Here are a few pics of the rear folded wrap...Looking closely at the photo you can see the folded quill, this isn't necessary...I start at the rear "90 degrees" perpendicular to the nock/string groove with a few wraps then fold over and continue wrapping until secure...I then move to the front and pull the wet quill tight, in line with the nock/string groove and finish wrapping, taking care to cover the quill well to protect my hand...You can pull the wet quill end tight towards the point end of the arrow as you wrap and then trim...The first time I made these I had a loud buzz from the quill vibrating against the shaft, it was remedied by the small tie in the center to hold it tight against the shaft...The artist's rendition in the above photo was probably very accurate showing the gap between feather and shaft...Keep in mind this isn't the only way to tie a 2 fletch but works for my personal application...