Author Topic: My Next Bow - BBI (Completed Pics 09/29/08)  (Read 11449 times)

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Offline ber643

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My Next Bow - BBI (Completed Pics 09/29/08)
« on: September 17, 2008, 08:52:31 pm »
My next bow is a BBI (Bamboo Backed Ipe), which I have been wanting to do since I first started reading about them, and hearing of Rich Saffold's work with them, in CA. It is, of course, a wood lam bow, and since I do not have the facilities, or forms and tools, to do a glue up (and mostly will want to work Osage stave bows after this one), I opted for a glue-up from Mr. Saffold of Richard's Bowyery. As I told Richard, in previous communications, I wanted this bow to start off having the best chance possible, of turning into as good a one, as I turn out to be capable of making it be, since it will probably be my only BBI. I want to say that I am very impressed with the Glue-up he made for me, and his fast service. It is a 68" longbow, 66 3/4" ntn, with darker pieces of Ipe (e-pea) for the riser and tip overlays. The Bamboo backing is a beautiful piece of Black Bamboo (a unique species of bamboo of no two pieces exactly alike, and already camoed patterns - (like my Camo Dog - LOL)

This bow may take awhile for me to do (even if it is almost already a bow  ) what with finishing up my Holmegarard, Deer season starting in a week here, Hurricane Hannah (perhaps only Tropical Storm Hannah) )bearing down on us in NC, family matters, etc. but I still intend to keep you posted, as in the past, if you are interested.

Here are some pics of the glue up. All I have done to it so far (other than to admire it's shape etc.) is shape the tips and overlays and file the string nocks. I did this today, so that I will be able to get a long string on it as soon as it is readied for that step.

Side view:

Belly (Ipe):

Back (Black Bamboo) It's a little darker and more speckled than it appears in this pic. I will try to get a more accurate image later:

And a look at the two tips with string grooves:


As promised earlier, here is a picture that I hope shows the color and unique "pattern" of the Black Bamboo that is the backing on my BBI:

I've been scraping and sanding on the BBI in fits and spurts, as I have had time. I also took a good half or 3/4" off the darker piece of the riser - not really shaping it too much, yet, but just sizing it for more comfort in depth. The bow is responding well to floor tillering, and I now have it on the long string on the tree, and pretty close to ready for the short string. So far, it is continuing to look real even in the curvature of the limbs. I'll have pics of that next week but in the meantime here is it's latest profile (while resting on the keel of my canoe, which is hanging on the outside carport wall - LOL). Just seemed like a good place to get decent light for the "color" shot shown above:


After some scraping, sanding, and handle reducing I got the BBI glueup bending at floor tiller, enough to be ready for a string, and to get it on my tillering tree. I'm using a little longer string than I have on previous ones due to the nice reflex in the glue-up. It would take a short string now but it would put the string right up along side of the handle. (That handle is also still a little larger/deeper than it will be, just to give me a good base to rest in my cradle.)

On the tree:

When I exercised and then pulled the bow (down to about the 12 inch line), it appeasred to me the right (persumably lower) limb was not bending as much as the left (top) limb, along most of it's inner length:

With that info in mind, I took the bow back inside and did some judicious scraping on the right limb, then back to the tree and exercise. After that, another pull to 12" shows the limbs are bending much more alike now. Now to try to keep them going that way - LOL, as I continue to get it bending more - after at least a night of rest for her (and me):

As I said at the outset, I don't know when this thread/bow will get done (I'll let you know when, OldBow - LOL)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 01:31:35 pm by ber643 »
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
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Re: My Next Bow - BBI
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2008, 01:13:51 am »
Looking good Bernie. Your a natural.  ;D
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
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Offline Pappy

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Re: My Next Bow - BBI
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2008, 05:36:21 am »
Your knocking them out Bernie,nice start on that one. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline ber643

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Re: My Next Bow - BBI
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2008, 07:35:50 am »
Thanks, Ryano and Pappy, for the encouragment. From the "feeling" of these woods in combo, she's going to be a tough long drink of hoss ..... water. Can't help but like her already. Puts me in mind of a long, legged cowgirl for some reason.

She seems to appreciate everything you do for her too - so far anyway - does that make sense to anyone?

Because the nocks are so small and slim, I already coated (just) them with a finger (medical glove covered, of course) application of super glue - and they look mighty purty with just that, to me. I'll do them again though, when I do the back just before applying finish.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 07:54:27 am by ber643 »
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
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Re: My Next Bow - BBI
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2008, 06:57:14 pm »
A little more progress made today and The limbs appear very close to even to me, now. Using the shorter long string (length of bow).

