Severe storms are always an event that seems to stick in peoples' minds.The 1970's,1980's had more than their fair share in those times.Not really complaining here just showing what it takes to live here.
Being out on a farm in the northern midwest taking care of hundreds livestock was a lot of work.Three day blows of 50 to 70 mph winds.No electricity for days,15' tall drifts,1 lane traffic on 2 lane highways and many gravel roads completely closed.Puts a stress on everyone.After storms like that you moved snow pretty much every day depending which way the wind blew.A lot of it by hand with a shovel.It piles up quick and does'nt go away for quite some time.These pictures are just a small example from what I would see every day for months some winters.

Nowadays being retired I'm lucky that I only need to keep a 3/4 mile lane open.

Got a good idea what it was like in the late 1800's without the equipment.Tougher times back then yet with lots of death all around too.