhesive strip would be nice. I looked at Lowe's for some but the "assistant" just looked at me like I was nuts. I'm planning on bringing my Stave Master to the Classic so just bring a piece then.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 12, 2013, 09:51:57 am
Some fine looking bows laying there Pat.  I know you have to feel just great sitting on that Stave Master and pulling of yellow shavings ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 12, 2013, 10:14:44 am
sweet Pat!
like yr desk/work station.

Happy Fat Tuesday!!
just got home from the 5am parade.
turned off when they headed to a downtown bar that opens for em at 7a on fat tuesday
decided to not do as i did last year-didnt get home till about the same time the next morning....
whew! getting to old to party that hard/long(did get a 3 hr nap on a friends couch in between...)
will catch up with the krewe for the big parade tonite
have a good un
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 12, 2013, 10:46:12 am
Sadie LMAO:) Been there done that myself...
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 12, 2013, 10:54:14 am
The top one is yours Charlie. I wrapped the handle in news paper to spray satin poly over the Tru-Oil finish.  All she need now is a bit more shooting before she heads out to her new home in VA.
  The second from the bottom is Katt's bow. Just about the same stage of completion as yours. The other two came from the "corner of shame" for another chance at life. One will be a kids bow for the classic raffle table and I'm not sure about the other one yet.
  Happy Fat Tuesday to you too Sadie. I get your drift. I grew up in Savannah and we had one of the three biggest celebrations in the US for St Patricks Day; New york and Boston the other two. Long days with lots of embibing will surely take it toll. I don't miss those days much anymore...I do still hold on to some of the memories. ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 12, 2013, 11:02:01 am
  Happy Fat Tuesday to you too Sadie. I get your drift. I grew up in Savannah and we had one of the three biggest celebrations in the US for St Patricks Day; New york and Boston the other two. Long days with lots of embibing will surely take it toll. I don't miss those days much anymore...I do still hold on to some of the memories. ;)

you remember???? :o
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 12, 2013, 01:23:07 pm
I remember the parts I remember!  ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 12, 2013, 02:40:40 pm
I made my self a little persuasion board.  Going to be needing this very shortly. ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 12, 2013, 04:26:25 pm
Looking great Charlie. See what these bow swaps do for ya!  ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 12, 2013, 04:28:20 pm
3" of reflex Chuck? 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 12, 2013, 04:54:32 pm
It sure does Keenan, and yes Pearl, 3" at 72"
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 12, 2013, 05:07:52 pm
Thats a good number to end up with a nice, flat unstrung profile. 4" Will usually keep a tad of that reflex. It never hurts to have 2 or 3 cauls around the shop of varying degrees.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 12, 2013, 05:15:31 pm
There will be more in the making very soon.  Went out, got more clamps, came back, oiled the stave up, clamped the handle down.........HEAT GUN WILL NOT WORK.  So I packed everything up, put it away and came in the house. >:(  No the hunt is on for a heat
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 12, 2013, 05:31:12 pm
Pat,i will put the magnetic tape on my to bring list.Charlie,i would let you borrow my heat gun but i'll be needing it tonight.i got a real good one at Menards big box store for 20 bucks.i don't know if you have a menards in virginia.they are cheaper there than they are at the other two big box hardware stores.i might have to make me a shorter form for my new bow to be.i think my current form is for 60 to 67 inch bows and this little stave is gonna be a sinew backed shortie with canebrake skins.well off to the man cave.hope all you guys and gals are having a wonderful day.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 12, 2013, 06:13:34 pm
No we don't have that store here in Va that I know of Steve, but we do have a store that sells discount items and they have a few in that price range.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 12, 2013, 07:36:50 pm
i think you jinxed me Charlie lol.i was using mine earlier and my highest setting is not working now.i guess i am in the market for another.i did get alot of yeller dust in it.that might be the culprit.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 12, 2013, 07:42:28 pm
Sorry about  Must be a heat gun day for sure.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 12, 2013, 09:19:01 pm
My Walmart Wagner heat gun has been going strong for years.  Even after the cord somehow got melted  ::)

After we got the potentially good news about my son today I called my Dad to see if he wanted to look for sheds.  We spent two hours hiking through the hills.  No antlers but we found an Elm tree that was struck by lightning.  It had about an 8" strip of bark blown off of it from the to the ground.  It spiraled around the tree all the way down.  I've never seen that before.  We came home with some treasures; 2 golfballs, a turtle shell minus the turtle, and one side of a coyote jaw.  I spent more time looking for trees to cut than I did antlers.  It was some good quality time in the woods with him.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 12, 2013, 09:58:15 pm
Good for you Clint !!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: trad bow on February 12, 2013, 10:06:39 pm
Straighten two dozen cane shafts.Will sand them down tommorrow night and take pics then. Two sizes, one dozen for me and one for my grandsons 25 lb bow. ;D
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 12, 2013, 10:17:51 pm
Sounds like a great day Clint. I got the other side of a shorty bow dipped today. Should be able to call it done in a  few days.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 12, 2013, 11:49:03 pm
Sounds awesome Clint. Good times togther is priceless.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Sidewinder on February 13, 2013, 11:02:11 am
Got my name today for the bow trade and boy howdy am I excited. I love all you guys but i could not be happier with who I drew. I've got two bows to get done before i can start on his and I am stoked.

Broke the hackberry bow I was working on for my step mom. I have'nt broken one in about 4yrs so it was nice to know I was still mortal, lol. I think I must have dried it out too much when I put the heat treat on it. I might need someone to school me on how much of a heat treat you can put on hack. Went ahead and finished roughing out on the one I had in the wings so it has now moved into first position on the project list.

Gonna get a couple more staves debarked today and work on the hackberry bow mentioned above. See if I can get it floor tillered and then make some heat corrections on the caul.


Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 13, 2013, 05:58:00 pm
Think we found the problem on the iceauger. Jiffy model 30 3hp tecumshe 2 stroke motor. My son SkinnyD aka Dan replaced the diaphram and gasket late last year and it ran till end of season. Fuel was leaking out of the gasket. So we took the carb down to the local small engine guy Winston. He takes one look at it and says the bottom plated is warped. May I buy one? Laughter....NO!. Hammered it back flat on my anvil. Paper gasket and some grey goo. Gonna try and getter going tonight let it set for a day. Had it for 20 years musta drilled 5000 holes with it she was built to last. I know it doesn't owe me anything anymore but I love that auger. Spent a lot of Saturdays looking down a 8" hole in a plywood hut from 10C to -58C Coldest christmas eve I remember but did we catch pike. 8)
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Lemos on February 13, 2013, 06:19:54 pm
I hung out with a tree trimming crew today and will for the next couple of days. Apparently they're cutting down 80 trees for a street widening project so for the grand sum of thirty dollars in coffee gift cards I get to pick and choose from the trees that come down. I've already got eight stovepipe straight hazels and am waiting for several apples and a couple of highly burled cherry trees, I'm thinking I might grab a couple of holly's and some pears just for giggles.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bow101 on February 13, 2013, 07:46:14 pm
Nothing....!!!!!! ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 13, 2013, 09:05:37 pm
Good job hooking up with the tree trimmers Lemos.  Show them what to look for in a good bow tree and ask them to keep an eye out for you in the future.

Today I got the blade tensioner fixed on my bandsaw for under $2 in parts from the local hardware store, flipped a tip, and put some skulls in the crockpot to cook over night.  Should be good and tasty by morning  :P
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 13, 2013, 09:06:12 pm
well Charlie,my heat gun crapped out on me too tonight.i ran down and got me another.i put my short bow on the form.after dinner,i am going to the man cave an see how she turned out.if all is good,i might just flip the tips and start pounding some sinew.i hope all you guys and gals are having a great evening.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: turtle on February 13, 2013, 09:34:38 pm
Fixed the back on my mother in laws recliner. Put a new light bulb in her oven. Roughed out a flowering dogwood stave to just starting to bend then weighed it and put it up for a few days. The last dogwood i did wasnt as dry as i thought when i started it so i thought i would make sure on this one. I am hoping this one turns out good enough to be my trade bow.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 13, 2013, 10:46:48 pm
I hauled the birds to a residency program for troubled kids and did a 45 minute program that lasted an hour and fortyeight minutes.  I am used to high school students that fade out after about 45 minutes and give me the glazed and dazed look.  These kids were really getting warmed up after 45 minutes and the question-n-answer period would have never ended if the staff hadn't reminded the kids there were other things that needed to be done for the day! 

Come what may, I want to go back and sit down with these kids and tell them about how I came to be where I am today.  The only difference between them and myself is that one of us didn't get caught. 
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 13, 2013, 10:54:44 pm
some of us were lucky Jdub.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: ksnow on February 13, 2013, 11:30:03 pm
I got my new ash bow tillered back to 50# @ 24".  I just need to get it 4" more at the same weight.  A few more evenings and I should be shooting it.  This will be my first bow made while I am in Georgia for 6 months for work.  It definitely relaxes me at night to shave away.  I brought five precut boards with me, I might need to find some wood soon.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 14, 2013, 09:08:39 am
Amen JW !
There was more than one of us that did not get caught !
Good on you !! for working with them
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 14, 2013, 11:00:14 am
Happy Valentines Day!   ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 14, 2013, 12:59:56 pm
Back atcha Sadie and all.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 14, 2013, 03:05:47 pm
Roses are red
So is my truck
It's Valentines Day
So let's go find my rhyming dictionary.

Hope you all have a wonnerful Valentines Day with someone special.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 14, 2013, 03:40:35 pm
Ice auger is back running. God bless Wisconsin.
Happy Valentines Day to you and yours.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 14, 2013, 04:02:35 pm
Today I flipped another tip, picked out a stave for my trade bow, and cleaned a few skulls.  My chipmunk skull didn't survive but the others did.  A roadkill coyote and 2 groundhogs that I removed from work.  Somehow I lost a small tooth from the coyote skull but luckily I have some spare parts so I was able to replace it.  I still need to soak them over night in some soapy water and then they will be ready to whiten.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Lemos on February 14, 2013, 09:17:43 pm
Well got side tracked with work today so I didn't get to go out with the tree trimming crew,guess ill catch up with them on Friday.       I did meet a trapper and now I have to go get 14 beaver tails ohh poor pity me
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Adam on February 14, 2013, 10:52:26 pm
Well got side tracked with work today so I didn't get to go out with the tree trimming crew,guess ill catch up with them on Friday.       I did meet a trapper and now I have to go get 14 beaver tails ohh poor pity me

Man, what a tough life!  ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 15, 2013, 11:01:06 am
Dan came over last night to work on his knife. Finally got inspired on a handle. Built the hilt out of brass. pic of the piece of brass bar and knife.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 15, 2013, 04:36:42 pm
WOW!  That's going to be a cool knife.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 15, 2013, 05:04:52 pm
Thanks Osage- Dan had seen a handle a bit back on a knife and musta stewed on the idea. Came over last night all fired up started given'r on Dad's tools. I don't mind kinda like it. He designed, shaped and polished the blade. Mule deer antler handle gonna be nice.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 15, 2013, 05:20:43 pm
Leroy you got that baby buffed right up. Very nice.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 15, 2013, 05:37:22 pm
nice osage outlaw-
love bones n skulls n stuff.
pick em up whenever i run across em
rocks too
cool stuff!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bigpapa on February 15, 2013, 08:19:20 pm
Well, I was actually around the campfire, kinda sorta. Lol!! Broke out the rivet forge and coal and hickory and spent the day makin fire and forging out two  horseshoe knives. Lol!! Also tried making a tomahawk from a railroad spike, but it split while opening the hole for the handle. Poop!!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: trad bow on February 15, 2013, 08:37:11 pm
Called myself hunting but the hogs and squirrells didn't cooperate. Came upon some caneSpent the rest of the afternoon prepping sorting and binding them up .


Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 15, 2013, 09:01:34 pm
Now that's a good lookin' pile of arrow shafts.

Worked and slept most of the day.  I went to swap out the card on my trail camera before heading back to work and found the matching anter from the shed I found last week.  This is only the third time I have found a matching set.  He should be a good one next year.

Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 16, 2013, 11:59:44 am
Well, I was actually around the campfire, kinda sorta. Lol!! Broke out the rivet forge and coal and hickory and spent the day makin fire and forging out two  horseshoe knives. Lol!! Also tried making a tomahawk from a railroad spike, but it split while opening the hole for the handle. Poop!!

wow. really like these knives.
prefer a more "primitive" look and these are great!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 16, 2013, 12:42:42 pm
@Bigpapa - those knives are sweet! I like the look. One day i will have time to do stuff like that. I am a working stiff with a honey do list long enough to stretch from here to there.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 16, 2013, 04:10:58 pm
Worked on chasing a ring on a couple sets of billets.  And got my first one cut out.
More to come ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bigpapa on February 16, 2013, 04:47:29 pm
Well, I was actually around the campfire, kinda sorta. Lol!! Broke out the rivet forge and coal and hickory and spent the day makin fire and forging out two  horseshoe knives. Lol!! Also tried making a tomahawk from a railroad spike, but it split while opening the hole for the handle. Poop!!

wow. really like these knives.
prefer a more "primitive" look and these are great!

Yeah they look pretty rough. Lol!! Was fun making them though. And they actually took a good edge. Plan to make a sheath and carry one around for awhile and see how it does. And thanks, BTW.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 16, 2013, 08:06:42 pm
that is nice looking cane in the background that what you got ready for the classic?well today i met up with Mr.Ed Neat.i went over to his house to teach him how to make a flemish string.this guy makes a great bow.we shot some bows and talked shop for a while.he is a nice guy to hang out with and i am glad i met him.his bows shoot fast and draw smooth.we had a great day.i hope all of you are having a day like mine.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 16, 2013, 08:10:33 pm
That is some of it Steve.  I am going in a week or so and get a pretty good truck load to have all I need to bring to the classic.  Just have to catch a decent day of weather, and I am headed that way ;)
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 16, 2013, 08:16:43 pm
I got Yew shavings all over Miss Heathers bench  >:D, finally getting My Yew starting to bend. Plus I got to shoot a "new" Osage sinew backed shorty Matt just finished from a piece of wood I gave Him. Man - those shortys REALLY spit an arrow ! Bob
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 16, 2013, 08:19:14 pm
Shoe doent use that bench anymore Bob, you should be okay dirtying it up!
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 18, 2013, 10:09:12 pm
Took the dog out for the final day of bunny season.

Double stovepipe, a willing dog, and thickets holding bunnies.  If I live a good life and put my faith where it belongs, that is what is waiting for me!

Looking at that picture reminds me of my now past Scully.  Same tired and satisfied look on her face many times, good times, sir, good times.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RyanY on February 19, 2013, 01:35:40 am
Finished a book shaped keepsake box for a friends birthday.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 19, 2013, 10:54:16 am
wow, that box is really nice.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RyanY on February 19, 2013, 11:13:43 am
Thanks sadiejane! Some minor imperfections in the details kill me a little on the inside but I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Believe it or not, all the wood is Home Depot poplar!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 19, 2013, 11:36:47 am
Bigpapa- Nice looking knives. I just picked up some railroad spikes last week. My son wants to build a hawk. He has to finish his knife first don't need more unfinished projects in the shop. Don't know where these kids learn this  >:D.
Operation jettub was launched saturday afternoon. Ms Kerrie never left for New York till 4pm. I got a stern look from her when I was taking the shower doors off the tub when she was sitting in it. Two days to gut and reframe. House was biult in'52. Somebody thought it would be a good idea to plywood the walls before drywalling them. Had 3 plumbing problems with the waste water. Spent yesterday cutting the cast stack and replacing the whole system. A freind came over to help good thing he's a plumber saved my butt in a big way. The only silver lining is that the toilet flange is nice soft lead I'll shoot that through my 45lc. Tonight start with the electrical. I don't know why but I enjoy this reno thing. You'd think drywalling all day long i'd be the last thing you'd want to do when you come home....
Thanks Leroy 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 19, 2013, 01:07:43 pm
Nice, ryoon!  If I had that I'd keep a book inside it. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 19, 2013, 04:56:27 pm
Today I sinew backed a 52" osage bow with some elk sinew


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Sidewinder on February 19, 2013, 05:49:29 pm
Well every other friday is normally the day the guys come from the city and we work on their bows. They could'nt make it so  yesterday ( Monday) I was in the city and stopped by their place. Took my tillering tree and heating caul. We made up for lost time. Got one of their bows tillered out to 28" and the other is floor tillered but neeeded some heat corrections so we did that, now its resting waiting its turn on the tilllering tree.
 Today gonna spend a little time reducing the tips and cutting in nocks on the hackberry. Been giving it a few days to rehydrate before trying to bend it again. looks like its all in alignment and has 3" reflex right now. Will see what it holds when were all done. Forgot how to finish the ends on a flemish string so need to re watch the you tube. Had a major brain fart last night when trying to show the guys how and could not for the life of me remember how its done. At leasst they know I'm no Einstien when it comes to this kind of stuff. Hopefully it will inspire them that if I can do it then so can they.   Danny
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 19, 2013, 07:27:41 pm
nice job clint.i have been working on mine,but they put me on ten hour days.that has put a damper on my progress.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 19, 2013, 08:10:35 pm
No excuse will be accepted if you break that stick Clint.............zerooooo...........
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 20, 2013, 09:21:55 pm
Got a dozen awesome switch cane shafts in the mail from a Buddy in Arkansas and put the third coat of tung oil on the tri lam. One more coat otta do it then the rest and grip.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Cardboard_Duck on February 20, 2013, 10:20:07 pm
I made my first knife today -



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 20, 2013, 10:50:34 pm
nice blade Duck.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 21, 2013, 09:02:39 am
Very nice Duck
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 21, 2013, 09:17:25 am
Cant wait to see the tri-lam-da lam-da-lam Roybert.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 21, 2013, 11:02:34 am
Nice Knife turned out real good
Thanks leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on February 21, 2013, 02:05:53 pm
I had a Root Canal on one of my molars. :o
It was no fun.
Recked my record of having perfect teeth at 47 years old. :(

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 21, 2013, 03:16:38 pm
Wait till your 64 and see how many you have left, David. LOL
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 22, 2013, 09:12:52 am
On Monday one of my Buddies and I set up a 9 shot archery range @ my house.  Pretty dang fun.  Today I drove through I and rain for 1.5 hours to get to my high school teaching job to find out that school had been canceled a 1/2 hour after I left the house.  Man am I pissed.  I do have high speed internet here though and a little while to get on PA before I drive home to my dial up sevice.   ;) ;) Have a gooder, dpg
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on February 22, 2013, 10:26:19 am
12 inches of snow in kc.
looks like there was a "block" party in every neighborhood.
ours was no exception.
reckon im the first one up this am.
did find my neighbors back door(where the block party occurred) was standing wide open.
some neighborhood kats were munching on leftovers and the housekats food.
the 9 mo old shepard had a nice walkabout but was in the yard when i got up happy as a lark
and glad that finally some human was up to play with....
got the stray kats out, the puppy in and the door secured without waking my neighbors.
gotta love snow days!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 23, 2013, 01:56:00 am
well,i was in the man cave tonight pounding out some sinew.i went up tp the house and she said i had a voice mail on the was BearG.he is down at twin oaks with pappy and the boys.i called him back and he put me on speaker phone.there was alot of short jokes flying around.i may be short.but i am bigger than i look.i'll be down there on march 15.look out fellas,i'll be there soon.and by the way,Pappy you ain't much taller than me lol.see you soon guys.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 23, 2013, 02:51:02 am
You let'em have it Steve.  Don't let them guys pick on us vertically challenged folk.  Remind them that we have shorter draw lengths which lets us have a wider variety of bow styles and lengths.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 23, 2013, 08:57:46 am
You go Steve. And when ya get to Twin Oaks, check out Pearly Boys Gunships. They look more like pop guns to me:) :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BryanR on February 23, 2013, 02:51:42 pm
Fired some pottery last night in the back yard firepit.  Able to get some really nice silver coloring on a few of the pieces.  As expected, not all the pieces survived.....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 23, 2013, 03:26:24 pm
Cool stuff, Bryan!  I like the finished look!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on February 23, 2013, 03:30:51 pm
Gettin a little time in the garage today. Finished the sheath on this trade knife for Pearl drums. (Thanks again buddy!)


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 23, 2013, 05:48:54 pm
Today my Carter Roller Kit arrived for my band saw:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 23, 2013, 06:37:36 pm
Sure hope those directions come with pictures >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 23, 2013, 07:56:19 pm
Charlie ole boy, what's your address. I need to pay ya a visit. :) >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 23, 2013, 09:09:14 pm
What kind of saw are you putting those on Roy? 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on February 23, 2013, 09:13:16 pm
Hey Roy...just bring those up n install em on mine for me will ya pal?  >:D....heavy duty there;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 23, 2013, 09:22:20 pm
Clint it's a 14 inch Craftsman, Sears.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 23, 2013, 09:26:16 pm
BR549 Roy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 23, 2013, 11:34:51 pm
Do they make a kit for the 12" Craftsman?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 24, 2013, 04:23:11 am
That's funny there Stringstreatcher  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 24, 2013, 09:02:06 am
Charlie what am I gonna do with you ole timer? LOL

Says they do, Clint. Here is the link, check it out a 12 inch sears is listed.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: nathan elliot on February 24, 2013, 09:15:28 am
Moved to a new place and have yet to set my workshop up as it needs a new roof. Waiting for the weather to pick up a bit before I put on a new roof then I can get a new caul made and set up some kind of tillering tree, not to mention putting in some kind of stove (brrrr Scotland can be chilly). With the few remaining staves that travelled with me from Germany I’m going back to basics. Axe, rasp and scraper, so far have one floor tillered Pear wood self-bow ready for a long string and just axed out two new Sloe (Prunus Spinosa) staves. I also knocked up a bench to sit on.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 24, 2013, 04:29:01 pm
Looks like you built your lovely patio bench from some of gstoneberg's best bowstaves!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 24, 2013, 09:34:28 pm
I gave yew another chance and so far it appears I finally have beat my nemisis.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: ksnow on February 24, 2013, 10:06:25 pm
Took the wife to the Rock Hawk mound near Eatonton, GA, thanks Trad Bow for showing me.  It is an awesome place to visit. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 24, 2013, 11:39:31 pm
yesterday i took a osage stave that Clint gifted me and took a belly split from i got a bow roughed out.there was a snall check on the back that i thought was no big deal.when i was reducing my thickness,i noticed the check went down through the belly.i worked hard on this stave with all hand tools.i am not going to let it fail.i will probably do as Clint suggested,and do a sinew is a nice stave,i am not going to let it get the best of me.hope you guys are having a great day.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 24, 2013, 11:43:16 pm
Post a pic of that crack Steve. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Frawg on February 24, 2013, 11:53:34 pm
I took the obsidian blade Madcrow chipped out yesterday and hafted it up. I put it on a piece of cholla and added a erc butt cap to it.
I smoothed down a hunk of spalted ambrosia maple and added a piece of whitetail antler to make a display stand.



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 25, 2013, 12:07:09 am
Charlie what am I gonna do with you ole timer? LOL

Says they do, Clint. Here is the link, check it out a 12 inch sears is listed.

Thanks for the link Roy.  WOW  :o  Those are pricey.  I bought the saw for about half of what that kit costs.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 25, 2013, 12:34:04 am
Well no wonder why your bows come out crooked then. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 25, 2013, 11:20:03 am
Made 375# of deer sausage. 7 of us in the mix Started 24 yrs ago with 2 now the boys are older they been doing the hard work.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 25, 2013, 11:53:26 am
Just got back on the home front after being on the road for a while and trying to get caught up on the reading. You boys have been very busy. I had a great time. Spent the first few days wondering around in the desert a little,  then went to Juniper Junky's off grid cabin. 
 Somehow some of the most incredible yew logs, that I have ever seen, found their way home with me ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 25, 2013, 12:03:58 pm
Kennan ya son of a gun, I've been worried about your crusty ole butt. Nice to see your still kicking:)

I'm heading out to the bow shop to install my roller guide upgrade on the band saw and then put the rest and grip on the tri lam.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 25, 2013, 06:52:36 pm
Put the roller guides on the band saw.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 25, 2013, 06:58:42 pm
Got the rest and grip on the tri lam, need to do the arrow plate and make a string up yet.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 25, 2013, 07:32:35 pm
welcome back Keenan.i was wondering what you was up to lately.Clint,i will try and get a pic of the crack for ya tonight.Leroy,that sausage looks delicious.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on February 25, 2013, 09:17:43 pm
I made a dozen arrows today.  Just need to use the feather burner at Twin Oak's and they'll be ready to fling an arrow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 25, 2013, 10:05:56 pm
Tri Lam about done, just needs arrow plate and new string.



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 26, 2013, 09:19:35 pm
Today I realized I'm not a flintknapper  :(  I just can't get into it.  All I want to do is make bows and suddenly knives.  I put the scales on my first try at a knife this evening.  I think I can get it done tomorrow so I'll post it.  Its nothing special, just a beginners knife out of a bandsaw blade.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 26, 2013, 10:54:30 pm
I understand, Clint. Ya never was the brightest bulb on the tree.. :)

I got the tri lam done today..

And started another.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 27, 2013, 12:07:45 am
Roy,you make some nice trilams brother.if ya ever make one that you don't need,let me know.those thing are nice.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Keenan on February 27, 2013, 12:25:32 pm
Kennan ya son of a gun, I've been worried about your crusty ole butt. Nice to see your still kicking:)

I'm heading out to the bow shop to install my roller guide upgrade on the band saw and then put the rest and grip on the tri lam.

LOL Thanks Roy.  Those sure are some dandy tri lams your making!

Good to be back on the home front. Allot of catching up to do
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 27, 2013, 02:42:29 pm
went and got some cortisone shots in my wrists yesterday, should be able to start working some bows now
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 27, 2013, 03:12:34 pm
Well yesterday I took my wife in for some rotator cuff clean up. The doc found that the joint in the top of her shoulder had been rubbing together that the ends of the bone were shiny! He also found a bone spur so he took it out.  We drove back home - which is about 3.5 hours. The nerve block they put in wore off around midnight and the tears began. finally got her pain down and been staying on top of her meds.  In a sling for about 6 weeks. Now a lefty instead of a righty. Makes life difficult.  I am home for the week being a house husband and nurse.  Thank you all for all of your prayers and support for all of the things that have needed praying for here on PA!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Patches on February 27, 2013, 03:14:49 pm
I shovelled snow. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on February 27, 2013, 03:20:10 pm
I will be praying for you folks !
Shoulder therapy is a lot of work and no fun !
You have your work cut out for you and her !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 27, 2013, 05:00:36 pm
i hope she feels better soon Ben.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 27, 2013, 05:11:40 pm
Ben, I hope you got the pain managed, tell her to just sit back and relax, you don't get a maid that often >:D, Bub
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 27, 2013, 06:14:29 pm
Flipping the tips on an Osage belly slat.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 27, 2013, 08:14:31 pm
got a pc of privet reduced down to about floor tiller, clamped it to a board and gonna let it season a bit, shouldn't take a lot of time here in sunny 70% calif, wrist's held up o.k. but the rasp did all the work, Bub
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on February 27, 2013, 08:41:17 pm
Roy, Roy, Roy my need to sit that camera up and roll the footage while you are doing the work, not after it is done....geeeshsss...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on February 27, 2013, 10:59:19 pm
i'm with you Charlie.he makes a great looking trilam.i need one.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PrimitiveTim on February 27, 2013, 11:01:59 pm
I knapped some glass at school between classes.  Got two arrowheads almost done.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 27, 2013, 11:45:28 pm
Charlie I've got one nerve left and your standing on it Gramps:)

Wife and her new tri lam at full draw.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on February 27, 2013, 11:47:18 pm
Another tri lam in the works.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RyanY on February 28, 2013, 12:07:15 am
Picked up some stuff to try and make a ukulele.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bushboy on February 28, 2013, 12:27:33 am
Ordered a osage stave from carson @ echoarchery yay me!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 03, 2013, 08:17:31 pm
Spent most of the day in the shop working on my trade bow and my D/R bow.  I just put some finely shredded sinew scraps in the crockpot.  I should have some high quality glue in the morning.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 03, 2013, 08:27:46 pm
Bet you can turn the heaters right off when she struts into the shop ey' Roybert?!?!?!?!?!? HOTTTTTTT......

We had my nephew and his family over for the weekend, starting Saturday a.m.. He has been dying to get an osage bow and he finally did this weekend. We went on a 24 hour binge and whipped out a sweety of a twin to my swap bow, minus the skins. It was a sister from it. Buff tips, 56" ntn and 60@ @ 26". Matt was a HAPPY camper when they left this afternoon. He is 36 years old, so more of a friend that nephew. Never did take pics? But we haint done just yet. He is sealing it and bringing in back in two weeks for a grippin'. I will get some then.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 03, 2013, 08:57:39 pm
Did a little splitting;

This log turned out to be one of those that splits straight an easy.


Real clean halves;


Starting the first core split;


I use the wedges left over from cutting splices  to split off cores.


Popped the core off nice and straight.


Finished up with 9 good staves and one billet core split.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Adam on March 03, 2013, 11:38:44 pm
I got a new drawknife.  My dad was looking through some of my great-grandfather's old tools and came across it.  He asked if I could use it, and I said absolutely!  I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but the hinges seem to lock up pretty tightly, so I hope it's sturdy enough to last for awhile.  It seems those old tools are built to last a lot more than newer stuff.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 04, 2013, 12:26:43 am
That is one sweet draw knife. You should cherish that for life.

Yup Pearly Boy, it warms up when  she walks into the Bow Shop:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 04, 2013, 06:23:47 am
nice drawknife.i pick mine up today from the tool sharpener.that knife you have looks brand should last you a life time.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on March 04, 2013, 08:12:42 am
dog sitting for my neighbor. sweet 9 mo shepard.
didnt get a block from the house taken her to the park to run, and sure enuf,
took a pretty good spill on ice in the alley.
banged up my knee pretty good. and likely broke my left arm.
had one of those good velcro arm/wrist braces. think it'll be fine soon enuf.
might put a damper on handiwork for a bit. feel lucky i didnt break a leg. that woulda really fixed me.
feeling like foolish old woman for not being more careful....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: robby on March 04, 2013, 11:45:12 am
Finished up what I was doing on a previous page. ;D
The other side.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 04, 2013, 02:02:08 pm
dang Sadie, hope ya heal fast
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on March 04, 2013, 04:10:02 pm
Impressive work Robby.
Got my bathroom insulated now to find a reliable drywaller to finish it. Tub is installed, wire run, and piped. Bout as much fun as it sounds like. Hanging board tomorrow hopefully. Ms Kerrie shot down my idea bout having a reading light above the reading station  ::)
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 04, 2013, 06:11:54 pm
Nice draw knife Adam, I have one like it and it feels better to me than any other I've used .
Yesterday I cut a pickup load of Osage , three of the logs had to be split befor I could load them, thinking about going back after work and cut more.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 04, 2013, 07:12:34 pm
Dang Sadie....You've had one mean winter girly. Keep your chin up and get that arm healed. I guess the cool part is you get to have a cast with peoples names all over it for a souvenir!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on March 04, 2013, 08:05:30 pm
thanks pearly and bubby-
no cast-no doctor-no insurance......
have broken enuf bones over the yrs to know what it feels like.
this one aint bad and will heal quick.
thats why we got two hands right!  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 04, 2013, 08:26:57 pm
Leroy,you pay the airfair and i will finish the drywall in your also have to take me pike fishing lol.Sadie,i am sorry to hear that you got a busted arm.hope it heals fast.i got my drawknives back from the tool sharpener today.this guy did a great job.i could shave with them.he charged me 19 bucks and it was worth every penny.the oldtimer wouldn't even let me give him a tip.i hope you all are having a great day.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on March 04, 2013, 09:16:04 pm
Went across the road to my buddies house and then back behind it to help him with his gear turn in.  He's turning in TA-50 (army gear) to the Central Issue Facility CIF before he retires from 25 years in the Army.  I met him when he moved in back in 98 and we was the only one's in the area.  He was a SSG/E6 at the time when I was a First Sergeant in the 502nd.  He was in an SF "A" Team.  I seen him make his way from that Staff Sergeant all the way to Sergeant Major.  I don't know how many time's he's called me from the sand box to talk and make sure I'd see his kids were taken care of if he did'nt make it back.  Scared hell outa me every time he called to be honest.He's been shot so many time's it had to understand how he can hold any beer now days.  When we finished, he gave me a brand new pair of GoreTex Desert boots.  Tried to say no, but he is not one to take no for an answer.  So, basically spent my morning checking off gear and NSN's (National Stock Number) and talking about the Army.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 04, 2013, 09:57:08 pm
Hey Jon, tell your buddy thanks from us.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on March 04, 2013, 10:12:58 pm
Make that a Big Thanks from us !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on March 04, 2013, 10:59:22 pm
I'll be sure to do so guys!   :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Sidewinder on March 05, 2013, 02:54:29 am
Well yesterday I was hankering to dye the back of the little hackberry bow I recently finished shooting in for my step mom. Shes was a redhead before it turned grey so I dyed it with oxblood leather dye but I didn't like it plain jane. I was pondering all day while I worked in the city and decided to stop by the crafts store. Saw some leopard skin patterned cotton cloth and bought some of that for 61cents and when I got home went ahead and put it on the back. It looks great. Had a little dye bleed thru in the TBIII so it looks like a lightly hued pink leopard. I think she'll like it.  Danny
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on March 05, 2013, 10:53:45 am
Like to fly you out Steve. We got beautiful fishing weather right now. Fishing closes on the 15th of March. We'd be out at the lake most of the day, hack on a stave and maybe forge a knife. Maybe a adult beverage or two. But it only takes 20 minutes to tape a bathroom That leaves 23 hrs and 40 minutes for other things.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 05, 2013, 12:29:47 pm
Good math skills Leroy! I like it!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 05, 2013, 05:24:40 pm
i wish i could make it up there Leroy.i am sure the fishing is awesome.i am taking a trip over to Keenans place in the summer.he is going to take me sturgeon fishing on the columbia river.i can't wait,sturgeon is on my bucket list.have a good one guys,i have arrows to fletch.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bigpapa on March 05, 2013, 08:03:21 pm
Finally got a dowel cutter made after five attempts. It was a booger getting the holes just right, along with having crappy drill bits!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 05, 2013, 11:35:45 pm
How does it work?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bigpapa on March 05, 2013, 11:51:57 pm
Roy, what ya do is rough out a shaft a little bigger than you want, chuck the end in a hand drill and spin it in to the die. A little sanding and it comes out pretty nice. Of course that's what I've read. Lol!! Only tried it on that piece in the pic. Off a cedar shingle.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on March 08, 2013, 12:26:26 pm
Steve- Sturgeon fishing is a blast! Openings May 8th here. Keenan will probably let you shave some yew  O:) Awesome vacation time.
Had to work last night 14 hrs building a beer cooler. Hopefully get the bathroom boarded and taped this weekend. You never get busy till you want to do something for yourself. The price of fame.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on March 08, 2013, 05:50:00 pm
Good thing that I have a few clamps!  A good pal has a Grumley-styled bow on his bucket list.  He's been having trouble making it over to the bowshop so, I thought I'd glue it up for him.  (Hoping Louis doesn't mind).  This is a glueup of the "Deerslayer" model that we are trying to replicate, with the longer statics.  Hickory backed Osage.

Hoping it turns out...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 08, 2013, 06:05:37 pm
looking good Matt.that is alot of clamps.wish i had that many.s
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Shiloh on March 08, 2013, 10:22:42 pm
Beat my previous record and took a bow from long string to full brace tillered in less than a day! There's still some fine-tuning to be done, and it's got a little bit of handshock, but I'll see about fixing those things tomorrow. I'm actually selling this one, so I'm trying to get it up to par.

Despite the handshock, though, she flings arrows like a fiend. REALLY fast, at least by my standards, and surprisingly accurate even without an arrow rest. Probably drawing about #40 @28 now, hoping to drop that down to about #35.

There's also about 2" of string follow, but meh, you can't always win the whole kit and kaboodle.  :-\
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 09, 2013, 03:10:50 pm
Being the first really decent day We've had here in Mid-Michigan (Sunny & low 40's) Wirwicki and I slipped out of His shop, and did some stump shooting. Quite a few critters (stumps) fell to well placed arrows. Was good to be out loosing some shafts - a good time was had by all ! No broken or lost arrows/warm temps and sharing the outdoors with a Great Friend - PRICELESS. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 09, 2013, 11:33:32 pm
that sounds like you had a great day Bob.i would have loved to have been there.all i did today was get my new vice stand welded turned out sweet.i will get it bolted to the floor tomarrow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 10, 2013, 12:28:26 am
All I did today was get stuff ready for a Bownanza tomorrow at a buddys place. Always fun when a bunch of stick bow building guys hook up for a day of making bows, bull shitten, eating, and having a couple cold ones. Even gonna get to see ole Blackhawk again tomorrow, always a trip there:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 10, 2013, 01:06:12 am
you luck dog you.i know you will have a blast Roy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: ksnow on March 10, 2013, 09:40:20 pm
Took a drive out in the country, and found a nice stand of river cane, now just have to figure out how to get permission to cut it.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 10, 2013, 10:01:39 pm
i made a vice stand yesterday and got it all welded i mounted it to the floor and got the vice is very sturdy now.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 10, 2013, 10:03:39 pm
That looks nice.  I bet it works good for debarking that osage.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 10, 2013, 10:17:32 pm
it is working great so far Clint.i was getting tired of my work bench walking all over the place.i think this has cured the problem.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on March 10, 2013, 11:24:07 pm
I scouted some local woods for hidden bows.  Nothing worth getting the Town permit for.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on March 11, 2013, 09:13:44 am
Where is all the pictures from the Bownanza this past weekend?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 11, 2013, 06:36:21 pm
In my camera, Charlie:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on March 11, 2013, 07:21:49 pm
Well I sure hope some one else was working it, cause I know with anything that has more than one button, or knob on it, you are lost.  Helpless I tell you, helpless.  Promise you one thing????  When you retire, you will not be on here as much????????
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 11, 2013, 07:34:51 pm
Here ya go Charlie ole boy:)

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 11, 2013, 07:37:55 pm
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 11, 2013, 07:57:47 pm
nice Roy,looks like a great time was had by all.i'm heading to twin oaks friday.i'll get some pics of that.then i am heading down to Daves in Kentucky.i'll get some pics of that too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on March 11, 2013, 08:24:09 pm
Great pictures Roy.  Thank you.  Steve, tell Dave and Kora I said hello, and all the guys and girls at Twin Oaks the same.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 11, 2013, 08:33:16 pm
Looks like a good bit of bowmaking fun there.  Thanks for the picks Roy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: KShip85 on March 11, 2013, 09:31:09 pm
Today after work I got all but two of the smaller Osage logs split up that I gather a week ago last Saturday.  I've got some that'll make a bow, some that might and some I'd have to be crazy to try.  Overall they split better than I was expecting.  Looking forward to splitting the big ones.  I should be set for awhile once these season some.


Two of the crazier ones on the left


I think I enjoy cutting and splitting logs almost as much as bow building, should have been a lumber jack

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on March 11, 2013, 09:34:17 pm
Sweet Roy...who's that good looking stud in the black shirt n tan ball cap...he sure looks like he knows what he's doing  8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 11, 2013, 09:54:32 pm
Ya mean the one playing pocket pool?:) LOL, he's the neighbor kid an we just let him pretend to make bows:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 11, 2013, 10:21:59 pm
Ya mean the one playing pocket pool?:) LOL, he's the neighbor kid an we just let him pretend to make bows:)

The halfwit in the black tshirt still has good taste in caps!  I got one just like it!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 11, 2013, 10:59:02 pm
Ya mean the one playing pocket pool?:) LOL, he's the neighbor kid an we just let him pretend to make bows:)

That cracked me up.   ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Indian Summer on March 12, 2013, 10:51:25 am
 I'm no longer a trad-virgin. Thanks for poppin my cherry Roy! lol Picking up the bow at Tom's today and can't wait to remove the clamps and peel off the wrap. Looking forward to finishing it at your place.... and already dreaming of the next one. 

I owe you. Cmon out west and show the bulls what osage can do.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 12, 2013, 11:04:36 am
LOL Joe, just wait till ya shoot the first arrow out of your new Bow. Or ya shoot your first Bull with your new bow, then your gonna really have your cherry popped.. LOL

Glad you had fun and we will get on finishing her real soon at my shop.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 12, 2013, 11:34:29 am
Cleaning off my garden, pruning my muscadine vines an replacing broken support poles, stacking osage staves in the dry, just general piddling on taps for today

I worked on my sparkler a little a few days ago.

finished most of the butt stock shaping.


Trimmed the wood down around the ramrod entry pipe.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on March 12, 2013, 11:48:06 am
I'm no longer a trad-virgin. Thanks for poppin my cherry Roy! lol Picking up the bow at Tom's today and can't wait to remove the clamps and peel off the wrap. Looking forward to finishing it at your place.... and already dreaming of the next one. 

I owe you. Cmon out west and show the bulls what osage can do.

Welcome to pa joe ;) ...if yins can put up with Roy in person you'll get along with everyone just fine here ;)  :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on March 12, 2013, 01:27:53 pm
Nice work on that smoke pole, Eric.  I'll bet she's gonna be a beauty.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: tom S on March 12, 2013, 02:18:35 pm
Thanks for the pict's bad we started getting together so late this winter.  Thanks to everyone for coming over this weekend!  I took Joe's and Roger's bows out of their forms.  Thanks for the stave chris, I'll give you a holler when I get some time to do some shaving. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 12, 2013, 03:33:28 pm
Cleaning off my garden, pruning my muscadine vines an replacing broken support poles, stacking osage staves in the dry, just general piddling on taps for today

I worked on my sparkler a little a few days ago.

finished most of the butt stock shaping.

Does this trigger guard make my butt look flat?

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 12, 2013, 03:51:27 pm
JW, you now can come over to my place and clean the coffee off my keyboard and Monitor. LMAO:)

Heck Tom that's what rainy weekends are for, Summer Bownanzas:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Sidewinder on March 13, 2013, 07:56:41 pm
Debarked the last 4 osage staves that needed it and went and harvested and a nice hackbery tree that yielded 20 -75" pipe straight hackberry beauties.It was 10" at base and clean up to about 18ft.  Think these are going to OJAM to help pay for my stavemaster.   I posted it on the bow side so I won't repost pics here.   Danny
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 13, 2013, 10:15:33 pm
Hey Roy, I got a buddy that has been building these guns for a little while now and he has a fondness for the ugly ones.  He built a french fusil de chasse and a New England club butt fowler.  I was giving him grief about it and he started singing, "I like big butts and I cannot lie". 

I will admit they are more comfortable when shooting heavy charges, though.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 13, 2013, 10:50:17 pm
Yup, big butts will shoot some heavy charges that's for sure:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on March 13, 2013, 11:03:30 pm
Speaking of big butts, I skinned, fleshed, and stretched 4 Beavers all 45# or bigger, today. I,m whipped also. Later Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Keenan on March 14, 2013, 01:15:43 pm
Carson (CMB) and Bryce (Pinecone) came over the mountain last weekend and I took them out to a few private ranches to cut gather some juniper and do some bunny hunting. Good thing they only came in a mini van. It sure was a sight to see going down the road with the front tires floating.   LOL

We decided to launch a few arrows off the side of the canyon. Our arrows hit the shell line just below the bottom tip of Bryce's Bow Sure was fun watching them fly across the canyon.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 14, 2013, 01:26:54 pm
that must be one tough's great to see you posting again Keenan,the pics are you think they will let me take that many staves on the plane?lol
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on March 14, 2013, 01:30:28 pm
Woohoo city....I see lots of sinewing in the future... :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 14, 2013, 05:51:50 pm
I've seen pics of Blackhawks van hauling 2 tons of osage before.

Speaking of osage, I decided to cut a little today.  No help and no vehicles to pull it out with so I stayed with some smaller stuff that I could carry.


Here is a little piece I'm keeping for myself.  It is old and super hard.  I think it died many years ago and has been aging gracefully.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 14, 2013, 06:19:47 pm
Nice Clint. I have some old Osage in my barn a guy just gave me a couple months ago. Might let Chicken Hawk have a piece or two:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on March 14, 2013, 08:11:47 pm
Sweet Clint.....thanks for the teaser pics earlier today while I was at made work a lil more bearable n took my mind off of where I ;)

Roy its a rare day if I turn down osage  8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 14, 2013, 09:58:07 pm
Ya I know Chris.:) When I got that Osage I first thought oh chit, then I thought of you and your character bows. Then we had the thread about seasoned wood:) I'm thinken we got some goodies in the barn here. They are old, high and dry, and begging to become bows:) Might even give ya one to give to Ole Pat at the classic. Would love to see that ole long beard Rebel make a sweet bow from one of those Yankee staves:) LOL
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on March 14, 2013, 10:32:55 pm
I think it wood be a rare day for long beard to turn down seasoned osage too  ;) ill try to make it down your way before then...

Oh... I ordered me a stave press for running rings,and got it today...I've used them several times and love em for running rings...SOOOOO guess what I did tonight....oh yeah...chasing the yeller dragon  ;D.  I'm gonna try n get a 6' long 2 3/8" dia solid steel from work to post n concrete into the ground outdoors next to my burn pile outside so I can easily move it outdoors n run my rings out there on nice days and it will cut down big time on my chip piles that accumulate on the shop floor. :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Keenan on March 15, 2013, 09:05:37 am
Thanks Steve, Have yourself a fun trip to Pappy land and have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 15, 2013, 10:09:38 am
Got a big Osage tree down and the staves and billets home now I need to cut the rest of it up for firewood for the land owner and the brush piled up.
Want to cut two more down but I need to work on what I cut already , three pickup loads pluss all scattered around in the barn and in the yard it got dark on me.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 15, 2013, 10:13:47 am
I did a first assembly test fit on my soon to be turkey gun, almost finished but still a lot of small wood shaping to make everything even side to side.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 15, 2013, 10:39:14 am
We better get a picture of you and a dead turkey this spring Eric! The smoke pole is coming around very nicely.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on March 15, 2013, 11:02:20 am
Made Irish stew for Ms Kerrie's montessori classroom. 50 little kids. Changed the recipe a bit beef instead of mutton no Ginnuess beer. Instead I drank a couple pilsner in leau of. Bin doing this for 7 years
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 15, 2013, 04:48:43 pm
Very nice, Eric..
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 15, 2013, 06:37:04 pm
The Flinter is lookin' good Eric ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bigpapa on March 16, 2013, 12:23:34 am
Well, i managed to make some shavings out of what might soon be my grandaughers erc bow. And to keep her occupied today, made my first river cane flute. Took a few pieces but finally worked. If anyone else on here has had any expeience with them, can ya tell me how to get a deeper tone? I ended up making two, and they are just about the same tone. Maybe I need bigger cane? Who knows. Lol! All in all a good day. Gonna be making sparks tommorow!! Woohoo!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 16, 2013, 10:48:49 am
I often have people ask me about the "kit" I put together when they see one of my gun builds. For some the concept of a plank build is unknown.

Here is my fowler in the beginning stage.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 16, 2013, 11:12:24 pm
we took are oldest granddaughter, she's 13, to run her first 5k and she did fantastic, then worked some bows, Bub
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Sidewinder on March 17, 2013, 10:08:44 am
Debarked 15 hackberry staves and gottem sealed. Wore me smooth out.   Danny
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on March 17, 2013, 06:19:42 pm
Did more re-arranging of "stuff" in my shed and, with some help from my son Brandon, I finally made a start on building my first proper workbench.  Will hopefully get it finished tomorrow.  I'm no carpenter, so I'm hoping it'll be fit for purpose for a while to come :)

Eric - did you order that "plank build kit" from somewhere?  The pictures above show just how much work and effort you've put into it!!  Incredible work!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 17, 2013, 09:10:53 pm
Gearing up for another Bownanza tomorrow in my shop. Have about 4 guys coming over to make bows...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 18, 2013, 09:03:51 am
I had a great weekend. Played my drums Saturday and made an easy $150 bucks, started sealing a yew bow, got DVS's bow almost ready for heat and got Bubbys bow roughed out and ready to work down to floor tiller, got two sets of billets chased and resealed, stitched a grip on my nephews bow and burned my chip pile up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 18, 2013, 10:56:24 am
Shot my fowler, ignition was a little slow, got to polish the lock internals. It hit low left but I probably snatched the trigger, hard to keep one's composure on a first shot. Lots of thinking"did I do everything right or did I make a pipe bomb", must have done it right, it shot like it was supposed to.

I have to finish the stock before I do anymore testing, too much black powder crud gets in the open wood grain after a few shots. Will need some more sanding to get it out before I add the finish.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: GregB on March 18, 2013, 02:12:47 pm
Today told my boss I have 10 working days left plus five weeks of vacation to take, then retirement! Never thought I would make this move at this point, but I'm going to give it a shot. Little nervous about it, but think I'll be okay.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on March 18, 2013, 02:51:43 pm
Congrats on the retirement Greg and also your new life with your lady.  I wish you all the best in both.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on March 18, 2013, 03:17:50 pm
Completed tha majority of the bench-build with the exception of a stabilising cross-member and drilling holes to bolt my vise on.  Like I said - I'm no carpenter so I built the thing and then put it where I want it to go - trouble is, the floor may not be 100% level either, so I'll need to add shims under a couple of the legs :(  Other than that, I'm fairly confident it'll serve it's purpose.

My son played a blinder helping me too!  I wish I'd taken a picture of his face when I told him I wanted him to drill in some screws...  :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Christian Soldier on March 18, 2013, 04:04:11 pm
I layed out some drawings on a new Black Walnut stave  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 18, 2013, 08:26:19 pm
I retired at 52 as well, best move I ever made, 28 years of swing shift was enough.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Sidewinder on March 18, 2013, 11:46:02 pm
 Good for you Greg. I hope things work out for you the way you planned. 
 Looked at 4 roofs today and then gathered a few more essentials needed for Ojam before I got home.  Dannny
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on March 19, 2013, 12:05:41 am
good luck with retirement Y'all! I got w coworker just turned 84! still riding public transit to work!
My dad come down when my wife went in the hospital. He is still here. I really enjoy getting my chores done with him by my side!  My wife likes him too!  Today we worked on the patio a bit, strung new cable for my wife's clothes line and got some burning done... almost dinner time!
Got to take my wife to two different Drs two days in a row about 3.5 hours away from us nest two days.  Just follow-ups and check-ups.  Just about two weeks til a trip to Oregon! Glass Buttes or Bust!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 19, 2013, 08:51:28 am
Good luck Greg, I have 40 days total till I retire. I have 44.5 years with this job and it's time to hang it up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 19, 2013, 04:38:21 pm
So that means you where 42 when you started there Royberto?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on March 19, 2013, 04:56:51 pm
GregB:  That is good news.
Gitten hitched to your lady.
Gitten unhitched from work.

It will be at least 9 more years before I can unhitch from work.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 19, 2013, 06:57:24 pm
Pearly don't make me come out there son:) I was 20.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on March 19, 2013, 07:38:33 pm
Nah Pearly, he has just been rode hard and put away wet a lot.  That get that look like that when this happens.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 19, 2013, 10:15:34 pm
Charlie, your right up there at # 1 on the thumpin list ole boy... :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on March 20, 2013, 08:24:27 am
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 20, 2013, 11:13:40 am
Yesterday I dropped the Osage logs off for one of the demos at OJAM , today I will spend all day at OU canser with my mother , she was diagnosed with canser on the Monday before Thanksgiving and had surgery on January 11 of this year . She is a fighter and doesn't give up. She lost her tounge and is taking radiation treatments and chemo and that's what we are doing today.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on March 20, 2013, 03:34:14 pm
Gluing nocks and screwing field tips onto a set of shafts that've been sitting there for over two years  :-[

Man, I was out of the game a loooong time!  I'm making up for it now, though :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on March 20, 2013, 03:38:26 pm
I have another dozen of the heavy hog cane arrows in the making since I like the first ones so good.  Got the nock ends plugged, and have one more straightening to do and will start putting the self nocks in and fletching.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 20, 2013, 04:14:08 pm
Poggins tell your mom to keep trucking and screw that stuff, dont let that shitt slow her down. My wife HAD it, my sister has it and my uncle and grandma lost their life to it. Its personal with me!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 20, 2013, 05:12:12 pm
Pearl , this is the second round she has had with it . She was over twenty years canser free , different type this time.
She still has about three weeks of raidiation and one more chemo left. The doctors says mom looks good .
At least spring is here and it will get warm enough for her to get outside more often.
Mom has lost three sisters and one brother and two nieces to canser, so you might say it's personal with us too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 21, 2013, 02:31:35 am
Good thing they don't let you hit nurses, several tries and two ivs later only one of them in a vein they finally got started , an hour after they started, mom is glad there is only one more chemo treatment .
Made it back in time for the potluck diner at OJAM  and meet everyone befor it gets underway tomarow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on March 21, 2013, 11:23:19 am
Just finished rubbing beeswax into some arrow shafts.  My hands are cramped from rubbing vigorously to get the friction heat up but I like how it's looking!

I'm definitely gonna use it on a bow!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 21, 2013, 05:11:41 pm
Detention Duty @ the high school I work at.  I'm doing it right now.  >:D

I also used the big 80 grit belt sander in the hs welding lab this morning, at lunch and again for a minute after school before detention to sand down an osage pommel for a knife I'm putting a handle on for the Dad of one of my kids friends.  When it's done, I'll post pics on this page.

Have a gooder, dpgratz
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 21, 2013, 10:49:26 pm
i can't wait to see the knife Derik.i am sure it will be great.are you comming to the classic this year?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 22, 2013, 01:23:06 am
Made it through the first day of OJAM today, thirty some bows started and a lot of those by beginners , one shooting already and one blowup. Tomarrow there should be several more new bows being shot as well as more bows being built. Hope we have enough wood available for Saturday , if the weather holds out we could see a lot more people show up .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 22, 2013, 04:17:26 pm
Good thing they don't let you hit nurses, several tries and two ivs later only one of them in a vein they finally got started , an hour after they started, mom is glad there is only one more chemo treatment .
Made it back in time for the potluck diner at OJAM  and meet everyone befor it gets underway tomarow.

Your bringing back bad memories poggins! I know just how you feel friend. Its hard to sit and watch it happpen without boiling over.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 22, 2013, 05:15:14 pm
Good thing they don't let you hit nurses, several tries and two ivs later only one of them in a vein they finally got started , an hour after they started, mom is glad there is only one more chemo treatment .
Made it back in time for the potluck diner at OJAM  and meet everyone befor it gets underway tomarow.

I know the feeling, on my first knee replacement they didn't get a vein till the 9th try
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 22, 2013, 06:48:04 pm
Classic...yes!  dpg
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RyanY on March 23, 2013, 01:11:11 am
I finished up my ukulele! Its the first one I've built. Now I just have to learn to play the darn thing!
( (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 23, 2013, 02:31:41 am
It was worse a few days after her surgery , they tried for over three hours and even took twice to get a pik line in .

Day two at OJAM and I'm getting wore out , all I see when I close my eyes are bows bending on the tillering tree . It will probably get busier tomarrow , still feels good to help people learn how to build bows., we worked a few kids bows today also.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 23, 2013, 04:36:47 am
Like the Uke Ryan ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on March 23, 2013, 09:00:26 am
Poggins:  Sending prayers/good vibes/whatever you need your way.  Sounds like those techs need to practice more on some chicken veins.

Ryoon:  sweet looking Uke!  was that a kit?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RyanY on March 23, 2013, 09:46:58 am
Thanks guys!

Pekane, It isn't a kit uke.  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on March 23, 2013, 09:52:06 am
Thanks guys!

Pekane, It isn't a kit uke.  :)
Then even more kudos are due ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Adam on March 23, 2013, 11:13:56 am
I finished and mailed in my paperwork to buy a pistol suppressor.  Now the long wait begins before it's approved and I can pick it up...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 23, 2013, 12:54:45 pm
Cool UKE, I play.  You should check out the Ukulele World Congress in Brown County Indiana.  It's the biggest UKE party anywhere.  My Buddy puts it on, this will be the fourth year, first weekend in June.  The cool thing for me is...I got the guy who puts it on playing the UKE, so I'm like a some sort of upper crust there.  I play back porch drinkin tunes mostly.  Good job on the little lady. dpg
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 24, 2013, 02:22:28 am
Thanks for the prayers everyone , I think we may be on the downhill run with radiation treatments for a fewore weeks and only one more chemo next month.

OJAM is all but over, one more morning left before cleanup begins .
We still have tents to take down power tools to load up benches to load campers to hook up and try to get the Rutter farm back to the way it was last weekend . If the weather holds out there are a few more bows to work on and there will be a couple that will have to wait a while before they get finished ( some of them had purchased Osage that had been cut for two weeks , still green ) . It stayed damp and cool all day and there was not as many people showing up as last year. We used a classroom type of class this year with two yellow hats ( those comfortable with marking out bows , cutting out bows , final tillering and running the class) and three or four red hats ( those that knew how to make a now but still needed a little help in some areas such as marking out bows running power equipment or or just needed the confedince of teaching some new to bow building ) their job was to teach new people how to chaise rings show them how to tiller a bow help them cut nocks and just talk them through the bow making proses , and there were ten to fifteen students to a class . This worked out pretty good , it was like having two students to a teacher and you could work closer with someone that may not be able to keep up with others or had a difficult stave. I worked with one individual that had a thicker stave that we split into two , he kept getting in a hurry and had to go down another ring once on the first stave and when I turned around to help another for just a minute he cut down two growth rings on one side . When he did that I picked up his other half so a stave and got him started on it , he did learn to slow down and finally made a bow . A young girl was working on a bad knotty stave but kept at it for over an hour without giving up so I went to my pickup and got a decent little stave out and gave it to her , she got here bow done before her father and even shot better then he did at the running pig shoot . It sure felt good to see someone so young tackle something like that and not give up ( she did get a real nice little bow out of it , just wish I could have gotten some pictures of all of this but they kept me hooked up ) . I did graduate from a red hat to a yellow hat , looks like I'll be running a class next year now I need to practice running my bandsaw and cut bows out .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on March 24, 2013, 07:47:51 am
Pictures pictures pictures :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Sidewinder on March 24, 2013, 10:31:14 am
Just got back from Ojam last night. We buttoned it up a day early to beat the snow that was coming our way back home. Had a great time. We set up in the cedars and had 6 new students with us. 4 of em carpenters and they sure take instruction well. Got one bow final tillered as it was ready when we got there and two teen agers that got everything to floor tiller and ready for heat corrections. The rest are all floor tillered and bending good. We used all hand tools cuz thats the way they said they want to learn it first. I takes a little longer.
 Got to spend some good time with JonW. He accidently camped right next to us so that worked out well. Great guy and he makes some killer short bows and is one of the best corn cooks I ever met. >:D >:D
  Met Poggins. Sorry Poggins I forgot about your mom. I should have remembered and said something. I know you were pretty busy. Looks like the crew did a great job this year, as usual. I suppose I'll be signing up as a red hat next year instead of lone rangering it in the woods.
 Once again we had a great time, ate like kings, in the evening drank like sailors made shavings like a beaver and really enjoyed everyones company.  Looking forward to the next one.  Danny
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 24, 2013, 01:58:26 pm
Put a rear sight on my smoothie, cast some .690 round balls to test shoot in it.


The first coat of stock finish goes on today.


Turkey season opens Saturday, gotta' work up a load this week.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 24, 2013, 02:25:20 pm
Had a little Bownanza yesterday in my shop, got 2 bows tillered out on the tree and another ready for the tree.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 24, 2013, 02:29:10 pm
And lunch:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 24, 2013, 03:20:35 pm
that look's like my kind of day Roy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on March 24, 2013, 03:32:18 pm

had a little snow last nite so no working on anything outside
the left hand is almost healed well enuf that work on the trade bow and other projects will commence soon.
(not being able to work has been making me nuts!)
its a never gonna get outta my pajamas basketball and old movies sorta day
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Alpinbogen on March 24, 2013, 03:56:52 pm
Worked on a laquered leather round ball bag, just like this one, but a little bigger.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Alpinbogen on March 24, 2013, 04:05:10 pm
Also put the staple in my latest French and Indian War powderhorn.  Just need to tie on the strap.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Alpinbogen on March 24, 2013, 04:16:57 pm
I've also been kayaking since the lake has thawed.  Had a great time today, working on some new Greenland roll variations.  This video is from the same lake a couple of days ago.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 24, 2013, 04:59:19 pm
Helped pack up and clean up after OJAM , the sun finally came out just before we left.
Now back to the every day grind . Danny I have a slightly used red hat , only three days on it and won't need it anymore since they bumped me up to a yellow hat  O:)  ;D.
Mom got plenty of prayers and get wells from the OSS family , thank you all .
Hope to see some new faces next year , seen several new ones this year .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on March 25, 2013, 10:22:21 am
alpinbogen-nice work!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 25, 2013, 12:25:29 pm
Pictures pictures pictures :o

Sorry , I took a camera but they kep me hooked up solid .
Anybody wearing a yellow or red hat was in high demand , could barely take a lunch brake without someone wanting your help ( of course that's what we are there for ) so I hope if anyone else on here went to OJAM has pictures if not ill try to get some from other members .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on March 25, 2013, 03:47:38 pm
No pictures but just returned from the Stull Preserve where we had 12 guys making bows.  All 12 walked away the weekend with an osage bow they built themselves.  Many happy faces, good conversations and fun.  Shoulda seen the grin on Weston, the 14-year old who made his first bow.  It reminds me of why we do this.

We were 1 for 18 on the pheasant shoot.  Didn't fair as well as last year.  Need to tune up the aerial skills.  Maybe we'll do a bit better during the 2nd full bow building workshop of 12 students coming up in two weeks. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 25, 2013, 09:08:10 pm
One day last week I bought a red oak 1x2 three foot long.  I narrowed it to inch and an eighth and tapered it to a bit less than 3/4 at the nocks.  I then backed it with kraft paper using TBIII and set her by to dry.

Today I used a jack plane to taper the belly fromthe grip area to the tips and had her tillered out to 18" in about 15 minutes.  Brought her inside to do a little paint up job.  I should have her ready for pictures and shooting-in tomorrow.  By then I might be able to check the poundage, but I was hoping for about 25 lbs.  The kraft paper might make it a little less likely to pop a splinter and looks a little like rawhide.

This project is part of a set going to a friend that provides props for movies and tv shows.  These bows get broke pretty quick because the extras seem to think it is their job to break, steal, or lose all NA props.  No sense putting any effort into nice bows when they are gonna get treated that badly. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on March 26, 2013, 02:01:55 am
On Sunday My wife, Dad and a friend went to an auction. Picked up a couple of nice cross cut saws, an ole brace in good condition(Drill) and an old military knife. Missed out on a 12"+ broad axe head though. Damn wall hangers! THey don't really want to USE the stuff they get! Now if I only had some real time to use it!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 28, 2013, 03:26:29 pm
Today I cut a little fire wood.





Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 28, 2013, 04:35:43 pm
Awesome, Clint..
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 28, 2013, 07:11:59 pm
nice firewood Clint.looks like good stuff.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on March 28, 2013, 10:07:25 pm
It seems like it's been forever since I last tillered a bow, but I finally got a chance to do some work today.  Got this hickory backed osage almost finished, I just have to sand and finish.  This is the first pyramid bow I've made, and the thing practically tillered itself.  I spent more time contouring the handle and tips than I did on the tiller.

The handle has some ipe and spalted maple in it as well, it should look pretty nice once it gets a finish on it.  I'll post some details and glamor shots in the Bow forum once I get it all dressed up :)


Also got a new foster dog, his name is Tucker.  Seems like a pretty cool dude so far.  It shouldn't take long to find him a new home.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buffalogobbler on March 28, 2013, 10:18:04 pm
Looks cool up against the wall.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 29, 2013, 10:22:50 am
BOOM! Shot all afternoon, didn't get as good a turkey pattern as I would have liked, more testing today.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on March 29, 2013, 01:08:11 pm
What load you using ?
I find tighter patterns with more shot to powder ratios generally speaking of coarse !
Some time wadding that is too heavy will mess with ya too!
Have fun !!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 29, 2013, 09:22:42 pm
I got home from work today and checkd the weather forcast.  Dang it is going to be nice today and tomorrow.  A little to nice to go to work.  I grabbed a short nap and then got my day started.  First I called work and told them I wasn't going to be in tonight.  Then I noticed this little guy walking through the back yard.  We have been seeing him quite often the last week or two.  Hey Roy, this is the one I was telling you about a couple of months ago.


Next I started splitting the tree I cut up yesterday.  It only took a few minutes to realize this wasn't an ordinary tree.  Its another one with the wiggle grain.  And this one has good rings.  It took me over an hour just to get this one in half.  It is like splitting an elm tree.  The grain zig zags down the log.



I really need some straight grained stuff so I got my Dad and started scouting for some more trees to cut.  While driving down a trail something caught my eye.  I dove off the utility truck and took off running.  It was a nice shed.  Turns out it is the match to one my little niece found a couple of weeks ago.  He should be a giant next season.


We finally found a nice bunch of second growth to cut.  As I was cutting it I noticed it had a different sound to it and the saw didn't want to cut it.  Once I dropped the tree I found it had some very dark colored rings.  Some of the outer rings are as dark as dried blood.  I've never cut anything this dark before.  We got some nice pieces.



We got those unloaded and I went back to splitting up the first tree.  I got the 2 of the big sections in half and started a good split on the biggest piece.  I'll finish it tomorrow cause that hammer was getting to heavy to swing.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on March 29, 2013, 09:51:27 pm
Sweet me one of those red ones ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 29, 2013, 11:18:54 pm
What fer?  Don't you have enough stashed away  ;D  Somebody already called dibs on the biggest one....Me  >:D     That thing was like trying to cut through a steel pipe.  My Dad was standing 20 feet away and when I stopped sawing he said, "that sounded different".  I threw him the wedge and told him to check out the color. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 30, 2013, 12:44:17 am
Roughed out another red oak blank for a really light horsebow as a movie prop.  Got a call from a game warden that had a report of a bald eagle down in a pasture.  Went out and collected a large female(?) baldie without any apparent injuries.  Got her some subcutaneous fluids and arranged for her to get a ride to the state capital where a federally licensed rehabber will take care of fixing her up.

Then this evening at work I get a call from a guy that says he found an eagle with a broken wing about two miles up a hiking trail high in the Black Hills.  Seeing how I gotta be at work in the morning, I am prolly going out tonite in the dark to find her and pack her out.  What with the near full moon and the mountain lions, I may just pack my .45 as a security blankie.  With my crap-toast shooting skills I am more in danger than the kitty, but oh well.

When it rains it pours.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 30, 2013, 09:08:41 am
Nice sheds Clint! My buddy next door to you finds them dang things like that all the time. Indiana is a hidden gem, just not as sexy as Illinois or Kansas I guess.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on March 30, 2013, 09:09:24 am
What fer?  Don't you have enough stashed away  ;D  Somebody already called dibs on the biggest one....Me  >:D     That thing was like trying to cut through a steel pipe.  My Dad was standing 20 feet away and when I stopped sawing he said, "that sounded different".  I threw him the wedge and told him to check out the color.

Yeah I got plenty of yellow wood,but not the red kind ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on March 30, 2013, 01:34:54 pm
Hey, I have stove that readily accepts firewood of that length >:D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 30, 2013, 01:44:06 pm
What fer?  Don't you have enough stashed away  ;D  Somebody already called dibs on the biggest one....Me  >:D     That thing was like trying to cut through a steel pipe.  My Dad was standing 20 feet away and when I stopped sawing he said, "that sounded different".  I threw him the wedge and told him to check out the color.

Yeah I got plenty of yellow wood,but not the red kind ;)

Well why didn't you tell me you were looking for red bow wood.  I'll stop at Lowes on the way to the Classic and get you an armful of red oak.  You need anything else buddy? 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 30, 2013, 01:50:58 pm
LMAO on red oak:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on March 30, 2013, 02:13:57 pm
Try a red oak-backed osage laminate.  You'd be the first.  Think of the glory! :P
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 30, 2013, 02:41:48 pm
Yesterday, glued up the tip overlays for My Yew project. Today glued the overlays on the bow - next week-end will be time to make it, or (GULP) break-it

  ;). Then Matt and I slipped out His shop and did some stump shooting - enjoying this first really nice day We've had in a while ! Happy Easter all - Bob.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on March 30, 2013, 04:17:31 pm
sure clint....if you wanna buy a bunch of wood and give it to me I wont turn it  ;D

cut some whitewood this afternoon behind the house..ill get 8 really nice telephone pole straight clean staves from was destined to be dead in a year or so anyways,and not because of me  ;) does anyone know what it is?



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 30, 2013, 04:32:01 pm
Kinda sorta looks like ash.  Splits mighty pretty, too!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 30, 2013, 05:20:36 pm
Looks like Mongolian Tulip to me... ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 30, 2013, 05:52:30 pm
That's what I was thinking Roy.   ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 30, 2013, 09:02:20 pm
I got the last log split in half and got all of it out of the valley today.  Turned out to be a nice haul of character wood.


This is about the typical grain pattern in all of it.  It should make some cool bows but man is it a pain to split  :P

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on March 30, 2013, 09:03:55 pm names not pearl drums....I ain't that gullible ;)  :laugh:

Jdubs right...its a fine piece of asssssh ;)

Howd the late night bird saving go jdub?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on March 30, 2013, 09:06:31 pm
Geez stocking up for the end of the world or what? You've been tearing some up lately pal ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 30, 2013, 11:32:16 pm
Geez stocking up for the end of the world or what? You've been tearing some up lately pal ;)

I didn't cut any last year so I guess I'm making up for it now.  I've been trying to find some nice straight stuff and all I keep finding is crazy grained.  I wish mine would have split as easily as your ash.  Took me about two hours to get one log in half today.  I could have used some DLH power.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 31, 2013, 01:11:28 am
Looks like the front tires are off the ground on that Dodge:) Frame is prolly bent too:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 31, 2013, 01:31:40 am
She was setting a little low in the back Roy, even with the beefed up suspension.  I only had to drive a hundred yards to unload it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 31, 2013, 01:36:08 am
LOL, at least she made it home in one piece:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: criveraville on March 31, 2013, 02:01:27 am
Today we had our family Easter fun fair at church. Great time. Then we came home and we all cleaned house some. Diego and I finished painting a small mower trailer my brother gave me. Then we went out and tried to locate some turkeys with no luck. Put a gun rack on the 4 wheeler, took some time the see the folks, came home and grilled some burgers and corn on the cob. My brother and his family came in for the rest of the weekend. We had dinner, watched a movie with the family and now it's bed time.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 31, 2013, 01:56:42 pm
I didn't want a browned barrel and furniture on my fowler so I opted for gray. I used oxpho blue and rubbed it back to gray, came out really attractive. I am going to wait until after turkey season to file off the casting marks on the lock and polish and gray it to match the barrel.

I polished all the lock internals and drilled the touch hole to 5/64", the gun goes off like a percussion gun.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on March 31, 2013, 02:33:52 pm
Gotta rush out some bow blanks for this coming weekend at the Stull Preserve.  Had any Wicki big enough to hold a draw knife, peeling bark and sapwood!   ;D :D :laugh:

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on March 31, 2013, 02:55:38 pm
Child labor I tell you, it's child    What a great thing to have a family doing.  Awesome Matt.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on March 31, 2013, 07:50:07 pm
Eric I see a flaw, what's up with that ole boy?:) LOL Very nice work, Eric
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 01, 2013, 10:26:33 am
Nice pic Matt....Somebody with a grey hoodie looks quite a bit taller than he did in August last year!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on April 01, 2013, 11:10:53 am
...and Miss Heather looks so much slimmer then when I saw her last May.  ;)   The family that works together...!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on April 01, 2013, 12:33:18 pm
Spent the day hiking the mountains with Hawk, Marian, Joshia Huston and my wife.  Together we only found three elk sheds, one new one, one last years shed and a spike.  I think Hawk is geathering some horns for the Classic!  Beautiful day and some long hikes!  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on April 01, 2013, 08:15:53 pm
Easter Sunday had some family over and my bro-in-law wanted to shoot some clays


He was pretty rusty, and he was borrowing my 870, but we had fun!

Got this hide started early today and it never did get much color. Oh well, wood's cheap! Lovin these spring days!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 01, 2013, 09:36:06 pm
I polished all the lock internals and drilled the touch hole to 5/64", the gun goes off like a percussion gun.


I like the grey look, mighty sweet.  Ain't a well tuned flintlock a joy to shoot?  Everyone seems to think it's KLATCH..swissssssssssssshhhh..BOOM!  It can be,, but that's no fun!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 01, 2013, 09:57:54 pm
I have  stiff and loose buffing wheels that do a great job of putting a mirror finish on metal. Really makes a difference on reducing friction. What brand of frizzen is that, Eric? I have a Thompson Center Hawkins 50 cal I built from a kit 30 years ago, but put a Lyman frizzen on it a while back. I've never seen a shower of sparks like that Lyman frizzen throws off. Put it on 8 years ago and that gun has not miss fired yet. Also put on one of those cone shaped touch holes that funnels the fire into the chamber.  I only fill the flash pan about 1/4 with 4F and it goes off like a center fire rifle.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 01, 2013, 10:08:51 pm
Looks like one of L&R's locks.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 01, 2013, 11:40:37 pm
Chambers English round face lock. Found the right combination of wads, powder and shot for a pretty good pattern, going after turkeys tomorrow.



If you need any turkey targets you can download the for free here;
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: criveraville on April 01, 2013, 11:57:01 pm
Great pic Matt ;)

Scott that looks fun. Amen. Today was beautiful.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 03, 2013, 08:35:23 am
Eric, that is quite a pattern.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on April 03, 2013, 01:04:00 pm
Good job !!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 04, 2013, 02:32:49 pm
I cut some more osage today.  After that last tree I had my mind made up that I was done cutting for the year but I couldn't pass this up.  The county is widening the road and they pushed a bunch of trees over on my neighbors property.  He told me I could cut as much as I wanted.  I left work at 8:00 this morning and had the truck loaded by 10:00.  I got a lot of great pieces.  Some were damaged a little by their equipment but not bad enough to cause much loss.  All of it has very thick rings and is pretty straight.  I was able to get the truck right up to the wood except for the biggest pieces.  They were in a creekbed.  I had to flip them end over end a few times to get them to the truck.  I also grabbed a super straight piece of black walnut.  It has a lot of sapwood and little heartwood. 


All of the rings look like this

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 04, 2013, 04:09:34 pm
That is just down right beautiful stuff there Clint.  Man and is some pretty rings.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 04, 2013, 04:58:22 pm
Emmersome nice logs Clint.  You're getting quite the stash!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 04, 2013, 05:05:08 pm
Me and Clint? yup, we is buddies....hehehehehehe...good buddies..
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 04, 2013, 05:12:10 pm
nice haul you need somewhere to store it all? >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 04, 2013, 05:12:59 pm
You got enough to work on already Stevie Wonder!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 04, 2013, 06:04:53 pm
I know how I'm spending my summer.  Just like I did the summer of 2011.  Split, peal, seal.  Split, peal, seal.  Split, peal, seal.  Split, peal, seal.  :P  Split, peal, seal.  Split, peal, seal.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 04, 2013, 06:27:14 pm
Man, don't I wish I had your  That would just about make my summer for sure.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on April 04, 2013, 07:12:07 pm
Someone's been cleaning house on the osage this year  :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 04, 2013, 07:38:46 pm
Good for him. Personally I think Osage is very over rated. I quit using it 4 years ago.:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 04, 2013, 07:44:36 pm
Good for him. Personally I think Osage is very over rated. I quit using it 4 years ago.:)

The only reason you quit using it Roy is because your old geezer muscles couldn't work it any more  ;D 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 04, 2013, 07:57:51 pm
Clintster, don't make me come out there son:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 04, 2013, 08:05:32 pm
Roy left all his muscles at Wood Stock.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 05, 2013, 08:05:24 am
All two of them Chuck............hahahahahhahahahahaha!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 05, 2013, 08:52:10 am
Yunzs boys hain't funny.. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 05, 2013, 11:54:53 pm
Red letter day for this feller.  Had a lunch date with a lady.  And it was for personal reasons!

I was real smart.  I didn't start talking about bows and scare her off!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on April 06, 2013, 08:25:29 am
Red letter day for this feller.  Had a lunch date with a lady.  And it was for personal reasons!

I was real smart.  I didn't start talking about bows and scare her off!

Sounds like you were being deceptive to me  :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on April 06, 2013, 10:47:48 am
Yep, I agree. You wouldn't want her to get the wrong idea...better bring her to the classic!!  :laugh: ;D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 06, 2013, 11:14:52 am
Well, the fowler saga continues;

When I drilled the holes for my trigger guard underlugs I broke off two drill bits in one lug rendering my trigger guard  permanently in place. A traditional trigger guard it is held in place by a small pin that goes through the stock, through the lug and out the other side of the stock. My trigger guard has three lugs and needs three pins to hold it in place. I was able to drill for the other two pins without any problems.

I spent an extra month or so shaping the wood for the wrist and below the lock panels with a small chisel and sandpaper because I couldn't remove the trigger guard because of the drill bits broken off in lug and extending into the stock.

I asked on the M/L forums "what can I do". I go a bunch of responses, most of which would have left gaping holes in my stock just to remove a couple of 5/64" drill bits. One guy said to buy a solid carbide bit and carefully drill the broken bits out using the holes through the stock as guides.

I hesitated because the 5/64" bit cost $12 on line and probably about the same to ship. On a whim I called the local machinist supply house to see if they had one and dang, they did, for only $6.

Yesterday was the day, I chucked up this solid carbide bit, eased it into the hole in the stock and started drilling. I didn't expect any results, didn't feel like I was getting anywhere after about 5 minutes so I pulled the drill out and tapped out the dust, METAL SHAVING DUST! Eureka, this is working.

After about 10 minutes of drilling on each side, my bit broke. I gently pulled on the trigger guard, it started to come out, a little more and it popped out of the stock, what a relief.

I had ruined the lug with broken bits and the process of drilling them out so I cut the old lug off, soldered a new lug in it's place and re drilled a new hole through the lug for the pin.

I am filling the old holes through the stock as they got slightly enlarged during the bit removal process, re drilling the holes through the stock this morning and will be wrapping up this complicated fix.

Here is the new lug to give you an idea of what I was working on. Sorry for the long, boring story, very exciting for me as I was able to correct a major goof-up that I thought was a lost cause.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 06, 2013, 11:57:51 am
You had me white knuckled thru the whole description, Eric.  I didn't foresee a happy ending to the story.  But to my amazement you pulled victory from the jaws of defeat and saved the day! 

But the whole ordeal gets me wondering, how did they fix this problem "back in the day"?  Or maybe the question is, did this not happen "back in the day" because they used a brace and bit instead of a power tool?  They certainly didn't have unbreakable drill bits, even with our modern metalurgy we sure don't!

Anyway, good work, Eric.  Looking forward to seeing this gun fully "tillered".
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 06, 2013, 01:18:57 pm
Good fix, Eric
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 06, 2013, 05:04:23 pm
They used wrought iron, pretty soft stuff unless they hardened it. I was using a cast steel trigger guard made up, from what I understand, anything they threw in the pot. I suspect some ball bearing type steel migrated to the area of my middle lug. I couldn't drill through it after I took the trigger guard off the gun. I am sure power tools come into play as well, hand drills don't get you in trouble near as fast. I redrilled with my old egg beater drill.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on April 06, 2013, 10:41:16 pm
Busy busy busy fun filled day today.....went to our local maple syrup fest....fresh milled n grilled flour n buckwheat cakes with fresh syrup just made from the parks trees n sausage...yum yum yum.....reenactors galore of every kind,forgers,woodcarvers,crafters,etc....etc....good time with the family.... came home and halved 6 juniperus virginiana logs...ate lunch...grabbed my four year old son and took him outback and we cut a 4" ash sapling together,we then split it in half,then we drawknived the bark off,and sealed em up...he wants his own bow so hes gonna have to make one ;)...then did a lil shooting...then had some folks over for a bonfire(huuuuge fire) and now I'm literally just hanging out "around the campfire" ;) perfect ending to a perfect day :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 06, 2013, 11:07:19 pm
Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Saturday.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 07, 2013, 12:20:22 am
i got up this morning and went to my aunts house.helped her with a groundhog problem she has been having.fixed her fence and her siding.then i went to a little lake by the house.i took a can of wax worms and some jigs.ended up with a nice stringer of crappies for that felt good.i haven't been fishing in is good to be back at it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DGF on April 07, 2013, 12:51:58 am
I was doing some yard work and ended up at the local leaf dump. About did a jumping heel kick when I discovered what I believe to be either Osage or Mulberry logs. Not quite bow length but should make some nice billets. I loaded them up, split and sealed them.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: portlandfire on April 07, 2013, 01:08:26 am
   A fellow bowyer and I had the pleasure of spending two days making bows with John Strunk in Tillamook, Oregon.  Absolutely one of the most informative two days I've spent anywhere; great stories, knowledge, company, and we came out with some real nice self bows.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 07, 2013, 03:47:47 am
finally got to see my two youngest grandsons play little league this year, working night's sucks, took them out to lunch after the game, fun day
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 07, 2013, 06:43:41 am
finally got to see my two youngest grandsons play little league this year, working night's sucks, took them out to lunch after the game, fun day

I couldn't agree more Bubby.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on April 07, 2013, 10:56:08 pm
Woke up @ the spring cub scout camp out early, scored some unburnt fire wood then my buddy brought a ~120# weather over and I helped him butcher it.  Got to put 5 or 6 packages in the freezer.  Good day, my boys were swimming in the creek today.  Getting butterflies for the Classic!! dpg
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowsandroses on April 08, 2013, 01:07:13 am
I went shed hunting with the wife and dog no sheds but a good hike in the mountains just the same. Got back home around 3:30 set up my forge and built myself a set of tongs. My forge is an old coal fired forge hand cranked using hard wood instead of coal. my cousin and I rebuilt it last summer just getting around to using it, got to build some tools then I can get serious. took pic of my tongs and pics of a little wall hanger bow I built last week for my Aunt Sally.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 08, 2013, 10:34:01 am
I made a top of the line osage bow for a guy 4 years ago 65#@27", well seasoned wood. He called about 6 months later and said the bow felt like 75#, I tested it and it had gained 10# so I dropped it back to 65#.

A couple months later he called and said the bow broke, my heart sank thinking I would have to make him another(I stand behind my bows). Then he told me the bows tip broke off when he slammed a car door on it and could I possibly fix it. I made the former top limb(broken tip) the shorter bottom limb, glued wood to the handle to be able to flip the grip, retillered and gave him back what was now a new bow.

Age took a toll on his shoulders and he asked if I could drop about 10 more pounds off the bow which I did. The bow was an OK shooter at this point but nothing special.

A month of so ago he said he wanted to buy another bow from me , something in the 48# range, his shoulders were killing him.

I said " let me take your bow home with me, keep it a while, shoot it, tweak it, drop some poundage, rework the handle and see what I can come up with".

I am just about at 48# on this bow, got it shooting good, will tweak it a little more this afternoon and hopefully be done with it.

I have to say this was the finest piece of osage I ever had in my hand, so tortured, twisted and doglegged it took me a month to straighten the billets but I could tell it was special stuff.

Of course Noland is a good friend and sometimes shooting partner, wouldn't do this kind of work for just anybody. He finished second in the IBO Worlds shooting another one of my bows he owns last year.

Here is the bow when I had it almost finished, very special indeed.


Nolan with stone point a hog kill with the bow.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 08, 2013, 11:47:45 am
How did it gain 10# Eric? Never heard of such a thing without a sinew backing.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 08, 2013, 04:01:00 pm
Went to a pond with my son in law yesterday to try and get a mess of pan fish to take to the classic to fry up.  Caught two very small brim.  Went to the river this morning, and the water was way up, and never got a bite there.  Looks like my fish frying at the classic might come in the form of sardines.... >:D >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 08, 2013, 06:13:00 pm
i'm having the same trouble Charlie.i caught 8 big crappie,two eater bluegill and two small bass last saturday in about an hour and a half.went back to the same spot on sunday and crapped out.i think it is the weather.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 08, 2013, 06:25:31 pm
I sure hope it changes or I will be eating at your and Bears camp at the
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 08, 2013, 07:29:07 pm
Mystery to me, had it happen one other time, a gain after finishing a bow. The billets had been in my shop for years so I doubt if they had much moisture in them to loose.

I had one gnarly butt cut left in log form from that osage I salvaged the other day, laying behind my shop. I pretended it didn't exist every time I walked by it until today, so I started whacking on it. It had some real knotty wood, some real snaky, some with arrow straight grain, all billet wood about 50" long.

The butt cut is in the background;



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 08, 2013, 08:33:06 pm
you can eat at our camp any day you like ramin noodles?lol
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 08, 2013, 08:45:32 pm
That is a step up for me  I love them.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 08, 2013, 08:49:44 pm
i might be able to throw in some snack cakes and chips Charlie.oh,and beer.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on April 08, 2013, 11:42:45 pm
Painted the garage door's, and one front door.  Finished washing the sheets and blankets for Pappy's cabin for his friends visiting for the classic.  Hope to finish a friends retirement plaque tomorrow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 09, 2013, 06:21:45 pm
took the bow I got from pearlie down to the river and got some pics and did some stumping, man this is a great bow, Bub
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 09, 2013, 07:16:39 pm
Went turkey hunting with my new flintlock, heard one gobble about a mile away, once, didn't go after it as I was in an area of 100 ft shear cliffs with few passages to the creek bottom below. Saw 4 deer, found some super new places to deer hunt(public land), didn't hear another peep out any turkey all morning and I covered a lot of ground. Later in the morning I had a dozer working on one side of me and a large tractor bushhoging cut over on the other side of the area I was hunting, too noisy for any self respecting turkey to hang around I suspect.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 09, 2013, 10:57:59 pm
Today I mowed grass   :P
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 10, 2013, 12:36:24 pm
I shot my yew bow a bunch and finished off some boo arrows for her, gotta have a new set to lose/break at the Classic in a few weeks! Im a horrible shot nowadays.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on April 10, 2013, 03:12:10 pm
Sprayed a Douglas fir shaft with gloss black auto paint to see how it'd look.  Turned out quite nicely so I glued on a nock, 190gn field point and three red shield-cut fletches.  Quite happy with how it all turned out so I might spray another five shafts and make a mini-set - I've got three cans of that spray paint :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 10, 2013, 09:57:31 pm
Spent four hours shoveling snow and counting the days until the Tennessee Classic!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 10, 2013, 10:16:38 pm
Spent 3 hours at a Cabela's grand opening today.  All I bought was a Primitive Archer magazine.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 11, 2013, 12:45:20 am
It was 89 degrees here today so I mowed grass first, planted a pine tree, worked on patterning my fowler with #4 shot. I had a bore brush break off all the way in my barrel so I had to take my gun apart, pull the breech plug and knock the bore brush out, this ended my shooting session.

My friend Sammy called and said he had some turkey wings for me. We visited a while and I started processing the wings for sending to David Mitchell. There were 20 wings and 8 fans in the garbage bags. Some had been ridden around in someone's truck for several days and were a bit ripe, they were soaking wet as well. I don't cull anything, just put on my rubber gloves and go to work. Took a while to get the secondaries skinned off, primaries clipped and all raw flesh slathered in borax.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on April 11, 2013, 08:17:40 pm
took a road trip with a pal to finalize the sale of my folks home. pops passed in '01, mother passed in '09. took me 3 years to even get it on the market. just couldnt deal with it. they bought that house when i was 4 yrs old. sorta sad to see the old family place leave the family. but also relieved to not be responsible for it anymore....visited some dear old friends while there. kirks an old bowyer, knapper, gunsmith, knife maker all around good fella. his wife gloria bakes the best cinnamon rolls ya ever sunk yr teeth into. came home with a bunch of cinnamon rolls, farm fresh eggs and the only three morels kirk has found so far(he absolutely would not let me refuse). now thats what i call friends....the blessings in this life always outweigh the curses
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 12, 2013, 10:11:04 am
I finally got back in my shop last night after several days away from it, yuck. I proceeded to break a bow and started another before the dust settled.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 12, 2013, 05:37:57 pm
Today Pearly sent me a text and said my bees wax was on the way. And his care package of a chunk of tanned black deer hide, a chunk of beaver hide for beaver balls, and a pair of buffalo horn tip overlays are heading his way. Trad guys are the bestest:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 12, 2013, 06:06:13 pm
With that set of ears you have, you would think you could get enough wax to do about anything you need it to. ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 12, 2013, 07:37:12 pm
Charlie, I'm bout ready to make a road trip down there and thump ya old timer:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 12, 2013, 08:10:50 pm
LOL.....bring it
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 13, 2013, 08:21:55 am
With that set of ears you have, you would think you could get enough wax to do about anything you need it to. ;D

Now thats funny ol' man!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 13, 2013, 09:12:10 am
Finally completed two shorties that I sinew backed at the Kalamazoo Expo back in January.  A couple grips, strings.  Tried something new for me with some muskrat fur that I got from Drums.  They're 50" and 49" NTN, 42#@26 and 47#@24. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 13, 2013, 09:14:03 am
Sweeties right there Matt. I like the skins to.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 13, 2013, 11:17:06 am
nice bows Matt.i like the fur on the handle,it looks cool.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on April 13, 2013, 11:54:10 am
Beautiful bows!  Well done.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on April 13, 2013, 01:52:56 pm
Not enough E's is SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET there Bud !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 13, 2013, 02:19:46 pm
Very nice work.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 13, 2013, 09:29:47 pm
Turkey hunted this morning, saw 10 deer, called in one hen, heard no gobblers.

Glued on a new limb on an osage bow I was helping a friend make. He pulled it back to about to full draw on the long string before it was anywhere near ready, KAPOW! Seeing as how this is his first osage stave bow attempt I replaced the broken limb so he can proceed with his build.

Put the first coat of finish on another bow rebuild I am doing for a friend.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on April 13, 2013, 09:36:17 pm
I heat bent my first wood today. I made a small caul just for bending lams for mollies. I am bending the area at the fades a little for a better fit with the thicker lams. I am redoing a hard maple molle that I added osage lams to last year. It still has more set than I would like, so I took the osage off and more of the hard maple and am adding thicker osage lams to the belly. The bow looked and shot too good not to try to save it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 14, 2013, 02:58:58 pm
Well, yesterday and today - 3 Dozen arrows.  Made the (osage) rack also.  Holds 144.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 14, 2013, 03:01:47 pm
Oh, that's just too nice to be primitive!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 14, 2013, 03:32:20 pm
i had an interesting morning.i was out cleaning up the yard when i heard a bird tweet at me.i had never heard this sound before.i looked over and saw a parrot in a tree by my house.went in and got some seeds and coaxed this bird on to my hand.turns out it is a very young green cheeked conure.this bird is currently asleep curled around the back of my neck.i'll post some pics when it wakes up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on April 14, 2013, 03:36:43 pm
Parrots aren't very common in Ohio. I guess someone left the door open.  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 14, 2013, 03:39:12 pm
Nice that you found the greencheek before it became an exotic dinner for some hawk. 

Speaking of hawkfood....I was in the local farm and ranch store looking at baby chicks and bunnies.  All I could think was how much fun my birds would have with dinner tonite.   >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on April 14, 2013, 04:10:49 pm
Went turkey hunting today and it took three hours before two little hawks would finally quit driving us crazy. Everytime we would try to call they'ed sit in the tree above us and just raise cane. Like you, JW, I thought how much the eight foot gator in the river behind us was going to enjoy them after I blasted the little buggers out of the tree. >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 14, 2013, 04:45:40 pm
thats the thing Jdub.i have three hawks and a big owl that live on the top of my hill.i am glad i saved the little green cheek.i did find a snake that wasn't so lucky though.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 14, 2013, 04:53:44 pm
here is a pic of my new bird that i caught in the yard this morning.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 14, 2013, 05:18:24 pm
How many arrows worth of fletching do you think it has?  Those green feathers would make a cool backing.  Maybe enough sinew for an arrow wrap in those birdy legs? 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 14, 2013, 06:42:22 pm
You can't just breast'em out either, not enough meat.  Better take the legs, too.  And whadya thing, two, maybe two and a half tablespoons of dressing in the cavity?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 14, 2013, 06:49:40 pm
Cool find Steve!  Not everyday you run into something like that!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 14, 2013, 10:04:30 pm
I wouldn't trust that bird Steve.  Looks like he is giving you the old evil eye.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 14, 2013, 10:39:51 pm
you might be right Clint.i am tring to put her to bed now and she is not liking it.she wants to be part of the action.she is alot better looking in picture sucks.she also has her baby feathers.wish me luck with this one,she is ornary as i am.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on April 15, 2013, 01:18:59 pm
Took the family out for a nice hike yesterday...we had a blast...the kids love it ;)

( (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 15, 2013, 01:37:21 pm
Nice lookin' bunch of kids you got there Chris.  Have you taught them how to pick out good bow wood trees yet?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 15, 2013, 01:50:02 pm
Look at that little turd stickin her head out in the back! Nice pick of the whole batch.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on April 15, 2013, 02:01:54 pm
Postman was nice to me today...

Received my James Parker bow blank :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on April 15, 2013, 02:19:31 pm
Showed TIG welding videos to my HS welding class and surfed the PA forum all day.  >:D dpg
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on April 15, 2013, 02:32:09 pm
Clint they know that osage is the best ;)  >:D

Watch who your calling a lil turd pearly  >:( ...especially not my lil peanut  >:(  ;D  :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 15, 2013, 02:40:18 pm
Maybe she is a little turd peanut? Either way she is pretty dang cute!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 15, 2013, 03:06:17 pm
The kids sure are growing, Chris!  They look great.  Pappa doesn't look too bad either without the beardy face.   :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 15, 2013, 07:55:48 pm
Awesome picture, Chris.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on April 15, 2013, 09:23:01 pm
Yeah matt...they're growing fast...I'm sure your boys have grown since I saw em last too...see ya soon :)  ;)

Thanks Roy....I  :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 15, 2013, 10:12:26 pm
Today I watched my baby girl win the 100 meter dash in her second ever Jr. high track meet.  She is a 6th grader.  She also got 2nd in the 200 meter and her team got first in the 4x100 relay.

She is the blurry girl closest to the camera

( (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 15, 2013, 10:15:09 pm
Yay Babygirl!  Yay Clint!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 15, 2013, 10:26:09 pm
That poor girl inherited my appetite.  We never knew she could run so fast.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on April 16, 2013, 07:49:41 am
One proud daddy there Clint....she prob can run so fast from being chased with a belt by ya all those >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 16, 2013, 07:54:21 am
Come on Chris, you know ole sawed off can't run fast with his shorty legs:) She looks twice as tall as Clint:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on April 16, 2013, 12:14:54 pm
Come on Chris, you know ole sawed off can't run fast with his shorty legs:)

That's why she took up running.  ;D  Way to go Clint! dpg
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 16, 2013, 12:45:31 pm
Baby girl has some wheels Clintster!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on April 16, 2013, 04:46:30 pm
That the stuff right there Clint !!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 16, 2013, 07:07:26 pm
I'm betting Clint sits in the bleachers and holds up a sign that says, Honey let's go cut Osage today. LOL
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Frawg on April 16, 2013, 11:48:56 pm
Went to a friends house and picked up some turkey wings he had for me. While I was there he broke out the FluFlus and the aerial Targets. My first time and oh boy I sucked it up hard. I never hit a target but had a blast.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Shiloh on April 17, 2013, 01:35:17 am
I finally got around to laying out a vine maple stave. I decided to go for a pyramid design, 68.5" ttt with a good 4" of natural reflex. It was my first time laying out a profile on a tree stave, so it was a little weird, but hopefully it'll turn out in time for the TBoW meet at the end of may.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on April 17, 2013, 01:16:57 pm
Today is my Wife and I's 19th year on paper anniversary. Have not yet decided what we are going to do for dinner. Take the boy or leave him at home to fend for hisself. I am so happy to have been blessed with a hard headed  woman like myself to have put up with me for so long!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 17, 2013, 02:49:44 pm
congrat's to you and Kimberly, leave the kid home, he's big enough to fend for himself, get you two some alone time buddy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 17, 2013, 08:23:01 pm
I made a (single size) rope bed last fall for a camping/hunting trip with the guys.  Since we're staying in a tent this year at the Classic, I widened the bed to fit both Miss Heather and I.  Awww, ain't I sweet...   :-*
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 17, 2013, 08:29:34 pm
Now that I like.  I need to look at that while at the classic.  I can see one of those in my future.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 17, 2013, 09:24:04 pm
I think I would look like a smoked ham if I slept on that bed. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 17, 2013, 09:35:20 pm
Ya already do, Sawed Off:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 17, 2013, 10:10:03 pm
LMAO Ahh, too funny!   ;D :D ;D :laugh: ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 17, 2013, 10:37:33 pm
now that is too funny Clint.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on April 17, 2013, 11:05:21 pm
Painted the mail box, finished staining the front porch deck, and painted last coat of paint on my two front doors.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 18, 2013, 12:28:39 am
Jon, gettin' the honey-do list done before the big week, huh?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on April 18, 2013, 01:11:01 am
You bet Matt.   :)

I also painted the bird house for the wife.   Forgot that one.  8)

Looking forward to seeing you again ole friend.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 18, 2013, 08:29:11 am
Matt does that come apart at all for travel? Thats pretty cool, first time Ive seen that. I bought a few of the over-sized cots and love them with an air mattress on top!

You guys be nice to sawed off. He was born with those legs, its not his fault their just a bit too short!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 18, 2013, 08:54:35 am
Drums and Charlie:  Yes, it comes apart.  Each of the legs are held together by one pin.  The legs are just long enough to hide bins or clothing bags under.  It is surprisingly comfortable.  I'd be happy to show it to you at the Classic if you'd like to make one for yourself.

Jon:  Ole friend I'm also looking forward to seeing you.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on April 18, 2013, 07:44:13 pm
Matt - Next time I come over, I'm bringing My Buffalo Robe and "field test" that bed for Ya  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: - looks comfy !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 18, 2013, 08:26:05 pm
It'll put ya to sleep!  Likely won't get any work done on that yew bow!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 18, 2013, 09:39:02 pm
I always thought the guys at the classic slept on the ground like real Trad guys do?:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on April 18, 2013, 09:40:20 pm
Been wanting to do one myself Matt !
Just don't seem to get it done !
See ya soon !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 18, 2013, 10:18:07 pm
I always thought the guys at the classic slept on the ground like real Trad guys do?:)

I sleep on the ground Roy.  Well, on an air mattress on the ground  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 18, 2013, 11:07:25 pm
The little woman is still bringing the air mattress, just in case. :-[
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 19, 2013, 10:17:35 am
Been hauling my tractor around tilling gardens for friends this week. Had 8 lined up to till, told the friends and relatives I would be doing the tilling his week and to have their gardens cleared off and ready. Guess how many actually had their gardens ready for me, one, yep, only one.