"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
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Rich Saffold

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Re: My Next Bow - BBI (Update 09/19)
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2008, 10:07:47 pm »
Bernie, It looks like you are having fun. "long legged cowgirl" is a perfect analogy for reasons I won't write here :o ;D

Offline Ryano

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Re: My Next Bow - BBI (Update 09/19)
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2008, 11:10:44 pm »
looks good Bernie. I'd stay off the fades for now and work on getting those mid limbs a little more round.
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
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Offline ber643

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Re: My Next Bow - BBI (Update 09/19)
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2008, 11:45:33 pm »
Thank you, Rich and Ryan. Ryan, that was pretty much my read when I got to that stage this afternoon/evening also. I'm glad to hear you confirm it. Hunting tomorrow but back on it again,  late Sunday, or Monday. Thanks again, guys (we know huh, Rich - LOL)
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
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Re: My Next Bow - BBI (Update 09/19)
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2008, 08:19:14 pm »
Some judicious scraping and sanding on the edges and belly of the mid-limbs and tips today brought the limbs into what looks like a pretty nice curve to me. The bow is still pretty strong though, and I haven't been able to get a regular string on it just let. I'll probably let it rest over night now, and see how it acts in the AM. (I'm getting anxious for the regular string and some short-draw shooting of it - LOL)

"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
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Offline knightd

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Re: My Next Bow - BBI (Update 09/22)
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2008, 09:11:37 pm »
Looking good !! I would try and get the left limb bending a bit more in mid limb at thid point..


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Re: My Next Bow - BBI (Update 09/22)
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2008, 09:22:23 pm »
She is coming along just fine. Keep it up and go slow and she oughta be a dandy.Ronnie
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Offline ber643

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Re: My Next Bow - BBI (Update 09/22)
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2008, 08:18:40 am »
Thanks knightd and cracker. I was looking at that pic again this AM, and I see where you are speaking of, David. (One of the reasons I love the photos - and others eyes also :))
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
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Re: My Next Bow - BBI (Update 09/22)
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2008, 09:21:48 am »
Well, things were going really great with this bow. Except as previously stated it just seemed to hate to give up much of any of it's weight for my scraping and sanding efforts. Since I tend to work slow and methodical, that didn't bother me too much. I just kept nibbling away at it in passes of ten, down to five, "paths" across the width of the belly (each limb), and only 3 "swipes" on the edges when decreasing there. I was fat, sassy, and happy as a lark, even though it only seemed to be giving up a pound or so at each trip to the tillering tree - and I was wanting to get it into a regular string - but couldn't seem to quite get there.

All of the sudden, day before yesterday, the reticent little rascal made up her mind and gave it all away - like a school girl that decided she'd held out too long - and I almost missed it. Well it got pretty intimidating there for awhile when one limb went straight and the other still held a great curve, and the regular string became an easy fit. I was scurring around in terror like a young tom cat that finally got what he thought he had wanted, and then didn't know what the heck to do about it.

Happily, it all turned out OK whith slow patient caresses and careful administerings, except it did come in a little lighter than I was shooting for (36# @ 25", instead of 40#). It behaves real well, and seems to be taking it's shape pretty good now that I am able to shoot it (a lot). Never did get to do any half-draw shooting (other than a couple tenative try-outs), she pretty much went right to full draw. She was hot to trot, once she made up her mind. I can live with her weight (with the zip and impact she shows), for now -and, if I decide later I want a little more, I can always cut the nocks off, redo them, and be just about right - probably (I think). I am in the process of finishing the bow now. It burnished up real nice (with a glass whale nicknack, and a screwdriver shaft, that I use), after fine sanding, and I think she's gonna be as pretty as all of those California Girls, IMO   :-*

Final pics in a few days, after some coats, or so, of Tru-oil. BTW, her name is "Cowgirl".
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 11:08:30 am by ber643 »
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
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Re: My Next Bow - BBI (Update 09/26)
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2008, 08:00:51 am »
Putting finishing touchs on now and, with any luck, should have compleation pics early this week.
"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
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Re: My Next Bow - BBI (Compleated Pics 09/29/08)
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2008, 01:04:12 pm »
Here are the stats, in one place, and the compleation pics  :):

Her name is "Cowgirl" and she is a Black Bamboo backed Ipe (BBI) with darker colored Ipe for tip overlays and riser. 67" ntn 36# @ 25", 6" handle, 1 1/2" Fades, 1" wide @ fades, 3/4" wide @ mid-limbs, 3/8" wide at tips. She wears a shaved Sealskin arrow pass and a stacked leather arrow rest, with black leather handle wrap. Right now she is behaving quite well at only 4" brace height but, as soon as I run more arrows with her (and her B50 string), I will increase that to around 5-5 1/2", most likely, as that is my norm with most wood bows, if they like it.

One side @ rest:

Other side @ rest:

One side @ Brace:

Other side @ Brace:


Belly @ brace:

Couple of Close-ups of the rest area from Belly side:

Close-up of Tip:

Close-up of rest  (Stacked and glued leather), and shaved Sealskin arrow pass:

"Hunters Are People Too" (My website Premise)
Bernie Dunn
Coastal NC