Author Topic: What are you hunting this year?  (Read 5081 times)

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Offline WhistlingBadger

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What are you hunting this year?
« on: August 24, 2021, 02:04:09 pm »
...and what are you hunting with?

September 1 is opening day here in Wyoming.  I plan on stalking mule deer in the red-rock juniper hills, and elk in the mountains.  Deer is 3 points or more, which is tough, but I have a couple of good areas scouted and I'd say I have a good chance of sealing the deal on one. 

I'll be hunting with my 45# hickory/rawhide Sudbury.  I just finished a set of self-nocked, hickory arrows with Canada goose cocks and wild turkey hens, tipped with 235g kodiak single bevels. 

Here, elky elky elky!


Lander, Wyoming
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Offline mmattockx

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2021, 02:30:40 pm »
Whitetail and Mulie. Hunting with rifle in eastern Alberta. Season runs Nov. 1-30. This year I have tags for whitetail and mulie does and whitetail buck. My son has the same, so we could theoretically get 2 of each but we don't want that many. If we get a couple good sized mulie does and one decent buck I would be very happy with that.


Offline PaSteve

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2021, 06:48:01 pm »
Whitetail and black bear. Deer I pretty much archery hunt. I have 3 antlerless tags and one buck tag so I plan on hunting a lot this year. I'll use my fumed Osage selfbow with bamboo arrows tipped with either Cutthroat or Meathead single bevel broadheads. In October I take a week off and hunt black bear with my .54 cal flintlock. This year I can use one of my anterless tags in the management area I hunt for bear so I can shoot a doe with my flintlock if the opportunity arises.
"It seems so much more obvious with bows than with other matters, that we are the guardians of the prize we seek." Dean Torges

Offline Fox

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2021, 09:51:38 pm »
Well, I'm going to start out the season with squirrels which starts September, then really hit the mountains in October for whitetail... and I'm well not sure what I'm going to be hunting with yet. Unless I can get an SB to hunt with before the season starts ill be hunting with my old glass bow until later in the season when I have an SB set up to hunt with. I'll hopefully be shooting traditional points of some k
« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 01:05:33 pm by Fox »
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Offline Russ

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2021, 10:26:46 pm »
Pheasant and turkey with a shotgun, deer with a rifle, rabbits and squirrels with my self bow. I don’t trust my aim well enough with a bow to go for big game. I want to hunt the rabbits with some stone points I make and such. Ohhhhh now I’m excited!!!!

Offline Pappy

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2021, 11:22:09 pm »
White tail, self bow, who knows which one, all I build for me are about the same . Cedar and sour wood shafts with Ace 160 / 200 and trade points. Pappy
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Offline Woody roberts

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2021, 11:52:38 pm »
Deer season starts here sept 15th. I may hunt close to home early in the morning. I have a hard time thinking of deer hunting when it’s hot and buggy.
I currently have 2 bows that I can use. 1 Osage and 1 hickory. They both shoot the same for me but the Osage is slightly faster. Both are self bows.
My cane arrows just don’t group as good as the carbons I practice with. But I may be able to pick out a couple of the best ones when it gets a little closer.

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2021, 04:45:09 pm »
I think we are going to go for seasons choice antlerless only again, we get to hunt whatever season it is for deer.  Elk tags are too hard to get, and I don't hunt bear, closed season anyway.  Geese, ducks, pheasant, rabbits, other small game in season.  Got a squirrel getting fat in my apple tree, but the city frowns on hunting in town  (SH) (B) :G :-D (lol)
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Offline WhistlingBadger

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2021, 04:56:34 pm »
Got a squirrel getting fat in my apple tree, but the city frowns on hunting in town  (SH) (B) :G :-D (lol)!

Time to invest in a sling shot!  Or a blowgun.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 05:09:02 pm by WhistlingBadger »
Lander, Wyoming
"The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail.
Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for."
~Louis L'Amour

Offline BowEd

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2021, 06:50:29 am »
White tailed deer with a self bow and shoot arrows.
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Offline Don W

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2021, 07:49:18 am »
I built a custom 30-06 from a Mauser action around '96. I have rifle hunted with it for whitetail ever since. Last year I added self bow to the archery season. I tend to like to build things. This year it'll be the rifle I built, the bow I built with the arrows I built along with the quiver I built. I know this is a common scenario here, but it's a step up for me.

Offline Morgan

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2021, 08:10:10 am »
Gonna try to get on some pigs when it cools off a bit.  Probably be toting an eastern woodlands inspired elm or hackberry D bow.

Offline Piddler

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2021, 08:02:59 pm »
Come October Whitetail as usual. This year it will be with a selfbow and not the wheelie one. Taken lots of animals with wheels but the time has come too move on. Still need to get the broadheads sorted out. Could use a little more arrow sorting as well. Time is getting short when you think about it.
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Offline StickMark

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2021, 10:41:03 pm »
Velvet season in Arizona. hunted mulie deer; did a long day sit by water in the monsoonal jungle ( insane chest high grasses where it was totally bare last year!) of the border lands. However, felt "exposed", given the lack of Border patrol presence.

Next day, hunted whitetail in the mtns, foothills, saw a large black bear.

Will focus on coues whitetail.....not "trophy hunting" this year...been too long since a bow harvest

Offline boxerboxer

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Re: What are you hunting this year?
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2021, 12:20:04 pm »
I'll be hunting whitetail until I get at least one with a bow. I'm still shooting a takedown bow of the material that must not be named, 46# @ 29.5". Arrows are about 640gr, 2117s 5" 3 fletch with 100gr adapters and zwickey deltas up front. I've got a few selfbows in the works, including a red oak board flatbow and an ash bow design TBD, and if they get done in time I'll take one or both out as well.

I'll buy a rifle deer tag because of a good friend I enjoy hunting with that doesn't shoot a bow (YET!).

If I can kill a deer early season (and maybe here and there when I only have a short time to go out) I may go look for some pheasant, rabbit, squirrel, most likely with my trusty 1187, although if I can finish my son's bow up with enough time left in the season I will take him bowhunting for rabbit/squirrel. I may also buy a waterfowl tag as I have yet to take any and love eating them, especially duck.

There are raccoons at one of my deer spots, and while I won't pursue them deliberately I would gladly take one from the deer stand if the opportunity arises. I will also do some coyote calling once deer season is over (or if I fill a couple tags early) as I'd love to take one with my bow.

I had hoped to do some combination of western ND deer, MT bear, or WY antelope this year, but my wife's anxiety has reached the point where I can't get too much more than a half hour from home before she has a panic attack, so my hunting has to be pretty close to home for the forseable future.