Sure is hard to do a free favor for some folk. Think I will go out to the shop and make a bow, my osage is always ready.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on April 19, 2013, 12:44:32 pm
Yesterday I made some tip overlays from 5,000 year old Irish bog oak and glued them to a James Parker bowblank.

Today I shaped them (roughly) and in a little while will file in the string grooves and finish the tips off.

I ain't got a bandsaw so I'm gonna have to cut the arrow shelf out by hand...  Fingers crossed  :-\

Going to rasp out the grip/handle as I'm wary of powertools and the closest thing I have to one is a small belt sander.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on April 19, 2013, 01:12:16 pm
Built the fire at Twin Oaks.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on April 19, 2013, 02:22:40 pm
Built the fire at Twin Oaks.

You win!!   ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on April 19, 2013, 07:42:32 pm
finally the old arm is healed enuf to work on stuf.
worked on the trade bow a bit. taking it slow....
also got 4 shoot shafts all ready to fletch and add the points
did all the straightening over the fire outside
sure feels good to be working again!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 19, 2013, 08:16:47 pm
glad to see ya back at it sadie
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 19, 2013, 08:22:31 pm
Glad you healed up well, Sadiejane.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 19, 2013, 10:42:32 pm
I always thought the guys at the classic slept on the ground like real Trad guys do?:)

I thought the "real" guys never slept at the Classic! ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 19, 2013, 10:44:39 pm
Today I came home from work with a bag of turkey wings thanks to a sludge hauler named Flush  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 19, 2013, 10:54:40 pm
Wow!  A crap-load of wings?!?!  Cool!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 19, 2013, 11:17:47 pm
Did ya deep fry em up, Clint? I like hot sauce and seasonal on my wings:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 20, 2013, 08:18:23 am
I blew the day off work and whipped up a new osage bow yesterday. I also Got 3 boo arrows made and 5 cedars sealed, plus cleaned up the basement and rearranged some band equipment. That was well worth the 8 hours of vacation time I used!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on April 20, 2013, 09:18:01 am
Sounds like I need you to come down here and clean up my shop, Pearlie! I keep putting it off. I was going to do it this weekend but got invited to a shoot nearby this morning. Well, maybe after the shoot and some lunch I'll get on it. I can't get anything done in there like it is...that's for sure.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on April 20, 2013, 11:09:15 am
thanks for the kind words fellas.

sounds like with turkey season, everyone is loading up on fletching.
went to a cookout with friends last nite and one showed up with two pairs of wings for me. yeah!
another pal brought me one pair at bow making wed nite.
apprieate friends gathering these up for me. life is good!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 20, 2013, 06:32:13 pm
Put stain and first coat of tung oil on my St. Jude auction bow today. 48 tip to tip and 14 # @ 15 inches. Cute little bow. Heck even Charlie might be able to pull her back:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 20, 2013, 09:37:29 pm
I know your wife had to pull that on the tiller tree for you old coot.  That is 4 lbs over you maximum draw weight.  And 5 inches too long.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 21, 2013, 01:13:54 pm
Today I spent the morning messing with Charlie's mind:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on April 21, 2013, 04:24:21 pm
Good to hear your back at it Sadie !!

I worked on my truck and the wires for the camper my wife bought me !!
Maybe Marshall won't wear me out so bad this year !!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on April 21, 2013, 07:49:24 pm
made me a new yeller bow today  8)  I wasn't gonna build another till the classic,but after not building/finishing one off in three weeks I just couldn't help myself  ;D  :laugh:  this thing rips,n im loving it so far  ;)

Guy in a camper??? huh  :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on April 22, 2013, 11:59:31 am
Yesterday was finally able to put my horses in the Mountain Pasture getting ready for the trip to the Classic.  Went for a long walk hunting sheds and found a forked horned spike elk that had been killed and eaten by the wolves.  Wish I could send a picture of the remains some hide and bones.  Found one new elk shed.  Woke up in the night to find 14" of new and unexpected snow so spent the morning on the side by side bringing them back home.  Sometimes Mother Nature can be cruel.  Am expecting company from Yakima tomorrow so will have to plow out the lane!  My real concern is running out of hay and the possibility of missing the Classic due to horse chores.  Hawk has his trailer parked in the yard and is supposed to be coming down from Montana this week to get ready for the long haul to the farm.  It will be a major blow if the weather keeps me home!  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 22, 2013, 12:12:37 pm
What mind?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on April 22, 2013, 01:05:13 pm
Went to the Calgary 3D trad shoot. Good to meet the old freinds and shoot the bull. Snow and wind put a damper on Saturday nights festivities had lots of wood for the tents stoves all was good.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 22, 2013, 03:23:15 pm
Gotta love the frozen Nord Leroy! I keep hearing about guys working gardens and mowing lawns down south, funny.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on April 22, 2013, 03:51:33 pm
Just because it snows once and a awhile doesn't mean the rubarb isn't growing. July is the only month it hasn't snowed. Then again drove my motorcycle on christmas day coupla years ago. Be planting onions and peas Saturday. Tomatoes and cukes gotta wait till end of may.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 22, 2013, 04:59:30 pm
I worked today, And I have 4 more days to work, then I will be an Old Retired Red Neck:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 22, 2013, 06:05:55 pm
Wow, Roy you got two things right in one sentence.....OLD...and RED NECK...I did not know you could multi task....impressive.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 22, 2013, 08:57:28 pm
Charlie, don't make me drive down there tonight and slap the crap outta ya boy:) LOL
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on April 22, 2013, 10:02:37 pm
Roy, You going to be at the Classic???
If so, You can camp next to Charlie. ;D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on April 22, 2013, 10:40:36 pm
Worked on 3 knives for the Classic.   :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 23, 2013, 08:42:29 am
David, I hain't camping next to that Old Coot:) His tent prolly smells like an old gas well:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 23, 2013, 09:20:27 am
You talking about doing all this slapping, who is going to hold your arms up for you?  So dilapidated, you got to retire in three days.  Talking about slapping some body....ha.

And you are right, even if it was freezing, snowing, pouring rain, tornado's or what ever, you ain't getting in my tent.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on April 23, 2013, 10:27:56 am
Yins boys are sure a lot of talk n flapping ur yappers.....I'd pay good money to see charlie n Roy slap each other around like a couple of senior citizen ladies  8)  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on April 23, 2013, 10:42:17 am why would you want to call the ole coot a lady?  You seen him do some of his thumpings or
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on April 23, 2013, 04:52:18 pm
Dont sound right does it Chris ?!!
Maybe it be time to grageate from the school of hard knocks where our school colors are black and blue !
Only took perty near a life time !
I done good eh !

If the camper works out we can run the Classic into Marshall and have the whole month of May as bow building time with only a couple a days off for driving time !
What do you think Pappy ?
Two or three weeks in Tenn. and two weeks in MI. sounds like a plan to me !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 24, 2013, 11:26:07 pm
Packed and did grocery shopping for Tennessee.  Also, made 1 of 2 mocassins for Wee-wicki.  Tomorrow... 2 of 2.   :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on April 25, 2013, 09:41:41 am
Is Wee-wicki walking yet?

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on April 25, 2013, 09:44:41 am
Wee-wicki...  Cutest progeny nick name ever.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 25, 2013, 04:57:39 pm
Just home from work, and I have one more day, tomorrow, then I retire:) 44.5 year's at one job is enough.. Look out Bow Shop here I come:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 25, 2013, 05:43:01 pm
Roy I think you should really think about that walmart greeter job  ;)

Today I made my mobile workbench/toolbox a little more mobile.  Loaded down with tools it gets a little heavy.  I took the adjustable front wheels off a pushmower that my wife destroyed and put them on the front of my bench.  I can drop the wheels a few notches and wheel it anywhere I want to go.  Then raise them back up and it's good to go.  Now if I can only figure out how to put a motor on it  ::)


Title: What did you do today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 25, 2013, 05:45:32 pm
Wee-wicki isn't walking yet.  He army crawls across the floor, though.  I think he'll be walking before too long.  Likes to stand.

Clintster:  I like it!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on April 25, 2013, 06:01:53 pm
nice Clint,that is cool.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 25, 2013, 06:50:41 pm
what happen Clint, somebody steal you red wagon >:D, pretty cool idea actually, Bub
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on April 25, 2013, 07:02:34 pm
Wow, Clint.........  8) idea using the lawnmower wheels.  Your a genius!!!!  I need to talk to you more at the classic and pick your brain.  You really must not have been yourself at Moontree after that chicken.  :(
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on April 25, 2013, 08:15:01 pm need a motor n two more wheels on that bad boy buddy ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 25, 2013, 09:02:24 pm
Clint, ya gonna paint the Flintstone Mobile across the front in Red Letters? LOL:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 25, 2013, 09:51:55 pm
Wow, Clint.........  8) idea using the lawnmower wheels.  Your a genius!!!!  I need to talk to you more at the classic and pick your brain.  You really must not have been yourself at Moontree after that chicken.  :(

Yeah, I was pretty out of it down there.  You can pick my brain all you want but I think the only thing up there is some osage dust.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 25, 2013, 10:19:41 pm
And not much else:) LMAO
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 25, 2013, 10:30:50 pm
I hope you are friendlier after friday you old codger  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on April 25, 2013, 11:05:12 pm
Hey clint what you need is Ozzy painting some osage grain on the side of your bench.  Maybe we could talk Ozzy into doing it at the second Moontree outing.  We could call it the osage outlaw mobile.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 25, 2013, 11:18:28 pm
Sounds good to me.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 26, 2013, 09:36:49 am
Clint ya otta put another set of wheels on her and enter it in the soap box derby.. LMAO >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 26, 2013, 10:03:31 am
I could do some raspin' on the way down the hill  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on April 26, 2013, 10:47:05 am
Osage great idea on the wheels. You just solved a problem for me, my thickness planer stand.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 26, 2013, 02:08:13 pm
I made one out of osage boards.  Unfortunately, mine doesn't have wheels.  It oughta last for a long time though!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 26, 2013, 09:57:34 pm
I retired today and it feels great:) 44.5 years there. Bow Shop here I come...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Adam on April 27, 2013, 12:06:56 am
Congrats Roy!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 27, 2013, 06:09:50 am
congrats Roy, after that long you certainly deserve it
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 27, 2013, 07:50:51 am
How nice for you, Roy.  Good for you!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on April 27, 2013, 10:47:58 am
Big day in your life!  If you find retirement like I did, you will soon wonder how you had time to work!?  Takes some getting used to!  Congrats!  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 27, 2013, 11:21:23 am
Thanks guys.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 27, 2013, 11:36:03 am
I bet Roy's coworkers have a big party planned for Monday  >:D

Congratulations you old fart.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 27, 2013, 02:20:14 pm
I bet Roy's coworkers have a big party planned for Monday  >:D

Congratulations you old fart.

I heard they were catering the bash and were bringing in a band.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 27, 2013, 08:39:49 pm
Wouldnt you? Im glad he is three states away from me.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 27, 2013, 10:09:38 pm
Pretty sure I broke my big toe today.  I dropped a big osage log on it  :o   Its not to bad standing and walking but if I try to bend it the pain is terrible.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 27, 2013, 10:11:26 pm
Pretty sure I broke my big toe today.  I dropped a big osage log on it  :o   Its not to bad standing and walking but if I try to bend it the pain is terrible.

That means you are just gonna sit around in the shade at the Classic and have young fellers run your errands, bring you refreshing drinks, and keep you cool with a fan?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 27, 2013, 10:41:00 pm
Clint, quit being such a big sissy pants and just don't bend it:) You girls from Indiana are nuffen but whiners.. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ifrit617 on April 27, 2013, 10:42:21 pm
Clint, quit being such a big sissy pants and just don't bend it:)

Yeah a little tape and its good as new.   >:D >:D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 27, 2013, 11:01:33 pm
It happened around noon and I quit working at 8:30.  No sissy pants here.  I might have to wear my steel toe shoes to the classic.  If someone steps on it, it might trigger my punch reflex
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 27, 2013, 11:10:05 pm
It will get better, Clint..
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 28, 2013, 12:28:28 pm
It happened around noon and I quit working at 8:30.  No sissy pants here.  I might have to wear my steel toe shoes to the classic.  If someone steps on it, it might trigger my punch reflex

Yah, and that might trigger my gun ship be careful Clint.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 28, 2013, 12:56:49 pm
Gun ship? HA-- more like an old row boat.. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: ksnow on April 28, 2013, 07:16:19 pm
Got the bark peeled off a winged elm tree a coworker cut down and said I could have.  Looked good, some small knots, nothing major.  When I got the bark off, there is a pretty good grain swirl near the base, should be interesting.  While waiting for the shellac to dry, decided to try using the inner bark for cordage, turned out kinda nice.  The "log" is about 3" diameter at the small end, 68" long, debating one bow or two.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 28, 2013, 08:58:48 pm
It happened around noon and I quit working at 8:30.  No sissy pants here.  I might have to wear my steel toe shoes to the classic.  If someone steps on it, it might trigger my punch reflex

Yah, and that might trigger my gun ship be careful Clint.

I thought the gunships were always on duty
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 29, 2013, 08:03:41 am
Gun Ships? I've seen bigger cannons on match box cars:) LMAO

What a great morning, the wife just left for work and I'm home alone, Retired last Friday:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on April 29, 2013, 09:25:43 am
I forgot to tell you congrats on your retirement, Roy. Whatcha gonna do with all that extra time???
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 29, 2013, 10:08:05 am
Garden, can hot peppers and tomatoes, mow grass on 5 acres, fish in our pond, house work, go camping, and BOWS and Beer:)

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 29, 2013, 02:09:16 pm
just keep rubbing it in Roy, just keep rubbing it in :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 29, 2013, 03:44:11 pm
Today I took a ride in my new truck to the Mall. Didn't shop, just rode around the parking lot checking out the chicks.

Sorry Bubby.. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 29, 2013, 04:30:21 pm
Roy if it was me I'd be doing the same damn thing :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 29, 2013, 08:11:28 pm
Well Bubby, your a dirty ole man. LOL ^5, me too..
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 29, 2013, 08:14:00 pm
when my wife catches me looking I remind her i'm old, I aint dead  >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 29, 2013, 09:00:52 pm
Just wear your hat crooked and she will think your looking in another direction. It works for me:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 29, 2013, 09:36:36 pm
Gun Ships? I've seen bigger cannons on match box cars:) LMAO

What a great morning, the wife just left for work and I'm home alone, Retired last Friday:)

I was gonna give Roy crap about rubbing it in, but I realized he prolly doesn't remember that he already told us he retired.


Heck, his wife could cancel his subscription to P.A. to save money and just hand him the same copy over and over. 

"Yes, dear.  It does look a little thumbed and shop-worn.  Maybe the mailman has been reading your new issues."
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on April 29, 2013, 09:50:07 pm
LOL JW. One X-mas my Mom gave Dad his X-mas card. Dad said that's the same card you gave me last year. Mom just looked at me and grinned. I laughed my ass off:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DGF on April 30, 2013, 01:26:03 am
Congrats on the retirement Roy. I'm getting close myself, just 39 more years.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 30, 2013, 10:37:45 am
Sweet, maybe we can do our parties together Dan-O?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DGF on May 01, 2013, 02:21:11 am
It's a plan. I'll pencil in the last Friday in April, 2052. You available that day?

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 01, 2013, 11:40:35 am
Dropped that big poplar that was leaning toward my shop. Lots of chains, cables and a come-along needed to get it to fall the right way, couldn't be crushing any of Miss Glenda's flowers or bushes. I put the tree right between a couple of her favorite bushes.

( (

Big tree;

( (

Took all day to haul off the tree trunk and limbs;

( (

This was the largest of two trunks, will drop the other one on Thursday.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on May 01, 2013, 02:08:00 pm
Put the finishing touches of Danish oil to a couple of bows.  Man it's tough waiting for them to dry fully...   ???
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Shiloh on May 01, 2013, 08:07:06 pm
Went to the hardware store and picked up 2 boards, one for a bow to sell and another for myself. The red oak was good enough, with just a little run-off and good rings, but what I thought was maple turned out to be poplar.  >:( Someone needs to have a chat with the guy who did the stocking.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on May 01, 2013, 10:15:52 pm
Looks like you need a helping hand, Eric. That looks like a big job!! ???
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 01, 2013, 11:03:34 pm
Big tree, Eric. But when ya gonna buy a good chain saw? :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on May 02, 2013, 09:13:53 am
Went to the hardware store and picked up 2 boards, one for a bow to sell and another for myself. The red oak was good enough, with just a little run-off and good rings, but what I thought was maple turned out to be poplar.  >:( Someone needs to have a chat with the guy who did the stocking.
That will teach you to trust labels ;)  It's a losing battle trying to educate  many minimum wage retail employees on what they're putting on the shelves.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 02, 2013, 01:52:48 pm
Roy, the only chainsaw I could get that would be better than the one I have would be a BIGGER STIHL. My 029 has been running for the last 15 years without a hitch, probably has kept me out of trouble by only having an 18" bar. My wood cutting buddy and I found a patch of osage trees, arrow straight but over 24" in diameter, some were more like 48". My undersized chainsaw kept me from tackling one.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on May 02, 2013, 07:26:28 pm
went out front and it was flooded, got a friggin' water leak, had to shut the sprinklers supply off and let it drain down try and fix it tomorrow gonna be in the 90s all week
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on May 02, 2013, 09:38:33 pm
Ya Bub - Hvae fun with that! ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 02, 2013, 11:33:21 pm
Eric, I have the baddest chain saw in the world. But I'd walk right past a 24 to 48 inch Osage tree:) LOL
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on May 04, 2013, 09:19:52 am
Roy, the only chainsaw I could get that would be better than the one I have would be a BIGGER STIHL. My 029 has been running for the last 15 years without a hitch, probably has kept me out of trouble by only having an 18" bar. My wood cutting buddy and I found a patch of osage trees, arrow straight but over 24" in diameter, some were more like 48". My undersized chainsaw kept me from tackling one.
Short bars are under rated.  My favorite saw was a Husqy 385 running a 20" bar.  Your Stihl could probably fell up to 28" trees with the right technique.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 04, 2013, 10:16:53 am
Stihl makes a good saw, I had one. I have a Huskavarna now and it eats wood.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 05, 2013, 01:34:01 pm
I guess the real reason for my reluctance is I have more osage put back than I could use in two lifetimes, from back in my hale and hardy days when I was osage cutting crazy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on May 06, 2013, 01:24:33 am
 I don't have osage or a chainsaw... got an axe, adze, and an hatchet:)
And a bow saw....
Worked on an elm bow, did some HW...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Paul F on May 06, 2013, 10:18:23 pm
I guess the real reason for my reluctance is I have more osage put back than I could use in two lifetimes, from back in my hale and hardy days when I was osage cutting crazy.
So what you're really saying is you have enough to trade for all the stave's you want of the wood you can't get.  At least that's what Im reading.

Paul F.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 06, 2013, 11:29:31 pm
It is more like "I don't need wood and I remember what it is like to pound on a sledge hammer and pull on a draw knife for a solid month", I think I will pass on the big trees.

I have osage, yew, hickory, dogwood and mulberry staves and billets in my stash, elm, hackberry, hop horn beam(iron wood), cherry and walnut in standing form on my little patch of woods. Don't need to trade for anything else.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 07, 2013, 12:43:52 am
Eric, quit rubbing it in... :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 07, 2013, 07:50:28 pm
I pealed and sealed some osage staves for my stash today.  I tore into a few of my special red ones.  They are purty  8)  Blackhawk and Matt Wirwicki traded me out of some of these at the Classic.  I hope yours look as good as this one.

Both staves were cut at the same time and peeled today. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on May 08, 2013, 09:11:09 pm
Wow....those are looking great pal....can't wait to tear into mine...but it might be a bit before I week at the earliest...I love the darker hedge :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 08, 2013, 10:54:38 pm
The stave on the left is too green. Ya need to let them season at least 4 to 5 years to be any good.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 09, 2013, 02:12:01 am
They are both green Roy.  Both were cut at the same time and both debarked at the same time.  Is your eyesight starting to go at your advanced age?   >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on May 09, 2013, 09:44:21 am
I picked up some lumber and began building a lean-to for my osage.  Seems I'm running out of room in my barn for staves.  Hoping the osage seasons better outside, but still protected from rain.  Plan on finishing today, I'll post pics.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on May 09, 2013, 10:47:26 am
I picked up some lumber and began building a lean-to for my osage.  Seems I'm running out of room in my barn for staves.  Hoping the osage seasons better outside, but still protected from rain.  Plan on finishing today, I'll post pics.

If you add runners up underneath the roof of the lean-to, you could store the staves up on them, just under the roof - it'd make sure the rain never touches them :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on May 09, 2013, 06:22:27 pm
Typical Roy.  Been retired a little over a week now, and already he can not tell green from yellow.  So sad.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 10, 2013, 02:58:03 pm
I got a colorful package in the mail today  ;D  I'm saving these babies for something special. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on May 10, 2013, 03:57:19 pm
You sure do get some nice packages there Clint.  Be glad to see those on a bow.  I finally got all my wet stuff dried out, and ready to pack away for next time.  I have been in rain since I left on Monday, and it just stopped sometime last night.  And guess what, more showers this evening and tomorrow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on May 10, 2013, 04:04:12 pm
That why we packed up Friday night Charlie. I couldnt stand the thought of a truck load of sponges to haul home and dry out/clean up. Next year I may have a tin box hooked to the back of my truck rather than a tent.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 10, 2013, 05:47:38 pm
Pearly, make sure you get a tin box big enough to fit an extra snoring bear in case of rain  ;) 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 10, 2013, 07:37:18 pm
You girls aren't made from sugar, so ya  all won't melt. The real Trad Men stayed and toughed it out. And the sissy pants girls went home early:)

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 10, 2013, 08:12:37 pm
You girls aren't made from sugar, so ya  all won't melt. The real Trad Men stayed and toughed it out. And the sissy pants girls went home early:)


Says the guy that was afraid to ask the wife for permission to go.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on May 10, 2013, 08:17:52 pm
He could not find his he had to stay close to the tissue paper..
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on May 10, 2013, 08:20:27 pm
That was a good one OO  :) :)  And I didn't get to meet Roy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 10, 2013, 09:46:47 pm
That's because he wasn't allowed to go  >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on May 10, 2013, 09:53:08 pm
I qota ask..............Have you ever met Roy  face to face????
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 10, 2013, 10:08:23 pm
Thankfully, no  :o       ;D

Maybe one day he will drag his old behind down to the Classic and hang out with us.  Something tells me he is a really nice guy once you get past the grouchiness.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Josh B on May 10, 2013, 10:38:22 pm
I don't know what all the hub bub is about with the rain? ???  I tracked a little mud in my "tent", but for the most part, it stayed dry as a bone inside the whole time I was there >:D. Josh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 10, 2013, 11:23:57 pm
Same here, Gun Doc.  My "tent" was as snug as a hunting cabin!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 11, 2013, 09:50:25 am
I'll get there someday, Clint. I wanna arm wrestle ole Pearly boys gun ships:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 11, 2013, 09:53:28 am
Just trying to post pics.
Got these two and a sack of mushrooms two weeks ago, the bow is a short osage I made a few months ago from a belly split , it's 48 1/2" ttt and 47 1/2" ntn pulls 40 pounds at 20"  . It's a nice little bow to carry around and was handy for bow fishing .

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 11, 2013, 11:00:14 am
Looks like you had a great day.  Nice job on the fish and shrooms.  Sweet bow too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 11, 2013, 11:14:31 am
Thanks , still haven't figured out photobucket but did find a way to compres photos by posting them on another sight then saving the photo on my phone.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on May 12, 2013, 09:29:08 am
Clint, them are some nice coral snake skins.  Good for you!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on May 12, 2013, 12:55:13 pm
Been a busy week for me in the NDN Museum. Lots of folks, a torrential deluge for 45 minutes (about 2+inches of water) in a very limited area, about a half square mile. Made some points gave some away to NDN elders and some to other folks who shared some good story and were willing to sit there and watch me make a point. A good friend also named Ben and his wife come up every year and he has been by to visit the past three days so I made his wife some ear rings and him an obsidian bear claw. Today it is supposed to be 80 at 4000'. Good thing the museum has AC!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 12, 2013, 05:00:04 pm
I was up at 3:15, dressed in linen hunting shirt, linsey-woolsey hunting frock over that, kneebreeches and woolen stockings, woolen leggings and moccasins.  A handwoven woolen sash around the waist and a grey felt slouch hat on my head.  Tomahawk in the sash against my lower back and a belt knife on the left side.  I scooped up the .62 flintlock smoothbore charged with a ounce and an eighth of #5 shot and 75 grains of FFg Dupont powder with one hand and the horn and shot pouch with the other.

( (

At 3:35 I was silently slipping into the woods.  Moccasined feet coming down on the balls of my feet and rolling softly to quiet my steps as I moved like a shadow amongst fellow shadows.  Once I stopped when a muley doe snorted her disapproval. I asked her forgiveness and told her she was not who I was looking for.  She turned and faded deeper into the jackpines, heavy with a pair of fawns in her belly. 

The deer trail I stole along is one I have covered hundreds of times, most often in the dark like this.  I know it's twists and turns by heart.  At the top of the ridge I paused sucking great gulps of wind hoping to calm the trip-hammer in my chest.  More empty vows to be in better shape next spring were bitten off before they slipped out my lips uselessly.  When I could breath again quietly I slipped from one tree to another with as little motion as possible until I was a mere 50 yds from a roost site.

The birds were lit by the approaching dawn, skylit and silhouetted, allowing me to count them and guess which was hen and which was gobbler.  Soft tree yelps from one to another, a turkey's sleepy "G'morning' flockmates".  One after another woke and stretched wings and legs, preparing for a morning fly-down.  I primed the pan of my flintlock as seruptitously as possible, having forgotten that necessary chore.  No alarm putts, the forest floor was still too shadowed for them to see me clearly enough.  Just another shadow amongst fellow shadows.

By legal shooting time they were in a dither up in that roost.  Yelping and putting hens punctuated by one really strident gobbler, noisy as all hell, and me as happy as I could get.   I gave off a few yelps myself on a cane yelper made by Eric Krewson.  Eventually one hen couldn't wait to get to the strutting grounds.  Two or three more hens pitched down and I was envisioning a very happy ending very soon. 

The gobbler was turning around and around on his branch, trying to decide on the best way to launch when a loud crack of a breaking branch stopped everything.  The hen's heads came up in unison, we all stopped breathing.  All was silent.  Iroquois? French Canadian raiding party?  Or just a doe not careful where she stepped.  The boss hen gave a few alarm putts, her girlfriends picked up the alarm and they all faded back into the jackpines.  The remaining hens, two jakes and the gobbler flushed from the treetops and headed across the valley to the next ridgeline.  I willed myself to hold even closer to the mature pine at my back. 

Another crack, quieter, followed by silence.  The air was split by a very poor imitation of a crow.  Hostiles!  In my woods, hostiles!  A good morning in the woods just got more serious.  Life and death serious.  If there were here, they were carrying and were loaded.

I judged them to be about 80 yds away.  I rolled away from the tree and belly crawled over the edge of the ridgeline and hot-footed it to the bottom of the ravine.  I quickly doubled back around below and behind the intruder or intruders. 

Half an hour of slipping from tree to tree heading back out of the woods and I was sure I had not been seen nor followed.  At the edge of the treeline I paused.  A pickup with loud pipes came careening down the asphalt and I was remorselessly jolted back to the 21st Century. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on May 12, 2013, 05:40:48 pm
Very nice story JW! Wish it werent so true...

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Josh B on May 12, 2013, 05:52:28 pm
Man!  My day certainly doesn't compare with yours JW !  I spent the morning In Haw river. NC calling all the Moms and grandmas which was pleasant.  I then did laundry and a little house cleaning in the ken-a-bago.  Had lunch and then roughed in a bow.  I'm now in the truckstop enjoying an ice cold ice tea.   That's about the extent of my day.  Josh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: cracker on May 12, 2013, 05:56:08 pm
Spent my day working on my tractor so I could use it to level a spot for my new smithy so I could make some cool stuff out of steel to take to the local festivals so I could make some money to go to TN next spring and that my friends is the meaning of the great circle of life. Ron
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on May 12, 2013, 06:29:38 pm
GREAT story JW ! Have felt the same way, wearing Buckskins sneakin' the Corn Fields and Hardwoods. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 12, 2013, 06:31:10 pm
It was actually just as much fun duckin' and hiding from the modern intrusion into the woods. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 12, 2013, 09:43:54 pm
Some one else made your yelper JW as I have never made one.

I spent the day sitting, a little surgery in a sensitive area has me grounded for the next week or so.

Have a Chambers English round face lock that still needs the final filing and polish, a good project until I can do normal stuff again.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on May 13, 2013, 08:48:32 am
Great story, JW!  I enjoyed the read.  Damned that 21st century.  Get's us all of the time.   Let us know when you get that gobbler!  I've been slowly collecting my traditional garb and can't wait to do the same this fall for our elusive whitetail.  My leather trousers are a bit noisy though.  They have noisy beads sewn all through the fringe.  They're cool for kicking around but not very practical for sneakin' and peakin'. 

Eric, hope all turned out well in the sensitive area. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on May 13, 2013, 01:22:21 pm
Fishing on the river opened Wednesday..But had to work >:( Went out saturday I didn't catch a thing. Others pulled in ten little sturgeon. Biggest one 32" inches. Water is real low waiting for spring runoff. Lots of snow in the Rockies just waiting for it to melt. Would of posted a pic but the computer won't read my card hmmmm.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 13, 2013, 09:20:24 pm
Put some racer skins on a bow for my niece today. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 13, 2013, 09:59:49 pm
Sorry about dragging an innocent into the whole shebang, Eric.  Now I gotta try to remember where I got that wonderful yelper!

Today I was out shortly after dawn.  I lit some newspaper in the bottom of the smoker, added some dry cowpoo, and pumped the bellows until she was smoking darn good.  I smoked the four hives that I'm partnered to keep.  We found three queens working hard laying eggs, the fourth didn't make it.  We'll have to quickly order a new queen to place in the hive.  Apparently they are finding some good sources, because every bee arriving at the hive had huge saddlebags of pollen!

Here's hoping I am desperately dashing around second hand stores this fall looking for jars for all the honey!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 14, 2013, 01:36:55 am
How do you like the beekeeping JW , I've got five myself . At one time I was up to fifteen but between bad winters and the droughts I lost most of them. I started with six until a bad storm blew the top off one and the hive filled with rain , there was a few left alive but not enough to make it. The only problem I have is they like to sting me , even got stung in the side of the face today when one flew into me. My brother still has about ten himself , honey flows keep us busy every year, but we have a lot of customers that buy from us so getting rid of it is not hard. I wanted to go through mine but the weather is finally giving them a break and I want them to get built up before everything starts to bloom.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on May 14, 2013, 12:41:55 pm
Finally got the pics up ...First sturgeon of the year...Only way is up :laugh:
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on May 15, 2013, 01:39:57 am
I watched Pappy work on a hide as I sipped on a soda this afternoon.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on May 15, 2013, 10:58:00 am
Went horn hunting on the ranch for the first time this year.  Put 48 miles on a brand new side by side all on the ranch!  My wife found five big elk horns including a pair. The pair of horns were laying like they just fell off at the very same time which I have never seen before!  Saw where an old cow elk had got hung up in the buffalo fence and the wolves ate her there.  Just hope she was dead when the wolves found her! Saw one really big wolf and a set of very fresh black bear tracks.  Saw six bulls all with a good start on this year's horns and several different bunches of cows.  Also saw a hen turkey just across the river and hope she nests there!  Seeing turkeys is very good news for us!  Going back today to climb a mountain in hopes of finding a moose paddle!  Thanks for reading this!  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on May 15, 2013, 01:14:06 pm
Sunday May 19th I am planning on heading to an auction. You can check it out on line - Hewletts Auctions in California. Online bidding available.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on May 15, 2013, 02:46:18 pm
Lastnight I tacked down an alligator skin nearly 8 feet long and my buddy found a dying rat snake I skinned and tacked next to the alligator, reptile Tuesday.

Today I finished a big 55 gallon drum smoker @ work.  I'll post pics in another post when I get the chance.  Pretty good couple of days.  Schools out on the 24th, that's my last day too until the end of July.  Yee Haw, dpg
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 15, 2013, 08:18:17 pm
Derik, I didn't know Indiana gators got that big.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 15, 2013, 10:40:05 pm
Sorry about dragging an innocent into the whole shebang, Eric.  Now I gotta try to remember where I got that wonderful yelper!

It was not Eric Krewson that made the came yelper turkey call, it was Jonathon Creason.  I was close, but no cigar.

Took that call and two box calls out this morning at quarter of O'crap.  According to my GPS, I covered 8.11 miles of ridgelines around Shanks Quarry and Wild Irishman Gulch.  And all to absolutely no avail.  I did not get a single gobble ANYWHERE.  The hens should about be setting the eggs by midmorning, leaving the gobblers high and dry without no lovin'.  Normally this is some of the wildest turkey calling, but today was a absolute unmitigated flop. 

Came home about 1:00 p.m. footsore and weary.  Someone showed up and wanted to finish his bow, so I sat in the garage drinking iced tea and telling him what he was doing wrong.  He took his floor tillered red oak pyramid all the way to finish tillered.  He's hitting low 40's at 26 inches and about 45 at 27.  We touched her up with a palm sander and 100 grit sandpaper.  I then sent him home with several grades of finer grit and instructions to wear his arms out. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on May 16, 2013, 02:43:24 pm
...and Wild Irishman Gulch. 

Is there a story as to how it got it's name?  :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 16, 2013, 11:04:36 pm
...and Wild Irishman Gulch. 

Is there a story as to how it got it's name?  :D

Figures an Irishman would ask that question.  And yes, there is a story to how it was named.  Sorry, but that's one story I do not know.   >:(
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bow101 on May 17, 2013, 12:51:34 am
Finally got the pics up ...First sturgeon of the year...Only way is up :laugh:
Thanks Leroy

Whoa dats a biggy.... :laugh: :laugh:  Where I live they to get to around 12' long :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 17, 2013, 01:31:23 am
Feeling under the weather the last couple of days so I took a sick day today ( don't know if it's allergies or a head cold ).
I got tired of setting around the house so I decided to check my beehives . I had to split one to keep it from swarming , two are off to a slow start , two are going strong and one of them didn't seem to want to spread out in their hive so I rearranged the frames to coax them to spread out. I'm off to a slow start this year , all the cold spells have set everything back about a month or so. It will be around the first of July before there will be a lot of honey to pull. Last year I was pulling honey by now and in June I was pulling a super every day the whole month sometimes two.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 17, 2013, 11:37:07 am
Still walking bowlegged from my minor surgery on a "sensitive" body part so major projects are out.

I decided to start polishing the lock parts on the fowler I built recently. I got the gun turkey hunt ready but never finished the finer points.

The lock starts out as a somewhat rough casting on the outside, the internals are mostly polished and complete from the factory but the outside parts are pretty rough.

Here is the pan and surrounding area before I did much to it.

( (

I have polished out the casting marks on the frizzen and cock but only have the lockplate half done. Hours of sanding to get things smooth and get rid of the casting marks. One has to be careful and not sand away the borders.

( (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 17, 2013, 03:59:56 pm
Eric how do you polish it? Fine sand paper, steel wool, then a stiff and loose buffing wheel?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on May 17, 2013, 04:19:22 pm
Roy.  He is not polishing your toe nails there ole boy...geesshhhhh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on May 17, 2013, 06:09:31 pm
Finally got the pics up ...First sturgeon of the year...Only way is up :laugh:
Thanks Leroy

Whoa dats a biggy.... :laugh: :laugh:  Where I live they to get to around 12' long :o

It was just at opening of season..Think of it like when you go to store and look at tents. They have the small sample ones to let you know what the large one will look like. ;) ;) :) Monday is a holiday might get out fishing.. Full coupla days doing yard work..Smoking a chicken tomorrow (Ya I know their hard to light) figured since I was around all day might as well eat good.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 17, 2013, 08:56:28 pm
Roy, the frizzen is hardened so a file won't touch it, lots of work with some cloth backed 320 grit paper followed by some 320 wet or dry which cuts much slower, then a trip through a worn out flap wheel sander on my drill press, probably 3 hours of sanding for the frizzen alone.

The other parts aren't hardened so I could file off the mold lines with a needle file and then follow the same sanding routine.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 17, 2013, 09:24:48 pm
Eric, have you ever tried a buffing wheel? I have a setup on a 1/2 inch steel shaft supported by two pillow blocks. I have a stitched muslin wheel on one end and a loose muslin wheel on the other end. The wheels turn at 3600 rpms through pulley sizing driven with a 1/3 hp motor.  I buy polishing compound from a knife supplier. Coarse and fine. I can make a rusty nail look like chrome in a couple minutes. Same setup also puts one heck of a razor edge on a knife in a couple minutes.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 18, 2013, 08:58:17 am
When I get to this stage I can turn them into a mirror with a Dremel buffing wheel and some polishing compound but am going for the satin look on these.

After I get the pan sanded out I will turn it into a mirror so it will trap less fowling.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 18, 2013, 08:47:57 pm
Today I had to babysit Trapper Rob:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 18, 2013, 09:02:03 pm
I'm guessing it was the other way around Roy. 

Today I dyed a bow pink  :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on May 18, 2013, 09:10:54 pm
Today, I split all of the osage I traded with Osage Outlaw.  I roughed out a couple of bow blanks, power washed the Yukon, Blazer, Malibu, Zero turn, Gator and the Harley.  I'm bushed... :P
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 18, 2013, 09:57:25 pm
Matt, are power washers Traditional? How did the injuns wash their horses?  LOL
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Trapper Rob on May 18, 2013, 10:12:55 pm
Spent the day with Roy he really does know what he is doing hope this doesn't go to his head.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on May 19, 2013, 08:56:42 pm
Found a snake on the road, and skinned it out.  Ended up 69 " on the board.  Might make a snake skinned back for a new bow, we'll see.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on May 20, 2013, 09:15:52 am
Cool Jon!  Hope all is well, brother.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: steelslinger on May 20, 2013, 02:23:41 pm
Sitting in jury duty reading TBB vol. 1 again.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: okie64 on May 20, 2013, 06:31:35 pm
Getting ready to camp out in the safe room, tornadoes are on the way! Gotta love the weather in Oklahoma
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on May 20, 2013, 06:47:27 pm
I knew we had some folks on here from Ok. Glad to hear you are prepared! Be safe!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: okie64 on May 20, 2013, 06:52:23 pm
Thanks Kenny. Im in eastern Oklahoma so we still have an hour or two before the worst of it gets here. I feel terrible for the folks in central ok, seems like they always get hit the hardest.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 20, 2013, 11:13:04 pm
Praying for all the folks out there tonight.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 20, 2013, 11:45:30 pm
Yesterday I shaped atomahawk handles from a scraps of osage and hickory.  One was for a Danny Caywood Iroquois Nations small tomahawk that holds an edge like a scalpel and is my favorite deer skinning tool.  The other is a semi-spike hawk made by a blacksmith friend of mine about 4 years ago.  I finally got it hafted!  Now I suppose I gotta make a sheath for the blade.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Josh B on May 21, 2013, 12:01:50 am
Today...I spent most of my time alternating in between phonecalls to my dispatcher arguing that I need to go home after almost six weeks out  >:(  and getting updates from my family on my Dad's condition since he took an ambulance ride to the ER for chestpains this morning and is going to the heart specialist tomorrow morning.  I love my job when it gets me to the classic and stuff like that, but right now.....a career change is looking pretty good!  Josh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 21, 2013, 12:08:54 am
Prayers for Daddy Gun Doc as well as all those ducking and covering from tornado weather.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 21, 2013, 01:13:21 am
Yesterday's tornado came close to me , it was one and a half miles south of my house , it took out houses power poles and trees on its path . Today's tornado was way worse going straight threw Moore, prayers for those that live there and hope they find other survivors .
Yesterday I went snagging for spoonbill and got a seventy pounder, the tornado interrupted me when I was going to clean the fish, when I got back to it my power was out and it was getting dark so I was in a hurry and did not have time to prep the skin for backing a bow , I put it in the freezer without scrapping it, hope it wasn't a mistake , I'd like to back some bows .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on May 21, 2013, 10:01:43 am
I got your Dad on my prayer list, too, Josh. I hope he's OK.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on May 21, 2013, 10:22:44 am
Same here, keep that chin up Josh! Dads are all tough guys, so he should be good.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on May 21, 2013, 04:03:36 pm
hope you dad is o.k. josh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 21, 2013, 04:05:17 pm
Stay strong Josh. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on May 21, 2013, 04:14:46 pm
Will be praying my friend !
I am packed and headed for  The Marshall Primitive Archery Rendezvous !
See the rest of you next week !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on May 21, 2013, 05:53:58 pm
i'm praying for you Josh.i just found out today that my girl may have congestive heart failier.she goes back for more tests this week.i sure hope she is gonna be ok.i may need some prayers myself.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on May 21, 2013, 05:58:58 pm
damn, I'll pray for your girl seabass
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 21, 2013, 06:09:20 pm
Dang.  Lots of bad news on here lately.  Let me know if I can help out Steve.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on May 21, 2013, 06:17:17 pm
Today, I have been praying for all those affected by these terrible storms out west. And for all the parents and loved ones of the ones that lost.  Steve, I am so sorry to hear this and you and your girl will be in my prayers my friend.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 21, 2013, 08:14:39 pm
Anyting I can do, Seabass, lemme know!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on May 21, 2013, 08:25:06 pm
Thoughts and Prayers for all - Bob.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Josh B on May 21, 2013, 09:00:47 pm
Thanks everybody.  I appreciate the kindness.  He has to get a triple by-pass tomorrow.  I'm trying like all get out to get back, but its a long drive from NC to KS.  I'm gaining though.  I'm in st. Louis now, so only about 7 more hours to go tonight.  Steve, I'm sending some prayers up for you and your girl brother.  Once again, thank you.  Josh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on May 21, 2013, 10:36:53 pm
thanks to all.i'll know more after an ekg thursday.i am so scared right now fellas'but she is tough.she has had three open hearts up until now.toughest gal i know.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on May 22, 2013, 09:15:35 am
Must be in the air. My wife and I are heading for a surgeons appointment for her cancer in a few hours. It may be back again after a few years gone. I hate that crap with all my being and everybody else;s stacked on top. Worthless disease anyway. If you know me,  feel free to insert the words I really want to use.

Josh and Stevey the Wonder I hope it all works out for both of you and your families. Docs are damn good nowadays and alot of ailments are fixed up nicely. Keep your chins up fella's.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Blackcoyote on May 22, 2013, 09:38:43 am
lots of prayers sent out to those in need of them..stay strong! 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 22, 2013, 10:42:22 am
Must be, taking my wife to her oncologist Thursday, probably start another battery of tests and scans. Lately she has been too weak to leave the house, been in remission for about 6 months from stage 4 bladder cancer but something is up, things aren't right. Will know more Thursday.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on May 22, 2013, 11:39:45 am
Dang Guys...I'm scared to post on here now. Prayers to you and yours Josh, Steve, Chris and Eric.  Be strong for your families, we'll be thinking of you in the Gratz family prayers.  dpgratz
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 22, 2013, 12:59:47 pm
Prayer from Pa to all those in need.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: killir duck on May 22, 2013, 03:21:40 pm
i'll be prayin too guys, seems like alota hard times makin thier rounds around here
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on May 22, 2013, 06:22:51 pm
Seabass, Pearl, and Eric...You guys hang in there and take care of those gals!! I'll see if I can get the BIG GUY to give you a hand.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on May 23, 2013, 09:05:43 am
We are in the clear! But that doesnt mean I will stop thinking about you guys. One down three to go fella's! Keep your chins up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on May 23, 2013, 09:26:34 am
that is great news Chris.i am waiting on her to get ready for our trip to the hospital this morning.she gets an Ekg today,so i will know more later.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on May 23, 2013, 09:47:31 am
Good to hear Chris!

Good luck Steve, I'll check back later!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on May 23, 2013, 10:47:51 am
Steve - May the great creator be with you and your family. Prayers from the great white north.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on May 23, 2013, 11:32:32 am
so sorry to hear of so many problems happening in you guys and yr families.
life can sure challenge us at times.
prayers sent daily with smoke to the sky for each and everyone
you guys feel like brothers/kindred spirits to me and i sure hate to know yr loved ones suffer
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DGF on May 23, 2013, 01:56:18 pm
Good news PD! Glad to hear it.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 24, 2013, 05:26:44 pm
We got the results of the scans this morning, the news was very bad.
Glenda has cancer in both lungs well as a large mass in her lower abdomen that may be cancer as well.

Bladder cancer hits smokers 9 out of 10 times, Glenda never smoked a cigarette in her life. Bladder cancer often metastasizes to the lungs. We start chemo next week as her tumors are inoperable.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on May 24, 2013, 05:29:10 pm
Very sorry to hear that, Eric. Will say a few prayers for Glenda. Roy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on May 24, 2013, 06:58:19 pm
Glad to hear Ms Pearl is OK, Chris.

Eric, we will be praying for Ms Krewson, for sure. Be sure and keep us posted.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 24, 2013, 08:52:17 pm
Canser is the only monster I've ever known , when I was a small one the monsters most kids were afraid off never bothered me , the ones under the bed was just our cat the ones in the closet were just clothes hung funny , and the ones in the dark were easily scared off with a little light but cancer would sneak up on my mom's family when we least expected it and nothing scared it off.
My aunts fought the monster and lost my mom fought it in 87 and beat it only to have another try to get her last fall , she may have it beat but at a cost . Mom lost here toung and now has to use a tube to eat , all we can do is hope and pray that she has beaten it this time . A year ago I lost a cousin to the monster , she never gave up even when the doctors did. I have lost three aunts two uncles and two cousins to cancer.
What I've learned from my family is you have to fight it all the way and never give up.

Our prayers are with you .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: ErictheViking on May 24, 2013, 10:07:17 pm
Sorry to hear that Eric. Will keep your wife and you in my prayers.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on May 25, 2013, 12:37:48 am
i am so sorry to hear that Eric.stay strong,we are all praying for you.good luck brother.i got good news and some bad.we got our results today.she don't have congestive heart failure yay,but she does have two leaking valves.she has already been through three open hearts.first one she was two years old.they repaired a deformed  96 she got an artificial 07 they replace the artificial valve with a human valve.we have been together for 23 years.i was there for the last two surgeries.she has been through hell and back.she is the toughest person i know.i love her very much and will be here till the end.i hope everyone here that is having health problems or is with someone having health problems stay strong and keep up the fight.never give up.your state of mind plays a key role in the outcome.good luck to everyone.i'll be praying for you all.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on May 27, 2013, 03:07:21 pm
Just in from the shoot and run smack into this !
I will be praying for all you folks !
My heart goes out to you all !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: killir duck on May 27, 2013, 06:39:59 pm
i sure am sorry to hear this, but i know that God's got a plan for you guys and your familys and somehow something good will come out of this mess, he's got it under control even though it sure as heck don't seem to look like it, you are all still in my prayers.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 29, 2013, 12:51:18 am
I've been helping out on the tornado cleanup in Moore and Carney , the turnpike ( my day job) has sent trucks and equipment to help cleanup and I volunteered to work through the holiday weekend . The people there were glad to get help , many of them made sure we had water and there were people there that brought food around to the ones helping clean up. We averaged around one hundred loads of debris a day for seven days and hardly made a dent , the contractors are moving in and we have to move out ( the contractors can go on private land were we have to stay on the curb ) . 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: AH on May 29, 2013, 01:44:32 am
Sorry to hear that eric...
one of my friends died from cancer a few years hurts.
I'll be praying for you and your wife.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 29, 2013, 10:19:17 am
Shop time is good therapy.

I have been working on this for a while, the filing sanding and polishing of the lock took about a week to complete.

Started with this;

( (

Finished up with this;

( (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Josh B on May 29, 2013, 02:44:59 pm
Glad to hear the good news pearly!  Eric, I'm sorry to hear about your wife's condition.  I will keep you and her in our thoughts and prayers.  As far as my Dad goes, he had a his carotid cleaned out last Thursday and five bypasses yesterday morning.  He was off the machines and munching ice chips last night.  It'll be a long recovery   but that's better than the other option.  Thank you so much to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  Josh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on May 29, 2013, 03:37:37 pm
Good to hear, Josh!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on May 29, 2013, 04:00:11 pm
Glad everything went OK, Josh. Been thinkin about you and your dad.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on May 29, 2013, 04:41:09 pm
Good to hear your dad made it thru !
Still praying !

Good therapy indeed ,for a tuff spot to be in !
Still praying for you folks !

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on May 29, 2013, 06:35:02 pm
glad to hear the good news on your dad Josh.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on May 31, 2013, 03:05:48 pm
sure some hard times for some good folks.
wish there was more i could do.

might seem trivial in light of some of the troubles folks here are having, but im moving and have a new shop!
havent had any place to work cept the front porch for sometime now.
really really excited about this and looking forward to getting all my tools etc in place and start making stuf.





some pals are gonna help me build some shelving and we will winterize  soon.
a friend gave me a small woodburning stove so will have heat come winter.
and one more pal gave me an old fridge for beer!! my life is surely blessed

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on May 31, 2013, 03:59:48 pm
Sadie that shop looks amazing!! You are gonna love having a work space, if you're like me you might spend more time out there than in the house! Congrats!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on May 31, 2013, 04:39:43 pm
Sadie, that shop's incredible!!  It's filled with character :)  I bet it "feels" great just standing in it as it is...?
What's the pipe outside by the window for?  I was thinking it might be for a stove but can't see one in the pic looking back at the door from the inside.

Today I finally built myself a tillering tree...  It ain't the prettiest, (or the best-built, I'd wager), but it'll suit my needs.  Well, I'm sure it will as I've yet to put a bow up on it :D

Time enough tomorrow for all that ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on May 31, 2013, 05:19:10 pm
Sadie I'm jelly.  I'm still working from my porch.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on May 31, 2013, 05:47:04 pm
How cool is that, Sadie. Way more room than the 1/4 of my garage my wife lets me have. You'll be spittin em out in no time, now.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 31, 2013, 10:35:21 pm
Sadie, I am dead jealous over those windows.  Natural light just can't be duplicated!  Hope some day I can decorate the floor with some curls from my spokeshave!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on June 02, 2013, 04:06:31 pm
Looks to me like we all need to head over Sadie's way Woohoo !!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on June 02, 2013, 04:42:38 pm
Wow, I'm not going to add the news I recieved yesterday, this thread is depressing enough right now.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on June 03, 2013, 09:34:55 am
Sadie, I am dead jealous over those windows.  Natural light just can't be duplicated!  Hope some day I can decorate the floor with some curls from my spokeshave!

you guys are always welcome to stop in anytime your in Kansas City. got two shave benches and a cupla vises so come on over anytime!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 03, 2013, 10:45:21 am
Well...... You all might remember my post of a few weeks ago about removing monster poplar tree from my back yard.

We had company yesterday afternoon, never heard a sound, looked out my back window on my way through the house and saw this.

( (

Much more massive than the poplar I removed previously. This is going to be a challenge to get rid of by myself. Anybody need 4 or 5 cords of good red oak firewood?

On this site I guess I should offer" free red oak bow staves. you cut,  all you want for free".
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: hatcha on June 05, 2013, 03:41:57 pm
Made some gorgeous golden-yellow shavings and dust...  ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on June 05, 2013, 10:21:54 pm
Packed up the truck and trailer to head out to the 3 day Pa Longbow Association shoot at Marsh Hill in the morning. Have about 6 bows and 60 arrows loaded up too:) Nice 4 hour drive north through the mountains to get there:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: AH on June 05, 2013, 10:41:49 pm
  Well, I just got back from hiking half dome and I'm dead tired...
but I got a bit of tillering done on my yew war bow stave, which I got from Carson, and also broke my scale... :(
the thing was reading about 50-60 ish pounds at about 17-18" when the knot in the rope that pulled the scale let go.  I thought it was another explosion, :o
but the yew is undamaged.
I'm taking this bow real slow right now. I would be real bummed out if it blew, and after I whip-tillered my last yew war bow attempt I'm really paranoid.  :-\
at least I have an actual tillering tree now.

I also finished up this knife that I had been working on.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 05, 2013, 11:34:04 pm
I spent most of today with the wife and kids.  Today is the first day of summer vacation for them.  We played some cornhole, tossed a frisbee around the yard, grilled some burgers, and I let my son drive me up and down the road a few times.  I did find some time to do some tillering on a short sinew backed bow.  Its getting close.  I need to get the handle bending a bit more and work on a stiff spot in the top limb.  Its holding more than 2" of reflex.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on June 06, 2013, 07:13:55 am
nice job Clint.i still haven't processed my sinew for my shortie.i just hate shredding that stuff.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on June 06, 2013, 08:36:12 am
I started on my winter storage of vegetables and camping/hunting food this morning.  Six pounds of white mushrooms, but only five fit in the dehydrator.
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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on June 06, 2013, 09:23:31 am
Lookin sweet there, Clint. She's bending might nice!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on June 06, 2013, 12:35:07 pm
@ Livefortheoutdoors - You came all the way to Yosemite and did not stop to visit me in the NDN Museum? I am verily crushed! Next time perhaps.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: AH on June 06, 2013, 12:38:49 pm
@ Livefortheoutdoors - You came all the way to Yosemite and did not stop to visit me in the NDN Museum? I am verily crushed! Next time perhaps.
oops...sorry! ;D ::)
well, we got there late in the night sunday, hiked all through monday, and then left if I had time I think i would of come visited
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 06, 2013, 10:21:46 pm
Today I found out that I'm finally getting to go to dayshift.  Night shift has been taking its toll on me and my family.  I had decided come August I was going to step down from my position just so I could get to days.  Thankfully I won't have to do that now.  It will probably be a month or two before I make the switch, but at least now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on June 06, 2013, 10:59:17 pm
Today I found out that I'm finally getting to go to dayshift.  Night shift has been taking its toll on me and my family.  I had decided come August I was going to step down from my position just so I could get to days.  Thankfully I won't have to do that now.  It will probably be a month or two before I make the switch, but at least now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Glad to hear that! You'll notice a difference for sure!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on June 07, 2013, 06:05:15 am
congrat's Clint, working nites really does a number on everyone in the house, my wife is hateing it big time
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on June 07, 2013, 06:58:20 am
Congrats Clint.  So glad for you.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 07, 2013, 07:17:55 am
Thanks.  I have plans on making some changes when I go to days.  I would like to cut out soft drinks and lose some weight. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ozzy on June 07, 2013, 09:14:49 am
Congratulation Clint!!!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on June 07, 2013, 09:40:07 am
When I got out of school, I took a job on afternoon shift...4pm to 12:30 am. That was alright when I was single, but once I got married, it was for the birds. I didn't have the seniority for days and wound up changing careers, as a result. Glad to hear you are on normal hours, Clint.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on June 07, 2013, 09:41:53 am
I did overnights for a year and a half. Hope I never have to go thru that again. Glad you found a way to move to days.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 07, 2013, 10:40:53 am
I worked 28 years of swing shift in a power plant. They let me work days for a year before they riffed me. I was a fire breathing dragon on midnights, made everyone around me miserable because I couldn't sleep.

After working days for a year they offered me another swing shift job or a trip to the house. I took the trip to the house, my wife applauded my decision. The poor woman had had enough of a fire breathing dragon in her life.

I have been working on an osage bow recovery I have been putting off for years. Wrapped the split limb, heat treated some badly warped limbs, one with with 5 " of string follow and am retillering. Looks good so far.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on June 07, 2013, 09:52:42 pm
i am so glad to hear that Clint,i am happy for you will get to spend more time with your wife and can't live a normal life on nights.every one else is on a different schedule.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 07, 2013, 10:14:59 pm
Thanks guys.  12 hour nights wouldn't be bad for a single guy.  On my days off I switch back to a normal routine so I can see the family.  We have a lot of meetings and training classes that cause me to stay up all day after working that night.  Almost once a week I end up skipping a day sleeping.  That gets old pretty fast.  That's usually when I go into robot mode.  Its like my brain halfway shuts down.  That's when I debark staves.  It doesn't take much brain power to peal the bark and sapwood off.  I never tiller a bow when I have stayed up all day.  Thats asking for problems.  Some time in August I will be making the switch.  I am so glad I will be on days before deer season starts.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ozzy on June 08, 2013, 12:43:47 am
Just got back from Cloverdale had a great time with TRACY we meet up with the guys from twin oaks  great guy every one of them . Shoot a round on the range with Cody and his 10 year old brother who kicked are butts. Funny but true that kid can shoot. Super glad we went
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on June 08, 2013, 02:22:06 am
Today was the first day of the OSS campout , nice to see some of the members that you may not see until next spring. A lot of us are working on our own bows , and the weather was great today just hope it holds out and we don't get flooded out.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on June 08, 2013, 05:46:42 pm
Glad to hear you are making the change you wanted Clint !
Day shift will cut into hunting time but that ain't the end of the world by any means !
Take care of yourself and your family !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on June 08, 2013, 10:51:20 pm
Hey Guys,
Just got back a few hours ago from vacation, Didn't look on this site for over a week, wow.... did I had withdraws, got a lot of catching up to do...............I've been in Mullet country ...Florida!!! my wife and I were in southwest Florida during Andrea!  what a experience.  Before the storm came in I caught a bunch of Snook right off of the beach in the trough.  even caught a Pompano, flounder and trout.  Had a great day before that damn storm came in with the wind and rain, it was un believable, and it was just a tropical storm!  the surf was in our back yard, I could spit in it from our deck.  My wife thought the sea foam looked like white cotton candy blowing around.  I think she had one too many run drinks before lunch. She got a few pic's... I'll try and post a few later.  other than the storm had a good vacation.  back to the grind Monday. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 10, 2013, 10:37:13 am
I have a friend who likes to make bows out of narrow splinters of osage that most folk would throw away. He is just about out of wood so I scrounged around to see what I could give him.

First was a really rough piece I cut over 10 years ago, one mis cut with my band saw and a usable stave was reduced to a kiddie bow, haven't made that goof up in many years.

Next I had a piece of worm eaten wood I retrieved from a friend's burn pile. Looked hopeless but after I pealed off about ten rings I was left with a super nice 1 1/8' wide 65" stave, bug hole free. A little work straightening with my heat gun and the stave would be a prize in anybody's stash.

I love it when you find a gem in wood that you think is a worthless piece of firewood.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on June 10, 2013, 01:22:31 pm
Hey Guys,
Just got back a few hours ago from vacation, Didn't look on this site for over a week, wow.... did I had withdraws, got a lot of catching up to do...............I've been in Mullet country ...Florida!!! my wife and I were in southwest Florida during Andrea!  what a experience.  Before the storm came in I caught a bunch of Snook right off of the beach in the trough.  even caught a Pompano, flounder and trout.  Had a great day before that damn storm came in with the wind and rain, it was un believable, and it was just a tropical storm!  the surf was in our back yard, I could spit in it from our deck.  My wife thought the sea foam looked like white cotton candy blowing around.  I think she had one too many run drinks before lunch. She got a few pic's... I'll try and post a few later.  other than the storm had a good vacation.  back to the grind Monday. 

Bill, it was a wet one, that's for sure.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 10, 2013, 09:55:37 pm
I have a friend who likes to make bows out of narrow splinters of osage that most folk would throw away. He is just about out of wood so I scrounged around to see what I could give him.

First was a really rough piece I cut over 10 years ago, one mis cut with my band saw and a usable stave was reduced to a kiddie bow, haven't made that goof up in many years.

Next I had a piece of worm eaten wood I retrieved from a friend's burn pile. Looked hopeless but after I pealed off about ten rings I was left with a super nice 1 1/8' wide 65" stave, bug hole free. A little work straightening with my heat gun and the stave would be a prize in anybody's stash.

I love it when you find a gem in wood that you think is a worthless piece of firewood.

I got one of those POC (piece of crap) scrap bows, it was made by Soy from a sliver of a scrap.  55# at 26" and it spits 720 grain arrows like darts!  One of these days I gotta put something thru a chrony to see how this thing stacks up.  Losta folks are proving it don't take much osage to make a bow these days!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 11, 2013, 12:47:52 am
Today my goal was to fine tune the tiller on my shorty sinewed bow and get it skinned.  With some help from a legend  ;)  ;) I got the tiller where I wanted it.  I shot it quite a bit and was happy with the performance.  I got everything ready to skin it but ended up spending the rest of the evening with the family.  We settled in for the night and it started aggravating me that I didn't get it skinned.  I have to work the next few days so it would have been nice to let it dry over that time.  So after the wife went to bed I slipped back out to the shop and got to work.  I just finished it up.  The skin is a WDB roadkill that my parents brought back from Texas a couple of years ago.  It was long and skinny so I was able to do the entire bow with it.  The pattern fit nicely on the bow.  You can see it under the string wrapping on the closest limb if you look close enough. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 14, 2013, 10:32:05 am
Back in the 70s my wife(at the time) son and I hunted arrowheads almost every weekend. We had a boat and would motor up the Tn river, stopping at shell mounds washed out of the river bank and roam the plowed bean fields along the river.

We collected a pile of stuff, tools, points, pottery shards,  a few pots and a host of scrapers, crude knives and such.

Often we threw our finds in a bucket, mud and all and never looked at them again, until yesterday. Yep, yesterday.

I carried about 50 pounds of artifacts from the attic to my shop and set up a table to sort what we had found so many years ago. My now 45 year old son was up from Austin to help, I wanted to pass on the good stuff to him.

It took hours, I wish I had taken pictures, so many valuable pieces emerged from the dusty boxes, hundreds of perfect points dating all the way back to paleo, celts, axes, awls, everything.

He left this morning with the collection, I am so glad he is interested in the artifacts. I am sure he will pass the collection on to my granddaughter,  who at 8 is very interested in archeology.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DGF on June 14, 2013, 11:34:48 am
Very cool Eric. If your son sends you pictures be sure to post them.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on June 14, 2013, 01:51:20 pm
finally got the pool all good to go and BAM, the friggin' pump motor took a dump so working on changing that out, sometimes it just don't pay to get out of bed ::)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on June 14, 2013, 04:41:49 pm
Glued up a tri lam last night. Osage, Osage, and Boo.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on June 14, 2013, 05:00:07 pm
Bout time you start on my bow you ole coot.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on June 15, 2013, 11:56:30 am
Yup it's your bow Charlie. I'll make it about 10 pounds at 26 inches. Think you can handle that ole timer?:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on June 15, 2013, 03:48:22 pm
If you can pull it you ole coot, so can I... >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ozzy on June 15, 2013, 11:08:26 pm
Went to a bow shoot with my 10 year old daughter today we had a great time.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on June 16, 2013, 03:02:10 pm
Went to a bow shoot with my 10 year old daughter today we had a great time.

How'd it go? Did Haley shoot?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ozzy on June 16, 2013, 05:32:53 pm
Yes she did and had a great time
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sonny on June 16, 2013, 05:47:37 pm
been working on a sinew backed yew flatbow for some time now, finally decided that I'd finish it up, shoot it
a bunch this summer and hunt with it this fall. It's coming along quite nicely but I can't leave well enough alone
so, for whatever reason (tell myself that I needed to bring the weight up a touch), I cut an inch off of each tip and re-cut nocks.
I just put it aside and will continue working on it this week...or next weekend.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on June 21, 2013, 10:51:22 am
Last night we had the year end bar-b-que for the wifes daycare.. Flipped 125 burgers.. Was supposed to rain but it held out and we had nice sunny evening..
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on June 21, 2013, 10:34:21 pm
that is good news Leroy.i am glad you guys had good weather.that was alot of burger flippin though,but it was for a good cause.hows the fishing been?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JessaHein on June 22, 2013, 06:58:19 pm
Today was the big Midsummer celebration here in Finland, so some family got together and we grilled sausages and kicked back and played catch-up. I just came in from watching midnight pass a little while ago.

The longest day of the year looks pretty cool in the land of the Midnight sun! :3
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on June 23, 2013, 12:53:55 pm
On Saturday I had a conversation with a very adamant 10 year old girl that there were no NDNs in the US only Native Americans! I told her that teachers could be wrong (or at least opinionated) and that in fact there are NDNs in the US. She again said not so my teacher said so! Terminology is a confusing animal. The feds are currently using American Indian as per the American Indian Liaison office.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 23, 2013, 03:13:39 pm
I got up bloody early to a gorgeous morning with loads of sunshine and a mid-sized black foster dog that is bound and determined to worm her way into my hard and cold heart. 

We went to the Dog Park where she ran her butt off chasing butterflies, squirrels, birds, and lots of other dogs.  She ran into the creek for the very first time in her life and was pleasantly surprised with how much fun it was.  So she then decided to splash the water and try biting it.  That proved to be a lot of fun until another dog joined in and then it was time for more chasing.  90 minutes of utterly unrestricted play and excercise...she is now at the wine shop with me, sleeping under the counter happily.

Tomorrow I hope to hear that she will be mine on a forever basis.  It's been two years and two weeks since I lost my old Scully. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on June 23, 2013, 04:02:52 pm
Been snake skinning a sinew back- osage bow, chipping a few points, sipping a few Coronas with a venison roast in the Dutch oven and watching NASCAR. And, Bonepile and his wife stopped by this morning. A nice day, so far.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on June 24, 2013, 04:38:04 pm
that is good news Leroy.i am glad you guys had good weather.that was alot of burger flippin though,but it was for a good cause.hows the fishing been?

Fishing has been good. Until last week when the river started going up. Yesterday it peeked at 5400 cubic meters per second. It'll be a coupla weeks befor I get back down to the hole and see what's happened. My son has been slaying the pike in the local lakes. Couldn't go fishing with him and his freind. but I did manage to help him with the fish fry. >:D
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on June 24, 2013, 06:10:55 pm
good to hear from you Leroy.glad the floods didn't get ya.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on June 25, 2013, 06:37:54 pm
Leroy live on hill.. Helped my exin-laws drag everything upstairs on friday.. They're getting up there and he has parkinsons real bad. Ol' Bill be in a home soon..Good People.. We are starting to find out today damage as the water is going down. Lots of volunteers helping bag homes.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 25, 2013, 09:53:47 pm
A friend who is low on bow wood asked me to see if I had any wood that could be turned into a BBO for one of his friends. I had a nice half log that would yield two billets. Took longer than I thought it would to tun a log into lumber but got the two billets spliced up and ready for bamboo.

I am fed up with photo bucket, nothing works anymore. This is my first attempt with Image Shack, hope it works.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 27, 2013, 09:57:37 pm
Ain't been worth a spit the last few days since the catfish been biting on the Belle Fourche River.  Two nights in a row coming home with about 70 lbs of fish to clean.  Plus my Jeep smells like a Bakken Oilfield traveling cat shack. 

I smoked 14 lbs of filets today, but didn't have time to try 'em before I had to head for work. 

Took the foster dog to the river with me last nite.  She's lived in a 2'x4' kennel most of her 8 months of life, being outside without a leash or a fence blew her away.  All night long she ran the 300 yds of creekbank like a thoroughbred racehorse.  Full gallop down, spin around and push harder running back.  By the time we got back to the Jeep to come home she was ready to sleep.  I think I need to keep this dog.  I felt like I had a Marine Corps workout just watching her run like that!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on June 27, 2013, 10:47:08 pm
JW, that sounds like my kind of night. I would keep her too.. ^5 Roy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on June 28, 2013, 01:35:43 pm
JW - Sounds excatly like when we rescued Luke coupla years ago. Took him down to the river sturgeon fishing. That dog ran for 3 hours straight. Probaly the first time he had any freedom. The dog is yours you know that
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 28, 2013, 02:53:52 pm
I kinda' got the notion that the guy who I am doing the glue-up for is pretty impulsive when it comes to tillering. To eliminate the possibility of all the work I have in the glue up being in vain, I have been moving more toward a almost completed bow.  I glued on the bamboo backing, added a piece to build up the handle as well as tip overlays. Today I will probably floor tiller the bow.

Tomorrow my friends are coming over to "make" the bow. Won't be much making left to do and they will leave with a really fine bow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on June 29, 2013, 02:32:59 pm
Sounds like a fun day Eric.
Last night I finished my Grandsons bow, HBO 18# @ 20".

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on June 29, 2013, 09:09:19 pm
you got those r/d's down to a science Roy, it's 113deg. here today so aint doing much of nothing
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on June 30, 2013, 02:26:00 am
Got some rain We can send You Bub from here in Mid-Michigan - it's rained here on & off for over a week now  >:( ! Gonna need water wings soon ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on June 30, 2013, 03:41:27 am
the combo of rain and 113 deg is not my idea of choice conditions, i'll just keep floating in the pool  and drinking rum/cokes>:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on June 30, 2013, 08:08:44 am
It's been raining here in SW Pa for a week and supposed to continue for another week. But I guess that's better than a drought.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on July 01, 2013, 11:56:30 am
We had over 10" of rain for June and almost 50" for the year already. This is like 20 years ago here. This area used to have the second highest annual rain fall in the continental US, next to the Olympic Pennesula. Looks like more rain to start July, with more rain scheduled for the coming week. Can't do anything about it so I just sit back and enjoy it. At least we are having a cool summer so far with temps in the upper 50s Saturday morning.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 01, 2013, 10:12:13 pm
I am not far behind Bubby! was 108 here so we went to the river for a few hours. Come on Down bub! Had a hint of rain last week. Now it is just hot and dry!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on July 02, 2013, 12:20:49 am
Purchased a few ammo boxed from Rural King, and backed a bow with something I found at Wal Mart. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 02, 2013, 06:12:01 am
just got off work, 1:30 a.m. and it's 92 deg, gonna be a scorcher
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 02, 2013, 10:46:51 am
Had the guys over for a day of bow making. My friend Joe can really burn up a fiddle, here he is playing a 1830s John Bull fiddle while Ace scrapes on a bow.


Here Joe is retillering a bamboo/hickory bow he probably made 20 years ago.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on July 03, 2013, 12:35:09 pm
Let me know when the next Gathering is going to be.
It just might be that I will be able to attend. :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 03, 2013, 11:10:21 pm
Tonight I'm having a sleep study done.   I don't sleep well and the wife says I snore to loudly. 
Looks pretty comfortable huh?  They still have to put tubes in my nose. That should be fun.  And they shaved big patches on my legs for more electrodes.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 03, 2013, 11:19:02 pm
IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 03, 2013, 11:20:13 pm
Anyone else flash back on the electroshock therapy room in the Bob and Doug MacKenzie movie, Strange Brew?

"Turn it up to 11 this time!"
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on July 04, 2013, 04:37:56 am
Too funny JW ! Just shot coffee out My nose  :laugh:. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JessaHein on July 04, 2013, 08:06:56 am
A lot of people recommend I get a sleep study done as well; I have this tendency to briefly stop breathing altogether when I sleep. Freaks my husband out. Doesn't help he's a paramedic, if I cough a bit he's reaching for the go-bag, but I'm likely not too far off from that myself, Osage. I hope everything went well!


Happy 4th of July! We're having a family get-together here, not related to the 4th, since Finns (obviously) don't celebrate that holiday, but we're piggy-backing some celebration on today's party just for me. I hope everyone has a fun, and safe, 4th! Take care!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: steve b. on July 04, 2013, 11:32:22 pm
I was having a hard time breathing through my nose even during the day.  Ended up having polyps removed.  Much better now.   Surgeon said one was bigger than a lima bean, easy.  I'm on nasal steroids the rest of my life to keep them at bay.  Why am I talking about this?

Today I worked on some yew bark backing that i hope to put on a bow someday.  There was debate whether it would crack when dried so I left a sample piece out in the hot sun for a few days.  Today I sanded any wood off the back until I saw the red color then glued it to a flexible piece of fir.  I coated the outside with TBIII.  When it all dries I will flex that fir more than any bow will flex and see if the backing holds up.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: steve b. on July 04, 2013, 11:41:09 pm
Here's some pics of the backing pieces.  I removed any of the flaking outer bark and put two coats of tru oil on.  They are very pliable now but not fully dry either.  Today I sanded the back of one piece down to the red stuff.  I'll leave it outside in the sun now for a few days of drying then see if it gets brittle or whatever. 
If it works out I think it will make an interesting looking backing.  This big piece in the pics represents enough backing to cover an 84" bow, 2" wide, and after sanding it weighs 4 oz.  Not sure if that is heavy.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: steve b. on July 04, 2013, 11:43:27 pm
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: steve b. on July 04, 2013, 11:45:09 pm
I have a canoe upside down in the backyard and up on a rack.  I saw a bird going in and out so I went up under with a flashlight and found these guys in there.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on July 04, 2013, 11:46:40 pm
Setting at the lake with friends right now , earlier I worked on a bow that I'm doing for my supervisor , I cut the stave in early March and I'm working it a little at a time so it doesn't crack or twist.
It's still a little wide and about an inch or more thick right now , in a week or two I'll get it closer to floor tiller , I put two coats of shellack on the back to keep it from checking while it dries.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 05, 2013, 12:29:50 pm
Today I am going to another district in Yosemite called Wawona. It was another NDN village site as well as early settlers to the area. I am attending something called the Adventure Risk Challenge(ARC). No, not the Association of Retired Citizens!  Will do a how'd you end up in this career interview, eat lunch, jabber around with folks and head back to my regular office.  Still looking at 100 today at 4000 feet elevation.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 06, 2013, 10:56:27 am
Yesterday I noticed that coons had started working on my sweet corn patch, once they start the patch is history in a couple of days.

Here is my crop after a coon assault  a couple of years ago.

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I put out my live trap, baited it with cookies then decided to put a couple low strands of electric fence around the corn patch.

Got up this morning to check my trap, I could see from a distance the trap was sprung, the trap had a nice red fox in it instead of a coon. I let the fox out of the trap unharmed.

The electric fence kept the coons out of the corn, at least for now.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 06, 2013, 02:20:38 pm
I went out to work my beehives yesterday. Two are doing well and two were failing.  Both the bad hives had lost their queens, one had fewer than 3000 bees left.  I had requeened the better hive and combined the two into one stronger hive.  Then I got a little sting on my right forearm.  No biggie, been stung before.

A half hour later I was covered head to toe in hives, was feeling a crushing sensation in my chest and was sick to my stomach.  Popped some benadryl and laid down.  The hives went away in less than an hour, but my right forearm looks like a transplant Popeye sans tattoo.  In fact it kept getting worse until my right shoulder and pectoral muscle were also swollen.

This morning it's just the forearm that is badly swollen.  Guess I gotta stop being a cowboy and get myself a beesuit instead of going at it with no protective gear.  Maybe I need to get a Doc to write me a scrip for a epinephrine pen, too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 06, 2013, 03:29:17 pm
gee ya think jw :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 06, 2013, 03:58:21 pm
Yup JW, I heard a rumor you wasn't the brightest bulb on the tree.. LOL :) ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 06, 2013, 04:14:02 pm
I have been accused of being bright...but they could not get a conviction.

4 years keeping bees and less than half a dozen stings total, never had a reaction until yesterday.  Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 06, 2013, 06:15:49 pm
Yup and as we get older, LOL...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on July 07, 2013, 12:26:38 am
JW'S , I'd still get the pin , I use a bee suit and still get stung from time to time, usually smash one against myself . Stay safe and enjoy the bees , I need to pull honey and soon , all my favorite customers are waiting for some .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 07, 2013, 12:46:44 am
As I understand it the reaction from next sting could kill you before you can do anything about it.  Allergic reactions to stings tend to get much worse each time they occur, happened to a guy I worked with. He either died or almost died in the ER but they were able to bring him back.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 07, 2013, 03:05:43 pm
Got a suit on order and will talk with the doc about getting a scrip for an epi pen. 

Went back to the hives this morning and checked up on the two hives I had combined and requeened.  They had blended nicely and were busy working.  The queen had not been released from her cage, so I tore open the mesh.  She immediately climbed down between frames and the bees did not swarm her.  That's a positive sign that the hive had accepted her as the new Queen.

I opened the strongest hive and stole a frame from the center of the brood chamber.  It was LOADED with capped brood and a halo of capped honey around the edges.  I smoked the bees and shook them off the frame and slipped it into the middle of the blended hive where the queen had just disappeared.  They will have new bees emerging in days, if not even today.  This is supposed to stimulate the hive and the new queen into egg production. 

That leaves me with two strong hives and two poor hives combined into one stronger hive.  Maybe I will have honey this year after all.  So far, none of the hives have shown they are ready for the honey supers to be installed.  With my track record of the last few years, I would be happy to have two hives put up enough honey to survive the winter on their own. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on July 07, 2013, 08:52:00 pm
Good story JW. I have two hives, one strong and one OK. Strong hive may have honey in it now.  Are your honey supers drwn comb?  If not, I may get them on a little early.  You don't want them to chimmney though. Bzz Bzz, have fun! dp

Helped set up and take down my Granny Cook's 90th Birthday party, most fun I've had sober for a long time.  Well appreciated beer when I returned home.  ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on July 07, 2013, 10:34:49 pm
Went to the river to cut some osage that had been dozed down and do a little bowfishing , forgot my chainsaw gas so I didn't cut as much as I had planed , might have been a good thing cuz I was getting hot and may have overdone it if I hadn't ran out of fuel . Bowfishing didn't go to well , got one black buffalo and had others but they kept terring loose , on my way back to the pickup I heard some splashing in the creek , I knew what it was because I had seen their signs earlier , at least six or more hogs in the creek so I put a stalk on them , I got within fifteen yards when another bunch of hogs came in from behind me. The second bunch seen me and trotted off , the ones in the creek heard them and got nervous and began leaving also , need to carry some brodheads with me from now on.
There was at least a dozen more all together and they ranged from about seventy pounds to one hundred fifty pounds . I also cut a coffee tree and got four staves from it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Carson (CMB) on July 08, 2013, 01:43:47 am
Spent the day sealing yew.  Here is a couple of nice billets.  Decided to skin them and shellac them up.  These were cut with steelslinger yesterday at about 4000' They were growing out of a rock and had obviously spent some time with snow on their backs (compression fractions).  I am thinking of splicing them into a R/D. 

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 08, 2013, 09:45:53 pm
As I understand it the reaction from next sting could kill you before you can do anything about it.  Allergic reactions to stings tend to get much worse each time they occur, happened to a guy I worked with. He either died or almost died in the ER but they were able to bring him back.

That's with ALLERGIES to stings.  I am not allergic, instead I just had a more simple histamine reaction.  With people that are not allergic, each sting builds immunity to the histamine reaction.  This is my first sting in a very long time and my resistance was at a very low level. 

Are your honey supers drwn comb?  If not, I may get them on a little early. 

The best two hives are about 20% through the second hive bodies.  I have drawn comb enough for two honey supers, so I will probably give each hive 5 drawn comb in their first supers when they reach that 70% mark on the second hive body. 

Last year was so incredibly dry that most of the clover and alfalfa is really spotty this year, so there isn't much of a honey flow.  Hoping to see some of the later bloom come in stronger.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 08, 2013, 10:35:56 pm
Nice haul Carson and Poggins.  Looks like some good osage and interesting yew.

Its been quite a busy day for me caring for the wife, kids, and all the animals.  I took a few minutes for myself and cut out a new osage bow.  I have special plans for this one.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 09, 2013, 05:43:56 pm
Corn picking, blanching, vacuum sealing and freezing day. It will take me all day, I picked a lot of corn, much more than is in the picture.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on July 10, 2013, 10:03:43 am
Yum, Yum
Looks good Eric.
Is that Peaches and Cream sweet corn??

Been picking Blackberries myself.
12 gallons for the wife and 2 that were sold to the "City Folks"  that I work with.
Got four more gallons sold just got to pick-em.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 10, 2013, 05:44:36 pm
Yep, peaches and cream. The coons got into my patch one night so I put up a low wire electric fence around my corn, no more coons.

While these ears were cooling I went out an picked blueberries. I pruned my bushes last year and the crop was way down, only picked 8 gts so far would normally have 40 at this time.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on July 12, 2013, 09:49:23 am
We plan on "pruning" our Blackberries here in another month or so.
Going to take the bushhog and cut the patch into 4' wide strips.
That way we want have to stomp and wade our way through head high bries to pick the berries.
That is the plan anyway.  We will see how well the Blackberries corroperate.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 12, 2013, 10:14:56 am
Where I grew up in Norris Tn we had a hollow in the back part of the land that had been a rifle range, relatively flat and really grown up with blackberries. My dad had a Gravely walk behind yard tractor with a front mounted bushog on it. He would put the Gravely in low gear on one side of the patch, turn it loose, run around to the other side of the patch and catch it as it came out in the clear on the other side. A few passes like this and he had some berry picking lanes without getting eaten up by the briers while trying to cut the lanes.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on July 12, 2013, 12:31:32 pm
Where I grew up in Norris Tn we had a hollow in the back part of the land that had been a rifle range, relatively flat and really grown up with blackberries. My dad had a Gravely walk behind yard tractor with a front mounted bushog on it. He would put the Gravely in low gear on one side of the patch, turn it loose, run around to the other side of the patch and catch it as it came out in the clear on the other side. A few passes like this and he had some berry picking lanes without getting eaten up by the briers while trying to cut the lanes.

I love hearing redneck ingenuity stories.

We just bought our house 2 years ago in September and I bought a tame blackberry vine from Lowes and it never came up. I was looking forward to having a few this year. I just don't find the numbers of wild ones like I used to.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 12, 2013, 05:08:24 pm
Not too much redneck in my dad, he was a gorilla of a man.  Army pacific boxing champ in in the 30s, a navigator on a B18 bomber (yep, there is such a plane)  flying out of Hickem Field in Hawaii before the war, went to OCS and spent the war in military intelligence in the states. Did a bunch of covert stuff he won't talk about to this day and has battled PDST off and on over the years because of it.

After the war he worked his way through college to become an instrument engineer and worked on top secret projects for the Atomic Energy Commission in Oak Ridge Tn until he retired.

I once saw him carry most of a complete telephone pole out of the woods on his shoulder. He had found it up in the ridges and salvaged it for corner posts on his 7 acres. Like I said, he was a gorilla of a man.

He was a lousy dad, disliked kids and had 5 of them. I say was, later in life he saw the light, became an OK guy and made peace with all his youngsters, now grown men.

He is still sharp as a tack mentally at age 95 though a bit frail in the body.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 14, 2013, 01:51:29 pm
Ace came over and shot the bow I made for him, looked pretty good so I started applying the finish. Lettered the bow this morning, got it right on my first try which is a rarity.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on July 14, 2013, 04:16:27 pm
First time in the shop since I sent my trade bow out. I changed the handle wrap on my bamboo backed osage bow. The one that was on it was pretty ugly. Then I took the hickory back off the first hbi I made last year that developed a splinter and glued on a new one over-night. I am about to re-tiller that bow. I'll glue up a hickory backed bulletwood tonight.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 14, 2013, 06:55:28 pm
Back from a weekend trad shoot at Kennerdell sportsman in central Pa.
BlackHawk with his yew bow.

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Myself and my yew bow.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 14, 2013, 07:10:39 pm
That's not your bow Roy.  BoardHawk told me the truth.  You had to shoot his wife's bow  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 14, 2013, 07:22:41 pm
Clint don't make me come out there... :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on July 15, 2013, 09:50:36 am
Good times for sure Roy ;)

First stop for us was at an overlook of the beautiful Allegheny river ;D

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Then on to the shoot...and doing some family shooting ;) my youngest boy shooting the pissin wifes arrow is in his @$$

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Hickory bill doing some oldest playing in the shards  ::) n outbackbobs dog flint

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And some of the Hawkeye guys were there too, it didn't snap any pics of em...chuck had his big hole bow that he shot a bear to see that sucka again ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 15, 2013, 01:49:19 pm
"Boardhawk".......I love it Clintser! Matter of fact, I wont forget it! Can a guy get nice clean yew boards?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 15, 2013, 02:18:25 pm
Yup I got to meet Bill and Bob also. Great guys.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 15, 2013, 02:37:15 pm
Roy if you would ever drag your butt down to the Classic you would meet a bunch of great guys.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 15, 2013, 02:56:05 pm
He is too old to drive that far Clint, plus he is a sissy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 15, 2013, 04:11:36 pm
I thought it was because "the boss" wouldn't let him  >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 15, 2013, 05:13:59 pm
I think I just heard a couple little mice squeak... ;D

Had a nice campsite.
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Grilled up a couple great steaks.
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Old dog sacked out on his bunk.
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And we partied on:)
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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on July 15, 2013, 05:38:23 pm
Lmao guys  :laugh:  :laugh:  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 15, 2013, 06:38:31 pm
Today is tying up loose ends day, ironing, catching up on Dr visits and getting my feather collection ready to ship to David Mitchell for processing.

I finished Ace's bow, shot it to tune it and gave it to him a couple hours ago.

I have 20 wings and a bunch of fans.


Sorting rights from lefts.


Steaming the occasional mashed feather back to shape.


I will let the steamed ones dry over night and ship the whole batch tomorrow.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on July 16, 2013, 12:59:57 am
Got some very bad news , my mother had lost her tounge to cancer early this year .
Today she went back for some tests , the cancer was aggressive and has spread to her bones , lungs , and other places , she is not going to fight it this time .
She has decided to live the best that she can and not through treatments that are not going to help , at her age she doesn't heal to well any more and the treatments would only make her feel worse and not really prolong her life , we are not going to force her to do anything that she doesn't want to, it's her life to live the way she wants and we are there to help her when she needs it .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on July 16, 2013, 03:35:20 am
Thoughts and Prayers sent - Bob.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on July 16, 2013, 09:26:14 am
Sorry to hear that, Poggins. We'll be praying for ya'll.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 16, 2013, 10:52:40 am
I understand Poggins, my wife is in the same boat, taking chemo but it makes her so sick it breaks my heart.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 16, 2013, 02:39:30 pm
Sorry to hear this, Poggins. Prayers on the way.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 16, 2013, 11:35:47 pm
Right beside you Poggins.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on July 16, 2013, 11:45:41 pm
prayers from Ohio Poggins.sorry to hear it brother.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on July 16, 2013, 11:51:34 pm
Prayers from KY Poggins. I lost a relative to lung cancer 2 years ago.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on July 17, 2013, 09:20:46 am
Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers , my family appreciate them very much .
So far mom is doing good , don't know what it's going to be like five or six months down the road , all the doctors can do is give her something for the pain when it gets bad but for now she says she is doing fine .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ozzy on July 21, 2013, 10:14:11 pm
Had a great birthday today TRACY Sam and Nate came over and wile the kids swam TRACY and me worked on some bows it was a real good time ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on July 21, 2013, 10:45:20 pm
happy b-day Ozzy.i am glad you had a good time brother.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ozzy on July 21, 2013, 10:49:22 pm
Thanks Steve
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on July 22, 2013, 07:32:42 pm
Packaged rhuebarb this weekend.. enough for 18 pies.. Getting ready to make jam when my apples ripen..
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on July 22, 2013, 08:06:45 pm
my girl just made a strawberry rubarb pie.her was great.i love the rubarb.are you making a rubarb apple pie Leroy?if you are,let me know all about it.i have never had that.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ozzy on July 22, 2013, 08:45:31 pm
Let me know when she makes another one and I'll be by Steve  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 22, 2013, 11:08:40 pm
Today I finally got a chance to get back in the shop and get some work done.  Its been over three weeks since I had any quality work time.  I finished chasing a concave ring  :P and then smoothed out the profile of a new osage bow.   I shaped the handle and then got one limb thinned and tapered.  It is starting to flex when pushed against the floor. 

It has a bit of character in the handle.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on July 22, 2013, 11:16:10 pm
Had a great birthday today TRACY Sam and Nate came over and wile the kids swam TRACY and me worked on some bows it was a real good time ;D

It was a good day. No flat tires either ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on July 22, 2013, 11:17:14 pm
Clint, how do you use the remote to tiller? Is that your secret tool? >:D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on July 22, 2013, 11:18:00 pm
you have my address right Clint?lol.looking good brother.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 22, 2013, 11:40:14 pm
Clint, how do you use the remote to tiller? Is that your secret tool? >:D


I wish.  I need background noise while I work.  I listened to the movie Alamo while I worked today.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 22, 2013, 11:44:33 pm
Don't let that ol' Outlaw fool ya, he uses that remote to burnish the limbs.  Yup, battery operated burnisher.

Clint, lotta fun chasing those hollowed out growth rings, huh? 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Thesquirrelslinger on July 22, 2013, 11:58:57 pm
made an ash recurve... it shoots good, #40@24". I caught a limb tip on fire with the propane torch when doing the recurves...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on July 23, 2013, 10:38:47 am
my girl just made a strawberry rubarb pie.her was great.i love the rubarb.are you making a rubarb apple pie Leroy?if you are,let me know all about it.i have never had that.
Gonna giver a try. My mom makes a stewed rhuebarb and apple type sauce..  Might have to cut it with strawberries.. Pie is always good..
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 24, 2013, 10:23:37 am
Cooked a nothing from the store meal today, well, almost nothing. Deer liver and onion gravy, fresh corn, zipper peas, fried squash and fried green tomatoes from the garden. A friend's wife makes the best Mexican corn bread on the planet, some of which I had vacuum sealed in the freezer, toasted me a piece in the toaster oven. It was the one thing I had with the meal that was from the store, along with a little onion and some cooking oil.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ozzy on July 24, 2013, 12:56:42 pm
Sounds good to me
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on July 24, 2013, 04:02:00 pm
Love doin that in the summer when the garden and freezer is full!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 27, 2013, 02:25:53 am
Today we introduced our cat to my niece's boxer puppy.  It didn't go well.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ozzy on July 27, 2013, 09:13:55 am
LOL   ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 27, 2013, 11:17:48 am
Another country living perk; Blueberries right out of my patch turned into bluebery pancakes. Nothing like them, with a good cup of coffee and a deer sausage patty, mighty good!

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 27, 2013, 07:31:46 pm
went out to my in-laws to cut and plane some lams, somebody spent $5 at a yard sale for a old glass bear bow and some arrows, gave me the arrows, two of witch were fishing arrows so I made out like a bandit
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: paulsemp on July 27, 2013, 07:34:42 pm
just shipped the kids off to the in laws house for a slumber party and getting set up here for an adult only on!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 29, 2013, 04:46:31 pm
Im going to set targets at Elm Hall after work today. The work is all worth it when the people start pouring in and enjoy every minute of it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 30, 2013, 02:50:35 pm
OK, I achieved a milestone today, I walked by two draw knives at a flea market today and didn't even ask what he wanted for them. In the past if I could get one for $10 I would take it home with me. Took way too many rough  draw knives home with the intention of putting new handles on and refurbishing them. It is harder to turn new handles on my lathe and get them to match that I thought it would be.

My name is Eric and I am a drawknifeaholic.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 30, 2013, 04:48:49 pm
Today was pick cabbage from the garden and make sauerkraut day. I cut up 9 heads of cabbage. I use sea salt at a rate of 2 teaspoons per pound of cabbage. Iodized salt is not a good idea they say.

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All tucked in right under the AC vent where it will stay about 68 degrees. Tomorrow I'll pack it into quart mason jars and cap it snug. That keeps air, dust, and bugs out of it. I'll store it in the basement where it's about 68 degrees I'll pop the caps every day for a week or so to let the gas escape and add salt water if it needs it. You need to keep the cabbage submersed. In 5 or 6 weeks I'll cook it up and can it. I'll get about 12 quarts out of the 9 heads. Came out to 11.5 quarts packed very tight.
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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on July 30, 2013, 10:24:57 pm
Roy, is the salt mixed with water?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 31, 2013, 01:31:29 am
Yes, salt mixed with bottled water if you need to add some water to the jars. City water with the chemicals is not a good thing. The cabbage will make a lot of water on it's own. And when I cook it up prior to final canning, some water will evaporate. So again add salt water to the jars to cover the cabbage.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 31, 2013, 11:27:08 am
Your not German enough to make good kraut, give it up old man.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 31, 2013, 01:34:21 pm
Got news for ya, BOY. I'm 100% German and my gun ships will whoop your gun ships:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on July 31, 2013, 01:49:15 pm
Gonna make up some cat fish bait today. Anyone have a good recipe for catching silver channel cats?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blackhawk on July 31, 2013, 02:33:03 pm
Gonna make up some cat fish bait today. Anyone have a good recipe for catching silver channel cats?

Yeah....stick your hand down in the hole...n when they grab on yank it out of the water  :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 31, 2013, 03:31:28 pm
all I ever do for catfish is get some chicken liver and sit it out in the sun for a day or 2, the more it stinks the better
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 31, 2013, 09:16:49 pm
Spent the day shopping for a new ride.  The core in the A/C crapped out and the mechanic gave me a $1000+ estimate.  I found a 2001 Jeep Cherokee Sport that is incredibly clean, even though it has about the same miles as my '97, but ... you guessed it, the A/C is crapped out!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 01, 2013, 01:34:48 am
JW, the window crank broken too? LOL
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 01, 2013, 07:55:18 am
Gonna make up some cat fish bait today. Anyone have a good recipe for catching silver channel cats?

Catfishing is about the only fishing I do now. NOTHING beats whole frozen shrimp broke into sections up here. I usually get 3 baits per shrimp. I used to experiment and toss out 4-5 different baits.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 01, 2013, 10:24:00 am
We have thrown about every thing you can think of at them. Stink bait works best, then hot dogs soaked in vanilla is next. But this year they just don't wanna bite. Mixed up a sweet treat for them yesterday, cut chicken breasts into strips, mixed up cherry cool aid, molasses, and sugar, with a touch of garlic powder. Gonna let it soak for a couple days and give that a shot.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on August 01, 2013, 12:14:58 pm
morning fellas-
man o man have i missed you guys, all yr antics and amazing crafting
life has been incredibly hectic the past few and have hardly even turned on the computer in months.
major move to different house(still cant find sh&$^%t)
injury-maybe tendonitis-dont know, dont have insurance so no running to the doc
life and work demands continued hard use so no chance to let it heal....
serious illness both with a family member and a dear dear friend who is like a brother to me
one is dying the other we are still not sure how things will turn out

ok enuf whining, just wanted to check in and let yall know i havent vanished.
peace out
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on August 01, 2013, 01:20:25 pm
Take care of yourself Sadie !
Let us know if we can help out !
I will be praying !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 01, 2013, 03:21:03 pm
Wife took a turn for the worse, doing hospital time with her while they run every test known to man on her, should know more about her cancer problems when the results come in this evening, don't expect good news.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on August 01, 2013, 05:14:23 pm
I hate to hear that Eric & Sadie. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 01, 2013, 05:15:55 pm
So sorry, Eric. Will be praying for her.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on August 01, 2013, 08:18:40 pm
Eric - I will continue to pray for your wife and you during this ordeal.

Sadie - RICE Rest-ice-compresses-elevation Take care of it before you lose it! Maybe you need to take a vacation to Yosemite for some cold river swims for the Ice part!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on August 01, 2013, 08:52:33 pm
Eric, I pray that your wife beats that beast.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 01, 2013, 09:14:40 pm
Eric, I'm still here with you.  Prayers for your wife, you, and your whole extended family. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 02, 2013, 10:05:17 pm
My cherry cool aid and chicken works, 3 hits in two nights and my wife got this small female tonight. Cell phone and getting dark so video is not the best.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 02, 2013, 10:59:55 pm
Lemme see...what did I do today?  There was something, it's kinda fuzzy, not sure I am remembering this right, but....oh yeah!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 03, 2013, 12:46:36 am
Today I got to talk bows and arrows with strangers for 4 hours.  The local tourism office promotes "First Fridays" where they have a small festival on the first Friday of every summer month.  This was the second year they asked me to come and set up.  The theme this month was William Tell.  They had an archery range set up for kids to shoot.  They were raising money for the NASP.  There was supposed to be somebody making arrows but he didn't show up.  I set up a table with several finished bows and arrows and some other stuff to draw peoples attention.  I had a couple bows that were in progress as well as some hunting arrows I was working on.  On one side of me was a band playing some rockabilly, blues, oldies, and jazz.  They could really play.  I looked over at one point and the bass player had it laying on its side and he was standing on top of it strumming away.  On the other side of me was an old hit and skip motor that they were using to make ice cream.   The people there were very interested in what I had on display.  A snake skin backed bow really catches peoples eye.  I had a few guys that  inquired about making their own bow.  One guy talked to me for a long time about sinew backing a bow.  He has made a couple of bows but wants to learn how to apply sinew.  He tans a lot of deer hides so we worked out a trade, he shows me how to tan a hide and I'll show him how to back a bow.  I had a great evening.  My Dad was with me and he enjoyed it as much as I did.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 03, 2013, 12:49:34 am
Not surprised your bows drew attention, Clint.  Functional art works, they are.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 03, 2013, 01:00:42 am
Thanks but mine weren't the only ones on the table.  I had a couple from some very talented bowyers
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on August 04, 2013, 03:19:59 pm
Pulled three suers of honey early this morning , went as fast as I could trying to beat the heat and used a little more smoke than I like so I staggered the supers and put a fan on top to move some air through them for a while . In my rush missed a few bees on some bur comb and when I went to pick it up I got nailed in the center my index finger , first time I've been stung there and it swoll a little ( just thought they were going to miss me , they almost always stinge once ).
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on August 05, 2013, 02:16:51 am
started to shoot in a bow and blew it up, got mad, calmed down and got the backup almost to brace, then worked on my cigar box guitar project, then shot a bit just before dark trying to get locked in for bow season
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on August 05, 2013, 02:01:29 pm
Back to school :P

Got a couple days before the students start, but its hard to get back into the routine of the job.

Love teaching and looking forward to another good year. ;) Got to figure out how to align the standards to flint knapping and bow making in science ;D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on August 05, 2013, 02:48:12 pm
lots of science involved with bending wood, arrow flight and conical flake removal
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on August 06, 2013, 07:42:06 am
lots of science involved with bending wood, arrow flight and conical flake removal

I agree. We don't cover physics at this grade level, just life and chemistry.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 06, 2013, 08:57:14 am
Tracy, our kids went back to school last Friday.  At least you got a few extra days of summer vacation.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on August 07, 2013, 06:14:22 am
tues I had the 12 yr old grandson all top my self, said he wanted to make primitive fire so we made some char cloth and went to it, he was able to get flame 6 times out of 8, he was pretty happy and so was i
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 07, 2013, 01:56:05 pm
After finding out the results of the tests, I brought Glenda home and was met by a Home Hospice representative. Glenda has a week, possibly two at the most. At this point she can speak, is pretty much unable to move, sleeps most of the time and is unable to feed herself.

