Today's project; I looked out my bedroom window this morning and could see green where there had been only bare dirt in my deer food plot yesterday.
No time to waste; deer will zero in on the tender shoots and pull every tiny shoot up in a couple of days. Time to activate my electric fence to keep them out. I already had the posts in the ground and 3 extension cords pieced together and run to the fence charger but hadn't strung the three strands of electric fence wire on the posts.
I was short on wire and scrounged up every piece I could find, I had two partial spools and some I had wrapped around a board. After making three rounds around the perimeter of the fence I had about 5 feet of wire left, that was close.
I plugged the charger in and it didn't work, dang. I found out the first thing one should do is plug the extension cord into the outlet by the basement door. Back up the hill to plug in the extension cord, the charger still didn't work. I had used electrical tape on each extension cord connection so I backtracked up the hill again, checked every connection and found a bad one.
With power to my charger and it clicking merrily away, I put my volt meter on a strand of the electric fence and only had 1500 volts, not enough I thought. I grabbed the fence for the ultimate test, POW! When I got back up off the ground from being tased I thought, yea that will do.
Mission accomplished.....
New growth, just up.

The fence is up, deer beware.

A small dog pen charger but it does the job, I have a 10-mile charger on my vegetable garden fence that puts out 7500V.

I take the fence down and let the deer in when it grows to this stage.