Author Topic: Hunters moon  (Read 11713 times)

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Offline Fox

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2021, 05:05:45 pm »
Well there’s no one spot, it’s about 3/4 mile hike in and I have bumped deer the whole way in
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Offline BowEd

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2021, 11:47:20 pm »
Is there only one direction to enter this pubilc hunting ground from?
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Offline Don W

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2021, 08:50:06 am »
The first week of hunting here I seen deer everyday I got out. I missed one, twice the first day. I missed a shot not paying attention a few days later. The last two days I haven't seen a thing.

I've seen two nice size buck within rifle range. I had a spike just out of bow range. I tried calling him back. He flirted with me for a moment or two then walked away

The weather has turned colder the last couple of days so I thought they would be moving better, but what do I know. They constantly prove me wrong

Offline BowEd

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2021, 10:16:45 am »
Sounds like your bow was quiet enough to get a second shot.Good luck ITF.
I hav'nt missed yet but only taken 1 shot.Was within 8 yards of 2 other does on 2 seperate occasions but no shot IMO was there.No harm no foul when you let them go unaware of your presence.
Deer soon get wise to a place that is overhunted and it does'nt take very many times.
Generalzations about deer are usually debunked.Figure on the unexpected is the best policy.
Raining and colder here today on my hunting area.This will really kick the rut into high gear.Time for the long underwear!!!!!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 10:22:24 am by BowEd »
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Offline TimBo

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2021, 10:52:11 pm »
Fox, maybe you need to still hunt on the way in.  It would take quite a while for 3/4 of a mile, but maybe just stand behind or up against a tree without moving for 10 minutes or more, then quietly move in a short distance and do that again.  Try to see deer moving before they see you.  Of course, then you have to figure out how to get closer and shoot...not easy, but you would have a better chance that hiking in and bumping them.  Are you going in the evening?

Offline Don W

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2021, 01:30:00 pm »
Fox, maybe you need to still hunt on the way in.  It would take quite a while for 3/4 of a mile, but maybe just stand behind or up against a tree without moving for 10 minutes or more, then quietly move in a short distance and do that again.  Try to see deer moving before they see you.  Of course, then you have to figure out how to get closer and shoot...not easy, but you would have a better chance that hiking in and bumping them.  Are you going in the evening?

This is how I learned to hunt. It's a pretty good challenge with a primitive bow, but my failures this year so far are my own doing and season is still young.

Offline Fox

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2021, 04:14:34 pm »
I’ve done that a little bit timbo, when I have enough time, but I always see deer on the game camera around 2 so I want to be at my spot by then, and I usually don’t get out earlier then 1… I need to get a few days where I can be out at dawn and then still hunt up there maybe ? That could be good
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Offline Allyn T

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2021, 10:27:06 pm »
Fox don't get so focused on one spot. Just because you get a picture of a deer every few days doesn't mean anything. If you are bumping deer evey time you hike in I'd say hunting your way in is def worth a shot vs sitting and waiting. My first year hunting I was on the ground and did a lot of walking. Saw a ton of deer that way and even saw some before they saw me. I wasnt successful on closing the deal but there were a few times the deer were on the regular hiking path and if I was a better hunter I could have gotten a shot.
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Offline Don W

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2021, 08:24:04 am »
Deer don't usually go far when you jump them. Often time getting them moving means you can run into them again. Or better yet, they run into you, but you need to learn their patterns.

Offline BowEd

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2021, 10:23:49 am »
This type hunting is what I call scouting.Learning their haunts and movement patterns.I do that before I actually sit hunt and get in there plenty early before they start moving.I don't use cameras either.It takes a lot of time prior to actually hunting weeks later letting things to settle down before actually hunting the area.
Rifle hunting you can get away with that shooting at a longer distance.Jumping them and following them is'nt very successful.This close up hunting most times you can't.You may get lucky though.They are very smart and deserve credit for it.Eventually all they'll do is pattern you and their pretty good at doing that.It's a big world out there for them and they can go other places.We are in their backyard.
Another thing the weather will make them move different too.Lots of variables to this primtive hunting.Every year is a little different but generally the same if you hunt the same area year after year.
The whole reason to embrace this primitive hunting is to improve a person's hunting skills.Knowing your quarry and let them make the mistake.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2021, 04:09:26 pm by BowEd »
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Offline BowEd

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2021, 04:00:36 pm »
I’ve done that a little bit timbo, when I have enough time, but I always see deer on the game camera around 2 so I want to be at my spot by then, and I usually don’t get out earlier then 1… I need to get a few days where I can be out at dawn and then still hunt up there maybe ? That could be good
Sounds like to me your walking right through their bedding area at that time of day.That's why I asked is there another direction you can walk into this public hunting ground.
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Offline Fox

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2021, 09:53:47 pm »
I don't mean to highjack your thread! ... thanks for this good info guys. today I was out hunting and I ran into some deer walking in again! its really windy out and had just rained so I was being very quiet. I wasn't paying close enough attention I would have probably had a great shot opportunity, sadly they saw me before I saw them they were about 30 yards away coming my way.. darn!! oh well... I followed them a little bit and they led me to a new spot which had some scrapes and a good trail so I sat there that afternoon. I ended up walking all over that area though and walked right next to a bed there, will my scent being there make them not go there anymore? should I try to hunt that spot again? the deer all bed down on the ridges so I try to stay away from there, I know where a lot of beds are but one I find them I wonder if they'll never bed there again?
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Offline Allyn T

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2021, 10:27:58 pm »
I'd say it's more likely continuous intrusion chases deer off but where I'm at deer bed in different areas often. So if you blew them out it's not like the would leave town anyway, just maybe bed in a different spot for a little bit. The creator of lone wolf stands purposely tries to bump deer out of beds about a week before opener so he knows exactly where they will be come opening day.
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Offline StickMark

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2021, 11:05:21 pm »

an older deer may bounce out of there. I scrapped my wooden nocks in a back quiver against a cliff years ago, and the big old bruiser I did not release on earlier got up at abut 75yds, and I did not see him again. Lion got him, I figure.

