your right,, couldnt find it, didnt want to delay the full draw,
shot it through the chronograph,, shooting 167fps with 465 grain arrow 26 inches of draw about 55#,8.45 gpp ,,,it has nice cast,, I have one more hickory stave,, will try putting a bit more reflex and a little more sinew and see how it compares,, I feel like if I narrowed the tip on that bottom limb it would help, but I didnt want to lose any of the snake skin,,
I learned alot making these two bows, that will help me make a better one next time, every bow you make adds to your depth of knowlege that helps you inprove,, I dont think you can figure it out on a computer, you just have to make the bows,, no easy way about it and thats what makes it so rewarding when you get one to shoot and the next one to shoot better,,