Author Topic: Some people....or their kid...  (Read 4066 times)

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Offline JW_Halverson

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Some people....or their kid...
« on: November 18, 2021, 08:48:17 pm »
Monday night I was visiting a friend in Custer SD and in the morning I woke to find all four tires slashed. We are pretty sure we know who did it and why, but we have no evidence. The Sheriff's department deputy says she has the same suspicions and will work the case accordingly.

I was awfully tempted to find the person (or possibly his 27 yr old wastrel son who already has an impressive record including 4 DUI's and multiple other charges in his history). I'd do something clever like toss a bullet at him and holler "Catch!" Then I would advise him the next one wouldn't have a warning and would perhaps be moving a bit faster.....BUT then I am the bad guy for making threats of bodily harm and it only serves to escalate the situation to personal violence. So, I reined my bad impulses in (because this is what adults do).

I have been scratching my head, thinking over options, and I think I have a chance of smoking the perp out, or at the very least making them so uncomfortable that they do not repeat the behavior. I am going to plaster the little town with reward posters offering a Henry Golden Boy .17 HMR with scope. There is a long and bitter story of how I came to own this rifle and if it goes away I can start to forget the bitterness it represents. And in a little western town like this, someone offering a nice rifle is going to create a lot of talk in the cafes and bars. The gun is worth about as much as the tires, towing, etc. If that talk gets back to the perp it's gonna make them nervous about getting ratted out, as it should. It will serve to make them understand that I am dead serious about seeing them arrested and charged. The more sleep they lose, the better I feel about it.

Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline Russ

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2021, 10:43:33 pm »
Wow... this kinda makes me upset man! Im sorry to hear that tho and i reaaaallllllyyyyy hope they get what they deserve. hefty fine or a CRAP ton of regret. 

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2021, 11:05:07 pm »
Somebody else probably dislikes the individual(s) as well!  Perhaps the favor will get returned!  People like that don't have regrets, and think it is someone else's fault if they get caught and punished! 
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2021, 09:44:23 am »
Toilet licking maggots like that are always proud of their misdeeds and wear them like a badge of honor, they always brag to others about what they did, someone will speak up for the reward. These types of people always have a "get you back" mentality, never to your face and always as a stab in your back when you aren't looking.

I threw a couple of lowlifes out of my hunting club for poaching, they came back and burned our check-in station to the ground and bragged around town that they shot 50 deer off our land at night after I threw them out and threw the carcasses in a dich on their way home to Mississippi.

I knew they did it, one of our mutual friends that I worked with said they told him they did but he wouldn't testify if I had them arrested. The game warden tried to catch them while they were on the killing spree but covering 4000 acres was a dauting task for one guy. He would hear the gunshots at night but they were gone when he got to where the shot came from.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2021, 09:06:12 pm by Eric Krewson »

Offline bjrogg

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2021, 09:56:04 am »
I really don’t know what the answer is for dealing with people like this. I’m alway hoping they get theirs in the end. I know how violated you feel. Don’t let it eat you up. They aren’t worth it and that’s what they want you to do.

Reward is kinda interesting idea. Reminds me of that movie. Can’t remember the name. Mel Gibson play a wealthy man who’s son is kidnapped. Instead of paying the ransom he puts out a even larger reward. Interesting concept.

Hope things work out. Remember everyone isn’t that kinda scum.

A hot cup of coffee and a beautiful sunrise

Offline PaulN/KS

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2021, 10:03:50 am »
Offering up the rifle as a reward might work but there is a chance that the person who "rats" the guy out might not be unqualified to own a firearm.
Hope the cops can catch and convict the guy.

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2021, 07:17:29 pm »
Offering up the rifle as a reward might work but there is a chance that the person who "rats" the guy out might not be unqualified to own a firearm.
Hope the cops can catch and convict the guy.

I have given that a thought, too. That's why I am going through the county sheriff's department. Anyone providing the evidence that leads to conviction will have to make themselves known to the sheriff and they can tell me to give the party the equivalence in cash.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2021, 02:05:30 am »
AHAA,  the sheriff probably already knows the dude and is just trying to give him enough rope to hang himself!  A tidbit of information might be just enough!
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!

Offline PaulN/KS

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2021, 06:17:05 am »
Offering up the rifle as a reward might work but there is a chance that the person who "rats" the guy out might not be unqualified to own a firearm.
Hope the cops can catch and convict the guy.

I have given that a thought, too. That's why I am going through the county sheriff's department. Anyone providing the evidence that leads to conviction will have to make themselves known to the sheriff and they can tell me to give the party the equivalence in cash.

Smart...  :OK

Offline Pappy

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2021, 05:41:34 pm »
That stinks JW, can't really figure out why some folks do them kind of things, hope they catch him or them but if it is like here they ant going to do anything to them if they do catch them, I have a guy that owes me 1,800.00 for tree stands he stole out of my barn, caught him but wouldn't tell them what he did with the stands, went to court and he got a year for my break in along with several other and supposed to pay me reparations for 1,800.00, he was back on the street in 4 days and I haven't seen any money either, that's been 2 years ago. They wonder why some take the law into their own hands. >:( >:(
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline GlisGlis

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2021, 10:16:45 am »
Pappy I had a similar experience
Extremely long legal proceedings, I was recognised a compensation.
Result. Never saw a penny, had to pay the lawyer fees and while I was mainly resignated and pissed off I bet the guy was laughing at law his beer in hand.

It's hard to say but in many cases direct action will bring far better results

Offline WhistlingBadger

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2021, 01:49:58 pm »
Sorry to hear that, JW.  Hope you and the law can bring the jerk to justice.
Lander, Wyoming
"The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail.
Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for."
~Louis L'Amour

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2021, 04:21:07 pm »
That stinks JW, can't really figure out why some folks do them kind of things, hope they catch him or them but if it is like here they ant going to do anything to them if they do catch them, I have a guy that owes me 1,800.00 for tree stands he stole out of my barn, caught him but wouldn't tell them what he did with the stands, went to court and he got a year for my break in along with several other and supposed to pay me reparations for 1,800.00, he was back on the street in 4 days and I haven't seen any money either, that's been 2 years ago. They wonder why some take the law into their own hands. >:( >:(

In this situation you can go to the county where the crime occurred and have a lien placed against him. Good luck ever selling anything with a title ever again until the lien is satisfied. If the party lives in another county, you may have to file in that county as well. I had a friend in this same situation and when the person tried to trade in their vehicle they were SOL (Short on Luck)! The lien was equal to the trade in value and the dealer told the buyer their trade in was zero.
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline WhistlingBadger

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2021, 06:02:58 pm »
In this situation you can go to the county where the crime occurred and have a lien placed against him. Good luck ever selling anything with a title ever again until the lien is satisfied. If the party lives in another county, you may have to file in that county as well. I had a friend in this same situation and when the person tried to trade in their vehicle they were SOL (Short on Luck)! The lien was equal to the trade in value and the dealer told the buyer their trade in was zero.

Wow, that's a pretty good system.
Lander, Wyoming
"The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail.
Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for."
~Louis L'Amour

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Some people....or their kid...
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2021, 12:36:23 am »
Sounds a lot more legal than hiding the body!😁  Frontier justice is somewhat out of vogue nowadays!
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!