Last year when I visited my brother in central New York I cut a wrist thick sapling of Sumac, not sure but I think it was Staghorn Sumac. Anyway thought I would give it a try.
One limb had about 6" of reflex and the other had maybe 2" so after getting the limbs bending some I put it on my new form which is modeled after Pappy's
and from Greg's engineering print. It took heat very well and after cooling I had 4.5" of reflex. 67" NTN and 1.5" wide, going for a D bow. Did some work on it
today and got it braced to 5.5" its pulling 38#@ 22" and just unstrung retains 1" of reflex which after awhile returns to 2". Tommow if possible I will put it back on the form and toast the belly.
After that is final tillering, going to go for 40#@26". I don't think there is enough wood to aim for more. The heart wood is quite striking its green.
Anyone else ever try Sumac? Any comments or critique is welcome

On the form

Off the form 4.5" of reflex



Just unstrung

And of course my dog Bocephus he supervised the whole thing