Author Topic: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting  (Read 8029 times)

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As the title says and I'd be interested in anyone elses.
Just a few to begin with.I had a chickadee once come and land right on my broadhead on my lap.Fluff up and settle in on it's haunches to stay a while.It stayed there quite a while until I finally moved the broadhead.It flew into a tree next door and scolded the heck out of me.....ha ha.
Once a squirrel climbed up a small tree about 6' in front of me to my head height.While clinging to the side of the tree he was right in front of my face and could see by his body language he was eye balling to jump onto my tree for some reason.I mumbled in a low tone don't even think about it....ha ha.In that next instant he sprung right onto the top of my head.Sprung from there on up the tree I was in above me.
Two coon once  climbed down the side of the tree I was in above me.Made me wonder in the beginning where the noise was coming from.I seen them poking their heads around the corner of the trunk keeping an eye on me.
A barred owl came and sat within 10' of me for a bit too.Good close up look at him.
A robin once sat on the end of my muzzle loader barrel quite a while hunting once too.
We've got all kinds of hawks here it seems.This one in paticular is a medium sized type hawk.Bigger than a sparrow hawk but not as big as a red tailed hawk.Closer in size to the sparrow hawk though.I call them falcons.I've seen them rocket through the woods with amazing agility swerving and diving.Think they were after the squirrels or small birds.
Oh yea....A possum came into to my blind once.I tapped him on the head with my bow and he left....ha ha.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2021, 03:35:48 pm by BowEd »
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while hunting
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2021, 01:00:27 pm »
Yup there certainly is a lot more to hunting than just watching for deer.

I’ve had those little chipmunks climb right up my leg to my knee before. Didn’t move until I did. Their so funny. They sound like a herd of cattle bulldozing their way under the leaves. Of course they aren’t as funny when they are scolding you and everything within 200 yards can hear it.

I’m alway amazed how many birds come to roost in the trees I planted in my fence rows. Just before dark those trees come alive. Literally thousands of them. Like you Ed I have had them land or almost land in some pretty funny places.

Had a little spike horn lay down right under my tree stand once. Laid there for at least a hour.

Had some pretty exciting moments with mice in my gun blind before to.

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Offline WhistlingBadger

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while hunting
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2021, 01:43:32 pm »
This one in paticular is a medium sized type hawk.Bigger than a sparrow hawk but not as big as a red tailed hawk.Closer in size to the sparrow hawk though.I call them falcons.I've seen them rocket through the woods with amazing agility swerving and diving.Think they were after the squirrels or small birds.
Sounds like a sharp-shinned hawk, or maybe a cooper's.  I had one fly in to my cow calls once, land on a tree branch right above my head, and give me the eye for a few minutes before losing interest and moving on.  Watching those things hunt is amazing, the way they weave in and out of the trees without clotheslining themselves or breaking a wing.

This isn't exactly what you're asking for, Ed, but here you go, anyway.  One time I was sneaking around in the canyon country when I got in front of a herd of mulies, maybe six or seven of them.  It was all does and fawns, and I had a buck tag, but you never who might show up, so I let them come.  I was hunkered down behind a tiny bush, in terrible position to shoot anyway, and worst of all, the lead doe had me pegged.  She didn't know what I was, and she wasn't scared, but she knew something was not quite right about me.  (my wife will tell you the same thing, but that's another story)  She kept popping her head up to gaze at me, then she'd go back to feeding. 

They kept feeding in my direction, though, getting closer and closer.  Finally, the lead doe was within about 15 feet (still popping looks at me every few seconds), my neck was cramping up, and no bucks were forthcoming, so I decided I'd had enough fun.  I waited until she looked at me again, then I lifted up my head and, in a normal talking tone, said, "Boo."

Have you ever seen a deer explode?   ;D ;D ;D  She went about ten feet straight up in the air, legs pinwheeling every which way, and hit the ground going about 80 mph the other way.  The other does followed her, with absolutely no idea what she was so freaked out about.  I came home empty but highly amused.
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Offline BowEd