I have a wonderful support system of family members to help me, this is a blessing.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on August 07, 2013, 02:03:15 pm
So sorry for the news, Eric... Nothing can heal the hole, but the Father and time. Glad to hear you have close family for support.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 07, 2013, 02:19:07 pm
I will echo Scotts statements. NOTHING can replace family support while on this earth. Keep your chin up Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on August 07, 2013, 03:13:20 pm
Good family right here too !
Lots of support for the rough days !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sadiejane on August 07, 2013, 03:19:33 pm
prayers for Glenda, you and your family Eric-
thats a tough one, i know.
glad to know you have friends and family around you
hospice is a real blessing, use them to take care of yourself too
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on August 07, 2013, 04:47:18 pm
I am so sorry, Eric. Our prayers are with you both. I am glad you have family there with you. Be sure and let us know if you need anything.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 07, 2013, 04:59:54 pm
So sorry Eric, prayers for the family. Roy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on August 07, 2013, 06:15:42 pm
So sorry to hear this Eric. Prayers and wishes to you and family.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on August 07, 2013, 06:37:47 pm
Prayers from Ohio Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on August 07, 2013, 07:13:45 pm
Eric I am so sorry to hear this.  I have you, Glenda, and you family in my prayers.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Adam on August 07, 2013, 10:47:53 pm
More prayers from me too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on August 08, 2013, 09:36:23 am
Eric, I'm sorry to hear that news.  I pray for His peace and the dignity it brings for you and your family, and for more lucid moments to make good memories.

I can't imagine the emotional turmoil you're going through.  I have a good friend on his deathbed, and that's hard enough.  Having to go through that with your soulmate... just... incomprehensible...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on August 08, 2013, 07:06:01 pm
Thoughts and Prayers sent Eric. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 10, 2013, 08:57:17 am
Still have you and her on my mind Eric. Its the best I can do way up here.

Im filling my coffee cup back up and going the laboratory to finish the grip on DVS's bow and shoot it in soon after.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 10, 2013, 01:24:29 pm
Finished up a tri lam yesterday. Boo, wild cherry, and Osage.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on August 10, 2013, 07:00:46 pm
wow sweet............. :) :) 8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 10, 2013, 08:22:39 pm
Cow horn tips.

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Pau Rosa riser.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 11, 2013, 02:24:30 am
I spent today at a family reunion for my parents 60th wedding anniversary.  It was the first time in 40 years that the whole Halverson Clan has been together under one roof.  My two sisters took on the whole battle strategy and attack plan.  It seemed to have come off without a hitch.  No fights, no arguments, and one whole heck of a lot of smiles.  Even I had a good time. 

And the Rainier Cherry on the top???  My brother found three amazingly straight vine maple trees, cut 'em days before leaving, and fetched 'em out here to me!  One was growing smack up against a massive wild cherry and it is pipe straight.  SCORE! 

I might have to buy myself a bandsaw to split them to encourage them to cure faster!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: okie64 on August 11, 2013, 09:52:51 am
So sorry to hear that about your wife Eric, I cant even imagine how hard that would be to go through, my thoughts and prayeres go out to you guys.

Roy that is a fine looking bow ya got there. Doesnt look like you're struggling in the full draw pic so Im guessin its about 35 pounds or so. ;D ;D

Good to hear the news about you and your family JW! I cant imagine what it would be like not talking or getting along with my family.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on August 11, 2013, 09:58:43 am
Really nice bow Roy. I have to say that your dog's poses in the pics are hilarious, especially the last pic.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on August 12, 2013, 11:06:27 am
Got my extractor from my brother sat and extracted six gallons of honey yesterday and still have more to go .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 12, 2013, 11:11:58 pm
Let's see...six gallons at about 55 lbs per gallon = SWEEEEET!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on August 13, 2013, 08:34:51 am
In my thought and prayers Eric,keep us updated as you have the time. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 13, 2013, 05:56:38 pm
Bad day today, Glenda's pain got well beyond our normal pain meds. It is horrifying watching your gal cry out from pain in every inch of her body. Hospice is directing her meds and had me go up on her morphine by a factor of 4 and administer the meds every 15 minutes at first for 4 doses and then hourly when we were on a once every 4 hours schedule. She is asleep now, what a relief.

She has days perhaps, but we just don't know.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: paulsemp on August 13, 2013, 06:10:07 pm
Been part of a situation like yours and I am so sorry. Not being able to help is the hardest part.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 13, 2013, 06:10:45 pm
Eric, I am so sorry you are having to go through this.  You and your wife are in my thoughts.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on August 13, 2013, 09:40:39 pm
Eric , sorry to hear this , thoughts and prayers from the Moores.
Me and my brothers are faced with similar problems , our mother is loosing the battle with cancer , the pain is getting a little worse as time goes by and she doesn't like to take a lot of pain meds because of the way they make her feel , she will have to keep increasing her meds later . They gave her about six months .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 14, 2013, 05:40:29 am
At 2:03 this morning Glenda is finally at peace, no more suffering. I was by her side, she went very peacefully.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on August 14, 2013, 06:31:14 am
So sorry Eric,very sweet lady for sure. We will miss seeing her around,glad she is in piece finely,been a long struggle and she fought it hard.Thoughts and prayers with you and your family.If you need me just call. Take care. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on August 14, 2013, 08:40:51 am
So sorry to hear this Eric.  May she rest in peace and comfort.  Such a sad day.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 14, 2013, 09:18:53 am
Im sorry to hear this Eric, doesn't seem to help even when you know it's around the corner. Ive kept you both in my thoughts and prayers all along. She is in a better place now, no more suffering. Hold strong, as I know you are, and keep that chin up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on August 14, 2013, 09:59:35 am
I just got back from out of town and saw your post, Eric. We are so sorry for your loss. Hang in there, buddy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 14, 2013, 11:06:24 am
So sorry, Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on August 14, 2013, 01:29:49 pm
Sorry for your loss Eric .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on August 14, 2013, 04:36:17 pm
No words here , just a big hug !!!
Hope some how it helps !!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on August 14, 2013, 05:24:33 pm
Started jarring honey yesterday evening, 24 pints filled 24 more jars to go and then a trip to get more jars.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on August 14, 2013, 06:42:28 pm
sorry to hear the news heart goes out to you brother.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 14, 2013, 10:08:00 pm
I am so glad she had a husband like you, Eric.  Never mind the ups and downs, you were beside her to the end. 

Prayers for you, brother. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 16, 2013, 10:36:16 am
She was a remarkable woman in many ways, an incredible beauty in her youth, often referred to by people who didn't know her name as"that really pretty Liles girl".

Here is her obit and the last time I bring this topic up, time to let her rest.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 16, 2013, 04:24:36 pm
She was a remarkable woman in many ways, an incredible beauty in her youth, often referred to by people who didn't know her name as"that really pretty Liles girl".

Here is her obit and the last time I bring this topic up, time to let her rest.

Wow, she must have been tough to keep up with, Eric.  Simply amazing. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on August 17, 2013, 11:43:59 pm
Spent the day with the local head of the game and fish dept. at Painted Rock Wyoming Teaching kids how to cow call and bugle elk.  Fun day and the kids seemed to pick up the bugle and cow calling quite well!  We had several groups of six kids.  The Game and Fish provided the elk bugles and cow calls and the kids were allowed to keep them. Bet there will be some parents that will enjoy listening to their kids making all that noise! Last year we taught some basic flint knapping.  Then to top it all off when I got home there was a package from Seabass with some beautiful arrow heads.  Sure was a great day!  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 17, 2013, 11:51:37 pm
I can't fugger out why Seabass never sends me any arrow heads? LOL
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on August 18, 2013, 06:47:00 pm
well it's opening weekend for bow season here, and it's 108 deg. man the seasons are messed up here
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on August 19, 2013, 12:49:55 am
split some pale osage," mulberry" been putting it off for a bit but found a shady spot to do it in
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on August 19, 2013, 08:50:33 am
Thanks Eric,very nice and she will be missed by all that knew her. Joe /bubby sounds like yall had a good day. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 19, 2013, 10:09:00 am
I put some hickory staves in my hot box at about 13%mc a couple weeks ago, checked them yesterday and they were down to 7%. These are for students who happen by, wanting to make their first bow.

I have got to clean my shop up, my work bench is 8ft long and has the remnants of at least a half dozen started projects piled one on top of the other on top of it. I know there is a wood work bench top under there somewhere, just have to do an archaeological dig to find it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 19, 2013, 11:10:34 am
Sounds like a great bow bench, Eric:) I gotta do that to my shop every now and then..
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on August 19, 2013, 11:14:02 am
Over the weekend I worked on getting the honey I pulled into jars , still have five gallons to go ( got just over 15 gallons so far) .
I also split some osage that I cut a month ago , still have two nice logs in that pile and then I need to start on another pile of osage that I cut back in March.
The two big logs are 69" and 78" long .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on August 19, 2013, 04:46:07 pm
Joe , that canteen you made me was everything I hoped for and much made my day to open that package.i hope those heads serve you well brother.i can't figure out why ole Roy don't send me one of those nice tri-lams he
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 19, 2013, 09:43:50 pm
Late yesterday afternoon I went out on an injured raptor call, only to find a very large and very perturbed golden eagle.  He was unable to fly, but could sprint like the Jamaican Bobsled team heading for the hot showers!  Got him corraled up and our vet had a quick look at him.  Nothing appears to be broken, so we held him overnight at the request of USF&W.

This morning I loaded him into a large dog kennel, popped him in the back of the Jeep and headed out on the 3 hour drive to the nearest qualified veterinarian/rehabber.  I just got back into town in time to get to work this evening and my Jeep smells like eagle poo.

At least I got a chance to b.s. with Soy on the phone for a while this afternoon!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RyanY on August 19, 2013, 11:08:25 pm
Finished my first semester of medical school today. Hoping to get a little knapping in before I start back up on Monday. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 19, 2013, 11:14:03 pm
Congratulations on the schooling  O:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 20, 2013, 12:42:41 pm
I put some hickory staves in my hot box at about 13%mc a couple weeks ago, checked them yesterday and they were down to 7%. These are for students who happen by, wanting to make their first bow.

I have got to clean my shop up, my work bench is 8ft long and has the remnants of at least a half dozen started projects piled one on top of the other on top of it. I know there is a wood work bench top under there somewhere, just have to do an archaeological dig to find it.

Eric, for some reason I didn't have you as messy bench guy. You surprised me!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 20, 2013, 01:40:28 pm
When you mix bows, flintlocks and spur of the moment general repairs to assorted odds and ends and never put anything up, it gets out of hand rather quickly.

Sure hate to see all those deep checks in that fine osage. Been there done that. My motto now is never to put more osage on the ground than I can deal with in a timely manner before the checking starts.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 20, 2013, 02:39:21 pm
Took the mower off my tractor, put my bush hog on, loaded up my tractor on the trailer to drive to Tennessee to bush hog food plots on the land I hunt. Hot, very steamy day, this isn't going to be a fun afternoon but I have to get it done.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on August 20, 2013, 02:54:29 pm
Got 16 pints of sour cherry jam made this weekend... Got to try out my new to me pressure canner.. Worked perfect..
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 20, 2013, 06:19:35 pm
Hey Eric, check out my new toy:)

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on August 20, 2013, 08:06:28 pm
Shiney.. Picking up the chicks with that rig
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 21, 2013, 12:25:15 am
What model is your tractor Roy? I am thinking about trading my B7510 for a slightly larger one.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 21, 2013, 07:59:25 am
It's the L3200, Eric. Has 32 HP, I chose the stick shift tranny. Sweet tractor... My old Kubota was 18 years old, they gave me 6K on a trade in. Heck I only paid 10K for it new 18 years ago.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on August 21, 2013, 09:04:22 am
Wee-wicki was left to roam around my bow shop.  He went right for the yellow wood.  I'm thinking it's in his blood...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 21, 2013, 09:40:57 am
Awesome pick Matt! 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 21, 2013, 10:34:26 am
That's great Matt.  He will really enjoy next years Classic
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 21, 2013, 10:56:49 am
Dan, Dan the osage man!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on August 21, 2013, 01:14:59 pm
They say kids can tear up anything. Looks like he tore up an osage stave pretty good.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 21, 2013, 03:30:33 pm
Too cute, Matt...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: paulsemp on August 21, 2013, 06:13:31 pm
Texted pearly boy as many times as I could telling him how cool that bow from DVS is.  a little taste of his own medicine from the trade bow swap. just take a peek no one will know >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on August 21, 2013, 06:15:43 pm
he looks like a chip off the old block Matt.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on August 21, 2013, 06:42:31 pm
Talked to a fellow with some osage that needs to come out !!
Any body have time and energy to waste ?
I will go look it over this sat if I can find time , it is only about 30 mile up the road from me !
Hope I can find someone to help !
Hate to see it all burn !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 21, 2013, 08:17:57 pm
How far into Ohio are you? SW Pa boy here...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 21, 2013, 10:23:34 pm
Hey Eric, check out my new toy:)

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Shiney.. Picking up the chicks with that rig

Pick up big chicks with that rig.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 22, 2013, 11:12:18 am
Boy do I have a day ahead of me today. I was canning jalapeños yesterday and overloaded the disposal with the scraps which plugged the branch line in the basement. I found the first problem when I ran a snake into the clean out hole in the piping under the floor. Who ever plumbed the house ran the branch line up hill over the A/C ducts.

Back when I worked in a power plant I worked with a lot of steam fitters. They used to joke that all you needed to know to be a steam fitter was;" poop doesn't run up hill and pay day is on Friday". Whoever plumbed my house wouldn't have made much of a steamfitter.

So, I am doing some heavy duty plunging at the kitchen sink trying to bump out the plugged place in the branch line and water starts running out of the wall behind the kitchen cabinets, bummer. I guess my less than able, not qualified to be a steam fitter, house plumber didn't know too much about using glue on PVC joints either.

Now I have two problems, a leak in the wall I would have to destroy part of my kitchen cabinets (with brand new granite counter tops) to get to and a plugged branch line in a tight place that runs up hill.

I think I will just cap the leaking line where it goes in and out of the wall and run a drain from the sink straight down into the basement to the branch line through the back floor of the sink cabinet.

Plan "A" for the uphill line will be to cut the insulation off the A/C duct to make less of a hump for the branch line to cross and pull up the pipe supports to try to get a down hill slope, it is in a very tight space with little room to work in.

Of course I could call a plummer and kick back in my recliner while he fixes the mess, with my luck I could get the same guy who created the mess in the first place, better do it myself.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on August 22, 2013, 11:57:07 am
I feel your pain Eric,lots of things I ant good at but plumbing tops the list, I can't even put in a sink trap without a leak. Matt that boy is a shaving off the old stave. ;) :) :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 22, 2013, 05:43:24 pm
Sounds like my kind of day, Eric. I feel for ya brother..

I got another tri lam tillered last night, need to shoot about a 100 arrows through her and re-check tiller..

Then got the second shed almost done with the vinyl siding. I thought retirement meant I didn't have to work anymore:)

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on August 22, 2013, 06:22:17 pm
Must have been one of those "match the number to number, and color to color kits.  And he had to get his tractor with the stick shift.  He knows his numbers from 1-8, but has yet to learn what Reverse, and Forwards mean. >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on August 22, 2013, 06:42:54 pm
How ya doing ya old coot? Good to see your still kicking:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 22, 2013, 07:04:39 pm
I got the branch line running down hill but still couldn't clear it, cut 16' out of it to check and see where the plug was, every inch of the 16' foot section was plugged, replaced the whole line with new. Now if I can only get this Rube Goldberg, sink piping abomination I am having to install around stuff to work, and tie into my new branch line, this fix might actually come out OK.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on August 22, 2013, 09:36:16 pm
@ Eric - Good luck with your project. My house was built in the 60s near as we can tell. Got a slab foundation and we do have drainage issues from time to time. Usually have to open the septic tank and run something up the pipe to clear it. Glad mine was not as bad as yours.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 22, 2013, 09:46:07 pm
Done, it drains much better than before, no leaks and looks better than I had hoped.
Got one heck of a mess to clean up tomorrow, 5 gallon buckets never catch all that vomit like stuff that cascades out of out of stopped up drain lines when you cut them.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on August 23, 2013, 08:13:49 am
How ya doing ya old coot? Good to see your still kicking:)


Glad you got it flowing the right direction Eric , now you are a full fledged plumber !!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on August 24, 2013, 06:52:12 pm
I made a barrette for a friends birthday!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on August 26, 2013, 02:43:35 am
went hunting this weekend, saw 2 doe, 3 mountain lions and 4 rattlers,  :P
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 28, 2013, 10:07:21 am
I went up to an older(78) friends house to bush hog his back forty, he just had back surgery and can't do it himself. As I pulled into his place to unload my tractor I noticed I had a slow leak on one of my trailer tires. Well, maybe not so slow on the leakage part.


Good thing is is a tandem axle trailer.

I was just looking at my old dry rotted trailer tires the other day and thought "I really need to replace these". I buy used tires for my utility trailers which often last me 7 or 8 years. looks like I will be buying at least one today.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on August 28, 2013, 01:55:19 pm
Went to an auction on Sunday. got lots of nice tools including to copper soldering irons and a folding draw knife. Took pics with my wife's camera and couldn't do anything with them on the home computer so will take the work camera home and re-take them.

I brought in my pick of the day items and took pics at work. Here are the two soldering irons and the Drawknife.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on September 01, 2013, 03:56:00 pm
opening morning of dove season my eldest Jason and I took his boy logan on his first dove hunt, little 20 ga. single shot and he almost got his limit, shot better than me for sure, bacon wrapped dove lunch gonna be good ;D, bub

oh ya killed two rattlers too, a 3' and one over 50"
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on September 01, 2013, 04:23:38 pm
Hate to have bad news on a holiday but me and my brothers lost our mother to cancer this morning .
The doctors gavels six months at the beginning of July but the cancer was so aggressive that it took her from us sooner than the doctors thought .
I was by her side when she passed this morning .
Have had family and friends around all day and had to step away for a breather .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on September 01, 2013, 05:53:28 pm
sorry for your loss
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RyanR on September 01, 2013, 10:25:30 pm
A friend called yesterday and said he had a seasoned elm stave and a HHB stave for me.  He also said he has some HHB on his property we can cut.  I said I would be there in 45 minutes.  We jumped on his tractor and headed out in the woods. It doesn't get much easier than this. Cut two HHB trees that I got 11 staves out of.  I am really looking forward to working these in a year.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on September 02, 2013, 01:31:17 am
sorry to hear the bad news Poggins.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on September 02, 2013, 08:39:25 am
So sorry, Poggins. Prayers for the family.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on September 02, 2013, 09:14:11 am
Sorry for your loss, Poggins. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 02, 2013, 04:35:58 pm
Sorry to hear that Poggins, condolences to your family.  Let me know if there is anything I can do for you, brother.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on September 02, 2013, 08:29:10 pm
Thanks everyone , it has been hectic around here with all the planning and informing all the friends and family . I think I will escape to work for one day to get a break , there are some folks down that way that I haven't gotten a hold of yet anyway .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on September 04, 2013, 02:20:17 pm
Can't get away from work fast enough today.. Going to the mountains to  chase elk away.. 4 days of quiet and bbq
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Cameroo on September 06, 2013, 01:53:59 am
Man, I haven't checked in on this thread for a long time, got some catching up to do!

I had a day off today so I was pretending to be a blacksmith.  This is the first forging project that I've attempted and is pretty crude.  Still a work in progress - I have to grind an edge on it and then somehow temper it (not sure how, I think I'll be in the doghouse for a while if I use the oven).  I was out at the old man's farm last weekend and meant to swipe an anvil from him, but forgot, so I had to resort to bashing the old file against a sledge hammer head.  Not the most ideal setup but it sort of worked.  I made a "One Brick Forge" out of a soft fire brick and it seemed to work decent, although I don't have anything to compare it to.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 06, 2013, 09:06:02 pm
Nice knife Cam.  I like seeing old file knives.

I spent all day picking out stand sites and trimming trails with my Dad.  We are both wore out.  Our place is all hills.  We have trails cut for 6 ladder stands and 1 ground blind.  We found some huge white and red oak trees loaded with acorns.  We have a small pond deep in a wooded valley and I have a stand below the dam right next to a patch of white oaks and another stand up the hill on the main trail between the pond and the biggest red oak on our property.  I set up all the stand sites for shots under 15 yards and facing into the normal wind pattern.  We are hoping to put the stands out next week. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 07, 2013, 10:21:00 am
Dove season opens today, have a couple of marginal fields on public land spotted, may get to burn a little powder, I sure like eating them.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on September 07, 2013, 04:59:30 pm
We had my mother's service today , had two fellow members of our selfbow club show up ( that's what is nice about fellow bow builders we're all friends and are there for each other) but with all the friends and family that showed up I didn't get a lot of time to visit ( its been almost impossible to hold myself together this last week )
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on September 07, 2013, 05:10:26 pm
Hey Pog! Praying for you and yours in your time of loss. My mom has been gone for 15 years and I still miss her.  When you get things taken care of come on out for a visit and get away from things for a bit. Ben
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on September 07, 2013, 07:16:44 pm
I would love to but I burnt up a lot of leave the last two months and need to build it back up , planning on a bear trip with a self bow either next year or the year after to Canada , some of the guys on our self bow club did good this year and our club president took one with a stone point ( they've opened some eyes up there ).
I do need to travel around some more , almost 43 and haven't ventured out of the state very much.
Thanks for the invite , I get my place paid off and I may take you up on it ( about three years or so left then my pocket money will triple ) .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 08, 2013, 08:05:46 pm
I decided not to do any serious work today so I played in my shop. I sealed and crested 4 poplar arrow shafts, still sealing, I only use wiped on tru-oil now, lots of coats.

The cornerstone of my bow building tools has been a Nicholson half round course wood file, the perfect file to follow a Nicholson #49 with. I bought it locally, worked on about 200 bows with it, thought it was getting a little dull and decided to buy a new one a few years ago, no luck in finding one, anywhere.
I goggled Nicholson half round course file and came up with nothing for years, none were available locally either, no one had even heard of one.

Fast forward to a few months ago when I checked again for a Nicholson half round course "wood" file. They were everywhere, I even found one at about half price with free shipping. Don't know why I didn't think to add "wood" to my previous searches.

Anyway, I got a new file, all new files need a new handle which was the other thing I made while playing in the shop. Scrap osage and half of a 35 cents copper pipe coupler, came out real nice.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 08, 2013, 10:08:58 pm
Today I ate the last of my deer meat from last season  :'(   The marinated steaks sure did taste good though.  Hopefully I can put a cane arrow through a doe in a few weeks.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on September 08, 2013, 10:12:04 pm
Dove season opens today, have a couple of marginal fields on public land spotted, may get to burn a little powder, I sure like eating them.

I took my 12 year old son for the first time last Sunday and we had a blast! He managed to shoot two with one shot. We grilled 24 Friday night and they are hard to beat. Hope you get some shooting!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on September 09, 2013, 10:57:53 am
Dove season opens today, have a couple of marginal fields on public land spotted, may get to burn a little powder, I sure like eating them.

Public Land huh? You didn't happen to hunt down on 7 mile behind the treatment plant did you? We started out at Key Cave Wildlife Refuge and couldn't find enough shade for this fat boy so we moved down to 7mile. Killed a few but we weren't in near the best areas.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on September 09, 2013, 11:20:01 am
Got back from elk hunting.. 3days of rain.. It poured for 2.. Good news the tent doesn't leak.. Come home to Ms Kerrie with a wet muddy dog
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 10, 2013, 12:21:22 am
I sat in the sun at 7 mile, didn't bother going until almost 4:00, Killed 9, should have killed a limit, couldn't hit them. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on September 10, 2013, 10:35:04 am
Well they didn't start flying till about 3 so you did well. I killed 5-6 but we were sitting in a group and I had quite a few shot in front of me. Took my nephew for the first time with his new gun. We credited him with 1 bird. not sure if he actually hit it.  O:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 10, 2013, 10:35:16 am
Turned up food plots yesterday, spreading fertilizer and seed today followed by a little more tilling in. Should be back home by noon, I will plant my winter greens patch at the house and put out my little food plot down in the woods next to my house for deer watching off my deck, not shooting.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 10, 2013, 09:07:41 pm
Third coat of TruOil rubbed into the stock of the flintlock I am refinishing.  The stain is really making the grain of the tiger maple pop out, the TruOil is amplifying that effect nicely.  I just need 18 more coats!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 11, 2013, 10:13:58 am
Need some pictures JW, I like front stuffers.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on September 11, 2013, 02:47:12 pm
Tuesday September 10th was my wife's 21st birthday again! I made her a couple of things to mark the occasion. My first pair of adult mocs, need to do the detail work on them. and another barrette.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 11, 2013, 09:18:17 pm
Yea......... Mr. JW love to see some pics
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on September 11, 2013, 11:30:39 pm
I wanna see pics too Jdub.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on September 12, 2013, 09:20:30 am
Yup Jdub, it didn't happen without pictures:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 12, 2013, 10:37:28 am
Cleaning up the camper today, getting everything loaded for my first solo flight to a tournament tomorrow, gotta' start mingling again. Never have pulled the camper down my steep driveway with my new F250. With my last similar truck I had about 3" of camper bumper clearance when I hit the level spot at the bottom while the camper was still on the hill. My last camper sat a little lower and had to have skid wheels on the back bumper to make the decent without scraping.

No co-pilot to watch for me this time so if it scrapes it scrapes. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on September 15, 2013, 01:36:25 pm
Yesterday the OSS had a workday to get 200 youth rattan bows ready for an upcoming event , we got the 200 bows for the event plus another ninty some odd rattan bows done that the club has for OJAM  .
It didn't go without a hitch though , the two bandsaws that belong to the club went down , the craftsman had the shaft on the lower wheel go bad and our new saw had a peace break on the top wheel ( several bolts had to be tightened when we started and we should have went over the whole saw , bolts vibrated out of the top and a peace of cast iron broke , gues there was no quality control where the saw was put together , we know to double check any new equipment now) good thing someone had another saw close by .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 16, 2013, 10:08:46 am
Just got in from the ASTB shoot at Briarfield Iron Works south of Birmingham. Best weather possible, clear, low humidity, high 50s in the morning warming to the low 80s by afternoon. Perfect course, lots of friends to visit with and the nicest folk hosting the event as you will ever meet. I shot well, but not good enough to win the primitive class, came in second though.

Oh yea, the camper bumper didn't scrape coming off the driveway when I left for the tournament. This was the maiden voyage for my new F250 with the new ford 400hp, 6.7 liter engine pulling the camper.

On the way down to Cullman I had to drive up what is called Battle Ground hill, doesn't look too steep but looks are deceptive. With the 6.0 liter diesel I could barely maintain 55mph up the hill with engine turbo screaming, the engine wheezing, popping and sounding like it was about to fly apart. I set the cruse on 65mph with my new truck, it down shifted one gear and gained speed going up the hill, easily maintaining 65mph. I would get 10 mpg with my old truck pulling my camper, got 12.5 with the new one, gotta' love it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 17, 2013, 12:16:55 am
Today I got all of my stands up with help from my Dad.  It went pretty smooth besides some in the woods lawnmower repair.  We did have one close call when the top half of a dead tree trunk broke off and missed my Dad's head by inches.  I saw it start to go and yelled, he took a half step forward just as it missed hitting him.  It was one of those moments that gets your heart pounding.  I'm happy with all of my setups.  I put the stands where most of the shots should be 10 yards or under.  We still need to put up my Dad's two stands and we will be ready for opening day. 

This is what I found all around the first stand we put up.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 17, 2013, 12:31:41 pm
My 4 acres is on a pretty steep slope. Last year I threw out some seed and fertilizer on top of the ground in an open spot and made a food plot, not much of one but a few deer did come to nibble on it.

I expanded it this year, tilled it lightly(mighty rocky) while working in some seed and fertilizer.
If the rain doesn't wash all the seed down the hill it should draw a deer or two.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Roy on September 20, 2013, 01:04:21 pm
Started another tri lam. Osage belly, walnut core lam, backed with boo and a cocobolo riser.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 23, 2013, 12:04:58 am
I went road trimming, squirrel hunting and armadillo blasting on the land I hunt. Lots of limbs had grown over the roads that needed to be removed. I carried my 22 pistol for squirrels and armadillos. The squirrels were elusive but I did run into a couple of armadillos having a love in. I shot the first one that came by or at least I thought I shot it, emptied my gun at the one bringing up the rear, finally got it. Now with an empty gun the first one starts walking off like nothing happened and got away before I could reload, it may have had a hole in it, the other was grave yard dead.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 23, 2013, 11:50:58 pm
Today I saw two guys on a highway riding a scooter.  The guy on the back was holding a block target off to the side and looked to be fighting the wind quite a bit.  I'm guessing they went to walmart for some last minute supplies before bow season starts.  I wish I could have got a picture of them.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on September 24, 2013, 03:01:24 pm
Roy, As I was looking at the clamped bow a nagging thirst came over me....then I saw the PBR poster and thought, just a couple more hours and work will be over.  :)  Cool pic, lots of clamps :o

Have a gooder, dpgratz
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 24, 2013, 03:54:15 pm
Eric Im not familiar with armadillos. Are they a nuisance critter? Why kill them I guess Im asking. Keep in mind Im all for shooting stuff, just curious is all.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on September 24, 2013, 04:59:32 pm
They aren't native here in North Alabama. They dig a lot of holes and are most often seen as roadkill. I've heard they spread diseases but I don't know for sure.

This isn't a reason to kill them but it is amazing how well they sound like a deer walking in the woods. If you think you hear a deer walking but it never really goes anywhere its probly an armadillo.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 24, 2013, 06:15:43 pm
If you own a golf course you have reason to kill'em
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 24, 2013, 07:20:43 pm
Sounds alot like our woodchucks.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 24, 2013, 07:36:21 pm
We've got a few in Western KY, Guess they move up the Mississippi from Louiseana.  They seem to be a cross between a possum, groundhog and a roll-e-poley on steroids.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 24, 2013, 09:22:18 pm
Today I helped my Dad get his three ladder stands set up.  Sometimes he forgets how old he is and does stuff he shouldn't.  He usually gives me a look and says, "don't tell your mother I'm doing this".   He had to chop off that limb to get his stand tucked up into that old osage tree.


He isn't afraid to take his old riding lawnmower off road either.  He had to cut a trail to that tree so he could put a stand in it. 


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on September 25, 2013, 10:18:50 am
Sounds alot like our woodchucks.

How much wood do yalls woodchuck chuck? That is if they actually can chuck wood of course.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 25, 2013, 10:20:10 am
Ive never seen one chuck a lick of wood, liars.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 25, 2013, 10:27:39 am
Armadillos and deer hunting land don't go together. They become so numerous you may have 4 or 5 come out of their holes at prime deer hunting time and root like miniature pigs all around the base of your stand, wattling to and fro and sounding like someone is dragging a log chain through the woods. You will almost never see a deer when the dillas are about.

The only solution for over population is to thin the herd, they don't have any natural enemies, coyotes won't kill them and will only eat them after you shoot them.

We had 125 acres of prime hunting land that became over run with armadillos to the extent that we seldom saw deer anymore. I went on a mission to thin them out, killed 25 and the land became prime deer hunting land again.

I killed 11 two years ago on the 350 acres we hunt now and it looks like they are rebounding to the point that another concentrated effort to remove them is going to be necessary.

We didn't have the first one on our current hunting land until 5 years ago. They are spreading north and like wild hogs when you have them you have them and nothing can get rid of them.

One observation I have made from killing so many is you can walk right up to the first couple you shoot. After your initial kill, you can find one a mile away and it will run from you before you can get within 50 yards of it. They must send out some high pitched, ultrasonic danger sound when you blast one that puts every other armadillo in the area on high alert. This has been my observation and has no scientific basis what so ever.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 25, 2013, 10:40:59 am
I have one small 30 acre farm I hunt that is over run with coons. Wild grapes grow in the dead walnut and elm trees like a vineyard. Its not uncommon to see a 8-12 coons in the daylight. They ruin the hunting similar to your little rooters do. I cant bring myself to shoot a pile of coons though. I don't want them and I don't want to skin or freeze them. So they live on and I just grumble and wait for decline.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 25, 2013, 10:54:49 am
I understand coon problems as well and left them alone until I went to my garden and found what was left of my corn patch.

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I trapped and shot 11 that year, fed them to the coyotes.

They regularly tore up my wife's bird feeders so I continued to shoot and trap them when they became a nuisance, probably killed 20 or so in all.

Since my wife died I have taken down all the feeders, cut all the fruit trees that they stole every piece of fruit from and don't expect to have any more trouble from them. If anymore show up I will blast them as well and fatten the coyotes with their carcases.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 25, 2013, 10:58:44 am
Your inspiring me Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on September 25, 2013, 11:08:35 am
Eric, I hope this happens for yall too but we have had them for +10 years now where I hunt along the river. When they first got established we would see several every outing kind of like you described. It was frustrating. After a few years the numbers declined. We still have them but not near as bad as before. Maybe yalls will taper off as well.

Like I said before I always think they sound like deer from a distance. One hunt a while back I had listened to one all morning in a brushpile back behind me and to the left. It was getting pretty annoying. At one point and turned my body around to look over at it again and a deer took off. Somehow the armadillo had stopped moving and the deer walked in at the same time. I was even more ticked at that thing then.

I know this is "What did you do today" but I'm exhausted from last night. For some reason I dreamed all night about catching Timber Rattlers. I was in this room that had a bunch in it and I had to remove them by hand. They were under and behind stuff. One of them jokers had 2 heads and about 4-6 inches of body from each head before it merged into 1 snake. I shouldn't have watched that new show "Snake Salvation" right before bed.

Pearl, You should make friends with a coon hunter.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 25, 2013, 09:21:53 pm
I did make friends with a coon hunter who would take I all I caught in a live trap, he was working most of the time when I caught one and we couldn't get together so they ended up dead. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 25, 2013, 10:09:40 pm
I've got a friend that livetraps them from his garden and gives them to me.  Mostly I have been parting them out to feed the great horned owl...she loves 'em.  But he gave me two 5 pounders recently and I think I am gonna have to skin 'em out and crockpot 'em. 

If you have a favorite raccoon recipe, feel free to send it my way!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on September 26, 2013, 10:31:15 am
I've got a friend that livetraps them from his garden and gives them to me.  Mostly I have been parting them out to feed the great horned owl...she loves 'em.  But he gave me two 5 pounders recently and I think I am gonna have to skin 'em out and crockpot 'em. 

If you have a favorite raccoon recipe, feel free to send it my way!

You should get a squirrel dog and take up squirrel hunting. Around here we have lots of squirrels. My brother has brought home nearly 30 squirrels on a good day with his dog. That would go a long way with your raptors. I know a guy who hunts with a red tail hawk.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 26, 2013, 11:12:40 am
I know I sound incredibly blood thirsty but I actually despise killing anything just to kill it. One reaches a point with nuisance pests where you control them or they will destroy your property. Stories abound about coons chewing their way into an attic and setting up shop, with the associated poop in the attic and streams of urine dripping down the walls inside the house. Ain't going to happen here!

I have a nice house in the country and want to keep it that way.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Fred Arnold on September 26, 2013, 09:55:20 pm
Today I did some framing around the passageway and 2 windows in the south facing living area of my metal building and hung some family pictures, arrows, and a bow for display. I need to get my butt busy and get this place comfortable and more appealing. The wood came from an old farm building I tore down last year for a neighbor and hope he decides to have me tear down 2 more next spring.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 27, 2013, 10:35:24 am
Deer season opens tomorrow in Tn where I hunt. Yesterday I put out 5 3D deer targets in the woods below my deck to start my tree stand shooting practice, kinda' late but I shot well when I got my bow out.

Worked on a bow fix, repaired some arrows and signed a contract to put gutter guards on the gutters around my house, the leaves have gotten to be a pain to remove from them as my trees have grown. 16 bucks a foot for the guards, they sure are proud of them.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Robby101 on September 27, 2013, 11:10:44 am
Finished my new mail box! After living in the woods for forty years, had to set up temporary digs in a village! Not my cup of tea,I don't know how they do it. Another month and I'll be living in an even bigger woods, and have my shop back up and running!!!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on September 27, 2013, 11:34:17 am
Deer season opens tomorrow in Tn where I hunt. Yesterday I put out 5 3D deer targets in the woods below my deck to start my tree stand shooting practice, kinda' late but I shot well when I got my bow out.

Worked on a bow fix, repaired some arrows and signed a contract to put gutter guards on the gutters around my house, the leaves have gotten to be a pain to remove from them as my trees have grown. 16 bucks a foot for the guards, they sure are proud of them.

Ouch. I just did the front side of my house myself for about $2.50 for 3'. I'll do the backside later. I bought some wire mesh guards at Lowes. They slide under the shingles and hook on the outside of the gutter. We will have to wait and see how they work. I'm sure yours will be more professional though. I need to make time to come see you sometime. I need some direction on my bow I'm making.  Baby on the way and my wife is nesting. We are rearranging and cleaning out the whole house and working on a nursery.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 27, 2013, 12:54:43 pm
You guys are talking my language. We live in the center of the woods and I have to clean my gutters at least 8-9 times a year or I have major issues when the snow flies and the ice forms. Im undecided as to what product to use. Im sure it will be something I do on my own as I don't care to pay for services to my house that Im more than capable of performing.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: paulsemp on September 27, 2013, 01:18:22 pm
I was doing a furnace change out about 10 years ago. Needed to do a chimney liner. It was a high 2 story roof. Set up the ladder  and climbed up. As I was getting ready to get of on the roof I realized the I was surounded by hundreds of wasps. I threw my legs off and around the ladder and slid down.  I hit the bump out in the extension ladder where the two ladders join with my inner thighs,  and climbed the rest of the way down. My legs were so bruised I could barely walk. They called a exterminator and he killed and removed the guards to find about 4 ft of nest pack in the gutter. He said because of the dry summer he sees it a lot. Most guards I've seen are garbage in a downpour the water goes right over them. And for some reason if something gets in you have to tear it apart and they never go back together well. And if they freeze they take long to thaw. I walk my roof with a leaf blower to clean my gutters. I know that's a young man's game and when I get older I may change my point of view. Just wanted to share.....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on September 27, 2013, 03:19:56 pm
I don't normally mind cleaning my gutters but the people who installed them before we moved in put them where they drain on the highest part of the house so the water was washing out my foundation. DUH!!! This past Spring I dug a 90' trench and put in a 4" PVC drain pipe in the back to get the water where it wouldn't wash toward the house and about 20' in the front. I put in the gutter guards because I don't want my underground pipes to fill with leaves and stop up. Those drain pipes were a good investment of time and energy because we have had an extremely wet summer.

Pearl, the ones I put in last week were 3' sections and they slide under the shingles and had a little bend that hooked under the lip of the gutter. Super easy and fast. No bolts or screws. We haven't had any big weather since then so they haven't been tested much yet. Each section just overlaps the next. I put in 40' in maybe an hour or less. I hope they last. I'll do the back after I finish buying baby furniture :'(.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 27, 2013, 03:22:19 pm
On the lower end of my house the gutters are 24' up. I have a very steep roof that I won't try to walk on. I rigged a blower attachment to be 26' long out of PVC and a Stihl gutter blowing kit. Works really well but is a pain to use several times a week when the leaves are really coming down.

The caps I got are called gutter helmets, the most expensive but appear to be the ones that are fool proof. Like many, I used to do all this kind of work myself but I am an old guy who doesn't enjoy a lot of the stuff I used to do anymore so I get off my wallet and let others do it.

I have about 6 medium sized oaks I need to to cut around my house in the spring, wouldn't think of paying to have some one do this kind of work because I love to run my chainsaw. All my osage cutting in the past has turned me in to a chainsaw running fool, I love it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 27, 2013, 03:33:25 pm
Our house is set up a lot like yours Eric. The backside is a looooong ways down. We have 9' ceiling upstairs and in the basement. Im sure my time of cliff hanging will come to end to.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on September 27, 2013, 05:35:58 pm
My supervisor handed me two rattlers today , one large dimondback and a smaller pigmy or velvet tail, I'll get pics when I get home , the big one is hole and has been in a freezer and the smaller one has been skinned already . I hope the dimondback is long enough to cover the bow I'm building for him ( I'm sure when I give it to him the bunch that he hunts with will keep me supplied with rattlers, they cook them every once and a while but I think they just throw the skins away ).
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 28, 2013, 05:01:40 pm
Spent the day getting"stuff" ready to deer hunt this evening. Tested my broad head arrows, one flew poorly, put the broad head on a different arrow, great flight now. Stuck one woodsman in a tree with a high shot at my broad head target, real good penetration on a red oak. I found you can't extract one from a tree without ruining it, made up another arrow to make four for my quiver, all fly really good, sharpened all the broadheads to shaving sharp.

Now it is dragging out my tree stands, safety harness, and the multitude of nick-knacks I put in my cat quiver pack.

In spite of all my gear I will probably set up on the ground and just observe this evening, now where did I put my hammock seat?

A footnote;

I didn't see any deer but did notice hogs had torn up a food plot I just planted. No hogs on the place 3 years ago but hog sign has been abundant in the last year or so. Never seen one, I suspect they are nocturnal, time to make a trap.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 30, 2013, 03:00:02 pm
I played around in the shop a bit yesterday. Added the "R" to my R/D yew project. Bent like rubber and stayed put.  Im excited about the outcome of this bugger.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on September 30, 2013, 09:57:52 pm
I got the pics of the snakes to finally load .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 02, 2013, 11:42:26 am
Been tied up for the last 14 months and let the house go, little by little I am getting it back into shape. Yesterday I started cleaning my deck, hand scrubbing it from top to bottom to get rid of the mold and dirt. The foreground has been done, the background is todays project, notice how black the siding is near the ceiling.


Another footnote; after 5 hours on a ladder hand scrubbing every part of the deck from floor to celing I am done, looks much better.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on October 04, 2013, 12:57:13 am
Being on furlough - not as much as I should have!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on October 06, 2013, 08:12:27 am
Today I get my motorcycle license, then get my materials for the Christmas present.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on October 06, 2013, 08:50:07 am
Being on furlough - not as much as I should have!

Hope this is short term Ben. I would say you could have some more knapping time, but your one of a few that I know that actually gets to knap at work :D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on October 06, 2013, 10:43:43 pm
Worked on my hunting spot today , yesterday I stood in a little patch of trees and let six walk around me , lost track of the doe without fawns so I didn't take one.
I cleared me a path so I could get to the spot silently and made me a blind out of brush and some old plywood that was there . I hunted the blind this evening and had a small five point at the feeder about sixty yards away , after he left the doe without fawns came in by herself , after feeding at the feeder for a while she came within ten yards of me and offered several good shots , I didn't draw on her because of work tomorrow and I would have to process her tonight and not get much sleep . I'm carrying a bow given to me by a good friend and mentor Ralph Renfro and a stone point I made myself .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 09, 2013, 12:16:52 am
Hunted this evening, saw 7, passed on a chip shot on a doe, didn't feel like killing her, getting old I guess.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on October 09, 2013, 10:34:15 am
Moved my trail cam one last time before bow season starts next week. I had 2 cameras last year but for the life of me I can't find one of them. I don't know if it is on a tree somewhere or hidden well at home so I'm down to 1 at the moment. Squirrel season is open now so I took the dogs. Boone treed 1 squirrel and surprisingly I found it in all the leaves. That's hard to do this time of year. Lila treed a chipmunk and Boone caught it on the ground when it tried to make a run for it. Seen a big fat doe on the way in. I'd say overall it was a good afternoon.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on October 09, 2013, 11:24:42 am
Played around in the shop.. Building a powder horn outta buffalo horn.. Can't walk around the great plains of western Canada with a smoke pole and not look good...
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 09, 2013, 08:26:58 pm
Had one of those gratifying days where your bow student walks off with his first completed selfbow. Hickory bow, a little string follow, dead in the hand, no hand shock and really spits out an arrow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 09, 2013, 09:01:51 pm
Had one of those gratifying days where your bow student walks off with his first completed selfbow. Hickory bow, a little string follow, dead in the hand, no hand shock and really spits out an arrow.

In one little corner of the world, for just a while, everything was good like it should be.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: criveraville on October 10, 2013, 01:10:10 am
I got the pics of the snakes to finally load .

Nice snakes! What type is that bottom one?

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on October 10, 2013, 02:42:41 pm
I think it is ether a pigmy rattler or a velvet tail , hadn't looked it up yet .
My supervisor got a little careid away when dispatching it and lost about three or four inches at the head .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 10, 2013, 03:27:48 pm
Just glued up a BBO to surprise a friend with, dropping poundage on another BBO for a friend and may finish a third BBO(already on the short string) for another friend who expressed an interest in traditional archery.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JacksonCash on October 10, 2013, 10:35:38 pm
Bought some leather and supplies so I can get cracking on my trade item.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: campx on October 16, 2013, 02:57:31 am
This is what I did today.
Punched my tag on the biggest buck I've ever come across in hunting season, Region 3, BC.
7mm Rem mag, 162 grain Amax @3100

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bigbuck 023 ( by CampX (, on Flickr

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bigbuck 019 ( by CampX (, on Flickr
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on October 17, 2013, 12:16:07 pm
I went back to work!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: KrisDelger on October 18, 2013, 03:56:11 am
Moved horse panels for family, bucked hay, got a job offer on a hay crew, wondered about my next day at my usual job, stared at my string jig wondering why my strings aren't long enough, and spilled half a jar of paint on my shop floor.... its been a strange day
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 18, 2013, 10:07:00 am
Put a few coats of tru-oil on a longbow I am finishing up for a friend who started it but surgery prevented him from finishing it, started floor tillering a BBO I am making as a surprise gift for another friend, tillered a repaired (broken limb replaced) osage bow for my hunting buddy who has expressed and  interest in taking up traditional archery.

The repaired bow was shooting arrows nock high, a late in the game pass with my gizmo reveled a stiff spot I had overlooked in the lower limb near the tip. Twenty scrapes and the bow shoots like a dream, perfect arrow flight, zero hand shock and hits right where I look. I love these eureka moments when a perplexing tillering problem is solved.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 20, 2013, 02:00:52 pm
Went deer hunting, passed on a doe at 12 yards, didn't need the meat, she had two youngsters, I was 25 feet up a tree, she was down hill and at least 40 ft below me, not the kind of shot I would ordinarily  take, easy to talk myself out of shooting.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on October 22, 2013, 11:09:55 pm
The Oklahoma Selfbow Society is doing a member only bow trade and I got in on it , we have till our banquet in Febuary to complete our bows .
There are only fourteen in our first OSS bow trade and we were only given the specs for the bow we need to build , no names , so we won't know who is building our bow or who the bow that we build will go to . I cut an osage out this evening , now to get it to floor tiller and I have a couple of other staves just in case . The osage stave I wanted to use has the dark orange almost red stripes down the back but due to a couple of cracks on one end on the back I set it aside , it also warped when I split the log and I will have to heat and move the ends about two inches to each to get the string to lay center on the handle .
If this goes well I may have to get in on the next bow trade here .

I'm still working on two other bows , the Kentucky coffee bow and the osage bow for my supervisor at work . I'm having trouble getting the string centered on the coffee tree bow , it's off to one side a little buts till on the handle . The osage had one limb reflexed a little and one deflexed about two inches , the tiller was messing withy head a little so I heated a little reflex in both limbs to even it out . I did shoot it before I reflexed it , talk about hand shock , with the handle not shaped yet it had a little sting to it but it hit where I was looking and grouped good but I would have came in under weight befor getting the tiller right .

Still been hunting just haven't taken a shot yet , does with fawns mostly and the one doe without a fawn only cooperates on work nights , I've taken off too much to call in sick to work a deer up , just need her to give me the chance on a Friday or Saturday evening .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on October 24, 2013, 02:37:51 pm
Here are the three staves I have cut right now , the top is Kentucky coffee cut to just over two inches wide ( moisture content is still at 20% , explains why my first warped on me ) , the middle is osage with the red stripes all the way down it , going to be about an inch or so wide , it warped to the side on both ends while drying so ill have to get the heat gun and form out for it , the bottom is an osage with ceracter .
I've been cutting as many out as I can before cold weather and rain sets in , I have my bandsaw out in the yard and need to get it back inside befor it gets wet .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on October 24, 2013, 02:55:52 pm
Great deer campX. He had a heck of a body to carry around.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 30, 2013, 10:24:21 am
Last few days; deer hunted, worked on several bows, finished a nice repaired bow for a friend(broken limb replaced) and started a new rear sight for my English fowler flintlock.

I stopped by the local metal supply house to look through their cutoff bin for a suitable piece to make my rear sight from. I found a 15" piece of heavy 1" angle and bought it for the princely sum of a buck twenty.

This will be a two day filing process  turning the angle into a decorative rear sight but I like tedious work.

( ( 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on October 30, 2013, 11:13:25 am
Cut 2 truckloads of firewood this weekend. 1 for me and 1 for a friend. That should do me for the winter. I have a wood heater in the garage so I only burn on cold nights when I'm out there working. Finished up with a dull saw and broken splitting maul so last night was spent sharpening the chainsaw and re-handling and painting my splitting maul and axe. The axe handle wasn't broke but it was old, cracked and slipping pretty good so I figured while I'm at I might as well replace both. They are both hand me downs.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on October 30, 2013, 05:53:25 pm
 Well, after 3 weeks of hanging out in Spain I started work finally, yesterday. So far, two days of before day lite till well after dark working. I'm on track for 78 hours by Friday. And will probably be doing this till November 10 when I finally go home. The parties over, now :'( and I'm getting too old for this crap. ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 31, 2013, 12:47:35 am
Hang in there Mullet.  You will be in a tree stand before you know it.  Be careful working those long hours.

Today I went to a new Field and Stream store that just opened near my work.  The grand opening is Friday but they let me in the doors tonight.  I was very impressed.  It is way better than the Cabela's in Louisville KY.  They have replica mounts of about every famous deer I have heard of.  Seeing the James Jordan buck and the Hole in the horn buck was awesome.  Plus the full body mounts of wolves fighting a bear and a full body mount of the archery world record elk just topped it off.  They had a huge selection of hunting stuff.  The prices seemed reasonable.  They were sure cheaper than Cabela's.  I asked to see their traditional archery products.  The guy had to go ask another guy and then both of them finally found a small display tucked in the corner.  They had a couple tabs, a shooting glove, beaver silencers, stringers, some basic quivers, and arm guards.  The guy made sure to show me the one recurve and one longbow that they had for sale.  Their gun selection was impressive.  They actually had ammo in stock.  I picked up a box of 9mm for $14.99.  Its the first time I have seen 9mm rounds for a while.  I think I'll tell the wife to go there when she does her Christmas shopping.

They are having a bunch of hunting and fishing celebrities there this weekend. Si Robertson will be there Sunday.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on October 31, 2013, 07:11:52 pm
I'm hangin', Clint, Thanks. ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on November 01, 2013, 10:25:15 am
My last day off, I heat treated my trade points, and dropped one
Made me frown
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on November 01, 2013, 11:54:57 am
Our church had a little "give candy and hotdogs to every little curtain climber that comes by" last night and I was delighted to be the grill guy.


Had me hoppin for a couple hours.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 03, 2013, 09:28:14 am
Scott Im a sucker for blackened dogs, those poor kids would have been in trouble if I was manning the grill!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 04, 2013, 10:17:08 pm
Today was the day.  I took the newly refinished and refurbished .36 caliber flintlock out to the woods to sing her siren song.  I had dug out the chronograph along with some of those targets that go bang when you hit 'em.  I had the spotting scope and a 6' x 6' piece of canvas tarp to put down on the ground to keep everything neat and tidy.  I made up a little barrel cleaner solution from murphy's oil soap, peroxide, and ammonia...all in a nice tiny little blue glass bottle I found when I was a kid.  I fetched along an extra long hickory ramrod that had been soaking in a copper pipe fulla boiled linseed oil for three years just for loading and cleaning.  Yup I was ready as all billy-heck.

When I got there I realized I forgot to put patches in the shooting bag.  I went thru the jeep top to bottom and could not find a rag to save my soul.  I even checked my skivvies.  Must have been a heck of a sight with my pants around my ankles and me bending over trying to read the fiber content on my tightey-whiteys.  Danged ol' 60% cotton, 40% polyester!

So me and the dog took a walk.  We stayed out later than I expected because SOMEONE DIDN'T HAVE TO CLEAN A FLINTLOCK WHEN HE GOT HOME!!!!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on November 04, 2013, 10:42:48 pm
JW , I've had those forgetful moments lately , seems like every other time I go out hunting I forget my shooting glove , I leave the house thinking I have everything until I get seated in the blind then notice I don't have it ( I just go without it even though my blind is only sixty yards from my house , easer to keep an eye on the camera and feeder that way , there are some sticky fingers around here lately ).
As do my day , I got up this morning sat in the house eating breakfast and drinking coffee while watching a small buck down at the feeder then went to work , had to drag two deer off the road a doe and a ten point buck ( eight with split eyeguards ) not a hudge rack but a lot of mass , it's going to get busy with rut going on , does every year about this time, all well , just part of my job , at least I get a good idea of when the rut is on.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: 4dog on November 05, 2013, 06:07:19 pm
same thing i did all last week..sat in a blind and got nuthin but soakin wet!!!  ???
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on November 05, 2013, 07:11:39 pm
Watched a buck chasing a doe at work and when I got home went straight to my blind , haven't seen a thing yet .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on November 07, 2013, 03:42:31 pm
Woke up this morning to see a herd of elk on the sky line behind the house and a bigger herd in the hills across the road.  They seem to know where they have the best chance of ex scape (private property)!  Have only been out once this year with Hawk Huston with our bows and we had no luck.  Only have cow tags and they are mighty hard to get close to with all the rifle hunters around.  Was going through some old hunting slides and found a two hour video that I have never watched (no player).  Its titled "Making Fluted Points with the Sollberger Jig with Woody Blackwell."  Back in the 70s I had a long distance friendship with JB.  I would send him a box of elk, moose, deer horns, some obsidian and he would send me some of his points.  He was a plumber by trade in Dallas, but was a superior knapper and taught his skills in the local universities and also some in France.  Over the years he would write letters to me with all his calculations most of which I never understood.  He did manage to help me clean up my hunting points and I managed to harvest most everything but a sheep and an antelope with them. Somewhere packed away in my shop is one of his jigs.  His Folsoms are extremely thin.  I have no idea what my collection of JB's points is worth.  Have been thinking of finding a home for the letters he sent with his calculations as they probably need to be keep somewhere so people can study them.  Am going to try to find a player so I can watch the video.  The video features the following:  the jig, the preform, the platform, making Clovis points, making Folsom points, making Cumberland points, making Wenatchee points, controlling flute length, pressure flaking technique, trouble shooting, general tips and advice, next generation jigs, and detailed plans for building a Sollberger Jig.  Even though I never met JB to shake his hand and set with him to watch his techniques I felt a great loss when he died.  He was a smoker and with all his knapping he died of silicosis.  Thanks for reading this message!  Joe   
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on November 07, 2013, 04:02:21 pm
Wow, what a treasure. Sounds like he was a legend and I can't imagine the kind of information that might be hiding in those letters and the video. If it's not too much trouble I sure would like to see some of his points. Take care, friend! Hope to see you and Hawk at the classic again!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on November 08, 2013, 09:51:03 am
Would post some pictures of the points if I knew how.  I took them to the Classic several years ago but not many got to see them.  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 08, 2013, 07:19:33 pm
I shot my flintlock fowler a bunch of time trying to work up a round ball load. Just about the time I think I had it grouping it would start spraying balls all over the place. I changed from a .690 to a .700 ball and it seemed to be doing pretty well but need more testing to be sure. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 09, 2013, 03:00:34 pm
Today I watched a group of does go by just out of range  :(   Fixed some wind damage on the house  >:(   I just got done raking the trail to my morning stand and cutting down a dead osage tree that was rubbing on a white oak every time the wind blows.  The other morning that squeaky tree spooked off a big doe that was a few steps away from being dead.  I should be all set for the morning now. 

I think I'll debark a few osage staves before I head to the woods this evening.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on November 09, 2013, 05:52:44 pm
Reworked my brush blind , the cedars are drying out and the wind had loosened it up so I added some new limbs and opened another hole to shoot out ( could have got a fork horn if I had opened it up last weekend ) .
Had my biggest buck so far this year , my feeder is 130 yards from my house so I can keep track of my camera and feeder ( there can be some sticky fingers and a few can't read a posted sign ), watched the nine point buck for about fifteen minutes chasing does befor they left . Wanted to put a stalk on him but had to go to work , tod my boss about it and he said I should have got the buck gutted it and brought it to work to skin and cut up ( my boss is a big hunter , he went to Africa this year , lucky man ), who knew , gues if he shows up again befor work one day I'll try .
Hunted yesterday evening but the wind was bad , think I got wind burn on my face , went out again this morning but nothing , herd a buck grunting in the timber but he didn't come out , back in the blind now , maybe they will feed early .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on November 10, 2013, 11:55:37 am
Went hunting yesterday, no luck in the stand all day with winds gusting at 25 to 35 mph all day. Corn being picked around here and the lady bugs were everywhere, about a thousand on my truck when I came back at lunch time.
This morning while having my coffee I read all about those pesky ladybugs with my 3yr. old granddaughter who
spent the night with us. Deer are starting to rut but I'll be home playing with the princess today, all good.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on November 10, 2013, 07:19:04 pm
You got to make time for the little ones , maybe some day she will spend time with you in the woods .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 11, 2013, 10:24:09 am
Hunted a couple of times, flintlock Saturday, bow hunting yesterday. Let a nice buck get away yesterday, thought he was alone in the thick stuff, when he turned away I shifted my rifle and cross sticks in his direction, he wasn't alone, the deer I didn't see busted me when I moved, game over. Didn't see any deer yesterday.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Knapper on November 11, 2013, 03:35:49 pm
This pass weekend , took a couple of young men out to try for their Wilderness advancement in FCF. After shooting their smoke poles, throwing their hawks and knifes, preparing their primitive shelter for their all night vigil. Both passed with flying colors. Congrats men.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 13, 2013, 10:11:37 am
I started a very ambitious project that will take days, cleaning up my shop. Take bow building with scrap wood and dust, add flintlock building with a zillion tools and parts and stock blanks, plumbing failure fixes, arrow making, tractor stuff, 10 years of accumulated junk (I know I can use that some day stuff) and throw it all haphazardly into a 14X28 space, one layer on top of the next and you have my shop.

I worked all day just to see the top of my work bench for the first time in years. I threw out giant trash bags full of what I thought were treasures but decided was just more pack rat junk. At the end of the day one could hardly tell I had been working there but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on November 13, 2013, 10:19:34 am
Ya I need to do that to my shop,and all my out buildings,seems all I do when I start is just re stack. ;) :) Need to hire someone to clean it up that don't know what all the stuff is. ;) :) :) I tell folks that when I am gone my son will have the dangest yard sale ever was. ;) :) :) It's junk mostly but it's my junk. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on November 13, 2013, 10:42:32 am
Pappy-I'd come to that yard sale.

Eric-That light at the end of the tunnel is just the back window of the shop ;D. Just keep working toward it. It always gets messier before it gets cleaner.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on November 13, 2013, 12:25:03 pm
If I allowed my wife to visit me in my cave I'd have to do a little more of that cleaning too.  >:D everybody must have their sanctuary!

My buddy called me last night with another "I just arrowed a big one" story. I was still at work so I told him to look for blood and let me know. Couple hours later while driving home he called me back and said he found the back half of his arrow but little else. So after meeting up and talking about it we headed back with better flashlights.

He took me to the place where he found the arrow and I started picking up blood. As we worked out his trail he took us through some pretty small places. I'm always amazed by their ability to work through some of the tightest cover in the area. We walked and tracked, lost blood, found it, trailed across an entire cornfield, everything was frosting up and we were having lotsa trouble picking up the frozen blood droplets. Then we followed him into some of the nastiest briar and bramble cover you can imagine. Hands and knees time for sure, when you would stop and look up we were both pointin different directions to the truck. Not lost mind you, but wishing we'd a packed a lunch.

At this point blood started dropping more freely and I was asking if he had brought a knife. Somewhere in there I recall dreading the long drag back out when the blood started thinning down again. We got a call from his wife all in a panic, asking if I knew where her husband was (he left his phone in the truck) and I sheepishly apologized and handed the phone across. We had been on the trail for over 2 hours and still finding blood. Should not have overlooked that, cause she was sincerely upset.

Anyway, back on the track and blood almost dried up. No longer finding it on the ground, only on the stalks and leaves of vegetation. Well over on the back side of "whoflungit" and realized that I no longer had a trail. Watch said nearly 11 and we started after 7. Standing in briars we were scared to walk through straight and not real sure where the truck was. I could read my buddies book and the print was plain. "&?#%! I think we lost him." I walked over the next rise and was thinking he could be laying anywhere here or not at all. Small chance of finding him tonight. Hard pill to swallow... Don't like starting a job I can't finish... Wishing don't help, but I shore wish...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 13, 2013, 03:42:31 pm
What a cutey Greg! Dang!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 13, 2013, 09:35:51 pm
No hoped to hear your story to end that way, Scott.  Sorry to hear it.   

Losing a deer is foremost in my mind every time it comes to the split second of decision making.  What's worse is that I acknowledge that I am not a good tracker.  I've been lucky in my short time of hunting to have only lost one deer. 

Something I read in Dr. Ashby's writings on arrow lethality is that due to the prey's split second reaction times, the speed of our projectiles, arrow placement is very much random despite how we make our best efforts to make a quick kill.  All we can do is work hard at getting good at putting arrows where they do the most, and then putting heart and soul into the tracking.  Sounds like the two of you did just that.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 15, 2013, 10:58:07 am
Went flintlocking, I sent this email to the land owner;

I walked the trail I cut off the honeysuckle road up the side of the Hamm hill. The leaves were like corn flakes so I did my deer imitation walk going in. A deer came to investigate what he though was another deer, of course he came in down wind and busted me with plenty of vocal protesting.
Picked a tree at the edge of the sweet gum thicket and hardwoods, sawed limbs, saplings, clanked my stand real loud putting it up but finally got up the tree.
Just about the time I got set a truck spun into the area across from the gate and stopped. Next it sounded like they were dragging my deer hauler out of the back of my truck.
Down the tree I went and hustled out to my truck to investigate. No one was messing with my truck, the Stultes were unloading a small trackhoe off a trailer on their land which made the racket.
I considered going elsewhere but had my stand was still on a tree so I stomped back through the corn flakes, not trying to be quiet, and climbed the tree again.
I thought no deer in it's right mind will come by me now after such a commotion, it was a pretty evening to watch the sun go down though.
About 10 minutes before dark here came the deer, several of them, feeding through the sweet gum thicket, dummies I thought, I am going to get a shot after all. They were about 40 yards away, my limit of sight through the thicket was 30 yards, they were safe, never got a glimpse of them. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on November 15, 2013, 12:51:07 pm
my coworker called in sick so I do not get to do what I wanted to do! It does look to be a good dogbane year. I should be able to get more than 3K stems.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on November 15, 2013, 02:55:47 pm
...more than 3K stems...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 16, 2013, 10:03:35 pm
This evening I stalked my way back a ridge to where an area I haven't hunted in years.  I ended up under an old stand my Dad built in the 80's.  Its where I killed my first deer.  I sat on a fallen osage tree next to it.  The last time I sat on that tree my wife was with me and I killed a doe.  That was around 10 years ago.  Shortly before dark a small deer came up the hill and found itself on the wrong end of a 44 mag. revolver.  I dropped it right up against the tree with the old stand in it.  It was a hunt that brought back a lot of memories. 

While I was stalking back the ridge I found this guy warming himself.  I've never seen a snake while gun hunting before.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on November 16, 2013, 10:48:20 pm
I got to teach my nephew and his cousins how to properly kill and clean a rabbit.  He started raising some this summer and it was high time to get one on the table. :).  Makin memories. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on November 18, 2013, 09:41:44 am
I saw a 2 foot garter snake behind the wood pile yesterday.
My Wife declined my request that she come look at it. ;D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 18, 2013, 07:16:43 pm
Sounds like a nice hunt, Outlaw! 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on November 19, 2013, 12:37:45 am
Today - I helped my wife in one of our gardens - pulling out the old stuff, winterizing a few perennials, picking the last of a few. Finished a repair job on a fifth wheel trailer that had some trouble during a wind storm travelling across Texas. Cut a dozen antlers and fitted obsidian blades to them, I will finish those up tomorrow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 19, 2013, 11:00:33 am
The kids were here going through Glenda's stuff so I cooked for them. I started at 10:30 and washed up the last dish at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Years ago none of the kids were to keen on wild game but I corrupted them. I cooked enough for an army but the pots were scraped clean before they left to go back to Nashville. It makes all the work of cooking worthwhile when your guests really love what you made for them.

On the menu yesterday; Deer backstraps quick fried and simmered in mushroom and onion gravy, collard greens, white beans with ham and bacon, mashed potatoes, bacon wrapped stuffed jalapeños and yeast rolls, mmmmmmm good!

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: ErictheViking on November 19, 2013, 12:22:35 pm
Eric, I just ate breakfast and that pic has made me hungry again
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 19, 2013, 01:41:36 pm
I'm packing up and moving in with Eric, ssshhh don't tell my wife where I went please. Between the two of us, we should have enough osage and venison to get by for a long time.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Adam on November 19, 2013, 01:43:09 pm
Yeah, thanks a lot Eric. Now I'm starving. ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on November 20, 2013, 05:10:54 am
MAN that looks good ! Droolin' on My keyboard - Bob.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on November 20, 2013, 09:28:55 am
That is a "Hay Grandpaw, What's fer Supper" moment right there.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on November 21, 2013, 07:44:28 am
Congrats on the deer Clint,I use to keep them green snakes[what we called them] as pets,don't see many anymore.  :-\ Eric can I come visit  ;) ;D ;D man a meal fit for a king. :) Yum. Sounds like you are getting into some deer,just a matter of time,you need to do like I do,look for the dumb ones. ;) :) :) Scoot ,hate it when that happens,but all we can do is try our best for a clean killing shot and as JW said track to the best of our ability. Lots of times they just don't die,they bleed but don't die and you ant going to find them. I have killed several late in the season that I had shot and tracked early in the season. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 21, 2013, 11:06:52 am
Another email sent to my land owner friend from yesterday, we hunt with sidelock M/Ls this time of year in Tn.

Mike shot a doe yesterday up near the cedar lane, killed her. About 15 minutes after he shot the doe a huge buck came in trailing another doe. He shot this buck, had a sprayed blood trail down to about the dove field, then things slowed down. He said the shot was behind the shoulder but real low.
He called about noon and I went up to help track. I picked up the trail where he lost it, very spotty with only a small drop every 20 ft or so. I followed the track and occasional fleck of blood across the main road, up the hill to the bench you and I jumped the deer you helped me recover. The deer then followed the trail by your abandoned ol man treestand. This is where I saw the last blood.
I followed tracks around the side of the ridge until the deer crossed the main road a couple yards above the main road plot. At this point we talked ourselves into thinking a deer that went so far, over 1/2 mile, without laying down and had stopped bleeding was probably going to be OK.
This morning I got to thinking, we didn't look enough. We are going back in about 12:30 to hunt through the tornado damage, I am pretty sure this is where the deer was headed.
Yesterday I had just come back from the lifting weights at the gym and had speed walked 4 miles around the TVA trail before Mike called. My butt was dragging, Mike had been looking since 10:00 and was in about the same shape. Our fatigued condition had a lot to do with us pulling off the trail but we are rested today and ready to look some more.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: ErictheViking on November 21, 2013, 07:55:07 pm
best of luck(or persistence) Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 21, 2013, 09:00:04 pm
We covered a lot of ground today without a sign of the deer. Probably isn't hurt too badly.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on November 22, 2013, 02:19:28 am
In a plow truck right now watching for freezing precipitation , had a little about ten o'clock on the mirrors but dry for the moment . I'll cover a lot of miles tonight , gotta love slowing down to 35 mph to dust a bridge with salt and the traffic is flying past you at 75 mph .
Stay safe everyone and happy holidays .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Olanigw (Pekane) on November 22, 2013, 09:04:13 am
Today I split out my first log into billets.  Green Ash, about 8 inches diameter and 4 foot long
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on November 22, 2013, 11:59:35 am
We got a dump fire going in the next county.. Started last monday don't envy those guys out there fighting it... It was about -30c for a few days.. dumping 10-12000 gph on it.. Got to truck every drop of water out there.. Wind changed sinks bad in town can't imagine what's it like out there... County is a volenteer dept. Can't get water bombers out lakes are froze over..
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 23, 2013, 10:54:43 am
Windy, wet and cold today, think I will stay home, work on my shop clean up project, splice some billets for a friend and cast some round balls for my new 12ga fowler.

I ordered a custom mold from a guy in England, the only place I could get a .700 mold, curious to see how well it works.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 23, 2013, 07:03:24 pm
Got more mulberry wood.........................
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 23, 2013, 08:40:08 pm
I also repaired a turkey target I bought after a tournament for $5, it sold cheap because the head was broken off. Gorilla glue will put it back together as good as new and it will never break where it did before. I will remove the nails after the glue cures.

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Got my billets spliced, put a tent over them and a drop light under them to warm them so the urac will cure.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 24, 2013, 01:24:56 am
Today I wore blue jeans  :o   It was the first time in many years.  I'm the idiot you see wearing shorts and a winter coat when its cold outside.  For some reason I hate long pants.  I have a couple of pair of work pants that I wear if I'm working in the cold or waking through the woods.  Yesterday a coworker gave me some jeans that didn't fit him any more.  Today my daughter ran a 5K race and it was cold and windy.  I decided I would give them a try.  When my kids saw me come out of the bedroom in jeans they both started laughing.  Neither could remember ever seeing me wear them and they are 12 and 14.  It wasn't to bad, I survived the day. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on November 24, 2013, 11:19:04 am
started my vacation! Going to my dads house tonight and then on to Oregon! Our newest grandchild may have arrived by then. Welcome #5! Bend, home of Keenan, plan on spending some time with him while we are there, Portland perhaps, Glass buttes depending on the weather. Turkey day at the new inlaws place.

Happy thanksgiving to all and to all a good nosh!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 25, 2013, 10:09:05 am
Killed a big doe with my flintlock. She fell in the back of a grown up field a long way from the truck and no way to drive to her. I just happened to have a wheelbarrow in my truck from some firewood hauling, found  it makes on fine deer cart.

Would have pics but the batteries were dead in my camera.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: ErictheViking on November 25, 2013, 12:26:09 pm
Congratulations Eric!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on November 25, 2013, 01:29:46 pm
About a week ago I wrote about my late night adventure tracking my buddies wounded buck. This morning I get a text from another friend that hunts in that area.

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It seems the big guy would have made it. Needless to say, my buddy was much relieved to hear  the rest of this story. Apparently his hit was higher than he had thought, but this deer was certainly worth shootin at!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 25, 2013, 10:05:41 pm
Goes a long way to explaining why he wasn't found.  Nice buck.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 28, 2013, 12:53:01 am
Today at work I get a text from the wife that says "the deer tendons are a bit much!"  I don't know whats wrong with her.  I don't see a problem with 100 deer leg tendons drying in the kitchen.  I'm just glad she hasn't found the coffee can full of them in the fridge  >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 28, 2013, 02:12:57 pm
Clint, where ever you are right now, take a moment and give serious thanks that she just sent you a text message on the subject.  Buy her flowers and say you are sorry.  Most guys would have come home to find their stuff in a smoking pile in the driveway!!!

She is a keeper!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on November 28, 2013, 03:59:00 pm
Amen JW !!!!
Giver her a big hug Clint !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on December 01, 2013, 10:37:02 pm
Worked on a bow ,done my chores , and spent almost three hours looking for blood after shooting a doe , found my arrow eighty yards from where I shot her . I was into blind posting about a bow I'm working on when I heard the tall grass rustle and seen movent, I sat my phone down and picked my bow up . Five deer ( does and fawns) feed out in front of me , they acted a little spooky at first but seamed to calm down . I picked a doe out to shoot but had to wait for the others to move from behind her , when the others were clear I drew back and let the string loose when I came to anchor . When the string left my fingers the deer exploded and my arrow hit the doe in the shoulder hitting bone and stopping . I had a hard time keeping up with her as they scattered but managed to see where she went into the timber . I finishedy post and went to the house to get a light and give her some time ( I didn't know at the time that my arrow didn't get the job done ) , after getting back to where she was standing I didn't find any blood . I began to fallow the trail she went down and when I got to the fence separating my pastures I still couldn't find any blood . By now I wa starting to worry , I zig zagged through the woods where she went in and finally found my arrow in the briers , I could see her tracks and still found no blood . My point suffered a chip on one edge and split the arrow shaft a little behind the point , very little blood on the arrow but some meat and hair . I continued to look for over an hour without any blood and decided she wasn't down . I really wanted to find her and have the satisfaction of taking a deer with a stone point that I made . I'll clean it up and look it over , may be able to use it again .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Mattyp on December 01, 2013, 11:56:10 pm
Hi Everybody!

I am new to this website and thought I would say "hi" whilst telling you about my rather wonderful day...or days really.  Today I just got back from seeing my good Brother Yosemite Ben.  We talked about Keenan, whom I met the last time Ben was in Bend.  I was hoping to hang out with Keenan and Ben, but Keenan had some cool stuff going on and was busy...looks like I will have to do a trip with them out looking for obsidian later!  But to my luck, Ben had some and gave me some wonderful pieces.  Really excited to learn knapping and practicing.

Two days prior, went out and got some wood to build a shaving horse.  My good friend Greg helped me with that...

Stuff just keeps lining up.  I really feel drawn to this.  I have three boys and they go to a Waldorf school out here in Hillsboro were we live.  They really focus on getting the children reconnected to the earth and working with it. I have been working with the kids and want to build shave horses with them and teach them to make bows, canoe paddles, rakes,.....anything that gets them connected and interested in building with their hands.  I have been studying the native people of the northwest...something I have been interested in since I was a small boy here playing in the creeks, streams, and fields wondering about those that lived here before us.  The school we are a part of have a farm property on the outskirts of town on Mckay creek, just next to Camp Ireland.  We are preparing to build the school & farm campus out there and have to take down a bunch of cedar trees.  My desire with those is to bring in a native carver and do a couple of dugout canoes and to possibly have a native weaver show us how to harvest the cedar bark and weave with it. I envision a bunch of shave horses out there, so that we can teach the children and invite the community to come out and share in our experiences.  I have begun my search for draw knives and spoke shaves and am preparing a stock of wood to make paddles, and hope to learn how to find staves for bows (another good reason to go visit Keenan again!) and get a stock of those put together.  Lots of things to do and to learn, but I am on the path and life is responding!  So excited to learn and to pass this on to the children.  I think reconnecting the kids to being outside and off of screens will help them to be more responsible, connected, contributing adults is the ticket!  I just wanted to share my excitement for the journey and see what connections I can make in my home town.  Anybody out here in Hillsboro and the surrounding area that I might meet up with and discuss skills & techniques?  I also have a heavy duty sewing business and work on canvas, leather, and other heavy duty fabric items.  Look forward to making new friends and maybe getting some shavings on the ground out at the school farm and property!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 02, 2013, 08:59:56 pm
I started a bow for a young man(26) with cerebral palsy. His mom asked if she could buy one of my bows for him, won't be any buying involved. His body is twisted, arms drawn up, he requires an electric wheelchair for mobility and has difficulty with his speech but asked for a bow so he can go "deer hunting". Of course drawing a bow will be impossible for him so he doesn't need one but like an elderly friend told me one time "when you want something what does need have to do with it".

I will make it just light enough so I can get a string on it a low brace and leave it strung. This way it will be about 100 pound pull and none of his brother's he-man friends, or anyone else who happens by can pull it back and break it.

A friend donated a bow quiver for the project so the bow, the quiver and few blunt tipped arrows for safety will have the young man cruising the gravel roads around his rural house looking for deer.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 02, 2013, 09:18:21 pm
Of course drawing a bow will be impossible for him so he doesn't need one but like an elderly friend told me one time "when you want something what does need have to do with it".

What do any of us "need" with primitive archery?  He's got just as much right as any of us and I defy anyone to say otherwise!  Way to go Eric, way to go, brother.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 02, 2013, 09:25:18 pm
I spent the day holding a friend's hand while the buck he arrowed expired.  He's the guy that taught me to make bows, took me deer hunting for the first time, called in my very first gobbler, etc, etc.

Sixty-five years old and instantly turns into a wreck when he shoots a deer.  Second guessing himself, berating himself for a bad shot, saying he will never hunt again, ratcheda-ratcheda-ratcheda!  The shot, it turns out, wasn't that bad, but the little buck was tough as nails. 

When we got the buck home and hung in the garage, I showed him how to filet a heart and turn it into one long rectangular steak. We pan fried it in bacon grease and seasoned with a touch of salt and pepper. 

Ahhh, life IS good.  Even if I didn't get to even walk into the woods and load my flintlock.  Even if I lost a whole day of hunting at the end of rut when the bucks are running at anything that sounds like antlers rattling. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 05, 2013, 11:00:52 am
I split the bark and most of the sapwood off a couple of osage staves I cut in the spring. Dang if I didn't find some wood wasp larva munching on my staves. I sprayed them regularly with diazanon strong enough to prompt the EPA to put my picture up in the wanted section of the post office and the little buggers still went to work. They had just started into the sapwood wood so no damage was done. The bad part is, I now have a huge pile of osage I have to work down or loose to bugs and I am not in an osage working mood, it's hunting season.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on December 05, 2013, 03:11:36 pm
Eric , there is a product that beekeepers use to kill moth larva in stored supers , it's in crisle form and evaporates , don't remember what it's called , I never used it ( a no chemical use policy I have ).
You use it in a room or put something under and on top to kinda seal it up , if you have a lot of wood and not enough time one may be able to cover the wood with plastic sheet and place some of it in with the wood for a few weeks and stop them , with the freezing weather we will have for the next week spreading them out in an un insulated barn where air could get around the staves would probably work also ( -2 for a low by around Monday ).
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on December 06, 2013, 11:24:37 pm
I started a bow for a young man(26) with cerebral palsy. His mom asked if she could buy one of my bows for him, won't be any buying involved. His body is twisted, arms drawn up, he requires an electric wheelchair for mobility and has difficulty with his speech but asked for a bow so he can go "deer hunting". Of course drawing a bow will be impossible for him so he doesn't need one but like an elderly friend told me one time "when you want something what does need have to do with it".

I will make it just light enough so I can get a string on it a low brace and leave it strung. This way it will be about 100 pound pull and none of his brother's he-man friends, or anyone else who happens by can pull it back and break it.

A friend donated a bow quiver for the project so the bow, the quiver and few blunt tipped arrows for safety will have the young man cruising the gravel roads around his rural house looking for deer.
Sure are some good folks around here !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Don Case on December 08, 2013, 01:01:14 pm
I split the bark and most of the sapwood off a couple of osage staves I cut in the spring. Dang if I didn't find some wood wasp larva munching on my staves. I sprayed them regularly with diazanon strong enough to prompt the EPA to put my picture up in the wanted section of the post office and the little buggers still went to work. They had just started into the sapwood wood so no damage was done. The bad part is, I now have a huge pile of osage I have to work down or loose to bugs and I am not in an osage working mood, it's hunting season.

I saw youtube video where the guy sprayed his staves with diesel. It's probably to late now, but for future use?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 11, 2013, 11:23:16 am
Got the snake skins applied to the young man's bow. The skins were a little faded so I stained the bow's back dark  to match the skins color with the rest of the bows leather dye stain.

The copperhead skins were a gift from Charles Sinclair, a great guy to contact if you ever need top notch skins.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 11, 2013, 12:21:14 pm
I split the bark and most of the sapwood off a couple of osage staves I cut in the spring. Dang if I didn't find some wood wasp larva munching on my staves. I sprayed them regularly with diazanon strong enough to prompt the EPA to put my picture up in the wanted section of the post office and the little buggers still went to work. They had just started into the sapwood wood so no damage was done. The bad part is, I now have a huge pile of osage I have to work down or loose to bugs and I am not in an osage working mood, it's hunting season.

I'm in the same spot you are Eric.  I sprayed my pile multiple times and they still got to it.  I have a few half logs to finish up and I'm done fighting  borers and sapwood for the winter.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Mohawk13 on December 12, 2013, 02:34:21 pm
I just moved into a new house, so I have spent part of the day unpacking all of My equipment and tools. Have a nice basemant that I am turning into a work shop. I make most of My own gear, and being very cold here in Northwest Minnesota, I will be spanding much time in My new workshop.   I hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season and is able to get out hunting late season, and is spending quality time with loved ones....Cheers, Rev. Pete
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 15, 2013, 09:58:06 am
Finished the bow for the young man completely, I made it stout to keep others from trying to pull it back, 60#@20". Stained some arrow shafts to go with the bow and got them ready to crest.

Once out in the shop I have a hard time turning loose and going back to the house, love it out there. I pulled some hickory staves out of my hot box and turned them into really nice bow blanks, 6% MC when I checked them, just right.

Today I am going up to the land I hunt and bush hog some, need a little better access through the briar choked grown up fields.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on December 15, 2013, 11:09:46 pm
Great looking bow Eric, the young man will be very proud of that.

We spent yesterday at my oldest daughters celebrating xmas early. My four grown daughters, two son in laws, three grandkids, my wife and I had a great day. We cooked, ate to much, joked around, did some sledding with the grandkids and exchanged gifts. My daughters gave me some fantastic books for Christmas, very thoughtful gifts and
will be nice for cold winter days around the fireplace at home. Always nice when we can all get together in one place, doesn't happen often enough with everyone's busy lives. It was a great day.                                                              A few pics of the kids and the books...
The NA art book is full of pics of beautiful bead work, pottery, baskets and more.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on December 16, 2013, 03:10:16 am
That looks like you had a great time with lots of laughs.  Great gifts too.  Looks like you family knows you well.  The NA art book should sure bring some great color combos and and an authentic look to you future bows.  Can't wait to see them. 

Today I shot and skinned my first coyote.  It was in my neighbors cows.  Not harming them at the moment but I saw it was injured.  I took the shot.  Down she went In an instant.  Once I got to her I noticed her back leg was missing at the knee, bone and tenon exposed.  It looked as tough she had been caught in a snare.  It didn't seem that she had gnawed it off but it was gone.   Looked like it had been like it for a while not too much blood just some redish pink fir around the area.  In the end I am glad to have ended her life to ease her suffering.  Her hide will go to great use.  It is never easy for me to take life even though I love to hunt. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on December 16, 2013, 03:50:01 am
looks like good times Greg, you got some cool stuff also, we've been thinking about doing Christmas the weekend before instead of Christmas eve, youngest is a postal carrier and is always running late which makes it tough on the young ones
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 16, 2013, 11:50:50 pm
  In the end I am glad to have ended her life to ease her suffering.  Her hide will go to great use.  It is never easy for me to take life even though I love to hunt.

For that, I thank you and my respect for you deepens.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 18, 2013, 11:40:39 pm
Hunting today, buck chasing in the hollow behind me but never came up my way, two does walked by at about 12yards, would have been a perfect selfbow shot but I was flintlocking and didn't want to kill another doe.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 19, 2013, 01:42:51 pm
Finished the bow for the young man with cerebral palsy, came out nice and really smokes an arrow. Hickory, 50" NTN, 60#@20" (so no one can pull it back and break it.).

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Adam on December 19, 2013, 01:45:40 pm
Wow Eric!  That's a beauty on its own, but the story behind it makes it all the better.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on December 19, 2013, 05:34:54 pm
Great job Eric, can tell by the looks of that bow that you put your heart into crafting it. Should be very rewarding when you hand that one off.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on December 19, 2013, 11:44:03 pm
Good for you Eric.  Great job and a great deed.  I love this community for how selfless people are.  That bow is looking sweet
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on December 21, 2013, 12:36:14 pm
This is the moon setting on Eagle Peak at Sunrise in Yosemite National Park.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on December 21, 2013, 07:20:30 pm
Finally got some time and did a little work on a'n on a sinew backed osage recurve.  thanks to osage outlaw I've got some premium sinew.  I've had trouble with thin ringed osage staves, but I picked one out today and got it down to floor tillering.
Pat B got my adrenalin (SP)?? going on a sinew backed bow.  We'll see how it turns out.  I've done some research, but I may have a few questions as it goes.  I'll posts some pictures in the bow section in a couple of days.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on December 22, 2013, 11:33:51 am
I've been in a plow truck the last couple of nights fighting the ice we've had this last storm , taking care of my neighbors cattle and dogs while they are visiting family in Louisiana for a little over a week , and helping another freind set hay out and get ready for a trip .
I'm beat , two twelve hour night shifts and everything else on only six hours sleep , going to get some rest then go feed cattle . I only have to work another four hours and my week is done , think I'll get a saw out and remove trees that have broken off and fell on fences along the pike so I don't get called out the rest of the week , it'll give me a chance to finish a bow and work on some of the items for the raffle and auction at our OSS banquet ( I also promised to provide a couple of osage staves for Mark Baker , author of the book "Tension On The String " , he will be our guest speaker at the banquet ).

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas and New Year .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on December 22, 2013, 12:00:32 pm
Been listening to Breaking Branches since about 4:00 am, due to the Ice Storm here in Mid-Michigan. My yard is a mess, gonna take Me till Spring to clean up. Lucky to have power, LOTS of places without. will have some good Maple firewood tho  O:). Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 23, 2013, 01:17:19 am
Finally got some time and did a little work on a'n on a sinew backed osage recurve.  thanks to osage outlaw I've got some premium sinew.  I've had trouble with thin ringed osage staves, but I picked one out today and got it down to floor tillering.
Pat B got my adrenalin (SP)?? going on a sinew backed bow.  We'll see how it turns out.  I've done some research, but I may have a few questions as it goes.  I'll posts some pictures in the bow section in a couple of days.

Have you glued any of that sinew down yet?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 23, 2013, 09:40:13 am
Bought a new Summit Viper tree stand, spent the afternoon re-engineering the strap system so I can use my military Alice pack straps on the stand.  I added carpet on the platform and foam pipe insulation with stick on felt on the rails to make it quiet.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on December 23, 2013, 07:51:15 pm
Finally got some time and did a little work on a'n on a sinew backed osage recurve.  thanks to osage outlaw I've got some premium sinew.  I've had trouble with thin ringed osage staves, but I picked one out today and got it down to floor tillering.
Pat B got my adrenalin (SP)?? going on a sinew backed bow.  We'll see how it turns out.  I've done some research, but I may have a few questions as it goes.  I'll posts some pictures in the bow section in a couple of days.

Have you glued any of that sinew down yet?

Naw.....not yet.  I got the fades bending pretty good with some floor tillering and decided to get the steamer out and add the recurves.  Put some pretty tight (Pearl type) bends in it, 
Did a little dry heat aligning of the tips tonight......I know I've got to get some pictures taken and start a post in the bow section. their coming. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 26, 2013, 09:24:18 pm
I got a call early this morning from the local Mendards.  They had a great horned own down in their semi-indoor garden center.  When I got there the bird was laying on her side panting. Not a good sign.  I scooped her up and took her home.

Working on transport to the rehab facility over in Pierre, SD.  Meanwhile, I thought I could help her out a little and started her on 30 cc's of Pedialyte to alleviate her dehydration. She wasn't able to put up a lick of fight, so I didn't get bit.  She got two more 30 cc drinks of Pedialyte during the day and was starting to struggle just a bit.  Hopefully tomorrow morning she will be standing on her own power and I can move her up to some simple carbs and proteins.  Feeding her a real meal at this point could kill her. 

I am guessing by her state of emaciation that she got trapped indoors at the Menards Garden Center for about a week until she was so weakened she fell out of the rafters where she had hidden. She's a really dark great horned owl, so the white throat patch really shows up when she pants.  I kinda hope she makes it, I've already grown attached to this bird. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on December 27, 2013, 12:39:30 pm
Well JW glad you got the call and are able to care for her.

On the way to work this morning I had to stop and dispatch a little buck. I think he got hit by the snow plow. back was broken and hind legs were mangled. front half was still moving good. I released him from his misery and took his little antlers. I may stop and get his legs this afternoon. He got hit so hard his haunches were turned to jelly. I was guessing the plow due to the fact that there was no glass or anything nearby. Makes the third deer in two weeks during the plow passes as they clear rock and lay down sand.

Once I got into the park, a Red Shoulder hawk flew up from the roads edge across the front of my van and was just tickled by my antenna, it passed safely to the river and avoided being crushed by my beast of a van.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 27, 2013, 09:55:44 pm
And what did that owl do to thank me for the supportive care I have given her???  She took a huge, greasy, wet, stinky, green dump on my kitchen floor.  Good thing I had not even had coffee by then.  It was so bad I retched, and I got a very strong stomach!!!

I had to remind myself that great horned owls eat a lot of skunks.  The same skunks that predate heavily on grouse, pheasant, partridge, and waterfowl nests.  This particular bird better pay me back by surviving and getting back out in the wild where she can maintain some control on those nest robbers. She owes me big time!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on December 31, 2013, 12:09:40 pm
I'm just glad to hear it wasn't a huge chunk of your skin, John. That would show less appreciation.  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on December 31, 2013, 09:38:21 pm
Spent the afternoon and evening with the kids around a camp fire singing and enjoying the kids keeping the fire going.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 01, 2014, 12:00:40 am
Happy New Year, Jon...and all the Twin Oaks gang.  8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 01, 2014, 12:34:55 am
Went hunting, saw one doe at a distance. On my way home after dark I caught a flash of deer getting hit by the car in the opposite lane. The car knocked the deer into my lane and it went under my truck, being an F250 and high up, the deer only bumped a little passing under my truck.

I could see the deer on the ground looking around in my rear view mirror so I pulled off the road and backed up to the deer. It couldn't get up so I decided to take it home with me. No rules about not picking up road kill where I live. I gave the deer a couple of pokes in the lungs with my knife, it expired quickly.

I loaded it up and took it home. My little deer hoist is some of the best money I ever spent.

I gutted the deer at home and found the guts were intact, no body cavity damage at all which is a good sign.

I will skin the deer tomorrow and check for more damage. It appears the deer had a shattered front leg and a displaced vertebra in its neck, skinning will reveal any more meat damage.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 01, 2014, 10:05:36 pm
Lucky you! we can not pick up anything in CAlI! What a waste....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BryanR on January 02, 2014, 07:39:12 pm
My first grand daughter is about 6 hours old.  Been looking at photos all afternoon.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on January 02, 2014, 07:44:47 pm
congrats bryan, bub
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 03, 2014, 10:47:29 pm
I made a lasagna today.  I am fond of "one pot" recipes to make clean-up in the kitchen easier. 

1 large cast iron skillet to brown the ground venison
1 medium cast iron skillet to carmelize the onions, then sautee the portabella mushrooms
1 large mixing bowl to make pasta dough with eggs and flour
1 KitchenAide Mixer with the Pasta Roller attached to the power take-off
1 One large kettle to get water boiling
1 Medium kettle with 2 quarts of home made tomato sauce simmering along with herbs and spices
1 small mixing bowl to stir egg into the ricotta cheese
4-5 spatulas, spoons, etc
1 wire whisk to beat the egg
1 large cutting board for chopping veggies
1 chef's knife
1 large wine glass because I only used half a bottle deglazing the 2 skillets and in the sauce (cook gotta get a little love, too!)
1 cheese grater for the 2 lbs of mozzerella I gotta shred
1 large bowl to hold the shredded mozzerella

More time spent cleaning up and doing dishes than I spent baking and eating the lasagna.  But it was worth it.  I love my from scratch home made lasagna!  If anyone is in the area, I got plenty of leftovers. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 06, 2014, 05:35:18 pm
Mmmm sounds wonderful JW.... I made speghetti and meat sauce Saturday night...
The holiday's are officially over .... Getting calls at the shop... HOW MUCH TO FIX A FIST HOLE IN MY WALL!!!!!............. Happens every year......
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 07, 2014, 11:14:57 am
Finished up deer season in Tennessee, could have killed a doe with my flinter but let her walk.
I found a nice rack on the way in, been there a long time. 3 years ago I ran into a guy who said he shot a big deer in the bean field across the road that ran onto our property. I looked at the time but never found it, the time line would be about right for the skull I found.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 10, 2014, 11:10:01 am
Went to see the woman's olympic hockey team... They were playing our AAA team last night for practice.. The grand daugther who just started playing this year.. Got to play a scrimage with the other girls in her league at intermission
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 10, 2014, 08:45:18 pm
that is awesome Leroy.i love me some hockey.i should live up north like you.maybe I could come live up there and help you do all that drywall.we could do some fishing in the down time.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: campx on January 10, 2014, 10:15:22 pm
Went for a walk in the snow, with my 7mm and a coyote call.  No luck.  Would love to hammer a wolfor some coyotes, soon.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 10, 2014, 10:18:34 pm
Today I started on a new bow.  I haven't worked on one since last summer.  I've been busy finishing up some other stuff.  I got everything done and now its time to make some bows.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 10, 2014, 11:01:48 pm
Today I started on a new bow.  I haven't worked on one since last summer.  I've been busy finishing up some other stuff.  I got everything done and now its time to make some bows.

Withdrawal for that long must have left you with some bad shakes!  Poor fellow!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: sonny on January 11, 2014, 12:53:55 pm
Replaced my Mom's (shallow) well pump this morning. We had a couple of 10 degree nights earlier in the
week and the pump froze, cracked the casing. I removed the old pump when I discovered it so I'd be that
much farther ahead when time came to replace it. Fortunately I was able to get it done before the rain set in
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 12, 2014, 08:32:07 pm
I spent the day getting a new addition to our small herd.  My wife has wanted a miniature donkey for a long time.  Yesterday I found somebody that was trying to downsize their herd because of food costs.  They said they had a mini donkey that we could have for free if we gave it a good home.  Sounded like a deal to me.  We don't have a trailer, all we have is a large cage that we put in the bed of the truck to haul goats to the fair.  He is a fat little thing and it took 4 guys to lift it and get it in the truck.  The old guy was nearly in tears when we left.  It was his little buddy.  He hugged it 4 or 5 times before we got it in the truck.  Unloading it was easy because we were able to back into a hillside and let it walk right out.  He is very friendly and looks healthy.  It didn't waste any time showing the pony who was the new boss of the pasture.  I think we will have to get it fixed soon.  It has already violated the male pony  :o 

The wife is so excited to have this little thing.  I'm sure she will baby it.  His name is Donkey.



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 13, 2014, 10:29:13 am
Did a lot of flintlock shooting yesterday, drilling with my 54 but couldn't hit squat with my 12 ga fowler.

While cleaning my fowler I noticed the lock would barely go into the lock mortise. I then noticed the metal on my carefully inletting was sitting proud of the wood, the butt plate was the worst. I had it looking like it grew into the wood when I finished the gun, perfectly mating of the wood and metal.

To my dismay I realized my very expensive stock blank was not properly seasoned and was drying out and shrinking before my eyes.

Just a little venting, $900 in parts, carefully put together and now looks like a really amateurish build.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 13, 2014, 10:10:47 pm
I can just hear Clint hollering "DONKEY!" in his best Shrek imitation!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ifrit617 on January 13, 2014, 10:33:08 pm
I can just hear Clint hollering "DONKEY!" in his best Shrek imitation!

Haha I can see the resemblance. >:D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 13, 2014, 10:34:16 pm
Visually it's the ears....and the bubbles in the mudbath.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 13, 2014, 11:44:29 pm
My son has already suggested I dress up like Shrek and lead donkey around next Halloween.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 13, 2014, 11:49:27 pm
My son has already suggested I dress up like Shrek and lead donkey around next Halloween.

Your son is wise beyond his years.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 14, 2014, 11:15:22 am
I am putting up tree stands today. Two weeks left in the season but I am done bow hunting so my API is going back in the attic of my shop along with my Buckshot Big shot, will keep my Summit Viper out just in case.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on January 15, 2014, 03:36:44 pm
That's exactly what my wife wants some day Clint, a couple of milk goats and a small burrow.

Today I turned a proposal into my principal for a group I'm wanting to start at the inner-city school I teach at, Manual High.  If okayed we will be called "The Manual Primitives".  Our motto will be, "LET LOOSE!"

Hope it works out, might make my job something to look forward to.

Have a gooder, dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on January 15, 2014, 06:26:57 pm
Thats just ridonkulus! >:D Those burrows run wild all over the desert out in Nevada. They have signs like our deer crossing signs on the roads. Are you going to train it so you ride and shoot targets?

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 15, 2014, 08:24:21 pm
Tracy,  If anything I'll train it to pull osage logs  ;D   

Today I got a little more familiar with my new farriers rasp since I broke my band saw yesterday.  I'm working on a S shaped bendy handle bow.  I got it shaped, smoothed out, and starting to bend. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on January 15, 2014, 08:37:48 pm
Sounds interesting OO ...can't wait to see some pic's .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 16, 2014, 11:03:33 am
I haven't done any bow work in a month or so, today is the day, back to the shop to work on a BBO I am making for a friend in Florida.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on January 16, 2014, 12:13:35 pm
Our priest at church burns wood so last year I decided to provide kindling for him.  I started doing it again this year and it wasn't until the other day that he found out it was me leaving the wood at his door.  He saw me and came running out to thank me.  Back up to 3 days ago. I went to the saw mill to pick up scraps for kindling.  Got home and fired up the table saw to do some cutting and promptly took most of the pad/meat off my left thumb from the nail down to the first joint.  Wife pulled into the driveway and I looked up and it happened. What a dumb ass I am.  I was fortunate that the bone was not touched, missed it by 1/16th of an inch.  Went to the ER and was told that there were 11 people in front of me.  I told the gal I was missing half my thumb and I was bleeding pretty bad and she said, again, there are 11 people in front of you.

Wife is a nurse and had some pull at a very modern med center so off we went. I will have a big divet on my thumb as there was nothing to sow back on . Glad I left as the ER room looked like a petri dish  for disease.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 16, 2014, 02:07:03 pm
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on January 16, 2014, 02:12:16 pm
Pearl Drums, I know. Glad my wife has been a nurse for 40 years and she knew what to do.  And I am just about done with that osage stave I got from you so that is on the back burner for a month or so.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 16, 2014, 02:52:19 pm
Bring it to Marshall, we can whip it into shape there. At least your a righty and your shooting wont be effected.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on January 16, 2014, 07:26:12 pm
Bummer about the thumb JEB   :P
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on January 16, 2014, 10:29:31 pm
That sound painful to say the least.  My brother in law is a fish manger and did something similar right before Christmas.  But his was on a ban saw.  It cut just the pad too.  Sorry to hear that.  His healed surprisingly fast.  Hope your does too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 16, 2014, 10:48:50 pm
Ouch!  That sucks Jeb.  Table saws scare me.  I hardly ever use mine.  My uncle is down to 7.5 fingers because of table saws.  When he is golfing and somebody misses a short put he says "Where I'm from they cut fingers off for missing a put like that", and then he holds up his hands and shows them his nubs.  It gets a laugh every time.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 17, 2014, 10:47:25 pm
Ouch!  That sucks Jeb.  Table saws scare me.  I hardly ever use mine.  My uncle is down to 7.5 fingers because of table saws.  When he is golfing and somebody misses a short put he says "Where I'm from they cut fingers off for missing a put like that", and then he holds up his hands and shows them his nubs.  It gets a laugh every time.

