Actually, rs, the handle is really comfortable. It is oval shaped, top to bottom, and narrower at the bottom than it looks in those angles - but for the other part (safety) you are dead-on. I just posted this on another site:
Yep, when I first fashioned that Brass piece, I had every intention of taking the fore-end of the antler down more behind it (to form a guard). However, when I got it to the stage to try the handle on, it looked so darned good, I forgot the protection part, and just decided not to re-shape it that much. Then when I was taking the pics, I thought, "Yikes, now look what you've done - gonna have to be extra careful using that thing," - it's sharp too! I need to get (or get better at making) more assorted guards. I've picked up a fair amount of little Brass gee-gaws (cheap at yard sales, etc.) to cut up and file. Just gotta remember to do it, do it, do it - right.
I hate to think of changing it but I may have to re-shape that foreend yet.