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2021, 04:13:59 pm »
Yep I get a kick out of seeing and hearing that stuff.
Climbed into a stand once early in the bow season.Got settled in.Looked over and 2 yearlings were standing there less than 50 yards looking at me.I went to waiting cause whenever I can get natural decoys near me the better.The 2 deer just walked a little [less than 10 yards] bit and they both laid down in the slew grass.Figured they were siblings and mom put them there and was gone playing games with a buck somewhere.Sure enough in a couple of hours here she came.The yearlings seem to instantly know she was coming and stood up.I did'nt hear any bleating at all.Never did get a shot at that old doe.
In a stand once about 12 to 13 foot up and a nice 8 point came up from behind me at the base of the tree.Seen his shadow coming.He smelled the climbing stick and looked right up at me through the screen on the platform.Just like an old bear.He walked out slowly in front of me but always keeping his perriferall vision yet.As soon as I raised my bow arm he stepped the pace up.I did'nt want to snap shoot at him.Enough that he went out of range and on his way.
Next morning early I went into same stand in the dark.As the light came I see horns through the brush 30 yards out.Seems he was standing there the whole time I climbed into the tree as I did'nt hear any deer move the whole time.Quite the smart old buck.Never did get a shot at him.
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Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while hunting
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2021, 04:33:08 pm »
This one in paticular is a medium sized type hawk.Bigger than a sparrow hawk but not as big as a red tailed hawk.Closer in size to the sparrow hawk though.I call them falcons.I've seen them rocket through the woods with amazing agility swerving and diving.Think they were after the squirrels or small birds.
Sounds like a sharp-shinned hawk, or maybe a cooper's.  I had one fly in to my cow calls once, land on a tree branch right above my head, and give me the eye for a few minutes before losing interest and moving on.  Watching those things hunt is amazing, the way they weave in and out of the trees without clotheslining themselves or breaking a wing.

This isn't exactly what you're asking for, Ed, but here you go, anyway.  One time I was sneaking around in the canyon country when I got in front of a herd of mulies, maybe six or seven of them.  It was all does and fawns, and I had a buck tag, but you never who might show up, so I let them come.  I was hunkered down behind a tiny bush, in terrible position to shoot anyway, and worst of all, the lead doe had me pegged.  She didn't know what I was, and she wasn't scared, but she knew something was not quite right about me.  (my wife will tell you the same thing, but that's another story)  She kept popping her head up to gaze at me, then she'd go back to feeding. 

They kept feeding in my direction, though, getting closer and closer.  Finally, the lead doe was within about 15 feet (still popping looks at me every few seconds), my neck was cramping up, and no bucks were forthcoming, so I decided I'd had enough fun.  I waited until she looked at me again, then I lifted up my head and, in a normal talking tone, said, "Boo."

Have you ever seen a deer explode?   ;D ;D ;D  She went about ten feet straight up in the air, legs pinwheeling every which way, and hit the ground going about 80 mph the other way.  The other does followed her, with absolutely no idea what she was so freaked out about.  I came home empty but highly amused.

I was sitting under a big ponderosa pine tree late one morning, half napping. I'd been turkey hunting in the woods and it was the late morning lull. I could hear a deer behind me slowly coming up on my position so I froze. She snuffled at my shoulder and was confused as a deer could get. Eventually my lack of movement bored her and she stepped around the tree and walked over my legs lying flat on the ground. When I poked her in the butt with my shotgun, she proceeded to flail the living heck outa my shins as she did a drag strip burnout! The bruises were worth the laugh.

Another time turkey hunting I was sitting between two large ponderosa pine tree blow downs that were very decomposed. There were half a dozen tiny shrews chasing each other around in and out of that one rotted tree trunk. The high-pitched squeaks were barely audible, but I imagined if I were their size they would have sounded like the roar of a lion.

Whenever you are out there, wherever there happens to be, just be fully present in the moment. Your presence paid for the show, soak it all in and get your moneys worth!
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Offline Don W

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2021, 05:38:46 pm »
I was still hunting one day. I step up on a blow down to step over it. Just as I started down a big doe came up out from under it. Knocked me over and scared the jabjeezuz out of me.

Another time, again still hunting a 5 pointer was walking a path about 30 or 40 yards from me. I shot but didn't knock it down, it turned and headed straight for me doing about 100 miles and hour. I jack another shell in the bolt action but got my glove stuck in the action. The deer was head straight at me, full steam and head down. I managed to get my glove loose and bolt closed and pulled a hip shot. He fell about 2 feet in front of me. I stood there for several minutes thinking "what the hell!!"

Not deer hunting, but hunting:
Coon hunting one night it seemed I was the one to climb the tree if we couldn't find the coon. I pulled up and looked over and a big old boar was about 6" away. I point me .22 S&W right at his face and fired. He let out a nasty growl and started a fast crawl toward me. I emptied the revolver before he final fell to the dogs.