Your uncle is a funny guy, I like him already.

When I worked at Mt Rushmore the second National Treasure movie had just came out.  One day I was explaining to some folks that there was no "secret lake" behind Mt Rushmore when  man with one arm walks up and interrupts.  He says, "Oh, just give him $50 like I did and he will take you fishing there!  I caught a trout there this morning THIS BIG!" And he proceeds to hold up his one remaining arm.  He looks over the horrified crowd of people that are staring at his pinned up empty sleeve and starts to look sheepish.  He moves the one arm a little to the left and says, "Ok, I exaggerated, it was only this big."
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on January 18, 2014, 11:43:10 am
I ate lunch at a Bedouin tent in the Negev Desert. Pita Bread cooked on a cast iron, round grill and squirted with goat cheese, olive oil, hot sauce, and spices with Arab cafe.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 18, 2014, 08:23:06 pm
That sure sounds like an interesting meal Mullet.  You didn't say if you liked it or not. 

Well, that free donkey has cost me two days of vacation and over $200.  It turns out him and the pony can't get along enough to share the small barn.  The donkey usually takes control of it and the pony and the stupid goat are left outside.  The wife was worried about them getting to cold or wet.  We are having a pretty cold and snowy winter.  We wanted to build a lean-to off of the side of the barn this spring.  I went ahead and built the roof and leaned it up against the barn for a temporary shelter.  Now they can all have a place to get out of the weather.  When it warms up I'm going to set some posts and build some walls to make a better lean-to.  For right now its enough to make the wife happy which makes my life a lot easier.



I did get a little time in the shop tonight.  I put a bendy handle bow on the caul.  I added a little extra reflex. 


As I was working on the end of the limb there was a loud pop that caused me to jump.  I thought one of my clamps had broke or something.  I looked everything over and found a crack in the handle.  It doesn't look to bad.   I filled it with superglue.  I don't think it will be much of a problem. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: okie64 on January 18, 2014, 10:43:55 pm
I bet that crack holds up just fine Clint. Looks like u got plenty of nice snakey staves hoarded up, cant wait to see what u make from them.

I went out this morning to gather up some osage for smoking, it really helps the smoker get nice and warm on cold days this time of year. I try to remember where I see blowdowns when Im out hunting. Heres all I could haul back on my four wheeler. Might even be a few short bows in the longer pieces.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 18, 2014, 10:45:06 pm
Be some awful short bows in that pile on the left!  >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: blacktailcody on January 18, 2014, 10:57:54 pm
I shot my recurve for 2 1/2 hours today!!!!! :o :o :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 18, 2014, 11:40:15 pm
Okie, I see some nice pieces in that pile on the right.  The dead stuff like that makes some good bows.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on January 19, 2014, 06:21:31 am
I was going to say the same thing Outlaw ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?(pic added)
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 19, 2014, 12:22:23 pm
one of my coworkers started off their day just plain bad! I passed an accident this morning and it was an NPS vehicle! No details yet.

Apparently this guy has only been working a couple of weeks for the NPS. He is a local kid to the park. Going to fast and fell asleep at the wheel! He is physically fine  definitely feeling more than a little sheepish.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 20, 2014, 09:24:55 am
Deer season is over in Tn where I hunt so I pulled my lock-ons yesterday. I took my 22 and made a sweep of part of the property about an hour before dark looking for armadillos. They were everywhere, I killed 5 before I headed home.

Every few years I have to thin the armadillo population on the land because they get so thick you can't hear a thing because they are around you rooting in the leaves at prime deer movement times.  I have never had a deer come by when I had an armadillo around me, they shy away from the noise.

Still a few days of flintlock hunting in Alabama this week then I will store my gear and get ready for this years traditional tournaments.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on January 20, 2014, 08:16:10 pm
Lucky to walk away from that wreck!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?(pic added)
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 20, 2014, 10:15:58 pm
one of my coworkers started off their day just plain bad! I passed an accident this morning and it was an NPS vehicle! No details yet.

Apparently this guy has only been working a couple of weeks for the NPS. He is a local kid to the park. Going to fast and fell asleep at the wheel! He is physically fine  definitely feeling more than a little sheepish.

They sure don't make 'em like they used to.  Thank God!  If he's have crumpled a mid 1970's pickup like that one, he'd have been dug outa the cab with a spoon and a dishrag.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 21, 2014, 10:29:37 am
Heard the dreaded drip, drip, drip though wall when I got up a few days ago, thought it was just hot water pipes expanding. I crawled under the house and couldn't see a leak in the dark, yep, hot water pipes expanding and popping. Crawled another foot or so and put my hand in a puddle of water, dang, water was dripping out next to a joist.

Spent the next few hours making a game plan on tearing out the wall to find the leak. Better look at the water heater on the other side of the wall before I tear anything out. Thank goodness it was leaking a slow drip that was collecting in a puddle, running under the wall and out by the joist on the far side.

Normally I change these things out myself, but at 66 I don't like wrestling heavy things around in tight places anymore. Went to Lowe's, picked out a water heater and told them to install it, which they did.   

Paying for the installation freed me up to go to the local management area today and cut trails to out of the way spots for a 4 day hunt starting Wednesday.  The Arctic blast comes through on Thursday and may curtail my hunting plans. I can stand the teens but single digits take the fun out of the process.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on January 21, 2014, 08:15:52 pm
My wife and I took the side by side to the mountains today.  Never ever been able to do that due to the deep snow which is the usual thing here in January.  She found a tiny forked horn shed in a gate she was opening.  Had to bust a few drifts, but nothing really bad!  Saw a small herd of elk maybe 40 head on the way over the top.  When we topped out there were maybe a 1000 head of elk along a fence about a mile away.  Was only able to get a part of them in several pictures.  It was something to see as the whole mountain side seemed to be moving like sand in an hour glass. No bulls and saw only one spike we were sure of. It takes a lot of graze to feed that many elk and the local ranchers are stuck with them.  We were able to get to the back of the ranch, but not into the different drainages.  Hunting season has been over where these elk were at for about a month so can only think the wolves have the elk bunched up in large herds.  Saw lot of wolf tracks, one mountain lion track, and a surprising number of moose tracks.  We found a dead six point bull elk dead in a draw. Was a really great find and the horns were still a deep brown.  Have to guess he was wounded during hunting season as there was no wolf sign around the kill.  You can always tell on a recent kill if it was the wolves that did it.  The white tails are shedding but the small two point is the only one we have found.  The forecast is for cold and snow so lucky to get to the back country.  Sorry I can't post pictures, only on email!  Will have to go to town tomorrow to get an $8.00 tag for the horns.  Joe   
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 21, 2014, 08:26:13 pm
Joe, I love reading your descriptions of your land.  If you would like to email some pictures to me I could post them here for you. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 23, 2014, 10:27:45 am
got my powder horn just about roughed out... buffalo horn and cherry
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on January 23, 2014, 04:57:26 pm
Went to the Dr this morning and the report on my  thumb is a good one.  He said it is healing up good and I can remove the bandage after the weekend for good.

Leaving for the Tucson rock show next Tuesday. Good to get away to warmer weather although I hate to leave my wife home in the winter time  but she works as a nurse and couldn't get off. Had to hire the neighbor to keep the driveway clean.  We have gotten 75 inches of snow this year and our average is 55" for the entire winter.  Dang global warming.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 23, 2014, 07:23:13 pm
HEY JEB! Send some of that this way. We got a few drops today but no significant moisture since the storm of December 7 2013!

Continued with dogbane cutting today 4K stems and counting.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on January 24, 2014, 07:17:24 am
Good lookin' Horn Stoker ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 24, 2014, 10:33:51 am
I went flintlocking on the local mgt area, saw about 20 turkeys, heard some deer just over the rise that I couldn't see, sat in 20 degree weather with a 20 mph wind so it wasn't the best of conditions.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 24, 2014, 10:37:25 am
Thanks Bob.. Finished shaping and sanding the cherry butt..Got to clean up the front end and polish up a bit... Next will be the plug and strap
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Josh B on January 24, 2014, 11:16:25 am
I broke the ken-a-bego!  Lost the head gasket or cracked a head >:(.  Somebody seen all the steam coming out of the exhaust while I was crippling her back to the truckstop  and called the fire dept. on me.  That was embarrassing!  Now I'm sitting here in Olney Il waiting for a wrecker to drag me to Evansville In.  I was looking forward to a three day weekend at home this weekend.  Now I'll probably be stuck in a motel for three or four days.  Momma ain't Happy!  Josh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 24, 2014, 01:01:33 pm
I just got back from the Dr. office for a physical. All is good! now I'm ready for my next 63 years.  ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 24, 2014, 09:07:22 pm
Today I saw a bald eagle flying over a river bank 30 yards away from the road.  Very cool.  I also taught my 12 year old daughter how to use a toilet plunger  >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 25, 2014, 01:14:17 pm
Clint,i also spotted a bald eagle the other day.i was coming through downtown Dayton on I-75.very rare sighting indeed around these wasn't near as big as the one I saw at the river by the must have been a youngster.the big one I saw by the river also had the female with him.i saw the pair two days in a row and haven't seen them since.i guess they were just passing through.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on January 25, 2014, 08:35:15 pm
They used to be extremely rare around here too but now I see them fairly regular. Last turkey season I would see 2 adults and 2 juvys nearly every time I went hunting. One day I hit my box call from on top of a hill and both the adults flew over and circled me a time or 2 then left. Then it remembered I had not seen any turkeys in the fields so far that season. Will a Eagle take down a turkey?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 25, 2014, 08:36:34 pm
Does gobbler crap look like a cigarette butt?

Furthermore, does said gobbler crap in the woods?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on January 25, 2014, 09:13:08 pm
they will kill a turkey for sure.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 26, 2014, 08:53:19 am
I FINALLY got the sinew on some heartwood yew billets hippy gave me at pappys place last spring. Took me a good while to talk me into getting it started. But its done now. The humidity is 23-25% up here. Those are turbo curing numbers.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 27, 2014, 09:59:34 am
Wrapped up deer season yesterday, didn't see any deer Saturday and was about to give up at 11:00 Sunday morning when I heard running and grunting. A doe ran straight at me around a ridge with two bucks on her tail, I was checking out the bucks as they ran past to see if they were Mgt area legal( they weren't, had to have three points on a side) and thought all three deer ran just below the logging road I was on and down into the hollow.

I looked back the way the doe had run and there she was, looking at me from 10 yds away. I raised my flinter to "pick a spot" and saw she had stopped behind an old blow down that couldn't have covered her vitals any more perfectly. One more step and I would have had her but she whorled and was gone in a flash.

Not shooting her was probably a good thing, I had hiked back to "the land that time forgot" and would have had a tough time getting her out. Having the encounter was a good way to end the season.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 29, 2014, 03:27:09 pm
Good ending Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 29, 2014, 04:51:33 pm
Nice ending Eric... I didn't shoot a deer once than looked how bad it looked getting her out... Easier to carry a bar-b-que down and eater there...

Got my plug done on my powder horn... Lttle more polishing she be ready for a strap.... Leaving the deep range marks in..
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 30, 2014, 09:05:10 am
This was from yesterday but I couldn't post it last night.   I found a small deer killed on our frozen pond.  I'm guessing they got it on the ice and it couldn't get enough footing to get away.  There were coyote tracks all around the pond.  There was one set of tracks that was a lot bigger than the rest.  The only thing they left was the stomach contents, some hide and leg bones.  I walked out and drug the hide and bones off the ice. 


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 30, 2014, 10:43:02 am
Great looking horn Leroy!

The friend who started me on my flintlock journey gave me all his gear when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, here are his horns;

( (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 30, 2014, 10:54:54 am
Beautiful horns Eric... Wonderful way to remember your freind..
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lowell on January 30, 2014, 03:50:11 pm
I brewed my first batch of homebrew beer the waiting begins!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 30, 2014, 06:00:47 pm
I answered the phone in the Public Information Office and watched it RAIN!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 30, 2014, 08:20:01 pm
Hooray for the rain, Ben.  8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 31, 2014, 10:25:01 am
Had a belt sander meltdown while working on my knife >:(.... Squeeling and smoking can't be good.... Taking it apart tonight to see if I can replace the bearing.... Might have to go sander shopping  aarrrrgggghhhh
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 31, 2014, 03:32:43 pm
I went for a walk. Snowed a trace here in Yosemite Valley. About 6 inches higher up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 31, 2014, 03:48:34 pm
Nice pics Ben.. A little peice of heaven
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 01, 2014, 09:45:09 am
Lost the clip out of my 22 on my last armadillo hunt,  Remington 541S, they don't make them anymore.  The gun comes with a 5 shot clip that looks good, lost this one several years ago. The only ones available now are 10 shot which takes the streamlined good looks from the rifle. The magazine retainer spring is very weak in these rifles, this is why I have lost several in the woods.

I went back to where I thought I lost the clip, I was in the heat of the battle with a fleeing dilla at dusky dark. I used a top of the line Whites metal detector but couldn't find the dang thing.

I found a couple of the 10 round clips on Fleabay which surprised me, 541s rifles have been out of production since 1999.

After failing to find my clip I engaged the enemy for the rest of the evening, 4 dillas took a dirt nap before I went home.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 01, 2014, 06:15:13 pm
Eric, Sorry to hear that about your clip. I hear armadillo is good eating. Ever try it? Why do you shoot them? Are they non-native/invasive to your area?

Hears my last two days. Last night we had the pinewood derby. My Tiger cub, 6yrs, took second in his den, 112.5mph average and my Bear cub, 9 yrs, took 4th in his den, about the same speed. Cooper my youngest was stoked to get a trophy fro something that he won rather than just participated in.  ;)

Today I took two of my welding students to the SkillsUSA competition and one took 3rd and one 8th out of 21 contestants. March 15 the 3rd place winner goes to state comp. Man I hope that isn't a 3D shoot weekend.

Have a gooder, dpg
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 01, 2014, 08:26:45 pm
Yep, non native invasive species, very destructive to food plots, root just about like a hog. No natural predators except me, their population will take a place over if they are not kept in check. Deer won't come around when they are footing about. No interest in eating one.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 01, 2014, 09:52:36 pm
Yup...I've heard they can get that way.  Sounds fun! Good luck on finding a new clip. Bet there are a few out there still. Hope you find um.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on February 02, 2014, 09:02:48 am
Congratulations Derik for your sons and students! Bad news, the 15th is a shoot. Plenty of shoots left. Good luck to your student at State!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 02, 2014, 12:28:35 pm
Aww Shucks! Thanks for the kind words Tracy. I hope to make it next week anyway.  May have to bring Silas. We'll see though.  Thanks again, dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 02, 2014, 02:11:06 pm
112.5mph average for a soapbox derby race?  :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 03, 2014, 06:28:17 am
112.5mph average for a soapbox derby race?  :o

Pinewood Derby. That's what the score board says. 214.5 won over all. Maybe you can do the math. 2.4 seconds running, I think it was, a 40' track. ?? That's what the score board said. Now a days everything is computerized.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on February 03, 2014, 06:20:56 pm
I was with ya there Pat  :o.  Thanks Derik for clearing that up.  Big difference in my mind between a soapbox and pinewood derby.  Your not riding in one of them.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on February 04, 2014, 10:32:03 am
Eric- I believe there is a gun show at the fair ground in Muscle Shoals this weekend. You might find one there.

I won our district pinewood derby when I was in boy scouts. My brother won our local and I came 2-3rd. Can't remember. I beat him at district because his car jumped the track and wouldn't run as well the rest of the competition. I'm 28 now and still have my car.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on February 04, 2014, 06:15:44 pm
Witnessed a Cooper's hawk snatch a dove out of mid air on the ride home today! Awesome skills and jealous!  8)

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 05, 2014, 09:23:48 am
I picked up a couple magazines off flea bay for my 541S, free shipping and about the same price as the ones I have seen at the gun show, they were delivered yesterday.

Busy week, water heater went a few weeks ago, heat pump a few days ago. I had trouble with my heat pump from day one(13 years ago) so I had a new one installed, my wallet took a pretty good hit.

I started getting my camper ready to go to the Spring Arrow Fling at Tannehill Park. I installed the fifth wheel hitch in my truck, B&W Hide-A-Ball, easy to remove and leaves me with a flat bed when it is out so I can use my truck to haul stuff. I have to pull my camper to my fix-it guy to correct a few problems before I put the monster on the road.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on February 05, 2014, 02:31:52 pm
I am trying my best to figure a way to go to the Spring Fling again this year, Eric. I really enjoyed shooting the range with you last year. My son moved back from Gadsden, so no staying at his house. Maybe I will get lucky and find a way to get there again this year. I look forward to seeing you.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 07, 2014, 06:06:24 pm
Well, don't laugh you guys, I am taking a sewing class this evening at Joann's Fabric. My late wife handled all the pants hemming and such, now that she is gone I need to learn how. Making period correct clothes for my flintlocking has crossed my mind as well.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 07, 2014, 07:52:04 pm
nothing to laugh at Eric, real men sew ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: okie64 on February 09, 2014, 03:10:15 pm
Went up in the mountains to give a fellow an estimate on moving a couple of metal buildings and ended up killing a hog too. The guy gave us a tour of his property and told us to kill every hog we saw but i only came home with one. Hit another one but couldnt find it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 09, 2014, 03:23:44 pm
Went up in the mountains to give a fellow an estimate on moving a couple of metal buildings and ended up killing a hog too. The guy gave us a tour of his property and told us to kill every hog we saw but i only came home with one. Hit another one but couldnt find it.

That's ok, coyotes gotta eat too!  Looks like you got some lean and healthy protein right there, brother!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 09, 2014, 03:29:18 pm
nothing to laugh at Eric, real men sew ;)

Ha! You guys keep me in stitches!

I confess, I also do some sewing. Recently ran across the antique sewing machine that I gave my ex on our first anniversary.  I bought it (again) and it still works pretty good.  I am having trouble with the tensioner for the thread, though. It won't loosen up and it tends to break the thread often enough that it gets frustrating. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 09, 2014, 06:19:41 pm
nice hog okie, are you using mullets jeep method of take >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: okie64 on February 09, 2014, 06:51:53 pm
Thanks JW and bubby, but no we werent using the jeep method. We used a 30-06. I would like to preserve the hide but know nothing about that. Does anyone know if theres a how-to somewhere and could you point me in the right direction?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 09, 2014, 07:55:46 pm
Nice work okie, bet that's a blast!!

I tapped four maple trees with my two boys today. That's all we will tap due to time and space. Gonna try boil on the wood stove this year.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 09, 2014, 11:46:27 pm
should be just like any other hide scrape it good and I think I would just buy some tanning solution for one hide it's not to expensive, just follow the directions
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on February 13, 2014, 10:33:40 am
I know all you guys that have turkeys will think this dumb, but not to me.  Where I live in the mountains of Wyoming we have only had turkeys here for about five years when the G & F planted some on a ranch in a drainage north of here.  In that time they have spread all through our range and winters here are tough.  Last spring a hen had a clutch on the neighbor's ranch.  They have been pestering the neighbors all winter and day before yesterday eleven of them showed up across the creek in our yard.  Nothing to do but go out and actually herd them to the feed I had spread out in the snow!  They went on a crazy feeding flurry.  When it got late in the evening they flew into the trees next to my corral.  That was exciting to see.  Then yesterday nine of them showed up again and I was able to feed them.  My wife thinks I am crazy for inviting them to stay!  We have every known predator here including wolves, coyotes, fox, mountain lions, bob cats, and eagles and how these turkeys survive through our winters is amazing to me.  Now if I can just draw a spring turkey tag!  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 13, 2014, 11:08:21 am
It is my understanding that wild turkeys tame rather quickly if you feed them on a regular basis. You may not have any "wild" turkeys to hunt if they get too attached to your feeding times.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 13, 2014, 12:42:59 pm
JW - we were having similar issues with my wifes old machine. We took it in for a through cleaning - they got all of the old dust and oil out of it and lubed what needed it and it came back to life. Perhaps that is all you need... or a bigger hammer! ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 14, 2014, 07:38:34 pm
Today I did a little rabbit hunting with my brother in law.  He took a shotgun and I brought my selfbow.  He went 2 for 2.  I only took one shot.  We spotted a rabbit hiding in the snow under a fallen tree behind the house.  I got pretty close and then took a shot through the brush.  My arrow hit dead center of the hole where it was sitting but I didn't get the rabbit.  It must have bolted as I released the arrow.  It was close but no blood or fur.   This was my first time bow hunting rabbits.  I had a lot of fun.  We looked for deer sheds but didn't find any.  We did pick up some overlay material though.  I also got in a little bow building time and placed an order with Grizzly today. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on February 14, 2014, 07:42:04 pm
OK....OO...I'll ask, what are they?  ???
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 14, 2014, 07:48:51 pm
Goat horns.  I had to put it down earlier in the winter.  That is the only thing that the coyotes didn't eat.

Does anyone know the best way to get the horns to release?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 14, 2014, 08:09:18 pm
finally got that saw ordered Clint, congrats,
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 14, 2014, 08:47:46 pm
Maybe  ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 14, 2014, 11:42:33 pm
Didn't know if that was one of yours or not. Knew they were goat though. Bet if you wait til spring they will release themselves. Or clean all the gunk off and soak in warm water for a bit.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 15, 2014, 12:01:13 am
I have a coyote skull that I need to put in a crock pot for a few hours.  Can I throw the horns in with that?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 16, 2014, 12:20:19 pm
I glued up a BBO. In the past I have had a problem with the bamboo shifting on glue-up so I drilled a bunch of tooth pick sized holes along the edge of  the bamboo in the osage slat and inserted pieces of toothpicks in the holes to trap the bamboo in place. It appears to have worked really well. I can tell some of my holes are angled slightly in but I left a little extra width on the bamboo so the edge should sand down flush with no divots where the holes once were.
( (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 16, 2014, 12:30:25 pm
Eric, I hope that pressure block isn't glued to the boo backing.  ::)   guess you could make a tip overlay with it.  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 16, 2014, 01:49:40 pm
I have found the blocks knock off really easily, in spite of having a lot of glue on them. I checked my log book and found this bow is my 60th bamboo backed bow, most of them osage. I didn't realized I had made so many .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 16, 2014, 02:15:00 pm
OO, I wouldn't leave it in as long as the skulls, but that should work. Like taking off a hoof, heat up the collogean and they should slid off w/o too much work.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on February 16, 2014, 11:10:50 pm
Went down to the river today and cut some osage , fellow bowyer Rodney came down and cut some also and I helped him cut split and carry some of his out also .
The time to cut osage here is running out , the smaller trees have a lot of sap moving up in them but the bigger trees didn't have much sap moving yet .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 16, 2014, 11:14:26 pm
That looks like some great stuff.  Awesome haul!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 17, 2014, 12:19:21 am
You can cut osage any time of year, the sap being up or down doesn't matter.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on February 17, 2014, 12:36:12 am
I've had some problems with osage cut later in the year , not every tree but some of the trees I cut last March warped and twisted on me , some had the bark and sapwood removed and some had the bark on , some of the staves with bark on checked and split in the middle of the staves .
The only ones I cut later in the year now are when a landowner dozes them down .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 17, 2014, 10:51:52 am
You didn't happen to store these staves in a place the sun could get to them? I once made a pile of bark on osage behind my shed on the sunny side and pretty much forgot about it, a few months later I walked around my shed and found a pile of twisted, warped, badly checked staves, make that firewood.......

I have cut more osage trees than I can remember, all times of the year and almost never have a stave that doesn't need some heat correcting after drying, it is the nature of the beast.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on February 17, 2014, 03:03:07 pm
I keep my staves in the northeast corner of my barn , the barn is open on the south end but the sun can't get to the staves .
Not all the staves warped or checked , we did come out of a bad three year drought and the wood felt wet all the way through on most of the staves and they came from three different locations .
The staves in the pic will make around thirty plus staves , been at it all morning staying around home in case we have a grass fire in all this high wind , if the wind lays soon I may go back and try to get one more log . The tree may not come down because the top is tangled in other trees , I may be able to cut most of the way through leaving a notch on the back side at the top and front side at the ground and pull it out with a come along from a safe distance . This log will be a little bigger than the logs yesterday .
I'll get another pic of the staves when I'm done , a lot of belly splits and some of the bigger staves can be split now and others reduced on a bandsaw later , love the fact that these logs are splitting almost as straight as if they were cut .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on February 17, 2014, 09:07:25 pm
I got the bigger staves split down and the belly splits, 32 staves so far from one tree , there are a few staves I can cut down on the bandsaw and get two .
The small cleaned stave on top of the stack is 2" by2" to give you an idea of the size of the others , the stack is in the corner of my barn in the dry.

These are my leaf spring wedges I use , when making belly splits they don't force the wood apart too fast and I get a cleaner split , they are also good when splitting the logs because they don't bounce out as bad , safety glasses are a must when using them ( you should always have them on when using wedges).
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Fred Arnold on February 17, 2014, 09:10:20 pm
 8) hell of a haul!!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 17, 2014, 09:16:03 pm
Looks like some good stuff!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on February 17, 2014, 10:11:12 pm
Damn, your hard work defiantly payed off.  Looks like awesome stuff.  My neighbor brought a piece of osage back from OK last summer that I need to work on soon.  I wish trees like that grew in ID :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on February 17, 2014, 10:31:47 pm
Thanks everyone , I have three small logs left to split an a lot of bark and sapwood to remove.
My body is telling me about it this evening and my shoulder is sore from carrying those bigger staves out of the timber , but it's all worth it .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Fred Arnold on February 17, 2014, 10:45:36 pm
You're'da'man!!  ;D When you get a hot shower and a good nights rest you're gonna feel so damn proud of yourself that you'll probably awake  4 in the morning with a pot of coffee and a 5 hour energy drink and have them down to bow ballistics by 5 in the evening.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on February 17, 2014, 11:46:59 pm
Got to go back to work , I almost need to go back and cut the other big tree that I found , if they do not have enough staves for OJAM they ask me to bring some with me , my stock stays low and I need to get a good supply .
I'll work on them after work in the evenings .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 18, 2014, 08:01:22 pm
I made 10 gizmos to take to the Spring Fling, glued some tip overlays on a BBO I am making, priced a new tractor $$$$$.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: _Jon_ on February 19, 2014, 08:51:31 pm
I finished putting my new AR together.  Then after zeroing it, I went Coyote hunting on a neighbors place with a buddy of mine.  No luck there, but had some fun.  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on February 19, 2014, 09:54:17 pm
Nice large batch of osage Poggins, made my back hurt just looking at the pics. :)   Like your leaf spring wedges too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 19, 2014, 09:57:50 pm
I caught a work release inmate huffing electrical contact cleaner out of a bag at work today.  He was so messed up he couldn't walk or talk, he was mumbling and had to hold on to something to keep from falling.  I called the jail and they came and apprehended him.   
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on February 20, 2014, 12:00:16 am
Those inmates will try anything , we have a crew that we haul around and we have to keep a close eye on them , the ones we get are on their way out but they mess up sometimes and get more time added on .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 20, 2014, 01:41:53 am
I've been holding on to a postal claim ticket for an oversized package since Friday and finally, after a 7" snow and a federal holiday I got to the PO today. I handed over the claim ticket and the clerk went to the back to retrieve the package. about 10 minutes later she came back saying she couldn't find the package. Finally another clerk suggested the first one look in another location and sure enough there it was...a long rectangular plywood box. I was running late for work so I threw the box in the car and headed for the office.
 I got home a little after 3, changed my cloths and began to open the box. This box was screwed together and tape over that.
 When I unwrapped the bundle inside this is what was in there...
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  It been a while since I've shot a glass bow and this one shoots like a dream. She's fast, smooth and accurate...and beautiful. The accent wood in the riser is leopardwood I think and the limbs are actionwood and brown glass.  I grabbed 4 arrows and went out to shoot her. Three cedars at 45# and 1 tapered poplar at 50# to 55#, they all shot right where I was looking.
 This bow was built by David "Trux" Turning of Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 20, 2014, 03:49:37 am
That's a beauty Pat, is that your  trade  bow from tradgang
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 20, 2014, 04:23:02 am
That's a keeper Pat !NICE - Bob.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 20, 2014, 10:06:52 am
Yeah Bubby. It is the bow I received in the TG bow trade.  On TG they give you the option of a wood or glass bow and this year I said anything. This was a very pleasant surprise.
 Thanks Bob.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 20, 2014, 10:30:09 am
That looks like a sweet bow Pat!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 20, 2014, 10:51:15 am
Nice bow Pat. I shot trad at last weekends 3D shoot. Felt kinda guilty, but shot good and had fun. My Damon/Howit recurve is smoother and easier on my shoulder this early in the year.  ;) dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 20, 2014, 02:29:55 pm
either or if it don't have wheels, sweet bow
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 20, 2014, 09:18:04 pm
Got my new band saw today  :)   I have it assembled and cleaned off.  I'm hoping to get it all set up and running tomorrow.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on February 20, 2014, 09:28:44 pm
Congrats on the saw lets see some yeller dust on the thing  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Adam on February 20, 2014, 10:54:45 pm
After 45 weeks of (mostly) patiently waiting, the ATF sent me my tax stamp so I could finally bring home my suppressor.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 21, 2014, 11:03:34 pm
I hit a deer in the wife's car tonight.  We were on our way to pick the kids up from a school dance and a deer ran right out in front of us.  I hit the brakes and slowed down quite a bit before impact.  We weren't hurt but the deer and the car were.  The deer flopped around for a minute before hobbling off on 3 legs.  The car doesn't look to bad but I'm sure its going to be an expensive fix.  The drivers side door won't open, the radiator and battery are ruptured, the hood, grill, headlight, and fender are toast, and who knows what else is messed up inside the engine compartment.  We were able to limp home so that was good.  We just picked this car up from the mechanics today after getting the front axle and boot replaced  >:(  This makes the 8th deer I have hit in a vehicle.  I guess that's one of the downfalls of living in a good hunting area  :-\ 


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 21, 2014, 11:59:07 pm
Maybe the body shop will take the new Grizzly in exchange, Clint?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 22, 2014, 12:06:59 am
Not funny at the moment JW.   :(
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Fred Arnold on February 22, 2014, 12:30:00 am
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Who needs a vehicle that's not big enough to haul anything if you've already got a Grizzly.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 22, 2014, 12:56:10 am
Not funny at the moment JW.   :(

Was hoping to cheer ya up.  I nailed 6 deer in 5 years just after I moved to South Dakota.  I claimed I got into deer hunting to get revenge.  I even thought about putting a big welded rack on the Ford Escort since it seemed to draw deer to it.

Good to know everyone was safe.  That is what really counts tonite.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on February 22, 2014, 02:46:54 pm
Went back to the river yesterday evening and cut some more osage , the pile on the floor is what I cut last night , three logs resulting in ten staves that will need to be worked down more .
My goal is to try and keep one hundred plus staves on hand all year and replace any I sell or use , I will add other woods also .
Stave count should be around eighty plus for the last two weekends , just need to get them worked up .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 24, 2014, 04:39:13 pm
Made deer sausage this weekend...
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 24, 2014, 04:53:36 pm
Started cooking down the first of this years maple sap over the weekend. hoping to get a full gallon this year. that will be the most I've made yet.  :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 24, 2014, 07:31:59 pm
was hoping to work on my buckthorn sunday and try and get her shooting, ended up working on my truck most of the day and after 5 hrs of being a contortionist I was to friggin' sore to work on the bow, did get a chance to work bows for a couple hours today though, bub
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Fred Arnold on February 24, 2014, 08:42:10 pm
I spent most of the day sharpening steel for Spring and straightened a few garden stakes for arrows for a friends 5 yr old grand daughter. Had time for a little leather preforming to make sheaths  for my  draw knives. Going to start on the bow sometime this week. Was told I had to use a variety of colors that had to include pink.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 26, 2014, 08:24:48 pm
Had a few gallons of maple sap I'd collected and was cooking down on the wood stove then it got cold again so I finished it off tonight. First half pint of what I hope will become more. Can't wait for Sunday morning pancakes! De-lishous!!

Now to start a sheath.

Have a gooder!! dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on February 26, 2014, 11:30:46 pm
What did you boil it down on?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on February 27, 2014, 01:11:32 pm
What did you boil it down on?

Most of it was done in a 2 gallon stainless stock pot on the wood stove, kept adding to it as it boiled down. I finished it off on the gas stove range in two separate pots, a quart pot to start with then a smaller one for the finale. Strained it through a doubled cheese cloth right off the range into a pint jar then poured it into this half pint jar. dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 27, 2014, 05:31:01 pm
got some strings made and put about 30 arrows thru a bow im starting to shoot in, weather is bad and i'm still sick, might even stay home from work tonite
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on March 01, 2014, 06:20:13 pm
For my work week I have been attached to the Range of Light Film Festival in Yosemite National Park. I am a standby gopher. I have been watching movies mostly about rock climbing and not really doing anything else.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 02, 2014, 08:41:22 am
We had to bury my beloved gramps on Friday, he and I where tight. He was 89 years old and lived a healthy, independent life right up until 2-3 years ago. So it was a welcome relief for he and us when his time came. We have a HUGE family with lots of aunts, uncles, grandkids and great-grandkids. I was incredibly lucky......gramps left me his 1953 "Sweet Sixteen". Ill post some pics once I get it home. My dad ruined it in the 70's and I repaired it in the mid 90's as a surprise for gramps, it worked!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: koan on March 02, 2014, 09:13:44 am
Sorry to hear bout your Gramps Chris..the Sweet 16 is cool tho..we had one in our family but someone got swindled out of it. Glad to hear theres still some around.. Brian
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 02, 2014, 02:19:19 pm
glad you have those memories Chris, I only knew my step gramps and never got to meet the other two, sorry for your loss, bub
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 02, 2014, 05:46:06 pm
That's tough Buddy. Sounds like you are taking it well. He'll not be forgotten  by your family. My condolences all the same. dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 03, 2014, 08:35:25 am
Thanks for the words guys. Yah, Im taking it well Derik. I realized just how lucky I was to have a grandpa in my life until I was 41 yrs old. Not to mention the way of life and work ethic he passed on to me. I owe it all to him and his influence on me. What a stud he was! Dad and I have his Purple Heart and Gold Star medals. We are going to make a case to keep them, his burial flag, his 21 gun salute casings and his VFW hat. Ill snap and post  some pics when we get that project all done.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 03, 2014, 09:16:30 am
Sounds like he was a pretty amazing person.  Sorry for your loss buddy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 03, 2014, 09:35:54 am
Very amazing Clintster. I could talk for hours about the things he did and the things that happened to him over 89 years. I don't have to meet every man in the world to know there isn't any like him.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buffalogobbler on March 03, 2014, 09:36:18 am
Sounds like the kind of man we all aspire to be, sorry for your loss Chris.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: seabass on March 03, 2014, 09:45:46 am
sorry for your loss Chris.i lost my grandpa when he was 88.i miss him every day.i kept the shell casing from the salute also.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 03, 2014, 10:06:46 am
Cooked down some more maple sap yesterday nearly 5 gallons +. Got a whole pint of syrup this time!!!  ::) ;D ;D Got cold again, so we are in the waiting game again for sap.

I went to my uncles funeral a few weeks ago and kept several of the casings. Gave one to each of my boys and kept two for blunts. There were some other Dads there picking them up and I said, "You can tell we are country folk when the Dads and Granddads are picking up casings to give to the kids." Guess we ain't the only ones.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 03, 2014, 10:14:19 am
Memories is memories Derik, I heard the casings hit the ground and my first thought was, "grab 'em"! Grandpa NEVER talked about his time in Iwo Jima as a scout, but he was as proud of his service as a guy could be.

Here is a brief timeline:

12-14 yrs old - watched his sister get hit by a car as they walked to Easter church service, she died and he went missing for a few days from the trauma.

18 yrs old - basic training and off to fight WWII

30 yrs old - whole house totally destroyed by a tornado direct hit - nobody seriously injured

69 yrs old - buried his 49 yr old son

77 yrs old - watched gram's pass while they where driving around in the U.P. of Michigan

87 yrs old - buried his 65 yr old son

89 yrs old - He finally gets to rest! Id say he earned it.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on March 03, 2014, 10:43:18 am
Sorry for your loss, Pearlie but those memories will keep your grandpa in your thoughts forever.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on March 03, 2014, 06:41:59 pm
Sorry for your loss pearl drums...
I was doing the grampa thing this weekend.. Three hockey windups... Too much time sitting in a cold rink... Gramma Kerrie got a mementoe of her granddaughters last game of the season.. A litle guy put the stick around her and brought her down.. She went to one knee and lost the puck.. He wasn't fast enough as he skated away Hallie grabed his stick and brought him down... 2 minutes holding
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 03, 2014, 07:58:52 pm
GO HALLIE!! GO HALLIE!! That's awesome Stoker! dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 03, 2014, 08:46:57 pm
Worked on a new bow for my daughter.  She has outgrown the last one I made for her.  I got it floor tillered and scraped smooth.  It was pretty straight with a slight kink in one end.  It straightened out really easy on the caul with a little heat.  Added some extra reflex to.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on March 03, 2014, 08:59:32 pm
Looks good Clint, 
I'm finding myself ....that lately I'm putting more reflex in my bows than what my first caul will do also. 
I'm in the process of making my son-in-law and daughter a his and hers bow.  They both like shooting.  We just don't get enough time together to do it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 03, 2014, 09:18:02 pm
A new more reflexed caul is on my to do list Bill.  I'm tired of adding spacers on every bow I put on it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on March 03, 2014, 09:24:33 pm
Me too, If you didn't glue yours like I did could unscrew it and re-saw it with your new bandsaw to make it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 03, 2014, 09:29:23 pm
Good thinking Bill.  I just used a bunch of drywall screws to hold it together. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on March 04, 2014, 10:20:37 am
GO HALLIE!! GO HALLIE!! That's awesome Stoker! dp

That's what Gramma Kerrie was screaming.... It's her new screen saver ;D ;D
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 07, 2014, 09:10:56 pm
Took the family out to dinner for the wife's birthday.  They sang to her in the restaurant and embarrassed her pretty good.  When we got the bill someone had paid $50 towards it.  No clue who it was.  We didn't know anyone in there.  All the waiter would say is that someone helped out with the bill.  That was a very generous gift from someone.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 07, 2014, 10:29:53 pm
Sometimes that good that you spread around comes back to you Clint!  Wish your sweetheart a happy birthday from me!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on March 08, 2014, 08:34:43 pm
Today I did my first Ranger Lead snowshoe walk! We have one of three ski areas inside a national park! you can check out the Badger Pas web cam, just google it.
The first two are of the ski area. One of the group that went with me. One of the cathedral range. One from the drive back to the valley - the turn out is called El Portal view. the little wide space in the bottom is El Portal. The descent from the photo point to the town is about 5000'
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on March 09, 2014, 01:04:40 pm
Spent yesterday morning in my bow shop with Brother Bob Carmichael (Chamookman).  We chewed fat, solved problems and exercised our abilities to be as non-politically correct as we could muster.  A good time, it was.  It was finish day.  Did a bunch of sanding in prep for dipping the bows.  Ended up with three to dip.  Here's a sneak preview of what he's been working on...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 09, 2014, 03:07:43 pm
man talk about a tease matt, that just ain't right :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on March 09, 2014, 11:49:29 pm
My cousin just bought his first airplane and stopped through on his way from Cali to NC. I asked him if he'd give us a ride before he took off for home.

( (

My daughter's first plane ride.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 10, 2014, 01:29:14 am
got 4 bows finished up 2 I started this week, feels good to finish up some stuff, now got to start my trade bow, and a new bow for my wife
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 10, 2014, 12:33:25 pm
I will probably do a separate post for this, but yesterday...

In the morning I made my first batch of Indian fry bread. In the morning I made it similar to an elephant ear w/ powdered sugar and cinnamon, but while making that up I had another idea.

In the evening, I made up some venison burger w/ left over rice and swiss chard. Made my dough, rolled out my fry bread and added the meat mix and folded over the dough and crimped like a pie w/ a fork. My boys didn't like the mix, so I made them both a long burger and did the same for them, added cheese and ketchup and mustard then put it in the hot oil.

I'm tellin you what, I gotta get off this computer for fear of getting saliva all over the key board. No kiddin.

I kept one back for lunch today to see how they pack and eat the next day. These babies have no limit and if they pack good would make great hunting food or packing grub.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 10, 2014, 03:30:05 pm
just the smell of fry bread cooking makes my mouth water, thank's a lot derik :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 10, 2014, 10:43:14 pm
Fry bread!  I can hear my artieries clogging already!

There was a vendor at a Pow Wow in North Dakota that was selling what they called a "Half Breed" long time back.  It was fry bread taco, folded around diced ham and cheese!  Greasy goodness!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 11, 2014, 12:08:42 am
Been busy...cooked down the rest of last weekends sap tonight. getting nearly 8 gallons a day outta four trees this weekend. I'm gonna try the 5 gal bucket deal next year, everytime I go to check them they are leaking over the top. Anyway, cooked down 1 1/2 quarts of syrup tonight. dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on March 11, 2014, 06:05:48 pm
Got a call from my daughter... She's coming to back town Saturday wedding dress shopping... It's been 8 months that this started... Still trying to get used to the idea.... Her accessorie color is purple... I don't know... This is the only thing that comes to mind if I wear purple anything
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on March 11, 2014, 06:20:42 pm
Where do you cook down the sap?? That's a lot of moisture to put into the house.................
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 12, 2014, 01:47:10 am
That's pretty cool Scott.  My first plane ride was in a small one like that when I was around 14 or 15.  I don't remember much about the ride.  I had my girlfriend in the back seat with me and I was distracted  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 12, 2014, 10:05:29 am
Had a good goof off day; Went to the local flea market looking for an anvil and draw knives, found none but did run into a bunch of the old guys I worked with before I retired, spent a lot of time talking.

Later I changed out the factory sights on my new Ruger Single Six to High Viz sights, what a difference! I plan to use the pistol in 22 mag for my future armadillo hunts. At 30 yards resting against a tree, if I did my part, I could shoot a 1" group with the gun. If I got a little sloppy on my trigger pull my group would expand to almost a foot.

Later I decided to unload my flintlock which has been loaded since about November of last year. I took an off hand shot at 30 yards(I shoot lousy off hand). I flinched, snatched the trigger, had a bit of a hang fire and missed the target by almost 2 feet, pitiful. This poor performance got me fired up so I reloaded Mr Beck and tried again, only missed the bull by 3" this time, still not good enough.  On my last try I was about 1" off, good enough so I cleaned my flinter and put it up.

I cut up a bunch of cleaning patches with my roller fabric cutter and called it a day.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 12, 2014, 03:15:23 pm
Where do you cook down the sap?? That's a lot of moisture to put into the house.................

Running the wood stove, our house is dry. I cook it off on the wood stove. W/ the warmer, nonfreezing weather, it gets a bit hot in there though. Had to have some windows open Sunday and Monday while it cooked.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on March 12, 2014, 09:16:56 pm
I picked some oranges and squeezed out 8 quarts of fresh juice and got an osage shooting. Now I just have to pretty it up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 12, 2014, 09:45:55 pm
Today I finished a coyote skull for a friend of a friend and worked on some arrows for my daughter



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 13, 2014, 05:44:47 am
Cussed the Snow Gods again - got about 8" of the new stuff yesterday  :'(. Have a drift about 4' deep and 50' long at the end of the driveway !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 14, 2014, 07:23:01 pm
took some twist out and did some alighnment on an osage stave today, got a gift almost ready to go north of the border, rawhide backed a buckthorn bow i'm trying to get finished and all the while slow cooking some boneless country ribs, i'm ready to eat, bub
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 14, 2014, 08:44:22 pm
I walked that no good skinny black dog of mine for about 2 hours in the woods.  Dang near felt guilty for wasting that kind of time, but it was in the mid-50's and the sun was shining.  When I got home, I fired up the grill, slapped a 2 lb venison backstrap roast on and cracked a bottle of nice Argentine malbec. 

Pappy is right....Life IS good!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on March 15, 2014, 05:17:48 pm
Clintster!  That coyote skull looks great! 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on March 15, 2014, 05:45:11 pm
Shot a nice Osceola on Opening morning. ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 15, 2014, 09:50:01 pm
Thanks Matt!  I have some other skulls that are about done.  I'll post them in a couple of days.

Today I enjoyed a beautiful spring day at a local 3D shoot with my brother in law, my niece, and her boyfriend.  My niece was shooting her pink graduation bow I made for her last year.  She was kicking my butt pretty bad for the fist dozen targets or so.  Then I caught back up and ended winning.  Her boyfriend was shooting for the first time.  He was using an older compound but picked it up amazingly well.  I have him interested in a primitive bow but I don't have any he could shoot.  He is tall with long arms so I bet his draw is close to 30"  We only saw three other trad guys there.  They were shooting recurves.  They had some nice targets for a small shoot.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 16, 2014, 02:16:55 pm
Wow, Clint!  That daughter of yours is quite the looker! She either favors her mother or was adopted.  Either way, you better keep an eye on those boys in your neck of the woods!

Get this current one working on a bow stave for himself, you can tiller his mind while he tillers his bow.  Who knows, he might get so het up on bows that he forgets about your daughter!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 16, 2014, 04:15:42 pm
Logging onto Turbo Tax today, got to get it done, bummer.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 16, 2014, 04:25:14 pm
JW, that is my sisters daughter.  Her boyfriend seems to be a good guy.  He is working on becoming a cop.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 16, 2014, 09:42:52 pm
Had a hive die out this winter and was lucky to reconize it for the wax moths took over. Today was my only day to harvest, even though it was about 33* I had a space heater to take the chill off ,but the honey was slow and thick. Took about twice as long as summer. I also didn't have a hot knife that was working for me, so I used a capping scrapper. I dont filter, so I have a few days til the wax cappings settle to the top.  Yummy surprise for this time of year. Got 18 quarts of spun honey and 5 quarts of comb honey, just comb, no honey poured on top of it. got another quart+ of maple syrup coming off the stove soon too. SWEET day!! dpg

Looks like a fun shoot Clint! and that skull is white as all get out. Needs some paintings on it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 17, 2014, 05:03:10 am
Yesterday actually, but remembered just how much I HATE putting a grip on a Bow - GRRRRRRRRRRRR ! Finally finished the Yew character Bow - Pics will be posted soon. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 17, 2014, 02:32:57 pm
I hate to lose hives , looks like all of mine made it this winter now if the trees would just start blooming . Sounds like you left a lot of honey on that hive .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 17, 2014, 03:18:49 pm
I hate to lose hives , looks like all of mine made it this winter now if the trees would just start blooming . Sounds like you left a lot of honey on that hive .

I suppose so. I usually don't even harvest the honey from my place anymore. These absconded, not a single bee to be found in the whole hive. I've got some great foundation and I didn't even spin it all, I left about three or four frames of older looking honey. Now I hope I get just half the calls for swarms that I got last year and I'll be set up. I need to get all my ducks in a row for swarm season. Scared there might not be as many swarms this year due to winter kill offs. I take responsibility for there demise, it was total neglect. I suspect they were honey bound by the amount I got off two suppers. Yea, I hate to loose them to the winter too, usually something I didn't do in the fall is the cause.  :(     
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 17, 2014, 09:11:04 pm
Funny how attached you can get to a swarm of bugs, ain't it?  We lost two of our four hives last summer, but the two remaining hives are coming into spring strong.  Because of our winters, we chose to switch from Italian bees to Russians.  Italians are supposed to be calmer, but that has not been my experience with these hives.  Russians die back to a smaller swarm over winter and use far less honey....and these two hives have really proven that.  But they look kinda funny with the tiny little fur hats on their heads.  And I don't even wanna talk about their AK-47 stingers!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 17, 2014, 10:31:49 pm
I know what you mean JW , if I lost my bees I'd have to get more .
On warm weekends I will set out by my hives and watch them work , neet how many different colors of pollin they bring in ( I'm getting yellow ERC and an orange from the elms ), they've been working hard lately with the warm weather but no flowers yet .

I started with a couple of hives that were swarms and then bought some from a guy when he went out of business , tried some new queens one time and then the die offs hit , lost almost all of my hives and stayed with the ones that survived , also found some isolated colonies in an old building that was being torn down and a couple from a wood cutter that cut some hollow trees with bees in them .
I stick with my bees and do not treat them in any way , chemical free , I split my hives when they try to swarm and save a few queens from my hives to replace old queens when needed .
My bees have their days , most of the time they are gentle but sometimes they can be testy .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 17, 2014, 10:40:22 pm
A week ago my bees were doing some foraging close by the hives on a 55 degree day, they were carrying BLACK pollen!  So I started backtracing them and found they were in the landowner's mulch pile where he has been throwing coffee grounds.  He grinds his beans pretty fine and the bees were packing it home to the colony!

I've searched online and can't see anything about this being bad for them. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 17, 2014, 11:06:22 pm
That's funny Jw, They must be getting ready for those early spring mornings that are ahead, or maybe they will mix it w/ royal jelly and you will have a spaze queen or workers too.  ;D

I've been keeping bees since 2001. Had bee fever for about 8 years, now I've calmed myself some. I use/used integrated pest management when I use anything. I have collected drones in late summer and taken them way down the road, painted little white spots on their backs and let them go, then rushed home to see them fly back into the hives. I also eat most everything that comes out of the hive, when I do swarm prevention, I tend to eat the queen cells. One of my favorite eats fromt the hive, give it a try come May. Also cured myself of tennis elbow w/ bee sting therapy, I'm a big fan of that. I could go on and on and on........dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 18, 2014, 08:49:35 am
The bees have a thing for osage saw dust also , noticed it last year when cutting a big osage down , I stopped to take a break and noticed several bees gathering the dust and lately when I cut osage staves on my bandsaw outside my bees join me .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 18, 2014, 10:24:38 am
Tractor supply has a really interesting farm/home magazine that is free on line. One guy has a theory of why bees are disappearing and taken steps to solve the problem in his hives, makes a lot of sense. We kept bees when I was growing up, I always thought they were pretty neat creatures even after they found a hole in my bee suit in the crotch area and delivered 13 stings to a very sensitive part of my anatomy. I was in the process of completing my bee keeping merit badge requirements when this happened.

Here is the issue about bees, hope posting a link isn't against the rules, If it is deleted PM me and I will give you the same, reading it may save your hives.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 18, 2014, 10:57:41 am
I woke to 4 inches of fresh snow this morning, immediately threw a tantrum, poured another cup of coffee, and went online to complain to all you southerners with nice weather!  Especially mullet, who has already downed a turkey!  You are all off my Christmas card list!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on March 18, 2014, 03:01:52 pm
Well, if it makes you feel better, we had a Cold Front move through yesterday and today it's 74dgs. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 18, 2014, 03:34:10 pm
Eric, I read the article, it was a feel good article, and had some good points. It did not have any real cures though. It takes more than just planting trees and flowers for the bees to have healthy hives.  I've always been a fan of do-as-little-to-disturb the bees as possible bee keeping, but there is no safe place to get away from tracheal or varroa mites.  Strong hives help, but more needs to be done to keep those hives strong. I agree w/ the author that bees have been over worked, over stressed and under valued for years, but back in the old "skep" days, they caught swarms in the spring and killed them w/ brimstone in the fall to collect the honey. That went on for far longer than 100 years.  I;m not trying to argue and totally have bees best interest in mind,  but giving a healthy swarm to a "trusted local beekeeper" is not enough to keep healthy bees. Most commercial keepers I have talked to try their best to keep their bees healthy, sometimes w/ means I don't agree with, it's their livelihood and the way they support their families. Know what I'm sayin? So however the cards are laid, now a days one really needs to be a bee "Keeper" rather than the old school bee haver to keep healthy bees. Learn as much as you can about bees and try to catch the next curve nature sends your way rather its small hive beetle or Africanized honey bees. Thanks for the read, been a long time since I've read about bees.  :D dpg   
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 19, 2014, 11:51:06 am
One thing to remember about bees is they are non-native to North America, honey bees anyway. So most of the plants they forage are non-natives too. That has been a conundrum for me through the years. Sweet clover is a very invasive plant, but bees love it.  Red clover is too big for the bees to get their tongues into unless something like an ant has chewed a hole in the lower end of the flower. 

Got my first call of the year for bee removal yesterday too. It was to take bees out of a tree though which is time consuming and tough to do. I'm gonna go look at it this weekend all the same.

Have a gooder, dpgratz 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 20, 2014, 12:32:11 am
Arrived at OJAM X , helped set up a little even though I got here a little later than planned ( looked like it we might get a shower last night so waited until this morning to load every thing ), cought up with friends and enjoyed the potluck dinner .
We have a few vendors here with bow wood ( one has seasoned black locust and a lot of green osage ) and I'm sure when we start tommorrow there will be a line out the gate and the wood will go fast .
I'll try and find the time to take pics and post them .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 22, 2014, 01:05:34 am
Having a great time here at OJAM , meeting people from all over the US and teaching others how to build bows .
We ran into a few issues with some of the wood but I won't go into detailes .
Only got to shoot the 3D corse once and didn't fair so well .
We have the clout shoot tommorrow and I guess I'll donate some money ( and maybe a couple arrows).
Met a few of the guys that visit here also and the trade bow I made was here so I had a chance to show it off , even brought a peace of the spoonbill skin with me and had several people bend twist and pull on it and after several tries it finally got a small tare on one edge .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 23, 2014, 11:06:29 pm
tomorrow I have to take the NIMS/SIMS test at work, 9 hrs of study and 3 20 min tests, all Gov b.s. to boot, not looking forward to it at all
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on March 24, 2014, 12:42:51 am
Ok, back home and unpacked from a great weekend at OJAM X .
I have a few photos on my phone but the rest are on my camera and I need to go through them ( 452 in all) so here they are first is the group we had at our camp , the yellow hats are the ones teaching and the red hats are helping them until they are confident they can teach or a group leader determines they are ready .
One of the photos is me helping a young lady with her stave , had a knot and I was showing her and her soon to be how to work around a knot on a stave without cutting through it .

Next is the flint knappers and the blacksmith that showed up , usually we get more knappers there but not this year .

And finally the kids rattan bows , we gave out 150 bows to the kids that were there , not all of them waited around for the big photo though , you can see all the red and yellow hats on the trailer ( most of them anyway ) , and me and a couple others waiting to put arrow rests and handle wraps on .

Estimated number of people that showed up was 900 plus , we do not have an accurate way of keeping track of them all and we go by the ones that sign in .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 24, 2014, 07:21:20 pm
I went for a walk in the woods with my Dad today.  My niece tagged along.  We didn't find any shed antlers but we did find some nice trees.  We stopped in this spot and took a water break.  The roots of the osage trees make a nice spot to sit and rest.  She wanted to act like she pushed them over.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 24, 2014, 09:11:28 pm
Call that girl "Tree Killer".
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Zuma on March 25, 2014, 04:15:08 pm
Eric Morris told me to look under a tree that fell down on the Ohio River bank.
I did and there was this rock.
Eric found some Adena points.
We found some Pine Tree points on another bank.
The carp tried to jump in the boat. Don't know if it was the motor or thr beavers that scared them.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 25, 2014, 10:42:48 pm
Nice find! 

I made some koolaid feathers for a current project, orange and mixed berry.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Zuma on March 26, 2014, 10:17:09 am
Nice feathers Outlaw,
Here are some of the points we found.
Eric also found a partially drilled pendant.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on March 26, 2014, 10:33:03 am
Nice finds zuma!

Like them blue feathers Clint!

I been building a chicken pen around my coop to keep MY dog off the birds.  :( dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 26, 2014, 10:42:02 am
Yesterday I bush hogged and bush hogged and bush hogged. The 350 acres I hunt in Tn is owned by a friend who is a brilliant businessman but not too keen on keeping his place up. It is a mixture of big woods and large open fields. In the past he had a huge tractor with an 18' bat-wing bushog he let us use to keep the place in shape. The tractor broke down, he became involved with business ventures and the land was left untended. Five years later the fields are choked with sweet gum trees, briers and are close to being unreclaimbable.

I tacked an 8 acre field a few days ago with my compact tractor and a 4' bush hog. There were thousands of sweet gum sapling clumps growing out of the roots in the field. To cut one of these clumps I would push it over with my bucket and easy over it with my bush hog very slowly, often taking minutes to grind each clump to the ground.

It took me 9 hours to clear the field.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on March 27, 2014, 09:24:06 am
You will ware your little tractor out doing that.

Does that field have any of those blasted Wild Bradford Pears in it???
Those things have 3" to 4" thorns on them that will stick right through a tractor tire.
They are taking over just north of Moulton.

You will have to spray the Sweetgum, and Bradford Pears stumps to kill them.
Well you could bulldoze them all up.....

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 27, 2014, 12:04:03 pm
I have some stuff called stump killer(arsenal) that I spray on stumps when I can, they are toast after being sprayed. In this case there were too many to stop and spray each one, perhaps a thousand. I have found if you cut the sapling sprouts several years in a row the root will eventually die, hope the same will work on this field.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 30, 2014, 08:15:27 pm
I have a new bow student, Donnie is one more worker, we went from bow blank to an almost ready to shoot bow in two days.
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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 02, 2014, 03:38:11 pm
This morning at work I got a call from our credit union.  They told me that they had a promotion give a way for anyone who had opened a loan in the last month.  Then they told me they had drew my name and I won a 50" LED TV, Blue Ray player, and 3 movies.  I didn't believe her at first.  She assured me it wasn't a joke.  I went there on lunch and picked all of it up.  What a surprise!  It is way bigger than any TV we own.  I can't wait to watch some football on it this fall.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on April 02, 2014, 04:08:11 pm
Good deal Clint! Can't beat that. dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 02, 2014, 05:37:22 pm
you dog, you will love watching the games on that I have one the same size, it's great for watching the kids sports on too
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolfgang on April 02, 2014, 06:30:08 pm
I did my regular work all day. And thereafter, when all the family had went to bed, I worked on the deer sinew backing of a reflex-recurve short bow. The magins of the backing had detached at the 45° degrees angle at 2 locations. I had to fix that before tillering the bow. Perfection is the aim, but even near-perfection takes time... ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 02, 2014, 09:06:20 pm
Woke to another 6 inches of snow.  My neighbor called this morning.  She's had a rough year, four surgeries and more to come.  She told me that she knew she could not talk me out of shoveling her walk but wanted to know if I would rather use her snowblower to do the job.  I jumped on that like a junebug on a duck.  I did her walk and driveway, then did all the sidewalks up and down the block.  Then I turned to do my driveway, but by then it had warmed up and the snow had "slumped" and her little snowblower just choked on it.  So I cleaned it up, topped up the gas, put it away.....and spent an hour shoveling my own driveway! 

No good deed goes unpunished. LOL!  :-[

I am starting to think I live in a showglobe and some jackwagon keeps walking over and shaking it up!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on April 03, 2014, 10:30:54 am

I am starting to think I live in a showglobe and some jackwagon keeps walking over and shaking it up!

 >:D >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on April 03, 2014, 11:36:26 am
JW, You're in a "showglobe" alright.  ;D dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on April 04, 2014, 12:57:22 am
JW , it would be nice if you could send some if that snow down to central Oklahoma , when I see a cloud I start looking for the sorce of the fire , every little shower we get is followed by wind and then a fire .
The morel mushrooms are a week late around here because its so dry and the wind is blowing something in that's mess'n with my alergies and I've missed two days work this week .

The only good thing about all this dry air is the wood I cut back in Feb should be drying good .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 08, 2014, 04:45:19 pm
Rigged me up a wing processing station today.

Wings, borax, box cutter and cutting block all at the perfect working height. I have collected 25 wings and 10 fans so far and the season has only been open a week, going to be a good year for trading feathers for stuff.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on April 10, 2014, 12:57:36 am
A little evening walk in the woods .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Mohawk13 on April 10, 2014, 02:40:06 am
Added Purple Heart to the tips of My long bow and shaped them. Will post pics later as it is 1236 am and I am beat
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 10, 2014, 09:13:31 pm
What's the morel of your story, Poggins?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on April 10, 2014, 10:18:11 pm
NICE FIND Pog! where you located?  ;) Think its a little early here, but feeling the pull to the woods. Im sure the pros are finding a few blacks now. dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on April 10, 2014, 11:58:50 pm
Too early here for morels but man that picture makes me want some bad now Poggins.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on April 11, 2014, 01:17:01 am
I gues the morel of this story JW is that everyone is crying its too dry for them to come up , dry but not too dry . I'm in central Oklahoma , halfway between Oklahoma City and Tulsa .

Went to another of my places this evening and found 220+ , some were small but there were some nice ones also , found them in some old dozer piles that had been burnt a couple of years ago , there are some big cottonwoods that died after they burned .
Had to keep a close eye out for the morels because the landowners cows were on my heals , I had to set my sack down to get in some of the logs to pick mushrooms and had to watch the cows close .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on April 11, 2014, 01:22:38 am
I usually start finding a few the second or third week in March , cold temps and no good rains have put them off a couple of weeks .
Last year I was picking every day after work , not that many out this year yet .
Just hope the flowers keep blooming for my honey bees , I'm already getting calls wanting to know when I will have honey , I tell them should be mid June if conditions are right .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Mohawk13 on April 11, 2014, 01:24:31 am
Get out the skillet and butter...Nice haul!!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on April 11, 2014, 01:35:29 am
Thanks , got off work at 4:30 pm drove about 32 miles and picked till dark ( almost three hours ), greenbriers had grown thick in some of the old piles .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 11, 2014, 08:37:58 pm
I've been smokin' salmon this week, the only way to eat salmon in my book
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on April 12, 2014, 05:02:57 am
Hey Bub - I really like smaller Kings & Silvers done on a charcoal grill too ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 12, 2014, 10:10:48 pm
yep they are Bob, but grilling them gives them that smokiness too
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 14, 2014, 10:05:06 am
My front yard is on a slope. I left a few small trees when I moved in 12 years ago, put a tractor trailer full of Bermuda grass sod down and had a beautiful yard. Fast forward 12 years, the trees grew to be huge, shade killed the Bermuda grass and parts of my yard have washed away down to the bed of chirt below the topsoil. Time for most of the trees to go and reestablish the topsoil and grass.

I spent from 10:30 in the morning until I plum gave out at 4:30 in the afternoon behind a chain saw.  I cut down two of the large trees (one more to go) and turned them into firewood(anybody need any wood for free) and hauled off the tops to my burn pile, it was along day.

I will probably spend as much time looking for someone to give some prime red oak fire wood to as I did cutting it, no one burns wood anymore.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 14, 2014, 10:10:53 am
I spent yesterday afternoon working on a bow with Mr Black Coyote. It felt good to back in the shop, its been a few weeks. I spent the evening sprucing up an old 14' Sea Nymph gramps gave me. Got the trailer and a 9.9 Evinrude as well, one pull every time!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on April 14, 2014, 10:35:58 am
Eric - I could use a truck load or 2 and I live about 10-15 minutes from you.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on April 14, 2014, 12:02:53 pm
Nice finds Poggins!! Ain't found any round here yet.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on April 14, 2014, 02:23:11 pm
We finally got about a half inch of rain but the wind blew all night and dried it up a lot and they are calling for a record low tonight (29) , was nice to sleep with all the windows open last week that's over for a while now .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on April 14, 2014, 05:13:21 pm
We finally got about a half inch of rain but the wind blew all night and dried it up a lot and they are calling for a record low tonight (29) , was nice to sleep with all the windows open last week that's over for a while now .

Now we are getting that around here.....maybe the shrooms are up.  ;D dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 15, 2014, 01:22:39 am
Made some hide glue today

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Mohawk13 on April 15, 2014, 02:21:24 am
Attempting to put a grip plate on bow #2...will post pics if successful...Purple Heart to match the tips...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on April 15, 2014, 04:36:51 am
Cussin' the new 1" OF SNOW this morning - was 60 yesterday  :embarassed:!!!!!!! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on April 15, 2014, 09:38:45 am
My buddy, Dave, was intent on getting a stick ready to work on at the classic. So he stopped by on Sunday and I helped him take the excess off.

( (

Looks like he's got the feel of it now! COMEON classic!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 15, 2014, 09:47:46 am
Hey! I know that dude!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Zuma on April 21, 2014, 11:22:56 pm
Made some hide glue today

Well OK,
How the heck did you do it?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 22, 2014, 12:03:48 am
Put all my sinew scraps in a crock pot and put it on low over night.  The next day I strained all the remaining sinew scraps out and was left with liquid sinew glue.  I poured it on a plastic cooking tray and let it gel up.  Then I cut the gelled glue into little squares and let it dry. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Cade on April 24, 2014, 06:22:07 pm
 I just registered to PA and am trying to figure the whole thing out. I was wondering how you start a thread?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 24, 2014, 06:38:43 pm
top of the page right hand side click on new topic, welcome aboard this place is full of great people with a world of knowledge
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Zuma on April 25, 2014, 12:54:19 pm
Thanks outlaw,
Neat way to use any and all scraps.
So do you soak it till soft and apply or cook again?

Here's what I did today. Wonder if you could use fish cartalege for glue too?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on April 25, 2014, 01:14:14 pm
Dang nice fish zuma! Is that you? I hear the air bladder of fish makes the best glue. Glue comes from collagen. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on April 25, 2014, 01:16:40 pm
Nice striper, Zuma. The skin would make a cool bow backing.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 25, 2014, 03:29:37 pm
Nice catch Zuma!

When I'm ready to use the glue I soak it in a little bit of water for a day or so to rehydrate it.  Then heat it up and its ready to use.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 25, 2014, 04:03:43 pm
Cant even imagine the fight a striper that big gives, great fish Zuma.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Zuma on April 25, 2014, 04:39:42 pm
Thanks fellows,
LOL this is me.
That's my buddy Uva. He looks better the way he was holding the fish.
He thought we were stuck on the bottom.
Thanks for the tips. I will have to save more animal parts as I learn.
Got the lower jaw and upper teeth off a beaver the other day.
It was putrefying on the Ohio River bank. yuck
I know that when I had the skin filleted off the fish I was thinking I bet I could tan that hide. They were at least 30 inches long. There was so much of that fish that went back to nature. Oh well live and learn right here on PA.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 25, 2014, 04:56:06 pm
You don't have to tan the hides to use them as a bow backing.  Just skin them, scrape all the meat and fat off, then tack them down on a board to air dry.  I did some walleye skins that way. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Zuma on April 26, 2014, 12:08:28 pm
You don't have to tan the hides to use them as a bow backing.  Just skin them, scrape all the meat and fat off, then tack them down on a board to air dry.  I did some walleye skins that way.

Gracious, I don't know how many Red Drum, Black Drum, Red Snapper and
 grouper skins I could have saved. I am not much at bow building but I won't waste the skins from now on. I always fillet the skin off and then dump them in the bay with the carcase. Thanks to you guys, I have learned a lot.
Thanks Zuma
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on April 26, 2014, 12:28:25 pm
Getting ready for the Buckeye Gathering! Primitive skills camp. There for four days and then off to another shindig. The 25th anniversary of the planting of the Tree of Peace at Cal State Univ. Chico. Been working on barrettes for some sisters and when I came in to work today what did I find? SNOW! So here is a pic of the barrette piece. Tree of Peace on Turtle Island with the 5 Tribe Wampum belt. Became 6 after Tuscorora joined them.  ANd the SNOW!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on April 26, 2014, 12:29:46 pm
Nice spot there Zuma. Do you guys have a slot limit for spot tails? In SC where I fished the keepers were between 14" and 24". A few years ago I caught a 29" spot and had to release it but it was fun to catch.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Robby101 on April 26, 2014, 01:12:10 pm
Well, first thing this morning and for that matter the two days before as well, I planted trees whose shade I will never enjoy.
Probably a few hundred all told, white spruce, American Hornbeam, Butternut, Black Walnut, Locust, Crabapple, and oh yeah, a bunch of red osier shoots. Man, am I sore, but its a good ache.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Zuma on April 26, 2014, 05:24:35 pm
Ben, you work at a real pretty place.
The turtle looks cool.

Robby, planting anything gives me a good feeling. We need more trees-thanks.

Pat, I catch the redfish around the mouth Mobile Bay.
Alabama has a limit of 4 16" to 26" or 3 under  and 1 over 26".
You can catch the bulls all day long off Dixie Bar.
I have caught theem in the Chesapeake but much smaller.
Here's a King. Lots of tough skin. Not much of a pattern though?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on May 02, 2014, 06:59:08 pm
I got a bl locust ruffed out and i'm heading to a track meet before work
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Weylin on May 04, 2014, 03:00:25 am
I tillered my yew take-down recurve today. I'm planning to make it my elk hunting bow this year. Can't wait to finish it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on May 04, 2014, 11:21:30 pm
I drove home from the Classic for ten hours doing 85+.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 05, 2014, 10:04:39 am
Haven't posted in a while on this thread.

Yesterday was typical, cooked deer liver and onions, kale, white beans, corn and a baked potato. Took down my electric fence around my greens patch to mow the remnants. Don't plan on planting a garden this year, first time in 40 years not to plant one but as a single man I don't need one.

Cut out 6 turkey wings to get them ready to send to David Mitchell for processing. I think this  makes about 30 wings and 11 fans collected so far to trade on the halves for full length ground feathers.

Shot my bow one arrow at a time to work on form and try to overcome my target panic. I can  murder a target in the yard but fall apart on a 3D range. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on May 05, 2014, 11:17:56 am

Got to meet Gill Saturday night at the Classic, he looked like he needed a cold beer after shooting the range and I was honored to hand him one. Very remarkable person. He was hoping to see you there.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 05, 2014, 04:51:26 pm
Yep, Gil is cut from different cloth than us ordinary guys, a remarkable man indeed. You should read the book they wrote about his team in Afghanistan, amazing!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on May 05, 2014, 10:25:24 pm
Had the day off work after my five day stint in Tennessee. Got up late, went mushroom hunting with the wife, met my buddy and made some trades then came home to shroom, fish and Tai sticky rice balls...brocolli too. Here's a pic, not a lot, but the first for us this year. crunchy crunchy out there right now. Now that the Classic is over we need some rain. HAve a gooder, dp

Oh, was gifted this primitive knife by wildman Saturday night. Worked great in the kitchen. Need to get a sheath made. Love in it.  ;D thnx, dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on May 06, 2014, 11:48:40 pm
I taught a special needs class about primitive archery.  The class was at Burley high school.  The gall I work withs son is in the class.  It was a very good day :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 09, 2014, 04:19:55 pm
Took the day off to go through my bee hives , things are looking good so far , no swarming and they have some honey capped already , should pick up good with some rain .
Did get stung twice , first time between the shoulder blades in the middle of the back then again when I was about finished with my last hive on the left shoulder , I usually get nailed at least once .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 09, 2014, 09:45:49 pm
I spent the first half of the day ripping sapwood off some nice osage staves that Hank and I picked up on the way back from the Classic.  The whole time I was singing:

"Rack of osage
Split for me...
Let me find
A bow in thee..."
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 11, 2014, 12:18:26 pm
Shop day but not to have fun, taking apart a PTO driveshaft that has too short a inner tub, mighty hard to get the U joint out. I found I have to get the old shaft tube pressed out and a new, longer one pressed in.

Today is weld up the broken weld in my tractor's belly mower wheel support. Bottom line I am not a welder but may be able to stick things back together and make it work. It will look like an amateur did the work.

If I get the above done I am going to retiller a gift bow that the bottom limb got weak on, always the bottom limb.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 13, 2014, 09:15:02 am
I actually did an OK job on the welding.

I got my PTO shaft pressed in the yoke at a tractor shop, then it was back to the shop to drill through the existing holes in the yoke and through the new shaft for a roll pin to hold everything together. Dang, the shaft is hardened steel, wore out three bits and barely made a dent in the shaft. I didn't have a carbide tipped bit. I would sharpen a bit on my Drill Doctor and dent the shaft a little, resharpen and repeat.

Went back to the puter to look for solutions. One I found was to use a concrete bit, the other was to heat a rod red hot and put it in the hole to anneal and soften the area you wanted to drill.

I tried the red hot rod on one side of the shaft and used a 5/16" concrete bit to drill the hole, popped right through without a problem.

On the other side of the yoke I first inserted the red hot rod then tried to drill with one of my newly sharpened HHS bits, it cut through the shaft like butter.

The internet is an amazing resource for information when you get stumped.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on May 13, 2014, 09:21:18 am
The only issue with annealing that metal is it will stay that way Eric. Unless you heat it up red hot and then quench it with water, it remains soft after heating. You may find those holes elongating and stretching on you, better keep an eye on it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 13, 2014, 12:47:18 pm
Rolled out of bed late this morning, 4:30.  Late because I was supposed to be in the woods by then.  Scouted a few roost sights for turkeys, mixed results.  Best news, there is another gobbler taking up residence on the classic 1-2-8 Roost Site, my all time favorite place.

Iowabow may be arriving as early as tomorrow evening, so he may be doing the 1-2-8 Tiptoe Under The Roost Dance as early as Thursday morning!  If the bird is on the roost and we do our part right, I can guarantee an OPPORTUNITY.  Won't say I guarantee a shot, but he and I both only care for the opportunity, the chance, that's all.  Anything more is just a bonus!

Wish him luck!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 13, 2014, 08:01:03 pm
The shaft is pressed into the yoke and is like a three corner star in shape and can't rotate, the roll pin is an after thought, no way the shaft can move in or out in the yoke to elongate the pin holes as it has an inner shaft it slips over with 4" play to absorb any shock or movement.

I am a pretty good mechanic, started on hueys and loaches in the sixties, could tear them down to the smallest part and put them back together. Did my own auto mechanicing for a lot of years before I got too lazy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 15, 2014, 10:17:56 pm
Today I finished shaping the tips and handle on my daughters bow.  The mail lady dropped off my new canadian rasp just in time to shape the handle.  It worked great.  It cut my handle shaping time in half.  I sanded her bow and sized the back before dinner.  I got some help gluing the skins down.  After we were done she said "Daddy, thank you for making me a new bow".  I could tell she meant it.  Daughters sure have a way of melting your heart.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Gsulfridge on May 15, 2014, 10:51:17 pm
Thats great Clint! 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 17, 2014, 05:15:37 pm
Miss Glenda went through a Barbie Doll phase, none of her kids wanted her collection after she passed, my granddaughter took a pile of them home with her the last time she was here.

I didn't know how many there were still in the house until I started pulling the sealed boxes out of the closet today, there were 4 big boxes full of them.

Miss Glenda's favorite charity was St Jude so I inventoried the Barbies, put them in 4 different boxes, took pictures and posted each box stuffed with of Barbies individually on the TG St Jude auction. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on May 17, 2014, 09:26:29 pm
that's awesome Clint and I know what ya mean , didn't have any daughtersbut got a couple a granddaughters and they can talk me into most anything
Eric that is a great gesture
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on May 18, 2014, 03:31:33 pm
Split my first ever osage log today. Got it from a buudy who cut it 5 yrs ago and has been in his basement. It's only 50" so looks like I'll be starting on some short bows. Built me a cull this weekend too. Got me a cull and a tillering tree, a leather covered jaw vise and now some staves and two already started reason for me not to start throwing shavings. dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on May 18, 2014, 03:38:05 pm
Looks like some nice osage there, Derik. Nice score.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on May 18, 2014, 04:06:43 pm
Nice look'n staves ya got there, Derik
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 18, 2014, 04:54:14 pm
Nice to see you still have the bow building bug Derik. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on May 18, 2014, 05:10:54 pm
Thanks Guys!

I thought you might be pleased Clint.  :D :D

Just set my tree up and cleaning up a space in my cluttered barn.

Schools out in two weeks!!  ;) dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stringstretcher on May 18, 2014, 05:49:36 pm
Some of those would also make some great billets to get you a longer bow as well...nice looking osage...congrats
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 19, 2014, 01:02:26 am
Between chores around the house , fire meeting , and getting called into work I found just enough time to get squirrel season off to a start , first shot nice young squirrel , missed two older ones , they were a little smarter than the young one and stayed tight to the trees and didn't give me much is a shot .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on May 20, 2014, 10:50:26 am
Good shooting Poggins.  looks like a nice little snack. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on May 20, 2014, 11:23:49 am
I just got back from a fantastic Drummond Island (Michigan's U.P) fishing trip and had to start packing up for the Marshall Michigan shoot. It never ends...;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on May 20, 2014, 11:29:17 am
I just got back from a fantastic Drummond Island (Michigan's U.P) fishing trip and had to start packing up for the Marshall Michigan shoot. It never ends...;)

Good for you PD! Sounds like your spring is starting out right! dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 29, 2014, 12:01:56 am
Went through my bee hives and pulled a full super of honey that they had capped already , they have a lot more but they don't have it capped yet.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 29, 2014, 10:10:58 pm
We found a small rabbit in the yard today.  It was all I could do to keep the wife and kids from bringing it inside and keeping it as a pet.  We put it back where we found it.



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 29, 2014, 10:37:03 pm
Worked beehives today. The two that survived the winter were in great shape, lots of drone cells and even more capped brood cells.  The two new hives were doing ok.  One is producing comb, honey, and brood.  The second new hive got off to a rough start and had a dead queen on arrival. We released the new queen today after being in a cage in the hive for a week.  Not sure what was happening, but it looked like she was getting stung by the workers.  Kinda has me worried.

Then while working the hives, my dog disappeared.  We spent two and a half hours driving around to the various farms in the area calling for her without finding her.  Drove back to my friend's place where I keep the bees and called again. I heard a faint whimper and found her inside a livetrap big enough for skunks and small raccoons.  I have no idea how she fit in there in the first place, but she had then found a way to turn to face the entrance of the trap!  I swear this dog is as flexible as a nightcrawler!

Thank God she has finally whimpered and we could locate her.  Not a good way to lose a dog.  My friend felt so bad about my dog getting trapped in his livetrap that he gave me a grocery bag full of his asparagus!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: stickbender on May 30, 2014, 12:09:53 am

     so how did you distract your buddy, to have enough time to put your dog in that live trap.  Man that is a lot of asparagus!   :o  Poor dog!  Man just pay him for the food, don't play the pity the poor dog routine.  The dog will thank you for it, by moving over into your neighbors yard, for his morning land mine planting.  Also maybe you had two queens in your hive, and they chose the other, and was running the queen out of the hive.

Glad you found your dog.  that would not be pleasant to spend much time in like that. ;)

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on May 30, 2014, 06:04:06 am
Happy to hear Ya found the Dog JDub !
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 30, 2014, 09:18:59 am
Had my friend Rick down from Nashville for a day of bow building instruction. I showed him how to chase a ring on osage, how to splice billets, my bow lay out method, and how to straighten and remove twist from a knarly osage stave. It was a fun day, I sent him home with an osage bow blank we created and an osage stave to practice on.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 30, 2014, 05:29:40 pm
JW , I'd check the hive in a couple of days and see if the queen is ok , sometimes when a hive goes without a queen for a while you will get some laying workers and they may not except the new queen , you can shake the bees out on a sheet a little ways from the hive and the workers wii go back but the ones laying wont , at least it has worked for me .

I mowed all day at work and after I got home I took a shower and was going to start extracting the super of honey I pulled ( had a fan blowing through it to get the pine needle smoke out ), stepped outside and had a swarm comming out of one of my hives , ran and got the water hose and sprayed them with water to try and get them to settle on a limb so I could get them in a box .
They settled on a limb about seven feet high and while I was getting the ladder and a frame of brood from another hive ( I have had good luck using a frame of brood to catch swarms , I can set it in a bucket and hold it under the swarm and they will go right in to cover the brood , helps keep them in their new home also ) and noticed the swarm had started to fly agine , I watched them and noticed they were going back to the hive , I must have chaced the queen back in with the water hose .
I split the hive .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 30, 2014, 08:45:54 pm
We are going to try the knock and listen trick.  A hive with a queen will settle down after about 3 minutes, but if it continues buzzing for much longer it is because there is no queen to tell everyone to settle their hash. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 30, 2014, 10:33:25 pm
Sometimes when they are queen less they will be noisier than normal , also if there is a queen laying in the hive they will be bringing in lots of pollen .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on May 31, 2014, 11:39:41 am
I was gonna mention the laying worker too.  Supposedly shacking them on the sheet works, the laying worker is too heavy to fly. A laying worker will only lay drone eggs so if your hive is full of drone brood w/ no worker brood, that could be a sign. dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 31, 2014, 02:23:16 pm
Every frame with drone brood had worker brood, and sometimes lotsa capped worker brood. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on May 31, 2014, 08:29:42 pm
Sounds like you have a queen in there .
Still haven't had a chance to extract the super of honey I pulled , got a call from a freind that's dozing the cedars on his place and they found a bee tree , didn't push the tree . The tree is a dead blackjack and looks to have a good sized colony in it , a bit mean right now but that may be due to loosing the cedar that shaded them , I sujested leaving it be for now and my brother mentioned maybe cutting the top off just above the cavity and putting a board over it to keep the tree standing longer , that got us to thinking about adding supers on top that we could rob honey with , the owner was quite happy with that idea and even offered to bring a backhoe or lift out to work off from .
The tree would be easy to get with the backhoe there , could cut the top off and tie a chane on and cut it off at the ground and lay it over gently to open it up .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on June 02, 2014, 12:45:48 am
just got back from taking two of my grand kids to their first black powder rendezvous, 6 and 8 year old boys and after shooting the archery range, hawk n knife and rifle with them both and me doing it all to my  A$$ is dragging, i'll post pics but they placed 1st and second archery, and the older on levi took second in rifle, hell my wife even took third in archery great weekend and i'll post pics later
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on June 02, 2014, 03:58:42 am
Way cool Bub ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buffalogobbler on June 02, 2014, 09:26:51 am
Looking forward to the pics bub, I've got all of my stuff ready to go, the first rendezvous of the summer in our area is next weekend, I can't wait!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on June 02, 2014, 03:41:38 pm
You need a "#1 Grandpa" plate for your truck bub!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on June 02, 2014, 03:48:04 pm
Wife and I got 25 miles in on the bicycles today.  Got to start getting  in longer miles as we prepare for a week long bike trip in 2 weeks.

Riding in Ohio so I will have to hide my UM bike jersey's, LOL
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on June 03, 2014, 02:49:31 pm
Part of the 22 pints of honey I put up over the weekend , pulled more yesterday evening and need to get all of the early honey off they have capped to make room for the clover that's blooming ( I planted about five acres ).
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bowtarist on June 03, 2014, 08:13:56 pm
SWEET Poggins! pun intended.  ;) dp
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 04, 2014, 10:29:49 am
Pulled my camper to Tannehill park for the Hill Shoot. You have to go early to get a prime camper spot. As soon as I parked it I turned around and headed home, too much to do at home to sit alone in my camper for three days waiting on the tournament to start.

Any of you that want to see my smiling face, I have the Cougar fifth wheel parked a little south of the bath house, drop by for a visit.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on June 09, 2014, 01:15:34 am
Well , been the same think most evenings , gather the tools up , fire up the smoker and dive into a hive or two . Been averaging between 15-20 pints each time , may have close to 24 pints of honey this evening , this may be a very good year for my bees ,my clover is blooming and all 4+ acres realy gets to buzzing around noon when it's not raining .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 09, 2014, 09:48:25 am
Great time at the Hill Shoot, saw so many friends and made some new ones, I shot pretty well which made the weekend more enjoyable.

I have my camper parked in the driveway and am ready to kick back and catch up on my sleep.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on June 09, 2014, 11:54:58 am
I split and cleaned up some elm billets I was given. Turns out my two billets are really four with a cleverly placed wedge! All are spotless clean and straight. Should make for some sweet billet bows.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on June 10, 2014, 05:03:08 am
I really like it when those "Greed" splits work ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Crogacht on June 10, 2014, 07:50:47 pm
Not enough bowmaking/fletching/knapping/woodwork/hiking!!! That's what I did today :P

Anyone got any spare time they could send over, I'll pay shipping?  ::)

Barely have enough time for bows, then I think hmmm I need some arrows, and then hmmm, knapping looks pretty fun, and hmmm haven't taken the bike out for awhile.  :laugh:

Oh well, a young family will do that, just have to enjoy it while you can I suppose because one day you won't be able to.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on June 11, 2014, 09:29:25 am
I was lucky enough to spend a few hours with DQ at my place shooting bows, talking bows and looking at bows..:) DQ is one of the most interesting guys I talk to. I enjoy every visit!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 13, 2014, 04:54:19 pm
Spent the day with my Dad and my uncle from Texas.  He is visiting and we always go play a few rounds when he is here.  We both birdied this hole. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on June 14, 2014, 09:08:51 am
You're a man of many talents, Mr. Outlaw!! ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Zuma on June 14, 2014, 10:34:19 pm
I grew monkey feet and tail.
I should start a thread. lol
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 14, 2014, 11:59:00 pm
You're a man of many talents, Mr. Outlaw!! ;)

For a short round guy I can hit a golf ball.  Now if I can just figure out how to putt halfway decent.

Nice perch Zuma.  Deer stand?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Zuma on June 15, 2014, 12:38:16 am
You're a man of many talents, Mr. Outlaw!! ;)

Nice perch Zuma.  Deer stand?

 LOL Bears walk all over there. We don't kill em. Beverage stand I guess.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on June 15, 2014, 01:20:39 am
short round guy, sounds like 90% of the pga tour :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Parnell on June 15, 2014, 03:18:53 am
You're a man of many talents, Mr. Outlaw!! ;)

For a short round guy I can hit a golf ball.  Now if I can just figure out how to putt halfway decent.

Nice perch Zuma.  Deer stand?

I play golf, hombre.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 19, 2014, 11:02:34 pm
Cooked the last bit of deer meat from last season tonight when I got home from work.  This was from my first selfbow kill.  Going the next three months without deer meat will be hard but I think it makes me a better hunter.  When opening day gets here I will be a fine tuned deer killin' machine  ;D   

As the deer was cooking I skinned a roadkill snake.   Couldn't ask for a better evening  :)

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on June 24, 2014, 07:16:11 pm
I've had this log layin on the ground for a few months and finally got around to checkin out its inards. Even though splittin, debarkin, and sealin are my least favorite parts of this hobby, the rewards make it well worth the trouble.

( (

( (
( (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on June 24, 2014, 08:51:12 pm
 :o Scott.........really like your make shift shaving horse, that's cool .. 8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 24, 2014, 09:50:20 pm
Nice log Scott!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 24, 2014, 10:16:52 pm
:o Scott.........really like your make shift shaving horse, that's cool .. 8)

Really helps him barrel right thru those staves!   :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on June 25, 2014, 12:04:56 am
I was a little worried that they were gonna be buggy, but I didn't find a single hole! The barrel idea was fine, but I ended up just leaning them against the tree and working the bark off. Sealed em up with wood glue and they're goin in the shed.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 25, 2014, 12:22:12 am
I can tell by the white pines in the background you don't live in the south where osage with the sapwood left on, even well sealed, will check while you are watching it.

I would be getting that sapwood off regardless.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 27, 2014, 10:16:01 am
Too much stuff going on to put down daily so I will compress it down to a day.

Put in a huge Ft Knox gun safe for my flintlocks. I had to put 4, 15K lb screw jacks under the floor to support it (tight crawl space). Next I had to put two 4X4s under the floor to bolt it to. I probably belly crawled into this tight space 15 times before I got the job done. Recut the shelves in the safe so my long rifles had enough room to go in the safe. I redid the carpet and trim to look like a factory job.

Put sod on my wife's grave, they flip flopped the top soil and the red clay when they filled it so the zoysia grass around the rest of the cemetery wouldn't  spread onto the grave.

Redid the landscaping around the house, had the ground leveled and zoysia grass sod laid down on half of my large front yard.

Saved seed from my spinach and kale patches, lots of seed, was a pain to separate the seed from the chaff.

Blueberries are getting ripe so I have been picking and freezing every few days.

Worked all day with bow students on several occasions. Fixed and adjusted several bows for folk.

Headed out today to the Catch-A Dream shoot in Enid Ms. so I can get away from all the other projects staring me in the face.

I cut 3 medium sized oaks in the front yard and cut them into firewood lengths. Gave away the stuff that didn't need to be split but have about 2 cords worth of big stuff left, I will borrow a friends splitter, split it into firewood and give away.

I have 8 more medium sized oak trees to cut alongside the house. Anybody need red and white oak bow staves, come get them.   
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TRACY on June 27, 2014, 11:18:08 am
Clint you use osage drivers? >:D

Eric, I'm wore out just reading everything that you've accomplished in a day! Love to see picks of produce and veggie operation.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 03, 2014, 03:53:09 pm
I gave an R/D long bow and a few arrows away to my oldest (17 yrs) sons buddy. He must have shot that bow 150 times last night and the grin just kept growing! How am I supposed to take it away from him? Seems he is now eager to make his own....:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 03, 2014, 03:59:44 pm
Pearl Drums outside of an elementary school offering kids a bow and set of arrows just for a "taste".  First one is on him, freebie man, just try know you wanna...if you don't like it, that's ok, too...come on, all the cool kids are doing it!

Atta boy!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 03, 2014, 04:04:30 pm
Exactly J-dub. He listened to me ramble for 90 minutes. Keep in mind this young man has harvested a pile of whitetails already, he is a freak. We had to go through stand height, ground blinds, shot distance, sharp broad heads, shot angles, dedicated practice and all that jazz that goes with BOW hunting, and yet has nothing to do with wheely harvesting.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 03, 2014, 05:14:30 pm
When I get home from work I'll get the ribs, tri tip and chicken out for tomorrow, my son is bringing brats and stuff, then it's in the pool to goof off with my younger grandsons that we have for the week,  fun fun fun
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 04, 2014, 12:02:03 pm
Today? Nothing yet. Supposed to be HOT! Last thursday I mailed off a trade item that has taken me a year to finish. I made a redwood canoe paddle from a recycled picnic bench from Yosemite Valley. I carved a north coast killer whale into the blade. That was not my best trade in terms of the time it took me to complete. I hope the recipient is happy with it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 04, 2014, 12:34:07 pm
I celebrated the Fourth of July by grilling brats, with carmelized onions and hashbrowns with coffee for breakfast at 6:00 a.m. My neighbor called over the fence that I was killing him, his doctor has him on a strict near vegetarian diet. 

Thanks everyone that served!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Benedikt on July 04, 2014, 03:26:10 pm
I've just finished my new Black locust a few minutes ago :)
And started two new bows  ;D
Bowmaking is controling my complete life >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 05, 2014, 09:10:05 pm
That paddle came out sweet Ben, today I'm tapeing the sheetrock where I tore out the stove hearth, after that scrape of the rest of the popcorn and texture the ceiling before  i put in the flooring
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on July 06, 2014, 11:59:24 am
Went out a did some bowfishing with that short osage Molly I have been working on , it held together and worked out great for the kayak .
Got three of them out if the weeds , had several more but the weeds were so thick that by the time you got the boat to them they would tare loose , so thick that I was sliding my kayak over them to get to where the fish were .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 07, 2014, 09:53:58 am
The Alabama traditional state championship is coming up the first weekend in August, I have been shooting in it for 20 years but never really practiced like I should. This year I am setting up a 3D course in my woods so I can realistically practice for the event.

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I bought shot up targets after tournaments through the years, patched and painted them to make them serviceable, I have 18 targets now. Most of my targets cost $20 or less, the wolverine in the picture cost me $5

Yesterday I patched a badly shot up leopard that was much worse than I thought when I bought it. I used almost a full can of "Great Stuff" putting it back together.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 07, 2014, 11:48:22 pm
I had a good afternoon in the garage.  I roughed out a bow on my band saw and didn't like how narrow the limbs were.  It will make a bow, just not the one I have in mind.  I grabbed another piece and got a ring chased on it.  While I had my saw out I decided to cut a piece of the curly osage into slabs for knife handles.  I've never slabbed a chunk of wood before so I wasn't exactly sure what to do.  I just started cutting it into pieces about an inch thick.  While I was cutting them there was a nasty thunderstorm rolling through.  I like working during storms.   


They turned out pretty good I think.  It was some very snakey grain so it has some nice swirls and color in it

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 08, 2014, 11:29:39 am
Nice work, Double-O. 

I like working in stormy weather, too.  But not as much as I like camping in stormy weather.  Something plumb wunnerful about sitting in my canvas tent with the wood stove crackling while the weather does it's thing!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: okie64 on July 09, 2014, 04:00:24 pm
Nice looking slabs Clint and very nice saw. I gotta get me one of those:)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 09, 2014, 09:24:04 pm
I put a dozen 2# channel cats in the brine so they are ready for smoking.  They didn't start biting last nite until about 10 p.m.  By the time I got into their rhythm, I was outa bait and ready to go home.  Enough moonlight that I didn't have to use my headlamp, either.  Ahhhh, a wunnerful nite.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 10, 2014, 12:10:31 pm
I am setting up a 3D range in my yard and still had 3 targets to patch, finished them up yesterday.

The leopard was shot to pieces, I bought it for $20 after a tournament. Great Stuff foam works wonders, it is painted and ready for my new range. I need a cheap air brush for these fixes as a rattle can is pretty sloppy.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Fred Arnold on July 10, 2014, 12:45:03 pm
Eric, wished I could find some of those old worn out treasures around here to refurbish. I have the perfect spot across the creek and would love to do a setup like you have.

I awoke early to check storm damage from last nights hail storm and found a discarded stave in my woodpile. Can't understand why I threw this in there. 63" with some bug damage so I removed the bark and sapwood, then went down 4 or 5 rings to find a pretty darn nice stave. Even though the top rings are close it should be a good candidate for a bow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 16, 2014, 09:50:39 am
My blueberry bushes are loaded, the freezer is stocked with them and I have a lot of extra berries that I would hate to have go to waste. Today I am making my first attempt at blueberry preserves.

10 cups of blueberries, 5 cups of sugar and off we go.

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About an hour latter, SUCCESS! Perfectly gelled and with a bold blueberry taste.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Fred Arnold on July 16, 2014, 10:03:34 am
Eric, our blueberries would make green preserves this time of year. ;D
Those look delicious.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 16, 2014, 10:17:21 am
Pure distilled summertime in a jar, Eric!  A jar of those would be cherished in the Christmas Exchange every bit as much as the wildest character stave!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 16, 2014, 09:01:12 pm
so, begs the question.... do you want to trade some of that away?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: n8tr boy on July 16, 2014, 09:32:19 pm
My wife and I are camping for a week of holidays in the Temagami region of Ontario,Canada and my wife and I got to meet a Very Wonderful couple near Corbeil just east of North Bay. Yes it was with Marc & Anne-Marie St.Louis. We had a very nice afternoon chatting and touring their wonderful place. Thanks again Marc & Anne-Marie
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 18, 2014, 12:04:43 am
A friend of my brother in law gave me this lathe tonight.  Its an older harbor freight model.  Now I need to get some tools and learn how to use it.  I see some custom rasp handles in my future  :D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 18, 2014, 12:19:39 am
To start out I bought an el-cheapo set of lathe chisels at one of those roving Chinese tool sales for a whopping $9, with the plan to buy good ones later. Later I bought what was listed as a set of Craftsman chisels off eBay, when they arrived they were the exact same $9 chisels I had already, I was scammed. I sent them back.

Bottom line, you can make some fine file handles with el-cheapo tools.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Fred Arnold on July 18, 2014, 12:29:14 am
Eric, I purchased a couple different sets from Grizzly a few years ago and IMO a very good product for a reasonable cost.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 18, 2014, 09:27:59 am
I haven't looked at Grizzly's lathe tools. As far as carving chisels goes I have an abundance since I have built a few flintlock rifles lately. My best set of chisels is made by Flex Cut, really pricy, but very good stuff.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 18, 2014, 09:44:10 am
What a day, I had the trunks of three big oaks cut to firewood length sitting in my yard. Happiness is having a friend with a 25 ton log splitter who will let me borrow it. I started splitting wood yesterday and got back after it at 8am this morning, got about two cords split. Most of this wood was too big in diameter to lift onto the splitter so I had to turn the splitter vertical and roll each section into the splitter while on my knees, very tiring. 

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I like to do nice things for folk so I gave the wood to a good friend who is planning to heat his gun shop with wood this winter.

Well, I have several friends who burn wood and plan to stock them all up for the winter. I have about a dozen more trees to cut to make a fire lane/buffer zone between my house and the woods. So, I cut another large oak, It took all day to cut, split and pile up the wood as well as burn the top in a brush pile. When I finished with the wood at 5pm it was blueberry picking time, picked two gallons and went in the house at 7:30PM.

It is nice to know that this 66 year old old dude can still put in an honest days work, now pass the Advil......
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 18, 2014, 12:18:13 pm
Yep Eric - You are among those who know how to work. My dad will be 70 in March 2015 and he out works my two boys at home with  batting an eye.  He retired from Fire fighting in the USFS.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 18, 2014, 01:14:36 pm
Yeah Ben your dad looks like he could still worked a lot of young pups into the ground ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 18, 2014, 01:43:22 pm
Let's hear it for Lumberjack Eric!  Honest day's work, indeed.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on July 18, 2014, 02:18:29 pm
I have a homemade lathe at home that was inherited from the man who lived in my house before me. All of his chisels he left are also home made from old files. He was a very talented man. I also have hand made belt sanders and his son in law took a hand made floor to ceiling bandsaw with him when we bought the house. If I had 1% of the talent that man had I'd be set. He died over 10 years ago and we bought the house when his wife went into the nursing home.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 19, 2014, 10:51:27 am
It rained all day so I couldn't reprise my lumberjack roll. I cooked 14 deer sausage patties, about 5 pounds total, on the gas grill outside. I cook a lot sausage at one time and vacuum seal individual patties to speed up breakfast with precooked sausage. I had been using a George Forman type grill for mass cookings but thought a little hickory smoke added to my sausage would be a nice complement to my eggs in the morning.

After I finished with the sausage I made another batch of blueberry preserves, came out real nice. I added a little more lemon juice and got a slightly tarter jam, very good.     
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 19, 2014, 01:22:40 pm
Mmmm. little smoke on that sausage makes breakfast even better. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: nclonghunter on July 19, 2014, 01:54:01 pm
Ran 6 miles, took a shower and shot my bow for 30 minutes. It's a little after noon now so shopping with the wife.

Colorado elk will be here soon...... ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 19, 2014, 03:24:23 pm
I've been down for the last week but I managed to process some backing material, still have a few in the freezer but i'm good for now( (
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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 19, 2014, 08:17:17 pm
I reprised my lumberjack roll but only dropped a big oak and a medium cherry. I cut them up into firewood lengths but decided to take it easy and do the splitting and hauling tomorrow.

Take it easy.... that is until I looked at my pile of bark on osage under the deck while I was parking my tractor and saw mounds of dust under my billet length stuff. Dang, two matched billets had dozens of holes in each piece. Both had a big dead limb growing out of them so I cut the limb/butt ends off and could see that the wood wasp holes had gone several inches into the heart wood at the saw cut.

