Author Topic: Deer season's over, how many revert to small game seasons that are open?  (Read 5204 times)

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Offline DV IN MN

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I plan to get some rabbit and squirrel hunting in maybe this weekend. Maybe I will lose some of the old arrows I keep putting in the arrow holder and get lucky enough to get the main ingredient for some fried rabbit and squirrel.
My November deer.

Offline Allyn T

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Season goes to the 15th here so I have one more Saturday left. I do plan on squirrel hunting a couple times after that
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Offline PaSteve

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Nice buck! I have another week with the self bow chasing deer....then.... I'll just build a bow or 2 until April and the turkeys start gobbling.... Love hunting spring gobblers.
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Black Moshannon

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I’m in Pa too so I’ll be out after deer for just a little more and then I’ll look for rabbits in the snow

Offline WhistlingBadger

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Nice deer!  I plan on getting out after rabbits, but they're so scarce these days I usually end up stump shooting.
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Offline Hawkdancer

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Deer season closed 16th Jan with 25 mph north wind.  Did not go out.  Hopefully, I can talk my wife into a rabbit hunt.
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Offline DV IN MN

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I did get out after rabbits this past weekend. Day or two after 7 in of snow, made for good tracking and just nice to be out. Some shots as always. I did sneak up on a caribou and a water buff got both of those stumps but missed on the wily rabbit shots. It was still fun to feel the tension of the muscles and let the string loose. Looks like this weekend will be brisk and perfect for some type of hunting. No worries about over heating.

Offline BowEd

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Fine season you had there deer hunting.
Rabbits are a heck of a challenge.More misses than hits....ha ha.Can take a while finding arrow after disappearing in this foot deep snow.I shoot a few in the summer from around the garden.
Got a new blind.I'll try after those turkeys in the spring again.
Finish up on a sinewed bow later this winter.Good time to cure that sinew burning wood here.30% to 40% humidity inside house.
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Offline Pappy

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Ya it's over here also  :( I will get after the squirrels and we have a club Rabbit hunt planned but mostly just work in the shop, stump shoot and do some hiking with big pack to try and get this old body ready for CO. in the fall.  :)
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Offline DV IN MN

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After missing enough of them in the snow ( which is all to common of an occurrence)you seem to get a knack of how far back from the entry hole in the snow to start the search for your arrow.

Offline BetterTrees

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Re: Deer season's over, how many revert to small game seasons that are open?
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2022, 10:59:22 pm »
We still have until the 28th. Arkansas gives us about 5 months to bow hunt.
Sadly, that's the same day that furbearer and squirrel seasons end, so I can't switch to shooting at squirrels.
The water will be warming up soon, and I'll be hoping to catch some suckers and carp in the shallows. I'm making time to bowfish this year so maybe I am comfortable enough to shoot a deer next year.

Offline BowEd

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Re: Deer season's over, how many revert to small game seasons that are open?
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2022, 09:44:56 am »
Cool...I used to live in an area that a lot of back water from the river.Speared many a carp there in the spring/summer while they were spawning.Used to smoke them.Good eating.
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