Another night climbing a pine tree we shot a coon, but he didn't come down and never showed eyes again. I was probably 20' in the air when he suddenly landed on my head. This was a true "will need clean underwear" moment. Luckily he must have been hanging on, died and let go. He was dead when he landed, although I had no way to known that.

Offline bjrogg

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2021, 08:33:45 pm »
I remember checking my muskrat trap in the dark. About a foot of fresh snow everywhere and I didn’t bother turning on my flashlight till I got to a set.

Almost stepped on a couple pheasant when they flushed. That will wake you up .

Also another time still hunting along side a creek. It went through a woods and as I climbed over dirt piles along it edge I looked down watching my step. Suddenly I made eye contact with a doe that I nearly stepped on. She laid right there till I made eye contact. At that moment she bolted. I really don’t think she would have moved if I hadn’t made eye contact.

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Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2021, 01:01:46 am »
Not exactly hunting, one time we were up high getting lodgepoles, I was fixing to start cooking when a hummingbird decided my watch was a flower and came in close enough that it's wings kissed my wrist!  When it figured out I wasn't a flower, it flew off and lighted on the rack on my trailer, I got a hard copy picture of it in my plunder.  We had a snowy owl watch us set up our tipi from it's perch for nearly a half hour, that was the same year we saw 2 nearly white mule deer, strange happenings!  This year the only legal critter we saw was a cock pheasant - .308 is not a good pheasant gun! 
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Offline BowEd

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2021, 08:23:29 am »
A close bow making & hunting friend of mine decided to hunt this year with his flint lock during Iowas' early muzzle loader season.It's in the middle of october.Said he spotted 2 bucks sparring worth checking out.He sneak crawled up to them.He got close.
Apparently too close as the winning buck ran the other buck off and that buck ran right over him stepping on his ankle pretty bad apparently and it swelling up a lot.
I've had to side step bucks giving them a wide berth at night while coon hunting going through the woods that were acting just too brave & aggressive.I don't trust them.Most don't do this but you never know.Anytime an animal acts out of the norm a red flag show go up.
Except for skunks that I've come upon numerous times at night if they are'nt coming straight at you of course.Their back end is like a little cannon.They look over their back to make sure they got you in line.Get a kick out of the way they can bounce on all fours when their pissed off.
When I watch these shows about nature I'm always impressed by how long they have to sit motionless and devoted these photographers have to be to get a picture or video.
I believe it's one of the reasons natives were such good hunters.Observing your opponents' nature and habits helps for a good hunt.
I've come upon fawns in the spring [just born] hunkered down a few times.Every now and then I'll have my camera with me.Not really hunting but still shed hunting....ha ha.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2021, 08:49:09 am by BowEd »
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Offline PaSteve

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2021, 10:31:04 am »
I used to hunt a piece of property that had big boulders across the top of a hill. It created natural funnels for deer to come down the hill, cross the creek and make their way into the fields below. There was a shelf about 3/4 up the hill that the deer would travel across after filtering from the boulders on their way down the hill. I had a tree stand on the shelf with some big boulders directly across from me.
    One sunny but chilly November afternoon, I was entertained by a red fox hunting for squirrels. After a short unsuccessful hunt the fox climbed on top of one of the boulders, found a nice sunny spot, laid down and began to groom himself. Then he decided to take a nap in the sunshine. He must have been in a deep sleep because he didn't seem to hear to a doe approaching down the trail between myself and the fox. I slowly got into position for the shot paying attention not to alert the deer or the sleeping fox. As the doe walked through my shooting lane I made a double lung shot and the doe ran down the hill and collapsed. Just at that time I remembered the sleeping fox. I looked over and he was standing on the rock in the sunshine staring at me with a "what the hell was that" look on his face. I chuckled to myself and yelled over to the fox..."if you want to hang around for an hour you'll have a fresh gut pile for dinner".
      Another time hunting the same property I was in a stand one afternoon in early October. About 2 hours before sunset I saw a big Great Horned Owl fly through the woods and land on a big branch about 50-60 yards away. I've heard owls hooting many times in these woods but mainly later at night or first thing in the morning. This day was different, this owl was not hooting but he was making a very loud screeching sound. After a few minutes, he leapt of the branch and made a bee-line straight in my direction. Before, I actually realized what was going on he was right in my face, wings spread and talons ready to attack... I took my longbow and started hitting the owl as he was attempting to attack me. It was rather frightening as I was about 18' feet up a tree on a small platform with no safety belt. ( This was about 30 years ago and safety belts weren't used like they are today). I don't know what this owl's problem was but he flew around the backside of the tree and tried to attack again! At this point I figured he could have the hill to himself... I'm getting down. To my surprise as I was climbing down the tree a 6 point whitetail came up the hill and passed by about 20 yards out never noticing me climbing down the tree. So, not only did that owl ruin my hunt, almost knock me out of my stand for an 18' fall, he also cost me a shot at a buck. I continued to hunt that stand and was never bothered by the owl again. If anyone's ever seen a big great horned owls talons about a foot away from your face in attack mode, it can be quite intimidating.
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Offline Allyn T

