Hey, All,
I posted my first elm self bow a while back that I had made for a friend. However, it had a weak area in the bottom limb that progressively got worse as I kept shooting it in. After studying my old pics, I should have seen it coming. I ended up scrapping the bow as it is way out of tiller and doomed to failure. I learned a lot about elm and the effects of heat-treating on it, so I'll chalk it up to experience.
Anyway, I started over for my friend's bow and came up with this new and improved version. I made it a little longer than the last, and I was more careful with the tiller, armed with a better understanding of elm. I heat-treated it on the caul Marc-style, and slowly tillered it to the desired weight. I tried making some Weylin-style ridges on the fades just 'cuz. I pretty much ended up with the profile I was shooting for. Here are the particulars:
66" NTN
1-3/4" at fades, down to 7/16" tips
40# @ 28" (my full draw pic is a few inches short of that)
Pet store water buffalo tip overlays
Turtle scale at arrow pass
Leather rest and grip
Faded aniline dye job
Holds 2" of back set after use