So much for stopping for the day, this calls for drastic measures. I took the two most bug riddled pieces up to my shop to try to split off the cores below the worm damage. Both billets were 6" deep so I started my end split on the first piece 3" down from the back and popped the core off, no worm damage at the level I split. Did the same with billet #2 and hit the last two wasp larva right in the grain I split on, mighty gratifying to squash the little buggers. I took the saved billets into the shop for several liberal coats of shellac on the backs and ends.

The rest of my billets had one or two holes in each of them so I torched the holes with a mapp gas torch which I have found in the past will stop them in their tracks. Sprayed the untouched stuff with diazonon which is probably the 5th application of the stuff on this pile of wood.

The osage wood pile is safe!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 20, 2014, 11:55:08 pm
Dang Bubby.  Those are some nice looking serpents.  Glad you are feeling better.

I had a good day in the garage.  I started out removing the bark on a hackberry stave.  Then I started tillering a kids bow.  I put that down and got out the belt sander to clean up a bow I roughed out several days ago.  Then the wife wanted me to make new shelves for her rabbits cages.  I discovered my 50? year old jig saw wouldn't run so I took it apart and bypassed the on/off switch.  That didn't work.  I guess the motor is shot.  I had to get out the band saw and change out the blade.  Then I touched up the tuning a little on it.  After I got it running smooth I finished the rabbit shelves and put them in the cages.  While I had my saw out I cut a few more osage slabs for knife handles.  Then I decided to make a new caul with more reflex.  I finished that up and it was time to clean up for dinner.  I didn't get done what I had wanted to but it was a productive day I guess.  Maybe tomorrow I'll get the kids bow shooting and get the other bow on the caul.

My old form is on the right.  I followed the Gary Davis video directions when I made that one.  The new one is like the one WillH has at Pappy's place.  I used his caul last year and really liked how the bow came out.  Thanks for giving me the dimensions Will.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on July 23, 2014, 07:50:17 am
Not today but over the weekend,.... took a couple of the grandkids camping. Great fun but a little tiring, the two of them are cousins and get along great with each other. Nate is 5 and Clohe is 4, he's super easy going and she is just
a little needy but so damn cute you can't take it. Here's a few pics. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on July 23, 2014, 12:01:53 pm
Man you hit a nice weekend for camping! Cute kids!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on July 23, 2014, 06:24:37 pm
Great pictures Greg,  cute kids and the somore's always brings out the smiles.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 23, 2014, 09:33:42 pm
Not sure who looks happier, the kids, the dog, or the wife, Greg!  Looks like you hit the trifecta!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Fred Arnold on July 23, 2014, 10:18:20 pm
That looks like a couple energy bunnies you and the wife are trying to wind down there Greg!!!  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 24, 2014, 02:02:58 am
look's like a fun time had by all Greg, them little guys can flat wear you out cant they ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on July 24, 2014, 08:13:15 am
Thanks guys.  Camping with the little ones is fun cause it reminds me of my youth, but then again at the end of a long day of play my body reminds me that I am not that young anymore. ;D ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 24, 2014, 09:25:35 am
38 years to the day the I married a great lady, happy anniversary cheryl
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buffalogobbler on July 24, 2014, 09:33:49 am
Congrats to both of you!
Happy Anniversary!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on July 24, 2014, 09:39:02 am
Yep,Happy Anniversary  bub,that is great, don't see to many last that long anymore. :)Man I got one coming up pretty soon. ??? ;) :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on July 24, 2014, 02:53:16 pm
Congratulations Bubby and Cheryl.   Marcia and will be celebrating 37 in March.  8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 24, 2014, 03:07:35 pm
Thanks Kevin, thanks Pappy and Pat, it's amazing what a good woman,will put up with when they dig their heels in ain't it,  ;D and Pat and Marcia an early congrats to you as well
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on July 24, 2014, 04:38:48 pm
Congrats to you both Mr. & Mrs. Robertson. Do something nice for the lady bub, she must be a good one. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 24, 2014, 04:50:40 pm
That she is Greg thanks, hell she went and found her own anniversary present, at a thrift shop  :laugh:
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 24, 2014, 05:21:50 pm
So your saying that poor Cheryl has dealt with your butt for 38 YEARS! She must be a good one!

Congrats Robertson's
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 25, 2014, 10:09:11 pm
Played my best round of golf ever today.  I shot an 11 over par 83 on 18 holes.  I even counted a couple water penalty shots.  I went with a guy from work.  He had a bad day and I had my best day ever.  I almost felt bad for him  >:D 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on July 25, 2014, 10:17:26 pm
That's pretty good Clint.................Congrats!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on July 26, 2014, 05:37:26 am
Got another Woodchuck yesterday afternoon. That's number three in a week - they've been tough to get this year. It came close to busting Me as I eased the backdoor open enough to shoot. Sure is nice livin in the Country ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: SLIMBOB on August 01, 2014, 08:53:27 pm
Great time with Mr. Carter last weekend in Boerne.  The wives had a "girls day" shopping, doing their thing, our boys got to get their "X-box" on, and Mr. Carter and I did what we like to do.  We sat outside in the shade of my big Live Oaks for the entire day, each working on our projects.  Curt was working down some Dogwood shafts for arrows and I am piddling with a Persimmon stave to see if I can extract a bow from the twisted mess.  I swear that some hours went by where not a word was spoken between us.  Some would find that a bit strange.  Curt and I don't count ourselves among them.  We had plenty of conversation the night before, and dinner later at Randoms with our families would be filled with all manner of chatter.  This time was just for the guys, and not much needed to be said really.  That's when you know for sure, your spending time with a true friend. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on August 01, 2014, 11:59:51 pm
That's what it all about.  8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 02, 2014, 09:03:08 am
Looks like some nice relaxing work time Slimbob.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on August 04, 2014, 08:28:49 am
Good use of a Texas summer day Slim, the kinda activity that gets your batteries recharged for the upcoming week. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on August 08, 2014, 04:22:50 pm
That looks like a good relaxing day.  That is a neat arrow Multi tool.  Is it out of bone?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: SLIMBOB on August 08, 2014, 04:32:47 pm
Yes sir.  Shin bone off of some critter.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on August 08, 2014, 04:50:31 pm
Very cool.  I still need to make me something like that.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 16, 2014, 09:52:28 am
Haven't posted in a while. I finished phase one of my logging project, cut 13 trees that were too close to the house or shading the yard so grass wouldn't grow. I split all of it but one 100ft sweet gum into firewood to give away. One huge stack is gone but I still have a pile in the yard for a friend to pick up, it measures 18ft long, 14ft wide and 5ft high, lots of fire wood. I sure got tired of cutting firewood and am glad it is over.

Today I am hooking up my bush hog and headed to the land I hunt to start getting the food plots ready to plant.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Knoll on September 01, 2014, 03:45:16 pm
Morning pot of coffee is gone.  Bed is made.  Lawn is mowed.  Weeds cleared from garden.
Time to go SHOOT!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 02, 2014, 01:33:40 pm
Started my day with coffee and Ring Chex.  You say you don't get that variety of Chex in your local grocery?  Sorry, it only comes in wood.

Iowabow brought me this stave last spring when he came out to hunt turkeys.  It had lain on the ground long enough for the bark and most of the sapwood to rot nicely.  It also checked pretty good, so I am chasing Rings and Chex.
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Taking a break to go get more coffee and some pics.  Here's where I left off:
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It's a pretty dang wide stave with probably two really good flatbows in her, if I can get below the checks in the wood.  I am quite sure I have the depth, so I am beating the heck out of things with the draw knife.  No care for growthrings or such polite niceties, just hogging wood!
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So far I have not encountered as much as a single pin knot.  Hehehe, this may be some uber-ultra-superduper-primo wood.  Or it might be a large pile of Shavings Chex. I guess we'll see if I need a big spoon or a tillering tree before this is done!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on September 02, 2014, 05:46:43 pm
I got to go to Pre-admission on my Birthday at the hospital for my surgery Sept. 23. Man, I'm kinda looking forward to it to get a break from work. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on September 03, 2014, 09:35:49 am
I missed something..... What kind of surgery are you having?

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on September 03, 2014, 10:12:18 am
Brain  >:D ;) :) Just kidding Eddie, David , Hip I think he said. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 03, 2014, 11:51:07 am
He has a bad ball joint in his rear end, causes him to get squirrely coming out of corners and uneven tire wear.  He's going into the body shop to get it replaced.   >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on September 03, 2014, 03:15:42 pm
Nope, you're all wrong! They're gonna open him up and remove his gall bladder. Said he's got a bad case of swine fever. It's a regional thing that happens around airports.  ::)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 05, 2014, 11:57:33 am
As long as they leave that "mean bone" right where it is, we are all set. He needs that to muscle bad guys around on here when things get unruly.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 06, 2014, 10:26:07 am
Dove season opens today. I found an out of the way sunflower field planted on the local wildlife refuge that is swarming with doves. Foot traffic only to the field will eliminate the majority of dove hunters who like to drive in and sit on the hood of their trucks.

The season opens at noon, back in the old days I would be in place at 11:30am, sweltering in the sun until the birds started flying late in the afternoon. Being much older and wiser I now wait until 3:00pm or so to head to the field.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 07, 2014, 09:12:35 pm
This evening I enjoyed the cool weather on the drive home from work with the windows down and Will H's music playing loudly on the stereo.  It sure brings back some good memories of the Classic. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 09, 2014, 12:24:57 am
I went dove hunting again. I got a limit (15) opening day, shot more shells than I care to admit and saw more doves than on any hunt I have been on in the past. I got ten today, shot much better than on opening day but the birds were few and far between.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 11, 2014, 12:24:33 am
Got my communal greens patch planted, 20'X60', collards, kale. purple top turnips and spinach. When The greens are ready to pick I will call all my friends and tell them to "come get them".

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 14, 2014, 08:50:10 pm
I removed the bark and sapwood off of a few staves between football games today.  This was a piece of dead laying osage I cut this spring.  The rings are a little tight  ;D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on September 15, 2014, 07:54:28 am
I'd bet that piece will make a rocket ship fast bow Outlaw ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on September 16, 2014, 11:25:55 pm
One of our OSS members has a few school kids wanting to build a few bows , he asked if any of us had some good first timer staves for sell , thought I'd try and help him out so when I got off work I started gathering a few staves up and getting them down to within a ring or two of a good ring to make sure they would work .
About dark I went down to my barn to get one of the staves ( one of the belly splits ) I cut back in Febuary of this year to check the moisture content in them .
When I went to pick one of the staves up my hand landed on a wasp , stung me on the palm below my thumb , felt like a hot nail went into my hand and took a while to stop hurting ( sorta) but my arm is swollen past my wrist and itches a little , I'm not allergic to wasp and bee stings but I do swell some aroun the spot where I get stung .

I did get the moisture checked in the stave , I cut one en of the stave about half way down from where the back of the bow would be and the meter is at 11% moisture .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 20, 2014, 11:33:06 pm
Today I took my daughter to a traditional bow shoot.  We met up with Ozzy shot the deer targets on the range.  Then we had some fun with an atlatl.  My daughter didn't want to do it at first but after she tried it once she liked it.  We had a distance contest and while walking across a dirt lot to get the darts I stepped on what looked like dry dirt and sunk up to my calf in mud.  My foot stuck tight and my momentum took me forward until I was face down in dirt.  Ozzy was to busy laughing to help me get up.  I hosed all the mud off and had to drive home with soaked shoes. 


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on September 21, 2014, 01:54:33 am
Sounds like a great day in the end Clint  ;).  Great pics
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 21, 2014, 01:10:14 pm
Looks like fun.....really hated missing this shoot.
Got'a look out for that Indiana quick sand... :) ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 21, 2014, 02:00:15 pm
Good job rocking the All Electric Amish Band Beard, Clint!  And nice work training your daughter on yet another deadly weapon.  Daughters just need those skills.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 28, 2014, 10:02:06 pm
Today I mounted a few trade points and finished preparing everything for opening day.  I can almost taste the deer steaks (

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 28, 2014, 10:08:41 pm
Nice single bevel Clint, good luck with it!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 28, 2014, 10:41:10 pm
Thanks Bill.  Are you hunting yet?  I hope you put one of your cane arrows through a deer this fall.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on October 02, 2014, 12:06:21 pm
Watched a couple of herds of elk on the hill behind the house this morning.  Rifle season opened yesterday and we had an all day snow storm so the hunters had a bad day of it.  Went into the corral this morning to feed some pellets to the horses and found two sets of mountain lion tracks coming and going in the frozen mud.  My dog tried to tell me something was up down there in the middle of the night a couple of nights ago.  Guess I should believe her when she barks in the middle of the night.  The neighbor across the river has had an up close encounter with a grizzly while cutting firewood.  It is finally cold enough to hunt so will have to get serious about cow hunting!  Just love this time of year with all the color.  So much rain made for very tall grass and now the quakies are in full color and the grass gives the country side a golden sheen.  Not seen that for a very long time!  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on October 02, 2014, 08:46:12 pm
Got released from Home Physical Therapy this morning after I walked a block with the PT without a Walker or cane. Get the stitches out next week and then Outpatient Therapy for 4 weeks.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on October 02, 2014, 08:49:30 pm
Way to go Eddie ....can't keep a good man down!  :)  I'm looking forward to a total knee soon  :-\
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on October 02, 2014, 11:00:01 pm
Thanks, Bill. I heard Therapy is a little tougher for the knee. I wish I had done this sooner, hope it works for you.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on October 02, 2014, 11:12:29 pm
that's good news eddie, dbar after two total knees and one reline i'll tell ya get it done, you will be happy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on October 08, 2014, 12:45:18 pm
Finished my latest flute!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on October 08, 2014, 09:25:44 pm
Nice looking flute and drum, Joe.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on October 08, 2014, 09:26:32 pm
Got my stitches out today. A real, standup shower sure was nice.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 08, 2014, 10:22:57 pm
Went to pick up an injured bird and when I got there I realized I had forgot to bring a crate.  It was a very upset and very strong young prairie falcon.  I put a wrap of blue painter's tape around the legs to pin them, and another around the wings to pin those down.  I pulled a leather glove over her head like a falconer's hood and tucked her under my left arm. 

Back in the Jeep and headed back to town.  I thought I was doing pretty good at staying in my lane driving with only one hand when the bird shook off the glove and attempted to eat my left hand.  I thought I was doing pretty good to steer with one knee and downshift with the right hand on the stick when I heard the WHOOPWHOOP behind me and saw the lights in the rear view mirror. 

Luckily the window was partway down because shifting the bird from one arm to the other would have looked pretty suspicious and I mighta got Fergusonned behind the wheel!  When the officer got up to the window to ask for license and registration he saw a very agitated falcon under my arm.  I was trying to come up with some line better than the ol' "Honestly, I can explain everything..." when the officer said, "Hey, you are the guy that came to pick up the great horned owl last winter!" 

He allowed me to explain why I was wandering in my lane a bit and laughed at me.  He offered to help secure the bird better so that no further incidents would arise on my way home.  The extra pair of hands and my long sleeve flannel t-shirt secured the bird and we made it home in one piece.  When I got home I realized he and I had not done the license and registration ceremony.  Sometimes it pays to be a minor local celebrity! Of course, it also pays to be polite to guys with guns and badges. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Parnell on October 11, 2014, 01:47:38 am
1st fire of the fall in southwest florida in my new shop with my dog Lou.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Poggins on October 12, 2014, 10:00:35 pm
After I came in from a morning hunt I went and rebuilt one of my blinds , with the rain moving in tonight it should wash all my activity away and be ready to hunt .
This blind I in a point of trees that splits my food plot , this should get me in range now , the old brush blind had started to collapse and the new blind is a lot bigger and is covere with one of those heavy black truck tarps , with two small openings and one larger one should give me a chance to get into position for a shot without being seen .

Also a friend of mine in Kansas ( also one of the guys that taught me how to build bows) took a doe today with a rattan bow , this is the same material we make the kids bows that we give away at OJAM , Ralph also took a turkey with another rattan bow last week .
We were working on some rattan kids bows for the outdoor expo and talked about how strong some of the bows were , at the expo a couple of the bows were well over 50# so they sat them back , one ended up at 45# at 26" after tillering and the other 50# at 26" , just shows how serious we are when we tell parents that just because we call them kids bows doesn't mean they are toys they are real bows.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on October 16, 2014, 12:13:00 am
I have been on the road for a few days. I went to fall ceremony and another NDGenous gathering to celebrate Submuloc days. Got to see my dad and my daughter. Iowa - she is about 1 hr west of Des Moines in Bayard.  Went to a NDN museum thinking we would be there for a bit. We were there for 8 hours! Totally unexpected reception and time from museum staff! I am taking a staycation this week. Need a  break from work and do not have the funds to travel. Trying to catch up on chores and craftwork for the NDN museum gift shop. So much to do... Breathe! I truly appreciate you all! Thank you for being you!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on October 21, 2014, 07:12:22 pm
Just got back from a 5 day hunting /fishing trip at my camp today ....Had my father-in-law (86 yr old), a real good friend from work (65 yr old), my two kids and their family (just kids), my wife (who knows?  ::) 29??), and my mom and dad (both 84 yrs old) out to camp.  had lots of fun........... caught lots of fish and saw plenty of deer.  Good eats, and stories around the camp fire....My buddy from work saw two big bucks an didn't get a shot.  My father-in-law, dad and I caught lots of big BG and some big croppy. 

Hate to go back to work tomorrow, but got to pay bill for a few more years... ??? :laugh:

Till next time,
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on October 23, 2014, 10:02:27 am
Went out antelope hunting after work... Got this one coming off a pea feild back on to the prairie... Rifle season
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on October 23, 2014, 12:01:41 pm
Nice one Stoker!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on October 23, 2014, 12:09:50 pm
Very nice, Leroy.

I just got back from a mile and three quarter walk up and down some small hills before I go to Therapy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on October 23, 2014, 12:37:31 pm
Nice animal Leroy

Sounds like you had a good week off with the family big guy!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Knoll on November 07, 2014, 08:30:35 am
Was informed that a grandchild, and her live-in bf, and their baby are coming to live with us for a few months.
I could have handled the news better . . . . . . . .    ::)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on November 07, 2014, 12:06:55 pm
Good Luck KNoll! My soon to be 28 yo son and his kids have been with us for the last year and a half. He got accepted for a house and is just waiting on his financier (not me) for help with the payments. Soon back to a quiet house!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 08, 2014, 05:58:21 pm
Tn M/L season opened today. My other passion aside from selfbows is flintlocks. I made this rifle from a block of wood and a pile of parts, it has never let me down. Got this 7 point with it this morning.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 08, 2014, 08:50:06 pm
Nice smoke pole buck Eric.  Should get some good meat from that one. 

Today I found a huge hedge apple while helping my brother in law look for a doe that he shot.  I normally see them softball size.  This one was closer to to volley ball size.  It was massive.  This picture doesn't do it justice.  We spent two hours looking for the doe and only found one spec of blood.  He hit the shoulder blade.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Knoll on November 08, 2014, 09:54:38 pm
Tn M/L season opened today. Got this 7 point with it this morning.
Nice shootin', Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lesken2011 on November 09, 2014, 08:30:56 am
Nice harvest, Eric. I can smell them deer steaks, now!! :P
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 09, 2014, 01:22:02 pm
Took the daughter on her first deer hunt this morning.  We have a ground blind set up in a fallen osage tree.  About an hour into the hunt a doe jogged in and stopped in front of us. We were getting ready for the shot when she looked behind her and took off again. I thought maybe a buck would be coming down the trail behind her but it turned out to be a big bobcat. It walked the trail in front of us less than 20 yards away. I've been hunting for 23 years and that is the first time I've seen one in the woods. My daughter got to see one her first time out. I was glad to share that moment with her. It didn't take long for the excitement to pass though. We are heading back out tonight in the same spot.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on November 09, 2014, 10:08:20 pm
Sounds like a great day in the woods Clint.  Hope she gets into em tonight.  Very cool seeing the cat. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 10, 2014, 02:20:56 pm
Even a nap in the woods is better than a day at work!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 10, 2014, 06:14:57 pm
Took the daughter on her first deer hunt this morning.  We have a ground blind set up in a fallen osage tree.  About an hour into the hunt a doe jogged in and stopped in front of us. We were getting ready for the shot when she looked behind her and took off again. I thought maybe a buck would be coming down the trail behind her but it turned out to be a big bobcat. It walked the trail in front of us less than 20 yards away. I've been hunting for 23 years and that is the first time I've seen one in the woods. My daughter got to see one her first time out. I was glad to share that moment with her. It didn't take long for the excitement to pass though. We are heading back out tonight in the same spot.

That's great Clint .....cherish these days Clint the days they go by very fast , it seams like just the other day my 6 yr old daughter was out hunting squirrels with me, she is 30 now....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 10, 2014, 06:20:28 pm
Just got back from deer camp....Saw quite a few bucks chasing does......father in law and I ended up shooting three does, I using my muzzleloader.....yes I know, I need to get in the woods more with my bow........... Caught a few fish also....sorry no pic this year.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 10, 2014, 08:04:32 pm
Friday I mowed my lawn.

Today I shoveled snow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 10, 2014, 08:35:21 pm
Good job on the doe Bill.  Not every deer in the freezer has to be put there with a stick and a string.  I know some of mine aren't  ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on November 11, 2014, 01:08:30 am
been spending sunday evenings at the BMX track two of my grandsons started racing they seem to be doing alright( (
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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 11, 2014, 08:33:49 am
Very cool Bubby. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 13, 2014, 01:53:11 pm
That's cool bub, bet youd rather see them riding bikes instead of bulls!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on November 13, 2014, 02:02:53 pm
Thanks Clint, you got that right Pearl
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 15, 2014, 08:53:20 pm
Took my son out this evening for the opener of gun season.  He was using the same 16g single shot that I killed my first deer with.  We had a nice 2.5 year old buck come in at 30 yards.  He dropped the hammer and the buck spun around and took off.  We went and searched the area where he was standing.  I found his slug laying on the ground with a piece of osage bark stuck in it.  A clean miss for his first shot at a deer  :(   I was proud of him anyway.  He stayed calm and didn't get nervous.  Maybe he will have better luck next weekend.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 15, 2014, 09:04:06 pm
Better luck next time......Clint remind your son,  just to squeeeeeeeeeeze the trigger... ;)  I know I had buck fever the first time I put sights on one 25 yrs ago, and I still have a little even this year....Tell him it happens.  deep breath, let half of it out, and squeeeeze.  :) ;)
Till next time,
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: koan on November 15, 2014, 09:04:44 pm
Thats cool clint.... Brian
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 15, 2014, 09:10:28 pm
Thanks Bill,  I'll tell him.

Brian, It would have been cooler to find the slug with blood on it   8)  It was a quick way to confirm a clean miss.  That is the second time I have found a slug someone missed a deer with.  I guess the trees on our place like to jump out in front of them  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on November 17, 2014, 12:35:02 pm
Should have taken that Osage tree home and skinned it and quartered it just like you would have that deer.  ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 17, 2014, 07:36:23 pm
Clean kill or a clean miss.  I'll take either one.  It's that stuff in between we all work to avoid. 

Better luck next time to the lad!  Sure glad he has a damn good Dad that is mentoring him thru the rites of passage to becoming a grown man. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 18, 2014, 10:01:09 pm
Just finished a 72 cal smooth bore patterned after one made in 1760. I took me a while to find out what load in it to get it to shoot a round ball accurately.

The gun is an American fowler of English influence that would have been carried by men of the upper north east section of America during the revolution. I made this gun with a 38" barrel so it would be a little more handy in the woods. Originals would have a barrel in excess of 46" and would have given a lot of red coats a dirt nap back in the day.

Took it to the woods this evening, it got the job done.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on November 18, 2014, 11:09:41 pm
very cool Eric, great looking deer and smokepole
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on November 19, 2014, 01:58:14 pm
Very nice work Mr krewson! Nice rifle too! I can try to get a pic of one we have in our musuem in the NDN house diorama.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 19, 2014, 08:55:50 pm
.72?  What's that, pert near an ounce and a half slug?  What the heck are you compensating for?   >:D

(Pssst, guys, Eric is really a huuuge Miley Cyrus fan.  He calls this gun "Wrecking Ball")

Took me a while to figure out was at the base of the buck's throat.  Finally the string gave it away, hehe.  I then quickly applied the palm of my hand to the forehead.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 20, 2014, 12:11:47 am
a .690 ball weighs 485 gr, a .700 weighs 511gr.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on November 20, 2014, 10:17:40 am
Very nice Eric.. Congrats on the harvest.. Gun is a beuaty
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 26, 2014, 09:59:58 am
Another one; I shot this doe yesterday with a .44 flintlock a friend gave me years ago when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. For the flinter guys, it has a Bill Large barrel, Bob Roller lock, the most striking piece of birds eye maple I have ever seen in a stock and will shoot through the same hole at 50 yards.

I need to get my shoulder fixed and wanted to fill the freezer first, done deal, I am off to see the surgeon in a few minutes.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on November 26, 2014, 10:03:46 am
Congrats o the doe.. Good luck with the surgeon
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 26, 2014, 07:31:38 pm
Well, the deer keep coming. I was leaving the house to go to lunch today and noticed a just hit doe along side the road that wasn't there a couple hours earlier.

I went back to the house and got my truck(with the deer hoist in the back), loaded her up, took her home, skinned her then quartered her using the gutless method( a good idea on road kills), this one had an obviously busted gut inside.

I called my friend Darin who was looking for a deer and was glad to have her.

I hate to let a deer go to waste;

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 26, 2014, 10:53:50 pm
Eric, thanks for showing these pork eaters what a decent gun should look like. 

Good luck with the surgeon, hopefully you don't come home in a cooler like the shoulder of that deer just did!  Keep us posted, ok?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 27, 2014, 12:20:05 am
JW, you have probably seen the wood in my gun because I have posted it before but here goes, forend;

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on November 27, 2014, 05:54:46 am
WOW - stunning Eric. Best of luck with the shoulder. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on November 27, 2014, 11:45:16 am

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on November 27, 2014, 12:59:29 pm
Well today is my Monday this week. I got a tree program at 2pm. My dad came down a week ago and has been helping me get my chores done. Got some details that been waiting five years done inside the house - wife is happy! Got a few other things done here and there. Was 71 at the house yesterday. What happened to winter? Saw a nice bald eagle on the way to work this morning!

When you all feel like traveling come visit me in Yosemite National Park!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on December 21, 2014, 06:04:45 pm
Just fleshed 2 deer hides and grained one, need to grain one more deer and skin a muskrat then call it a day.   I might have to leave the deer hide for tommorrow, graining is a workout for me. Later Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 29, 2014, 09:32:36 am
I waded into my osage billet pile the last few days just to see what I could sorta' match and turn into bow blanks. I cut and spliced together two blanks, not great stuff but will make bows.

On a side note; I was bending the deflex out of a billet with heat that started cracking. I filled the crack with superglue and got a face full of superglue fumes from the hot wood, big mistake, felt pretty ill for the next few hours. Just a heads up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on December 31, 2014, 08:46:39 pm
Pork Eater :o, I resent that, JW. I've killed a few porkies with my William Large barrel, also. ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 01, 2015, 11:55:54 am
Well not  today, but - on my days off I hand pulled my pump from the well, 130', took it to the local plumbing and electric supply and got the pump checked out and re-wired. took it home, put it back in and my neoghbor came and hooked the wiring bcak up to tha power and after a week and a half I have water back in my house! Yeah!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on January 03, 2015, 05:42:16 pm
Just got through cleaning and putting new line on 5 bait casting rods and reels and 4 ultra lights.  Also went through the six tackle boxes I have and consolidated them down to one.  Now...I'm ready to do some early spring fishing!!!!!! Can't wait!!!  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 03, 2015, 06:52:31 pm
Sounds like you are ready to set a few hooks Bill.  Good luck!

Yesterday I got a deal on an old vise I found on Craigslist for $30.  Its a 5 1/2" matco, made in the USA.  It was missing the jaw pads.  Today I made some new pads and swapped it out with my old Crafstman that I was using.  I had the new pads fitting perfectly.  I went to install them when I realized I had counter sunk the holes on the wrong side.  I was steaming mad at myself  >:(   I quickly fixed it but the fit wasn't near as good as it was the first time.  Its bolted down and ready to go. 


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on January 03, 2015, 07:15:51 pm
Nighty fine job there, Clint.  That vice looks like it belongs in your shop...... :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 03, 2015, 07:40:07 pm
Nighty fine job there, Clint.  That vice looks like it belongs in your shop...... :)

I guess it does blend in with all the other second hand tools  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on January 07, 2015, 08:38:50 pm
I heat treated a yew bow today. One of the most mind numbingly boring jobs. About halfway through a grouse hit the garage door full tilt boogy. :o :o :o  Scared the crap out of me. Took my mind off the boredom for a bit. :D :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 14, 2015, 10:34:59 am
I wiped the 9th coat of tung oil on a 50 cal Hawken stock I refurbed. Im thinking 9-10 coats will be good and then Ill add several coats of BC gunstock wax. Its a 1973 TC. There is just something about that calf poop yellow factory finish that is ugly to me. I had to get it off. I left it natural walnut, no stain. Here it is naked. Not a great piece of walnut, but decent.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Aaron H on January 14, 2015, 01:11:12 pm
Very neat Chris
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on January 14, 2015, 02:52:22 pm
Looks good Chris
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on January 14, 2015, 05:53:20 pm
That should work....
Percussion or Flinter?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 14, 2015, 09:33:45 pm
That should work....
Percussion or Flinter?

Per-cussing or flincher?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 15, 2015, 08:15:10 am
Capper fella's. Im looking at a twin to this gun in .54 cal. I think its within a year one way or another in age as well. I thought about switching all my furniture out with wax cast, but decided to take that cash and chase the .54 down rather. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buffalogobbler on January 15, 2015, 09:37:31 am
Looks like a fun project Chris.
I have a 54 cal. that I built from a kit in the early 90's, it's a very reliable gun.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on January 15, 2015, 12:14:49 pm
She'll look good when done.. I got the 50 TC flinter.. Alotta fun
Poured 74 lbs of pure lead ingots.. Most of it was plumbing outta old places.. Cut all the solder joints off.. Use that for something else.. I know it'll make crappy balls ::)
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 20, 2015, 06:47:35 pm
Today I traded this


For this, a 6x48 Grizzly belt sander with a 3/4 hp motor


Its a little rusty and dusty but it runs like a champ.  I owe him another truck load of fire wood.  I already have it cut and split, just need to bring it to him.  Don't laugh at all my straps.  It needs to withstand the 75 mph ride home.

I also delivered a wizard staff to a guy at work.  He bought me a couple of books in exchange for making this for him. 



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 20, 2015, 07:09:41 pm
I did rehab. Had my shoulder reworked last Friday, bummer. It is going to be a long rehab program. I have a machine called a passive motion machine that I have to stay on 4 hours a day, using it is about as exciting as sitting in a Dr office waiting on an appointment and just as boring. I have a almost a couple of hours of rehab exercises to do every day as well.  One thing, when I completely recover I should be able to shoot my bow and pack a treestand with out pain.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on January 20, 2015, 07:52:29 pm
they got you doing the itsy bitsy spider up the wall yet Eric
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on January 20, 2015, 08:08:23 pm
Great trade Clint........ :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: missilemaster on January 21, 2015, 08:12:33 am
Someone made out like a bandit! ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Aaron H on January 21, 2015, 09:45:34 am
A ryobi for a grizzly, good trade Clint
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on January 21, 2015, 07:15:40 pm
Someone made out like a bandit! ;)

An "Outlaw"   ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 23, 2015, 11:53:06 am
Well - yesterday I went to the post office. I mailed 7 packages only one of which was not afor a PA folk. I also learned a money saving lesson.... make sure you are using a flat rate box and not a priority mailer which is the same size but does not have the words Flate Rate Box printed on it. Some were to finish trades and some just were. Ya'll have been an awesome bucnh of folks! One day I hope to meet many of you!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on February 08, 2015, 03:14:23 pm
Spent the weekend chasing birds. Had a great time and finished with 9 pheasants and 10 chukar.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 08, 2015, 04:54:50 pm
Nice pictures Scott.  Those are some pretty birds.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 08, 2015, 05:00:08 pm
Sweet i used to love pheasant hunting but about the only place to do it know are farm raised at $25 a bird used to hunt the fields on farms but just aint many birds anymore
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on February 08, 2015, 05:49:02 pm
Hey Scott,
Love bird hunting,,,,quail, grouse, pheasant, dove, love them all, but the best part of bird hunting is watching the dogs...back in the 70's my cousin had bird dogs... pointers...loved hunting behind those dogs...then the birds (quail) got far and few more fence rows (habitat) was hard to jump a covey in a day.. Still like a good dove shoot but it is a little different dogs are only retrieving no hunting/pointing.....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 09, 2015, 05:04:46 am
Thanks for posting Scott ! Old Bird Hunter here too. My Setter Izzy is 11 years old now - She and I are both retired now. We harassed the Grouse & Woodcock populations here in Michigan - no Pheasants left  :'(. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 19, 2015, 12:21:15 pm
Well not today - over the weekend. I went home for a cousins memorial service. He was a logger back home. Then we had a close friend pass. then my bosses father  passed - been a long february already as we lost several other native elders as well.

But while I was home I did get to see sand hill cranes, swans, red tail hawks and some areas with evidence of the native people that lived there long before the idea of "discovery" by folks like Chris columbus. It is an area recently reclaimed by the Mountain Maidu people from Pacific Gas and Electric. This is the outcome of litigsation against PG&E and they have to give up a bunch of their land holdings for cultural, tribal and other easements. My dad is the chair of one such committee.  Visits home are few and far between and never long enough. I think I am gonna have to change that. Will be going home for his Birthday this year as he will be 70 in March! Hope you all are having a beautiful day where ever you are!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 19, 2015, 12:27:07 pm
That's all good news about the land ben, man you have had a rough one this past year
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: dmathis992 on February 21, 2015, 12:13:25 am
Hello all,

I'm still very new to all of this but extremely interested and enjoyable. I'm in the middle of a move so didn't do much of what I wanted. Although I had to clear out all my recycleable glass so now I have around 50-60 bottle bottoms to practice on.have a buddy that owns a local bar so I pretty much never run out. But definitely a good idea on the day to day. I can learn a lot from this kind of talk.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BryanR on February 21, 2015, 03:53:01 pm
Heading for the dry cleaners this morning, my truck starts making a grinding and clunking noise.  Dashboard warning lights everywhere.  Looks like the transmission, because I can go backwards but not forward.  AAA tows me to the Ford Dealer.  A salesman at Ford gives me a ride to Sears.  Sears rents me a U-haul truck to get home.  All of this in a snow storm.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 21, 2015, 05:25:07 pm
That's a crappy day right there.  Good luck with the truck.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on February 23, 2015, 07:35:16 am
I peeled a ring off an old 90's something stave I got from Clint. Shaped her up and reflexed/tempered it. Ill add some statics to the ol' gal tonite. Been a while since I used osage, feels good and smells better.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 23, 2015, 09:18:54 am
I am in week 5 of shoulder surgery rehab, feeling much better so I tried to chase a ring on an osage stave, it was a no go, the shoulder couldn't stand any pulling motion with my draw knife no matter how slight. I sharpened all my chain saw chains so I could feel like I had done something. I have one of those fancy motorized chain sharpeners, sure does a good job.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 23, 2015, 08:41:40 pm
No sense wrecking 5 good weeks of hard work, Eric.  Let that stave age like a fine wine!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on February 23, 2015, 09:17:56 pm
Got lots of exercise pacing back and forth waiting for wood to turn brown.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 23, 2015, 09:59:34 pm
Nice set up DC!

Tonight I found yet another use for osage.  I got my truck stuck on the ice in my driveway.  I had my son come out and take the wheel while I pushed.  No go.  I went and got a snow shovel full of osage shavings out of my box in the garage.  I tossed them under the loose wheel and with a little push it caught enough traction to get moving. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 23, 2015, 10:07:34 pm
Lends a new meaning to "DON'T EAT THE YELLOW SNOW".
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 23, 2015, 10:19:03 pm
That's the good yellow snow JW.  I'm always using osage scraps around the house.  Right now our mailbox post is held up with the scraps from roughing out a bow on the band saw.  The grill is held in place with the same thing.  I use them to hold down the wife's Christmas decorations to.  Got a few hundred pounds of it in the truck bed for winter weight.  I have a new osage post cut and sealed to permanently fix the mailbox.  Just have to wait for the ground to thaw out to dig the hole.  The wife wanted another fancy post but since I'm the one doing the digging I made the executive decision to make a post that would outlive me. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 23, 2015, 10:21:58 pm
Good grief, your gonna waste solid gold making a mailbox post???   :'(
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 23, 2015, 11:39:16 pm
Yep.  Its not good bow wood.  Its got crazy grain and splits about as easy as splitting a steel pipe. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on February 24, 2015, 12:19:35 am
Flash forward 75 years to

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 25, 2015, 09:44:41 pm
Flash forward 75 years to


And DC wins the Internet this week!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Aaron H on February 26, 2015, 12:20:42 pm
That will be a cool looking mailbox post
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 01, 2015, 05:47:54 pm
I was playing around with a tortoise shell trying to make a turkey call today. I saw one an old man had made that had a wood sound board instead of a slate, his piece of wood was glued in with a bunch of epoxy, sounded good but looked sloppy. I wanted to make one without the epoxy and found with a little grinding on the shell you could fit in a sound board that would snap firmly in place, it was held under the lip on one end and kept from falling out by the curve of the shell on the front end.

The only wood I had big enough for the sound board was a piece of cherry and one of red cedar so I tried both. The cedar didn't have a good sound but the cherry sounded nice and was extremely loud. I experimented with different sanding grits on the sound board and found that 100 grit produced the most natural sounds when chalked profusely. I used a cedar striker for the best tone.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 02, 2015, 03:28:38 am
That's cool Eric ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 02, 2015, 09:19:41 pm
Dadgum it, Eric. Now I am et up with envy!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on March 09, 2015, 10:34:56 am
Built a loading block for the range shoots.. Birch board reclaimed from our city's office renovation.(got some tax money back).. Glass bead for the eye.. Supposed to look like a sturgeon
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 09, 2015, 04:06:03 pm
Those are some mighty big holes, what cal are you shooting?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on March 09, 2015, 06:27:54 pm
50cal. I did champher the holes a bit.. Drilled out at 1/2''
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 10, 2015, 04:30:58 am
Cool - I like that ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 11, 2015, 09:34:22 pm
I went on a little walk today and found a nice shed with 6 points on it.  My niece found the other half last week while sled riding.  My brother in law took her for a walk through the creek bed today and they both found a stone point.  We have found 8 or 9 points on our property over the last 30 years so its pretty cool they both found one today.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on March 11, 2015, 10:30:37 pm
Still part of the old "Hunting Grounds". Nice finds all around.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: IdahoMatt on March 12, 2015, 12:24:36 am
Very cool Clint.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 12, 2015, 09:28:28 pm
Took this picture out the truck window with my cell phone as I pulled onto the road that I live on.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on March 13, 2015, 12:13:11 pm
The last two days there was a broken Verizon router in our government system - so there was no computer access for the last two days. Back up this am! Oh - did y'all hear about the guy who thought he was the best archer in the WORLD! Yeah, he was pretty "arrow-gant" ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 14, 2015, 05:16:55 am
That's funny Ben  :laugh:! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 15, 2015, 09:56:26 pm
Had another good day of walking in the woods.  I found a stone point in the creek bed, an old chewed up shed antler, and a small osage burl.  I went ahead and cut the burl because I saw bug holes in it.  I sliced it up and sealed it.  Should make some cool looking knife scales.







My brother in law found this point.  It was made from a big flake.  One side looks like a regular stone point and the other is smooth and concave.  Its the first time we have found a point made like that. 



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 15, 2015, 11:30:59 pm
Sounds like a great day, i think lots more points were made like that than not Clint
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 16, 2015, 09:55:15 am
Your point is actually a scraper made to fit the users fingers, I have found a bunch of them over the years.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 16, 2015, 06:41:55 pm
Today was a milestone day for me. I grew up in a small town in North Dakota, but left there after my freshman year of high school. Our family bounced around and I ended up in four high schools in four years before graduating. After that, I continued the lifestyle of a rolling stone for a good while before I came to rest in the Black Hills.

Most of you know I run a conservation and wildlife education non-profit that works with raptors and we give a LOT of school programs.  This last fall I got to work on setting up a tour of programs through North Dakota. Two weekend sport shows bracketing a week of school programs.  Two days of those programs are in my old home town.  When I left, I left behind a lot of hurt and pain, some very bad memories a child should never have to endure. 

Today I ran thru 5 presentations for these kids.  After each presentation, I explained to the kids that I grew up in their school, I walked those halls.  I told them about how I had some big dreams and plans for my life....and while some didn''t come true many of them did.  I asked them if they had any plans, any dreams and if they thought they could make them happen.  It turned into a pep rally each time and each grade left the auditorium excited with the idea that THEY HAD PERMISSION TO SUCCEED.

Circle of life.  I chose to not have kids and don't necessarily even like kids. But maybe I can inspire someone else's kids.

Thank you, Mr. David Loock, for all you did, and all you said, and all you implied.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on March 16, 2015, 10:41:51 pm
sunday my three youngest grandkids spent the day, the 8 year old Levi and me were outside eating lunch with our feet up on a section of tree trunk and levi kept saying, "what could we make with this log" , I finally got up and went in the garage and came out with a drawknife and showed him how to use it, he worked one end and me the other till we got a decent flat spot, then I handed him the farriors rasp and showed him what do do with it, then he used the belt sander on it and I took a hatchet and made saddles in the feet logs, he wrote his name on it and I burned it in, not a lot of eight year olds know how to use a draw knife i'm guessing( (
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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on March 29, 2015, 06:49:43 pm
What a wonderful beautiful warm day!  Fed the horses and the mule early.  There were elk on the skylines on both sides of the house.  It was the first day all winter that it was warm enough to be outside with out the winter clothes so I filled a half drum with water and borax and started boiling the buffalo skull I am sending to John in Iowa for the Sacrid Station at Pappy' farm.  I dug out my knapping gear and set out behind the shop, listened to a book on tape while the skull was being boiled.  Was able to make several knives and a couple of hunting points.  Only broke half a dozen in the process.  When you get old like me it doesn't take much to make for a great day!  I hope all of you PA friends had as good a day as I did!  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 05, 2015, 04:42:54 pm
I went turkey hunting with my flintlock. I sent this as an email to one of my friends;

I built a blind on the dirt hump on the plot behind the club house where had one back in the old  days.  I set up my decoys and listened, I heard three gobblers about 7:30.One was near pea ridge road east, one about a mile south and one somewhere up the hollow behind the old club house almost to pea ridge road.

I heard a fly down cackle  right behind where the old club house was. I called a little every now and then, once the gobbler behind the club house sounded slightly closer but only gobbled once. About 9:00 I must have been caught, didn’t hear a bird come in but am pretty sure I heard it run off. It came from the direction of the club house. My blind was a little thin on that side. The wind was whipping and it was hard to hear.

About 10:00 I decided to check out where I used to hunt back behind Thomas Ray’s land where the tornado crossed Pea Ridge road. It had all been logged and most of it had been in a control burn. I walked the mgt area line instead of trespassing on Thomas’s land, it was a long walk. I saw turkey tracks but didn’t know how to hunt a burned out clear area so I kept going. I set up and called once but it felt like a waste of time.

I heard three or four shots during the morning, way off.

I dropped by to see John Thornton on my way out, he had about 15-20 turkey wings for me in his freezer.

I had my wool on because it was pretty chilly first thing in the morning, after the long walk I was overheated and didn’t feel like hunting anymore when I got back to my truck about 11:30.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 10, 2015, 02:23:26 pm
This was from yesterday.  We had a close lightening strike at work.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on April 11, 2015, 11:44:34 am
On Sunday April 12 I will be doing knapping demonstrations for the local Gem and Mineral show! We used to do them many years ago as park rangers. So this hopefully will be a first for years to come. Yeah - getting paid to beat on rocks at an alternative work site!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 11, 2015, 11:48:17 am
Dang ben not many guys get paid to nap, i mean knap on the job
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 13, 2015, 11:00:59 pm
We had someone call today wanting to donate a couple rabbits to the Black Hills Raptor Center.  I sais, sure, bring 'em on over.  She shows up with 14 HUGE Jurassic buck rabbits!  I ended up spending the whole day processing rabbits.  I put the biggest one in the pressure cooker and the rest were chunked up in 1/4 lb servings for hawks and owls.  98 servings ready for the birds.  Probably a dozen servings of bunny noodle soup for me!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on April 14, 2015, 09:12:30 am
I'm imagining the look of horror when this person figures out that you didn't keep them as pets for the visitors.  ;D :o >:D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 14, 2015, 07:30:44 pm
I'm imagining the look of horror when this person figures out that you didn't keep them as pets for the visitors.  ;D :o >:D

She knows where these rabbits goes.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on April 15, 2015, 07:34:04 pm
I've been busy since Deer Season ended.  Into bow blank mode...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on April 15, 2015, 07:38:35 pm
Wow... :o   Matt you have really been busy.................
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 15, 2015, 08:14:40 pm
I've been busy since Deer Season ended.  Into bow blank mode...

What the blankety-blank?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 21, 2015, 11:43:03 pm
My Dad picked up this giant Black Rat Snake for me today from the side of the road.  It was riper than a 2 day old diaper  :o  I tried to skin it but it was to far gone.  He picked it up in the same spot I found a huge snake a couple of years back.  This one is bigger.  Its 7' from tail to nose.  I sure wish I could have found it before it started to rot.



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 22, 2015, 08:52:13 pm
What I do today?  Lemme see...Oh yeah!  I took my flintlock .60 caliber smoothbore for a six mile walk in the woods. Some folks would have thought that what with all the camo and all, I was turkey hunting.  No, certainly not.  That would have required TURKEYS.  Apparently, the spot I went thru suffered a multigenerational genocide of the entire Gallipavo family! I got all excited, thinking I had found gobbler poop, but it was just a stubbed out butt of a Pall Mall cigarette. 

However, I did find a nice 3-4 acre meadow at the top of a ridgeline. It was crisscrossed with deer trails.  Every 30 yards there was a large ponderosa pine overlooking a saddle, a trail, or a funnel.  There were signs of last year's scrapes and they were pretty big.  Plus, there were a dozen or so smaller trees that had been rubbed to death!  I definitely wanna get back here for deer season this fall!  Gonna try to pick up tree stands this summer at yard and garage sales!  Oh yeah!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 25, 2015, 01:30:12 pm
Last night I was camped at Briarfield state park for the Children's Hospital Benefit Shoot when my camper lights went out, then my LP gas detector went off. After testing all the campground sources I decided the power problem was in my RV power converter. That plus the gas leak had me hooking up and driving the 180 miles back home for some camper trouble shooting.

No way to back my camper up my S-turn, steep driveway in the dark so I gave it a shot this morning. I hit the spot on the first try, something I had done only once before, usually it takes me 3 to 20 attempts to keep my 5th wheel off the grass when I hit that blind curve at the top of the driveway. It rained all night so a detour through the yard would have buried my heavy camper wheels to the axles.

I wasn't able to dump at the campground so I set up my emergency dump station that I pipe into my house sewer system, this took a while but got the job done. Except...... for the water running out of one of my storage compartments when I hooked up the black tank spray nozzles, dang. I traced the leak to a vacuum breaker connection under the bathroom sink, should be an easy fix.

I found the gas leak which was a BBQ grill stub connection that had somehow been turned on. There is cheap and there is cheap but the gas gate valve had probably been turned on by a stiff breeze blowing across its handle.

On to the electrical problem; Keystone hides their power converters and I haven't found it yet. This afternoon I will give it another shot. With a camper, you wake up in a different world every time you take it out of the driveway, something is going to happen that will try your patience.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on April 30, 2015, 09:39:54 am
good luck with that! better you than me!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 01, 2015, 05:15:44 pm
Anybody who goes on a tear cutting osage will eventually end up with a bunch of random billets from who knows where.

My mission for the last few months, while I was recovering from shoulder surgery, is to splice as many of these billets together as I can and get them out of the corners of my shop. These two are staves #8 and 9 with about a half dozen more to follow.

This is pretty junky wood but will make a bow. I have a friend who makes "skinny minnie" osage bows around an inch wide, these will be perfect for him, he gets them tomorrow after the glue cures.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 02, 2015, 10:59:36 am
Here are more of my "questionalble" random billet staves, I finished up two more this morning. The snaky one is a friend's stave that I laid out.  Most of the wood you see in the background consists of more random billets that need matching.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 06, 2015, 09:45:42 am
I went turkey hunting Sunday, felt poorly, things weren’t right so I drove myself to the ER. Just got out of the hospital, Dr Heaton ran me through the cath lab and added a couple of stints to my heart. I suspected things have been going downhill for a while and was about to schedule a stress test.

All is good, no heart attack, had a couple of 80% blockages, no heart damage.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on May 06, 2015, 03:27:09 pm
Glad everything is OK Eric.   I got back from the Classic with 2 swollen legs. Went to the Dr. yesterday, they took blood, I peed in a bottle for them and now awaiting the results. My heart is strong and chest sounds good. This getting older is not for sissies.  ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on May 06, 2015, 03:36:31 pm
Wife and I just got back from our first bicycle training ride of the season.  Getting ready for a 6 day 500 mile trip at the end of July. sure felt good to get out there on the bike.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 06, 2015, 08:44:53 pm
I went turkey hunting Sunday, felt poorly, things weren’t right so I drove myself to the ER. Just got out of the hospital, Dr Heaton ran me through the cath lab and added a couple of stints to my heart. I suspected things have been going downhill for a while and was about to schedule a stress test.

All is good, no heart attack, had a couple of 80% blockages, no heart damage.

Glad to hear you are still upright and taking nourishment!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Josh B on May 09, 2015, 11:55:57 pm
Aside from birthday party's and honey-do's, I managed to bottle the hard cider that I started 3 weeks ago.  I filled 22 16.9 oz. bottles with this batch.  If all goes well, these will be fully carbonated in 2 weeks at which point I will cold crash the yeast in the fridge.  Two weeks later it should be ready to enjoy.  This batch came out of the fermenter at 10% ABV.  With the honey and straight cider added before bottling, I'm hoping to end up at about the same when all is said and done.  This stuff is pretty good right out of the fermenter, but it is awesome after a few weeks.  This is my 3rd batch since the beginning of March.  There won't be any more until fall when it cools off again.  Here's the bottled batch.  Josh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 10, 2015, 02:06:45 pm
Just what the Doc ordered!

I have a small batch of mead brewing at this time, too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 10, 2015, 10:05:26 pm
Cooked a mothers day dinner for the wife today.  Marinated deer over a bed of osage coals with baked potatoes. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Josh B on May 11, 2015, 12:27:02 am
Just what the Doc ordered!

I have a small batch of mead brewing at this time, too.

Mead is on my to do list in the fall.  My brewing room is not climate controlled so brewing in the summer is out.  I get the best flavor at 65 to 68 degrees.  Much warmer than that and I start getting off flavors.  Maybe we'll have to trade recipes.  I haven't made mead yet.  If there's enough interest, maybe a brew along in the cooking section would be in order.   Josh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on May 11, 2015, 12:47:31 am
I talked  to my mom today for about 2 hours on the phone. Then went out and cut a little bow wood. Came home and when it stopped raining me and a buddy worked on some river cane shafts. Got them all straightened and the nodes all sanded down. Also worked on my first set of wild rose shafts. Worked up about 35 shafts. Now to see what I have acquired. Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on May 11, 2015, 09:02:09 pm
Cooked a mothers day dinner for the wife today.  Marinated deer over a bed of osage coals with baked potatoes. 


Clint your scaring me I see your getting good use out of your grilling basket.... ;D ;D ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 11, 2015, 10:19:06 pm
Don't get to excited Bill.  It was meat over a fire.  Can't get much simpler.  That basket works great for small steaks like that.  I can bring it to Marshall if you want.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 11, 2015, 10:31:53 pm
I am kinda concerned that the short feller has his stack of bowstaves so close to the fire grate!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on May 12, 2015, 05:28:17 pm
Don't get to excited Bill.  It was meat over a fire.  Can't get much simpler.  That basket works great for small steaks like that.  I can bring it to Marshall if you want.
I will have everything we need and some food too!!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on May 12, 2015, 09:02:21 pm
A buddy of mine gave me a call tonight and said he had a 12" dia x 7ft long straight no knot osage log to split.  Just got back from splitting 11 staves out of it got 4 real nice belly splits.  It's going to be some great wood in a few years.

Now I know,  it didn't happen unless there's pic's.  Well I've got to learn to get them off of this phone and I'll post them........give me a little time.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on May 13, 2015, 06:19:28 pm
Got the phone figured out.................and we used everyone of those tools.. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on May 13, 2015, 10:00:38 pm
Thats some nice looking sage! Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 13, 2015, 11:52:13 pm
Nice haul!  Looks like it split straight. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on May 15, 2015, 11:26:21 am
Real nice haul big guy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 28, 2015, 09:55:49 am
I started a new flintlock rifle.The first step is to fit the breechplug to the barrel, not an easy task. Both the barrel and the plug were too long, it is a green Mountain Barrel. I filed 1/8" off the barrel and plug and started the arduous task of trying to get the plug to bottom out on the breech face inside the barrel and line up perfectly with a flat on the barrel with no gap, all at the same time.

Ordinarily, one would keep the company logo that is stamped on the barrel on the bottom flat out of sight. I didn't have enough room for this fit so my logo ended up on a side flat. I peened the letters closed with a punch and filed it away so it wouldn't be visible on the finished barrel.

Two days of taking a file stroke, screw the plug in with marking dye, remove the plug and file the high spots and retesting resulted in a perfect fit. I have done two other breechplug fits that were "questionable", I took much more time on this one and all is well.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 29, 2015, 12:58:37 am
I took the Black Hills Raptor Center on the road today to the Hot Springs Veterans Administration Hospital.

I got to meet some damn fine vets.  I got to talk with them, show them raptors up close, tell really bad jokes, and tell them that I appreciate them.  I got to meet staff there that could probably make much better wages in the private sector, but they care too much to walk away from the people that need them.

Dunno if you have a VA Hospital nearby, but if you do and you are not working with their volunteer services coordinator, you are missing the boat. Repost a hundred of those chain letter "I love my vets" posts of you want, but they don't hold water. Not when there are men and women that fought and bled for your country, now are hanging on by a thread at a VA facility miles from home.  Just make a call, go visit, spend an afternoon or an evening shooting the breeze with them.  It's worth more than any million "Likes".
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on May 31, 2015, 12:00:27 pm
I took the Black Hills Raptor Center on the road today to the Hot Springs Veterans Administration Hospital.

I got to meet some damn fine vets.  I got to talk with them, show them raptors up close, tell really bad jokes, and tell them that I appreciate them.  I got to meet staff there that could probably make much better wages in the private sector, but they care too much to walk away from the people that need them.

Dunno if you have a VA Hospital nearby, but if you do and you are not working with their volunteer services coordinator, you are missing the boat. Repost a hundred of those chain letter "I love my vets" posts of you want, but they don't hold water. Not when there are men and women that fought and bled for your country, now are hanging on by a thread at a VA facility miles from home.  Just make a call, go visit, spend an afternoon or an evening shooting the breeze with them.  It's worth more than any million "Likes".

Good for you JW! Is that hot springs Arkansas? If so that is kinda in my back yard.

We have a VA close to me also. Me and a buddy try to put on a rabbit hunt every year for the wounded warrior program. We also do a huge kids hunt on new years every year. Thanks for supporting our vets, it means a lot to me and many others. Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 31, 2015, 12:17:50 pm
Hot Springs, SD.  It's a helluva nice facility on the edge of town.  The campus is really big and has broad lawns and wooded areas all around.  Hot Springs is really a little town and no hiway going thru it, so when sitting outside, you can't really hear a lot of urban noises....most time it is drowned out by the birds doing their thing! 

Apparently, people coming there for service and treatment are often from Denver and other larger cities....and about day three of the stay, they have this AHA! moment that causes them to relax and go with the flow.  They do a lot of work with PTSD therapy and such with quite a number of 30 and 60 day stays. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on June 01, 2015, 01:52:50 am
That's cool JW! Sounds like a serene place. The quite and calm is probably great medicine for them. Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 05, 2015, 09:32:33 am
I had to back off on the gun build, when I planed  cherry my stock blank I found too many flaws to continue. I ordered a really nice grade 4 curly maple blank yesterday.

I am getting the props together to shoot a Gizmo video when my son comes for a visit next week.

I floor tillered a bow blank I made of mismatched billets and found one limb was really good, strong wood and the other was like a noodle, mushy and weak. It will do for demonstrating floor tillering and using the gizmo on the long string.

I had my shoulder worked on 4 months ago, recovery hasn't been going well. I am shooting a 38# bow and didn't have anything to move up to that would be a few pounds heavier.

I was digging in my failure bow pile and found a BBO that came out way under poundage and was a real poor performer. I had heat treated the limbs and put it back in the pile.

I strung it up to check it and found the heat treating had really gotten the tiller off. I retillered it and gave it a test run. Dang, it was now a rocket launcher, a #45 rocket launcher, just what I needed for my rehab.

Yep, heat treating works wonders on a wimpy bow. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on June 10, 2015, 05:05:23 pm
Last night - it took me four hours to change the oil pan gasket in my van. 1/3 of the bolts are over the cross frame. Had to drop the starter,  and transmission cover just to get the darn thing out. I have never encountered a one piece gasket before but it did make it easy. Got done about 1130 by the time I got the area cleaned up. Alarm went off bright and early at 6am. Raining here in Yosemite at the moment sure does smell good!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 17, 2015, 12:42:30 pm
I just pulled 43 borer worms out of a single stave   >:(   It has thick sapwood and none of them made it into the heartwood.  This is from a tree I cut in March and left the top hung up in the canopy.  It finally fell down and I got the last straight section out a couple of weeks ago.  I can't believe there are this many borers in it after 2 months. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 19, 2015, 10:07:41 am
In the past I have had coons wreck my corn patch in one night. For the last few years I have put out my coon deterrent, a couple strands of electric fence at coon height. Works very well, coons apparently don't know how to jump a fence like a deer. 

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 29, 2015, 03:00:11 pm
The coon fence was a success, I froze 14 dozen ears. The Cabella's vacuum sealer is a work horse.

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 I cut the power off the the fence yesterday, the coons were in my corn patch last night eating what few ears I left.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 29, 2015, 11:08:38 pm
Nice ears Eric.  I'm going with a slightly more lethal approach to a raccoon and possum problem.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on June 30, 2015, 12:49:37 am
If you get any extra coon hides Clint, let me know!  >:D Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 30, 2015, 09:46:37 am
 I trapped 9 one year with a variety of traps, it was that big yellow lab I caught that made me go to a live trap and later the electric fence. I placed a trap in the middle of a pile of tomato cages so the neighborhood dogs wouldn't be in danger, wrong! The lab was able to nose his way to the chocolate chip cookies, I had him by one toe nail. I wrestled with him for 45 minutes trying to get him out of a double spring trap, he wasn't very cooperative. I felt like I had been in an MMA cage fight after I was finally able to step on both springs at the same time and get him out. I found out later from a trapper that all you had to do was throw a coat over their head, they would then sit still and let you take them out of the trap.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 30, 2015, 10:36:23 am
Eric, check out dog proof traps.  That's what I have started using after Greg Sulfridge suggested them.  Its a small cup shape trap.  The coon reaches in to get the bait and it catches its hand.  I use nutter butters for the bait.  For some reason we are over ran with raccoon and possum.  They are destructive critters.  They cause a lot of problems with our kids 4-H animals and stuff.  I set the traps in the yard.  I've taken out 5 in the last week or so.  I'm up to at least 10 so far this year.  Last year I quit counting in the upper teens.  I don't think we have enough natural predators to keep them under control.  We are over ran with wild rabbits to.  I get trail camera pictures of bobcats, coyotes, and fox.  We don't kill any of them.  I'm not sure why they aren't keeping the smaller animals under control. 

Here is the dog proof trap that I'm using

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on June 30, 2015, 09:34:44 pm
They are pretty tasty BBQ'ed.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 30, 2015, 10:50:46 pm
I found this little guy in the back yard today.  I've never seen a black toad before. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 01, 2015, 09:31:20 am
I have seen the dog proof traps. I would rather deter the critters than have to dispose of all the carcasses. I don't skin them or eat them so I have to carry them way away from the house down in the hollow near the lake. Sometimes the coyotes with dispose of them in a day or so, sometimes they don't and a shifting wind lets me know they are still there weeks later.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: NimRand on July 02, 2015, 04:07:31 am
My Son's friend uses those kind of traps and he kept having trouble with mice getting into them instead of coons. He solve the issue by putting a golf ball over the mouth which the mice weren't able to move.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on July 02, 2015, 04:22:38 am
One or two large marshmellows jammed in the mouth of the trap (over the bait), will keep Mice from getting to the bait. Coons have no trouble getting them out. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: NimRand on July 03, 2015, 02:38:33 am
I will have to tell him about the marshmallow trick.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 04, 2015, 11:38:20 am
I got up at 2 am this morning in response to a phone call from my son. He had just crashed his car and was calling for help.  Wasn't too sure what to expect when my wife and I got there. He says someone was in his lane and he swerved and overcorrected (plus he was going way too fast) he slid through a ditch hit the berm on the outside which turned his car on its side - flew down the hill and t-boned the top of his car on a 24 in dbh oak tree. He managed to get more scratches climbing up to the road than he endured during the crash! He is fine, car is totaled.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 04, 2015, 10:45:20 pm
Ben, your kids are now banned from all driving.  If they are good, and I mean they better be dang good, buy 'em roller skates for Christmas.

(Thanks for catching my typo, Scott.  The above statement has corrected spelling!)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on July 05, 2015, 01:48:26 pm
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on July 05, 2015, 09:59:56 pm
The Merlins that nested across the street have fledged and are flying around the neighborhood.  I'll be in the shop and hear their call and try as I might I can't ignore them. I spend half the day standing in the driveway staring up. I know they are bathing in our pond but I haven't been able to get any pictures. I thought bow making was addictive but boy oh boy. My wife was trying to explain a chore and the Merlins started up and I just zoned out. She waited patiently until I came back to earth. Love those little creatures :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 06, 2015, 03:42:42 pm
This is going to sound odd for sure; I was picking corn a couple of weeks ago, wearing shorts like a dummy when a packsaddle nailed me on the leg. No big deal as I have been stung a bunch of times before by the rascals but this time it was different. For one I am now taking Plavix blood thinner so my body isn't resilient  like it once was and two, this one kept stinging me or at least it felt like it was long after I left the garden.

After being restung for a couple of days I decided the beast had left a spine or two in me, I scraped the area with my pocket knife, the stinging continued.

Yesterday I read that one is supposed to blot the area with scotch tape to remove any spines,I did and the stinging continued. Now my leg is going numb from the knee down.

Today I stopped by Walmart and picked up one of those bikini wax kits and used it on the affected area. After the first pass, which made a bare spot on my leg, I looked closely at the area and saw a tiny black hair like thing, not more than 1/64" long, sticking out of my skin. Another pass with the wax strip got it. I sure hope that was the offending spine, the leg still feels abnormal but Plavix makes one heal at a snails pace.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 06, 2015, 09:21:30 pm
I got into hunting after turning 40 and antelope was one of the first big game animals to get my attention.  Along with antelope comes cactus.

Part of my kit includes and small bottle of school glue and some buttwipe (ultra multipurpose stuff!).  When you get the big spines out, the little hairy ones get a little squirt of blue and a square of tissue.  5 minutes cure time, and lift it off!  Can't guess how many Brazillian knee waxes I have done this way!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on July 07, 2015, 04:12:40 am
Have never heard the term " Pack Saddle" before. I'm guessing that's some sort of "picker/stick tight" or Cockle Burr ? Thanks - Bob.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 07, 2015, 08:47:59 am
There are a bunch of varieties, I use the term packsaddle to describe them all even if it is only one of the many varieties.

I am pretty sure this is the one that got me.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 07, 2015, 08:55:35 am
Stinging caterpillars are nasty little critters.  I had one sting me through blue jeans when I was young.  How is your leg doing Eric?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 07, 2015, 09:38:02 am
The leg may be a little better today, can't tell for sure, some of the numbness is gone.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on July 08, 2015, 04:12:45 am
Thanks for the link Eric - hope for a speedy recovery ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on July 09, 2015, 03:23:11 pm
The Merlins that nested across the street have fledged and are flying around the neighborhood.  I'll be in the shop and hear their call and try as I might I can't ignore them. I spend half the day standing in the driveway staring up. I know they are bathing in our pond but I haven't been able to get any pictures. I thought bow making was addictive but boy oh boy. My wife was trying to explain a chore and the Merlins started up and I just zoned out. She waited patiently until I came back to earth. Love those little creatures :D

Got her today. Heard them squawking, looked out the door a there was a sopping wet merlin sitting on our gazebo. She had just bathed in our fountain. Got a bunch of pictures and then she took off to the nearest tree and landed beside her sister. You can see one is wet. Funny thing, last year I got a picture of a wet merlin on the gazebo on July 10. This year same thing on July 9. I'll keep these days open for next year.

PS I'm assuming they are juvenile and female. They are substantially bigger than their father.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 09, 2015, 10:37:53 pm
The Angel of Death for sparrows!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on July 10, 2015, 12:45:39 am
This evening I saw one of them grab a dragonfly in flight. They'll move on pretty quick I think. It'll sure be quiet around here.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on July 11, 2015, 02:03:35 pm
I enjoyed a morning of snorkling in Hanama bay, HI

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on July 11, 2015, 03:33:47 pm
Wife and I pounded out 42 miles on the bicycle this morning getting ready for a week long bike ride at the end of the month. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on July 13, 2015, 06:54:52 pm
Great for you and the Wifey, Jeb!  Memories you'll never forget.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on July 15, 2015, 12:31:19 pm
Thanks Matt, In between all the riding we are getting my hunting camp ready for my dads memorial
archery shoot for this weekend.  25 2 and 3 d targets and a Friday night coon shoot.  Had 35 or so people last year and expect 50 this year.

We also have a 21 arrow salute to dad and others that have passed away.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on July 21, 2015, 08:32:54 am
I'll see you in a couple of weeks, Jeb. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 24, 2015, 08:55:40 am
The leg is still stinging when I move the wrong way, not as bad as before so it is getting better very slowly.

I have been out in the shop pulling old failure bows out of the dusty corners and fixing them. I am working on one now that I put aside at least 6 or 7 years ago when I found what looked like a fatal flaw.

This bow had the wimpiest osage in it I have ever encountered but will make a nice ladies or large kids bow.

I plan to give all the repaired bows away, possibly at the state shoot next weekend.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on July 24, 2015, 09:05:10 am
Cut two burls out and found some very nice spaulted hard maple above and below the burls. Also removed two iron wood trees, debarked and split for future use.  Then got home and did a training bike ride.

Just another day for a retired guy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 24, 2015, 11:20:58 am
Well 39 years ago i married a sweetheart of a girl, can't imagine why she's kept me around
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 24, 2015, 11:24:20 am
Yeah Bub - me either!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on July 24, 2015, 07:45:10 pm
Sat with my knapping buddy and mentor Mike Cook and the new Native Culture Center in Whitehall, Michigan .  Mike gave knapping demos all day. Me , I watched and tried to learn some more knapping techniques.  They asked if we could get a group together and put on some bow making demo's in the future.  This is a great new place open to the public.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on July 24, 2015, 08:00:41 pm
Well 39 years ago i married a sweetheart of a girl, can't imagine why she's kept me around

Congratulations !!! Bubby..... 34 next month for me and my best friend..... was some hard work ,its not easy, good and bad times, but well worth it in the long run......Kids now a days don't want to work at anything.......
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 24, 2015, 08:51:49 pm
Thanks dbar and congrats on you upcoming 34th and yes it takes a lot of work, and the right gal
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on July 24, 2015, 08:54:44 pm
Thanks dbar and congrats on you upcoming 34th and yes it takes a lot of work, and the right gal

Yep your right,, ......
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 25, 2015, 07:40:04 am
Well 39 years ago i married a sweetheart of a girl, can't imagine why she's kept me around

Congratulations !!! Bubby..... 34 next month for me and my best friend..... was some hard work ,its not easy, good and bad times, but well worth it in the long run......Kids now a days don't want to work at anything.......

Congrats guys.  We will be celebrating 15 years in a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 25, 2015, 10:06:34 am
Thanks Clint
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on July 27, 2015, 10:53:37 am
Got a 22 mile bicycle ride in this morning before 90 degrees hits us today. Going on a week long bicycle trek next week and the extended forecast is mid 80's all week.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on August 06, 2015, 08:34:11 am
JEB, I'd be interested in helping out on that bow making demo at the Native Culture Center
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on August 10, 2015, 07:36:58 am
Got back from our bike ride.  We got in 330 miles last week.  Wife and I spent our 44th wedding anniversary last Friday riding 50 miles and then having a great lunch in Harbor Springs.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on August 10, 2015, 08:48:07 am
Congrats on your anniversary
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on August 17, 2015, 08:47:26 am
Went Fishing With Two Of My Pals.  Steve Davis, Bob Carmichael (Chamookman)
Managed to snap a few pics.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on August 17, 2015, 02:17:24 pm
Couldn't have asked for a better Morning to be on the water ! I'd like to come back to this Lake during Hard Water season and try for some 'Gills.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on August 21, 2015, 10:51:27 am
I don't see any fish.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on August 21, 2015, 12:49:46 pm
The batteries died for my old Dewalt drill so I cobbled up this. It was a 14.4 volt drill so the 12 volts from my battery charger slows it down some. I put a light dimmer in the charger which slows it down to a good working speed. I've found a few things it's good for beside cresting. It works for wrapping the front and back of the fletching and behind the point. I always file a slight groove in the arrow for the tip wrapping. It makes it easier to get them out of the target. I can file the groove and then wrap it all in one step. I mounted my feather burner to it. Unfortunately If I turn the voltage up for the burner the drill goes too fast. So I turn it by hand for burning. Because of the large reduction in the drill it doesn't free wheel so I had to make a slip joint to keep it aligned for burning. If I had steady hands I wouldn't need all this stuff but you do what you got to. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on August 21, 2015, 01:32:56 pm
What a slick idea DC! I would love to be able to make something like that. I've made a feather burner. But a arrow crester from a Dewalt drill, man I wish I could do that. And I have an old drill to. Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Knoll on August 31, 2015, 09:47:46 am
DC .... you have some skills! Me and electrical thingys don't get along. Congrats!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on August 31, 2015, 12:43:58 pm
Thank you. 37 years with the telephone company. DC circuits are not much of a problem for me. AC circuits, on the other hand, I keep going back and forth on them. ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 31, 2015, 08:15:32 pm
Thank you. 37 years with the telephone company. DC circuits are not much of a problem for me. AC circuits, on the other hand, I keep going back and forth on them. ;)

I am not shocked you would say that!  LOL, you got a charge out of that joke, didn't you?

And for those of you that didn't like my puns, don't be so NEGATIVE.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on August 31, 2015, 10:46:52 pm
I finally got around to trying steaming in a plastic bag. I just used an old bread bag out of the recycle bin. I cut a slit in one end to slide the bow into and taped the other end tight. I cut another slit for the tube from my steamer. I mounted the bow to the bending jig and turned on the steam. You have to cut a vent hole for the steam to get out. The bag condenses the steam more than my wooden steam boxes so you have to put a bucket under it to collect the water unless you don't care. It worked just as well as my wooden boxes, it still went up to 210 degrees(I think my thermometer is out a couple of degrees). Once it had steamed for 45 min I clamped it while it was still steaming. Steamed it for another few minutes and then turned of the steamer, tore the bag off(put it back in the recycle bin) and aimed my cooling fan at it. I'll leave it like that til tomorrow. So it works a treat. The only problems are the condensation and the fact that you are trying to clamp it while it's hot and steaming. The opportunity to scald yourself is right there. Slip a bit and you've got pink fingers. I will wear gloves next time. It's hard to sort out the picture but here ya go
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on September 02, 2015, 09:48:34 am
Feeling sad today as I put down a three or four year old black bear that was in the yard last evening.  He has been up and down the ranches along the river this summer and am not sure he was a real threat.  He had no fear and was all around the yard, shop and barn last evening.  He has two ear tags so maybe I will be able to find some history.  This is not the only bear I have killed, but all others were fair chase and I am having a tough time justifying killing him.  There has also been a grizzly in the area and we have no right to shoot him even if he is in your yard.  My game warden friend told me this has been a bad year for bear problems in this part of the state.  I have been a hunter all my life and still have respect for the lives of the animals we live with and except for a few varmints I feel I must respect their right to live.  Wolf Watcher
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on September 02, 2015, 10:15:36 am
Feeling sad today as I put down a three or four year old black bear that was in the yard last evening.  He has been up and down the ranches along the river this summer and am not sure he was a real threat.  He had no fear and was all around the yard, shop and barn last evening.  He has two ear tags so maybe I will be able to find some history.  This is not the only bear I have killed, but all others were fair chase and I am having a tough time justifying killing him.  There has also been a grizzly in the area and we have no right to shoot him even if he is in your yard.  My game warden friend told me this has been a bad year for bear problems in this part of the state.  I have been a hunter all my life and still have respect for the lives of the animals we live with and except for a few varmints I feel I must respect their right to live.  Wolf Watcher

I feel for you Joe. I was hired one time to take care of a coyote issue for a ladies that raised calves. I am a pretty good shot so I had no problem shooting the yotes that was bothering her calves. Then one day a stray dog showed up, he was a likeable young dog but full grown. She wasn't happy about the dog but told me (after a discussion with her) that as long as he didn't bother the cows that I could leave him alone. One day while I was helping move the cow calf pairs accross the road to the barn, this dog started barking at the cows and and ran 3 of them through the fence and we had to put one calf down. The lady wanted the dog shot. All I had was a 12 gauge with me, I didn't want to shoot him but I knew that once he started chasing cows I would never stop him. So I got close and shoot him in the face, it didn't kill him, then I had to track him down and ended up shooting him 2 more times. After it was over a picked up the poor dog and carried him back to my horse in tears. I buried the little fella in my yard. The lady let me go a week later, she said I was too soft hearted. I told her that was ok, but I loved that dog I guess but I still did what needed done.

I'm sorry you had to take the bear but maybe he can provide you with some meat and a warm coat from the hide. Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on September 03, 2015, 09:10:00 am
In Wyoming you have to take the hide and head into the G&F within 72 hours for any black bear you kill.  I guess I have a weird since of humor as all the time I was skinning the bear with three stone knives (two I made and one I got in trade at the Classic with Stringman)) I was thinking of Jim Shockey!  It kept going over in my mind "This Bear with these "Havastones"!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on September 03, 2015, 09:40:47 am
In Wyoming you have to take the hide and head into the G&F within 72 hours for any black bear you kill.  I guess I have a weird since of humor as all the time I was skinning the bear with three stone knives (two I made and one I got in trade at the Classic with Stringman)) I was thinking of Jim Shockey!  It kept going over in my mind "This Bear with these "Havastones"!

We must have a similar sense of humor Joe. I find that funny as well! Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on September 03, 2015, 11:20:39 am
Lebhuntfish-a shock collar would have fixed that problem. My Mt Cur started out chasing cows and the old jack. That jack kicked him in the head 4-5 times but it wouldn't break him. They loved to hate each other. A couple shock therapy treatments and now he makes a wide circle around the cow if they are in his path.

It is never fun to kill a tame animal. We had a doe that followed my truck across the field one day on my way to go deer hunting. I couldn't have shot that deer if I wanted to. It wouldn't have been fair chase. I doubt I could have shot that dog. Anyone who faults you for being that "soft hearted" is crazy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on September 03, 2015, 11:38:46 am
Well - not me but my intern had 10$ forced into her hand by a visitor to the Yosemite NDN Museum as an "apology for everything the white people did to the NDNs." :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on September 03, 2015, 01:45:47 pm
Lebhuntfish-a shock collar would have fixed that problem. My Mt Cur started out chasing cows and the old jack. That jack kicked him in the head 4-5 times but it wouldn't break him. They loved to hate each other. A couple shock therapy treatments and now he makes a wide circle around the cow if they are in his path.

It is never fun to kill a tame animal. We had a doe that followed my truck across the field one day on my way to go deer hunting. I couldn't have shot that deer if I wanted to. It wouldn't have been fair chase. I doubt I could have shot that dog. Anyone who faults you for being that "soft hearted" is crazy.

Thanks Marks! I know a lot about shock collar treatment, I've run beagles for many years. But I didn't own a collar back then. Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on September 03, 2015, 04:23:02 pm
In Wyoming you have to take the hide and head into the G&F within 72 hours for any black bear you kill.  I guess I have a weird since of humor as all the time I was skinning the bear with three stone knives (two I made and one I got in trade at the Classic with Stringman)) I was thinking of Jim Shockey!  It kept going over in my mind "This Bear with these "Havastones"!

Joe, I'm just proud as punch that ol rock was useful! Reading this really put a smile in my heart that we have been able to connect and do some tradin. I have been contemplating on how best to use that set of horns and this is what I came up with.
( (

The skull plate  sets in a slot and the front tines held down by a loop of leather. Simple and easily disassembled. This will be a great addition to my setup at demonstrations and is a simple way to display my bows.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 06, 2015, 12:19:02 am
Coolest bow rack ever!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BryanR on September 07, 2015, 10:32:57 am
Anyone still use this ? I did laundry today.  Mom has Alzheimer's, and was feeling a bit off her game so I volunteered to wash her clothes this morning.  She can't remember my name or what the date is, but she never forgets laundry day.   :)  Still going after 86 years.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 07, 2015, 03:28:11 pm
I know someone that is going nuts trying to find a working wringer washer like that one!  She does a lot of brain tanning and that machine does a HUGE amount of the work for you.  Depending on the size of the hides, you can do up to 6 full deerskins at once in the braining solution and the wringer does a lot of the working of the hides.

Started fall training the kestrel this morning.  Being the size of a robin, and pretty gentle of nature, he is the perfect bird for the Black Hills Raptor Center to use for a flight demonstration in school classrooms.  If he "goes off the rails" and lands on some kid's head, he is as likely to injure someone as a parakeet.  Can't say the same for the redtail hawk.  She thinks it is funny to make me bleed.

Today, Hendrix, the American kestrel was forced to hop a whopping 12 inches from his favored perch to my hand in order to get fed tidbits of diced mouse. The hand pops up from my side, with a quick two note whistle.  He gets the count of three to make the hop to glove.  If he dithers, I turn away and walk out of the room quickly.  Wait a minute and walk back.  This is sets him up to believe this is a "limited time offer" and that he better respond immediately.  If he pauses, hesitates, or dithers and I allow my hand to hang out there waiting on him, he learns to delay and eventually it all becomes a waiting game where he has trained me to stand around hoping he will fly to glove.  This goes on for a few days and then I start shortening the count to 2 beats, then later just one beat.  I will also start giving him longer flights for the first one or two tidbits since he will be more hungry for the first few. 

Kids lose their cool when Hendrix does a few laps around their classroom looking for a landing spot.  I just gotta make sure that there are no open windows and that shades are drawn across large glass windows so he does not bash headfirst into one at speed, killing himself.  NOT the kind of nature lesson I wanna be giving the kiddies, ya know?

Tomorrow I might take him out with a long lightweight leash and try him on catching grasshoppers again.  Last week he caught a couple that I had handcaught for him and tossed to the ground nearby.  In falconry, those are called "baggies", or bagged prey.  They are confidence builders, kinda like giving your boxer a couple of glassjaws to knock over before a big fight.  I need to get someone to come along and video him "hunting".  He looks so serious!

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buffalogobbler on September 08, 2015, 02:00:39 pm
One of my favorite pirds of prey, I notice them sitting on power lines while I'm driving, thier quite common here in western New York.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 09, 2015, 09:56:20 pm
One of my favorite pirds of prey, I notice them sitting on power lines while I'm driving, thier quite common here in western New York.


Good to hear that Kevin, in many parts of the east coast area their numbers are down 90% or more.  It is a trend that has been building for about 5 years and it is starting to cause worry.

I was offered a female kestrel from a rehabber in New York but was unable to accept the bird due to space constraints.  She offered the bird to another rehabber that does education and that person accepted the bird only to find it had absolutely NO problem flying.  The little minx was then transferred to a Master Falconer that is training the bird to hunt.  It is slow going, being so late in the season, but there is hope that this little bird will get blooded and quick at killing soon so she can be released and make the fall migration south. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on September 10, 2015, 01:10:56 am
Thats really awesome JW! One of my cousins boyfriends a while back had a Falcon that he hunted with. I got to watch her in action once! Birds of prey are amazing creatures. Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 10, 2015, 10:06:51 am
A couple of years ago the tree in a back yard flower bed got so huge it started deforming the block wall, it had to go.

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The flower bed fell into disrepair after my wife died, I am not a flower bed guy. I started removing the bed a few months ago. I gave away the retaining wall block, all 350 of them. Next I removed about 2 dump truck loads of dirt from around the old stump.

If you are in the market for a small tractor, don't even think about getting one without a front end loader.

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Lots of removing what was left after having the huge stump ground, filling in and leveling, then down with the sod. I put out 2600 yards when I built my house 14 years ago. I had some good help from some energetic high school kids, it was hard work but not too bad. At 67 putting out one pallet was a major chore.

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I calculated that I needed 51 yards to complete the project, there are 50 yards on a pallet, being an OCD kind of guy I drove back to town for 5 more pieces to complete the last row.

Done, this project whipped me. I spent two days filling, leveling and raking rocks (4 tractor buckets full) before I put the first piece of sod down. The picture is before I drove to town for a few more pieces of sod to fill out the row.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on September 10, 2015, 10:18:52 am
Nobody could accuse you of being lazy Eric
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 14, 2015, 08:11:31 pm
We trimmed the trails to our stand sights today.  We are putting them out later this week.  We put a few in the same location and moved a few.  We put out 7 stands and 2 ground blinds.  We moved one stand to a grove of oak trees in a slight gully.  Looks like a great spot.  We have seen a lot of buck movement in that spot from other stands.  When we trimmed the trail to the tree the best route took us right between 2 large osage trees that have split and fell apart.  The old brush mower barely fit between the root balls.  It will be a good spot to stop on the way to the stand and look around for movement.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Del the cat on September 19, 2015, 06:52:32 am
I guess my back garden is a tad small by comparison ::) but I've been trimming a cherry tree (under Mrs Cat's supervision of course :-* )
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 19, 2015, 08:16:12 am
Had one of those fun days, time for a little testing, no polyps or cancer was found.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on September 19, 2015, 01:35:23 pm
That's the same color a JW's honey >:D >:D >:D >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on September 22, 2015, 05:49:17 am
Nice yard work Eric, I would have probably just let the grass take it natural like. :) Also I got one of them fun days coming soon/man I don't like that deal at all. ;) :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 22, 2015, 08:57:06 am
Because the back yard is on a pretty steep slope I have to cover bare ground or it will wash away with the first big rain. I have been changing the grass from Bermuda to Zoysa over the last few years with a lot of sprigging. Most of the grass around my "patch" is Zoysa so I got a big area swapped over at one time .
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 23, 2015, 08:21:48 pm
That's the same color a JW's honey >:D >:D >:D >:D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 23, 2015, 08:22:30 pm
Had one of those fun days, time for a little testing, no polyps or cancer was found.

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The dread "Night of a Thousand Waterfalls".
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on September 23, 2015, 09:19:25 pm
That's sick, Jdub.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 24, 2015, 09:25:41 am
This is a precautionary tale for those over 50 who haven't suffered through this minor indignity for whatever reason;

One of our brightest and best all round bow maker peers didn't have the test, later he ignored the signs until it was too late. He died from colon cancer after suffering through several years of unimaginable physical horrors. He was my friend and a mighty fine man named David Mims, many of you may remember him as the best bow tillering wizard out there who often posted on this forum.

Put aside the excuses and go get the test!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Badly Bent on September 24, 2015, 11:55:10 pm
Had one of those fun days myself Eric, two weeks ago. 57 years old and have always avoided the doctors out of the irrational fear that one may find something wrong with me. Well I went only because something was irritating me and it turns out something was wrong. Now I'll probably be just fine but he thinks it will take 6 months of medication to heal. Since this recent visit I'm being told now by my doctor and my wife that I will be going back for check ups on a more regular basis. I'm going to follow the rules now as far as annual doctor physicals go. No health could mean no hunting and I don't want that.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on September 28, 2015, 08:33:53 am
I have a tough time seeing the Doc, as well Greg.  I'm trying to do better.  I generally only go when I break or cut something I can't fix.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on September 28, 2015, 08:38:36 pm
Amen, Eric. I talked to one of the older guys that work for me and found out he had never had a colonoscopy and hi was in his early 60's. I talked him to asking his Doctor about it and he had it done. Well, he found out he had early stages of Colon cancer, went through Chemo and is clear, so far. Made him feel good he listened and made me feel good knowing I might have saved his life. I've seen two good friends suffer through it and it's not pretty. Heck, once they put you under you don't remember anything but the farting.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 28, 2015, 09:05:56 pm
Heck, once they put you under you don't remember anything but the farting.

I've had nights like that....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on September 29, 2015, 12:20:38 am
Heck, once they put you under you don't remember anything but the farting.

I've had nights like that....

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 30, 2015, 08:43:29 pm
Checked my game cam today.  Moved it east another quarter mile mapping the behavior of this buck. 

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on October 01, 2015, 04:57:07 am
Nice Buck Jdub - good luck. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on October 01, 2015, 10:19:06 am
This afternoon 5 others and myself walk a good man to his finial resting place.. Grandfather to my children.. My ex's dad.. Her parents and I remained close after she left to find herself.. He was diagonosed with parkenson's 20 years ago cancer 4 years ago.. Last time I walked down a aisle was with my daughter at her wedding almost a year ago.. Bill was standing there beaming with pride.. He even could dance with her at the reception..
We have a lot of great memoiries
Rest in peace Bill
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on October 07, 2015, 03:07:14 pm
I made plastic sheaves for the blocks on my tree. AHHHHH quiet it the shop :D :D :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 09, 2015, 12:23:21 pm
I think I had an awakening this mornin.

Very few of you all know that I have had some medical issues over the past few months. On Tuesday of this week I had my gallbladder removed. I've never had a surgery on my abdominal area and wasn't prepared for the type of pain I would be in. I have a pretty high pain tolerance and I don't like to take a lot of pain medications. Especially the prescription kind, partially because of the possibility of the addiction. But the first two days I took one every 4 to 5 hours just so I could be half way comfortable.
On day two I was told I would be able to take a shower. I thought great, I might feel better with a good hot shower. Then I had to admit to my wife that  I couldn't wash my lower half. I felt helpless. I don't like that feeling! Then yesterday I felt somewhat better so we went out to eat with my sister in law and niece. I had been really careful about what I ate till I got to the restaurant. But they had walleye on the menu. Tasted great! But the after effects was terrible. I spent the next 2 hours back and forth to the bathroom. Now I know what pain was all about! After that passed I felt a lot better and my incisions were still intact (thank God)
I woke up today and took a shower by my self and got fully dressed by my self including tying my own shoes! Now I'm still not a hundred percent but I almost feel human again.

I've decided I am going to get healthy! I'm planning on loosing at first 50lbs and trying to get back in shape. It's funny what being able to tie your own shoes will do for you!

Also for the first time since I finished my trade bow I have the urge to get in the shop and work on a bow. As soon as the doctor releases me that is. Thank you all here on PA!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Aaron H on October 09, 2015, 12:44:32 pm
Best of luck to you on your weight loss Patrick, we are all rooting for you.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 09, 2015, 01:02:12 pm
Thanks Aaron, I appreciate it!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on October 09, 2015, 01:25:57 pm
Sorry to hear about your health problems, Patrick. I wish you a speedy recovery. Good luck with your weight loss too. Watching what you eat and when you eat it is a good starting point and exercising is a necessity even if it is just a brisk 30 minute walk every day.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 09, 2015, 02:41:47 pm
Thanks Pat, you're right. I'm heavier now than I've ever been. I don't like it and enough is enough. I'm ready for a change.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Del the cat on October 09, 2015, 02:43:03 pm
Good luck with your recovery... Any op' really knocks the stuffing out of you. I've been lucky, a couple of minor ops but V little pain.
(If you want to get rid of fifty pounds  just write me a cheque ;) (£50) )
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 09, 2015, 05:01:45 pm
Best of luck on the recovery and weight loss.  I don't know if you drink a lot of soft drinks or not, but if you do, cutting those from your diet will make a huge difference. 

I had a conversation with Guy at the Classic and he encouraged me to lose weight and live healthier.  I decided to take his advice and make some changes.  I cut MT. Dew and all other soft drinks cold turkey.  I would drink 2 liters of Mt. Dew every day.   I feel so much better without caffeine in my system.   I hardly ever get headaches now.  I also made some diet changes.  Bananas for breakfast and apples for snacks.  I replaced frozen pizzas with baked chicken and rice.  I've lost over 30 lbs since the Classic and I feel great.  I was able to stop taking blood pressure medication.  I can work in my shop all day and my legs don't hurt now.  I would like to lose about 30 more lbs to get to my goal.  I still cheat every now and then. I love eating pizza and watching football.  I will have about 1 caffeine free root beer a month and about 2 gatorades a week.  Other than that its all water and fruit juice.   I have noticed a difference climbing the hills to and from my tree stands.  I'm not near as winded as I used to get last year. 

I hope you can stick with the healthier lifestyle.  It takes some work but it is well worth it.   
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 09, 2015, 09:30:08 pm
Good luck with your recovery... Any op' really knocks the stuffing out of you. I've been lucky, a couple of minor ops but V little pain.
(If you want to get rid of fifty pounds  just write me a cheque ;) (£50) )

Thanks bud! If I wrote you a check for £50 then I wouldn't loose an ounce! Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 09, 2015, 10:12:59 pm
Best of luck on the recovery and weight loss.  I don't know if you drink a lot of soft drinks or not, but if you do, cutting those from your diet will make a huge difference. 

I had a conversation with Guy at the Classic and he encouraged me to lose weight and live healthier.  I decided to take his advice and make some changes.  I cut MT. Dew and all other soft drinks cold turkey.  I would drink 2 liters of Mt. Dew every day.   I feel so much better without caffeine in my system.   I hardly ever get headaches now.  I also made some diet changes.  Bananas for breakfast and apples for snacks.  I replaced frozen pizzas with baked chicken and rice.  I've lost over 30 lbs since the Classic and I feel great.  I was able to stop taking blood pressure medication.  I can work in my shop all day and my legs don't hurt now.  I would like to lose about 30 more lbs to get to my goal.  I still cheat every now and then. I love eating pizza and watching football.  I will have about 1 caffeine free root beer a month and about 2 gatorades a week.  Other than that its all water and fruit juice.   I have noticed a difference climbing the hills to and from my tree stands.  I'm not near as winded as I used to get last year. 

I hope you can stick with the healthier lifestyle.  It takes some work but it is well worth it.

I heard tell you was getting leaner and meaner. 

Amazing what a major difference dumping sugar water like soda can do...and in a mighty hurry!  We are conditioned to not think about those calories and boy do they creep up on you.  Sorry to say it, but barley pop is another form of that sneaky sugar water.  Empty calories that make you crave more of the same. 

I started pushing fresh fruits and veggies on myself earlier this summer.  Pound and a quarter to a pound and a half of fresh raw fruits and veggies daily, and dang has it made a difference in snacking cravings.  I can pull it off with one banana, one apple, two carrots, and a handful of celery sticks over the course of a day.  I find myself doing less binge-eating at mealtimes, too.  But I still gotta have my cup of tea with a half teaspoon of my bee's honey  around midmorning. 

Maybe we need a Weight Watchers thread started???  (OMG! DOES THIS CAMO MAKE MY BUTT LOOK FAT???)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 10, 2015, 03:50:28 am
Thanks a bunch fellas!

Clint, you are right the soda can sure get to you. I mainly drink diet Dr Pepper which is probably worse than regular. Funny thing is, I like chicken and rice really well! I think my main problem is, I tend to eat till I'm full weither I'm snacking or eating a meal. It's never about the calories just the quantity. And then there is the whole, man that was good, I'm full but I think I'll have just a little bit more. That's only ok at Thanksgiving, Christmas and easter. The worst thing about it is I know I do it but I tell myself, ahh it won't hurt just this once.

I used to be trim and fit for a farm boy back in my twenties. Now that my thirties are coming to an end it's time to get lined back out! Thanks again for the support guys! Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 10, 2015, 08:06:33 am
I'm the same way about eating to big of portions.  Sometimes if it was good food I would eat until it hurt to breath.  That is why the chicken and rice has worked for me.  I can eat a large portion and it is still healthier than eating a frozen pizza.  I have found that the more weight I lose the less I over eat.  When I bake the chicken I sprinkle some onion powder, garlic powder, and paprika on the pan.  Then I put the chicken breast on the spices.  I put another layer of spices on top of the chicken.  It gives it some flavor. 

Good luck buddy. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 11, 2015, 11:48:18 pm
Thanks for the idea on the chicken bud. I'll have to give it a go! Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 12, 2015, 09:28:44 am
Not a good post for you guys trying to loose weight but I had the guys over for our annual wild game supper on Saturday. I ended up with 8 guys in attendance, we had fried squirrel, curried deer meat balls with potatoes(very good), deer tenderloin, slaw, white beans, grilled squash and pudding cake. We had enough cooked for an army and there were a couple of plate fulls left which I captured for tomorrow and the next days dinner

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 12, 2015, 01:44:10 pm
Man Eric, that sounds like a good time! Good friends and good food, nothing better! Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Josh B on October 12, 2015, 11:31:24 pm
I hope you recover quickly Patrick. I have been pretty fortunate so far in avoiding surgery aside from having to stitch myself up now and then.  Earlier this year I misplaced 25 pounds.  I thought I had lost em, but it turns out they came back and brought a few friends with them. >:(  Now I get to start over.  Good luck on getting down to where you want to be. Josh
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 13, 2015, 02:27:40 am
Thanks a bunch Josh. I know what you mean about them pounds bring their friends with them. 4 years ago I was doing good. I was down to just under 240. And when I gained them back 30lbs turned into 60.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 14, 2015, 09:23:53 pm
My goal was to lose 10 lbs this year.  I only have 15 to go. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 15, 2015, 06:56:54 pm
My goal was to lose 10 lbs this year.  I only have 15 to go.

Thats kinda like being on a seafood diet ain't it JW?  >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 16, 2015, 09:38:40 pm
My goal was to lose 10 lbs this year.  I only have 15 to go.

Thats kinda like being on a seafood diet ain't it JW?  >:D

Seafood, eat food.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 16, 2015, 09:46:38 pm
My wife has a sign that says, "I'm on a 30 day diet and so far I've lost 18 days!"

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 20, 2015, 09:06:43 am
I have these days every now and then I call bozo days, nothing goes right.

I loaded my truck and got to where CR47 meets CR43 and realized I left my bow at home, went back home to get it. I parked just up the Hamm hill and walked most of the way up quietly. I was walking steady because I had some angina this morning during my walk around the TVA trail and wanted to pull the Hamm hill as a test to see if it came back, it didn’t. So, I am just cresting the hill looking down, not looking at the plot on top and deer went everywhere, I was actually close enough for a shot if I had seen them ahead of time and slipped up on them, I think there were 5 of them.

I got in my stand and realize it had a slight forward lean that I didn’t notice when I put it up, when I sat down I slid off the front of the seat. I fixed the seat lean by wrapping a cinch strap around its contact points and raising it up.

I left my safety harness tether in my truck because I hook to the life line and never unhook. This time my life line wouldn’t hardly let me draw my bow, it was too far around the tree and I had it tied tight at the base of the tree and couldn’t move it without getting down. I finally lowered my tether cinch and got a reasonable amount of body movement.

Didn’t  see any deer in the stand, getting down, I decided to add another cinch strap to my climbing pole as it was a little wobbly. I cinched up the strap, gave it a good pull toward me and it broke. Had I not had a good grip with my left hand on the pole I would have seen how good my  harness and lifeline performed.

I drove home real carefully…………..
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on October 20, 2015, 09:14:49 am
Damn Eric, you'd best just stay in your favorite chair today and read a book today. No power tools mister!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 20, 2015, 06:43:22 pm
I would have just went home and went to bed. Lol!
We've all had days like that!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on October 21, 2015, 05:08:17 am
OK JW you went to far on the barley pop statement. ;) :) I have lost 20lbs since the Classic and do feel much better, I was border line on my blood pressure and didn't want to get on any medicine, the doc told me to try losing a few pounds and walk more and see if that wouldn't take care of it and it did.  ;) :) Eric I have had them kind of days. Glad they don't come around to often. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on October 21, 2015, 10:33:14 am
Yesterday afternoon about 4:00 Lucy(my choc lab) and I headed for the mail box like we do most day. Outside I could smell smoke and could see some too. As I got to the bottom of the driveway I could see a plume of smoke coming up from the power right of way behind my barn(where I hold the camp-o-rama). I went back to the house to call 911 then went to get the mail. I waited at the mail box to direct the ire truck in.
 Turns out a dead tree fell across the power line, bringing it down in the dry leaves. Soon, volunteer firemen and forestry guys were on the attack and within a few hours the fire was out and the excitement was over. Here are a few pics. Only leaf litter burned. In another week or two more leaves would be down and it could have been worse. Here are a few pics I took this morning...
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this is what the unburned looks like...
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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on October 21, 2015, 11:02:11 am
Dang Pat, you got lucky there my friend.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on October 21, 2015, 11:45:12 am
Fortunately the fire dept is only a few miles away. Most of the fires we have around here are mostly leaf litter this time of year. In steeper terrain where they can't get equipment in it can get worse. Plus, our ground is pretty wet so other plants aren't too susceptible.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 25, 2015, 07:18:31 pm
I have been working on a problematical takedown static recurve bow for a while and it is giving me fits. The tillering is coming in so slowly that it is frustrating,  I decided I needed a break from bows and have been on a tear making cane arrows.

I dug out some cane I had in the attic and found it straightens easily and spines out just where I need it to,  around 55#. I am always amazed just how good a properly made cane arrow shoots, as good as any wood and right up there with carbon arrows.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 26, 2015, 07:00:29 am
Very nice Eric! Looks like an advertisement for tight bond and Tru oil!  >:D

By the way guy's I've lost 12lbs and my recovery is coming along pretty good. I'm back to work and can walk about 2 miles now!

Well I finally got my cabin fever fixed after being laid up for a  couple of weeks. I still can't string my Osage bows yet so I had my neighbor string up my recurve. I was able to shoot it, ok. After a few practice should shots I was pretty much right back on my mark. So I decided to go to the woods and do a little hunting. I called my brother and my nephew and asked them if they would come help me with a deer if I was to get lucky. Since I probably shouldn't be pulling around and loading a deer by myself.