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2021, 12:11:01 pm »
Wow these are some great stories! I had a skunk trying to dig through my trash can I stashed under my camper on a hunting trip. It was a sketchy situation trying to get him out from under my pop-up without him spraying. The coolest thing I've seen hunting in my few years was I climbed down mid day to scout after a morning hunt. While standing in a dry creek a medium sized hawk like Ed was talking about was flying and weaving with a small bird. I figured the bird was harassing the hawk like you see them do in the open all the time. They ended up flying by between me and the bank at chest height. After they passed the little bird was on top and the hawk rolled upside down and snatched the bird out of the air! It dropped it  right after it grabbed it and flew off. I found the little bird lying on the ground alive with droplets of blood around it. It is called a cedar waxwing.
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Offline TimBo

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2021, 12:54:31 pm »
This fall I was hunkered down behind some brush with a good view of a couple of trails.  Nothing showed up and it was just about dark when a possum staggered out of his den about three feet from me.  He didn't notice me until I said "hi", and then remembered somewhere else he needed to be!

Offline bjrogg

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2021, 04:14:49 pm »
Jerry’s hummingbird story reminded me of another one.

One day I was getting in our bright yellow excavator. The cab door was open. I climbed in the seat and a hummingbird bird had landed on the wiper switch on the top of the cab. Evidently it thought the yellow excavator was a big flower. It started hovering around the top of the cab but couldn’t seem to figure out it had to lose about 8” of elevation to make it out the door. After it buzzed around awhile I put my hand overtop of the hovering hummingbird. It hover right there and I slowly lowered my hand, gently forcing it to lose the 8” of elevation to leave through the open door. As soon as it saw the opening it zipped away. That was pretty cool

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Offline Piddler

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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2021, 07:45:29 pm »
Little buck story. Rifle season a long time ago. I was walking on a cow trail through a cane break along the edge of a creek when I hear a buck grunting. Naturally I stop and get ready anticipating what was coming. The grunting kept getting louder and louder. A forked horn buck came around the corner with his head to the ground heavily concentrating on the scent he was following. The little feller stopped at most 3 feet from the barrel of the 30-06 (AKA the Hammer) I was carrying. He looked up never really raising his head. Poor fellers eyes got big and his mouth flew open and he just froze not knowing what to do. I started laughing which gave him pause so he turned and made two hops looked back then took off. Still laughing to myself I proceeded down the trail when I hear rocks in the creek bed just exploding and getting closer. Finally saw only the little bucks horns as the creek bank is fairly tall. The little buck went up a beaver slide in the creek bank with a big coyote about 2 feet off its tail. I stood in such amazement at the sight that the thought to try and shoot the coyote off him didn't even register. My best guess is the little buck was so distracted by almost running into me that he run head first into the coyote. Guess he was having a bad day. It all started with him getting all love sick.
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Re: Funny but interesting close encounters that happen while deer hunting
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2021, 12:51:51 pm »
Cool stories......I'm sure many stories have been forgotten over time.
I've had my fair share of owl close encounters too.Especially at night coon hunting or predator calling.Saw one snatch a pheasant in flight.Land with it still kicking in its' talons in a tree.Their grip is like a vice speaking from first hand experience.Very quiet almost silent while flying.That was a great horned.
Three kinds mostly here.Screech,barred and great horned.All recognizable by there screams or hoots.Screech is easy.Barred hoot is 8 syllables while the great horned is 4 and overall deeper and louder.
Very efficient rabbit killers.Especially in the winter time.Rabbits weigh more than they do.Still admire them.
When deer get spooked they seem to run with tunnel vision.When standing still they don't even notice you running right by you.One reason why my friend got stomped.
Sitting still hunting and watching these things go on is entertaining for sure,but I try not to get too overly involved watching them getting caught out of position when a deer shows up.

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