I read the buckskin chapter in "Participating in Nature". He talks of roping, planking, stretching, drying, fleshing, and smoking.
Now all I want to do is get my ducks in a row before I try my first hide. I will get one from someone who will not cut out the brains for me. That is a big favor.
I am making a game plan, and I thought it would go something like this. Scrape the flesh side, let it soak. Cange water, maybe add lime to help, scrape the hair off the wet hide, Then I was gonna remove the hair side membrane, then do a finer job on the flesh side. I was going to sand the hide to open the grain. I was going toi egg it, then stretch it on the rack to dry. Then I was going to plank it, and work it over my junk jeans on the knee. I was gonna smoke it, and call it done.
That was the plan in the nut shell. I was wondering what I left out that I could use to get better results.