BowEd, yep. I think I learned each sentence in this quote, one day at a time, one deer at 35 yards at a time, one sit after sit at a time. Watched an old buck I should have drawn a few weeks prior, he went on to nudge other younger bucks with his nose, as he caught on to a molecule or so of me. He got up, all nonchalant and proceeded to eat along a ridge. I had Rhodesian crawled to about 100 yards or so. I looked as he moved his nostrils, catching the back swirl of me, and teaching the others. I never saw him again until Idiot ( my nom de guerre) scrapped douglas fir against an Az cliff. "Can't cure stupid"  :fp

All depends, I reckon.
This type hunting is what I call scouting.Learning their haunts and movement patterns.I do that before I actually sit hunt and get in there plenty early before they start moving.I don't use cameras either.It takes a lot of time prior to actually hunting weeks later letting things to settle down before actually hunting the area.
Rifle hunting you can get away with that shooting at a longer distance.Jumping them and following them is'nt very successful.This close up hunting most times you can't.You may get lucky though.They are very smart and deserve credit for it.Eventually all they'll do is pattern you and their pretty good at doing that.It's a big world out there for them and they can go other places.We are in their backyard.
Another thing the weather will make them move different too.Lots of variables to this primtive hunting.Every year is a little different but generally the same if you hunt the same area year after year.
The whole reason to embrace this primitive hunting is to improve a person's hunting skills.Knowing your quarry and let them make the mistake.

Offline BowEd

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Re: Hunters moon
« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2021, 06:33:02 am »
I don't mean to highjack your thread! ... thanks for this good info guys. today I was out hunting and I ran into some deer walking in again! its really windy out and had just rained so I was being very quiet. I wasn't paying close enough attention I would have probably had a great shot opportunity, sadly they saw me before I saw them they were about 30 yards away coming my way.. darn!! oh well... I followed them a little bit and they led me to a new spot which had some scrapes and a good trail so I sat there that afternoon. I ended up walking all over that area though and walked right next to a bed there, will my scent being there make them not go there anymore? should I try to hunt that spot again? the deer all bed down on the ridges so I try to stay away from there, I know where a lot of beds are but one I find them I wonder if they'll never bed there again?
No problem Fox.You are'nt at all.We're just relating experiences and tactics on getting close to these deer.It's a tough go sometimes with this primitive gear I'm talking about.If it was easy everyone would be doing it.That's why so few are trying it.
Yesterday was just too windy here for me no matter what stand I went into.Wind was swirling around in the hollers.The deer are there,but they'll smell me sure as the world.I like to get within 20 yards yet.I keep my hunting clothes in a barrel with sage or outside.Take showers/apply scent killer etc. too.
They will return in time.They are'nt gone for good.It's there home territory.A does' range really is'nt that big but bucks will roam wider of course.Especially later when what I call traveler bucks leave their area and come into new areas looking for unbred does.
You can always tell if you go into a fresh new area on a larger piece or completely new area.Deer are more relaxed and shots come a lot easier.My problem is I only hunt my 30 acres and noone is hunting on the other side of the fence to spook them into my area.I could try to get permission to hunt the neighbors ground but most all that is spoken for already for later with a rifle or shotgun coming up.Deer hunting is a big money making deal in my area.Lots of outfitters looking to make a buck or two.Currently no outfitters are on the other side of the fence this year,but out of state wisconsin hunters will be here for late muzzle loader season this year.They've shot all the big bucks in their state and have come over here thinking it'll be easier and bigger deer.
It costs them hundreds of dollars though.Personally I can't make any sense of it.
We have a bow shut down here while shotgun season is on from december 6th to december 20th.That's when they spook all the deer back my into my area.Every state can be different.Then open for bow again to january 10th.Quite a bit of time yet though till december 6th.
The shotgun season here is when things can get crazy.Sometimes sounding like WW III with so many shots going off.They drive hunt many times with many individuals posting sitters to ambush what their driving.They shoot at deer running with their automatics and pumps till they run out of shells.I've seen a number of deer with their wounded [never found by them] or their lower 6" of leg dangling still alive.
Knowing who's hunting where in these public areas is sketchy at times.They can spook them towards you or ruin your hunt.
Weather is holding up temperature wise.Frost most mornings though.I'll end up in the blind when it gets too darn cold.Forecast is for rain the next 2 days.
There's good fresh scrapes all along and in this area and I should get at least a couple more bow shots yet.I've gotten 1 doe so far with my self bow.2 more bow tags to fill though.I have a late season muzzle loader tag [antlerless] that's valid december 20th to january 10th for a back up.I'd like to get at least 200 pounds of deer meat.The price of beef has sky rocketed.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2021, 09:09:39 am by BowEd »
You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.