Author Topic: A couple of shot placement questions  (Read 6473 times)

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Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: A couple of shot placement questions
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2020, 02:51:30 pm »
when you get one it seems so easy,, :)

Offline ssrhythm

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Re: A couple of shot placement questions
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2020, 07:07:02 pm »
Evening, boys.  Here's something I've been wondering for a long time.  I keep reading that the double lung hit is a quicker kill than the heart shot, and I believe it, but it goes against intuition.  Can anybody explain why this is so?

Second question is more just for fun, not something I would try or encourage anyone else to try.  I was out tonight perforating a few 3d targets, and decided to try a head shot at a doe.  Put the arrow about an inch under her eye, which would probably be a very ugly kill in real life.  But...if you are one of those people who can consistently bulls-eye a tennis ball, and you had a good, heavy, bone-crunching arrow on the string, would there ever be a circumstance where you'd take the head shot?

Double lung will cut a lot of vessles and blood and will cause lung collapse from air between pleura and lungs and blood between chest wall pleura and lungs...they will die secondary to a cessation of blood flow to brain and heart.  That said...different areas of lungs cause this to happen at different rates, and a deer moving as fast as it can for the amount of time it can take a double lunged hit to die can be a long way.  Heart...well, depends on where and how you hit the heart.  If you miss slightly and sever the aorta, the deer wont make it 30 yards in a wide open run.  That said, the heart is a small target.  I once heart shot a small buck with a zwicky 2 blade and proceeded to jump the deer and have it go 75 yards and lay down over and over again for 4 hours...I finally got another shot at him and stuck him in the ham...he went over a hill and I came and got him the next morning after work right over the hill where he last walked.  It looked like a perfect shot, so I did an autopsy...I sliced a perfect hole in his left ventricle (main pump chamber to pump blood to the body).  All I can figure is that when his heart muscle contracted to pump blood to the body, the contraction squeezed the hole and still allowed the heart to pump well enough for that deer to live for many hours.   After having accidentally shot deer in the ham due to poor shooting, equipment failure, and severe quartering away angle...I now know that the deer died where he did because I shot him in the ham.  All three accidental ham shots went 30-45-and 70 yards.  I recently had a deer duck and whirl at the shot...he was looking at me when I dropped the string...despite knowing he would duck and aiming low, he still got his chest below the arrow and spun his head around to go where he came from just in time to get a 640 gr arrow with 235 grain razor sharp tuff head squarely in the skull below his antler base.  Trust not go for the head shot!

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: A couple of shot placement questions
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2020, 11:11:25 pm »
agreed about the head shot,,