Author Topic: Philippino Bows and arrows  (Read 14186 times)

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Offline mullet

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2008, 10:33:28 pm »
  Mike, all Jim had to do was tell everybody to go to his link in the paid advertisers section like he has been told over and over again. It would have drawn people to his site and gave them something interesting to read, in his own words.
  Every Moderator has gone through this about every 6 months, and new rules were made, just for Jim.
   If this was Trandgang or the Leatherwall, there would not be the courtesy of trying again to explain the rules(8) to Jim. It would be gone, no explanation, sorry, we don't give a crap. You don't see advertisers doing this repeatably on those sites. If anything, I think this site is too lax.

 Well, I Googled " Phillipino, MORO, bows and arrows,"  Hmmm, just another commercial site selling all kinds of stuff in Texas. Jim, is that a friend?, seems they not only sell bows from the Phillipines but armor, muzzleloading acessories, and anything else you want. There was also 734 other sites, some very informative about bows and blow guns from the Phillipine's, but they weren't selling anything. Do everybody and the Moderators a favor and fill everybody in on the rest of the story before you start screaming to the ill informed masses how you were wronged once again.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 11:12:43 pm by mullet »
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline El Destructo

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2008, 11:04:21 pm »
Yeah that Crap Irks Me too Marc.....I think that to reap the should have to be a Member....all of the Gun Clubs down here are NRA ONLY....if you don't belong...but want to Use the Facilities....then you pay for a Yearly Membership to the NRA ....along with the Clubs Membership fees...this Includes be an Archer have to be an NRA Member.The Company my Wife works for....ConocoPhillips/EnCana Refineries.....they are Union....and in most other Order to Work for them....You have to become a Member...well Texas is a Mighty Right To Work if there is a Union....and You don't want to be a cant be forced....but you get to reap all of the Benefits( now you see where I was going!!) that the Union Dues Paying Members fought for.....for FREE......not right........but hey.....what can you do???

Point taken Marc....I will back out and leave it to them to spar it out!!!
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Offline Coo-wah-chobee

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2008, 11:40:05 pm »
   Hahahaha ! Ever notice how the same people are always being wronged ?  ??? ;D........bob

Offline El Destructo

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2008, 11:46:04 pm »
Did some research Eddie...and I have found where you are coming from on this One.......another point taken...and another mouthful of Crow......hey....I am beginning to aquire a Taste!!! ::)  ::)  ::)  ;)
As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up ways to kill one another.Why do you think we invented politics and religion.
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Offline sailordad

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2008, 12:42:37 am »
well jim i did get to see it before the link was pulled. i guess being that you are an advertiser here that you have as much right to be here as any one else does,maybe more. for someone who is not a moderator to tell you that you might be happier else where,well maybe the should think before they type.

personnaly i think your opiniions are great when it comes to bow making (no im not advertising for jim),hell i even think your products are top notch,cause thats where i get most all my bow building materials.

so telling an advertiser like yourself that you might be happeir else where,well they might as well be telling your customers the same.

personaly i would hate to see you leave this site,mainly because it was because of PA magazine that i found out about primitive bow building and your site. so ifn you gotta leave well one never knows does one,hmmmmmm

i would hate to have to call you with every question i have,even though i know you would take the time to answer everyone of them.

i'm sure it was just a simple mistake to put a non advertiser link up,so please people lets not tell others to go else where,some of these people are very appreciated around here by use newbies.

               thats all ive got to say about that.
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brian melton

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2008, 01:48:59 am »

           If you REREAD what JIM wrote up to the point of my post, it is very possible to take it that JIM put up a simple link to PICTURES OF BOWS!!! I because Justin removed it, did not get to see the link.....thought it was down right rude to remove simple pictures of bows!!! Justin does not mention they are a business. This is why I asked for clarification of the rules.....

           Regardless my opinion right, or wrong, Jim being a advertiser being snubbed like that seemed rude!! After finding out they were selling these bows my opinion changed.

       Yes Marc I know there has been issues in the past, was wondering if people were being revengefull ???
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 01:53:56 am by brian melton »

Offline DanaM

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2008, 07:07:53 am »
My only comment is this: Jim as an advertiser in PA magazine I appreciate that you help keep the magazine in business
ad space is not cheap. But yet the only time you come to the site is to push something, perhaps if you came on the site to post
some helpful information, or take part in some of the discussions in other words be helpful rather than making a post that you
know is going to stir the pot, people might be a bit more appreciative. Because of your actions and comments on here I personally will never buy a thing from you.

