Thank you!
Sorry Eric, I forgot to mention, it's tiny pin knots.
Dances with squirrels: the growth rings on this one don't necessary correspond with taper rates because it's a sapling like stave that I backed with hazel due to damage in the sapwood. It was not my first bow and not my first yew either... I have seen frets on yew with knots or grain undulation. I haven't seen frets on clean yew, also tiny pin knots never caused problems. Also there are more frets far away from any pin knot. Usually I find yew quite forgiving for little tillering mistakes...worst case is a little set. If it gets catastrophic it usually is the back....never a compression issue.
Of course I will make a new one

but this one really hurts because it was some kind of special with the hazel backing.
Del: It was around 45# @ 27" ....the bow is rather short, around 60"ntn or a bit less ... yes it was meant to run on the edge, almost a flight bow... still: frets like these on yew are a first time experience for me.
Hamish: Could be. Another quite experienced bowyer not long ago told me, he wouldn't care about pins because they would act similar to armoring in concrete...
After all: It's probably my fault - I made the bow - layout maybe was a little on the risky side - tillering maybe was not careful enough for the delicate design and shortness. Hopefully learned something.