Anyways, it was a good couple of hours of wood time,both today and yesterday. I seen an 8 point and 2 does. Came within 35 yards but not quite close enough. And I never got a clean shot anyway. Nice buck, I thought for a moment he was going to come around a fallen tree. If he would have, he would have been within my 20 yard comfort zone. But of course he turned and walked straight away from me and out of sight. Anyway it sure was a lot of fun have the encounter!  Couldn't help but to take a couple of pictures. I love the timber!

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This is right where I walked in! ( (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on October 26, 2015, 05:18:42 pm
Good to see you back at it Patrick!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on October 26, 2015, 06:04:30 pm
Glad you are out and about Patrick, nothing like a day in the woods to do ya good. Can't wait till I can shoot my bow again, thinking about getting out the. Old 22 and go after some tree rats. Pappy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 26, 2015, 06:24:09 pm
Thanks DBar, thanks Pappy I appreciate it!

Pappy, growing up I learned more about hunting walking the woods with a 22 chasing those tree rats. Also it's a good way to scout for deer and Turkey!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DavidV on October 26, 2015, 09:11:40 pm
Patrick, good to see you out hunting! I noticed you'd been awful quiet but didn't hear about the surgery. Glad to see you recovering.

This weekend I started working on a few bow projects, it seems like I'm a little too ADD to do one from start to finish.... They'll get done soon I'm sure.

First is a short sassafras D-bow that I'm sure will end up breaking. 52" ntn, 1 5/8" wide and going for a short 24" draw. Maybe. It's like 13 oz. right now and I feel like even a scraper is too aggressive for this wood.


Second is a bow for my girlfriend. Heat treated honey locust with a yellowheart riser and curly oak accent stripe. I haven't been impressed with the past bows from this wood so I made this one a little wider.


I got a little ambitious with the next one. Extreme deflexed recurve based on a glass bow form I had laying around. I have no idea if this will end up as a performer or a catastrophic failure. My heat gun gave up the ghost before I got to align the tips so it may sit it the corner for a while to "season".




The Island of Misfit Bows.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 26, 2015, 09:55:24 pm
Thanks a bunch David!

I think I have an island like yours! Except mine keep escaping to different areas of my house! Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 31, 2015, 09:28:17 am
I went off in the deep woods with my treestand on my back, what's the big deal you say? This was my first test of how my heart reacted to climbing ridges with a heavy load after having two stents installed in my heart. I am happy to report "0" angina and plenty of strength.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on October 31, 2015, 09:53:59 am
Good deal Eric!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on November 02, 2015, 11:11:48 am
That is a good test to take with a buddy. Glad you are feeling stronger.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on November 13, 2015, 11:45:27 am
Today I am scheduled to work with a co-worker on a GOOGLE 3-D project for class rooms. They are going to do some shooting and then set it up as a walk through program for classrooms - virtual field trips.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on November 13, 2015, 12:30:43 pm
I'm heading to deer camp! I'll be gone all week. Missouri firearms deer season. Time for family and friends to fill the freezer!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 17, 2015, 10:01:07 pm
Good luck Patrick.

Today I took my daughter out hunting again.  She missed a spike Saturday evening from a ground blind.  We were in a couple of stands today.  We had a black chow walk by dragging a chain.  It scared off a couple of deer.  We are going back out Saturday morning.  I am really hoping she gets her first deer this season.  She is learning fast and does really well in the stand.  She holds still and doesn't make noise.  She spotted both deer before I did tonight.  She is showing great potential to be a good hunter. 

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 17, 2015, 10:13:04 pm
Congratulation to you and your daughter Clint......Not many fathers have their kids in the deer stand these days,  good for you my friend......
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 17, 2015, 10:18:24 pm
Thanks Bill.  She has showed more interest than the boys have this year.  I'm hoping she gets a shot at one Saturday.  She is using the same gun I killed my first one with.  Its my Dad's old Stevens single shot 16 gauge. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 17, 2015, 10:20:47 pm
Pass it on .....that a way to do it  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on November 17, 2015, 11:48:18 pm
I got a good feeling she gets it done Clint, good luck Saturday
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on November 18, 2015, 02:18:57 am
Thanks Clint! Good luck to little miss outlaw! Hold that ol 16 gauge tight to the shoulder and squeeeeze the trigger! Then tell dad thanks for taking you hunting and for the bruised shoulder.  Man them old guns sure pack a wallop, on both ends!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 18, 2015, 08:49:43 am
A friend of mine has two daughters and a son, the oldest daughter is the only one that took an interest in hunting. When she got married a couple of years ago her future husband asked her when to schedule the wedding, she replied, "after the rut", what a gal!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 19, 2015, 02:43:30 pm
Shot a big buck this morning, I forgot to hold low, deer react by dropping when they hear the first click of a hammer falling on a flintlock. I think I hit him just above the spine, he went down like a sack of potatoes but got up and ran off like nothing happened. Three hours of searching turned up a couple small drops of blood and no deer. I suspect he will live but hate to let one get away.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on November 19, 2015, 02:57:49 pm
That's a tough one Eric.. Sounds like you were below the spine above the lungs.. Knocked the wind outta him... Freind of mine calls that 'no man's land'.. He'll be back coupla days
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Marks on November 19, 2015, 04:14:09 pm
Its not easy to shoot low on purpose. I'm waiting around to get another look at a doe I hit in the shoulder bone a few weeks ago. Got very little penetration so I hope she is still kicking. I hate not bringing home a shot deer.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 19, 2015, 04:22:01 pm
That's tough `to swallow Eric. My TC Hawken "clicks" damn loud when I pull the hammer back, I cant make it any less audible anyway I try to pull it pack. Couple that with my set trigger click and its tough business to get a clean shot off. I think my next shot I will be fully aimed and ready when I pull the hammer back, the deer should stop for a second.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 20, 2015, 09:50:22 am
Pretty sure you can pull the front trigger on a TC and cock it soundlessly then release the front trigger while holding the hammer back. You still have to set it but the set has less of a click. You can set it off without setting it by pulling the front trigger but the trigger pull will be hard. You can go completely to the front trigger by adjusting the little screw between the triggers. I owned at least 6 TC rifles but that was along time ago and I may have my facts mixed up about the lock cocking operation.

My flintlock .54 has a single trigger, I can pull the trigger and cock it without a sound. When I sit on a stand I cock my rifle and put a leather cover over the fritzen so it can't spark. Lots easier to flip the leather frizzen stall off than to try to cock a rifle with a deer headed your way. 

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I am retiring my .54 until I work some bugs out of it's operation. I will be using my .44 which has a lightning fast lock and ignition, deer never drop out from under it. I built the .54 so in the past it has had priority.

My .44 has a double set single phase trigger, you can't cock the hammer unless you set the trigger first. This was a rifle mainly for target use by the builder where setting the trigger wasn't a problem. Sitting in a treestand with a cocked lock with a hair trigger is kind of iffty. I have a frizzen cover for this rifle and sometimes put a toothpick in the touchole as well.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 20, 2015, 10:00:00 am
I tried that Eric, it doesn't help at all. My best bet is to hold a gloved hand over it and muffle it the best I can. I love the rifle too much to not hunt it during all of our firearms seasons. I had a bunch of old hardware shotguns when I was a kid. All of them could be cocked without a sound by holding the trigger.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on November 20, 2015, 10:05:39 am
Osage Outlaw. I sat with one of my grandkids for the first three days of our gun season. I took my .06 but never picked it up.  I was going to let him do all the shooting.  We saw deer but no legal antlered bucks so none got shot.  I could care less if I shoot a deer again but I like to be out there and enjoy what God has given us.  Going back to the cabin on Monday for the week.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on November 20, 2015, 10:17:15 am
Eric  I'll have to try that on my TC flinter and the Deerstalker.. Last week when I pulled back the hammer it was the loudest click I ever heard. As it was dead quite in the coulee..

Chris  Hope you have success with your hawken.. Nothing like it
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 20, 2015, 11:14:44 am
Osage Outlaw. I sat with one of my grandkids for the first three days of our gun season. I took my .06 but never picked it up.  I was going to let him do all the shooting.  We saw deer but no legal antlered bucks so none got shot.  I could care less if I shoot a deer again but I like to be out there and enjoy what God has given us.  Going back to the cabin on Monday for the week.

Good luck.  We are heading back out in the morning.  It's going to be very cold.  I hope she can stay warm long enough to get a shot.  I'll pack her boots and gloves with hot packs.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on November 22, 2015, 05:55:11 pm
Last nite we had a tea party, little girls flat out wrap ya around there little finger without even trying( (
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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on November 23, 2015, 03:33:15 am
What a Smile ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on November 23, 2015, 12:38:47 pm
Pretty sure you can pull the front trigger on a TC and cock it soundlessly then release the front trigger while holding the hammer back. You still have to set it but the set has less of a click. You can set it off without setting it by pulling the front trigger but the trigger pull will be hard. You can go completely to the front trigger by adjusting the little screw between the triggers. I owned at least 6 TC rifles but that was along time ago and I may have my facts mixed up about the lock cocking operation.

My flintlock .54 has a single trigger, I can pull the trigger and cock it without a sound. When I sit on a stand I cock my rifle and put a leather cover over the fritzen so it can't spark. Lots easier to flip the leather frizzen stall off than to try to cock a rifle with a deer headed your way. 

Eric- Your trigger advice works great.. T/C pull both triggers then the hammer and release the front trigger then the back one.. It's quite and will set the front
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 23, 2015, 12:42:28 pm
I'll try that tonite Leroy. I know holding the primary trigger didn't help. I will pull both triggers and let the primary down first. I'd love to find a way to hush it up. It's crazy loud.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 06, 2015, 09:08:26 pm
Today I traded my Redneck Ramada for a dual axle boat trailer  :'(
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on December 07, 2015, 08:42:35 am
Oh NO!  Clintster! 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on December 07, 2015, 09:06:30 am
Hold that thought, Matt. I hear RR II is already in the planning stages.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 07, 2015, 07:14:00 pm
It sure is Scott.  We had a brainstorming session today and came up with some good ideas.  Am I the only one who can see the potential of this burgundy beauty?

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on December 07, 2015, 07:19:17 pm
OH No ....I can see redneck ramada II in the mak'n....maybe with a back porch... ;D ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 07, 2015, 07:21:39 pm
The porch is going up front Bill
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on December 07, 2015, 07:45:00 pm
Party in the front staves in the back
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on December 08, 2015, 01:12:36 am
I can't wait to see your build along on this one Clint!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 09, 2015, 08:26:06 am

I went Tn yesterday evening, one of those evenings we all dream about, almost.

This land is straight up and down, tall ridges and deep hollows. a buck came off the ridge chasing a doe about 45 minutes before dark and ran her grunting and bawling just out of sight right until almost dark.

I blew a grunt call a few times when I couldn't hear any action.

About 5 minutes before dark here he came, he was a 2 year old 7 or 8 point, nice rack. He stepped up on a logging road in front of my log blind at about 35 yards, it looked like a perfectly clear shot, BOOM.

He ran up the hill to about 75 yards and stopped looking around, I kept waiting for him to fall but he didn't. I looked him over with my binos and couldn't find a hole.

I decided to reload and shoot him "again". He heard me reloading my flinter and started walking toward me rubbernecking as he came in.

He stopped facing me at about 50 yards, I put the sight just above his brisket and touched it off. He ran up to the top of the ridge, I could hear him walking around in the leaves, I kept waiting for him to roll down the hill. It was getting dark about this time so I turned on my flashlight to pick up what I had dropped from my possible bag.

When I turned the light on he saw it and ran off snorting over the ridge, he snorted at least 10 times.

I followed his travel path, no blood at all.

I went back at daylight this morning and gave the area a through search and found no blood or dead deer. I guess I missed.

When I looked where I took the first shot I saw a tangle of saplings and vines that were invisible in the fading light, the second shot was clear for the most part but he was looking at me. I suspect he jumped the string.

That is the second shot at bucks I have taken in the last few weeks that were looking at me when I shot, both got out of the way before my gun went off.

I understand a deer can react in .02 seconds, my flinter probably went off in .04 seconds.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on December 09, 2015, 10:51:18 am
Eric:  Interesting... I recently experienced a similar event.  I shot a doe a couple of weeks ago.  I used my single shot 12ga shotgun.  She walked right to left and eventually stood broadside at about 70 yards; I put the crosshairs at the front (her left side) shoulder area and fired.  The deer collapsed immediately to the ground, which I found rather strange considering my shot placement.  I thought that maybe my shot went high and spined her or went left and hit her in the neck.  When I retrieved the doe, I was surprised to see the neither.  The slug entered her forehead straight on and exited behind her right eye. 

I don't recall her turning to face me at the last second before squeezing the trigger.  The shot was not rushed, I was calm and steady.  It somewhat disbelief, I reasoned that she turned her head/neck to face the direction of the sound of the shot, when then the slug met up with her forehead.  Considering the velocity of my cheap 12ga ammo, (1600 feet per second), I calculated the time it took for the slug to reach her which is .131 seconds.  If reaction time of .02 seconds is true, that would support my assumption.

As I write this however, I'm diving deeper into the science of it.  The speed of sound travels at 1125 feet per second (slower than the slug).  The slug would have met her before hearing the sound.  Even at 70 yards, the typical slug velocity slows to about 1300 fps.  Still quicker than the speed of sound.  So mathematically, she could not have heard the shot prior to the slug reaching her. 

Still believing that she knew it was coming, the final thought that I have is that she saw the shot.  I shot her just before dark; still shootable (legal) light but dark enough to "see" a muzzle flash.  Considering the speed of light at 983,000,000 fps, the light emitted from the flash would have reached her in .0000002 seconds.  So, maybe she saw rather than heard the shot...

Hard to believe.  Maybe she just turned, unnoticed by me.  Would have been nice to have it on video.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 10, 2015, 12:12:25 am
I am sure the deer I missed reacted when my pan started to flash.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on December 14, 2015, 04:40:45 pm
Went and dehaired and grained 2 buck hides today, Whew, not doing that again till the weather cool down. Middle of Dec. and lots of motorcycles out, most yrs. be riding snow mobile and ice fishin :o I'm not complaining have had a really nice fall, Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 19, 2015, 07:40:27 pm
Today I went to a Xavier University basketball game with the young man who is living with us.  Someone offered us free tickets and he is a huge sports fan so it was a great opportunity.  I'm not much of a college sports fan but it was fun watching the game.  He had a great time.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on December 19, 2015, 07:43:46 pm
Good for you Clint..............I'm sure he appreciated your company.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on December 19, 2015, 09:10:31 pm
It's a great thing your doing Clint, and the young man is one lucky kid
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 25, 2015, 07:36:27 pm
My son got a S&W M&P shield for Christmas.  We tried it out this afternoon.  It took him a while to get comfortable with it.  He was hitting very low.  I adjusted his grip and had him shooting good groups before we ran out out ammo. 

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I got out my 44 mag. and let him shoot it a few times.  I love that gun.  I backed up to 40 yards and hit a gallon water jug with it first shot.

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I was curious to see if 2" of osage would stop a 44 mag. bullet.  I don't think it even slowed them down.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on December 26, 2015, 12:52:14 am
I hope that stave has worm holes or some other flaw besides the lead poisoning. Other than that looks like some fun outdoor stuff for you and your son.   8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 26, 2015, 08:38:24 am
Pat, that stave did have some issues besides the 44 mag. borer holes
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on January 03, 2016, 08:50:15 am
Finally got myself another BL log to split up today.An 8" er.So cold I quess I'll have to bring the staves in to shellac them.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 03, 2016, 09:12:59 am
I have been deer hunting every evening in Tenn. Today is the last day of either sex, 5 more days of does only.

I am bumping deer going in every day but not seeing them on the stand.

There is a guy who shoots weekly in a nearby chert pit, the number of rounds and the different weapons he uses when he shoots is astonishing, 300 win mag down to 22s and everything in between. He shoots between 500 and a 1000 rounds during one of his sessions, often rapid fire. He is from a very rich farmer family and owns the chert pit so he has deep pockets.

So, I am about 1000 yards down range and to say it sounds like a war is an understatement. I hear deer get up from some tornado damage, cross the road to my side of the hill and feed up the hollow about 50 yards away but just out of my sight because of the crest of the hill, I am flintlock hunting.

All the gunfire doesn't faze them, I guess they are used to it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 03, 2016, 12:51:32 pm
Yeah Eric - kind of like the deer in Yosemite are used to all the people walking around. One kid almost god hooked the other day.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 06, 2016, 02:41:51 pm
Right now - I am watching it snow!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on January 09, 2016, 10:03:34 pm
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Finished up the handle, feels great in the hand, used osage for the wedge
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 10, 2016, 12:31:27 am
Nice work on that hatchet. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on January 10, 2016, 06:21:19 am
Looks good bubby!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Cloudfeather on January 12, 2016, 10:10:19 pm
Started making handles for my grandfather's drawknife that I'm restoring. I know a drill shouldn't be used as a lathe, but I've got no choice. Lol
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 12, 2016, 11:28:12 pm
I would like to see your whole restoration project, I have a bunch of old draw knives.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on January 12, 2016, 11:57:34 pm
I would like to see your whole restoration project, I have a bunch of old draw knives.

Great idea! I don't have a bunch but I would like to redo my grandpa's draw knife myself.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Cloudfeather on January 13, 2016, 10:43:49 am
I've got pics of most of the process, sans the before picture. Will post when I'm all done.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on January 15, 2016, 09:23:57 pm
Went into town to the PO office and found the photo pages for the album I am going to make was there so now can start the project in earnest.  Have been waiting for some time on them.  Took my dog and headed for the mountains.  There has been four bull moose and three cows on the ranch and was hoping to find some moose sheds.  I made a long and snow covered hike yesterday.  Fell thru the ice on the creek and only found tracks, lots of old droppings, mountain lion, coyote, and wolf tracks but no horns.  Today I went down the creek thru lots of willows and frozen beaver ponds.  I found a set of moose horns that have only been on the ground for a couple of days.  I have some pictures of this bull from early in the fall.  We usually don't get to hunt moose horns this early.  Sounds funny, but finding a set of newly shed horns is harder than shooting one with a bow!  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on January 17, 2016, 09:07:18 am
Wow Joe! That is amazing!  I would love to see some pictures of the horns! To me, you live a dream life, I'm sure it is a lot of hard work though.  Patrick
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on January 17, 2016, 02:11:55 pm
Patrick:  Thanks for the response.  Where I found the sheds was a long crusted show hike so I did not have my camera along.  I did have my cell phone and since I had no service I could not take a picture with it! "RIGHT!"  Now you know that I am still living in the Dark Ages!  I went back yesterday and saw two other small bulls that were still packing.  I found a last year's six point elk shed that was frozen in the ice.  Took some effort but it is in good shape and should make for some handles or knapping tools.  Also there was a many hundreds elk herd on the side of a big bare ridge. That's their way of watching for the wolves.  There are some lions that are killing the deer in the neighbor's river bottom.  There must be several as they have been completely cleaning up to the bone the deer they kill.  They usually just gorge and bury what is left.  I have a lion tag so maybe I will get lucky.  The last one we had in the yard killed one of my wife's cats right on the porch!  I do have a picture of the sheds here in the house but can only send pictures by email.  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on January 18, 2016, 11:28:17 pm
Thank you for sharing your life with us Joe. Good luck and be safe hunting those lions. Several times a week I wish I could live the way you do. Take care of yourself.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on January 24, 2016, 04:58:50 pm
What did Wee-Wicki do today...   :)
Sure is fun working with the little guy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 24, 2016, 05:13:11 pm
He excellent taste in tools, poor taste in beverage!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on January 24, 2016, 05:44:40 pm
Give him time jw, eventually he will work up to a good beer, like pbr lol
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 24, 2016, 06:00:37 pm
Give him time jw, eventually he will work up to a good beer, like pbr lol

Or Schlitz.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 24, 2016, 06:47:27 pm
He sure is growing up fast.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: MWirwicki on January 24, 2016, 08:06:32 pm
He sure likes spending time with Daddy.  Melts my heart... ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 24, 2016, 08:25:14 pm
Crazy how fast time goes by. He was a baby yesterday, wasn't he? I can still see him sitting in that tiny plastic tub at pappys taking a bath and making motor boat sounds!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 31, 2016, 11:37:49 am
I am watching it snow - again. snow level at 2000'!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on January 31, 2016, 06:45:14 pm
Did a little walk'n and stomp'n hunting this morning dogs (other than my buddy  :)). Brought back some great memories I had with my dad.  Thanks to my total knee surgery I might not have to wait 20 years to do this again....Got lucky and got a double on quail.....

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 03, 2016, 11:22:23 pm
That looks like a good way to spend the day with your dad Bill.  Glad to hear your knee is all healed up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 03, 2016, 11:24:32 pm
Tonight I proved once again that full length truck beds are unnecessary   ;D

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on February 03, 2016, 11:30:18 pm
Tonight I proved once again that full length truck beds are unnecessary   ;D

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Around my area Clint, they would pill you over and make you stack them from the top of the cab to the tailgate. But that's how I would have done it!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 03, 2016, 11:37:02 pm
Thats legal with the flag nice job
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 05, 2016, 06:06:02 pm
My friend Darin came over today with a bundle of bamboo and wanted to learn how to work it down to makes bamboo backed bows. He has made a number of stave bows and wanted to branch out to something else.

He is a quick learner and always nice to have in my shop.

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Almost ready to back a bow.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: darinputman on February 05, 2016, 07:44:46 pm
Thanks Eric you've been a great help in all my bow making as well as a good friend. Your willingness to pass it on to others is really appreciated, even when your not looking over my shoulder the GIZMO is still helping my untrained eye to see what needs to be done for proper tiller to be achieved. Thanks again.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 06, 2016, 04:03:05 pm
So, today is income tax day, bummer, thank goodness for Turbo Tax, I can complete my taxes in 30 minutes even with stock investments, capital gains and other niceties. I expect to have pay, double bummer!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on February 07, 2016, 12:05:49 am
Got a little time today to get out in the woods. Done a little squirrel hunting. I've loved this since I was a kid, it's not primitive but it's fun. Didn't fire one shot, at a tree rat that is. Season comes to a close in another week. Hope to get back out and get a few. I've got 7 or 8 in the freezer with about a dozen hides. I'm going to try to make some rawhide strings and maybe add the squirrels to the smoker at mojam this year.


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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 07, 2016, 05:08:57 am
Pat - You need to get Ya a .32 or .36 caliber Flintlock for those Tree Rats  >:D. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on February 07, 2016, 01:32:30 pm
Pat - You need to get Ya a .32 or .36 caliber Flintlock for those Tree Rats  >:D. Bob

You are absolutely right! I'm wanting a Kentucky squirrel rifle in 32 caliber for that very reason. But for now the Ole 22 will have to work!  :laugh:

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 07, 2016, 05:33:21 pm
My belt sander has been squealing like a banshee for several years, I have to wear earmuffs when I first start it but it quiets down after it runs a while. It is much worse in cold weather.

Yesterday it was really sounding off, today I decided it was time to fix it. I had fixed the belt roller bearings before so was sure I would need to repeat the same repar.
Taking these sanders apart is a pain, lots of blind set screws you have to remove but can't see.
I tried every way to remove the sanding disc and drive pulley but couldn't get them to budge.

Then it hit me; "dummy you have a puller somewhere". I have so many tools that some get lost in the  shuffle and forgotten about. After digging through a bunch of drawers I found it.

With the pulley puller I got everything apart easily.

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When I got everything apart I spun the roller, the bearings were OK, dang, a lot of work for nothing.
I started the motor with the belts off and found my banshee, it was  in the motor bearing.

I have never changed a bearing out in one of these motors but what the heck, I will either destroy the motor or fix it so off I go.

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I used my puller to get the bearing off the shaft and it would barely turn. I will pick up another in town tomorrow.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 08, 2016, 05:29:57 pm
I replaced the bearing, put everything back together, started the motor, it ran fine. I stopped the motor and restarted it and it blew the start capacitor. This is an old motor, at least 15 years old, to heck with it, I ordered a new motor.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 10, 2016, 12:11:37 pm
Going to a local elementary school today! 3/4th graders! NDNs and primitive skills!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 11, 2016, 03:16:12 pm
Going to a local elementary school today! 3/4th graders! NDNs and primitive skills!

Passing it along!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 11, 2016, 07:15:04 pm
After working on my sander and not being able to get to it for all the clutter I started a major shop clean-up project.

The first order of business it to build more shelves to get the stuff out of the floor. I started with a work station for these tools.

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I have found I can buy 2X12 lumber cheaper than 1X12 fancy pine shelving boards, so all my shelves will be on the sturdy side. I like to stain them and finish them.

Home depot was out of the  shelf brackets I need so I will wait a week or so to finish the project. I put up one more shelf today and have two more planned.

I made a big burn pile of all that scrap wood we keep but never use, took an old battery out of my shop I have been stumbling over for years to a place that gives you $5 for them and am going to unload a 12" Shopsmith planer I thought I needed but found out I didn't.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on February 11, 2016, 07:57:57 pm
Look'n good Eric ................I need to take the time to clean an organize my shop...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 11, 2016, 09:22:22 pm
Nice looking tools Eric.

Today my son got his drivers license.  Kind of makes me feel old.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 11, 2016, 10:19:52 pm
Cool he passed the test Clint, ya know what makes me feel old, mirrors😋
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 11, 2016, 11:09:54 pm
And ear hair  :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 12, 2016, 04:40:55 am
Dang Clint - just shot Coffee out of My Nose  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 12, 2016, 11:10:08 am
Man Eric! I wish I was close enough to you to take that planer off your hands!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 12, 2016, 03:50:39 pm
And ear hair  :o

Roll with it, baby!  Go full on Viking and braid that ear hair!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 15, 2016, 04:35:30 pm
Spent most of Valentine's day with my wife Cheryl, took her hiking up around hog lake and brought my dog leo as well. As you can see from the pics Calif finally has some water as this area is all rain water and ( (
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( ( it was a nice day and 79 deg
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 15, 2016, 04:39:24 pm
Those last two pics are manzanita, I'm not sure how far east it grows, beautiful wood, dense and oily and has a back like muscle wood, if i can find a big enough pc I'm gonna see what i can do with it, oh the berrys are pretty tasty too
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on February 16, 2016, 01:18:27 am
Nice pics! What are the tracks in the picture with all the rocks on the hill?  Looks almost like wild hogs to me.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 16, 2016, 08:32:41 am
Some of those tracks are wild pig some cattle this is blm land
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on February 16, 2016, 10:10:56 am
I thought so bubby, thanks!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 17, 2016, 07:32:35 pm
I am continuing the big shop clean-up because I reached the disgust level. If I don't use it it is going in the burn pile or the trash. Getting stuff out of the floor is a priority so I have been putting up shelves, lots of them. Here are my latest three out of the six shelves I put up.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on February 17, 2016, 08:04:21 pm
Looking good Eric! When you're done, come on over to my place and you can fix up my shop.  >:D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 18, 2016, 11:24:55 am
Nice pics Bub! Clean? Shop? in the same sentences? Good Luck Eric! Snow in Yosemite this morning!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 19, 2016, 09:41:12 am
Done with the clean-up, antlers off the wall except for a couple of special ones, all the trophies except the state championships are gone, The planer is gone and the floor is open again. I wonder how long it will stay like this?

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Here is where the work gets done, now clean and well organized.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Knoll on February 19, 2016, 10:04:17 am
GREAT lookin' shop, Mr Krewson! Ya get my vote for best organized.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on February 19, 2016, 11:34:11 am
I took a day and hit the trails with my buddy. Nice to get out and get some fresh air, but I'm sore today!  :o

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Aaron H on February 19, 2016, 12:25:10 pm
Nice looking shop Eric, what is the bench in the middle of the room used for?

Looks like fun Scott, lots of fun
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on February 19, 2016, 12:53:25 pm
Done with the clean-up, antlers off the wall except for a couple of special ones, all the trophies except the state championships are gone, The planer is gone and the floor is open again. I wonder how long it will stay like this?

Show us a picture tomorrow ;D  My shop is like Pigpen from "Peanuts" it manages to stay clean for one frame ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on February 19, 2016, 05:21:19 pm
The thing is now Eric, can you find anything? That's usually my problem with a clean work space. It looks great until I can't find what I put away.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 19, 2016, 05:31:06 pm
Glue-up/lay-up table for BBOs and C clamp storage, handy as can be.

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Easy to put a tent over(yard sale comforter) in really cold weather so the glue can cure overnight.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Aaron H on February 19, 2016, 07:42:43 pm
That's what I thought that was, great idea.  Looks very handy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 19, 2016, 08:34:17 pm
I took a day and hit the trails with my buddy. Nice to get out and get some fresh air, but I'm sore today!  :o

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Nice looking bikes Scott.  I had a couple small dirt bikes growing up.  They sure are fun to ride. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buckeye Guy on March 05, 2016, 09:54:58 am
Scott glad you can still get off of one of those things  it would probably be the  end of me
I tell folks that I have a perfect driving record on motorbikes,
I have wrecked  everyone that I have ever been on and I don't  just mean dirt bikes

Eric any chance you could  help me out , I have been trying  to find the floor in my shop for years ,  I took the fall and winter off fom hunting to work on it and at least I can get the doors  open with  out much danger of stuff falling on me now.  Maybe by next winter I can actually  work inside.
well I best get back out there and get somemore sorting done.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 16, 2016, 09:08:17 am
I had an old 2 stroke lawn boy push mower, the dang thing smoked and sputtered but kept running. Every year I would say I am getting a new one but would end up cranking my dinosaur and end using it one more year. The wheels were worn slick, the motor didn’t turn up the kind of rpm it once did and one smelled like an oil can after mowing with it. 

Yesterday I wondered if anyone would come pick it up for free if I put it on Craig’s list. I had a monster Snapper weed eater as well that hadn’t run in ten years.

I place the “free” ad at about 4:00 yesterday evening and had a guy in my driveway carting the mower and weed eater off by 7:00. I had two more calls, on guy offering guy #1 money for the mower.

Now I can buy a new mower, one that mows better and mulches with some power.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 11, 2016, 09:02:38 am
ROAD TRIP this weekend!

I blew a camper tire on my only trip out last year, health reasons kept me at home the rest of the year.

I am not going out with suspect tires this year so I am changing them all out. I have changed 4 blown out tires alongside the interstate so far and am trying to prevent a 5th such occurrence.

It is easier for me to pull the tires off than to take my camper through town to one of the places that sell these big tires.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on April 21, 2016, 01:26:48 pm
Had to help a freind load a piano on to his truck to haul to the dump.. Looked at me funny when I knocked out all the ebony keys.. the white ones were plastic  :'(... Waste not want not.. Bow tips, arrow shelves, trade value and whatever
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 21, 2016, 03:39:12 pm
I cut out turkey wings yesterday and today.

I had these to process yesterday, 14 wings and 4 fans;

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I heard a car in the driveway this morning and found these, 12 wings and 6 fans;

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on April 21, 2016, 04:38:30 pm
Dang guys, nice haul!
Eric,  I'm starting to get a bunch of wings myself here at work. I got 6 pair on Tuesday and one today. I'm sure I'll get some more the first of next week. Our season opened on Monday.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 22, 2016, 09:06:34 am
I had a new bow student in my shop yesterday, Jarrod Jackson. Always rewarding to start a new guy on his bow making journey.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: darinputman on April 22, 2016, 04:32:51 pm
He sent me a couple messages last night Eric to say he was excited is a huge understatement.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 23, 2016, 12:35:23 pm
I had a new bow student in my shop yesterday, Jarrod Jackson. Always rewarding to start a new guy on his bow making journey.

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YEEHAW!  Suckered another one into the cult of the bending stick!  Mwahaha, our plan to take back the world is working! 

I may have hooked one of the volunteers at the Black Hills Raptor Center.  The guy is a part time taxidermist and volunteered to help us create "education artifacts" from several euthanized raptors.  He was over yesterday to remove wings and feet from the bodies of several owls.  he showed me his techniques for removing the muscle tissue and gave us some borax/talcum/magic dust to help preserve the skins.  These feet and wings are then available for the kids that always seem to want to touch the live birds.  And yes, this is all under our Federal Permit!  Not only that, but I need to document where each and every wing/foot/skull/feather came from. 

ANYWAY, backing off that rabbit trail going nowhere....Joe saw a pile of finished and unfinished bows in the corner of the shop and asked questions.  I played coy with him and told him to pick thru them if he was interested.  I left him digging thru them for a while until he asked where I got them.  I told him I had made most of them, traded for some others, and was gifted a couple.  He then let me know he had been nosing the bait for a while, even before yesterday, when he said he had been reading online about how to make bows out of boards (Thanks JAWGE! Your site worked him over good!)

Well, long story short (too late)...he now wants to continue volunteering to work with raptors, but also wants to learn to make bows.  And best of all....he is also an antique tool collector and wants to do it all with old antiques that he has bought and refurbished!!!  Oh yeah.  We are going to take back the world and turn everyone into a Primitive Archer!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on April 23, 2016, 09:12:05 pm
Went out to my son's place to drop something off, here's a pic from the driveway( (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on April 23, 2016, 09:25:36 pm
That's pretty country. Not so many trees that you can't see anything. :D :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on May 01, 2016, 10:11:58 pm
I took some time yesterday after the rain stopped to do a little different type of wood working. This was one of my favorite things to do before I started making bows.
I built a gate for the top of the stairs any neice and nephews house. It was a fun project. The best part is that I got to make the entire thing out of scrap lumber that a buddy brought me from the cabinet shop that he works at.
The wood is called ghost wood. Its brand new fresh 1x pine that is finished from the factory to look like old rough sawn barn wood. Anyways here is a picture of it installed at their house.


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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on May 02, 2016, 08:59:30 am
That looks nice Patrick! Very well made.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on May 02, 2016, 11:55:22 am
Thanks Scott, it was a fun project.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on May 02, 2016, 12:29:00 pm
that looks like a nice way to keep them little ones from tumbling down the steps
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on May 02, 2016, 09:46:31 pm
Thanks bj,  it was their idea I just done the building part. She watches 3 little ones and one of the mothers already wants one on her house. So I might be building another.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on May 02, 2016, 11:15:12 pm
Nice country Bubby

Nice wood working Patrick.  Looks sturdy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on May 03, 2016, 12:53:53 am
Thanks Clint.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on May 03, 2016, 08:57:14 pm
Got the pool put up for the wife tonight. Don't really care myself but it's nice to cool off on a hot day!
Yep,  2 hoses, I got good neighbors!


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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 06, 2016, 07:35:56 pm
Sometimes when we plant a tree we forget how big said tree is going to be down the road. This is the prettiest tree on my place but it has to go, the roots are in my garden, blueberry patch and invading my muscadine vines. All our straight line winds come out of the west and would put this tree on my shop if things got rough.

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Tools of the trade, gotta make it go where I want it to go.

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Cabled off;

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Just right;

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Now for the cleanup, this will take a day or two;

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Might as well have the stump ground;

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Done with the stump, still a lot of cleanup left;

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Just about have a load of tops;

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Reduced to firewood, free white oak, come get it.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on May 07, 2016, 01:34:00 am
Quite the tutorial Eric, nice work. Did you save any staves? I hear white oak makes quite a bit better bow than red oak.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 07, 2016, 08:37:01 am
It is actually willow oak but the wood is snow white. the tree had a very clear 6' trunk, I thought about saving it for staves but have so much osage I knew I wouldn't ever make a bow out of the wood, I cut the trunk up and hauled it off.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on May 07, 2016, 10:58:25 am
Well that's cool,  I'm the type that would have saved the whole thing with no where to put it.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on May 10, 2016, 02:40:05 pm
Well Yesterday.... Drove 2 1/2 hrs. to meet my brand new grandson Carter William. A beautiful baby boy who came to us on Mother's day..
Thanks Leroy 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 16, 2016, 02:47:03 pm
Picked up an injured peregrine falcon yesterday.  Got some fluids and electrolytes into her.  she perked up right nicely and proceeded to crap a stream down one leg of my nice jeans.  Apparently, she had not been down on the ground starving for long if she was able to evacuate her cloaca!  So, we thawed some rabbit liver, lungs, hearts, and kidneys and fed her up on those.  They are incredibly easy to digest and are mostly water, anyway. 

She spent the night in a travel crate in my garage where it was nice and quiet.  This morning I thawed the one and only sharptail grouse breast in my freezer and begrudgingly gave it to her.  I then spent a couple hours working the social networks to find a volunteer to drive her halfway across the state to the nearest rehab licensed by the USF&W.  It was totally worth it, this bird is likely to be back in the wild doing her* thing very soon! 

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*Or him, who knows.  Sexing one of these birds generally requires a blood test unless you see an egg coming out the backside!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Ruddy Darter on May 16, 2016, 03:15:02 pm
Salute to you J.W., that's a great thing you did,  8) Fantastic birds.

All the best, Ruddy Darter.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on May 17, 2016, 09:10:29 am
Bar none, my favorite bird.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on May 17, 2016, 09:14:05 am
Speaking of birds of prey. I was yakking/catfishing a local stream last week and two adult bald eagles guided me down stream. It was fun. But when I got close to their "private fishing log jam", they screeched at me over and over and over until I pulled up anchor and drifted down stream. Selfish birds, I wasn't going to keep anything, I just wanted to catch a few. I shot them both with a sling shot and paddled on.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on May 17, 2016, 09:31:15 am
Oh Geeeesch, pot stirrer. >:D

Speaking of sling shots, reminds me of floatin the Buffaloe with my dad and uncle. Back in '96 I took leave from Hood and met everyone in the middle of Arkansas for a 3 day float trip. Food was not requisite, but slingshot ammo was. I remember sleeping on my army cot and fart sack and waking up with frost on my olive drab. Days were filled with a little fishing, a little wrestling, and a lot of sling shot (bean flip) 'ing. Everything was a challenge to us and it didn't matter who flung it, I was in hands and feet.

Slingshots just bring it all back for me...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on May 17, 2016, 11:05:31 am
Back during the war inner tubes were made from real red colored rubber.  Us kids could get the blow outs from the local filling station.  I made every kind of shooter you could think of and hunted with them.  To this day I always have one in my backpack, in my saddle bag, in my truck, and side by side.  Maybe next year at the Classic we can set up a shooting range for them and have a little competition!   Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on May 17, 2016, 11:35:38 am
Now that would be an exciting challenge! I'm sure I'm nowhere near the crack shot I once was, but rabbits and sparrows had more than their fair share of near misses with us barefoot little booger heads runnin around.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: RidgeRunner on May 23, 2016, 08:20:17 am
I would be up for that.
Down here in the South we call them a Flip.
Have carried one most on my life.
Still have a Maple stock that I made when I was about 12 years old.

Looking for something to use as Ammo.  What do you guys shoot in your flips????

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 24, 2016, 06:23:13 pm
I spent the morning trying to cut a crotch wood flintlock stock blank out of a storm downed walnut down in the woods below my house.The tree fell on a very steep slope, no way to get a log out intact. The tree has been on the ground for 3 years, the wood was sound but light in color for walnut so the trunk may have degraded some.

Slab it with my chainsaw;

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Check out the figure in the crotch;

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Pattern layout;

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Cut out;

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Headed home;

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on May 25, 2016, 03:16:37 am
Nice find Erik ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 31, 2016, 09:30:17 am
I got a bit of a wake-up call today; for the past week every time I pulled the morning paper out of the tube beneath my mailbox it would be coated with spider
webs, lots of them making it hard to open and read. every morning I would reach up in the tube and pull the webs out, kinda dark in the morning and I couldn't see a spider. This morning I was running a little late and ran into the same mass of spider
webs, inserted my arm and pulled them out one more time. I could see up in the tube a bit and could see a spider silhouetted in the upper corner. I took a swat at it with the newspaper, it turned sideways and I saw what I had been dealing with, a rather large black widow. I had my hand in the middle of its web at least 5 times and it didn't sting me, just lucky I guess.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on May 31, 2016, 08:30:24 pm
I worked black locust for the first time today. BL is not a local tree but it has escaped cultivation on the south end of the island and on the mainland. Bow101 gave me a small sapling from down his way. When I split it it had a lot of small (1/16") worm holes and a big ugly scar on one limb. It was very wet and has been drying for a year or so. Anyway I chased a ring just because I wanted to try it. That went so so. I got it floor tillered and a bit on the long string today. It is very nice wood to work. I even got to use a spoke shave on it a bit. Very pretty wood. I don't have high hopes for this one. The scar, worm holes and my first ring chasing are fighting against me. I have a couple of billets left that look a lot nicer.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Knotty on May 31, 2016, 09:28:26 pm
I made a few bamboo mini bow tests to check out its properties and.. Looked for an endless time at my guava stave hoping it dries faster 😆
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 04, 2016, 06:34:25 pm
On the way home from Marshall I noticed a double grill sitting at the end of a driveway a couple miles from my house.  I stopped and talked to the owners and they said It was free for the taking.  The gas side of the grill was all burnt out but the charcoal side was barely used.  I've been wanting to get a new smoker grill so I was glad to have it.  I wrestled it into the back of the truck by myself. 

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I cleaned it up and took it off of the base.  I took the top of my old grill off and used some parts of a metal bed frame to adapt the base to fit the new one.  I painted the base with some high temperature paint while I was at it.  The handle is on the wrong side.  I'll probably move it over one day when I get tired of wheeling it around it by the angle iron on the other side.  I think it turned out OK for being parts of two junk grills and a bed frame.

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For the last two years I've only used osage scraps to grill with.  I get a fire going and let it die down to a nice bed of coals.

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I gave it a good test run.  I should have waited a little longer before putting the burgers on.  I got one of them a little done.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on June 04, 2016, 06:40:34 pm
Amazing... what will you think of next................shooting a steel drum when a guy is at full draw????  :)
You are the repurposing King....good job Clint.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on June 05, 2016, 01:16:07 pm
looks good O squared. I love my chargriller! added a smoker box to the right side of the wood grill....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on June 06, 2016, 08:30:38 am
Good job scrounging Clint, now if you can just get bill to cook all of your meals you won't eat any burned burgers😈
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 17, 2016, 05:06:37 pm
Today at work we checked out one of the old barns on the back side of the property.  We found some babies.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on June 19, 2016, 11:01:57 am
Well yesterday the President was here! What a night mare! He is leaving today so maybe things will get back to some kind of normal. Only 2 members of the local tribe got invited to his speech. He did not visit the NDN museum, thank goodness!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 02, 2016, 05:43:14 pm
Today my little girl ran her first 10K (6.2 miles) road race.  Out of 281 runners she was 28th overall and the  top female.   

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on July 02, 2016, 06:24:59 pm
Congrat's ....!!!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 02, 2016, 08:26:52 pm
She did great Clint
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Mounter on July 02, 2016, 09:05:34 pm
Dude, thats awesome... Big Congrats!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 02, 2016, 09:31:07 pm
I swiped this picture from the local newspapers website.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on July 02, 2016, 10:29:12 pm
That's great Osage. I remember my first 8 mi. Run it was also my last lol.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 02, 2016, 10:31:37 pm
I did a few 5k's when I was younger.  That was many pounds ago  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on July 03, 2016, 04:19:22 am
Congrats Young Lady ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on July 03, 2016, 09:00:10 am
Thats great Clint!
Congrats to her!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PNewton on July 03, 2016, 10:34:15 am
Congratulations to your girl Clint. That's quite an accomplishment.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 15, 2016, 04:40:17 pm
Was out walking and ran into Cody Lundin of Dual Survival.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 15, 2016, 04:43:02 pm
that's cool ben, i really like Cody
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 16, 2016, 10:15:40 pm
I always liked him on the show.  He seemed to have the most common sense out of any of them.  Plus any guy that wears shorts in the snow is OK in my book.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on July 19, 2016, 06:23:53 pm
Thats awesome Ben!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 31, 2016, 07:08:40 pm
I pulled one from the corner of shame this morning for another look.  For the life of me I could not remember why I put it there, when I started it, or what I intended to do with it in the first place.  Nice piece of hickory, though.

I fiddled a bit with long string tiller until I had one limb looking really good and the other pretty close.  I switched to a shorter string and evened the two up, only to find the better limb had a little hinge action going on.  I thought long and hard about whether to put wood back on or lighten everything else up.  I took a break to finish off half a watermelon and decided to take wood off to match the hinge. 

It is pulling low 40's I think and I have some red chestnut stain on the bow drying now. 

I think I will name this bow Cersei.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: ---GUTSHOT---> on August 02, 2016, 09:24:13 am
Spent most of Sunday night in the ER with kidney stones. Took my kids down to the lake Monday evening for a cookout and a rock skipping contest. And no my kidney stone didn't skip goo at all
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 02, 2016, 09:52:19 am
Kidney stones don't sound fun at all.  A couple of guys at work have had them.  Hope they all worked their way out.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 02, 2016, 12:16:14 pm
Kidney stones don't sound fun at all.  A couple of guys at work have had them.  Hope they all worked their way out.

From what I hear, it is like shooting knapping pit leftovers out your guy parts!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 17, 2016, 08:18:52 pm
I did some knife work today.  They got 3 normalizing cycles and then a heat treat quenched in warm oil.  My little gas forge works but I want to make a new one with kaowool instead of plaster.  I need to move the torch inlet more towards the front opening to allow for longer blades.  Tomorrow I'll temper them twice for 2 hours at 400 degrees.

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From top to bottom the steel is an old machete, an old sawmill blade, and an old file.  The machete had a soft tip after the heat and quench.  I heated it up a second time and got it hotter than the first attempt.  That seemed to do the trick.  A sharp file won't cut any of the blades now.  I was very happy with how the sawmill blade turned out.  I was worried it wouldn't harden enough to make a knife.  I have more knife blanks from that steel.  I drilled all the holes in the file knife to lighten it up a little.  It's a thick file and the holes keep the weight down. 

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on August 17, 2016, 08:46:44 pm
Looking good!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on August 17, 2016, 08:53:24 pm
On your way to some cool knives...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 17, 2016, 09:04:17 pm
Thanks guys. 

Bill, I think I'm going to take the top knife to the trade blanket at the September Scottsburg shoot.  I might work on that handle shape a little bit before I finish it up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on August 17, 2016, 10:26:03 pm
Clint,  check out YouTube on how to make a coffee can Forge. 
A couple of things I picked up is,  angle the touch so the flame is swirling inside of the fire chamber.  And try using map gas instead of propane.  Map gas burns a LOT hotter than propane. That might help some with your current setup.  It should get the whole chamber hot for you. 

The knives look awesome though! Can't wait to see the finished product!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 17, 2016, 11:08:26 pm
I've watched a lot of those videos Patrick.  I've got map gas but I can get the knives glowing orange with propane.  Since its cheaper I am using it up first.  On the longer blades I can't get the knife deep enough to get all of the blade in the direct heat.  If my torch inlet was 1" towards the open end it would be perfect. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on August 18, 2016, 08:52:22 am
Thats cool Clint,  I figured you have watched some of those videos.  Sounds like you have a plan.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Aaron H on August 18, 2016, 09:16:37 am
Killer looking knives Clint
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on August 24, 2016, 11:49:28 am
Osage we used to get MAP gas instead of Acytelene it last way longer I'm pretty sure it would way out last propane. love your blades allways fun to see what your up to.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 02, 2016, 09:20:28 pm
BJ, I use Map and propane gas.  My little forge worked OK with the cheaper propane so I'll probably use that.

Today I stopped at a yard sale and bought an old lantern for $5.  I brought it home and looked up the model#.  It's a Preway L43S from the 1930's-1940's. 

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I also finished up my trade arrow and got some work done on a bow.  I split a fat water moccasin skin and glued it down.  I'm trying to get this bow done in the next 2 weeks so I can take it to a trade blanket at a local trad shoot.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on September 02, 2016, 11:06:26 pm
I think you got a deal on the lantern Osage looks pretty good shape for its age
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 08, 2016, 10:18:16 pm
I must be on a hot streak for finding deals.  The other day I found a large cooler on the road with 9 cans of rolling rock beer on ice inside of it.  Today I picked up a good draw knife at an antique store for $10 and found a brand new Mckenzie deer target at a vintage store for $40.  It has never been shot.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: koan on September 08, 2016, 11:11:44 pm
Clint, you might oughta go buy a lotto ticket 👍... Brian
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 08, 2016, 11:27:58 pm
Maybe I should  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on September 09, 2016, 04:34:08 pm
The only bad part is Clint don't drink so the rolling rock qent to waste😳
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 09, 2016, 05:15:58 pm
The only bad part is Clint don't drink so the rolling rock qent to waste😳

But, I do and don't live too far away....maybe he'll save them for me... :) : )
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 09, 2016, 06:13:41 pm
Sorry Bill.  I already gave them to a guy at work.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 09, 2016, 06:35:00 pm
That's good Clint.............I really didn't need it, better I didn't.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on September 10, 2016, 12:19:39 am
That's good Clint.............I really didn't need it, better I didn't.

Just cause you don't need it don't mean you can't have it lol
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 11, 2016, 11:23:12 am
You better move that deer target away from the back end of the car!  I think I remember seeing in a movie where an arrow hit a gas tank and the whole thing went up in a ball of fire!   >:D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: loon on September 12, 2016, 03:11:24 am
Yesterday a family friend gifted me a great compass and Ishi in Two Worlds: A Biography of the Last Wild Indian in North America. Really cool gifts..
Went to Lowe's to find a replacement for a lamp glass thing of a ceiling fan that I made fall and shatter by fooling around with a 6' bow, installed it, cut carpet to put in a cardboard box, shot it with a manchu thumb ring, was a bit weird, arrow was going all over the place.. same with bare thumb. sigh. i need a lot of practice? It seemed like the arrow didn't always land straight, I wonder if part of it could've been due to the folded carpet in the 'target'
then played Enderal.
Still have to make arrows, fix hornbow twist, make a bow rack, make that red oak bow...
University starts in a week.
Also have some work to do.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 12, 2016, 02:44:08 pm
Drying apples today.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on September 13, 2016, 11:22:50 am
I have to do some of that. We had a bumper year for apples up here. Every tree is just loaded. You don't want to leave the windows on your car open or it will be full of apples when you get back ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 22, 2016, 07:09:19 pm
I spent all day trimming trails to stand sites all day with my Dad.  He drove the old riding mower and I packed a chainsaw up and down the hills clearing anything in the way.  I'm whooped and tore up by osage thorns.  The burrs are terrible this year.  I had them everywhere.  All the dead ash trees are depressing.  Our woods are going to be a mess when they start falling.  I'm not looking forward to clearing 30" diameter dead trees from our trails.

We were able to get the mower to all of our stands except this one.  Its in the valley behind the house.  It's to steep to get a mower down the hill.  I used a weed eater to clear it out.  I like a wide and clear path to my stands.  I like to walk on bare dirt and not have any weeds or leaves hit my clothing on the way in.  I don't want to leave any scent behind for a deer to smell. 

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 22, 2016, 08:29:29 pm
Good deal Clint doesn't hurt to put as many odds in your favor as possible.....I did that a much as I could when bass fishing tournaments
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on September 30, 2016, 04:50:52 pm
Hmm - well... last several weeks been a little rough. ran out of propane - broken hot water line in the kitchen floor (hence the propane) dads best friend and my uncle figure passed, differential went out on the truck(2400$ later!) learned how to replace the struts and axles on my wifes car, got a cold now to learn to be thankful for the littlest things that came through all this plus I found 20$ today!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: looper on October 24, 2016, 08:39:45 pm
I put together a couple of bow racks.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 24, 2016, 10:18:21 pm
Nice rack  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on October 25, 2016, 04:44:32 am
Nice - Really like the bottom one, might have to steal that idea  O:) ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on October 25, 2016, 02:15:14 pm
I like the second one too. First one is like mine but I didn't put cross pieces on mine. Each side hangs on it's own.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: looper on November 04, 2016, 09:10:04 pm
Finally cleaned up one wall of my shop.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 04, 2016, 09:12:37 pm
Nice CRAPlock rifle (says the guy with one of the same and several FLINCHrocks).

Looks nice in there, buddy!  A guy could relax in that atmosphere.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: looper on November 04, 2016, 09:26:59 pm
That rifle was bought new in 1821 by one of my 3rd great grandpas. It was original a flintlock and was converted sometime in the late 1800s. I'm going to make a duplicate of it.

(I originally had the year wrong)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: looper on November 04, 2016, 09:30:35 pm
And my new shelf, built from another set of shelves my grandpa built back in the 1960s. Haven't loaded it down with my books, yet. An old desk will go under it.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 04, 2016, 09:47:41 pm
That rifle was bought new in 1851 by one of my 3rd great grandpas. It was original a flintlock and was converted sometime in the late 1800s. I'm going to make a duplicate of it.

That "thunk" sound was my jaw hitting the ground.  That is a level of cool I just cannot imagine!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: loon on November 04, 2016, 09:51:59 pm
wake up
work in compilers assignment a bit remotely with partner
go to class
be tired for no apparent reason

UPS doesn't take returns at drop-off over 16x13x3"..??! Sigh

Will make a flemish jig & string for someone's fiberglass laminated longbow. I need to make some sinew glue for fixing that blemish in my hornbow..

edit: Pretty much made a flemish jig.

This BCY "black cherry" looks like some metallic pinkish purple.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 05, 2016, 10:43:53 pm
If the gun was new in 1851 it is highly unlikely it was ever a flintlock. A close up picture of the lock would tell the story.

Speaking of flintlocks; I took my .54 to the woods today but forgot to hold low on a big doe about 25 yards away. A damp morning, damp priming powder and slow ignition give a deer on high alert time to "jump the string", I shot over her back.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: looper on November 06, 2016, 01:20:51 am
It was definitely a flintlock. I had the year wrong, though. I was actually looking up information about the gunmaker, and he died in 1849. It could have been 1821, or maybe 1831. My aunt has a handwritten note about the history of the gun written by my great, great grandpa. She keeps it with the powder horn and a patched up possibles bag. Where the date is written, the 3rd digit in right on a fold in the paper.

She actually has a picture of my 3rd great grandpa Miles Singleton holding the rifle before he went off to fight in the Civil War. He was holding that gun, and it is clearly a flintlock in the picture. I don't think he took that rifle to fight in the war, though.

The lock was converted to a caplock. The prime pan was sawn off, and you can see where the main spring was. A friend of mine, Don Bruton, looked it over with me the day it came into my hands. We partially disassembled it, and he pointed out all the changes made to the lock. He's a master gunsmith and has handled who knows how many original guns, so I'm confident he knows what he's talking about.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 08, 2016, 12:53:32 pm
With that time frame it was definitely a flintlock that was converted.

I am familiar with Don's work, top notch!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 08, 2016, 12:56:17 pm
I had my friends .50 bored out by Bobby Hoyt to .54. Of course my friend didn't have any .54 stuff so I outfitted him completely from my stash. Later I found I only had one .54 loading block and it went with my friend.

No problem says I, I will buy a 35/64" bit and make myself another block, that is until I found I could buy a bit online for $7 but the shipping would be more than the bit.

I looked through my old bit drawer and found a rusty 3/4" spade bit. I ground down the sides to the correct size and proceeded to make myself a new loading block, it worked perfectly.

Osage, from a selfbow limb with too many rotten knots to fool with that I had put in the burn pile.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on November 09, 2016, 04:06:49 am
Waste not - good save Eric ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 12, 2016, 09:26:03 am
I got my first rifle kill this morning.  Our state finally allowed certain rifle calibers this season.  I bought a Remington .243 and sighted it in at 50 yards. Our property is very thick and tangled with trees.  This morning a doe came in behind me.  At the same time a small buck crossed in front of me.  I had to wait until he was out of site before I could stand to shoot.  She saw me move and was about ready to bolt.  Most of her chest was blocked by a tree.  I aimed as far back as I could and pulled the trigger.  She was quartering towards me so I was confident it would do the job.  It was only a 15 yard shot.  She ran less than 20 yards and dropped.  I have a goal of killing a deer with every possible weapon type.  After this morning the only thing left on my list is a FG bow.  I'm done hunting for the season.  That is 3 in the freezer.  Might end up with 4 if my Dad or kids get one.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on November 12, 2016, 11:28:15 am
Congrats Clint nice work. .243 is i fine deer caliber
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 12, 2016, 12:53:56 pm
Thanks.  It sure did a number on that doe.  I found half a lung under the shoulder blade.  That doe was at least 1.5 years old.  It should be some tender steaks.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 12, 2016, 01:41:06 pm
Not sure if that was a rifle shot or the dinner bell ringing, Clint!  (.243, most under rated deer cartridge)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Aaron H on November 12, 2016, 04:56:17 pm
Congrats on the doe Clint.  Looks like that will be some really good meat.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 12, 2016, 06:40:08 pm
Congrats on the doe Clint.  Looks like that will be some really good meat.

If you make it to the Classic next year you can find out for yourself  ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 12, 2016, 07:32:09 pm
I had a doe run in on me Sunday and stop broadside at 20 yards, she is in the freezer.

Bad picture as I threw my back out dragging her(getting old) so I took a quick snapshot before I took her to the processor.

 I killed her with a .54 cal Lancaster Beck style flintlock rifle I built about 4 years ago.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on November 12, 2016, 07:40:24 pm
Good for you Eric! Nothing better than some venison for the freezer.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Adam on November 12, 2016, 08:10:59 pm
Eric, great deer. Sorry hear about your back. That's a seriously beautiful rifle!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 12, 2016, 08:53:10 pm
Good job filling the freezer Eric
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on November 13, 2016, 05:21:28 am
Good job Guys ! Our Rifle season starts Tuesday - I'll be carrying My trusty Browning Gold slug gun (Slug only part of the State) - sure would be nice to put one in The freezer - Bob.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 13, 2016, 09:05:42 am
Great gun and deer, Eric. Get that old man back fixed up.

Good luck, Bobert! I know it wont be the guns fault ;)

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on November 14, 2016, 04:10:57 am
Thanks Bud - You too ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 22, 2016, 10:46:06 pm
Today was deer parts day.  I picked up some legs from a local processor for the sinew and I cooked mine and a buddy's deer skulls.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on November 23, 2016, 03:43:59 am
Hey Clint - Do You save the Hoofs and Dew Claws ? Boiled and slipped off the bone, then dried - they make pretty cool door danglers, like a wind chime every time You open/close the door. Made a few Years ago. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on November 24, 2016, 12:57:51 am
Hey Clint - Do You save the Hoofs and Dew Claws ? Boiled and slipped off the bone, then dried - they make pretty cool door danglers, like a wind chime every time You open/close the door. Made a few Years ago. Bob

I would be happy to have some hooves! We use them for ceremonial regalia!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: loon on November 25, 2016, 05:21:34 pm
Am in Vegas for Thanksgiving. Shot firearms for the first time. Two AR-15 type rifles, one belt-fed, another magazine fed. 5.56 has nice pushy recoil, more than I expected. Surprisingly it seems like the AKM in 7.62x39 didn't have much more recoil..
Looking forward to go back home and work in some bows in a few months..
Gonna cook some sinew glue to fix my hornbow, hopefully.
Would love to get a Savage in .308, though a single shot breechloading black powder rifle (ie remington rolling block, springfield trapdoor or sharps type rifle) would be great too. Though I probably wouldn't want to put lead on my game if I ever go hunting. But it's not like I have any choice legally in California anymore  :\
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on November 28, 2016, 05:24:15 pm
Got up this morning and the sun was out. At least I think it was the sun, big round yellow thing, hard to look at? It's been a while ;). Anyway I thought I would go looking for some natural crooks. Thought I'd struck out on crooks but I found the tallest, straightest Pacific Crabapple I've seen. I got two 6'6" staves and there may still be one hanging in the rest of the tree. It was straight with only a half dozen branches in about 20'. Then while I was packing them out I found a nice Ocean Spray with a crook at the bottom. Bonus!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on November 28, 2016, 06:16:15 pm
Split the biggest one. 3" dia at the handle. Started the split in the middle because Crab can be twisty. Surprise, surprise, Crab doesn't split much straighter than this. Now to get the bark off without messing up the nice Crab wood
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 28, 2016, 08:03:55 pm
Nice looking bow wood.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on November 28, 2016, 10:01:22 pm
Today I got vehicular bad news.... My wifes car broke down last wednesday. Today i found out $8000+ for a new motor! Still got $2000 left to pay on it! AAAUUGGGHHHH
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on November 29, 2016, 12:38:36 am
That aucks Ben
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on November 30, 2016, 01:31:25 pm
Been working for a couple days on this shooting bench. Plan to have a little get together this weekend and do some shooting. This should be a nice sturdy platform to bench rest the rifles off of. Made the base from the deck boards I tore off the house and the top is rough sawn cypress.

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Just needs a little sealer and she's good!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on November 30, 2016, 01:46:36 pm
Looks nice Scott. We have one permanently set up back by our original pond. It is so much more handy to have one ready to use anytime you feel like sending a few rounds down range.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 30, 2016, 04:25:22 pm
Looks plenty sturdy enough.  Nice work Scott
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 30, 2016, 04:50:57 pm
Nice Scooter!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 30, 2016, 05:23:10 pm
Bet it takes two men and a boy to move that around.  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stringman on November 30, 2016, 07:26:55 pm
The cypress is surprisingly light, but still the thing was not made to move around. Should have my AR by the weekend, so hope to get er good an broke in.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 02, 2016, 08:25:11 pm
I spent the afternoon in one of my log hunting blinds. I had a button head at 15 yards and a couple of does at 40 but the does were looking at me which makes a flintlock shot difficult so I passed.

The rifle is a .54 I made several years ago, not the best crafting job but it gets it done and is very accurate.

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I sit with the gun cocked and a leather cover over the frizzen (no sparks) so it can't go off accidently. It is a lot easier to flip the frizzen cover off than to try to cock the hammer quietly with cold hands in the heat of the battle. It takes a bunch of of pressure to cock the hammer, flintlock main springs are really stout.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on December 02, 2016, 08:34:31 pm
Eric ..... you have posted some very nice ML.............would really like to meet you in person and talk black powder......
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on December 02, 2016, 09:21:33 pm
Eric; I'd take one of your worst builds any day of the week.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on December 02, 2016, 11:54:09 pm
Eric; I'd take one of your worst builds any day of the week.

×2 mullet
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 03, 2016, 10:21:41 am
My latest project is to build a TC flintlock Renegade rifle from a variety of collected parts. I have been steaming all the dents out of what was once a really rough stock.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 03, 2016, 11:00:42 am
Say what they will about the historical accuracy of TC guns, the barrels were sound and accurate!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: loon on December 03, 2016, 09:14:48 pm
Poured sinew glue (very little but likely enough) on a tupperware container. Will scrape fat off when it gels. Then hopefully I can eventually fix up my hornbow. ..

Those stave press things could be very helpful for untwisting the siyahs

Say what they will about the historical accuracy of TC guns, the barrels were sound and accurate!

Wow. Just see a cheap one online. No FFL required. Really, rather tempting. Even though I think I'd like a breechloader.. Aaand I don't know where I'd shoot it. California doesn't have many ranges as far as I know, but whatever exist say "no black powder".
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on December 03, 2016, 10:00:07 pm
Calif has lots of ranges, maybe not as many in that vast wasteland of so cal
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on December 03, 2016, 10:03:48 pm
You have fat in your hide glue? I don't think that sounds good, that stuff should be super clean before you make glue
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 03, 2016, 11:46:40 pm
What are you using to get fat in your glue?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: loon on December 04, 2016, 03:24:24 am
Mostly unprocessed, but dry deer leg sinew. I guess next time I should process, wash w/ dish soap, remove the stuff that isn't sinew. It just looked oily at the surface. After straining it seemed to go away, mostly? And after it gelled, didn't notice any. was intending to scrape it after it gelled, maybe it was too thin anyway
Maybe overcooked it, flakes seem brittle.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 04, 2016, 07:54:55 am
I save only the clean sinew scraps while processing it.  I shred them up into fine strands for making glue.  When it gels up there isn't any fat to skim off.  It makes an excellent glue.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 04, 2016, 11:25:52 am
One major stumbling block for shooting M/L in Ca is you can't shoot lead projectiles, the tree huggers have had lead banned.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on December 04, 2016, 11:51:26 am
Eric that ban doesn't go into effect till 2019, but you will still be able to use lead at shooting ranges which is silly as that will have the highest concentrations of lead one would think.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on December 07, 2016, 05:03:26 pm
Speaking of tree huggers, Eric. I think I smell one now?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on December 07, 2016, 06:07:09 pm
The Huggers tried to have the EPA declare shooting ranges Toxic waste Sites because of the lead. But, George Bush's cabinet put a stop to it. All ranges basicly have Amnesty.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 09, 2016, 06:17:36 pm
I got a call at work this evening from my wife.  Her and my daughter were on their way to do some Christmas shopping when a car crossed the center line in front of them.  She swerved onto the shoulder to try to avoid the other car but it still hit them.  Luckily they weren't injured, just a little sore.  It would have been a lot worse if she had stayed in her lane.  Probably a head on crash.  When the car hit clipped them it spun them in  a complete circle.  This is the second time she's been hit by another car with one of our kids with her.  This past Memorial Day a kid lost control of his car and crashed through the room where she worked.  If it hadn't of been a holiday she would have been crushed.  She's had a few close calls.  She thinks the kid that hit her today was texting.  When the cop told him they were going to check his phone records he just put his head down and didn't say anything. 

On a positive note, the tire that he hit was due to be replaced soon.  The other 3 are new.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on December 09, 2016, 06:27:36 pm
Glad everyone was not hurt.......
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 09, 2016, 06:45:15 pm
She might be unlucky, but she's really lucky. Sure glad no one was hurt. I remember you posting about that Memorial Day one.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 09, 2016, 06:57:40 pm
She might be unlucky, but she's really lucky. Sure glad no one was hurt. I remember you posting about that Memorial Day one.

That one scared us BJ. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 09, 2016, 08:10:49 pm
A teenage girl was killed and her friend critically injured yesterday in town. She ran into the back of a simi wide open, no skid marks. They haven't given the cause yet but I suspect it was texting.

My phone doesn't  text, I have hands free calling and have noticed I still get distracted just talking to someone, especially when I am calling a friend to tell them how my evening hunt went. I can't imagine trying to text someone.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on December 09, 2016, 11:05:03 pm
Glad they are both ok Clint
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on December 10, 2016, 03:54:03 am
Glad they are OK ! Driving and Texting is rampant - People are CRAZY with those "STUPID" phones  :( ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on December 10, 2016, 09:19:31 am
Glad no one was hurt Clint. I to remember your memorial day post.  She sure has been lucky.
Maybe you should play the lottery!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on December 10, 2016, 09:38:08 am
Glad they are OK. You really have to watch out for the other guy these days.
I'm beginning to think that all this distracted driving is getting worse than drunk driving.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on December 10, 2016, 07:59:32 pm
Shovelled the driveway three times >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bow101 on December 10, 2016, 08:04:12 pm
I hear ya, and I have a small driveway.  My back seized up, I'm walking around like a 90 year old man.  Did not warm up my back nor stretch before going outside.......... :'( :'( :'(

Although one big ,big thing on my Bucket list is..!  Stay in a cabin for a short period of time,  somewhere in the back forty and live like a mountain man. Snowshoeing, hunting, splitting firewood, cooking on open fire etc.... This is a  must do before I punch my ticket...!    8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on December 11, 2016, 11:09:35 am
If they would simply toss ALL people who are charged with texting and driving a 1 year jail term, it would be a good start. ZERO TOLERANCE is what we call it nowadays.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on December 11, 2016, 03:37:33 pm
I agree Chris ! Just as bad as Drunk Driving. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 11, 2016, 04:39:22 pm
My daughter will be getting her license in a few months.  I'm glad she was in the car when it got hit so she could see how fast an accident can happen when you aren't paying attention.  We have stressed the no texting issue to her. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on December 11, 2016, 11:43:16 pm
Good luck with that! That is a hard one to break!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 15, 2016, 01:16:17 pm
I have nerve decompression on L3-L4-L5 and lateral fusion of L5-S1. I feel like a freight train ran over me couple times right now, at least the loss of feeling in my legs that prompted the surgery has come back.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on December 18, 2016, 11:53:51 am
My wife and I spent the morning hours watching a very large herd of elk wade thru the really deep snow on the divide across from us.  We see them all the time, but this morning they were headed back up country in the drifted snow which only adds to the crazy year we have had so far. The large herds of elk were down early and then went back to the high country.  They came down again when we started having the heavy snows in the mountains.  We have a picture taken early last week of 300 or so in the lower hay field.  We think that is the same herd as we watched this morning.  Cow season is still on so the 1000 yard gunners are still driving the mountain roads.  Deep snow like they were in this morning makes them easy prey for the wolves as the wolves can often run on top of the drifts and the elk must bust thru.  I don't remember seeing a herd of elk on the divide in the deep snow before.  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on December 18, 2016, 12:36:15 pm
Went to mass and came home and I fixed my bride of 45 years, breakfast.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: StumblyRhino on December 18, 2016, 03:33:56 pm
Plow, pancakes, Packers
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 21, 2016, 07:55:37 pm
It warmed up to about 40 degrees today so I decided to stretch my legs a little bit.  I dropped down the hill behind my house and started hiking through the woods.  I got to the back edge of our property and then I saw it.  The clouds parted.  A ray of sun shined down on a tall and straight osage tree.  Not a single limb for 35'.  I just stood there in awe for a moment.  Then I started scouting a landing area and trying to find a route to get it hauled up the hill and into the field.  But then I paused and looked at it some more.  I decided to leave it alone.  Let it keep growing until a windstorm blows it over like usually happens to large osage trees in our soft soil.  It might happen during the next storm or it might last another 10 years.  Whenever it does happen I'll be ready.   

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Buffalogobbler on December 21, 2016, 08:09:48 pm
Another 100 stave tree?

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 21, 2016, 08:30:26 pm
I don't know.  It's not as big of diameter but its taller.  There are a few straight sections at the top where it limbs out.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 22, 2016, 01:53:31 am
I have been wearing black socks with a worn out on my #2 pair of hikers for a while now so that white socks don't show the holes. I guessed they were due for retiring. When I buy a new pair the #1 pair becomes #2.  It's a system.  With today being my birthday, I was planning on dumping my change jar out for the $60-80 that accumulated in the last year, making up the difference from the checkbook.  But then I saw where our local sheriff's dept and the Humane Society had raided a puppy mill and 75 sick, starved, and abused animals had been confiscated. 

I really liked that pair of #2 boots, and there is plenty of sole left. I prefer 'em broke in good, anyway.  So I went and bought almost 200 lbs of high quality dog food that was recommended and delivered that to the Humane Society. I stuck around and helped unload, seems that I was not the only person with that idea.  Spent two hours sorting and stacking bags of dog food.  Happy birthday to me.  Better'n boots, I say.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on December 22, 2016, 09:15:21 am
Your a hell of a guy JW !!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 24, 2016, 11:47:55 am
Your a hell of a guy JW !!

Not quite yet.  But hanging around in here has sure put some burrs under my saddle and guilted me into making myself TRY.  Every single time I come in here and read posts, I find something that reminds me that I need to try a little harder, do a little better, behave a little more proper.  Above all, with NO exceptions, and with not a single reservation....this is why I have remained a member of this self elected society of primitive archers.  The greatest lesson I have learned is that even the most twisted stave still has potential.

Thank you, everyone, for contributing to my ongoing rehabilitation as a human being.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on December 25, 2016, 11:14:28 pm
Any time JW! ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 29, 2016, 09:42:25 pm
My favorite Californian sent me this Collins ax head today.  I think I'll rehang it and use it to fell an osage tree.  Thanks again Bubby.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on December 30, 2016, 12:50:56 am
Your welcome buddy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 14, 2017, 06:14:07 pm
Down by the Tn river in Florence Al there is a huge indian mound, there was a ramshackle museum next to it with a motley assortment of artifacts, nothing special.

The city decided to build a proper museum which I went to for the first time today.

 I was a serious relic hunter in my youth and had a sizable collection that I gave to my son the last time he was here. I had a really nice sand tempered bowl that he wouldn't take because he couldn't prove I came by it legally. I did acquire it legally by the existing laws almost 50 years ago but the laws have changed and digging it up nowadays would land me in the poky for a very long time.

I asked the folk at the museum if they took donations, they did. I told them about my bowl and they said they would be delighted to have it.

I found it on a Mississippian site in conjunction with 6 other pots. Mine was sand tempered, the others were shell tempered, the friends with me when we found the pots split the others among themselves.

The folk at the museum proclaimed it to be a woodland bowl of which they only had two, they had a bunch of Mississippian pots. I know it is a Mississippian bowl because of where I found it but if they want it to be woodland so be it.

It has now taken center stage in their woodland artifact exhibit and I don't have to worry about the legality of owning it anymore.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 15, 2017, 04:08:05 am
Generous offer Eric- Well done ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 15, 2017, 08:51:19 pm
I got a few things ready for the upcoming warm weather this weekend.  I roughed out a few bows on the band saw, sharpened the chain on my old homelite, and made a new log sled.  I made a few improvements on this one.  It should be easier to use.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: selfbow joe on February 15, 2017, 09:27:31 pm
That's a good idea. Nice work
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on February 15, 2017, 10:33:27 pm
Looks good
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 16, 2017, 12:36:54 am
I suspect I may have gotten myself in some hot water with government agencies and telecommunications corporations today.  You see, it has been a particularly cold December and January and I was feeling a bit "oat-ish" when this spell of warm weather came over us and I went out in the yard to do some yard work.  It hit a whopping 67 degrees today and I was getting kinda sweaty.

I sorta screwed up.  I took off my shirt and went about my job without thinking about what could go wrong.

Now several satellites are burnt out from the glare off my pasty white skin! 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on February 16, 2017, 04:29:02 am
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: loon on March 27, 2017, 03:29:51 pm
Went to a horse archery clinic on Saturday. Lots of fun. Rode a horse twice, and also a trailer while sitting on hay bales, and shooting at targets. Most fun thing ever. I guess it's somewhat like a video game but much better because it's real. I'd love to get into horse archery more regularly...

Tried sharpening (re-grinding?) my Morakniv companion. I had done it all wrong. I made a double bevel on it, when the Scandi grind is supposed to be a flat grind. And I also screwed up the bevel in one side, so it's now hard to feel it exactly, it's all convex... Hopefully I can re-grind it with 120#, or with a file.. it's carbon steel..
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 29, 2017, 10:24:27 pm
Loon, what are you using to grind your blades?

Today I sorted through some staves I have stacked in a garage.  When I got to the bottom I found a surprise.  I guess he has spent the winter there.  I touched him and he spread his wings out and screeched at me.  We recently put doors on this garage so I moved him outside and put him in a safe area. 

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 30, 2017, 03:25:50 am
Good move Clint - He'll eat lots of Skeeters this Summer ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Cyrille on March 30, 2017, 08:07:01 pm
Not too much that is archery related. I did shoot my LB early this morning one six arrow flight before the gully wumper, frog strangling storm hit. It continued raining most of the day a soft, gentle rain after the wind quit.
 I try to get out and shoot every day but some days it just isn't in the cards. On good days I attempt to practice three or four hours depends on how this old body reacts to the endeavor. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: loon on April 01, 2017, 09:08:57 pm
Loon, what are you using to grind your blades?
A 120 grit water stone. This is the current state of my knife.

More screwed up side: (on one side, the grind was smoothed out, made sort of convex rather than flat as it's supposed to be, so it's now hard to feel the angle. I managed to do that just with the water stone.. and maybe a file)


This week, I bought various tools - a somewhat big Stanley surform, angle grinder, a Mora carving hook knife.. (first two from Lowe's)
I really don't like the surform. I even adjusted and tightened it, and it's still much slower than my Shinto rasp..
Still want a farrier's rasp, and an adze. Possibly a chisel-edge knife, for shaving wood in bamboo arrow's nodes and such. I think I'd like to go with just a flat grind chisel edge because it'd be very sharp and easy to sharpen, even if it'd need a lot of honing or even sharpening..

I also got some cheap diamond sharpening plates from Amazon for flattening the stones.

I've been trying to make a spine tester with some scrap pine and stuff, and a digital caliper. The rest for the caliper hasn't gone well. I think I should try to make another one, maybe. Need to find some pallets... hm, maybe I need a plane.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 18, 2017, 10:35:03 am
I haven't made a bow in a while, back surgery slowed me down a bit.

A friend came over the other day and said he had just been diagnose with prostate cancer and was going to have at least a months worth of treatments. He said he needed a light poundage bow to shoot while he was down and wanted a BBO.

No way could I turn my friend down so I glued up the parts a couple of days ago.

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Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Cyrille on April 18, 2017, 06:01:38 pm
Shot the horse bow this morning for a couple of rounds, I no longer ride horses, at my age a fall would likely kill me or at least shatter a bone or bones somewhere. Love that horse bow, but have yet to master the thumb ring.
 I realize that it is highly unlikely that I could find a "horse bow" site that is more bow & less horse but if anyone here can direct me to a horse bow site I would be thankful. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on April 18, 2017, 09:08:30 pm
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: loon on April 20, 2017, 11:34:04 pm
ATARN facebook group
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Cyrille on June 17, 2017, 12:10:29 pm
Didn't really do too much this morning, but I did get to shoot my shelfless LB for a while for the first time in about a week. Still do pretty good @ 10, 15 & 20 yds.  Not great mind you just pretty good.
 The weather hasn't exactly been corporative here in South Louisiana. Rain just about every day and when it doesn't rain it's suppose to do so @ any minute.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 17, 2017, 09:31:59 pm
I went to a gender reveal party tonight for my niece and her husband.  That was a first for me.  They set off fireworks to reveal the gender.  Looks like I'll be getting my first nephew   :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on June 18, 2017, 11:45:26 pm
Didn't do a lot today.  But we went over to some new friends of ours house today for a little pool time and a BBQ.  Visited,  played bean bag this, shot our bows,  (he had a crossbow but I got him shooting my recurve) cooled off in the pool and ate BBQ I didn't have to cook! It cooled off some this evening so we all jumped in the side by side and drove some back roads and checked out all of the deer. We only seen 9 but my friends 2 year old son (he was in his car seat) got to see a pretty big doe at about 10 yards.  He was so excited.
Fun day,  best of all was getting my friend to shoot my recurve. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 24, 2017, 09:55:59 pm
I finally got my wife to stay at a campground.  She's not very adventurous.  It started out rough with some torrential rain.  It finally stopped around 9 pm.  I took some dry firewood and we were able to set around the fire until dark. 


The weather was much better today.  She had a great time.  It was a relaxing trip for both of us.  She was already looking up campgrounds to stay out on my next weekend off. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 25, 2017, 02:57:44 pm
Looking mighty cool, Double-O!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 03, 2017, 05:51:36 am
I worked on three bows ALL weekend. Got a lot done and am shooting two of them now. I like that feeling of accomplishment.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Emennis on July 06, 2017, 01:57:23 pm
Being that I live in a city, I'm not allowed to shoot my bow as much as I like, so I'm contemplating joining a club. Is over a 100 bucks for a year reasonable? Maybe then I can post more relevant stuff on here ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on July 06, 2017, 02:22:31 pm
Emennis I don't know what the going rate is to join a club. Fortunately for me I live in the country and even have a building I can shoot in side during the winter. If you think it's worth it then it most definitely is. I usually wear out about that many dollars worth of my own targets a year. A lot will depend on who the group is and how you get along with them. Also how much you can use facilities. I really hope it works for you.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 10, 2017, 09:43:51 am
The conservation clubs around me are about 35-45$ per year. Over a $100 seems crazy. Check out the Demmer Center at MSU 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Emennis on July 11, 2017, 07:59:33 am
The conservation clubs around me are about 35-45$ per year. Over a $100 seems crazy. Check out the Demmer Center at MSU 

Awesome, thank you! Will do. I think the one that costs so much is because they claim to have a 3d course.  ::)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 11, 2017, 09:43:27 am
You are very close to the Fowler Club on M100/Wright rd. The have bale blanks and elevated platforms to shoot from. I believe they are in that $40/year range. Plus a gun range and cheap rental of the hall if needed.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Emennis on July 11, 2017, 10:25:01 am
Very cool, I will have to look them up. Thank you!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on July 11, 2017, 10:36:33 am
Fowler is my old stomping grounds.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 15, 2017, 10:01:21 pm
I finished a slight remodel to my camper today.  I added a middle shelf in the front and made some cabinet doors.  It will make more useful storage room and keep things neater looking.  I had to keep with the tool shed theme for the cabinet latches.  I also drilled a hole for the TV and DVD player cords to drop down the back instead of hanging over the front.  My wife is camping with me now and she said it looked to messy  ::)


I left the middle open because that's where the DVD player sets. 


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on July 16, 2017, 09:13:56 pm
Really like the latches ....Those are some nice improvements....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 17, 2017, 08:47:17 am
The Al state championship is coming up in Aug, I never practise enough or the right way so I decided to set up a bunch of my 3D targets in my woods. I have 12 targets out so far and can shoot the course by walking out my backdoor.

I never miss, he says tongue in cheek, but alway set up a target in front of a backstop just in case a bug flies into my eye just as I drop the string.

Here is one of my set-ups, I bought the shot up leppard for around $30 after a tournament and repaired it.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 17, 2017, 06:40:41 pm
Today we are praying for the firefighters on the detwiler fire in Mariposa county... it is over 7000 acres and growing. I am about 10 air miles and it is snowing ash here. Around 100 degrees to!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on July 17, 2017, 08:30:42 pm
I got a 1×42" belt sander/grinder for $5 they said it wouldnt run. Motor would hum but not turn, turns out it was just wired up wrong just got some belts and runs like a striped a$$ ape!!. Also saw 2 grills on the curb for free on fb marketplace so i drove by. One was a weber about the 30" size and looked basiclly new so i threw it in the truck for camping
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on July 18, 2017, 09:07:27 am
Be safe Ben.. Drove through B.C. week ago coming home from a visit to the coast.. Choppers flying with buckets.. Dry year
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on July 20, 2017, 07:33:35 pm
Well, I actually did it last Sunday. I drove 600 miles starting in Pocatello, Id and drove to the West entrance of Yellowstone and worked my way south through the Grand Teton National Park and then to Jackson Hole and south to Soda Springs and back late that afternoon in Pocatello. Beautiful place. I've got some nice pictures on my phone but don't know how to load from it to here. I posted a few on Facebook.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 14, 2017, 01:49:14 pm
I am a big fan of barnyard fertilizer for growing stuff, I have a food plot I plant in the woods about 75 yards below my house. I don't hunt it but like to watch deer on it. I made the clearing for the plot by widening an existing spot in the woods, the soil is so poor it will hardly grow weeds.

On a good year with plenty of rain I can get a marginal stand of plot seed to come up but the deer eat it to the ground as soon as it comes up. I decided to enrich the plot so stuff will grow faster than the deer can eat it.

The local cattle sale barn has countless tons of this stuff, give it away for free and will even load it on a trailer for you.

This manure is green, right out of the cows so this year's application may burn up my plot but I have to start somewhere. I have a front end loader on my little tractor to unload the stuff and spread it.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on August 14, 2017, 05:05:58 pm
Now, that's a load of Crap. Nice stuff, Eric.   Years ago I had ther opportunity to clean out a dairy barn that hadn't been used for over 20 years. It was under roof and pure gold. Our garden did very well for 3 or 4 years before all the goodie ran out.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Wolf Watcher on August 19, 2017, 09:32:03 am
Last evening we had two bull moose visitors in the field and yard.  Moose are not unusual, but these two bulls were awesome.  They were completely black which I have never seen and both were in compete velvet.  They were in no hurry so I got some great pictures.  Since I let my confuseer talk me into windows 10 I can not send pictures.  In the past I would email them to my North Carolina friend and he would post them.  Its great to see the moose doing OK with the major wolf problem we have!  I have a cow elk permit but also have a bad shoulder so my plan to hunt with my
"Stanberry Bow" looks like a no go!  Getting ready to do my annual flint knapping classes with the Game and Fish so been busy getting ready.  Hope you all have a successful deer and turkey season.  AHO  Joe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on August 19, 2017, 11:57:08 am
Sure beats anything I did today Wolfwatcher. No moose in this area, no wolves yet but they are getting closer. Lots of nice whitetail deer though, hopefully be a good hunting season.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Iowahedge on August 21, 2017, 08:38:20 pm
Got caught up on duck calls that i told friends/family i would make for them.  Now the next time I make it into the shop hopefully I can work on getting some backed bows glued up.  Or maybe make a jig for the router table to turn arrow shafts..... So many decisions.  Hope the next project is primitive or at least some wood related. Acrylic starts stinking after awhile.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on August 21, 2017, 09:01:02 pm
Ooooohh  :o I like the second from the left.  I'm not a duck hunter but that looks great.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Iowahedge on August 21, 2017, 10:49:27 pm
Thanks osage thats the one I made for myself (lol). I figure what the heck Im already making them I might as well make one (another) for myself.  I'll just throw out the disclaimer that I dont make the inserts (part with the reeds).  just the barrels.  Which is still a bit of work.  Havent made many acrylic calls. There alot more work then wooden barreled calls.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on August 22, 2017, 06:24:09 am
Very nice Iowahedge. Do you make predator calls? Looks like a fun project.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Iowahedge on August 22, 2017, 10:20:23 am
I actually did buy some inserts for predator calls the last round of parts I purchased. Gotta do some figuring on how to make the rest now. The inserts sound just like a rabbit knocking on deaths door. So just need to manufactor a barrel part that will amplify it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: TenkaraGrasshopper on August 28, 2017, 12:12:34 am
I went to the Colorado Railroad Museum with my wife and kids. But while I was walking the grounds of the museum I was thinking about the bow stave sitting in my garage waiting for me.  :BB And now I am dreaming of another piece of wood to get my hands on so I can have a second piece in the works. I need to get a few built and dial in my technique and get ready for shooting practice this winter. :BB  (SH)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 05, 2017, 10:21:42 pm
I went to my daughters cross country invitational meet today.  It was a nice course along a lake.  She got first place.  There were 12 other teams there.  My daughter has worked extremely hard at improving over the years.  It is really paying off this season. 



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on September 05, 2017, 10:46:30 pm
Congratulations Clint's daughter!!!!!....What's her name?I'm a competitive bugger myself and like to win too.In anything!!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 05, 2017, 11:53:16 pm
Last week she had a smaller meet with only 4 schools.  Second place was 4:40 behind her. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Del the cat on September 06, 2017, 03:18:32 am
 :) Proud Dad, excellent.  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on September 06, 2017, 11:02:17 am
She sure looks like a runner in that first pic, Clint. I know you're proud.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 06, 2017, 01:02:45 pm
I planted my comunal greens patch, kale, collards, purple top turnips and spinach. I found the spinach does the best if I plant it through black plastic, this way it doesn't have to compete with the weeds.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on September 06, 2017, 01:14:48 pm
Congrats Clint, I'm sure you are as proud as punch! Congrats to your daughter as well,  thats quite an accomplishment! Especially to an invitational meet. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 06, 2017, 06:47:19 pm
I told her I was  proud of how good she was doing but I was more proud of all the hard work she has put in to get to this point.  She ran 9 miles in practice the day before her last meet.  Several times a week she gets up at 5 am and runs a few miles before school.  Then she runs with the team at their practice after school.  Her work ethic and dedication is amazing.  It will take her far in life.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on September 07, 2017, 05:48:57 am
That's great Clint, it is fantastic to see such dedication. My youngest daughter was in cross country and it was very good for her. She to worked hard at it. She didn't win any races, but she did get most improvement trophy and a lot of respect.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on September 08, 2017, 08:57:34 am
Friend dropped off a deer hide.. Fleshed it out, folded it up in the freezer.. Not sure what I'm doing with it right now.. Temp at 36C - 97F  (-S  To hot to think about it.. Had to put the pedal down and gitter done..
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on September 08, 2017, 03:16:00 pm
Well I've been preparing for Irma at work for three days and today. Today we covered all of the sensitive equipment and our paper files with plastic in case the roof starts leaking. Now I'm securing everything at home and then it's hunker down time Saturday. the crappy part is it will be hitting us in the early morning darkness so all you can do is listen to everything breaking and banging. it's a lot better if you can see something coming apart and fix it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on September 08, 2017, 08:05:06 pm
Be safe Eddie.   :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on September 08, 2017, 08:13:32 pm
Yes be safe bud.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 08, 2017, 09:35:50 pm
Good luck Eddie.  Keep us updated if you can. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on September 08, 2017, 09:40:47 pm
I will till the power goes off.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Iowahedge on September 11, 2017, 11:14:01 am
Made a couple birthday gifts. Other one involves a horse shoe and horseshoe nail cross didnt want to break any rules posting it.  Maybe someday I actually get a bow or knapped points made that I can post in the sections that I lurk in everyday.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 22, 2017, 06:24:06 pm
We finally got time to trim the trails to our stand locations.  We got started at daylight to try to beat the heat.  Nothing went as planned today.  The carb was leaking on the old mower we use.  I had to take it off and fix it.  Then a wire broke that hooked up to the motor.  I had to fix that twice today.  We hit roots and rocks.  We had to take the blades off 3 times to straighten them.  We had 2 flat tires because of the osage thorns.  The belt was thrown off the pulleys a few times.  The plug wire has a short in it and that ended the day for the old mower.  I got mine out and finished the last 50 yards of trails.  Found a couple dead trees across our trails that needed cut.  I also dropped a large red oak tree on the edge of a field.  It had been dead for years.  My Dad was afraid it was going to fall on him while he was mowing.  I had to clean it all up and get it out of the field for him.  We expected to be done by lunch time.  We didn't get finished until almost 6:00.  It was a long day.  I'm hoping we can get our stands hung before opening day. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 22, 2017, 06:32:57 pm
I'm sure as the sun will come up tomorrow ...all your hard work will pay off with lots of venison to eat this year.  I wish I had your energy and drive. 
OH....BTW had a great time last weekend at Scottsville.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on September 22, 2017, 07:22:01 pm
Thanks Bill.  I had a great time also.  I wish it would have been 20 degrees cooler. 

I picked out a spot for a running deer target set up today.  I'll need to clear some brush so it's easier to find our arrows. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 22, 2017, 07:43:12 pm
You'll have to take that big deer target you got at Scottsburg and wire some sheds on it for the running deer target...:) ;)
Oh BTW hopefully we won't be looking for my arrows :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 30, 2017, 04:20:50 pm
I cooked for the guys, I had 9 people over. Everyone pitched in something. We had deer backstrap, doves wrapped in bacon, deer minute steak, all cooked over charcoal, pork BBQ and crappie filets along with white beans, slaw, potato salad, fried green tomatoes, cornbread, chocolate pie and cherry pudding cake.

I should have taken a few pictures but I was too busy eating.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on September 30, 2017, 07:35:03 pm
Sounds like my kinda of eating ...Eric
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on October 01, 2017, 11:41:47 am
We finally got time to trim the trails to our stand locations.  We got started at daylight to try to beat the heat.  Nothing went as planned today.  The carb was leaking on the old mower we use.  I had to take it off and fix it.  Then a wire broke that hooked up to the motor.  I had to fix that twice today.  We hit roots and rocks.  We had to take the blades off 3 times to straighten them.  We had 2 flat tires because of the osage thorns.  The belt was thrown off the pulleys a few times.  The plug wire has a short in it and that ended the day for the old mower.  I got mine out and finished the last 50 yards of trails.  Found a couple dead trees across our trails that needed cut.  I also dropped a large red oak tree on the edge of a field.  It had been dead for years.  My Dad was afraid it was going to fall on him while he was mowing.  I had to clean it all up and get it out of the field for him.  We expected to be done by lunch time.  We didn't get finished until almost 6:00.  It was a long day.  I'm hoping we can get our stands hung before opening day.
I've found I've had to keep a low maintenance on my trails periodically through the summer to lessen the chore some come hunting season.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 03, 2017, 07:59:40 am
I made a BBO bow for a friend that had a catastrophic bamboo failure and snapped in two, my first failure with bamboo from my local source.

Because it was a freebie I initially didn't plan to make a replacement bow but needed a project so I got the parts ready and did a glue-up a couple of days ago. My first go round with Smooth-on, mighty messy stuff but good glue.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bubby on October 03, 2017, 09:49:04 am
You are going to really like the smooth on Eric, it is easy to work with for sure
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 03, 2017, 09:04:58 pm
I took some scrap boards and made a chainsaw box for the utility truck.  I didn't like having the saw, fuel, and oil rolling around in the bed.   I put my bar oil in empty dish soap bottles.  It makes it much easier and cleaner to fill up the saw.  A logger showed me that trick.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on October 04, 2017, 02:31:25 am
Man - I'm gonna steal that idea Clint ! I've been using one of those small funnels for filling Coleman stoves, but can never see and ALWAYS run it over  :'( . Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on October 04, 2017, 07:33:05 am
You are going to really like the smooth on Eric, it is easy to work with for sure
Getting the perfect amount of sizing can take some experience.I'm always using a putty knife.I also use saran wrap around the bow before clamping.Always a little clean up though after curing.It's been excellent glue for me too especially with the 2 hour pot life it has.Sounds weird but I believe it's valid.I warm the wood many times before sizing the wood.
Nice looking profiled bow in the works there!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 25, 2017, 04:50:36 pm
I cleaned up some staves this afternoon.  My new pup got her first taste of osage.  She would grab a curl and take off with it.  When I swept it all in a pile she would jump in and scatter it all around.  I'm hoping she will be a good shop dog when she grows up.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on October 25, 2017, 09:20:17 pm
She already looks like a good "Shop Dog", Clint. We used to do the soap bottle thing with the oil we changed in our truck engines and squirted it on the Drill rods when connecting them. Saved a lot of money.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 26, 2017, 01:45:16 pm
Looks like she inherited your legs, Double-O!  I would guess her pretty face comes from the other side of the family, though!

Looks like she'd keep the mice and rats in control, maybe some terrorist, I mean TERRIER, in there?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 26, 2017, 03:50:52 pm
Her mom is a Boston terrier.  Her dad is half shitzu and half miniature poodle.  I wanted a scruffy little mutt and she fit the description.   
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 27, 2017, 05:06:10 pm
Prolly got a pretty big personality, too!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 20, 2017, 09:48:26 pm
Today I finally got the mole that has been tearing up my yard.  I had a few minutes to kill waiting on some deer heads to cook so I stood real still in the middle of his tunnels.  After a while I saw the ground moving in front of me.  I took a big jump and landed on that spot with both feet.  Then I dug him out with my hands.  It was a big one.  He sure has done a lot of damage.



My puppy has been trying to dig him up.  I let her see what she was after.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: lebhuntfish on December 20, 2017, 10:44:05 pm
Man Clint,  I need you to  come over to my place.  Ive got one tearing up my back yard as well.  I really need to get rid of him! Good job buddy!

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on December 21, 2017, 06:24:33 am
That mole skin should make a great handle wrap.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 21, 2017, 07:06:52 am
That is a big one Clint. Yup they sure can mess up your lawn.  Looks like a fine pup. I don't see any problem with the length of his legs.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 21, 2017, 07:33:33 am
It must be mole season, I seldom see one in my yard but one has my front yard in a mess as of yesterday.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 21, 2017, 08:12:30 am
I already have a mole hide in the freezer Bill.  I want to do some tanning this winter. 

Next time I might try to stick one with an arrow when I see it digging. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on December 21, 2017, 08:47:48 am
tis the season with those little SOB's. The last time I cleaned my yard up with the rider it was like riding on a roller coaster.

What did I do today: Just put the finishing touches up on 8 stone knives that I knapped and put handles on. Photo's later once my bride gets home to shrink them down for me.  Also starting to get ready for our winter trip to the S.W.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 21, 2017, 06:12:23 pm
Saw the pictures in the Flint knapping section jeb. Really nice knives and great pictures.
Have a wonderful safe trip
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 03, 2018, 07:22:53 pm
A few days ago when I was leaving the land in Tn I hunt after dark, an armadillo scurried across the road in front of me. Seeing as how I have had a long running war with these critters I swerved my truck and turned the armadillo into a road pizza.

As I drove to the land this evening I topped a little rise where I hit the armadillo and there were two mature bald eagles having a pizza dinner.

I drove right up to them, the first I have ever seen close up. They left the armadillo and flew about 15 yards away into a soybean field and just stood there looking at me. I was able to snap one picture out the window before my camera batteries died. I didn't know he was looking the other way when I took the picture but at least I got one picture.

Seeing eagles in south central Tn is very rare.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 03, 2018, 07:29:41 pm
That's a cool picture.  I see them cruising above the river at work and near my house about once or twice a year.  They are cool birds. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on January 07, 2018, 06:02:09 pm
Several years ago I put a coyote carcasse in the field at the end of my dead end road. Usually the hawks and seagulls clean them up. The first morning I went back to look I couldn't figure out what was there as I drove back. It ended up it was a very large bald eagle eating the carcasse. About thirty feet away was a hawk and about fifty feet away several sea gulls. You could see the picking order. Since then I've started putting the carcasse in the field right behind my barn. I have a pair that I see regularly now. This summer I had three hanging around. I do enjoy watching them. I think they were hunting for ground hogs.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on March 03, 2018, 11:21:26 pm
Marcia and I celebrated our 40 anniversary.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on March 04, 2018, 02:10:15 am
Congrats To You and Your Bride  :OK ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on March 04, 2018, 09:31:55 am
Thanks Bob. Where have all the years gone.   :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 04, 2018, 04:31:59 pm
That's quite the accomplishment Pat.  Congrats to both of you. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 04, 2018, 06:32:14 pm
Just a normal day; I made abut 4 qts of spaghetti sauce to freeze in one serving packs, I finished some arrows for my granddaughter, I cut up several blight killed red oaks in my woods. I have found removing them stops the blight from spreading. I sharpened all my chainsaw chains, I picked a bunch of spinach to drop of at the house of a pretty gal I know that I used to date.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 04, 2018, 07:17:08 pm
I enjoyed the beautiful weather by spending all day in the woods.  I cut some osage and cut some new trails through our property. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Redhand on March 04, 2018, 07:35:53 pm
 Wow Pat. 
Congrats to you and your wife I bet you have a lot of great memories.

I worked on some phragmites arrows that I am wanting to use this turkey season. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 13, 2018, 07:44:24 pm
Today I found the thickest osage sapwood I've ever seen.  It looks like 5 growth rings of sapwood.  No way I'm removing all of that.  I'll make some sapwood bows with heartwood handles.  Splitting it off isn't an option.  This is small diameter (6"-8") second growth that almost looks like it grew over a dead core in spots.  There are old borer holes in the center of it.  The sapwood and first bit of heartwood look clean.  It has nice rings.  The sapwood is pretty flexible when it's fresh.  I might rough out a bow and clamp it to a reflex caul to dry.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on March 13, 2018, 07:50:24 pm
Wow you've got a very unusual piece of osage there sounds like a neat plan you have for it.  Keep us updated.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on March 13, 2018, 08:13:27 pm
I'd name the bow you make from it Blondie!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on March 13, 2018, 08:25:51 pm
Ed.... Blondie sounds more like a sexy singer than a bow unless Clint can pull it off............. ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on March 14, 2018, 05:30:39 am
Ed.... Blondie sounds more like a sexy singer than a bow unless Clint can pull it off............. ;)

Or could be Clint Eastwoods caricature in "The Good The Bad And The Ugly"
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on March 14, 2018, 06:48:34 am
I started to glue up a maple backed lemonwood rig. I'm excited to get a chance to work on it again. Lemonwood seems more prevalent in the archery scene since the embargo was lifted.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: ksnow on March 14, 2018, 06:53:38 am
Clint, that should look nice with the sapwood/heartwood contrast.