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Offline adb

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2008, 10:39:32 am »
I couldn't have put it better, Dana. Hey, Jim... when was the last time you posted a build along, or a bow for everyone to look at? Or made a helpful comment to a new bowyer?
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 10:53:50 am by adb3112 »

Far East Archer

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2008, 12:49:35 pm »
This is sad, 2 pages of nonsense and maybe only two people actually commented on the bows/arrows including me.
Can we just stop talking about how he made his mistake and what it was?
I think he got it after maybe the 7th post or so......

Anyways, all said is pretty much how it is and so we must follow that rule to maintain order, no questions asked.....
You all have a nice day  :)


Offline rudderbows

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2008, 09:17:25 pm »
I do not know any of the guys with the Philippino bows and we do not sell any of those bows and arrows  at all. Those bows were simply pretty cool to look at and thats why I linked it to the post. . They are made from palm as are some of the arrow tips made with the arrows.I posted it because it was a cool thing to share not because they are my friends or because we are selling them. I do not know them at all. 
   abd3112  I help allot of people make bows and am having allot of fun doing it. I spend allot of time on the phone even helping people who dont always buy from us because its outright fun not because we make a buck from it.
 We have had several customers complain to me personally over the phone that even the simplest posts on PA message board are screwed with , deleted transfered , whatever and they are disgruntled with it . They want to be left alone to have a simple conversation without someone screaming about the rules or deleteing half of what they say or deleting pictures or moving posts or  whatever, Freedom is an American way guys and is a GOOD thing..  A couple of oput customers have even have said they are no longer even comeing here. this is a great site why dont we rethink about a little discretion and when we apply rules  and not loose people from here.
 Marc ST Louis, you screw with justin and I all the time and you do it vindictivly.  Shame on you, you are a a disgrace. 
 Dana,  I sent a PM to you as I also did abd3112.


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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2008, 09:55:27 pm »
WOW, this is one weird thread

Offline mullet

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2008, 11:23:32 pm »
  Yep, as always, he wants rules but ask's the Moderators to bend them for him. It sure gets old.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Jesse

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2008, 12:05:38 am »
Well I have met some of you guys personally and I have not found anyone I didnt like. That being said I have noticed that everyone is really hard on Jim. I have spent hours on the phone with Jim learning the craft of bow making when I was starting out. I wanted to buy all kinds of stuff and he would actually talk me out of it suggesting ways to use what I had on hand. He never pushed anything and gave me lots of time without gaining anything for it. I think you got him all wrong. I would buy from him again no problem. He knows his stuff and is a really pleasant, helpful guy. I dont know what he posted but he is a good addition to this site and the magazine. I try to play by the rules here because I like the site but I do not like them and also think they are WAAAAAAAAAAAY to strict with enforcement sometimes. Not enough to make me leave though.   Thats my 3 cents worth ;D
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Offline adb

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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2008, 01:18:36 am »
Marc, Justin, Mullet, Pat, hillbilly, and all the other moderators & admins of PA forum... you guys are doing an awesome job, and, on a volunteer basis. The rules are clearly posted for all to abide. If some do not wish to follow, my original offer still stands. Please don't let one whiner discourage you. I don't think you need to change anything. I wish I could share my PM from Jim, and better yet, my response.
Jim, if you and some others want to be left alone to talk about whatever you want, why don't you PM each other? I think the only one who has acted in a disgraceful manner is you.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 01:48:58 pm by adb3112 »


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Re: Philippino Bows and arrows
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2008, 03:30:04 am »
I am disappointed as a relatively new person to this site to see a thread like this. I browse a lot an dfollow links becaus emy interest is archery in many areas. 'Rudderbows' was posting a link of interest to me and others and because it was to a commercial site it was removed. Fair enough but it is also obvious to anyone of intelligence that there was no financial interest as the reason for the post. And that his protest was because of that, to affirm his intent. A case of a generalised rule acting against the norm of common-sense.

So some of you really need to pull in those egos, stop jumping into the usual pack behaviour of demeaning well-intentioned folk. No-one is perfect and mistakes are made, both sides. Don't bother telling me off for defending the guy or for asking for commonsense, I am too grown up and too thick-skinned to worry about mongrels yapping at my ankles, and I have a bow and sharp broadheads to deal with such minor annoyances anyway! ;D