Beautiful sun set and time is the stand is always relaxing to me, deer or no deer. 
Thanks Pappy. Yes it certainly is relaxing. That’s one reason I like to hunt from the ground sometimes. I get a little to relaxed sometimes and I don’t want to wake up hanging from my tree.
23 degrees this morning and I didn’t wash anything yet.
Needed to get some stuff done on computer.
While I was at it I wrote down a few logistics from beet harvest
We had 336 loads from our fields ( I don’t have neighbors figured yet)
Company has our certified acres at 345.8
We delivered a net 11,355.52 tons of beets
We averaged 32.84 tons per acre.
Our average sugar content was 19.43
Raw sugar per ton was 291.94 lbs
That should make 3,315,130.51 lbs of sugar
Pretty good crop of beets especially considering the dry weather . We are happy with it