Pearl, can't wait to see that bow, sounds gorgeous.

I put the first couple dozen arrows through a little osage bow I am making for my dad to shoot. It's my first osage bow, a stave from Clint, that wood is special.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on March 14, 2018, 06:56:21 am
Looks good from here ......Kyle   :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Knoll on March 14, 2018, 08:12:52 am
Been experimenting with glued-on flipped tips, again. This is latest and most extreme.
A pc of walnut topped with pc of "unknown". "Unknown" was found in the overlay box ... all I know is that it's HARD and unique grain pattern!
Tip is 1 1/2" from bow's belly.
Couple hundred arrows have been launched from it.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on March 14, 2018, 09:19:00 am
Wow careful
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on March 17, 2018, 03:08:46 pm
Was working on an HHB static.....steamed the first tip in..... "perfect". the second not so perfect.........There was a very small knot or change in the grain that I didn't see right at the bend and it broke across the whole tip, this one will be a kids bow.....Oh well....Wood is wood and you cant get disapointed, So I picked up a stave I had cut out at Twin Oaks a few weeks ago and got it down to the dimensions I needed with a bandsaw and belt sander. Since I had the steamer out  I went ahead a steam in some statics in the osage. All I can say is Osage is the King ....the statics turned out great and I will be posting this bow later.  This has been a good day!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on March 17, 2018, 04:10:18 pm
Are you bringing that one to work on next weekend Bill?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on March 17, 2018, 04:42:17 pm
Hope too a lot of life issues going on right now.  but should be there with bells on. :) : ).
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on March 17, 2018, 05:01:19 pm
Was wondering how the HHB steaming went for you Bill. It's nothing like Osage that's for sure. Hope you didn't have to much time into it already.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on March 17, 2018, 05:33:05 pm
Hey BJ.................It was all my part, the stave had a small knot at the bend and it should have not been a static recurve. The stave would have made a great longbow................this is a perfect example of not doing what the "Stave Tells You To Do".....I should have looked the stave over better and seen the knot and made a longbow out of it.  It doesn't mater how many bows you make you still have to pay attention to the details.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on April 14, 2018, 07:53:41 am
knows...Sweet bend on your bow.
Knoll...Nice glue up on that tip.
Layed the profile for this to work out for me on an osage.Gotta love that osage!!!.Shooting it in now and it's carved out a little more so yet.Really close to true center shot.Shooting great.A 68" with 60 degree hooks.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on April 14, 2018, 11:36:17 am
Really like that handle Ed. Should be good for avoiding wrist slap to.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 14, 2018, 01:16:17 pm
Looking good Ed. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 14, 2018, 07:50:09 pm
I'm not sure where you are located and what your laws are but you might want to put it back where you found it and delete your post.  That could be a huge fine.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 15, 2018, 01:20:02 pm
Yeah, USF&W generally confiscates and chews you out really badly when it is your usual run of the mill raptor that you may have found.  But when its an eagle they tend to prosecute and in some cases a felony is on the table, too.  You really don't need that kind of crap staining your reputation.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on June 19, 2018, 08:00:12 pm
Despite the heat and humidity I got a few outside projects done today.  I finished fixing up an old trailer that I bought a while back.  It should be useful around the property now. 


I took some scrap lumber and an old piece of barn siding to make a roof on my target backstop.  Now I can leave my blob target out.  I need a reason to shoot more often. 


While I was working on the roof I noticed this black widow and her egg sack.  I carefully relocated her and her babies to a spot where my wife won't see them and freak out. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on June 19, 2018, 08:32:41 pm
Not hard to I D those cuties, Clint. Also, nice work on the trailer and target roof.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 11, 2018, 08:22:01 pm
I've started taking a new route home from work.  A new ferry opened up saving me 20 miles of driving each evening.  I get to avoid a lot of traffic and lights.  It's nice to relax and enjoy the view.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on October 11, 2018, 09:37:13 pm
That would be my route also. Nothing like being on the water to help you relax.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on October 11, 2018, 11:11:33 pm
What kind of car is that? I like the instruments :) :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 12, 2018, 06:16:10 am
What kind of car is that? I like the instruments :) :)

That's my old geezer work car.  It'a a 99 Chrysler LHS.  It even has an analog clock in the dash  ;D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on October 13, 2018, 02:23:03 am
What Water are You crossing there Clint  (A) ? Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 13, 2018, 05:45:51 am
That's the Ohio River Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on October 13, 2018, 09:01:42 am
Is it illegal or allowed to troll fish for your supper as you cross?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on October 13, 2018, 10:53:17 am
I've wondered that Ed.  The trip is pretty quick.  Probably wouldn't have much time to fish.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 14, 2018, 11:58:35 am
Despite your high drive and seeming inability to slow down much, you still seem to be able to find the beauty in the immediacy of the moment, Clint.  I like that about you.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on October 24, 2018, 09:44:57 am
Today I celebrate my 50th trip around the sun. No big shin dig just dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant downtown (there are only 2). Thank you all for your presence here and the beautiful art and tools you all have posted as well as support and prayers.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on October 24, 2018, 02:17:11 pm
Happy Birthday, Ben. Hope you have a good one.   :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on October 24, 2018, 03:27:54 pm
Happy Birthday Ben. My 50th was fairly calm. Dinner with a beautiful lady and watch a movie at home. (Mid January -30ish that day)
Cheers Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 15, 2018, 06:48:54 pm
Today I finished an engine swap on my old UTV.  I was nervous about this because I have very limited mechanical skills.  Luckily it went pretty smooth.  I had to swap out some parts to make the replacement engine work.  I labeled every wire, hose, connection, nut, and bolt as I took the old engine out. 


The old engine was burning a lot of oil and fouling up the plugs.  Thew new engine has 2 more h.p.   :o   I'm going to try to rebuild the old engine.


The new engine installed and ready to test.  I wish I could have used the new muffler but it didn't fit.  I had to use the old one.


It fired right up and ran smooth.  I hope this will extend the life of it for a few more years. 


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on November 15, 2018, 06:59:04 pm
Nice  Clint, sure wish I had one. They'd sure be handy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on November 16, 2018, 02:08:29 am
Good job Clint  :OK ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on November 16, 2018, 07:32:15 am
Nice work Clint.They can come in handy.You can get a out of work out of that.I just use an old  220 kawasaki bayou yet.It's pretty old but keeps a ticking.Starts in the cold weather yet.Think it's a 1992 model.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 16, 2018, 11:04:03 am
Ed, someone gave me one of those old Bayou quads last winter. I got it running and my dad kind of claimed it. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on November 16, 2018, 11:31:45 am
Finished butchering a portion of an elk, and checked on the red dogwood shafts I'm currently working.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on November 18, 2018, 05:50:36 pm
Collected about 50 dogwood shoots yesterday, and working on the Christmas trade gift.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 18, 2018, 06:43:52 pm
Nice looking shaft material
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on November 18, 2018, 06:51:18 pm

Really the beavers deserve all the credit, they created some sweet pockets of new growth, and they have one hellofa dam this year!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on November 18, 2018, 07:01:09 pm
Beavers are killing me with damning up my lakes spillway....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on November 19, 2018, 07:00:08 am
I hear they taste good : )
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on November 19, 2018, 07:20:36 am
Nice set of shoots burtonridr!!!
Here's this bayou Clint.I've had it for 17 years.It's drug many a deer out of the bottom for me.Along with many other jobs.With coon hunting I mounted an air kennel on the back.Used an air kennel on the front also.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 19, 2018, 09:13:07 am
Ours is the same except a blue seat
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on November 19, 2018, 04:41:00 pm
I got this one dirt cheap back then.Apparently a kid got out of hand and rammed it into a wall or something solid and bent the crap out of the front pipe rack.I just welded up a new one to fit for out of 80 gauge 1" pipe.It's been a virtually trouble free piece of equipment.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on November 20, 2018, 09:16:56 pm
Stained shafts yesterday. Today crested/painted, made knocks, and urethaned them today. Also cut fletchings.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 21, 2018, 05:57:08 am
Those look good!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on November 21, 2018, 07:15:15 am
Nice work burtonridr.I always like self nocked shoot shafts.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on November 25, 2018, 07:53:52 pm
Thanks guys,  :)

I got the fletchings glued on today, I posted pics already in the christmas trade thread. Almost done!

Other than that, pretty relaxing weekend though.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on November 30, 2018, 07:48:29 am
I ran about a 1/4 bucket of sluice concentrates last night through my mini sluice, the concentrates were from last summer. I ended up with a fair amount of gold, but less than I expected. I think I ran through the process to fast and because I skipped the step of classifying it produced poor results. I will run the material again and it will be interesting to see just how much I missed by going faster.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 30, 2018, 09:00:50 pm
Let's see some pictures of the gold!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on December 01, 2018, 01:57:03 pm
Here are a few pics, the first is the micro sluice setup and the second is the gold from a run this summer.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 01, 2018, 02:31:46 pm
Very cool.  I've found gold twice in my life but it wasn't like yours.  Once was a wedding ring when I was little and the other was a bracelet a few years back. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on December 02, 2018, 02:22:29 am
Gotta love that - great find  (A)  :OK ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 02, 2018, 05:12:29 am
Very cool burtonridr. Looks like you recovered the fine stuff pretty good. I hope you find some more in there.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 02, 2018, 04:40:47 pm
An interesting and challenging day;
I bought a super nice ladder stand to put on my land, the instructions said it would take a minimum of three people to put it up, it is a beast.

I have a 20# weight limit from hernia surgery but consider myself somewhat inventive so I was sure I could pull it off.

I thought I could pull it right up the tree with my deer dragamatic and almost burned the drill motor up trying. it was a no go as the stand slid across the ground instead of lifting.

Plan B; climb the tree with a treestand and put an eye bolt 19 feet up in the tree, put a line through the eye, hook the line to my four wheeler and pull the stand up to the correct position.

Here is the start;

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 02, 2018, 04:42:04 pm
I pulled the stand up with my four wheeler but missed the tree, I had the eye bolt in the center of the tree but should have put it on the uphill side. The slope of the hillside complicated things, the stand wanted to fall downhill for some reason. I struggled with this dilemma for over and hour but finally thought of a solution. I used a log chain and come-a-long tied off to a tree up the hill to pull the stand back to the center of the tree.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 02, 2018, 04:43:26 pm
I finally got the stand up with a 4 wheeler, come-a-long and log chain and the lift of my bucket on my tractor. I still have to secure it to the tree but I am done for today. I never lifted over 20-25 pounds.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on December 02, 2018, 06:36:47 pm
I'll bet your doctor wouldn't believe you :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on December 03, 2018, 09:02:50 am
Dandy stand Eric.I don't even use a safety harness going up into those kind.If a person watchs towards late season they go on sale around here in the stores.
I skinned a goat today the neighbor brought over.Don't know what it died from.Hide looks good anyway.Should make some good rawhide.Fed the cats with the carcass.Got a bit of hide work to do when it gets warmer.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 03, 2018, 11:46:34 am
I always wear a full harness and stay hooked up to a life line. I fell about 30 years ago and broke my back and wrist, no more taking chances for me. You never know, several of my friend have had stands break out from under them. This one is built like a tank but one bad weld could change things.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on December 04, 2018, 05:19:07 pm
I've been puttering with this all week. Made it and then remade it to take some wobble out, then remade that to take more wobble out. It's finally working and I can get a good finger joint right out of the bandsaw. No boiling. Saw, glue and clamp, like it should be. I can get a .005" feeler gauge in two legs of the joint when the joint is pushed together by hand. To get an excellent joint I still have to sand a bit due to a design deficiency I still haven't sorted. I don't think I'll worry about it as this joint has 16.5" of glue line compared to the 9" I was getting with a "Z" joint. I like taking a break from bow making now and then and this makes future billet bows better. And it's fun to puzzle through. The week off also means one less bow leaning against the wall.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 04, 2018, 05:52:20 pm
I cleaned some sinew today

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Danzn Bar on December 04, 2018, 06:18:39 pm
Looks pretty good ...... back sinew?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 04, 2018, 07:01:50 pm
Looks pretty good ...... back sinew?

Back and legs
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 04, 2018, 07:51:03 pm
I've been working on some deer to. Cut up a two bucks and a doe my dad , brother and nephew got during gun season. Got some bones and sinew, salted the hides and boiled the skulls. I saved the brains from several deer this fall to use for tanning. I also made a display for my second selfbow buck horns and the broken shaft and broad head I recovered from his chess cavity. Now I have lots of projects to tackle. Love this time of year.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Morgan on December 04, 2018, 08:51:51 pm
I've been working on some deer to. Cut up a two bucks and a doe my dad , brother and nephew got during gun season. Got some bones and sinew, salted the hides and boiled the skulls. I saved the brains from several deer this fall to use for tanning. I also made a display for my second selfbow buck horns and the broken shaft and broad head I recovered from his chess cavity. Now I have lots of projects to tackle. Love this time of year.

Bj, that looks amazing! Very impressed!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on December 05, 2018, 04:45:58 am
Good worth while projects Clint and BJ.It's a part of hunting season I enjoy myself too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on December 06, 2018, 06:00:09 pm
Deer hides starting to come in, Fleshed 2 and grained 2 today, One of the bigger 2 1/2 yr old buck hides kicked my butt, neck was really thick and grain did not want to come off. Shoulders are hurtin for sure but I think I will survive :o Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on December 06, 2018, 07:04:48 pm
That's a lot of work Bob.  I have a freezer full of hides I'd like to start on soon.   

Today I found out my daughter got a full ride scholarship to any school she wants to go to.  That was great news.  It sure made the day go by quicker at work.  She should be getting more scholarships from the college she is going to.   She has worked hard to earn what she is getting.  I'm very proud of her. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on December 06, 2018, 08:13:56 pm
BJ, that mount is awesome!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on December 06, 2018, 08:15:18 pm
Deer hides starting to come in, Fleshed 2 and grained 2 today, One of the bigger 2 1/2 yr old buck hides kicked my butt, neck was really thick and grain did not want to come off. Shoulders are hurtin for sure but I think I will survive :o Bob

Thats a lot of work, any pics of the process? (-P
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on December 07, 2018, 06:27:16 am
Deer hides starting to come in, Fleshed 2 and grained 2 today, One of the bigger 2 1/2 yr old buck hides kicked my butt, neck was really thick and grain did not want to come off. Shoulders are hurtin for sure but I think I will survive :o Bob

Thats a lot of work, any pics of the process? (-P

I have 2 young doe to grain today see if I can get some pics for ya. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 07, 2018, 06:38:51 am
Spent the past couple days visiting daughter. Went to all my grandkids Christmas Pageants now. Outback hoping you can be my motivation to get these hides put up right. I've done a fair amount of tanning hides. Still haven't brain tanned any deer hides yet though. Trying to find a good spot I can make a big mess in and not get in to much trouble . It's kinda cold outside here now. Probably will warm up fast though when I actually start burning some calories.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on December 09, 2018, 06:16:55 am
I miss my old farm house where I brain tanned deer hides throughout the winter in the basement.Had a wood stove down there.I'm hoping I got a similar buck this year to match the one I have done back in 2015.Both bucks are around 5 year old animals.They should make great full length pants for long inseams.Have 4.5 year old doe too along with a [nanny goat hide which more than likely will just be rawhide].Oh yea...I gotta retrieve and skin a skunk hanging in a tree airing out in the cold.....Ha Ha.I'll have to wait till more favorable weather to brain tan the doe and buck deer hides outside.The skunk I might just aluminum sulfate tan in a bucket inside.Good possibles bag material....Ha Ha.Have a unique idea for it. No matter what process of tanning those big hides will get the best out of ya.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 10, 2018, 11:35:01 am
Beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I've been getting a Christmas Tree  from White Cedar brush in the old railroad bed for longer than I care to admit. Yesterday was the third year I got them for my grandkids. We went out and picked out a half dozen to put together. It's more like arranging flowers than putting  up a Christmas Tree. My youngest grandson asked me how much the trees cost. I told him five hugs. Everyone had a good time and I made sure I got paid my hugs. My son and daughter inlaw thanked me. I told them I enjoyed it and the pay was good.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on December 10, 2018, 12:28:41 pm
That's is very cool gramps. The kids wont forget that and will tell that story when they are talking to their kids.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 10, 2018, 01:25:06 pm
Thanks drummer boy, I'm thinking your probably right. I do think my grandkids are gonna remember their grandpa and grandma.
Merry Christmas
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on December 10, 2018, 07:49:07 pm
Merry Christmas everyone!

Been busy making sticks into arrow shafts.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PNewton on December 11, 2018, 11:19:19 am
Nice looking tree and nicer story BJ.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 12, 2018, 05:05:22 am
burtonridr, those are some nice looking shafts. I know how much work goes into making them.

Thanks Paul. This is actually my tree. I still haven't seen the grandkids tree with the decorations on yet. My son said it looks great though. I'm sure my daughter in law and grandkids have it decorated up real nice.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on December 17, 2018, 08:25:18 pm
BJ, Thanks! Yea they take some work, but I enjoy the process. If I have nothing to do, I can shave down a shaft, semi-straighten, and spine it in a half hour. I can do a few per evening, and they seem to hold up to abuse a little better than anything else I have.

Today..... I finished up a 3 day project evolving digging a deep 4ft hole, getting super muddy, all to fix a leaky water main.... Man I hope I never have to do that again.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on December 29, 2018, 01:41:13 pm
Boy.... not much going on around here  ;)

I got some small iron wood pieces while visiting my parents, might make good nocks or hardwood points or something with them  ;D

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on January 06, 2019, 05:35:21 am
For you deer hide workers?  Is it the same process for bear? I have two bear hides that I need to do something with. I am going to clean the skulls myself but would like to make something out of the hides.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on January 06, 2019, 08:06:11 am
I e been wanting to do this for a few years now. Wish I'd have done it several years ago, but it still seems like it made some nice lumber. I took a half dozen nice ash logs to a fella I made a bow for. He's got a pretty nice portable sawmill. I'm planning on finishing the inside of my Mancave and kinda makings it a Primitive Shop with bows, arrows, points, knives and furs. Kinda my gallery. Got it all stickered. Needs to dry a bit more yet. The logs where cut two winters ago.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 06, 2019, 09:01:44 am
That's going to look cool BJ
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on January 06, 2019, 11:36:30 am
I sure hope so Clint. I can see it in my head, but it's a long way from what I'm seeing

It's been pretty nice weather for gathering and outside jobs. Today I harvested seven really nice HHB logs. Peeling bark and cambium with power washer. Got two peeled. Five to go. I'm not as young as I used to be.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 06, 2019, 03:47:44 pm
Those look nice BJ.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on January 06, 2019, 05:02:55 pm
They are some dandies Clint. I got the four nicest ones peeled and sealed. Hopefully I can cerf and split them tomorrow night. I had enough fun for one day.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 06, 2019, 06:28:10 pm
I might have to trade you out of one of those staves BJ. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on January 06, 2019, 06:41:33 pm
I was kinda hoping you'd like a trade Clint. It's a fine bow wood. I made bows out of those two Osage staves I bought from you at Marshall. Need to get some pictures and post em.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on January 07, 2019, 02:07:46 am
That's as nice Horn Beam as I've seen In a long time BJ  )W( (A) ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on January 07, 2019, 07:28:04 am
Thanks Bob, so far I have 13 beautiful staves split, pealed and sealed. I know where there's more I can get but I told my buddy I had to get these taken care of first. The cutting em down part is the easy part.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 09, 2019, 08:20:24 am
WOW! Those are very nice HHB staves. I might have to steal one from this spring :)

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on January 09, 2019, 10:17:32 am
I'll close my eyes Pearl. ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on January 09, 2019, 11:03:26 am
BJ, It would be nice if you could crank that pressure washer up to full throttle and blast sapwood off like you do the bark.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on January 09, 2019, 11:31:17 am
BJ, It would be nice if you could crank that pressure washer up to full throttle and blast sapwood off like you do the bark.

Sure would Clint. It doesn't work though.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 05, 2019, 06:14:35 pm
Well it's been what Ive been up to for a few days now. It's been really bothering me watching all my nice mature ash trees die. Awhile back I sawed some logs Ive had on piles for a few years. They made nice lumber yet. I used it to finish my walls on my man cave. This building has been a work in progress. When I first bought this Place it was one of several buildings that were falling down.
I decided to try and save this one. It's looking pretty good now.
To be continued.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 05, 2019, 08:10:19 pm
That's looking great BJ.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 06, 2019, 04:02:44 am
Thanks Clint. It's a mess right now. Saw dust everywhere. Would have been nice to do it in summer and prep all my boards outside. I'm really looking forward to seeing it all done and cleaned up. I guess one of the reasons I'm posting this is to let people know. If you've got dead ash trees they might still make good lumber. Or at least paneling. These were beautiful trees that I put off cutting down, hoping they would somehow survive. They didn't, none of the ash trees here did. At least I have something to remember them by.
PS looking forward to seeing what you do with those Osage slabs you sawed
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 06, 2019, 06:20:08 am
Are you going to stain or seal them with anything?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 06, 2019, 06:30:24 am
I'm not going to stain. I like the color and everything I hang on the wall just really seems to pop. I sanded every board with hand belt sander to get the fuzzies off. Still left some saw marks. Was band sawmill and sawed pretty decent. I'm planning on sealing it with something yet. I know if I don't it'll just get that dirty look and I will lose the color and grain. Open to suggestions on sealer.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on February 06, 2019, 06:53:51 am
I don't know about a sealer.  Shellac always makes the grain pop and doesn't have strong fumes
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 07, 2019, 09:13:40 am
we had a pretty good storm here on the west coast. Yosemite had all of its roads closed for a time. Lots of tree failures, mostly oak.  If you want to take a look Google Yosemite Webcams. Got another storm in the forecast for the weekend.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on April 24, 2019, 03:39:46 am
Still to wet to plant sugar beets. So I planted some more trees. Planted nine pear trees, two apples and twenty five white pines. Hopefully the deer don't kill them all
And they outlive me. A few more for my kids and grandkids.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on April 24, 2019, 08:58:03 am
built garden boxes and fixed my fence. hopefully i can finish painting it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on April 28, 2019, 09:13:41 am
Went to Dr. Get a shot for poison ivy from planting 9 pear trees 2 apples and 25 white pines. Figured I might as well finish the job since I already got shot. Planted another 25 white pines. Right in all the down dead ash trees. Had to climb over, crawl under or go around trees that were lying in every direction. Deer should love bedding in this spot in a few years. They actually already do.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burchett.donald on April 28, 2019, 11:26:33 am
  Jeeesh Bj, I know the feeling...I have had my eyes closed 2 times from poison ivy including every part of my body due to my clothes being saturated with it...I quickly learned what it looked like as a young kid, gives me the shivers to think about it...I have seen vines as big as my arm here in S.C. going to the top of an old Pine...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on April 28, 2019, 11:48:04 am
If you know you've been in PI you can wash off with warm water and detergent. It's the plant oil that causes the contact dermatitis and the warn soapy water will rinse the oils off before the damage is done. There are products made by Tec-Nu(sp) that will either shield you from the oils of help wash it off after contact.  Fortunately I'm not susceptible to PI. Occasionally I'll get a small blister between my fingers or on the soft inside of my arm but that's about it. I've seen PI vines along the French Broad River here near Brevard that were 4" to 5" in diameter in big sycamore trees. I worked cutting canoe trails through fallen trees one year and the guy I was working with and was very allergic had to go the emergency room the day after. He was running the chainsaw and was literally covered, head to toe with PI. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on April 28, 2019, 11:58:28 am
Know what your saying Don. I learned very young what it looked like to. I'm very allergic to it also. I got it from the dirt. It was dormant. I never even saw any but I get it from the ground it's living in. My uncle got it really bad in his lungs from the smoke once.

I'm not that lucky like you Pat. More like your buddy running the saw. Washing up really good within about three hours really helps but I usually still get it. Not nearly as bad as if I don't wash it off right away though.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on April 28, 2019, 12:23:56 pm
I'm glad it doesn't affect me.  My older sister would have me clear the vines out of trails before I was old enough to know what it was.  She didn't know I was immune to it at the time. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burchett.donald on April 28, 2019, 03:48:45 pm
   Fried up some green tomatoes for supper! Man they were spot on...I used yellow tomatoes, they seem to have a bit more acid for flavor...Posted a simple recipe in the cooking section...If you haven't tried them, you are missing out!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: EdwardS on April 28, 2019, 04:03:01 pm
Felled a small water oak for nefarious purposes today.  Still got to cut/split the top but the base made two good staves.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on April 28, 2019, 06:34:41 pm
Tonight was quite interesting. I was invited to Cub Scouts Blue and Gold Banquet. I was never in the scouts as a child. I was in 4-H though a feel both of these organizations great for kids. I learned a lot tonight. It was interesting watching the kids basically graduating from one Cub den to the next. One cub scout received the arrow of light. It has many symbols of their Cub Scout Journey. It is received before they cross a bridge to become Boy Scouts. I was asked to bring a selfbow and one of my arrows and shoot it as tribute to the arrow of light. It was really a neat banquet and I really enjoyed it.
I was asked to put on a little presentation. I brought my bear hide, mink, Wessels and muskrats. I took several selfbows, stone points, arrows and knives. I took my two selfbow buck antlers and the bows I got them with. I gave a little explanation of all the things I'd brought and a short story of how I got started and things I'd learned. Everyone seemed to enjoy my short presentation as much as I enjoyed theirs. I enjoyed showing both kids and adults our passion. They asked lots of good questions. I really encourage you all to give this a try if someone asks you to. It's really rewarding and they feed my wife and myself pretty good to.
PS those tomatoes look good Don
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on April 29, 2019, 12:31:20 am
Good job BJ  :OK ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on May 01, 2019, 03:57:00 am
Still to wet here to get any farming done. I'm getting seriously behind schedule now. Starting to get worried about making it to Marshall. Yesterday I pulled my camper out and started checking everything out on it. Lights, battery, water system, oven, refrigerator and water heater. Next tires, brakes and wheel bearings.
I sure hope I get to use it. Not much time to get a lot of work done and it's still raining. I'm thinking I should have gone to the Classic.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on May 03, 2019, 09:37:35 pm
BJ, we've already planted! in our, umm... Normal? sized... garden box.  :'(
Wait, BJ your saying that i need to go to the marshalls because its amazing, Im counting the days down, and you might not be coming!? this isnt good. Hope you can make it!
Hey don. I fried some t'maters up and there great!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on May 04, 2019, 04:52:44 am
Deerhunter21. Yes I'm telling you that you need to go because it's amazing. It is. My wife and I totally enjoy and look forward to going and seeing everyone. I'm just me. There's a great bunch of guys and gals that will be there if I'm not. I'm still going to try as hard as possible to make it, but you know the old saying " you gotta make hay while the sun is shining ".  It's not been shining much here yet this season and I'm going to have to get my work done when it is. I'll probably do a lot while the moon is shining to if you know what I mean. I promise you won't be disappointed. It's a fantastic family. It is a must attend for my wife and I. My occupation doesn't much care about my personal schedule though. Mother Nature has her own plans and I have to deal with them the best I can.
PS sure hope to see you there. Sure hope to see all my people there.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burchett.donald on May 04, 2019, 04:34:31 pm

Hey don. I fried some t'maters up and there great!

   Deerhunter, Hope you didn't hurt yourself like I did...Their on my list again soon!

    Bj, hope you have fair weather soon...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on May 05, 2019, 07:51:08 am
Working today. Heading for my dads house tomorrow for a coupla days. Then Primitive Skills Camp. Google Buckeye Gathering if you want to take a look at it. This year is a Phoenix year for camp. This is its 10th year, and recovering after the Camp Fire of last year. Lots of clean up and site assessments. Much smaller gathering than previous years due to the sensitivity of the land and the damage to the infrastructure of the site. Will still be a lots of fun. Y'all have a gooder!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on May 06, 2019, 03:57:39 am
Sounds like fun Ben.

Me to Don. Yesterday was beautiful. Took advantage of it. Fields are still wet but got grandpa's toy out and shot with the grandkids. Even had my wife's bow out and my youngest daughter and wife shot to. Their all still learning. They could probably use a better instructor. Everyone had fun. Especially the instructor.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on May 08, 2019, 07:18:10 am
 :OK   Kids always have great form.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 09, 2019, 06:38:56 am
I started making gizmos, lots of gizmos. I put out a request for figured scrap wood to make some special gizmos for the TG St Jude Auction. The more figured wood brings more money for the kids. Boy, did I get the wood, some from a bow site and some from a flintlock building site, spectacular stuff, one guy sent me 22# of highly figured gun stock cut offs.

I got a lot of curly maple, walnut, mulberry and spalted wood. The first gizmo I made was a thank-you gizmo for Roy in Pa for his more than generous wood donation.

I think this is curley mulberry, I stained the wood with iron nitrate stain to make the curl pop, blushed the stain with a heat gun and rubbed it back to highlight the color.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 09, 2019, 06:41:34 am
A lifetime supply of fancy wood, all destined to charity auction gizmos.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on May 09, 2019, 06:49:23 am
Very nice Eric. I'm thinking everyone wins in that one. Guys got rid of some scrap they didn't have the heart to throw away. You got a lifetime supply of just what you needed. And best of all some very worthy charities will receive some beautiful donations.
PS last but not least. The new owners will probably become better bowyers.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 10, 2019, 06:04:38 am
Check this one out, figured walnut, another thank you gizmo for one of the donators, his wood.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 10, 2019, 03:15:24 pm
If that ain't somethin', then nothing is! Nice work, Eric. And for a great cause.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on May 11, 2019, 12:36:09 am
Very nice Eric  :OK ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on June 16, 2019, 07:19:39 am
Yesterday my cousin called me. He's got a nice collection of artifacts he's found and is a big part of my addiction to my primitive endeavor.
He was asked to do a presentation to a group from the Huron County Nature Center. He had asked me months earlier if I'd bring a few things and show some modern primitive technology. I told him I would if farming allowed. The Nature Center advertised that both my cousin and I would be there. It's still to wet to do much farming and I appreciated the distraction.
My cousin has done presentations for the Nature Center before. They had a area outside that had benches for the people to sit and watch. There was a small building that was setup like a stage. We displayed or stuff on the stage and stood in front of the people sitting in the benches. My cousin did his presentation and introduced me. It wasn't a huge crowd, but it was a very interested crowd. Everyone was on the edge of their benches and asked lots of questions. I brought my target and they asked if I could shoot one of my bows. I picked up my "No Kidding" bow. It's a 48" Osage bendy with static recurves. I explained how it's a bend through the handle bow and I can make them shorter. How it fit me nicely because of my short draw and it's early string tension. I explained how we build a bow to fit a persons draw length by the length of working limbs. How we fit a bow to a persons draw weight by removing wood strategically from the belly to achieve the draw weight we want and a bend that spreads the stresses out evenly. I passed it around asking them to feel how heavy this bows physical weight it weighs 9.4 oz. I showed them the name and told them how it came to me when I hung it up next to my other bows. I explained that it wasn't a kids bow. It had a draw weight of 52 lbs at a 24" draw. I braced my bow and picked up one of my rivercane arrows. I explained how we bareshaft arrows to get good arrow flight. Why I want a arrow to straighten out very quickly because I hunt very close and want good penetration. I got everyone behind me and let my rivercane arrow loose. It's a pretty quick bow and I could hear the crowds surprise.
     I had a great time and I think everyone else did to. After the presentation everyone was invited to come up and look, touch and hold everything. Lots more great questions.

     I really enjoy doing stuff like this. I always say I'll talk to anyone who doesn't run away to fast. One lady came up to me and gave me a big hug. She said "I never met a bow nerd before" I got a good chuckle out of that one. I told her it was bowyer, but perhaps bow nerd was more appropriate.

If anyone has a opportunity to do something like this I highly recommend it. You don't have to be a expert. Some people are going to be amazed and some could care less. This particular crowd was amazed.

Pass it on and have fun doing it
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on June 17, 2019, 12:53:24 am
One Bow Nerd to another, Good Job  :OK ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on June 17, 2019, 02:37:42 am
One Bow Nerd to another, Good Job  :OK ! Bob

Ha ha thanks Bob. Still get a chuckle out of that.

Sorry I didn't get any pictures
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BrianS on June 17, 2019, 03:22:14 am
Glad to hear it went good for you. Very rewarding when you do something like this. You are correct in encouraging others if they have the chance to do something similar.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on June 17, 2019, 03:28:57 am
Glad to hear it went good for you. Very rewarding when you do something like this. You are correct in encouraging others if they have the chance to do something similar.

Thanks Brian. I know you've done a few similar presentations. It really is enjoyable and I honestly don't even worry about what I'm going to say, or how I'm going to display stuff anymore.
I usually forget some stuff I really wanted to bring, but have plenty to show and talk about. In fact sometimes I have to keep in mind not to go to long.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 17, 2019, 05:31:03 am
I taught the archery side of hunter safety for a number of years, I was surprised at how little knowledge the general public had about traditional archery, all of my young students shot wheels. I was asked a several times by a kids pulling one of my trad bows "when does it break over", I answered "it doesn't".
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on June 17, 2019, 05:41:43 am
I taught the archery side of hunter safety for a number of years, I was surprised at how little knowledge the general public had about traditional archery, all of my young students shot wheels. I was asked a several times by a kids pulling one of my trad bows "when does it break over", I answered "it doesn't".

It can be quite comical Eric. I have definitely learned to assume they don't know the simplest of things. It's amazing how many times I've had people try to draw a unbraced bow backwards. You really have to keep your eyes on them. Or they'll ask why is the string so loose. I try to remain calm and explain in a non condescending way the very simple things we bowyers all take for granted.
PS I really think it is one of the reasons selfbows sometimes get a bad rap. It may be a perfectly tillered bow, with a perfect back. In the right hands it could perform flawlessly for many years. Hand it over to someone who doesn't understand the many ways a selfbow can be damaged or broken and they'll probably find one.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on June 21, 2019, 10:29:11 am
I got an email today announcing my 50th high school reunion in October. A classmate that sent the email also sent a pic with about a dozen of my other classmates, some I could recognize, some not. Anyway it should be interesting to see how old those other guys got.  (A)   ::)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on June 21, 2019, 11:00:40 am
Funny how time flies when your having fun. It's my 40th this year. I guess they said we don't have enough $ for a reunion. Maybe we can just go to the gravel pit get a couple kegs and everyone pitch in a couple buck like we did back then.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on June 21, 2019, 01:29:00 pm
The last and only one I went to was the tenth. At that time my wife and I had been married for less than a year, shortest amount of any others. This time we'll probably be the ones married the longest.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on June 21, 2019, 02:32:16 pm
I was  non football playing, non baseball playing, non golfin  trouble maker who got tossed out of school several times. So I really wasn't part of "the " group but I am probably one of the few that went into the Marines, went to Viet Nam,  got out went to college and became a police officer who retired after 25 years of service at the age of 51 years old. Not many of my classmates can say that.

Now with that being written. Why would I pay to eat  supper with them when they would eat lunch with me at school.  Yup my 50th come and gone.

What did I do today. Went to yard sales looking for baby clothes to bring home, wash and dry and donate them to the baby pantry on Sunday. One load done and two to go., lol
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: EdwardS on June 25, 2019, 08:04:05 pm
Made my first stone knife today.  Not that pretty but sharp enough.  Wondering if anyone has ever made sheaths for one.

Getting ready to put up all my staves for trade, realized my lungs have gotten too bad to make bows with just a Shinto rasp.  Still plan to shoot, but my pulmonologist had harsh words for me over it at my last appointment.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on June 25, 2019, 08:21:30 pm
I have made a few sheaths for stone knives. Although most of the time I make display stands using antler and cholla cactus.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 26, 2019, 06:07:57 am
I made pickles;
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on June 26, 2019, 06:51:04 am
They look great Eric.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on June 26, 2019, 09:06:22 am
I love pickles
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 27, 2019, 05:43:04 am
I put up my coon fence around my corn. In past years the coons would devastate my sweet corn patch, I found one strand of low electric fence wire would keep them out. Coons won't jump a fence and waddle into it, 50K volts convinces them to find dinner elsewhere.

The first picture is of coon damage before I put up an electric fence, the second is of my fence setup. I have a normal height three strand electric fence to keep the deer out.

Oh well, the system will not let me post a picture of the electric fence at this time, it says the file is too big, not so because resized it, maybe later. I run into this often on this site.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 29, 2019, 06:30:59 am
Coon height electric fence;
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 29, 2019, 06:35:00 am
I have a lot of blueberries this year, the squirrels and birds got all of them the past 3 years but left them alone this year.

One of the great joys of having fresh blueberries, pancakes.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on June 30, 2019, 01:39:46 pm
Monday through Wednesday I went to a wrestling camp. hard to go from little 7th and 8th grades to high schoolers but I should get used to it anyway, i'm going to be a freshman. only got one win and then hurt my thumb and I cant wrestle one handed. I had to teach a kid there, it was his first day and he thought he could take on the world, then I demonstrated a move on him and he said "that hurt too much, go easier on me." I got kinda got frustrated at him but and almost told him he joined the wrong sport, then I realized that a-lot of kids at my school don't do anything physical and just play video games.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 06, 2019, 07:56:39 pm
I did a 10k (6.2 miles) road race with my daughter today.  She ran it and got 9th place overall and was the first female to finish.  This was her 3rd time winning that race.  I walked it with my elk pack that weighs 40 lbs.  I finished 10th out of 68 walkers.  My goal was to beat 1 hour and 40 minutes.  I finished at 1 hour and 26 minutes.  Somehow we forgot to get a picture together. 


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on July 06, 2019, 08:02:34 pm
Looking good Clint.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on July 06, 2019, 08:22:25 pm
Very cool, Clint.  :OK   You're gonna have to carry rocks in your pockets to keep from blowing away. How much weight have you lost so far?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 06, 2019, 08:53:43 pm
Thanks BJ.

Pat,  90 lbs and holding steady.  I'd like to lose another 10 or 15 lbs before my elk trip.  But I don't know if that will happen. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on July 07, 2019, 12:24:06 am
Well done Clint  :OK ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on July 07, 2019, 03:28:50 am
Good job Clint. 90 pounds. That is dedication. Most important though is doing this with your daughter. Sounds as though she did a great job.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on July 09, 2019, 11:06:03 am
Great job Clint!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on July 09, 2019, 01:01:00 pm
Clint, you are looking lean and mean!  Good work! Finishing 10th with a 40 lb pack as a handicap is something to brag about.  If you run outa arrows on those elk you can always walk 'em into the ground!

I am proud of you for taking care of yourself like this. And for being there for your family!  You are a good man, sir.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 09, 2019, 02:37:55 pm
Thanks guys! 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on July 09, 2019, 02:53:48 pm
Clint , your lookin  in great shape, 90# sounds unreal. Remember don't overdue and get injured , you want to peak when the season comes in. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 13, 2019, 08:01:07 am
Well Clint, at that rate you can pass the wildland firefighter endurance test with flying colors! Congrats to both of you!
I am headed for Harper's Ferry WV for training for the week. Then back for two weekends in a row of Tribal Cultural trainings then the 2nd weekend of August is My Knap in at Yosemite National Park! Busy for sure....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on July 28, 2019, 11:42:24 am
I loaded up a bunch of stuff and headed to the youth mentor day yesterday. I went last year and was pretty impressed with the effort this local Sportsmans Club put into this event. They asked me if I would come back and I told them I'd love to if it worked out with my farming schedule.

My buddies Gary and Randy came along to help out. Took a couple pictures before event got to busy to. We were very well received. I had hides, stone points and knives, a bunch of selfbows and my presentation pole. I had some staves in different stages from bark on to roughed out. I had my two buck racks and the bows I shot them with. I had a bunch of PA magazines including the one I wrote the article about attending this event last year.
It was a lot of fun and I'm sure I will try to do it again next year. Would definitely encourage anyone to do something like this. They did a great job putting it together and it was very well attended.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 06, 2019, 07:56:32 am
I have had a great garden this year and given away bushels of tomatoes and okra. today I looked the accumulation of both on my kitchen counter and thought "I like stewed tomatoes and okra, why not can some for the future?"

I did need a few more tomatoes after culling all the bad spots and green cores from my tomato stash so I added a can of diced tomatoes I had in the cabinet. It wasn't until after the can was in the pot that I realized it was italian spiced with a good bit of oregano in it, this made for an interesting mix.

I added an onion and a couple of cloves of garlic as I cooked down the mix for canning.

I have a variety of different size canners, the 8qt vintage Presto in the picture was on the Facebook Marketplace for $15, the lady who sold it had just put all new seals in it which cost about $8 so it was too good of a bargain to pass up.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on August 06, 2019, 12:16:29 pm
I grew up eating okra and tomatoes and fried okra and steamed okra.YUM!
 I put up lots of tomato sauce I make each year. The last few years I've been buying boxed of tomatoes from the farmers market(about $7 per box later in the summer) for my tomato sauce with onions, peppers, garlic and herbs and spices. We had 3 failure years in a row with our garden with either crows or the blight taking it all. I freeze my sauce in gallon ziplock bags and it's so nice to have real, flavorful tomato sauce in January and February.
 I have a great, simple pickled okra recipe if anyone is interested. Doesn't go through a hot bath, just boiling liquid into the jar of okra, garlic and dill seeds. Makes great tarter sauce, too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on August 06, 2019, 12:25:50 pm
The wife canned salsa this weekend and also froze a couple gallons of tomatoes. I'll be sending a baker's dozen in a bag along to share with some folks today and, after picking this morning, we still have a countertop full.  :o
Glad I only planted six plants...   ::)
Some of the excess goes to the Farmer's market on Saturdays along with any extra peppers as well.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 07, 2019, 07:24:44 am
I knock myself out planting corn and putting newspapers and grass clippings between the rows to keep the weeds down. It is a lot of work for an old guy collecting and spreading a dump truck load of grass clippings.

My girlfriend had bought a lot of produce from the local Amish community yesterday. There were several bags of corn, the cost, $2.50 for a dozen ears, I have grown my last corn crop, their corn looked better than mine. I could put up the same amount of corn as I grew for $25 and not have all the aggravation of planting it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on August 07, 2019, 09:06:40 am
I knock myself out planting corn and putting newspapers and grass clippings between the rows to keep the weeds down. It is a lot of work for an old guy collecting and spreading a dump truck load of grass clippings.

My girlfriend had bought a lot of produce from the local Amish community yesterday. There were several bags of corn, the cost, $2.50 for a dozen ears, I have grown my last corn crop, their corn looked better than mine. I could put up the same amount of corn as I grew for $25 and not have all the aggravation of planting it.
I hear ya Eric. Between the coons, weather and general PITA I quit planting corn a couple years ago. Being in Kansas there is no shortage of fresh sweet corn available. Especially this year...   :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on August 21, 2019, 11:37:47 am
So. one of our youth activity leaders found out that i hada bow i made and she called me last night and asked if i would do a short presentation. i feel like the least qualified person to talk about making bows but she had no one else. i said yes and this morning i presented it. i showed them my bow and talked about how i made it. i talked about how i tillered the bow and about my time at the marshalls. It was fun and everyone seemed to like it! i also showed them how arrows need to be spined correctly. anyways i had a great time! ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 22, 2019, 08:29:58 am
I used to do the same while teaching hunter safety, I was surprised how few of my students even knew there was traditional archery, all they had ever seen were wheels.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on August 22, 2019, 09:38:58 am
That's great Russell. It'll be even more fun when you get a bigger collection of stuff. Of course it'll be more to haul around. You don't have to be a expert though. Usually I keep it fairly simple. Once in awhile though use the old, "If you can't dazzle em with brilliance, baffle em with Bull Sh17" just kidding. It is nice to have a interested crowd.
My schedule is starting to get a bit busy. I have another presentation tomorrow. Don't mind the presentation, but the packing everything up and unloading it twice everytime gets old.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 22, 2019, 10:37:59 am
BJ, that's one of the biggest reasons I left the band. Got tired of unloading and loading a trailer full of equipment. I miss the camaraderie though. Nothing better than friends making music together, its a great feeling when its just right.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on August 22, 2019, 12:04:35 pm
BJ, that's one of the biggest reasons I left the band. Got tired of unloading and loading a trailer full of equipment. I miss the camaraderie though. Nothing better than friends making music together, its a great feeling when its just right.

I hear you Pearl. I have several cousins that play instruments. They have all been in bands in the past and done the packing and unpacking bit. Now they play together and just have all their stuff set up at my Aunts big shed. It's out in the country without a neighbor closer than a mile. A lot of good times there and now the next generation is going to be even better than this one. They could easily get paying jobs but like you said. They like the playing together and don't feel the hassle is worth it. I guess when you make it big somebody else does all that.
PS honestly some of my favorite times are with the acoustic guitar and a five gallon bucket for a drum around the campfire.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on August 22, 2019, 01:17:36 pm
BJ, that's one of the biggest reasons I left the band. Got tired of unloading and loading a trailer full of equipment. I miss the camaraderie though. Nothing better than friends making music together, its a great feeling when its just right.

I hear you Pearl. I have several cousins that play instruments. They have all been in bands in the past and done the packing and unpacking bit. Now they play together and just have all their stuff set up at my Aunts big shed. It's out in the country without a neighbor closer than a mile. A lot of good times there and now the next generation is going to be even better than this one. They could easily get paying jobs but like you said. They like the playing together and don't feel the hassle is worth it. I guess when you make it big somebody else does all that.
PS honestly some of my favorite times are with the acoustic guitar and a five gallon bucket for a drum around the campfire.

im going to try to enjoy having band at school now before it becomes a big hassle   ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on August 23, 2019, 11:22:37 am
Good for you for doing the presentation, Russell and good for your teacher for seeing the value in it and not seeing it as a threat.  Archery used to be part of the daily activities in schools teaching patience, concentration, hand/eye coordination, and respect.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on August 25, 2019, 09:13:46 am
I was asked to do a display at the Huron Nature Center yesterday. It was very well attended. They had their three sisters day. I'm not exactly sure what significance of the three sisters was, but this appears to be their big event. I would have liked to get pictures but I was swamped with people of all ages who were very interested in gaining a more hands on understanding of the items  I made and brought there. I've done several presentations before at several different locations and events. I've even done one here previously. I always enjoy doing them. I have to say that this one was my favorite. It was so well attended and everyone there was genuinely interested. They all asked so many good questions. Many had a pretty good basic knowledge. Many had even attempted to knap or make a bow and failed, but from their questions and seeing and holding the real working model understood some of the reasons for their unsuccessful attempts.
   I wish I could have walked around a bit and seen some of the other displays. There was a group of Native Americans who dressed in traditional clothing. I didn't get a chance to meet with them while they were in their dress but close to the end they changed into their street clothes and came over to my display. It was interesting talking with them and they were very interested in the items I brought along. It was nice to be able to help them understand a little bit of the knowledge that they had lost and they truly appreciated the information and knowing that someone was still using this knowledge and hunting with it. It was a long day. I got there at 9:45am. It was close to an hour drive and I had to load everything and set it all up beside. It was supposed to be over at 4:00pm but I still had people swarming around me at 4:45pm. The Nature Center was very grateful for me setting up my display and I'm sure they will ask me to come again. I'm pretty sure I will.
PS one of the things that everyone really seemed to enjoy was that I had my target there and I would string my bows and shoot them. From their reactions I'm quite sure most had never seen a selfbow shot before and were very surprised at its speed and accuracy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: EdwardS on August 25, 2019, 11:32:21 am
The three sisters are corn, beans and squash.  They are planted together in one hill and they grow very well together.  I forget the reason why (has to do with nitrogen fixing as I remember) but it's pretty easy to find on the net.  Most Eastern Woodlands groups grew food this way, Northern and Southern.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on August 25, 2019, 12:00:04 pm
Thanks Edward.
Now that you mention it I seem to remember hearing that somewhere before. That makes sense. Beans are a legume and do afix nitrogen. I've also heard many times that people like to plant squash with their corn to keep raccoons from getting it. I totally forgot about this and was thinking to literally. That the three sisters were founders or something. Thanks for sharing that with me. It was bugging me that I didn't know but I didn't take the opportunity to ask.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 31, 2019, 07:45:50 am
I just hunt around my place now, the management area roads are gated off with deep hollows and tough deer recovery. My latest back fusion ended my deer dragging and hauling, old age is a factor as well.

I decided to sell my Cabela's Mag hauler, I seldom used it and it had been under my deck for years.

They sell new for $145 so I posted it at the giveaway price of $35 on the Facebook Marketplace. Posting of craigslist or Marketplace is an adventure and an insight into just how irresponsible john Q public is.

I had a lot of people contact me, none of the people who said they were coming to get it showed up. One guy looked up my address, dropped by, offered me $30 and left when I declined his offer.

The thing looked a little rough with rusted wheels  when I posted it. Yesterday I wire brushed the rims and repainted them with rustoleum as well as pulling the axle and lubing all the bearings and sleeves. Here is the before and after picture.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on August 31, 2019, 02:42:14 pm
Today I bought a new Husqvarna 17.5 riding mower and spent 2 hours trying it out on our lower area that hasn't been mowed since last summer. I gave it a good test and it passed with flying colors(orange).  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on September 06, 2019, 09:49:22 am
One of these days I will get a riding mower and store the weedeater. Took a drive yesterday to pick up shakes for a couple of cabins in my outdoor office space. Not many folks out here make them any more. Nice drive. Oh Yeah, More fires in California! One 25 miles or so from Bubby and one less than that from my dad in Plumas County called the Walker fire. It is near the old Walker Mine site. Special group this afternoon. Always something to do.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 07, 2019, 07:43:09 am
I have been drying and canning green tomatoes to fry later. This is is a first year xperiment so I don't know how well my canned or dried tomatoes wil fry up later.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 07, 2019, 07:44:29 am
I tried to sun dry some but the ants and flies quickly covered them up so they went to the trash.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on September 29, 2019, 08:57:59 pm
Not today, but yesterday I collected 16 near perfect wild rose shoots. I got them trimmed to length and bundled to sit and dry. Also, came across a super nice piece of wild apple. So I had to bring it home, rough it out and seal it up :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on September 29, 2019, 10:01:29 pm
Those will keep you busy this winter.    :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Del the cat on September 30, 2019, 03:26:44 am
Nice haul :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on September 30, 2019, 09:57:02 am
Pat: I'm very excited for the piece of apple, I've been eyeing this piece for years. Its to bad they have such a high shrinkage rate and must dry slowly to avoid checking.... I'd like to start on it now, I'm going to have a tough time keeping my hand off and leaving it alone lol.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on October 01, 2019, 01:59:51 pm
Well I couldnt keep my hands off... in flipping the tip I caused a splinter to lift on the belly about 6" in from the tip. Its a huge splinter, probably 3/8 wide and 1-1/4" long, going at least 1/8" into the belly. (--)

I made a big mistake.... I used my bench vise(which is metal) to apply pressure on the tip while tying it off to the form. When I did this I crushed the wood on the belly. Then released the vise, moved it toward the tip more, applied pressure again and it split right at the crushed wood.

Before I released the pressure from the vise I put some super glue into the splinter, then released the vise and put a clamp on the splinter hoping to glue it back together. This might have worked ok on dry wood, but I fear that I didnt get enough glue into the crack and it might crack further as the wood dries. I'm worried it will separate inside as it dries and it will be invisible from the outside.... Ugh... I guess time will tell.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: burtonridr on October 07, 2019, 11:00:49 am
Well over the weekend I started roughing out a piece of mountain maple, but unfortunately it turned out to have rot from a wound that appears to extend up one of the limbs at the edge of the heart wood.

Also, tossed the rose shoots into the oven after my wife got done baking bread. They sure do shrink a lot.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on October 07, 2019, 11:22:36 am
I marched in a parade in grand island. It was a cool experiance but the freshman (me) didnt play too good.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on October 24, 2019, 03:31:01 pm
Im at Are the phantom of the opera! This is so cool!   (-S  ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on October 31, 2019, 06:22:58 am
I slept in. Oh man that felt good. Been a long time since I slept till 6:30am.
We almost finished sugarbeets day before yesterday. Dug till 11:30pm . Had another 4 hours to finish and everyone was toast. Got up early to try and finish but it started raining. Still raining this morning so I just stayed in bed for awhile. We're doing pretty good. Still a awfully lot of crops out around here though. I haven't even looked at my corn in a month. It was actually planted on time and a short day variety. It did make it to black layer (physical maturity) the moisture I'm sure is still very high. A lot of the corn planted very late barely made it to tassels before it froze. Going to be a lot of corn out for the wildlife this winter.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on October 31, 2019, 08:08:46 am
One of the things that makes it all worth it. Watching the sunrise, sunset and Milky Way from my tractor cab. Sure is beautiful. Here's a picture, but it doesn't do it justice.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on October 31, 2019, 11:01:22 am
I'm sitting in the office waiting for my Retirement party.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on October 31, 2019, 11:41:59 am
Hope it's a good one Eddie
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on October 31, 2019, 11:46:48 am
you know, I just love our sunrises in nebraska. most people just dont get up early enough to see them! Glad you got a break BJ!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on October 31, 2019, 01:15:01 pm
Me to Russell. I even took a little nap today. No beautiful sunrise this morning 41 degrees raining and a 30 mph wind. Might even get to see the trick or treaters. Any of them that brave this weather deserves a good treat.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on November 04, 2019, 09:30:17 pm
Thank you, Brian.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on November 07, 2019, 04:56:25 am
Thank you, Brian.

maybe you want to come drive beet truck Eddie? Lots of people looking for good truck drivers.
Happy Retirement Eddie. I'm sure you will find something to keep you busy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on November 07, 2019, 05:30:12 am
I played the piano at a nursing home. I hope everyone liked it!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on November 07, 2019, 06:09:25 am
I played the piano at a nursing home. I hope everyone liked it!

I'm sure they did Russell. My mom and grandmother use to paint the ladies nails at the nursing home. She never missed a Thursday. They all really looked forward to it.

Hopefully you played some oldies that they could remember from their younger days.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on November 25, 2019, 08:50:50 am
skinned a squirrel. the bodies not as strong as a racoon so when i was pulling the hide down it split in half. was able to catch the stuff in a bowl and got a
6" x 6"  hide.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 19, 2019, 04:28:33 pm
I got to play guitar and lead about 450 kids in Christmas carols.  The weather is finally decent enough to do some shooting when I get home from school.  And I get to hit the gym tonight before supper with the family.  So yeah, an acceptable day so far.   8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on December 19, 2019, 05:21:48 pm
14 degrees here this morning with a nice crisp wind so I tuffed it out  and fed the woodstove all day ahhhh 8) Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 19, 2019, 07:59:28 pm
14 degrees here this morning with a nice crisp wind so I tuffed it out  and fed the woodstove all day ahhhh 8) Bob
Sounds to me like you're a smart guy!  ha ha
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on December 19, 2019, 08:02:56 pm
wood stoves are the best.  (=)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 19, 2019, 08:12:47 pm
I played the piano at a nursing home. I hope everyone liked it!

How long have you been playing piano, Russell?  What style do you like to play?  What's your instrument in marching band?  Professional interest--I'm a music teacher.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on December 19, 2019, 09:08:17 pm
Ive been playing since i was six. I play Suzuki although my piano teacher stopped teaching for a while so i have had no teacher for a year. Have made barely any progress on piano. Trumpet.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on December 19, 2019, 09:20:09 pm
oh, classical and super fun/hard video game songs when I want to do something that will challenge me to play a different way than I normally do.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on December 20, 2019, 07:25:43 am
The way music programs in schools have been eliminated is a damn shame. Some day they will realize music in school is much, much more than simply learning music and instruments. Its more cerebral than any other subject in school. Our local school was on the brink of going away, but somehow made it through. I donated a gob of old percussion stuff and a few electronics I hadn't used in years. The boy playing drums at that time was pretty excited. He was using old hi-hat halves as crashes and rides. Miserable sounding junk that didn't express what the kid was actually playing.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 20, 2019, 07:42:15 am
The way music programs in schools have been eliminated is a damn shame. Some day they will realize music in school is much, much more than simply learning music and instruments. Its more cerebral than any other subject in school. Our local school was on the brink of going away, but somehow made it through. I donated a gob of old percussion stuff and a few electronics I hadn't used in years. The boy playing drums at that time was pretty excited. He was using old hi-hat halves as crashes and rides. Miserable sounding junk that didn't express what the kid was actually playing.

Man, don't get me started...There's some really cool research out there about music and brain development.  I think that back in the day most kids used to get it at home, but like so many things, they don't anymore so it's up to the schools.  I saw a brain imaging video one time that showed the different parts of the brain active during various tasks.  In people playing music together, the whole thing just lit up like a Christmas tree.  Sometimes I tell my kids that playing/singing harmony is weight-lifting for the brain.

Mostly it's a lot of fun, though.  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on December 20, 2019, 07:46:56 am
I like listening to music but I can't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow :o ;D Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 20, 2019, 07:50:49 am
Ive been playing since i was six. I play Suzuki although my piano teacher stopped teaching for a while so i have had no teacher for a year. Have made barely any progress on piano. Trumpet.

Cool.  My native instrument is the euphonium/baritone, and I did a LOT of marching in high school/college.  I don't play it all that much anymore; most of my musical energy is spent on other instruments nowadays.   I've never really gotten along all that well with the piano, so I admire people that play it well.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JEB on December 20, 2019, 08:07:47 am
On the 14th I woke up at 330 am, sat in the edge of my bed and started crying. I could not figure out why, then it hit me. It was 1 year ago on the 14th of December at 330 am that my wife received her bone marrow transplant that failed.

This morning I thought about that moment as I read this thread and said a prayer for those that have left us and those who remain here  suffering. I never realized how bad it was until this year when my Chris left me.

I know of two others on here that are going thru the same as me, Eric Krewson who I don't know personally and Pearly who I know and consider a friend. I am sure there are others and I included all in my prayer for healing this morning.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on December 20, 2019, 08:27:45 am
It was the worst period in my life, and I've had several since I was a kid. My peace came in the way of knowing Jean wasn't miserable anymore. 3 years of 24/7 suffering is hard to watch. I have moved along in life and am very happy right now. But, she is never far from my thoughts and my new gal is very supportive of me. My step-sons are as much my sons now as they ever were. They always will be.

Bill (Danzbar) also lost his Kim in the spring of 2019. That's four of us in not may years. "F" cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 20, 2019, 11:40:26 am
That sucks.  Hang in there, guys.  You aren't alone.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on December 20, 2019, 02:45:11 pm
Have lost many friends and family to cancer. I know two teen age girls living with cancer. It is an awful beast. Prayers for your sadness, remember them with laughter.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 21, 2019, 08:41:08 am
Six years for me since Miss Glenda died, I am 72, tried some dating but at my age the pickings are pretty slim. I found one about a year ago that I really liked, we were like two peas in a pod, somehow she hid the fact that she was bipolar for the first 6 months. It was time to move on when that problem surfaced, bipolar gals are great company on the upswing but downright nutzoid on a down swing.

I still live alone and always will, health problem have crept up on me now but I can look back on the 30 years I had with my gal and have very fond memories.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 21, 2019, 12:43:29 pm
Hang in there guys. I know it sucks. My mom passed almost 15 years ago. My dad was heartbroken. He did his best to get going again. He ended up meeting a very nice lady about 5 years later. Another widow he knew all his life and who was friends with my mom. They ended up getting married just a couple months later. Was a bit of a shocker for myself and my siblings that they got married so quickly, but they didn't want to waste any time. At their ages that was one thing they knew was precious. That was almost ten years ago. He's 82 now and I know it added at least three years to his life. Good ones to. His best days are behind him now, but she is there for him. He will tell you flat out. If it wasn't for her he'd be in a home. She just turned 81 and is going strong yet. I'm so glad they met.

I really hate when it gets the young ones. Some of you may remember a bow I made for a benifit raffle called The Stacer's. The thread was titled something like "Living The Dream". Sadly Tom left us a couple weeks ago to be with his brother. Was really routing for that guy.


Jon hang in there buddy. All those firsts are the hardest. It never gets easy but it does get better.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 22, 2019, 10:49:05 am
I sawed some dead ash last year and put it on the walls of my man cave. I saved some boards with living edge on them. Yesterday I made two selves to hang on my walls. I'll put some polyurethane on them yet but they'll be something like this. Sorry not best picture but they aren't hung yet.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 22, 2019, 09:09:42 pm
First coat of polyurethane
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on December 22, 2019, 10:36:47 pm
Nice shelves to go along with your walls. I love the look of ash. We put unstained ash floors in our house.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on December 23, 2019, 03:06:09 am
Those are cool BJ  :OK ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 23, 2019, 06:27:19 am
Thanks Pat. They turned out even better than I was hoping. Only problem is my wife likes em so much she wants to put them in our bedroom. That's not a big problem though. I can make some more.

Thanks Bob

PS I think I might cut two more big dead trees down and try to saw them. If their solid they would make some really nice lumber
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 23, 2019, 09:33:13 am
Nice, Bob!  Yesterday, I finished up a pair of moccasins for a friend's christmas present, stained a bunch of arrow shafts, led singing at church, silk-wrapped and shot said arrow shafts (I have started shooting each shaft bare a couple times to make sure it flies well before I fletch), sang christmas carols with a bunch of friends at the two retirement homes and the local school for the mentally handicapped, then fletched and said arrows while watching "The Return of the King" with Mrs. Badger and the Badgerling.

Another good day!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on December 25, 2019, 10:03:40 am
Got some time on the lathe Monday. Today I am at work. So many things to do and never enough time. One of these days I will join the retirement club and just maybe I will find enough time to get something done!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on December 27, 2019, 10:02:06 am
Well for Christmas I got what I expected because my wife never knows what to get. New shirts and a new clay flute. Check out Flutes by Nash - Jaguar Drone if you want to see what it looks like. My wife did surprise me with my first ever TWO YEAR subs to PA! Worked Xmas Day, Working New years day. Y'all have a safe and happy New year. I for one will be in bed by the time it gets here.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on December 28, 2019, 05:46:42 pm
Well I'm in the "retirement club" so was down in Lawrence tearing out the carpet in on of the rooms where the kid lives. Then the wife tells me the battery is dead on the Forester so had to find someone for a jump and run up to North "Larry" to the battery shop before they closed. Tomorrow I'll be working on putting in the new flooring. 
Yeah, "retired-ment" is more like it...  ::)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 29, 2019, 07:50:48 am
I was playing with scrap osage and made some ball starters for my flintlocks. I hunt with a ball board and don't need to cut a patch, these smack a ball in with authority and take up very little space. I made one for my 12ga fowler and one for my .54.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on December 29, 2019, 10:28:52 am
What are ball starters Eric?? they look nice!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 02, 2020, 08:32:03 am
When we load our black powder guns with a patched round ball ball the initial fit of the ball and the cloth patch is very tight, you can't push it it with your thumb.

We use a ball starter to smack the ball and patch into the barrel and get it started. Most ball starters have around ball with a nub on the ball on one side and along rod on the other. The nub is what we call a short starter, just long enough to get the ball all the way in and started.

 Most of us put the ball over the muzzle on a strip of lubed cloth, smack the ball in with the short starter, then use our patch knife to cut the excess patching material away before we the long starter to ram the ball and patch down the bore about 6", we them ram it all the way down the barrel to rest on the powder with our ramrod. 

When I hunt I use premeasured tubes of black powder and what we call a ball board that has several balls already patched, lubed and ready to go in the barrel, no need for a strip of cloth and a patch knife.  It is about speed and convenience when I hunt.

With my little starters I can push a ball out of the board  into the first part of the barrel and then use the starter to ram it down the barrel a bit, my ramrod will send it home after it is in the barrel.

My little starter takes up very little room, normal ball starters are much larger.

In this picture you can see a ball board with patched balls along with a normal starter in the background as well as the strip of cloth and naked balls I use when I cut my patching material at the muzzle after the ball is in the barrel. To the right of the can of powder you can see a cloth strip that I used to patched some .50 cal balls then cut the patch at the muzzle.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: neuse on January 04, 2020, 05:04:34 am

Very cool shelves, great idea.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on February 03, 2020, 07:59:45 am
Snow day today!  More then a foot of fresh powder on the ground and no sign of letting up.

After starting the fire, having a mug of tea, and enjoying a celebratory cuddle with the girls, I finished putting together a prototype quiver.  My deer hide should be coming back from the tanners in a week or two, bark-tanned, and I'm planning on making it into a side quiver.  It's going to be sort of a hybrid of native American and northern European designs, trimmed with badger fur and claws, and hopefully incorporating a wool tartan fletching cover.  This involves inventing a lot of techniques I've never tried before, especially working with fur.  So, I had a practice run making a quiver out of the leg of an old pair of canvas pants, and the relatively worthless belly fur from the badger.  I'm fairly pleased with how it came out, despite a lot of goofs and start-overs.  Now it's done and I'm ready to get to work on the real deal as soon as I get it back.

Now, some music work:  Sitting in my easy chair by the fire, mixing down the final song for an album I'm going to release next month.   

Hey, Pappy, you reading this?  Guess what.  Life is good!  :)

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on February 03, 2020, 12:50:23 pm
Just had a game of double monopoly with Mrs. Badger and the Badgerling, followed by a huge smoked brisket sandwish...stay tuned for further updates.    ;D(S) (S) (S) ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 08, 2020, 07:52:47 am
Multi-tasking today; dividing my time between making an osage static recurve and building an eighteenth century flintlock rifle.


Good thing I have two vises on my bench. I got the bow to the short string for the first time and got a couple of the ramrod pipes in on the rifle.



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on February 08, 2020, 08:10:17 am
Looks like a mighty good day, Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on February 08, 2020, 09:54:01 am
Is that bow painted gold or is it just the lighting?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 08, 2020, 10:17:08 am
Looks like your going to divide and concur Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 09, 2020, 07:59:19 am
Just aged osage, the back had turned, I started the bow a year ago, ripped out the mesh on a hernia repair and couldn't pull it on my tillering tree until this month, 13 months after I injured myself.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on February 09, 2020, 08:03:48 am
Glad you're recovering.  Feels good to be able to do stuff again after an injury like that.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: EdwardS on February 11, 2020, 02:23:36 pm

Finally was healthy enough to make some shavings.  I have easier staves than this, I just wanted to work this one today.  I've got a nice 7" white oak stave that's about ready to have a bow laid out on it.

This knife works very well for scraping and a little bit of hacking.  Still need a gooseneck scraper for a nice dip in this one, looks like it's gonna get put aside for the straight staves I have almost ready to cut on.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on February 11, 2020, 09:03:45 pm
I wrestled after having a broken back, influenza, a big trip, influenza again, and (still) having 2 varsity wrestlers give me complete crap. Im just happy to be back... im also  happy i won the tournament with all pins in the first period. O:) O:) O:) Im super stoked!!  (-S (-S (-S 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 21, 2020, 12:09:16 pm
Working a late shift today. The opening of the 35th annual Renaissance Art Exhibit. Over 800 entries, 70 made the show. All sorts of media and some very nice work. Google Yosemite Renaissance for looks at previous art works.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on March 05, 2020, 09:57:01 am
ripping off a sugar pine shingle roof so I can put on a new one. Got muscles that are sore that haven't been sore in a long time from the  awkward stretches on the roof.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on March 05, 2020, 02:40:55 pm
You're not getting old are you Ben?  ;)
Marcia and I celebrated our 42 anniversary on the third of March. Hard to believe 42 years already.  :o
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 05, 2020, 02:48:40 pm
Trying the oil drum stump removal method, today is the second go round, if I burn the barrel for most of the day the stump will smoulder for a couple more days and burn a good bit more of it away.

Once you get a good fire going in the drum it becomes a fire breathing dragon, I burned an entire tree up in it today that was 10" across the base and green, it only took about 1 1/2" hours to turn it into ash. I did prop the barrel up on bricks so I could get a good airflow from under the barrel.

The stump was almost at ground level after the first go round, today should finish it off.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on March 06, 2020, 09:23:14 am
@PatB - I am 10 years older than you have been married. Many congratulations on finding someone who puts up with you. My wife and I will have 26 years on paper this year.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on March 06, 2020, 10:02:44 am
Keep it up, Ben. You'll catch up with me before you know it.  :OK
That's a pretty cool idea, Eric. Never seen it before.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on March 06, 2020, 12:43:16 pm
Congratulations on the Anniversaries, guys.  That's a very big deal in today's world.  I myself am headed toward 16 years with Mrs. Badger.  I got started a little late.

Today, I sent off the final graphics and sound files for the CD I'm going to be releasing the 21st.  If anybody's in west-central Wyoming, swing by the Carnegie Room--should be a pretty fun show.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 07, 2020, 08:13:23 am
I did round two on the stump burn yesterday, 5 or 6 hours, when I checked later in the day I only made about 3" of progress below the ground level.

I suspect the ash insulated the burning part of the stump, later I used a leaf blower to blow the ashes off the stump and get the coals hot. I put it to bed last night and will check today to see if I made much progress.

I think I am getting to a very wet part of the stump and it may take a round 3 to finish it off.

Once I get the barrel going it burns so hot and fast it roars. I put bricks under the base to get air flow


I burned this 10" tree completely up, top and all in a little over an hour.


This is after I blew the ash off the stump and got it blazing with air from my leaf blower.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on March 07, 2020, 10:47:34 am
When I was burning out a stump in the backyard I stuck a 2" pipe about 8' long into the coals and stuck a hair drier into the other end. Made quite a difference. used more wood too. Amazing how much wood it takes to burn out a stump.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on March 14, 2020, 05:02:49 am
That looks like a good way to get rid of stumps Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 14, 2020, 07:31:32 am
I made curly maple gizmos for the trad gang St Jude auction, in the picture I am staining them.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on March 14, 2020, 12:05:50 pm
I find it amazing that they/you could auction off that many gizmos. I live in a town of about 50,000 and I'll bet $100 that you couldn't sell or give away one here. Is making bows that much more popular everywhere but here?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 15, 2020, 07:50:53 am
The trad gang has 38,000 members and probably twice that many lurkers, I would guess 5% make bows, mostly glass lam but a lot of wood bow guys as well. When they hold the St Jude auction there are a bunch of folk from all over the world looking for stuff to bid on. If I made 50 of these things someone out there would want one and they would all be auctioned.

I did my own fundraiser last year for the same cause. I posted the donation for a a gizmo offer here, Stickbow, Trad Gang and a Facebook selfbow group. I sent off 30+ gizmos in a month, I wrapped it up because I was tired of making them.

Gizmos are very easy to make but some folk want one from the inventor complete with my brand on it,  some just want to donate to a worthy cause and some folk don't want to be troubled by making their own.

Bow making is a lot more common than one would think, it tends to be localized like the bunch around Twin Oaks. Where I live there may be 5 or 6 bow makers that I know of in town but I am always hearing about someone's uncle, grandfather or some other relative that makes their own bows but don't mix with the internet crowd or shoot tournaments.

I may have auctioned off 75 gizmos, I have given away twice that many, both online and to guys I see at tournaments who are shooting a selfbow they made.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on March 15, 2020, 09:21:09 am
When Eric started his gizmo donations on TG there was some heated bidding on them. I was lucky enough to win one and it's proudly displayed in my shop.
Thanks for your handy invention as well as for your help in a good cause Eric.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on March 15, 2020, 09:42:39 am
It's nice to hear that there are that many. I joined the local archery club(I'm not a joiner) to see if I could find any like minded locals and quit after two years with no luck. I know of maybe a half dozen on the Island. I'm a bit of a hermit so that may have something to do with it ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 29, 2020, 08:31:41 am
Gonna' be bee trap making day, I got a doug fir 4x4 at Home Depot (good arrow wood) and will start making traps today. I will keep a few and give the rest away.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on March 29, 2020, 08:44:14 am
Do those trap honey bees or mason bees?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on March 29, 2020, 04:00:29 pm
Those are carpenter bee traps.The wood eating kind of bee.Nice version of one too Eric.
Here's my version.Made from scrap pieces of lumber laying around.I've got 6 on the house.They'll catch at least a dozen in each trap through out the summer.Knock on wood...a bee has not eaten a hole into anywhere on my house for years and years.They get attatched onto the corners of a house.They do the job.
It's a half inch hole drilled upwards at an angle.3 holes.1 on each side of wooden box.Bees get tired of trying to get out and fall to the bottom.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 30, 2020, 07:37:51 am
Here is my earlier version, lots of nailing, I used a gatorade bottle and would catch up to 25 in one trap.  I gave these away to make the new ones that all match. I cut 14 trap blanks out of the 4X4 in the picture.

I pick up an occasional honey bee that I let go but mostly catch carpenter bees.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 30, 2020, 07:40:10 am

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on March 30, 2020, 07:42:18 am
So you're catching them to keep them from eating your house, eh?  I have to use a lot of yellowjacket traps around here.  Yellowjackets serve an important ecological role, but they are JERKS!  And they eat my berries.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on March 30, 2020, 08:50:04 am
The Shepherd/Akita we used to have would sit on the porch and catch and eat 10 or more yellowjackets a day during the warm weather and more in the early fall. I guess she loved spicy food.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: EdwardS on March 30, 2020, 02:40:27 pm
Pat I'm cleaning popcorn off my laptop because of that one.  Good thing it wasn't chewed popcorn.

Did this dog come home stung up or what?  Every dog I've seen tangle with yellow jackets got stung about the muzzle.

Had a dog that brought home a half-dead rattlesnake one time.  Thought he'd die from the bites, fell asleep, slept a day, and was good as new.  That dog was made of cast iron and contrariness.  I miss him.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on March 30, 2020, 03:33:50 pm
No, Sister just like eating them. She'd curl her lips and chomp the yellowjacket right out of the air, swallow it and look for another. She didn't go after nests. We have bears and skunks that do that.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on March 30, 2020, 09:01:43 pm
We decided to shoot in our Scottish garb.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 02, 2020, 07:59:01 am
I always have a winter greens patch, it always is full of new growth kale and collards just about the I start thinking about my summer garden. We have had more rain this winter and spring than we usually get. I can count on a rain every few days and sometimes for a whole week.

It is difficult for me to put those great greens in the ground, I have the freezer stocked and have picked all I want to, both for me and to give away.

Even though it was very wet I decided to till my garden anyway. It looks like we are going to have 5 rare days of sunshine so I will let the top dry one day and til lit up again the next so it won't be such of a mud hole.

I plant through black plastic so it doesn't have to be perfect. I have to have an electric fence around my garden to keep the deer out, I made the ends like a giant gate so I can till end to end and leave the rest of the fence up.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on April 03, 2020, 12:29:42 am
Recently got "clearance" to work three days a week doing out of doors work only, NO office time. Re-shaking a roof. Cutting trees. Cleaning up my out door space at work.  I am not tech savvy to post pics.... Honey-do list on the days I am not working. Some days I feel like I make my father sad because I do not seem to have the "drive" he does when it comes to getting in a "day's" work!

My wife's idea of spending time with her is not necessarily "working". Trying to find some sort of "balance" in all of it.

Many thanks to all of you for your "hobbies" and life's work that make the world go 'round!

Yosemite Ben!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on April 03, 2020, 06:43:57 am
Made a raspberry cheese cake pie for Robin and bought us a steak dinner.It's her birthday.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on April 03, 2020, 11:40:57 am
Happy Birthday, Robin and many more to come.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on April 03, 2020, 11:57:04 am
Happy b-day, Mrs.Ed!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on April 03, 2020, 01:45:46 pm
Thanks...I gotta remember all the time the stuff she's got to put up with from me and the work she does around here too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: EdwardS on April 03, 2020, 02:39:27 pm
Happy birthday Robin!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on April 03, 2020, 03:33:52 pm
Hey, guess what, boys.  I am tillering my first bow build today.  It is going to be a 20#@20", 54" pyramid bow for my daughter.  Red oak board backed with light linen canvas.  Got it backed and floor tillered earlier this week.  Even got it braced before realizing it was starting to take a slight set because I'd pulled it beyond its designed weight.  Since then, I have just been waiting for a bow scale to arrive (thanks, Amazon/UPS!) so I can finish tillering the thing.  It's pretty exciting!  Wish me luck.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on April 10, 2020, 07:16:18 pm
Good luck....Always a thrill to fling an arrow from a self made bow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on April 11, 2020, 05:00:13 am
For the last couple days I've been taking advantage of a dry spell and hauling horse manure from down the road and unloading it on the garden. Loading the 6'x8' trailer with the bucket loader is easier than unloading the trailer with the shovel tho...  ::)
Oh well, good exercise.  ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on April 11, 2020, 11:21:49 am
teaching my little brother to "flintknap."  hes not strong enough to actually make a flake, he just crushes the edge. but he's been begging me to teach him. so here we go.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on April 11, 2020, 12:28:08 pm
Ya ever notice that when you find a stave with a crook in the handle that's going to make a centershot bow it turns out to be for a lefty. What's worse is that I'm a lefty-- that shoots right handed >:( >:(
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on April 11, 2020, 12:49:56 pm
Ya ever notice that when you find a stave with a crook in the handle that's going to make a centershot bow it turns out to be for a lefty. What's worse is that I'm a lefty-- that shoots right handed >:( >:(

I shoot left handed...if that bow needs a home, I'm here for you.   ;D ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on April 11, 2020, 01:01:57 pm
I figured about 9.2% of you would think that way ;D ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on April 11, 2020, 04:23:28 pm
I figured about 9.2% of you would think that way ;D ;D

Yeah, that's fairly predictable I guess.  ha ha
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on April 12, 2020, 07:43:54 am
For the last couple days I've been taking advantage of a dry spell and hauling horse manure from down the road and unloading it on the garden. Loading the 6'x8' trailer with the bucket loader is easier than unloading the trailer with the shovel tho...  ::)
Oh well, good exercise.  ;)
Gooood stuff for the garden there Paul.The best.Get it in there while you can.Robin has a little pony too that helps us out with that.I managed to till things up good here too.
Now more snow and temps into the 20's......Ha Ha.It's early enough though yet.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on April 12, 2020, 08:58:30 pm
For the last couple days I've been taking advantage of a dry spell and hauling horse manure from down the road and unloading it on the garden. Loading the 6'x8' trailer with the bucket loader is easier than unloading the trailer with the shovel tho...  ::)
Oh well, good exercise.  ;)
Gooood stuff for the garden there Paul.The best.Get it in there while you can.Robin has a little pony too that helps us out with that.I managed to till things up good here too.
Now more snow and temps into the 20's......Ha Ha.It's early enough though yet.
The rain held off so got it tilled in yesterday. Been feeding this clay soil in the garden plot for 20 years now. Still has some hard spots tho. Took two tanks of gas in the old Troybilt Horse to get it all stirred up. Worth the effort ...
Been raining all day and supposed to get down to the 20's tonight. Sure was a short "Spring"...  :o
Gotta "love" kansas... ::)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on April 15, 2020, 07:54:04 am
That's what I've been doing to our gardens' soil too for years and years.I put wood ashes on it too from the stove.
Looks like we did'nt dodge this latest snowfall anyway last night.Sure hope our peach tree flowered buds survive.Our peach trees don't bud up like this for peaches every year.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on April 15, 2020, 09:01:35 am
We had that white stuff in the forecast but now it looks like it'll be just wet stuff.
Those temps in the 20's the last couple nights sure didn't do the apple trees that had blossomed any good tho...  :(

Went out and put in a couple rows of lettuce this morning. Need to get to the hippie greenhouse store in North Larryville and get some spinach seed next.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on April 16, 2020, 07:48:47 am
I ordered some purple leaf plum bare root trees to plant yesterday.Should be here by the end of the month.Going to plant them according to directions but would like to see them make it.Any extra advice welcome.
Going to get another pear tree locally around here too.
Some more snow last night.This is 5".Supposed to get another 5" over night.
Grand total of maybe 14" I guess.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on April 16, 2020, 08:51:40 am
Where are you, Ed?  You've told me but I can't remember.  We've had decent luck with wild plums and get some fruit about every year.  More correctly, the deer get some fruit every year.  They seem pretty tough as long as you plant them correctly so they have a fair shot, and give them lots and lots of water.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on April 16, 2020, 10:12:52 am
Are they grafted Ed? If they are sometimes you can get faster growth by planting them deep so that they can put out roots from above the graft line. Depends why they were grafted, ie dwarfing rootstock.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on April 16, 2020, 10:16:04 am
Whistlingbadger....I'm in southern Iowa.On my profile.We have lots of native brush like plum here.Make lots of jam out of it.I make shoot shafts out of it.Very dense arrow shafts.Top notch shafts.Not hardly ever big enough to get bow staves from it though.
What type of plum have you got there?Your in Colorado right?
This purple leaf plum is called a thundercloud type.Gets 25 to 30 feet tall with pipe like trunks a lot bigger.Up to 4" in diameter and plenty long.The first year I expect to keep it watered every week.A hole twice the size of it's root ball for it to go into over a mound of dirt in hole to spread roots out nicely with compost in there too.
DC....I'm pretty sure they are grafted type but it reccommends to leave grafting point above ground when planting it.It apparently can be restarted with cuttings.These are'nt dwarf type purple leaf plum trees.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on May 11, 2020, 10:45:00 am
I just moved a bunch of junk in my garage and I found a workbench!!! A real nice one too ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on May 11, 2020, 11:30:38 am
That’s strange DC. Maybe it’s mine. I know I had one here somewhere
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on May 11, 2020, 12:17:58 pm
Snicker, snicker ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 15, 2020, 06:59:32 am
What did I do today, actually yesterday, I went to my barber shop and got a haircut, first one in a long time, things are looking up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on May 17, 2020, 05:57:42 pm
I put the last coat of finish on a bow, I haven't made on in a while due to old age and dust allergies.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on May 18, 2020, 07:57:32 pm
Planted a big patch of corn and beans, figured out a form problem with my longbow, worked on a few Scottish tunes on the whistle, went for a few long walks with the family, took a nap, made pizza, ate same, watched part of Guardians of the Galaxy 2, which was extremely cringeworthy with a ten year old girl, and which we turned off about a half hour into it.  Now going to check on a sick friend, take a shower, spend some time with Mrs. Badger, and maybe write a letter or two before I hit the hay.

Not a bad day overall!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on June 11, 2020, 01:13:16 pm
Today Yosemite National Park opened to the public. Reservations only! I will be working outside under an easy up on the edge of a retired parking lot for the next few days.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on June 11, 2020, 01:56:33 pm
Stay safe and healthy, Ben.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on June 11, 2020, 09:01:39 pm
Picked blueberries, made an arrow, took care of horses, and looking at buying an sks.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 01, 2020, 07:54:23 am
When you get old a feeble you have to improvise. My camper battery was shot, in most cases you don't need one as I am always hooked up to power from my truck or at the campground.

It still bugged me that it was so weak so I decided to change it out. Now, with bad body parts I can no longer pick up a heavy battery up so I had to improvise a way to get it out of its awkward compartment.

I rigged up my deer dragamatic 2000 (my deer mover invention) to loop the mule tape over a gas line in the compartment, hooked to the battery and pulled it out of the battery box with my cordless drill. Next I put a ramp under the battery and slid it out of the compartment on the ramp.

I used a hand truck and 4 wheeler ramp to get it into the bed of my truck.

I reversed the procedure and put the new battery back in the compartment. I never picked up the battery during this swap out.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on August 01, 2020, 10:18:28 am
As they say. Work smarter not harder
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 17, 2020, 04:45:52 pm
I gave a hickory stave to a friend's son, he worked on it but didn't have a way to to check the bend properly so I made him a tillering tree this afternoon to get him back in the project, I made him a copy of mine. He makes knives and has some tools but is a little short on wood working tools.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Morgan on August 17, 2020, 07:43:29 pm
Good looking tree, and super nice thing that you did for that young man!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on December 17, 2020, 08:38:09 pm
I'm stealing part of that tree for sure
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on December 29, 2020, 02:51:49 pm
I took the bark and sapwood off of an osage stave I got from Clint 2 years ago at the Classic. It was pretty fresh when I got it.
 On another post not long ago someone asked what was your worst part of making wood bows and I said taking the bark and sapwood off of a dry osage stave. I proved my point today.  >:(
 I'm planning on making an ALB but I think I'll wait til I get closer to make the final decision.  ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on December 29, 2020, 04:57:59 pm
I skinned, fleshed 1 coyote that was pretty messed up on the front shoulder .204 ed. (messy), fleshed and grained 1 deer hide today also, I'm whopped. Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on December 29, 2020, 04:59:40 pm
Are you up to your eyeballs in snow, Bob?   (S)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on December 29, 2020, 05:49:10 pm
Pat, had about 20" last blast then warmed up a settled to about a 10"  or so, supposed to get another hit for the new year,  ;D Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Digital Caveman on December 29, 2020, 07:25:19 pm
I'm not sure whether or not to be jealous.  Things are quite warm in Maine right now.  We've had highs in around 40 lately and no snow is sticking.  My brother wants to start icefishing on New Years Day, but there is still no ice on the lake.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: DC on December 30, 2020, 11:21:01 am
I'd wait until there is ice on the lake ;) ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Digital Caveman on December 30, 2020, 12:37:49 pm
I don't think he will ;D.  He may break out the fly rod and try open water fishing (apparently all fishing types open Jan 1st), or he'll just wait and grumble.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 30, 2020, 04:44:23 pm
I've done some winter fly fishing through holes in the creek ice before.  A good excuse to get out, but not really worth the effort.   ;D

The Badgerling and I had yet another rabbitless rabbit hunt today.  She's been shooting the .22 like a pro, and she's itching to bring home the makings for supper.  Man, I don't know what's going on with the rabbits.  Used to be, about every five years we'd have a winter when you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a rabbit.  The last year like that I remember was about fifteen years ago.  Sure wish I could find a few for the kid to put the whack on.  I think that once she gets a couple kills under her belt and gets that feeling of accomplishment, I'll have a real hunter on my hands.

Oh well.  It was still a good day.  We drove up to a friend's ranch on the Sweetwater Rim. Said rancher has a kid the Badgerling's age, and they had a great time petting horses, climbing on hay stacks, and running around in the sub-zero wind chill like a couple hooligans.  So, a great time was had by all.  Including the rabbits.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on December 31, 2020, 06:23:51 am
Raise some rabbits in secret and then release them like pheasants as you guys go through ; )
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on January 05, 2021, 10:50:43 am
squirrels can be fun hunting too ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on January 05, 2021, 12:24:26 pm
squirrels can be fun hunting too ;D
The only squirrels around here live in town.  People frown at you when you shoot squirrels out of trees in their yard.   >:(
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Tradslinger on January 12, 2021, 01:54:51 pm
had some huge and I mean huge jalapenos so I got busy making poppers. used cream cheese, slices of onions, marinated venison and wrapped with bacon. My father who loves poppers, showed up five minutes before the first batch was done so he got some hot and ready. We had been thinning out the squirrels at the bird feeder much to our cat's delight. It takes him about three days to eat all of one but he eats it all but the tail and the stomach. He had been whining at me today as he flipped the tail around from the last squirrel a week ago. So, I picked off two English sparrows from the feeder and he was on them in a flash. used a 22 cal PCP air rifle and he knows that good things for him happenes when he hears it go off. also worked on a knife handle for a friend, it will be done in another day or so. Yeah, I ate four of the poppers and am stuffed.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 13, 2021, 06:54:41 am
My late wife had a thing about bird feeders, no telling how much bird seed she went through in a month. Of course every other critter in the woods came to eat as well, mostly squirrels and coons.

One day the squirrels decided they needed the stuffing out of our expensive deck furniture for their nests. The WAR was on, I killed over 50 in the next few weeks, I shot 13 out of my dwarf plum tree in one afternoon, up to that point I had never gotten a plum out of it.

After my wife died, the first thing I did was take the bird feeders down. I kill a few marauding squirrels out of my blueberry bushes every year but for the most part I won the squirrel war.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Digital Caveman on January 13, 2021, 07:35:10 am
Wow, that's the most aggressive and most successful squirrel war I have heard of yet.  Nice job.  I wish I had that many squirrel hides :D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Tradslinger on January 13, 2021, 11:38:10 am
a friend that had four apple trees but never ever got any apples for the squirrels asked me to thin out a few with my air rifle. He just wanted one apple pie. after almost three months, I had taken out 101 squirrels, he got a bunch of pies. I was using an R10 22 cal. with  a Hawk scope. He has never forgotten that either. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Tradslinger on January 13, 2021, 11:42:06 am
Still having problems since the covid thing, went to VA and then to the ER. Have what they are calling Post Covid Pneumonia . So waiting on meds now. my left lung was giving me fits, had fluid in it. even the wife had to go get meds to help kick her problems out. rough stuff
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 13, 2021, 01:43:59 pm
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Tradslinger. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Tradslinger on January 15, 2021, 12:31:18 pm
the sun was out and it was some warmer so I opened the garage door and pulled out my stand for working my bows. just had to do some scraping on the Osage. still way too thick and wider than I want to I began slowly working on it. I basically was cleaning up some of the deeper bad spots as I did. I have half of a small knot to take of about six inches above a fadeout on the edge, there is extra wood on the other side. So it was just a thirty minute session just to do something with it. Brought it back inside to inspect it closer and mark what needed to be done next. this will be a slow build as I recover and only do a little at a time but this should hopefully result in a better bow. was going to have to quit anyways, the water pill kicked in. just felt great to see some wood curling up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Tradslinger on January 18, 2021, 07:12:09 am
this was actually last evening, but the wife and I went over to my Grandfather's old place to get something that the thieves hadn't stolen yet. The place was taken over by a late uncle and he was a hard drinker so it was a mess. Then he died about 15 years ago. People had ripped the wiring out of the walls and just trashed it. the doors had been taken off and the termites have been at work. But still on the porch somehow, was a huge work table. 4'x8', all made of 2X's with 4x4 legs. We had to clear a path to it and then off of it and then to the edge of the porch so I could back the Tacoma to it. And was it ever heavy. it took us a while but we got it loaded and tied down. Only had to go a quarter of a mile to my place. going to make one heck of a work table.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 18, 2021, 07:54:49 am
I made a Flemish bowstring jig for an old friend who manages the sporting goods dept at the locals Dick's. I have known him since he was a teenager about 35 years ago. He makes all kinds of strings in the archery shop at Dicks but never learned how to make a Flemish string for Trad bows, he sends all the people who want one to my house.

I have made hundreds of strings over the years and don't really like to make them, I find boring work. If I give Steve a jig he can make strings for these people.

I copied my old string jig that I made 35 years ago and have made countless strings on it. I put feet on my jigs so I can sit in a comfortable chair, make strings and hold the jig firmly between my knees.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on January 18, 2021, 08:50:26 am
That's a very nice jig Eric
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on January 18, 2021, 08:52:19 am
I got out in the shop yesterday and mangled some blue insulation foam to make a fake rock wall for a new aquarium build I'm doing.  It's a re-creation of a Sumatran rice paddy.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Tradslinger on January 19, 2021, 05:55:45 am
still finding how weak I am, yesterday we managed (the wife mainly) to move, get rid of and clean a big area in my second bay of the two car garage (filled to brim with more of my dad's stuff). We were able to unload the 2x6 and 2x4  4'x8' work table and wash all of the built up dirt and grime off of it. finally got it inside where we put on a thick coat of varnish. Now I will be able to drag my belt sander easily out a door to use outside plus I can put my big vice on the corner of the table to get most of the shavings outside as well. After a careful sweeping by my wife, I used the leaf blower to get most of the remaining dust outside. Now I have room to move my knife sharpener and bandsaw around easily. I can also get my clamps hanging nicely. great day for sure.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on January 19, 2021, 06:59:59 am
I cut up a foam foot pad and used it to pad the jaws of my vise. It's even tapered on one side to fit pyramid bows, used it last night it works great!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on January 19, 2021, 08:47:34 am
I cut up a foam foot pad and used it to pad the jaws of my vise. It's even tapered on one side to fit pyramid bows, used it last night it works great!

still finding how weak I am, yesterday we managed (the wife mainly) to move, get rid of and clean a big area in my second bay of the two car garage (filled to brim with more of my dad's stuff). We were able to unload the 2x6 and 2x4  4'x8' work table and wash all of the built up dirt and grime off of it. finally got it inside where we put on a thick coat of varnish. Now I will be able to drag my belt sander easily out a door to use outside plus I can put my big vice on the corner of the table to get most of the shavings outside as well. After a careful sweeping by my wife, I used the leaf blower to get most of the remaining dust outside. Now I have room to move my knife sharpener and bandsaw around easily. I can also get my clamps hanging nicely. great day for sure.

Sounds great, guys.  It's fun getting stuff like that done.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Tradslinger on January 19, 2021, 12:34:37 pm
Rather than watch the depressing news which I don't anymore for years, I did some more in my "shop". managed to wire in some new lights overhead of the new workbench and a switch for them. have power to the bench as well. moved my sander, bandsaw and knife sharpener to better locations for both room and ease of operation. released another possum elsewhere. got my clamps all hung up out of the way.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Digital Caveman on January 19, 2021, 01:04:37 pm
Got my flag ready turn flip upside down tomorrow at 1300hrs. Loaded 1000 rounds of semi wad cutters.
Our Neighbors did that on Jan 7th.  The flag, not the ammo. 

BTW, where can you get Potassium Nitrate and sulfur?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on January 20, 2021, 06:51:03 am
Possum's are pretty cool creatures
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: HH~ on January 20, 2021, 07:41:21 pm
Deleted WatsApp today. Migrated to Signal. Had to stop getting collected on.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 21, 2021, 08:17:22 am
PN= stump remover at Lowe's, 100% PN.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: HH~ on January 21, 2021, 08:23:42 am
Oh, and finished a 57" NTN Osage HedgeHunter Custom selfbow.

Then, fittted a 1903a3 into a C stock and got it ready to be inletted for a 1903A4 WWII Sniper Clone.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Tradslinger on January 21, 2021, 10:34:28 am
wired up my new heavy duty work table for both lights and outlets. installed two vices, a bench grinder and a small drill press. then repaired a one pound sledge handle. I do what I call "nickle and diming it" a little bit and then sit for a bit and then do it again. slow but getting things done. will be awesome to have such a work place and be able to see.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on January 22, 2021, 09:21:05 pm
We had a big wind storm Tuesday morning early. Yosemite was closed to the public so I stayed home to clean up the mess. One tree from the neighbors landed in my yard so cut it up and burned the branches. Today was rebuilding half of my wood shed roof that had gotten blown off as well as two pieces of tin off of my patio cover. Got to go to work tomorrow to reset my government computer password. Also have to light a memorial fire in our ceremonial house for family and friends that have already passed in 2021.

Thank you all for your woods of support and encouragement over the years. Stay safe! My wife and I remain Covid free! Thankfully!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on January 25, 2021, 05:54:46 pm
Made a tillering gizmo and went to town on my first bow. That thing is a life saver
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Tradslinger on January 30, 2021, 11:59:36 am
had to repair a live trap, we had caught a big boar coon in it a couple of days ago, I had kept it in it to be able to show a 8 year old city grand daughter that the "cute" little dudes are pretty mean and can hurt you. Mainly I wanted her to see the bared teeth and hear it growling. But, the coon managed to chew thru the heavy wire in one spot to get out. Figured he messed his teeth up pretty bad but he got out. So with some trapping wire and another piece of small expanded metal, I got er done. Also narrowed the limbs on my piece of osage, it is still way to heavy for what I want. So it is ready to begin slowly dropping the weight down with the scraper. Got chilled so quit for a while to warm up. need to get some chili cooking.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 12, 2021, 02:04:18 pm
I worked!
Some of you know, I am a Park Ranger/Indian Cultural Demonstrator in Yosemite National Park. Today marks the beginning of the Horsetail Falls event. We are closing part of Yosemite Valley off to parking and pedestrian traffic. One lane of our out bound corridor will be blocked off for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Social media has made this a bot of a nightmare for us locals and employees. This event draws thousands every year. Most days of the event will see a couple of thousand people lining up for their chance to get a shot of this event.
The one area that we closed has been subject to extreme degredation due to the sheer volume of folks gathered there. One year they caused the collapse of several hundred feet of river bank.
If you would like to check out what I am talking about you can google horestail falls yosemite and you should be able to see some pictures.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on February 16, 2021, 01:58:01 pm
A little stormy and chilly weather here today so I thought I would bake some No Knead bread in the ole Dutch oven. Been baking about 2 loaves a week all winter. Simple  ingredient's and easy to do, Excellent results also . UMMMM Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on February 16, 2021, 02:11:18 pm
Yummy, fresh out of the oven bread with lots of butter. I could go for that.
Will you share your recipe, Bob?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Outbackbob48 on February 16, 2021, 03:14:49 pm
Pat, here is the way that I did it.

3 cups of flour
1TBSP of active yeast or 1 packet
1tsp of salt
1-1/2 cups of your hottest tap water
Mix your ingredients in a bowl and then cover and let set for 3 hrs in a warm spot, or until dough doubles in size.
Next I set oven for 450 and preheat my Dutch oven and lid, this takes about 30 min. At the same time I dump bread dough on to floured surface and take a spatula and turn dough in to it self 12 times, place dough on a pc of parchment paper and put back in bowl for 30 min. while oven is preheating. When oven  is up to 450 place parchment paper and dough in Dutch oven, cover and cook for 30 min at 450, at the end of 30 minutes pull lid off of oven and cook 10 more minutes or until your bread is as brown on top as ya like. Get some butter ready cause it is good, UMMM. I have been doubling ingredients and make the small loaf in a bread pan just shorten cooking by 10 minutes on the loaf pan. Easy no kneading even I can make bread. Been cooking  a double batch once a week and is about right amount for the 2 of us. Good Luck and let me know how it turns out. Bob  ps.  My wife places thermometer  in middle of loaf and says it is done when it hits 190.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on February 17, 2021, 09:38:19 am
That looks tasty Bob. :) :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 25, 2021, 10:54:34 am
I decided to go to the St Joe Cafe for lunch yesterday

I didn't see a dead deer going up but saw what looked like a monster doe on my way back. I stopped and it was a monster buck that had lost its antlers. It looked fresh but I couldn't tell for sure, it was going onto rigor which means it may have been there a few hours.

About that time my brother-in-law came by, I stopped him to see if he had seen the deer on his way to the barn, he hadn't but did say there was a van pulled off at the honkytonk across the street with whole front end mashed in that had been there since early this morning.

We discussed it and decided the deer had been there too long, it was so huge I couldn't have loaded in my Honda anyway although I keep a tarp in my car just in case I need to haul home a road kill. All that meat going to waste, at least 100lbs worth.

I looked up the onset of rigor and it said 5 or 6 hours for the main trunk, this deer's front shoulders were in rigor, it had been in the sun too long.

I hate to miss out on a good roadkill, here we can pick them up and take them home, no questions asked, no need to contact the DNR. Over the years I have picked up 3, two of which I saw get hit, one near my house wasn't on the side of the road when  went to town but was when I came back about 45 minutes later.

My last fresh roadkill, still steaming when I cut it up.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 25, 2021, 03:03:39 pm
Here in California they passed legislation to be able to pick up roadkill, still have not enacted it due to the fact they are "trying to iron out the details, ie - permitting and the like so folks arent just hitting deer to get the meat...."
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Digital Caveman on February 25, 2021, 03:45:03 pm
So that's what your legislature has been busy with?  They'll probably require a 'known in the state of California to cause cancer' label on all salvaged venison.  Good luck,
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on February 25, 2021, 05:49:18 pm
I wish I could do that here. I haven’t checked but I don’t think I can. I don’t like seeing an animal die just to go to waste. My grandparents once saw a deer get hit. They called a state thing, I can’t remember what, but a week later they had a guy come over and he gave them a good bit of deer jerky.

I just think stuff like that’s kinda cool. It definitely wasn’t necessary but it was pretty nice for them the give my grandparents some jerky.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 26, 2021, 10:52:40 am
The hitting deer on purpose thing is nonsense; lets see" I think I will hit a deer and do $2000 worth of damage to my car so I can have some venison".

The had a similar nonsense law in Alabama that stated that you couldn't hunt squirrels in Bama with anything bigger than a 22 because if you had 50 caliber muzzleloader you might shoot at a deer out of season if you saw it. I killed a bunch off squirrels with a .50 cal TC loaded down so it didn't go bang it went "bloop" before they enacted this stupid law. People with the criminal mindset will shot at a deer with #8 birdshot if they get a chance.

Fortunately they changed the las and you can shoot squirrels with any caliber M/L now.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on February 28, 2021, 06:02:29 pm
Stupid laws that make people feel like they're DOING SOMETHING, even if it's completely pointless.

But what am I doing today?  Met with a few friends for Bible study and singing; started putting nocks on a new bow, a kid's bow, this one.  Working handle D-bow, going for 20#@19", thinking about recurving the tips just to learn how.  Took the Badgerling for a walk in the country.  Smoking some pork ribs to give to a friend that just moved to the neighborhood.  Probably head out for a trail run pretty soon.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Tradslinger on March 30, 2021, 02:02:08 pm
surviving having all my teeth pulled, now have two blocks of wood in my mouth LOL. Struggling to drink water with them in right now. finally got the blood to slow down in my mouth. my wife claims that it gets better but it sure ain't right now. right now I don't see how I could get any food into my mouth with these things in but give it another 2 weeks or so. old hat to some but all new to me.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Gimlis Ghost on July 23, 2021, 08:22:28 am
surviving having all my teeth pulled, now have two blocks of wood in my mouth LOL. Struggling to drink water with them in right now. finally got the blood to slow down in my mouth. my wife claims that it gets better but it sure ain't right now. right now I don't see how I could get any food into my mouth with these things in but give it another 2 weeks or so. old hat to some but all new to me.

When I had the rest of my teeth pulled there was hardly any bleeding. Though the teeth still looked healthy they were all dead at the roots. Not sure what caused it but I suspect a post operative infection, or the treatments for it, may have caused it.

Haven't done anything useful for nearly a week but I did manage to figure out how to replace the serpentine belt on my sister's Escort without a second person holding back the tensioner arm.
I put a long piece of tubing, the leg off a camera tripod, over the breaker bar and holding it all the way back I lowered the hood on it. That held it steady while I slid under the car and eased the belt onto the sprockets. Runs fine now.

I'd have hated to have to change one on the side of the road but it can be done without jacking the car up.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on July 30, 2021, 10:24:39 pm
I recently found out the area I'm hunting in Colorado is on a burn ban.  I'll need a way to cook some meat over a flame.  I found a small propane camp grill at a thrift store today.  It uses the small green bottles.  The heat shield had some rust damage but everything else was in good shape.  I made a new shield out of stainless using the old one as a pattern.  It's as good as new now.



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on July 30, 2021, 10:29:05 pm
Now, that's turning a sow's ear into a silk purse. Nice work, Clint.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on July 31, 2021, 04:23:11 am
Good job Clintster !  -C- Bob.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on July 31, 2021, 06:04:29 pm
I see Clint is up to his revizing tactics again.Nice work.Stainless...That should'nt wear out very quick.
We keep 2 of those kind of stoves around for when the current goes off for an extended amount of time.I've always had one and picked up the other at a sale for $10.00.They are still both coleman white gassers.

We canned a bakers' dozen of peaches from our peach trees today.There should be more to come on the second tree soon.Looking foraward to some cobbler and pies.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on August 11, 2021, 11:52:49 pm
i LOVVVE canned peaches! they are the best! they look good!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on August 14, 2021, 11:01:01 pm
I see Clint is up to his revizing tactics again.Nice work.Stainless...That should'nt wear out very quick.
We keep 2 of those kind of stoves around for when the current goes off for an extended amount of time.I've always had one and picked up the other at a sale for $10.00.They are still both coleman white gassers.

We canned a bakers' dozen of peaches from our peach trees today.There should be more to come on the second tree soon.Looking foraward to some cobbler and pies.

You are doing what I wish I had time to do. But the date has been set to move in to the new Black Hills Raptor Center and I have an absolute drop-dead date to have things done. I suck at anything construction oriented and I have to take 3x longer than necessary because I gotta work it all out in my head or risk wasting material, time, and demolition to just go back and start over.

We have a couple of stands in town selling Colorado peaches and they are gnat's sneeze from being perfectly ripe. Man, I'd love to can up two or three flats!

This morning I hauled out three metal clad exterior doors from the Habitat For Humanity Re-Store and built casements for them. They are not particularly pretty, but they are mostly square and the doors will fit! Tuesday morning I learn how to hang them on hinges, install doorknobs, and set the striker plates in the jambs.

In the meanwhile, I am working on paperwork to have a peregrine falcon transferred to our permit from another facility. From the photos, I am pretty sure she is an "anatum" subspecies, and she's prettier than a pup with a partridge in her mouth! I have been wanting one since the day we incorporated this bird circus, and we're gonna have room for one come August 31st!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on August 15, 2021, 06:09:37 am
Seasonally the colorado peaches do appear in grocery stores here too.Rather expensive though.We've canned those in the past.They are very good too.Peach trees here don't bear fruit every year.Peaches here directly from the trees are top shelf peaches taste wise.We hit the iron while it's hot then.Still waiting for the peaches on the other tree to completely mature and they won't ripen all at the same time either.It does'nt take very long to can things.Some things can be froze and canned or pickeled at a later date too.
I've been through all of the construction building the place here around 20 years ago besides my fix it knowledge farming 30 years.It does help to know these things for the future.Additions in the future are made right then too.
I walked/drove/and hauled with the 4 wheeler thousands of button or velvet leaf weeds and cocobers from around the perimeter of the corn field here yesterday to keep them from going to seed.The interior of the field was sprayed and does'nt look too bad.Lopped off dozens of thorn trees in the waterways treating the stump with a stump killer.Do these things every year.On a farm the work is never done.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on August 20, 2021, 11:56:59 am
Well... I am now learning how to boulder and rock climb!! i hate lifting so i needed to find another way to work out.... i got invited to go to a rock climbing gym for 15 buck a month!!! man im sore.....   ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on August 20, 2021, 12:40:51 pm
Well... I am now learning how to boulder and rock climb!! i hate lifting so i needed to find another way to work out.... i got invited to go to a rock climbing gym for 15 buck a month!!! man im sore.....   ;D ;D ;D ;D

Rock climbing will get you STRONG.  I used to go to a climbing gym about three times a week, and after a few months of that I could do pullups on a door lintel with my fingertips.  Used to.   ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on August 20, 2021, 01:14:10 pm
This weekend is my Knapping Event in Yosemite National Park. I have 13 knappers that are for sure coming. At least 3 of them can make blades 18-36 inches long! You can look up Grog Verbeck on youtube. I will also be getting close to 1000lbs of obsidian this weekend.

Most of that is coming from a college professor that collected a bunch thinking that she was going to take up knapping. As she got older she just decided that she wanted her yard back. On of my friends who lived closer went and picked it up for me. He says I am getting 35 5 gal buckets of material plus some larger pieces!

If you learn on Flint or other hard stuff you will most likely cut your self up. Got to learn to scale back when working obsidian. For me, learning on obsidian, I never get enough force into flint to do what I can do with obsidian.

It will be a fun time. We do have smoke from all of the fires here. Hopefully it will clear out some.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 07, 2021, 10:04:56 am
I got on the Facebook market place and saw a yard sale ad with 4 bows stacked up against the wall. I can spot one of my bows from a mile away it appeared the western diamond backed bow was one of mine, by blowing up the image I could tell it wasn't, too sloppy of a job on the snake skin application.

The ad was a week old, I contacted him to see if any bows were left, two were left, one hickory and one vintage recurve, the rattler bow had been sold. He wanted $10 for each of the remaining bows. The word STOLEN, popped into my head. I texted back and forth with guy and it just didn't add up so I declined the offer to come buy the 2 remaining bows.

A few years ago I guy posted a Jimmy Taylor hickory bow on the Marketplace for $30, the pictures looked good so I drove to the meeting place to buy the bow.

I waited and guy showed up walking down the street with the bow, a dang obvious crack head. He looked like he hadn't eaten in a week so I gave him the money and went home with the bow. He gave me the story that the bow was a friends who didn't shoot anymore but didn't know how to post it for sale on the internet. As I drove home I thought, "I sure hope this bow wasn't stolen" but I had my doubts.

Anyway, after the hickory bow buy I am on high alert for any deal that smells, even if I could get the item for a song.

Here are the bows;

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 09, 2021, 10:05:58 am
I re-crowned the barrel on a TC Hawkens I put together. It was cutting patches with the factory crown so I re-crowned it with sandpaper and my thumb, it came out off center.

I turned a crown cuter on my lathe that I saw on line somewhere, it worked really well to cut an even crown.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 27, 2021, 09:26:04 am

Just had an adventure, I came back from the store to find my armadillo trap sprung and the critter up under one of my bushes. Peeked under the bush so proud that I caught the bastard, it was a dang skunk. Now what do I do?

It hadn't sprayed so I thought, if I pop it in the head with a 22 it won't spray, wrong! A full blown skunk spray is beyond description in foul order.

I pulled the trap chain and carried the skunk down in the woods to get it out of the trap. I got it out and left the stinking trap down in the wood

Although the skunk didn't spray me, just being down wind of the stench made my clothes pick up the odor.
I spent a while hosing down the flower bed where it sprayed and got rid of the worst of it but some of the stink and already made it into my house and garage.
I am going to put my clothes outside until I can wash them, the drier is out until a needed part comes in on Tuesday.

The stink came back in my flower bed, terrible. I sprayed hydrogen peroxide on the area which is about 2'X2', it didn't appear to to do anything. I may get some sand and encapsulate the area with a layer of sand and let it sit until spring.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on September 27, 2021, 12:51:22 pm
Eric I just learned that the chemical in skunk spray actually releases more sent as is is broken down with water so that's why you have to wash things so many times.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on September 27, 2021, 12:57:00 pm
The first thing I do is dig a hole to put em in.

Seems  like head shot always results in spray.

Lung shot about 50-50

I know it sounds like overkill, but I’ve had pretty good luck with 16 gauge to the lungs.


PS usually turns my smile upside down to
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Digital Caveman on September 27, 2021, 02:15:14 pm
Drown it maybe?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 27, 2021, 05:07:22 pm
I went down in the woods to bury the stinking thing, it was so rank I knew I would be smelling it up at the house if the wind changed. Some critter, apparently without a sense of smell, had carried it off to eat, whew.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on September 27, 2021, 08:24:24 pm
I think Great Horned owls eat skunks. Got any hoot owls around you, Eric?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 27, 2021, 11:52:34 pm
I do, just heard one sound off down in the woods below my house, it is not unusual for there to be several talking back and forth at night.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on September 29, 2021, 01:48:46 pm
After you catch a skunk in a live trap you catch everything in it. I know guys who chop them up and use them for fox bait. At least they tell me they do.

What we think stinks the critters often time find irresistible.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Gimlis Ghost on September 30, 2021, 02:28:55 pm

What we think stinks the critters often time find irresistible.

As anyone who has opened a can of cat food can attest.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Don W on September 30, 2021, 02:59:44 pm
After you catch a skunk in a live trap you catch everything in it. I know guys who chop them up and use them for fox bait. At least they tell me they do.

What we think stinks the critters often time find irresistible.


I had an airdale coon hound that was an exceptional coon dog, but if he ever caught a skunk on the ground, your best bet was to just walk home. He would leave parts scattered over a half acre, and you just didn't stop it. However once he caught a skunk, we never had a night without treeing coon. It was like it cleared his nose. Wasn't necessary a pleasant evening for us hunters though.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on September 30, 2021, 03:10:00 pm
A fellow that used to be in our archery club was with animal control for our city. He said that the only way to kill a skunk without it spraying, was to use a live trap that was low not allowing it to lift it's tail. Then drown it.
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 15, 2021, 09:20:28 am
Over at the M/L forum a guy was asking where he could buy a carving mallet, I have a cheap hobby lathe and turn handles and any other nick-knack that comes to mind including carving mallets.

Here are some of my osage file handles;


I like to train my granddaughters to do shop work and had them turn me a couple of mallets out of firewood, they really liked playing on the lathe.


As you can see these have been well used, they are both maple.


All this talk about carving mallets got me thinking about a sweet gum I cut a few weeks ago. I wanted to see if green sweetgum would split while drying as it is impossible to split the trunk when seasoned and pretty tough to split green.

All the wood had been on the ground cut in firewood lengths since I felled the tree.

So here goes, this wood was dripping with moisture and had already started spalting on the ends where it had been cut with a chainsaw.

Even with my el-cheapo lathe tools it literally cut like butter, ribbons of wood came off with my tools like nothing I had ever seen.

So the experiment begins, I will knock out a few more of these and try quick drying in my hot box and drying with a coat of shellac to prevent surface checking.


I was clearing some shooting lanes down in the woods and came across a small 8" walnut sapling trunk that had been on the ground for at least 20 years, the bark and sapwood were long gone from the trunk. When I tried to cut it out of a path the wood was so hard my chainsaw had to struggle to get through it.

I went down in the woods and cut a chunk out of the old walnut sapling on the ground that I mentioned, it dulled my chainsaw cutting it, it was hard.

I sliced it up on my bandsaw to get rid of the outer layer, this stuff was dry, well cured and solid.


I made a quickie carving mallet out of the block, not the neatest job but it will work.



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on October 15, 2021, 04:54:51 pm
Nice! I like lathe work too, just never get time to do it...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WoodsmanRanger on November 23, 2021, 08:09:52 pm
Emailed my youngest son & asked him to order my new bow, arrows & target for Xmas :) My three sons can pay whatever they want towards this order & I will pay the rest.

Can anyone tell me if I have to keep on jumping through these security verification hoops for every post, because this is getting very tedious?!!!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on November 23, 2021, 08:17:17 pm
Don’t worry Keith! After around your 10th post it’ll stop! Its to try and stop spammers and griefers

Thanks for posting! I bet the kid will love it!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on November 24, 2021, 08:10:36 am
My son has been running around "shooting" reindeer all week with sticks and toys (he is 2). So I decided to make him a wooden gun to help with his hunts. Started carving it from a chunk of black walnut yesterday. Got it roughed out should be finished in plenty of time for Christmas. I hope when he goes to daycare he tells them he is shooting reindeer, I'd get a kick out of that. The best part is he always cuts them up so we can eat them, that's a true hunter right there
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: White Falcon on December 11, 2021, 05:39:50 pm
Puukko knife, full tang blank from a person on another Santa site. I added the handle,  Brass Bolster, Bocot and Osage.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on December 15, 2021, 03:05:44 pm
well, we got some snow in Yosemite. Google Yosemite webcams if you want a look around. As an NPS Interpreter I usually work in a museum. Since it has been closed since Covid hit, I have been in the uniform more often. Today in the information station this morning was in the 20's. We have been outside since covid hit.  Will be all winter!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 15, 2021, 03:27:56 pm
We're finally getting some snow here, too!  Been a weirdly warm and dry winter so far.  Hopefully that will change.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on December 15, 2021, 08:44:15 pm
school got shut down because the wind was too strong  ::)  80 mph winds but still. first time this has happened!

the storm lasted 15 minutes... all this fuss at school for 15 minutes of rain and gusts LOL
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Gimlis Ghost on December 16, 2021, 12:38:16 am
Got my Covid booster shot today. Been putting it off because I had a severe reaction to my second jab. Looks like I'm having the same reaction to this third shot.
I had them use the opposite shoulder this time because I'm still having discomfort in my right shoulder.
If the left shoulder packs up at least I don't depend on it as much.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on December 16, 2021, 10:38:34 am
Gimlis, what shot did you get? My wife and I got both Moderna shots and booster. We had a bad day after the 2nd shot but were planning for it so it wasn't too bad. We also planned for the booster but it wasn't so bad.
 They say the bad reactions is caused by a healthy immune system.
 I'm sure there are as many reactions as there are folks getting the shot but IMO it's way better than the alternative. Over 800,000 dead here in the US and it probably won't take long to hit 1,000,000...and we're lucky here in the US. We all can be immunized here unlike other places around the world.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Gimlis Ghost on December 16, 2021, 06:35:55 pm
Gimlis, what shot did you get?

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on December 16, 2021, 07:21:27 pm
Yeah, I've heard that Pfizer was a bit rougher but I also heard it was the most effective.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on December 17, 2021, 07:53:32 am
Got my booster last week and other than a sore arm all went well.  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 17, 2021, 11:04:33 am
A few weeks ago I bought a Shopsmith. Been threatening to do this for a long time, but needed to find one in my budget. That meant it was gonna be an old one. That's all right and I think a lot of people here feel the same way I do about a tool that has been around a long time and has done a lot of work. I got the whole danged thing tore down, made a list of everything wrong with it that I have found so far, and placed my first order with the Mothership (that's what us folks in the Shopsmith cult call the Shopsmith corporation, and this is pert near a religion verging on a cult for some folks). According to the serial number, my machine was built in 1954 and still sort of runs. Heck, I'm a 1962 and still running, sort of.

Turns out I am missing a small clip that connects what is euphemistically called the "pork chop" to the speed control sheave, so I need to order that $4.95 part. Problem is, I cannot stomach the $10.49 shipping for that one little part, so I am probably gonna order a few extra things to round out the order.

Which brings me around to Eric's post where he has been turning handles for tools and making mallets. THAT is probably the main reason I wanted a Shopsmith. I have done a tiny bit of messing round with lathes and it can be addictive. And now that I am making a few more muzzleloader powderhorns, I really want to try my hand at the Southern banded horns and screwtip horns. I'll have to order an expensive chuck for the Shopsmith, but I should be able to turn horn blanks, bone, and even artificial ivory. Watch this coming year for me to post some pretty fancy looking powder horns!

From Eric's description of that sweetgum, it sounds like a fun material to play with on a lathe.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 17, 2021, 05:44:29 pm
JW, I have a whistle (flute) made of sweetgum by my friend Mack Hoover.  It's beautiful both to look at and to listen to!

But what did I do today?  I just led about 300 K-3 students in Christmas carols while they said hi to Santa.  It's one of the greatest parts of my job.  :)  :)  :)   (S)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 17, 2021, 08:17:37 pm
I went to an estate sale a few years ago because they had a Shopsmith planer, they also had every Shopsmith tool known to man. I bought the $1500 planer for $300, I intended to use it for leveling gunstock blanks but my chainsawed out planks were too rough to run through it, they wouldn't auto feed it so I sold it for what I had in it.

Aside from a free standing Shopsmith bandsaw no one wanted the rest of the system and I think it went for less than $1000 and that was with all the lathe tools, drill bits, sanding disc and a ton of other parts, it had everything you could put on one and was a top of the line model.

This is the planer I bought;
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: BruceE on January 03, 2022, 10:47:57 am
Watched toy story 3 times, played barbie and changed poopy diapers.
No one will thank you for that, but it is a very important job. So I thank you.
Title: Re: What did you do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on January 03, 2022, 02:13:25 pm
Watched toy story 3 times, played barbie and changed poopy diapers.
No one will thank you for that, but it is a very important job. So I thank you.

That reminds me of the first time I baby sat my oldest granddaughter. Her mom said she just made a dirty diaper so she should be good. She no more than left an she made another. I got that cleaned up and in a little while she made another.

She’s my favorite granddaughter and I can say that because she is my only granddaughter. I tell her that all the time. Once in awhile I tell her about the first time I babysat her


See that post from Paul was awhile back. So was my babysitter job. She’s a pretty young lady now. She gives grandpa a good hug now. Wow that time went fast.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on January 03, 2022, 07:55:12 pm
I like to keep a few gizmos around to give to struggling newbies, I was out of them. I can make the plain cedar ones quickly so I knocked out a few to keep on hand.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on March 21, 2022, 02:52:33 am
Caught a little mess of 8 to 9 inch bluegills for a few meals for Robin and me today.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on March 21, 2022, 02:37:05 pm
Good eating there Ed
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BrianS on March 21, 2022, 06:04:33 pm
Those are some nice size bluegills
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on March 21, 2022, 11:02:04 pm
Store bought fish cannot compare to these.Pre sawn bluegills just after the ice is out on the pond.Maybe shrimp though.
If I lived along the coast I'd be eating fresh shrimp too.Did that once in Gulf Shores and man was that good.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 24, 2022, 10:20:44 am
With the increased cost of bedding plants plus me being cheap I started sprouting my own seeds a few years ago.  I fid it easier and more efficient starting my garden with plants instead of sowing seeds and hoping they will germinate in the garden. I also plant through black plastic which holds heat and interferes with germination.

Always a wonderful sight to see in the spring;

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 26, 2022, 08:54:14 am
My kale patch still looks great but it will be going to seed shortly, it is time to stockpile frozen kale for the summer months.

I find a Walmart bag so full that you can't cram another leaf in holds 3.5 pounds of kale that will fill two sinks.



I got the first batch a little salty so I cooked a second pot to add to the first to adjust the flavor.


I live alone so I package the kale in single serving packs, I determine the portion by putting a scoop on a plate and add or detract from it until it looks "right".


I froze 20 packs of kale which I think is enough to last me until next fall, I only cook on weekends mostly.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on March 28, 2022, 10:17:22 am
Yesterday my friend and I did a little bass fishing. We caught a couple big ones and ended up with a Very full stringer of little ones. Had to double and triple up on the stringer hooks.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 20, 2022, 09:16:02 am
We have had rain every other day for weeks, it has been too wet to till the garden, looks like a rain free week so it is time to mow off the greens patch.

Starting in;


The kale hasn't gone to seed yet but I have picked and given away a truckload in the last few weeks. A good friend dropped by yesterday to show me a TC rifle so I directed him to the kale patch to pick all he wanted before I mowed it down.

The kale still looks good but has to go.


First pass with the mower set up high.


Done deal, I will put my tiller on the tractor today, I have 6 gardens to till for friends and family.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on April 20, 2022, 01:18:08 pm
Looks like a pretty good job of residue control Eric. And some good green manure to. Soil and microbes have to eat to.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: White Falcon on June 09, 2022, 02:34:59 pm
Finished ths shoulder rig.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on June 09, 2022, 08:39:11 pm
Very nice.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on August 09, 2022, 01:19:28 am
Over August 6th and 7th, I hosted my 9th Knap-In. Smaller group for a variety of reasons but an awesome time all around. Had a big fire fairly close at one mile a way for a few days, The Oak Fire on Inciweb, so far, sop good. Glad to have you all here!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: BowEd on August 15, 2022, 05:32:09 pm
Canned a few batches of our homemade V8 juice.I call it V8 juice with a kick.It's got peppers and onions in it.
Got the wood split for the 2023-2024 season too.A good 3 cord sitting there of osage,hickory,and honey locust.I keep a year ahead to let the wood dry good over 15 to 16 months before burning it.It keeps the kreosote down in the chimney burning good dry wood.
One tier for 1 winter and another for the following winter.I'll stack the pile next to this tier.I bring a wheel barrow full into the house every 3 to 4 days during the winter.You can see what happens if the wood is just thrown in there on a pile.The posts will bend in time from the pressure.Staking it rick rack style also takes advantage of every square foot of space under that lean to too.
Finished up stacking the other tier the other day.Takes around 8 hours to stack 3 cord.
Plenty of warm weather yet to get my deer hides brain tanned also before deer season.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 20, 2022, 09:12:43 pm
I glued up some osage billets that actually match and were side by side in the log. I have a bunch of osage billets that were once matched and marked. Moving to a new house, shuffling the pile left me with 60 billets of unknown origin for the most part, osage aged 20 years and dark are impossible to match back up. 

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on August 25, 2022, 09:34:33 am
This time of year, I always have some tomato plants starting to die that still have a lot of green tomatoes on them. When I fry squash and okra, I like to put green tomatoes in the mix. I dehydrate and vacuum seal my excess green tomatoes to use later in my cooking. When I cook with them I rehydrate them in a bowl of water, bread them and fry them with my squash and okra.

Severn trays of cut up tomatoes will only make a handful of pieces once dried.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on August 26, 2022, 12:43:45 am
Just gigged my first flounder!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on August 26, 2022, 01:25:56 pm
Just gigged my first flounder!

Cool!  Where are the pics???

I sang with a bunch of little kids today!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on August 31, 2022, 10:35:15 am
Welp, i just bought all the climbing gear i will need to go sport climbing. Im (hopefully) heading off to college in december so thats pretty exciting!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on August 31, 2022, 04:26:25 pm
Welp, i just bought all the climbing gear i will need to go sport climbing. Im (hopefully) heading off to college in december so thats pretty exciting!
Are you planning on climbing at a gym or on a cliff?  I used to do a lot of both.  Gym is more convenient, but cliff is a lot more fun.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on September 07, 2022, 11:48:42 am
Welp, i just bought all the climbing gear i will need to go sport climbing. Im (hopefully) heading off to college in december so thats pretty exciting!
Are you planning on climbing at a gym or on a cliff?  I used to do a lot of both.  Gym is more convenient, but cliff is a lot more fun.

im planning on doing both! im about to head off to college in idaho and ill be by mountains and a gym! right now im just bouldering. im prepping for a competition!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 20, 2022, 08:49:29 am
Today's project; I looked out my bedroom window this morning and could see green where there had been only bare dirt in my deer food plot yesterday.

No time to waste; deer will zero in on the tender shoots and pull every tiny shoot up in a couple of days. Time to activate my electric fence to keep them out. I already had the posts in the ground and 3 extension cords pieced together and run to the fence charger but hadn't strung the three strands of electric fence wire on the posts.

I was short on wire and scrounged up every piece I could find, I had two partial spools and some I had wrapped around a board. After making three rounds around the perimeter of the fence I had about 5 feet of wire left, that was close.
I plugged the charger in and it didn't work, dang. I found out the first thing one should do is plug the extension cord into the outlet by the basement door. Back up the hill to plug in the extension cord, the charger still didn't work. I had used electrical tape on each extension cord connection so I backtracked up the hill again, checked every connection and found a bad one.

With power to my charger and it clicking merrily away, I put my volt meter on a strand of the electric fence and only had 1500 volts, not enough I thought. I grabbed the fence for the ultimate test, POW! When I got back up off the ground from being tased I thought, yea that will do.

Mission accomplished.....

New growth, just up.


The fence is up, deer beware.


A small dog pen charger but it does the job, I have a 10-mile charger on my vegetable garden fence that puts out 7500V.


I take the fence down and let the deer in when it grows to this stage.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: paulc on September 20, 2022, 02:28:48 pm
Love it...fresh out of college I tried making side money with a road side market garden.  Had an acre of mixed crops, did the work by hand so my hands were pretty much senseless from callous.  Grabbed the electric fence to test it and couldn't feel a thing.  So being a dumb...I thought "since the deer are going to lick the fence I should lick it too"... 

Yeah, it hurt.  I would recommend not sticking your tongue on an electric fence. Best part is an old timer across the road watched the whole damn thing  (lol) (lol)


With power to my charger and it clicking merrily away, I put my volt meter on a strand of the electric fence and only had 1500 volts, not enough I thought. I grabbed the fence for the ultimate test, POW! When I got back up off the ground from being tased I thought, yea that will do.

Mission accomplished.....

New growth, just up.


The fence is up, deer beware.


A small dog pen charger but it does the job, I have a 10-mile charger on my vegetable garden fence that puts out 7500V.


I take the fence down and let the deer in when it grows to this stage.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 21, 2022, 08:37:02 am
I spread a little more seed yesterday in the bare spots. It looks like the deer have jumped the fence and have been in the enclosure, lots of tracks but it didn't look like they ate much, they have never jumped the fence before. I will set up a camera to see if they are indeed jumping the fence or the tracks are from before I put up the fence.

We have had unusually warm weather this week, it was 98 yesterday, getting too dry for growing plots.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 09, 2022, 09:42:05 am
I have 4 acres of woods, there is a lot of deer traffic on the section I have the food plot planted on, like any section of woods, storms break off limbs and down trees year after year. This past year so much stuff fell that the deer travel routes were completely blocked, I decided to remove the blockages.

I didn't start taking pictures until I had removed several fallen trees and large limbs

This was one of the bigger fallen cherry limbs off a virgin timber cherry tree, it had dropped two more that I had already pulled out, I didn't know if my tractor would pull this limb up the steep hill behind me, it is bigger than it looks.


I got it out;


I still have several small trees and one large one to get out today, this brush pile is growing every day.


I opened up a small clearing on the main deer travel path, just right for hanging a stand over.


My plot is looking good in spite of no rain for 3 weeks, I watered it some yesterday.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on October 13, 2022, 01:15:45 pm
Didn't score with my bow this year--it was pretty hard with my foot in a cast.  Now archery season is over and it's time to grab the rifle and put some meat in the freezer.  Got a nice antelope the other day.  Made 10 pounds of bratwurst, 7 pounds of andouille (currently waiting its turn for the smoker), and 5 pounds of jerkey, and a few packages of steaks and roasts. 


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 13, 2022, 07:39:00 pm
Ater a month and a half with no rain, we got 2" last night, perfect for burning my brush pile.

I started with this and added the top out of a medium sized elm tree that was mostly dead.


Everything was soaking wet, I used diesel fuel and a leaf blower to get things going.


I decided not to try to burn the green trunk of the elm, I cut it up into manageable pieces that I can load on my tractor and dump in what I call the "Grand Canyon" on one side of my place.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 20, 2022, 09:42:42 am
After three years out of the game with health stuff, I decided to try to bow hunt again. I have a big Millenium ladder stand up in my woods that is permanently in place but needed a stand on the travel path to the other side of my food plot.

I like lock-ons and collected a pile of them over the years, I sold 6 a couple of years ago and still have 5 big, sturdy ones in my basement. I went through them and selected a climbing pole with an extra section to give me 20'.


For a 75-year-old guy this was quite an ordeal getting the stand up, I was up and down to the stand at least ten times, adding more straps, making adjustments and looking for limbs and saplings in front of the stand that I needed to trim to open shooting lanes, I was strapped in two ways during this project, I had a fall restraint rope and a lineman's belt.

I finally got it up;


I put double straps on the climbing pole and the stand itself.


My fall restraint, rope I special order these, they are much heavier than the standard ones you can buy in the store.


Ready to sit, I add a shooting rail to my lock-ons for more comfort and to provide a little extra security while I am in the stand. I have also replaced all of the cables on my loc-ons with chains.


Here is a shot from the food plot, the metal fence posts seen in the back of this picture are 20 yards away from the stand, I am not hunting the plot, only the trails going to it. There are deer on the plot every morning and afternoon, I can see them out of my bedroom window. My new stand is about 35 yards from the deer in the picture.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on October 20, 2022, 11:14:39 am
I hunted tree stands for years from 2x12 wedged in the crotch of a tree to climbers and lock on but a few years ago I was helping a friend put up a lock on and got so shaky I climbed down and haven't been back up. Ladder stands don't seem to bother me.
 That's a nice set up you have there. Good luck with the hunt this year.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 30, 2022, 09:37:56 am
I have a lot of limbs hanging down on my place that block the view of the deer movement, on the field edge the bigger the trees get the lower the limbs hang to the point they slap me in the face when I mow.

I did my trimming with a manual pole saw for 30 years, then I bought a Harbor Freight battery operated pole saw. It was actually very good but quit after a year and a half, Harbor Freight said they couldn't fix it. I bought a Lowe's battery powered pole saw off one of the return pallet sellers, it lasted about an hour. I took a chance on it and lost.

I finally did the right thing and bought a Stihl, I didn't need the commercial version so I got the shorter, lighter version.

I got to play with it today, it would trim limbs as fast as I could walk to them, I should have bought it years ago. I have the woods behind my house looking like a park now.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on October 30, 2022, 12:33:56 pm
Looks good there Eric. Be careful...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 04, 2022, 02:26:17 pm
I used all the cut limbs from my woods cleanup to build a ground blind overlooking my plot and the deer trails. The blind is about 50 yards from the plot

I started with a framework; I like to use the existing trees as support, the right tree spacing gives me an entrance.


All brushed in, this will be a flintlock blind with shoot through holes. I sat in the chair and held my flintlock to make sure I had the support poles at the right height to use them as a gun rest. I can't shoot to the right or behind the blind because of the houses 200 to 300 yards away, there is only woods to the front of the blind.


A comfortable chair is a must.


I keep adding brush to the blind, this is what it looks like now.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on November 04, 2022, 04:19:49 pm
Looks like a comfy hunting spot Eric.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on November 07, 2022, 01:20:42 am
I love the skills here! California is just too dangerous to hunt in.... more likely to get shot than shoot something. It is also expensive comparitively.  Over taxed and over regulated! Thank you all for your stories. Today I lamented the possible demise of PA....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 26, 2022, 11:25:06 pm
I helped my stepson get a nice doe today.  It's the last weekend of our gun season.  He put a great shot on it and he watched it go down close to our trail.  Next year maybe his little sister will get one. 



Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: chamookman on November 27, 2022, 03:33:15 am
Way Cool Clint  :OK :-D ! Bob
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on November 27, 2022, 05:35:44 am
Fantastic Clint.

I’m sure you both will remember that for a long time. And hopefully they get into helping with the processing too. Always good to have a little help in that department

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: osage outlaw on November 29, 2022, 07:50:40 am
Fantastic Clint.

I’m sure you both will remember that for a long time. And hopefully they get into helping with the processing too. Always good to have a little help in that department


He did most of the processing on both of his deer.  I showed him how to do a couple things but he did 90% of the work. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Allyn T on November 29, 2022, 08:26:59 am
I love processing deer, glad he is doing it. I bet it was super fun bringing in a new hunter
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 12, 2022, 03:45:51 pm

I hunted for three hours out of this stand a few weeks ago, I found the seat is not made for an old man's bony butt, very uncomfortable.


I decided to get off my wallet and buy a loc-on with comfortable seat so I bought a Millenium monster stand.


I swapped them out yesterday, quite a task for a 75 year old guy, both the old and the new stand are heavy, awkward and a chore to take down and install while hanging suspended on a climbing pole in a combination lineman's belt and tethered safety harness, it took me an hour and half to make the swap. It was a Tylenol night last night because so many of my body parts were aching.

Just a heads up; I have found that adding an extra section of climbing pole up past the stand is an invaluable hand hold and aid for transferring oneself from the pole to the stand. When I was young and flexible with the agility of a monkey, transferring from the pole to the stand wasn't a problem for me like it is now. You can't see it well in the dark picture but there is a lifeline running up the climbing pole and several feet up past the top of the stand that I hook into when I leave the ground.


My shooting rail frame is about 1/2" too thick at the prongs to go behind the stands seat support post, I am going to alter it to fit today.

The deer have stopped coming to my food plot, this is a good thing because it has been growing again after being mowed to the ground by the deer, later in the year when the weather gets really cold and other food sources dry up the deer will come back to it. This plot is in the woods, I had just blown the leaves off of it before I took this picture. The leaves would be as thick as the ones in the foreground if I didn't blow them off weekly.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 13, 2022, 10:58:06 am
Looks like a really nice stand Eric. I know I can’t sit like I use to either. Even in a comfortable seat I still end up switching between sitting and standing a lot just to keep everything working.

You will be rewarded by your efforts yesterday in your future hunts.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 13, 2022, 11:02:16 am
Fantastic Clint.

I’m sure you both will remember that for a long time. And hopefully they get into helping with the processing too. Always good to have a little help in that department


He did most of the processing on both of his deer.  I showed him how to do a couple things but he did 90% of the work.

That’s great. Love hearing that. We pretty much make cutting up deer and making pork sausage a family affair

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 23, 2022, 09:08:09 am
It was 2 degrees here this morning, yesterday it was 51. I have (had) a wonderful greens patch that I let anyone pick from and tried to get what I could from it before the cold burned it up.

I wanted to save my spinach crop if possible, I never buy lettuce when I have spinach growing in the garden. I covered my spinach rows with leaves and put a piece of landscape fabric over the leaves to hold them in place during the gail force winds that were coming with the cold front.



My garden doesn't grow turnips well, lots of greens and just a few turnips, I salvaged what I could and picked a monster bag of kale to cook, freeze and package as my supply until next year. I checked the freezer to see what I had already put up and found I had 18 single serve bags, I need about 40 to have enough to eat until next October when my next crop will be ready to pick.


I packed the Target bag with as much kale as I could cram in it, this amount will fil both of these stock pots after I wash the kale.


I put out a message on Facebook to all my friends to come pick all the greens they wanted ahead of the storm, one of my friends elderly mother showed up, no one else.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on December 23, 2022, 10:33:37 am
The temp went from 30 deg at 5:00am to 12 deg at 8:00am this morning.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 23, 2022, 11:46:24 am
So far the snow and cold aren’t so terrible, but man that wind is sure multiplying their impact

Really nasty out there

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 28, 2022, 08:59:12 am
As expected, the cold killed my greens;


After 4 days of being covered up the temperatures rose to above freezing. I cautiously started blowing off the leaves, not knowing what to expect.

What a pleasant surprise, my spinach looked great.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 28, 2022, 09:59:57 am
It’s really amazing what a little insulation does. Whether it’s snow, leaves, straw etc.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 29, 2022, 08:47:47 am
A couple of years ago we had the same type of cold spell but it was preceded by freezing rain and 6" of snow, I had snow covering my greens for almost 2 weeks while the temperature plummeted, when the snow finally melted off the greens were just fine.

This is the first time in the last 21 years that the cold killed my greens.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 29, 2022, 09:04:59 am
One of the things we always want around here during winter.

If we get a foot of snow. We really want the ground frozen first. Otherwise it will be mud all winter under that snow. It doesn’t matter how cold it gets

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 31, 2022, 09:25:03 am
I look after my neighbor's place when he is off to his other house on Dolphin Island. I hadn't seen him come out of his driveway in a few days so I walked over to see if his truck was parked in his driveway, his driveway is about a quarter mile long. His truck was gone, he was probably at the gulf.

I had put up a lock on stand overlooking the field alongside his driveway, as I walked down the driveway yesterday evening I noticed a white belly in the field not far from my stand. There was a smaller dead doe in the field about 20 yards from my stand, she was stiff but still warm. I couldn't find any bullet holes or evidence that she had been hit by a car, she was fat and healthy looking.

There is a lot of traffic up and down the driveway from people working on my neighbor's house or house cleaners, perhaps someone hit her. As I was leaving the neighbor's adult son drove up and said the deer wasn't there when he took his morning run down the driveway.

If I knew she was a road kill I would have loaded her up and taken her home but with her death a mystery I had to leave her for the buzzards.

At daylight this morning it occurred to me that I didn't want a stinking pile of buzzard bait 20 yards from my stand so I cranked my tractor, drove over, hooked a strap to the deer and drug her to the back end of the field the furthest from my neighbor's house and at least 1/3 mile from my stand.   

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 23, 2023, 11:13:01 am
I can tell immediately when the coons and deer start assaulting my muscadines, they knock 5 off on the ground for every one they eat.

I noticed late yesterday evening that there had been visitors to my vines.

I worked until dark putting up a 7000V surprise for them if they show up to pillage my muscadines again.

The low strand keeps the coons out.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on July 24, 2023, 06:31:42 am
Looks like a very nicely constructed electric fence Eric. Funny thing. We build them to keep animals in and you build them to keep animals out.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on July 28, 2023, 11:04:01 am
I turned 73 today.  (A)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on July 29, 2023, 07:26:05 am
I turned 73 today.  (A)

I am a couple days late but I sure hope you had a great birthday Pat

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on August 05, 2023, 09:24:04 pm
Happy late birthday, Pat!  You don't look a day over 72.   ;D

We came down the mountain from Wyoming Bible Camp today.  It was a very wet week up on the mountain, but a great time connecting with old and new friends, enjoying creation, some great campfire singing, and a lot of thinking and studying about the more important things.  Sure will be nice to sleep in a bed and not share a bathroom, though.  I think I passed the "sleeping on the ground is fun" phase of my life about 20 years ago.  ha ha
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 09, 2023, 09:20:45 am
As I cut out bows and tillering tools on my bandsaw, I throw any scrap piece in a pile if looks like I might make a tool handle, bow part or clamp pad for my C clamps. This pile grows and grows over the years and becomes a tripping hazard when I use my bandsaw.

I finally realize what goes in the pile stays in the pile never to be used. Yesterday it was throwing this accumulation of wood on the burn pile day. I agonize over burning the osage pieces but have come to realize that once they have gone up in smoke, they are out of sight and out of mind forever.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on September 09, 2023, 11:23:09 am
I know exactly what you mean Eric. When I had a wood stove it made great fire starting material. I have a buddy that uses my shavings and scraps for cooking maple syrup.

He loves the shavings for fire starter.

It usually doesn’t take long to make another pile.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 12, 2023, 08:41:29 am
It is time to take my summer garden down and plant my winter greens. I still have a lot of okra and jalapenos. I decided to make pepper jelly to use up some of the jalapenos, tart granny smith apples have a lot of pectin so I made apple/jalapeno jelly with lemon. I don't use sure gell and make jelly the old fashion way.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Del the cat on October 04, 2023, 06:04:36 am
I did this yesterday! Our oven went south for the winter, so I tested the glass door with an arrow from a 65# ELB  ;D
Very short video.
There is slow mo' at the end... the sound is spectacular :) (
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: GlisGlis on October 04, 2023, 10:13:57 am
So nice Del !! Slowmo is great
It almost make me wanna try it on my perfectly ok oven door  :NN
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 06, 2023, 08:53:57 am
I live out in country where it is legal to shoot guns, even though I am at the end of a dead-end road and have my range where I am shooting down in a hollow, I have had too many instances when someone was shooting a long way away through the woods and their bullets came whizzing by me, bullet travel is unpredictable.

I decided to build a bullet trap to be on the safe side. I already had the structure up before I found out that a foot of sand would stop just about any bullet. My trap is a bit of over kill with 3' of sand behind the targets.

According to an online sand volume calculator my trap will hold 1.8 yards of sand or 4800#. My trailer has a 3500# axle so I thought hauling one yard (2400#) at a time would be a good idea. My trailer is 40 years old and has second hand tires, it was a relief when I pulled into the driveway with my sand and trailer intact. Even one yard was heck of a load to haul, I won't try to haul that much again.

I built my trap out of cedar posts and 2X12 repurposed lumber. I soaked the already weathered boards with used motor oil to prevent any future rot.


This is a no shovel sand project; my trailer is parked on a slope and I can rake sand into the bucket easily.


I added a thick horse stall mat to the front of the trap, they are supposed to be self-healing when you put a bullet through them.


I put up some more boards on the front to keep the mat from bulging from the weight of the sand, to reinforce the structure and for target attachment.


I unloaded half the trailer, it started to rain, our first in over a month so I put the project off for a few days. The calculator was right, I can see the load of sand I brought home will only fill the trap about 2/3 of the way.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on October 06, 2023, 10:11:28 am
great idea Eric

you could reclaim your lead to cast more bullets to.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on October 13, 2023, 12:23:32 am
I'm setting up a new aquarium in a used 55 gallon tank that I resealed.  It simulates a small stream flowing through a tea garden in the Himalayan foothills.  All of the fish and most of the plants are from the region.

Weather is awful--cold, wind, rain, dumping snow up on the mountains.  This makes me happy, as I have permission to hunt elk on a ranch in the foothills.  Here, elky elky elky!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on October 22, 2023, 10:03:13 pm
I cleaned my gutters. In the words of Sgt. Murtaugh, "I'm getting too old for this s#@t."   ::)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 23, 2023, 10:28:05 am
I get it Paul, I am surrounded by big oaks, for 15 years I used a gutter blower attachment on my leaf blower to clean gutters, I had to make a 15' extension for my Stihl gutter cleaning kit out of 3" PVC to reach my highest gutter which was 23' up.  In the fall gutter blowing was a twice a week job for my house and 28X30 shop.

I finally bit the bullet and had expensive gutter guards put on my house and later on my shop for a total of $5K, I don't regret having this work done one bit.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 23, 2023, 10:42:11 am
This will probably ruffle some feathers; I will be 76 in three weeks, my body is falling apart, I have worked for months to try to shoot lighter and lighter bows so I could bow hunt. If I shoot very much, I can count on a sleepless night of tossing and turning from the pain from various body parts, the worst is a hernia mesh failure that gets terribly inflamed very easily and will sometimes put me in the recliner for days.

Years ago, a friend gave me one of those funny looking things that looks like a rifle but has a bow like object on the front. I shot it a couple of times and hung it on the wall in my shop vowing never to touch it again, after all I am selfbow guy.

A few days ago, I got this strange looking object off the wall, I may hunt during bow season after all.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on October 24, 2023, 04:55:00 pm
This will probably ruffle some feathers; I will be 76 in three weeks, my body is falling apart, I have worked for months to try to shoot lighter and lighter bows so I could bow hunt. If I shoot very much, I can count on a sleepless night of tossing and turning from the pain from various body parts, the worst is a hernia mesh failure that gets terribly inflamed very easily and will sometimes put me in the recliner for days.

Years ago, a friend gave me one of those funny looking things that looks like a rifle but has a bow like object on the front. I shot it a couple of times and hung it on the wall in my shop vowing never to touch it again, after all I am selfbow guy.

A few days ago, I got this strange looking object off the wall, I may hunt during bow season after all.

That doesn't ruffle my feathers in the slightest, Eric.  Of course, it irks me that I have to compete with a bunch of guys younger than me who are carrying those bolt-slinging firearms.  Any weapon that can be shot from prone position, with a scope, at 400 fps, doesn't belong in archery season...Unless the shooter is physically unable to shoot a regular bow.  These weapons should be reserved for those situations.  Especially if said someone has a long, long history of hunting with "real" bows.   ;)

So get out there and have some fun!  Good luck.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on October 25, 2023, 12:38:23 am
Whatever lets you get in the woods, Eric. Happy hunting!   :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PaulN/KS on October 25, 2023, 05:23:26 pm
A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do Eric. No feathers ruffled here Sir.
And I'm getting new gutter estimates today...
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on October 27, 2023, 02:59:12 am
Hey there ALL! Since the site lost its security rating I cant get on at work. I often forget by the time I get home or find myself busier that a one legged man..... fill in the blank. Wife and I have been canning a lot of things, getting winter garden spaces ready for planting, placing the literal ton of slate that we harvested from our highway into patios, pathways and stairways. Daughter moved back in with 4 kids and a dog in September, that keeps us real busy! I am still here! Still Rangering in Yosemite if you find yourself out this way! Working on my commuter replacing motor mounts, got to replace leaf spring on my truck. Always something to do! Stay Well!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on October 27, 2023, 11:24:47 am
Hey, Ben. Great to see you around.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 31, 2023, 05:52:17 pm
Time to take the electric fence down from around my deer food plot and invite the deer in to feed.

I had a huge water bill because if almost 2 months of drought, the deer will have plenty to eat.

I need to get out the leaf blower, this time of year I have to blow the plot off twice a week so the wheat and oats can get sunlight.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 26, 2023, 08:40:38 pm
The plot was turned into almost bare ground in a couple of weeks. I didn't think they were still coming to it until I put a trail camera out, they are still covering it up at night.

Yesterday morning I was in my ground blind at daylight, a fat doe came out on the plot about 6:10. It was barely light enough to see my sights, when I shot, I was blinded by the pan flashing and didn't know if I hit her or not. I went out looking for blood.


 She started doing cartwheels down the hill and only went 10' off the plot.


I used my over the hill old guy deer retrieval vehicle to get her up to the house.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on November 27, 2023, 09:10:19 am
Congratulations on a successful hunt Eric. I think I would have a hard time holding steady with the flash in my eyes. Looks like a good shot

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 27, 2023, 10:38:16 am
I had a slight hangfire, she had time to scoot back a little, I was holding behind the shoulder, got one shoulder and messed up some meat, dang.

My trail camera has a slow shutter speed so everything is a blur but caught the deer a millisecond after I shot her, this is when she started doing cartwheels down the hill into the woods.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on November 27, 2023, 11:15:59 am
Congrats Eric, nice shot. I'm still hunting for #11 caps for my old TC Hawken. Cant find a dang thing locally and wont buy off the web for 8 million dollars and 2 million in shipping. That is exaggerated, but that's what it feels like.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on November 27, 2023, 10:43:02 pm
Congrats Eric, nice doe and looks like that shot done the trick. Pappy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 28, 2023, 10:21:58 am
PM me your address Mr Drums and I will send you some for free, I have lots. Just a heads up; Walmart puts out caps in July for $5 and change a tin, they don't last long, it is my understanding that more people steal them than pay for them. In July I walk by the M/L stuff every time I go in the store, on one trip they were on the rack, I picked up 3 tins and left the remaining tins on the rack for someone else. We have three Walmart's in town, I don't shoot percussion much so I didn't go to the other stores and get a few more. I do keep a stock for a SHTF scenario, caps, flints and 23# of powder.

Academy has them as well before hunting season, theirs's are $13 and change a tin, they do price matching so if you have proof of Walmart's price, they will sell you some at the $5 price Walmart charges.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 18, 2023, 10:35:28 am
It is legal to shoot in my yard, living at the end of a dead-end road in a subdivision there are at least 100 acres of woods behind my place. I have an archery range alongside my shop as well as a place to shoot my flintlocks (and other stuff), I have sent thousands rounds down range.

I put trail camera on my neighbor's orchard to check the deer movement. The camera is downrange of where I shoot, when I pulled the card, I had consistent pictures of my neighbor's grown son and his girlfriend on it roaming through the woods, not good.

In a previous post I started a bullet trap but never finished it, shoveling a yard of sand put me in a recliner for days with extreme pain from a hernia mesh issue that I have dealt with for a while.

A couple of days ago I felt good and decided to finish the project. I had used up all of my scrounged lumber, I needed to buy more as well as another 1/2 yard of sand.

I bought what I needed and finished the bullet trap, I used smaller boards on the front so I could change out any that got shot up. The stall mat will keep the sand from leaking out when I change boards.

I went overboard on the dimensions with 3ft of bullet stopping sand, 2 ft would have been more than enough. I used a sand volume calculator to determine how much sand to buy, as you can see it was spot on.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 18, 2023, 07:03:55 pm
That is a right nice sandbox you got there, Eric!

I made a 20 hour roadtrip to Southeast Nebraska a few weeks ago and bought a dozen osage staves from a guy. He's no bowyer, but learned he can get a lot more money from a bow stave than he has been getting for fence posts, so he started holding back straighter stuff. I have been slowly going thru the stack taking off the sapwood and getting them down to a single growth ring before resealing. I warned him that his 2,500 staves in his barn all have powder post beetles in the sapwood and that the sapwood is going to cause them all to check. He has been taking off just the bark and sealing with cheap wood glue. I explained bark-on prevents checking, down-to-sapwood-and-sealed prevents checking, but you just cannot seal sapwood enough to stop them from checking. Dunno if he has the time and energy to go through that stack and rip sapwood off, so I suggested he get one of those debarking tools that mounts on a chainsaw. So long as he uses a gentle touch and just barely gets to yellow wood before re-sealing will save him from losing (literally) tons of wood. He seemed genuinely interested in having a good product for sale, so I hope he heeds my words.

I also showed him on stave after stave what exactly I was looking for. He pulled out a saw and we cut the ends off a number of staves so we could get a better look at the growth rings. I showed him the early wood to late wood ratios that were best, those that were good, and the crap that was fuel for the woodburner stove. He started to get an eye and I quizzed him on a couple staves asking him which growth ring would be the one to pick for the back of a bow. He picked the same rings I saw and his confidence grew.

He tells me he had been to one of the jams, I forget now whether it was Mojam or Ojam. He said he was interested in hauling wood to these sort of events to sell, but was worried about picking a stave to ship to someone. His name is Duane Hansen out of Syracuse, Nebraska. If you run into him, say hi from me! Then fill his ears with education on what bowyers want in a stave. I think the more he hears what we want the better his product offering will be. And if you can, talk him into starting a bow with you at whatever venue you meet him. He expressed interest in learning to make one for himself...and you know making one means making another. And THAT will teach him huge lessons in what is a stave and what's firewood.

Today I spent 5 hours in the shop on a big ol' hog of a stave from him. With a lot of wedges and some luck, I turned that bugger into 3 good staves and a 4th that might make a kid's character bow. My arms and back started barking at me, so I swept up, burned the scrap, and came in the house for a cup of hot tea and time to catch up with you all.

Sorry I don't get in here as often, I kinda lost interest in making bows for a couple years, but I am back scraping again. Let's all keep in touch, ok?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on December 19, 2023, 09:24:32 am
Glad to see you back at it JW, yes getting a bunch of Osage debarked and down to yellow wood is a chore but if you want to be sure of no bug damage it really needs to be done, sometime you get lucky if you don't but to me not worth the risk. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 19, 2023, 11:52:55 am
A friend of mine heard about an osage fence post dealer that lived 40 miles away, not far from Huntsville AL and where I live in Florence. With wide eyes he hustled over there to pick out some wood for making bows only to find hundreds of potential bow staves completely riddled by powder post beetles. The guy was selling 6' posts for $5 each but didn't know about the bow wood possibility of his stash.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on December 20, 2023, 01:14:52 am
Been getting over a cold. Finishing up processing some RKS I picked up over a week ago. Raining here on my days off kiiboshed many of the things I had planned to do. Back to work tomorrow through Xmas eve. Xmas Day falls on my day off this year! Iffn I do not get back here before Xmas, Y'all have a gooder! Stay warm, stay safe have a good Christmas and New year!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on December 20, 2023, 09:18:43 am
Same to you Ben.  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 28, 2023, 02:17:39 pm
I love the smell of toasted hickory in the morning.  It smells like...victory.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 29, 2023, 07:52:00 pm
Personally I prefer fresh toasted HHB it has a really nice smell

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 29, 2023, 09:21:10 pm
Personally I prefer fresh toasted HHB it has a really nice smell


That one's on my list to try if we ever make it out to Michigan again.  Don't have a lot of it in Wyoming.  But I'm planning to have another go at our local woods, juniper and chokecherry, this spring.  Juniper makes the shop smell wonderful.  Stand by for updates on the smell of toasted chokecherry.   ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: White Falcon on January 28, 2024, 11:05:04 am
Finished this sheath.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Piddler on January 28, 2024, 07:24:44 pm
Broke a piece of Hickory that was turning into a bow.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on January 28, 2024, 08:06:34 pm
WOW that's a nice looking knife an sheath. Beautiful work.  :) Sorry about the Hickory Piddler but it happens. ;)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on January 29, 2024, 01:02:27 pm
Hard to break hickory, Piddler. You must have worked hard to do that.  (--)
 Nice knife and sheath, White Falcon.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Piddler on January 29, 2024, 07:59:47 pm
Pappy yes it does.
Yeah Pat I was surprised. On inspection it apparently had bug damage that went inside a very small knot I had little concern for. It went down about three rings and all the way across the limb. That damage was done while it was still a tree and it filled the hole. It was looking promising to that point.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 01, 2024, 09:49:30 pm
Pappy yes it does.
Yeah Pat I was surprised. On inspection it apparently had bug damage that went inside a very small knot I had little concern for. It went down about three rings and all the way across the limb. That damage was done while it was still a tree and it filled the hole. It was looking promising to that point.

Drat!  I recently had finished next-to-final tillering on a lovely hickory bow and was heat treating/toasting and adding an inch of setback in the limbs. As I started on the second limb I heard some cracking noises, I discovered that a delamination between growth rings had opened up. I was gutted. All that work down the drain right before the finish line!

Eh, life of a bowyer, huh brother?
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Piddler on February 02, 2024, 08:05:49 pm
I wasn't as far into it as you but did have some time involved. Tiller was going good as well. Oh well.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 05, 2024, 10:09:24 am
I have a friend who loves to kill deer, my sister-in-law needed some burger, my friend shot a button buck that needed a home. He had gut shot it so it took more time to trim and clean up. The season in Alabama ends this Saturday.

It was small so I decided to cut it up myself rather than pay what has become an exorbitant processing fee. I haven't cut up a deer in 30 years or so but have a grinder and meat cuber. The last deer I cut up I used a #32 hand crank grinder which was a chore.

Being a little rusty I decided to set up a YouTube classroom and learn how to do it right, a gal who goes by Outdoor Allie has some really good videos on deer processing. She has a magnetic personality as well which makes her videos fun to watch.

I removed all the fat, sinew, membrane and paid close attention to removing the nasty glands from the shoulders and hind quarters. This close trimming and cleaning up the gut shot mess took me a long time.


Raw stock ready to cut;


My grinder and my cuber, I bought the grinder used off eBay for $19 shipped, no one else bid on it. It is powerful and grinds as fast as I can throw meat in it. 


I made mostly burger with about 8 pounds of cube steak. Here is the first course grind on the burger, I added about 20% pork butt roast for fat and taste. The button head didn't have an oz of fat on him this late in the year.


Done for today, I have to do another grind on the burger, here is 18# chilling in the freezer ready for another pass through the grinder.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Stoker on February 05, 2024, 11:42:57 am
Nice work Eric. Never shot a deer this year. I helped my friend and his boys make sausage 180lbs.We started making together in '89. Always a good time.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 05, 2024, 03:31:19 pm
Nice Eric.

I just took all my grind meat out of freezer yesterday to slowly thaw. Going to make some summer sausage and burger. Have some pork shoulder to mix for fat. I usually get gifted several deer every year. I just cut my grind to size and then vacuum pack it in big bags. Then after the end of season I grind it all at once.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 05, 2024, 09:41:50 pm
What size plate do you use bjrogg? I have three that came with the grinder, two are tiny and grind too fine, the one I use has triangle holes and is pretty course.

My brother, the butcher, said his shop ground 500K # of burger a year and used a 3/8" plate and did double passes with it.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on February 05, 2024, 09:49:51 pm
Not sure what size hole I use but I never double grind mine, never have and it turns out fine, I don’t do 5k but do several hundred pounds a year. Pappy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 05, 2024, 10:47:28 pm
I don’t remember what size for sure but I think it’s finer than that Eric. Think I have two sizes I think a 3/8” and a smaller one.

I do like Pappy. I just grind once with the smaller one. I like to have my meat really cold almost partially frozen. It grinds much better cold.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 06, 2024, 11:19:01 am
This is the one I use Eric.

It’s not marked but it seems to be 1/8” or so . I have tried using the 3/8” for first grind. Then mixing everything and grinding again with 1/8” but it seems like it went through whole better than re ground. With my grinder it goes through the small one really well whole. Especially really cold

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on February 06, 2024, 10:26:54 pm
That looks like the one I use BJ. Pappy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 06, 2024, 10:54:54 pm
I’m pretty sure it’s 1/8”

My son and I ground about 70 lbs of venison and 33 lbs of pork.

Stuffed 75 lbs for summer sausage and 15 packages of burger.

Will be busy smoking tomorrow

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 07, 2024, 10:31:13 am
Thanks, my burger came out just OK, not great with a double grind through a course plate, I should have frozen the meat and the grinder parts before I ground anything for a better grind.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 07, 2024, 03:32:08 pm
That was my experience with trying the two grind.

I like the 1/8 plate. Just fried up some burgers. They were close to 1/3rd pork. It was delicious. My wife was very happy and so was I.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on February 14, 2024, 12:32:03 am
I have a few parts of grinders.... Wife and I did cut and haul a load of firewood for our daughter....
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 27, 2024, 10:42:42 am
I have really been out of the bow making game for a year or so and thought I was done.

I made a ladies BBO to donate to a children's hospital auction at an ASTB tournament but a bad hip replacement got in the way, I could no longer walk the course well so I sold my camper and hung up my bow.

The bow sat on the wall on the rack for a couple of years, I found another charity in town that was having an auction for kids and told them I had a bow I would give them, they just had to come get it. They seemed excited about the prospect but never showed up, they could have been one of those fly by night, set up a booth, take donations and leave town type of scams.

I looked at the bow last year and noticed the glue had turned loose slightly one end of the handle addition. I took off the old handle, glued on a new piece of osage and there it sat for at least a year.

Yesterday I realized I was watching way too many youtube videos and forced myself back out to the shop.

Funny how it all comes back once you pick up a #49 rasp. I had the block of added wood reshaped into a handle an hour or so.

When I took this picture, I had just added the arrow rest and had started to reduce it to final slim shape. I will blend in the new wood into the old dark wood, add a leather handle and leave the bow out in the sun to complete the color blending

I see a few more bows in my future.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 27, 2024, 11:03:22 am
Apparently you didn't forget much! Nice work, Eric.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 27, 2024, 11:42:20 am
Glad to hear that Eric. Always enjoyed your work. I have learned a lot from it. Really looking forward to seeing more

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on February 28, 2024, 09:28:05 am
Looking good Eric, just like riding a bike isn't it.  ;) :) Love seeing you back at it. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 28, 2024, 10:04:55 am
As you can see, I got into turning osage file handles on my hobby lathe, a 35 cent copper connector will make two ferrules to keep the handle from splitting. With the bulbus back ends I can really get some serious rasping going on comfortably.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 03, 2024, 11:20:38 am
I finished the repair and had to re-letter the bow because it gained 3# hanging on the wall for 6 years, I have had three or four osage bows do this, one gained 10#, all were from well-seasoned wood that I cut 20 years ago.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 25, 2024, 09:48:00 am
I bought some el-cheapo pallet forks for my tractor bucket; I am cutting all the limbs that hit me in the face when I mow around the field edges on a couple of acres that I mow for my neighbor. Some of the limbs may be 10ft long and have grown toward the sun for years and are out in the field. My thinking is I could pick them up whole on the forks instead of cutting them up to put them in or on my bucket.

Turns out this worked pretty well and saved me a lot of extra work.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on March 25, 2024, 11:30:07 am
Looks good Eric.

Just be careful though.

Them limbs and logs can switch ends in a hurry. Don’t let them get you.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on March 25, 2024, 05:10:56 pm
Looks like you all are having a lot more fun than me.  I've been in the hospital all day with my dad.  Currently waiting for him to recover from surgery.  Don't much care for hospitals.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on March 26, 2024, 09:33:23 am
Looking good Eric, I need to get me a set of them for my bucket, got lots of limbs hanging out over the fields that need to be trimmed back.
When Beau was a kid that use to be him and his buddy Perry's job in the summer, ride the trails and fields and trim back the limbs, well he ant a kid anymore and it is back on me. ;) :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 28, 2024, 03:37:23 pm
I cut some oaks that were over-hanging my yard and shading the grass too much. The longest trunk I picked up with my pallet forks is 15' long.

Ordinarily I would cut all this wood into firewood and give it away, my 76-year-old body is not in firewood cutting mode much any more

I will say my forks are too cheap and will come loose and shift if I stress them too much. I think I paid $90 for them.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 30, 2024, 10:22:56 am

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 31, 2024, 10:36:35 pm
Spent a little time refining my travel route to the Tennessee Classic. First push on May 1 will have me rolling into Atchison KS late at night and I have a reservation at a hotel there for a couple hours of sleep.

I posted on a few bow group pages on FaceSpace that I have a co-pilot seat open in case someone wants to come along with me. Hoping I can find a taker to share driving.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on April 17, 2024, 09:10:21 pm
Today my wife and I celebrate 30 years on paper together! 4 kids and nine grands. Very blessed to have her in my life. 76 degrees today!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on April 17, 2024, 10:36:28 pm
Congratulations Ben. Hope you have many more

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on April 18, 2024, 12:33:33 am
Congratulations, Ben. Quite an accomplishment.  :OK
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on April 18, 2024, 09:11:42 am
Congrats, lots can't say that. Ya supposed to be in the 80's here today, then storms and cooler, never know in April/May in Tennessee.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on April 20, 2024, 10:58:50 pm
Thanks all for the well wishes. There were a few times my wife was in some pretty serious circumstance, I wasn't sure we would get here. Was near 80 at home today with a scant threat of thunderstorms in the forecast.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on April 21, 2024, 11:34:04 am
Congratulations to you and the Mrs, Ben.  Mrs. Badger and I are coming up on 20 years in a couple months, and we generally still like each other, so we're calling it a win.  Some of you guys make me feel like a youngster!

Yesterday was a pretty full day.  Started out with a walk up the hill with the Badgerling, looking over the big elk herd that's hanging out on the edge of town and scouting the foothills from a distance for promising bow-wood.  Got three out of the four garden beds cleaned out, weeded, dug, and ready for planting.  Dug a bunch of dandelion roots with the Badgerling and roasted them to try dandelion "coffee." 

After a nap, I finished up a herculean shop/garage organization/clean out, with better bow and accessory storage, and the tillering tree mounted to a stud right next to my work bench.  Then watched a little TV with Mrs. Badger and processed a few stalks of dogbane for future projects, and ended the day with a walk down to my buddy's place for a nice Scottish ale and some campfire time.  (My favorite hunting partner is also the master brewer at our local establishment.  How's that for a good situation?)

Today, we're going to visit our old "big church" for a special Bible study they're doing that sounds interesting, then meet with our normal "house church" for further spiritual goodies, then lunch with some friends.  Hoping to get a juniper kid's bow finished up or close to it today.  We have a house showing tomorrow so I'm sure Mrs. Badger will be calling out the troops to get things cleaned up nice, too.

Whew.  Looking forward to going back to work Monday so I can get a little rest!   ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on April 30, 2024, 09:51:23 am
I got my garden in, this year I planted about half what I planted last year, last year I ran myself ragged trying to give my excess stuff away. I canned enough beans and made enough pickles last year to last me for several years so I didn't plant beans or cucumbers this year.

I have my ground really built up to the point I don't need to use fertilizer but I do add a litter for insurance. My neighbor's ground is poor and things grow poorly. He asked if he could plant tomatoes to can on the unused part of my garden. I told him to have at it knowing that I would end up taking care of his plants in the long run because he is out of town for weeks at a time. My neighbor planted 24 tomato plants that he grew from seed, his pants are only an inch tall but I suspect most of them will do OK.

The plastic is to keep the weeds at bay from all of the tons of manure applications over the years, the electric fence is a must because of the deer population.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 30, 2024, 06:21:12 pm
Today I spent the morning on last minute errands in preparation for leaving for the Tennessee Classic. I got an oil change, topped up fluids, bought celery, apples, grapes, bell peppers, and some string cheese for snacking on the road. I was sorely tempted to go for the nastier sort of road snax, but my doctor's blood pressure scares me and I don't wanna show up for that appointment in July and have him loose his cool on me again.

I am bringing a stave with me. It was cut two years ago in Missouri by a guy that has recently moved to this area. He meant to learn to make bows but seems to have given up on the idea. He offered me a bunch of the staves in exchange for a bow, but I only took the two that were best suited to make decent bows. I hope to get a good run on that one stick while I am there. I hope to get under his skin this summer and get his butt in the shop and tools in his hands. I just know if he makes his own he will feel much better about it.

Fair chance of rain at the Classic, so I am looking to dig out a Goretex jacket to have on hand just in case. I have also doubled the amount of coffee grounds I am bringing in order to help folks keep their spirits up.

At this point, I have everything staged at the back door and the refrigerated goods in the fridge close at hand. All I need to do is wash out the cooler tonite. My dog has been casting nervous glances at me and I really do wish I could bring her along for ME. But she HATES travelling almost as much as she hates crowds of people. She's really an introvert and the Classic is about one of the worst situations I could throw at her, even if Pappy invited her.

I should be rolling into Twin Oaks late afternoon.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: mullet on May 01, 2024, 04:33:16 pm
I changed out a bad tail light bulb and finished packing the truck, I'll leave around 5 AM and hope to be there about lunch time. Safe travels, JW.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on May 06, 2024, 11:21:24 pm
I changed out a bad tail light bulb and finished packing the truck, I'll leave around 5 AM and hope to be there about lunch time. Safe travels, JW.

Man, it was really good to see you again and shoot the breeze.

I just got home at 5:45 pm today, left the Classic yesterday at noon. I kicked around the idea of doing everything all in one big 18 hour push, but ended up grabbing a motel room east of Kansas City. This is my first big road trip in this little KIA and I gotta say that I did better with gas mileage than I anticipated. I generally run around 25 mpg, but I averaged out the whole trip at 28.2 mpg.

When I hit South Dakota I picked up a 40 mph tailwind and my mileage skyrocketed to almost 36 mpg! Yippee! Yeah, until I got about 180 miles from home and it did a 180 degree turn to beat the living crap outa me. I dropped to 17 mpg for the better part of 100 miles. That little bitty Singer Sewing Machine 4 cylinder has just enough power to handle the load of one passenger and a half dozen staves. Add in a headwind and I dang near had to get out and help push!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on May 26, 2024, 01:34:04 am
Went to my skills gathering. Ended up teaching knapping twelve hours over three days! Great stories and memories built there. Picked up a "reedley" hewing axe and a folding draw knife at an antique shop, not terribly priced. There is another drawknife I hope to pick up. Man, I have missed you all! Ben
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 09, 2024, 09:48:56 am
I was invited to a gathering of likeminded folk today to shoot our rifles and talk about guy stuff. I was only going for an hour or so but met so many interesting guys that I stayed most of the day. I took some of my bows and found out that several of these guys were interested in building a bow, one lives 10 minutes from Twin Oaks, I gave them both a tillering gizmo.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on June 10, 2024, 03:34:12 pm
well, the week of June 3rd I was in a historic log and wood preservation class. Got to put into practice skills I knew of but have never used. Got to use a wide variety of axes, slicks, chisels, screw jacks. Learned how to replace crowns on log cabins, hewed some logs, cut notches and other preservation techniques. It was a good time meeting new folks too.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 19, 2024, 11:56:04 pm
well, the week of June 3rd I was in a historic log and wood preservation class. Got to put into practice skills I knew of but have never used. Got to use a wide variety of axes, slicks, chisels, screw jacks. Learned how to replace crowns on log cabins, hewed some logs, cut notches and other preservation techniques. It was a good time meeting new folks too.

Oooh, that sounds like fun!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on June 22, 2024, 10:18:04 am
I saw my first tomato horn worm damage yesterday; I couldn't find the worm but I have a surprise for it tonight when I get out my UV light and look over my tomato plants.

For those of you who don't know, a UV light makes the horn worms glow like a lime green glow stick after dark and are very easy to find or so I thought.

I found the worn that did the damage, it was a darker color variant and didn't glow under the UV light, this is the first one I have ever seen with this coloration and hope it is the last.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 01, 2024, 10:01:16 am
I haunt the Facebook market place, every now and then a particularly good deal comes up that I have to jump on. I bought a Griz hobby lathe, I picked up a $9 set of Chinese lathe chisels that were probably not worth what I paid for them to use until I got something better, that was 15 years ago.

Saturday a guy put the three craftsman chisels on the market place for $10 which is a good deal, I told him I would take them. As I was headed to pick them up, he said he had more lathe chisels if I wanted them, this set was Great Neck, American made as well. I bought all the chisels for $20.

When I got them home and looked over them closely, I found that they were new under the light rust and had never been sharpened.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: uwe on July 01, 2024, 03:14:59 pm
At the moment I`m working on a few Osage bows. Short ones, plains style.
Will see, whatthey`ll be.
Cheers Uwe
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 08, 2024, 02:42:39 pm
Nice find on the lathe tools!

We celebrated the 4th with a wildfire around our little town! It was hot and fast. Google French Fire, CA if you wanna take a look. We had no commercial power for two days. Thank goodness for a generator. Major highway was closed for a bit. I think containment is going up. If things had been a little different, we could have lost parts of our town.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Muskyman on July 09, 2024, 06:20:09 pm
Not the kind of fireworks people would want for sure. From what I’ve read it seems they have a handle on it, for now anyway. Also read that no one has been injured badly.
Hopefully the firefighters will get it put out soon.
Still hoping to make a trip out there soon.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 16, 2024, 03:01:09 pm
I have been reading and watching videos about using poke berries to eliminate arthritis, I have a trusted friend who has used them with great results.

I eat poke salat every year but have shied away from the mature plant and its berries. I am going to try this folksy remedy cautiously by eating only one berry first to see how I tolerate them.

I started gathering the berries a few days ago and freezing them, most of the berries are still green but I found a few plants that had some ripe ones.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on July 17, 2024, 08:54:08 am
Never heard that Eric, we eat the salad but was always told the berries were poisonous , we did paint of faces with them as kids.  ;) :) :) Let me know how that goes, got plenty around here.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 17, 2024, 10:11:01 am
This guy has a bunch of videos about poke berries.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: GlisGlis on July 27, 2024, 11:57:50 am
As far as I know berries are poisonus for all the mammals. Not for birds

USDA site reports:
"The entire plant is poisonous causing a variety of symptoms, including death in rare cases. The berries are especially poisonous. Young leaves and stems when properly cooked are edible and provide a good source of protein, fat and carbohydrate. Regional names for the plant include poke, poke sallet, poke salad, and pokeberry."

there are sites reporting the use as anti rheumatic in the past but the conclusion is:

"The entire plant is considered toxic and its ingestion produces burning sensations in the mouth and throat, salivation, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, drowsiness, tingling and tingling throughout the body, dizziness, spasms, convulsions, and coma."

staying in the bothanical field i'd try the stinging nettles propertis as anti rheumatic weel before fiddling with Phitolacca
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 29, 2024, 09:32:25 am
You can't believe everything you read because it leaves out proper handling.

My lunch yesterday, I have eaten the same thing hundreds of times, I know the proper way to turn the toxic leaves into food. It is a rare backwoods southerner who hasn't eaten poke salat, most of us for all of our lives.

Poke Salat sautéed with butter and onions with an egg thrown in just about the time it is done cooking.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 29, 2024, 09:37:31 am
I pick it in the spring, lots of it, blanch the leaves properly and freeze it in single serve portions to enjoy all year.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: GlisGlis on July 29, 2024, 10:21:41 am
My attention was on poke berries
I do believe they could have anti rheumatic properties but they could have also other consistent negative effects
I do not buy the theory of the ancient remedy they dont want you to know
If something really works the human kind use it. And it's even more true if this remedy is almost free.
if it is very seldom used usually it means it has some adverse side that make it not so desirable

As for the leaves do you boil and rinse them several times?
Never tried poke salad
may have a go at it if I find young enough plants
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 29, 2024, 12:21:01 pm
As I understand it, the berries have a strong anti-inflammatory effect among other things.

I pick the new growth in the spring until the plant starts putting on small white berry clusters. I break off only the tops of the plant, after you pick the first time it will sprout new growth in multiple tops that are also good to pick and eat.

Boiling the leaves and dumping off the water three times will render the greens free of toxins and make them edible. I freeze my blanched poke unseasoned and season it when I cook it to eat it, it is very bland without some seasoning. I always use garlic salt and pepper as well as real butter for seasoning. The added egg is optional but the standard way most people cook poke. I may leave out the egg and add pieces of summer sausage or other meats.

Poke tastes a lot like cooked spinach. 
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on July 29, 2024, 12:33:46 pm
There will never be an accurate set of test trials by the pharmaceutical community for anything that is readily available and free.

I have watched a bunch of herbalist videos about poke weed, leaves, roots and berries. They all say the parts are beneficial if used properly but like wild mushrooms, you had better research what you are doing before you jump in.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: GlisGlis on July 30, 2024, 04:43:48 am
thankyou for the info
Phitolacca americana is an invasive species around here and is quite new
It's in rapid expansion tough
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 26, 2024, 11:01:48 am
I planted my winter greens patch 3 days ago and found this today; amazing. I had the best seed bed ever this year moisture wise and rain right after I planted.


My food plot isn't up yet but is covered up with deer tracks, time to energize the plot, I run a combination of three extension cords from the house to my charger. I use the fence to keep the deer out of the plot until the wheat, oats and rye has time to grow and establish itself, without the fence the deer would eat the small seedlings to the ground as soon as they come up.

I replaced one T post that I ran over with my tractor bucket and broke off while tilling the plot and a bunch of insulators that got brittle and broke. I use recycled fence wire that is spliced in a dozen places where the deer have run through it, usually during the rut.

I finally got everything in order and plugged up my charger, deer beware. I have them all trained from encountering my energized garden fence, when they hear the charger clicking, they know to stay away.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on September 26, 2024, 12:48:53 pm
I was curious if they would get trained and then not want to cross where fence was after you turned off the fencer.

I remember we had a pen for freshening heifers that had a spot where we could use a “handy gate” to hold the wire and take it down. It was great for the tractor but the heifers wouldn’t cross it to save their lives. We ended up having to mount a traditional gate that they would pass through.

Of course there was alway the oddball that would figure out the moment you turned off the fence and then knock down the fence.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on September 27, 2024, 07:39:18 am
Looking good Eric, finely getting some much needed rain here, maybe to much, calling for 4/5 inches over the next 24 hours, but we did need some for sure. I don't usually put out food plots but wished I had this year, the mass crop is almost 0,would have been a good year for one that's for sure. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 27, 2024, 09:42:53 am
I can take down the fence in the morning and deer will be in the plot that evening. My neighbor has an electric fence around his garden as well, if it ever gets unplugged the deer will be in it in no time. It is either the clicking of the charger that isn't there or they can sense when the fence wire is dead.

I have heard that pigs won't cross a place where an electric fence has been.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 27, 2024, 09:46:30 am
Fun foraging today; I saw two trees on the TVA trail Tuesday that were covered up with oyster mushrooms. I had never picked oyster mushrooms before; I had never found them.

I didn't have a bag or bug spray on Tuesday so I went back today and picked two Walmart bags full of them. Of course, I researched them to be sure this is what I found. They have a raw oyster/licorice smell to them, kinda' funky but unmistakable.

Having never eaten them before, I sliced up a few, sautéed them in butter with onion, garlic, fresh ground pepper and salt. Just about the time the onion was done cooking I gave them a splash of dry white muscadine wine. The end result was the best mushrooms I have ever eaten.

I couldn't reach the higher clumps on the first tree, on the second tree about 1/4 mile away I found I could push up on the higher clumps of mushrooms with a long pole, they would come loose easily and fall to the ground.

These mushrooms will go bad in the frig in a few days so I am dehydrating one bag and plan to can the contents of the other bag.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 28, 2024, 10:16:23 am
Electric fence follow-up; The first night the deer broke one strand of wire on the east side and stretched it in several places without breaking it, they usually have to hit it at night a few times before they get the message.

I filled a 4-tray dehydrator with oyster mushrooms, they take up very little space when dried. Here they are in a 750 ML jar, not quite a qt. Next to them are dried green tomatoes, I rehydrate these, bread them and throw them in when I am frying squash and okra together. I don't put them in the mix until the other ingredients are 90% done or they will burn. There is another jar on the right that has dried chanterelle mushrooms in it that I use often when I am cooking.

I canned the rest of the mushrooms.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on October 04, 2024, 04:21:57 am
Daggone fuel pump went put on m wife yesterday. Nearly put her in the middle of the highway! Just a third of a mile from home. Started trying to change it! Dang Dodge people put it in so you cant reach nothing in the driveway. Can't get it high enough to do anything. Got the tank all loose. now I can't get the wiring connections loose, just not enough room to see anything. Guess I will ratchet strap it back together and try to get it to a shop..... dang part was 217$
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: GlisGlis on October 07, 2024, 11:20:37 am
I dry alot of mushrooms during summer (sun dried. not dehydrator )
I prefer to long term store them in brown paper bags instead of glass jars so they can keep drying if for any reason there are bigger slices of if they where overlapped during dehydrations
Brown paper also add some protection from light
My house is dry. I'd rather use glass jars in humid climate
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on October 08, 2024, 02:27:14 am
I'm putting up elk meat.  Ground about 16 lb of Italian sausage today, after about 40lb of burger yesterday, and probably over a hundred pounds of steaks and roasts the day before that.  Tomorrow, around 20 lb of bratwurst, and a couple gallons or so of bone broth to finish, and a big bag of dog scraps, then I'm done processing this beast.

Unfortunately the hide is ruined.  There wasn't room for it in our freezer, and with the unseasonably warm temperatures, it spoiled--I mean really, really rotten--before I could get it scraped.   :(  It would have been fun to have a bark tanned elk hide to make stuff out of, but there just wasn't time.  Hopefully I'll do better with the antelope I plan to harvest next weekend.

Did a euro mount with the skull, just need to finish bleaching it.  But I think we're going to need a bigger house to hang it in!  It isn't a record book bull, but this critter is BIG.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on October 10, 2024, 10:35:19 pm
Bangers and smash for supper tonight, made with homegrown taters, tomatoes, and green onions, and homemade elk bratwurst.  Yum

Less appetizing but still useful:  Boiling elk legs and jawbones.  The hooves will eventually become bow tip overlays; the jawbones will be knife handles.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on October 11, 2024, 09:03:29 am
Looking good WB, lots of good meat and supplies on them critters. :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on October 11, 2024, 02:42:53 pm
Looking good WB, lots of good meat and supplies on them critters. :)
My previous elk were both cows, and I'm amazed at how much more meat is on a big bull like this.  I'm going to have to wait until the end of the month to hunt antelope, just because the freezer is packed and there's nowhere to put one!  Nice problem to have.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on October 20, 2024, 11:23:45 am
I had a great time yesterday; I went to a little get-together near my home with a bunch of other black powder enthusiasts. We do a little shooting and a lot of talking; I even gave a bow building instruction to those who were interested. Some of us were rifle builders, some just like to shoot.

This gathering is twice a year and open to anyone who likes traditional muzzleloading or would like to learn about it. This gathering is small, there were 6 of us there yesterday, cap and ball pistols were shot more than anything else.

My best friend Joe gave me one of his hand crafted "Bogle Rifles", I put it through its paces yesterday, what a shooter! I was working up a squirrel hunting load for it, I think I got it right.

Joe's 5th great grandfather was a famous gun builder around 1810, only a very few of his original guns have survived, I think there are three. These are considered very special because of the unique style that transitions between gun building eras of the time.

The picture is of Joe holding one of the last surviving guns that his granddad made, Joe took pictures and measurements and replicated this rifle perfectly.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on October 20, 2024, 03:14:17 pm
Sounds like fun Eric, beautiful gun. Pappy
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: YosemiteBen on October 26, 2024, 01:07:36 am
Well folks! My birthday was this week. I hit the ripe old age of 56! In this week I have most likely gained guardianship of my two oldest grandchildren aged 16 and 14. Their dad has some issues including a narcissistic personality with ZERO accountability! It started with the 14 yo expressing emotional abuse to the high school counselor. Things went down hill from there. After a bout with CWS and potential court hearing (thrown out for lack of evidence) dad said he would relinquish guardianship. Then he talked with his lawyer and decided not to. Then my wife talked to the lawyer and voila we are getting guardianship. This has been an emotionally exhausting week! Thank you all for your support over the years. Not many of us older folks here any more..... Not sure how long these message boards will be around. but, thank you!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 12, 2024, 10:54:05 am
Got my vet buddies together for a free meal at Applebee's yesterday. I have been going there on veteran's day for years but we got a bad waiter yesterday that wouldn't wait on us in a timely manner. After waiting for 2 hours with no food in sight I walked out and went home. I did have a great time sharing the space with my old friends.

Getting old, 77 now, Army, 67-68-69, they sent me to Germany instead of the other place, I got lucky.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on November 12, 2024, 03:30:51 pm
Thank you Eric.

I’m so sorry about your waiter.  But glad you got together with your buddies.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on November 12, 2024, 05:20:54 pm
Happy Veterans Day, Eric.  :OK  My brother was in the other place in '69.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on November 13, 2024, 09:29:10 am
I have always regretted not serving but at the time 68/69/70 we had the lottery and my number never came up, but I have the greatest appreciating for the ones that served and are serving now, many thanks to all of you. Eric you don't look any older, you know what they say age is just a number.  ;) :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on November 13, 2024, 12:06:20 pm
I have always regretted not serving but at the time 68/69/70 we had the lottery and my number never came up, but I have the greatest appreciating for the ones that served and are serving now, many thanks to all of you. Eric you don't look any older, you know what they say age is just a number.  ;) :)

Pappy, I was too young to serve and honestly I am not sorry I was. I remember the news stories on TV.  The POWs coming home. The sad treatment of our returning soldiers.

It sure would be nice if we didn’t need the brave men and women who defend our freedom. But as I see it we need them more than ever.

Thank you veterans and I second that Pappy. Eric looks great

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on November 14, 2024, 11:55:30 am
I have always regretted not serving but at the time 68/69/70 we had the lottery and my number never came up, but I have the greatest appreciating for the ones that served and are serving now, many thanks to all of you. Eric you don't look any older, you know what they say age is just a number.  ;) :)

Pappy, I was too young to serve and honestly I am not sorry I was. I remember the news stories on TV.  The POWs coming home. The sad treatment of our returning soldiers.

It sure would be nice if we didn’t need the brave men and women who defend our freedom. But as I see it we need them more than ever.

Thank you veterans and I second that Pappy. Eric looks great


My dad served in Viet Nam.  I pretty early figured out that I could serve my country better as a teacher--I'd have made a lousy soldier.  I sure appreciate those who do serve that way.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pat B on November 14, 2024, 03:52:05 pm
Service to our country comes in many forms. Military service tops the list but civilian service, in country and out should be an option for those with that desire. My lottery number was 88 but since my Dad passed away in 1969 and older bro was in Nam at the time the
Selective Service opted to give me a 4F eliminating my service in the military.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 15, 2024, 09:41:57 am
Todays adventure; more mushroom hunting at the TVA trail. I like to get off the paved walking path onto the adjacent hiking trails to find mushrooms.  I made the rounds of the usual dead trees that have oyster mushrooms growing on them, most had dried up but one still had a few usable mushrooms that I could pick.


There are a lot of these hiking trails on the Gov reservation where I walk, they were made by the CCC boys in the 30s, always good for mushroom hunting.


My best find was a giant puffball mushroom, and I mean a giant. I had never eaten one of these before. I was a mile and half from the truck and already had one bag of oyster mushrooms so I broke off half of the puffball to carry back to the truck with me. Old men with bad shoulders can't carry stuff over long distances.


As with any new mushroom, the first order of business was to watch several of the videos about it on YouTube that cover picking, cooking and long-term storage.

Finding that it is considered pretty good to eat, I got out my skillet, some butter, garlic and onions and fried some up to taste. It tastes like what you cook with it with a hint of earthy mild mushroom taste.


 Because this mushroom is so delicate I decided dehydration was the best way to preserve it, I did the same with the oysters.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Russ on November 15, 2024, 03:36:04 pm
Very nice Haul eric! Looks delicious!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on November 15, 2024, 04:28:27 pm

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on November 16, 2024, 11:17:10 pm
I found a soccer ball sized puffball here once. We sliced it in inch thick steaks, drizzled with worcestershire and soy sauce and then fried in butter. I think they were some of the best steaks I have ever had!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 14, 2024, 11:19:51 am
I killed a doe on Monday (rifle), the deer population has gotten to be few and far between and I needed to ensure I had meat for next year. I like to soak a deer in ice and water for a few days.

I opened the butcher shop to start to process the doe I shot the other day, it takes me a while because I trim every speck of membrane, fat, shot up meat and sinew. 4 hours of cleaning, cutting, grinding, making cube steaks, packaging and vacuum sealing only gets half a deer done and is all of the time I want to stand in the kitchen at one time. I will finish off the rest tomorrow.

As for my equipment, I traded 400 processed wild turkey feathers for the Cabela's commercial vacuum sealer, a friend owed me some money and was broke (she said), she offered me the cube steak maker that her late husband had bought for the owed money. I knew I would never get the cash out of her, she was the shifty type with a tendency to lie like a dog so I took the cuber. I bought the grinder used off eBay for $19, 30 years ago. It is one powerful son of a gun, I do a double grind with a 1/4" plate. I washed it the dishwasher on the bottom shelf last year and the chrome came off the outside of the grinding head but not the inside, lesson learned. I had washed it on the top shelf countless times with no problems

I finished up yesterday and washed everything for round two today.


Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 14, 2024, 11:42:01 am
My brother was a butcher in a large processing facility for over 25 years, he said to never put your grinder blade or plate in a dishwasher because the abrasives in the dishwaher soap would dull them ever time.

I had always washed my cutter blade and plate in the dishwasher and sometimes had to stop the grinder to unwrap all of the sinew that had wrapped around drive shaft and was clogging the grinder.

I took my cutter blade and plate out to the shop yesterday to sharpen them. All I used was a sheet of crocus cloth to polish the edges, I put the cloth on the level metal feed ramp on my jointer and rotated the part in circles on the cloth. I would make 3 or 4 circles on the cloth then turn the part 45 degrees and repeat to make sure every surface was honed equally.  I could tell that all of my edges were very sharp when I finished.

When I started grinding meat, I could tell that my grinder was working much better and not bogging down at all. When I disassembled the grinder for cleaning there was almost no sinew wrapped around the drive shaft at the plate.

My brother was right.     
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on December 15, 2024, 10:32:46 am
I finished up with the deer, yesterday, I had 48# of packaged meat, mostly bone free except for a neck roast and one side of ribs. It took me a solid 8 hours to trim the meat of sinew, fat and membrane, debone, grind burger, make cube steak, package and vacuum seal, and another hour or so cleaning up the equipment. A lot of work for an old man.

The next one this year is going to the processer, If I skin it, quarter it up and take it to the processor packed in ice in a cooler it only costs around $50, not a bad deal considering the outrageous prices others are paying for processing around the country.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on December 15, 2024, 07:06:44 pm
Good looking meat Eric, I do a lot of that myself and yes it is a lot of work, but as a lot of things I do it's a labor of love, not really work. :) I really enjoy it especially on a rainy/cold day. I know most processor's do an OK job but can assure you they don't care for it like we do, so as long as I am able I will keep doing my own.  :)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on December 16, 2024, 04:28:42 pm
Looks good Eric.

It is a lot of work but very rewarding if your family likes venison. And like pappy say. When you do it yourself you can get a little fussier than a processor might.

Personally I always find the dragging them out, skinning and gutting to be the hardest part.

I kinda enjoy the rest of the process. I get help with my wife and son though to, so it’s not all on me and more of a family tradition which I really like

I’m really lucky that my wife is so good with it. I can bring two front shoulders in and put them on the kitchen table. She will debone one and I’ll do the other.

It’s how we both grew up. I try to pass it on to my kids and grandkids. They have all helped making pork sausage.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 16, 2024, 06:56:25 pm
I always butcher my own meat, and I kind of enjoy it too.  Mostly I enjoy seeing a freezer full of meat and thinking, "Wow, I did that!"  It's a satisfying feeling of accomplishment.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on December 17, 2024, 08:16:02 pm
I am working at a hotel these days. It's a great gig - easy work and I enjoy helping guests with their questions about where to go and what to do in the Black Hills.

Last week I finally got the phone call at the hotel I had been waiting for!!! This woman from a large city back east was inquiring about hotel rates and so on for next summer. I was happily giving her the answers she needed when she paused the conversation and said she had an important question for me. She asked in a very serious voice: "Is your hotel haunted?" I replied in an equally serious tone, "No. Our hotel is not haunted." Poor woman, I could feel her deflating on the other end of the line. Then I told her, "Ma'am, I have been in Keystone since 1883 and in all that time I have never EVER seen a ghost here." The silence on the line was deafening as I imagined her doing the mental mathematics. And then the line erupted in laughter. When her hysterical cackling died down she told me to book the dates, haunted or not, she wanted to stay here so she could meet me.

When I turned around, there was the general manager standing behind me with a grin on her face. "You know you are fired for that, right?" she said. "Yeah, I figgered." I responded. But then I do something every week to get told I am being fired. I love my boss, she's a one-of-a-kind real deal. If she tells me to go fight a bear I'll rip off my shirt, rub down with honey, and get to fighting the bear. Because I know she'd be right there beside me in the fight and fighting to win.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on December 18, 2024, 02:30:18 pm
I am working at a hotel these days. It's a great gig - easy work and I enjoy helping guests with their questions about where to go and what to do in the Black Hills.

Last week I finally got the phone call at the hotel I had been waiting for!!! This woman from a large city back east was inquiring about hotel rates and so on for next summer. I was happily giving her the answers she needed when she paused the conversation and said she had an important question for me. She asked in a very serious voice: "Is your hotel haunted?" I replied in an equally serious tone, "No. Our hotel is not haunted." Poor woman, I could feel her deflating on the other end of the line. Then I told her, "Ma'am, I have been in Keystone since 1883 and in all that time I have never EVER seen a ghost here." The silence on the line was deafening as I imagined her doing the mental mathematics. And then the line erupted in laughter. When her hysterical cackling died down she told me to book the dates, haunted or not, she wanted to stay here so she could meet me.

When I turned around, there was the general manager standing behind me with a grin on her face. "You know you are fired for that, right?" she said. "Yeah, I figgered." I responded. But then I do something every week to get told I am being fired. I love my boss, she's a one-of-a-kind real deal. If she tells me to go fight a bear I'll rip off my shirt, rub down with honey, and get to fighting the bear. Because I know she'd be right there beside me in the fight and fighting to win.

Brilliant!   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 03, 2025, 10:19:43 am
Out walking my normal exercise trail and spotted an oyster mushroom bloom, we had rain and 58-degree temps for a few days. There are more mushrooms that emerge in the winter than one would expect.

Of course I had to pick some. I sauteed the mushrooms in butter with onions, then hit them up with a splash of wine. I put the finished mushrooms on a plate of spaghetti, they were amazing.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on February 03, 2025, 01:31:51 pm
Still a long time before any mushrooms in my neck of the woods Eric. Looks good.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on February 05, 2025, 11:00:14 am
I went mushroom hunting again yesterday, I found a bushel basket of oysters in places I don't normally look for them but I was about a week or two late, they had all started to turn to mush.

We have 5 more days of deer season, I have killed 2 deer, modern stuff, I carried my flintlock most of the time but got skunked so I went modern to put some meat in the freezer. I decided to wrap it up for the year, shoot and clean my B/P guns and put up the mountain of clothes and stuff I keep out to hunt with.

I have 3 trail cameras out on my neighbor's place, I never used trail cameras where I hunt until the last couple of years when old age caused my mobility to decline. I have another one on my food plot that I plant below the house on my land, I didn't get any daylight pictures at all until yesterday, a little spike walked across the plot and posed for a picture.

I started pulling cameras yesterday. Even though I am not hunting anymore I think I found a good creek crossing close to a blind I built in the hollow below the house. I moved one camera down there just to see what uses the crossing for next year.

My deer drag-a-matic 2000 ate up the soft metal gears and quit working. I did get a buck out of a bad place and back to the truck with it this year before it gave up the ghost. I think a little grease on the gears would have prevented its demise.

Behold! The future deer drag-a-matic 3500 with bigger and tougher gears. I will replace the strap with 100 ft of mule tape and add a bracket to strap it to a tree. I won't use the hand crank and will run it with my cordless drill.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on February 05, 2025, 05:39:27 pm
Hey, that looks great, Eric! Someone gifted me with a couple hundred feet of that mule tape and it's some really tough stuff!
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: WhistlingBadger on March 08, 2025, 01:42:56 pm
Got a nice bullsnake skin on a juniper/elk sinew bow.  Now I have to let it dry for a month or so before I can really start working on it again.  Tom Petty was right...the waiting is the hardest part.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: JW_Halverson on March 08, 2025, 05:23:48 pm
I spent some time today working out my driving routes and lodging for my trip to Oklahoma for the world famous OJAM.

I am starting to get seriously excited to go, and I am sure it's gonna be a good time. In the next 11 days I am going to sort through unfinished bows and pick the three that are coming along. I'll sharpen up tools and clean/organize the tool box. I'll get started organizing the gear I am taking along as well as plan out some healthy meals and snacks, though I definitely intend to stray off the very carefully constructed diet I am on!

I'm planning on staying in Stillwater on Sunday night when the party shuts down so that I can get a good night's sleep in a clean bed and a shower (or two). Before I leave I plan to do some snooping online and find a good/fancy restaurant in Stillwater for a celebratory dinner. (Any recommendations would be appreciated)
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Eric Krewson on March 10, 2025, 10:16:18 am
 Last year I was invited to an informal black powder get-together a few miles from my house, I didn't think I would like it but decided to drop by anyway for an hour or so, I ended up staying all day, all of us were of the same mindset. Turns out it is held twice a year, once in the spring and again in the fall. The guy who held it had to move so his range was no longer available.

I have a great friend who said he had a 100yard range I could use but I never went over there and had never seen it. When he heard the spring event was about to be canceled, he invited everyone to his place to shoot at his range.

Turns out his range was perfect; it was in a bowl with a chirt pit and sheltered from the wind.

8 people showed up, we did much more shooting the bull than shooting our guns, there is something about like-minded people sharing their past experiences that is always engaging and interesting. Dave's wife made us some of the best chili and cornbread I have ever eaten, so it was shoot a little, eat together, talk a lot, just a very fun day. Last fall I found out a bunch of the guys were interested in making selfbows so I ended up giving them some wood, a tillering gizmo and a lot of bow making instruction.

One attendee was a member of the North South Skirmish Association, he is only 26 but dedicated to his craft and always has either a period correct replica or an original civil war firearm to shoot. This day he brought an 1855 Springfield that had the Maynard tape system installed, he didn't shoot the taped caps and used the standard cap/nipple configuration. He let everyone shoot his rifle and loaded it with the standard paper cartridges. He was an exceptional shot off hand, I never saw him miss a gong out to 50 yards.

Not Grant but his rifle;

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: gifford on March 10, 2025, 08:47:13 pm
Now that sounds like my kind of black powder shoot, more visiting than shooting and yet enough shooting to justify the time and effort needed to clean up the old smokepole the way it should be done.

PS great looking Springfield.
Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: bjrogg on March 11, 2025, 07:55:57 am
Looks like a good time JW. Thanks for taking us along.

Title: Re: What Did You Do Today?
Post by: Pappy on March 12, 2025, 09:50:15 am
Looks like a good day Eric.  :) JW have a safe trip, I know you will have fun. :)