Author Topic: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow  (Read 5923 times)

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Offline Allynhirsch

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Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« on: June 18, 2020, 07:55:34 pm »
Hi All,

I am brand new here, and pretty new to primitive archery. Actually pretty new to archery in general. It’s been one of those things I have been interested in academically for a while and finally decided to pull the trigger on.

So on to the question: What are y’all’s suggestions on both readily attainable store-bought arrows and dream build arrows for the following: I have a simple, 55 pound hickory flat box/longbow. No shelf. Shoots off knuckle. Draw length is 30”. Looking to take a variety of game from axis deer to rabbits to hogs. So far I’ve only gotten a rabbit, but that is mainly because I want my accuracy to be sufficient before attempting to take larger game ethically. I just haven’t been happy with the typical baseline arrows from the box store and looking to move to something a little more appropriate. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Offline Pat B

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2020, 08:20:54 pm »
I think a 55# spined arrows with a 125gr point should work for that bow. I usually start about 10# under draw weight for a selfbow but with the 30" draw the arrow would fly weak. A 55# spined cut to 30" with a 125 gr point will fly like a 45# spined arrow which I think would work for you.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Allynhirsch

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2020, 10:27:09 am »
Thanks for the insight, Pat. So maybe a 500 spine arrow? What material would you recommend? Carbon or something more traditional?

Offline Pat B

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2020, 11:47:36 am »
I know nothing about carbon arrows and very little about aluminum. I prefer wood, either doweled shafting or cane and hardwood shoot arrows. My reference was for wood arrows.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline KHalverson

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2020, 10:42:07 am »
Thanks for the insight, Pat. So maybe a 500 spine arrow? What material would you recommend? Carbon or something more traditional?

I have quite a bit of experience with carbon .
in my opinion you need to go full length shaft and a 600 spine.
probably gonna need 150 grains + up front in order to fly.

Offline Mesophilic

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2020, 08:09:27 pm »
Have you played around with 3 Rivers spine calculator?  It's done pretty good for me.

I switched to carbon for my horsebow.  It's  50# at 28" and shooting off the knuckle. Shooting 600's cut to 29 inches with 200 grains of point weight spine perfectly for this bow and get me up to a hunting weight arrow.
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Offline Allynhirsch

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2020, 01:46:51 pm »
Thanks guys. I haven’t tried any 600 spine yet, especially with a heavier point. I will give it a whirl when I get back in town from work.

Offline willie

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2020, 11:22:42 pm »
Hi Allyn

welcome to archery, and  )P( for starting primitive.

As for arrows, how about a little of both. Maybe some storebought arrows just to get started and not make the learning curve too steep at the beginning of your journey.  You can get proficient for hunting quicker. A real primitive kit, of course, has primitive arrows. I have read ethnological reports about primitive archers that put a lot more time into arrow building than bow building, so find out what was used by primitive archers in your neck of the woods and start collecting and drying what you need to build your own from scratch. Some guys consider knapping to be an enjoyable part of the journey also.

If you have a "primitive" wide handle on the hickory bow you are shooting now, and are trying to utilize the big box store kind of arrows, you may find the arrows will need to be tuned to the bow more so than if your handle were closer to centercut.  Carbons are a pain to cut if you want to tune by shortening. but you could play with point weight up or down to see where you need to go. In what way are you unhappy with the arrows you are now shooting?

Offline Allynhirsch

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2020, 08:28:23 am »
Hey Willie, thanks for the reply. I think that right now I am, like you said, looking for the best starting point with easily available arrows, so that I will have a better reference when progressing to more primitive arrows. I guess I’m not specifically unhappy with what I have, just not sure how appropriate a match the arrows are to the bow. I know a fair amount will come down to technique...

Offline willie

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2020, 02:09:31 pm »
just not sure how appropriate a match the arrows are to the bow. I know a fair amount will come down to technique...

yes, the technique for a modern bow with a shelf is to tune the bow to the arrow, presuming you made a reasonable choice of arrows. aluminum and carbon can usually be made to work.

 a self bow with a wide handle needs the arrow tuned to the bow, a bit more fiddly process, commercial wood arrows blanks are the easiest to make adjustments to if you buy them long enough and stiff enough to start.

Offline Mesophilic

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2020, 03:47:55 pm »
Hey Willie, thanks for the reply. I think that right now I am, like you said, looking for the best starting point with easily available arrows, so that I will have a better reference when progressing to more primitive arrows. I guess I’m not specifically unhappy with what I have, just not sure how appropriate a match the arrows are to the bow. I know a fair amount will come down to technique...

Keep hanging out with us and we'll alter your perceptions...every time a neighbor trims plants you'll  be eyeballing the brush pile to see if there's a potential arrow in there.  You won't be able to go fo a hike withou looking at shrubs and bushes to see if there's an arrow in there as well.  You may even start to plan outings based on available plant life  ;D

But no hard feelings if that's not for you.  My district Modern Horsebow champion orders his bamboo arrows from Kahn's and is plenty happy with that (nor does he even have the itch to attempt making a bow).

For me, carbon is more forgiving,  my groups tighten up a bit, and they don't break nearly as often, so I use them for 3D season.  My heart is still with wood shafts so I use them for hunting and non-3D comps. 

If you decide to look in to wood there's a gentleman selling douglas fir shafts (use google) that offers a test kit option.  I think its 4 shafts in 3 different spines to help you get it right.  That test kit saved me alot of frustration and I still use them when I get or make a new bow.

Edit: heck, get with Kahn and I'll bet he could put you a bamboo spine test kit together.  He's a good guy and will work with people.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 04:04:59 pm by Mesophilic »
Trying is the first step to failure
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Offline Allynhirsch

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2020, 04:45:38 pm »
Willie, thanks. That was my suspicion with tailoring the arrow to the bow.

Meso, 100%. As an avid forager, I already take hikes based on plant availability! So it won’t be much of a stretch to add river and or whatever to the list.  Thanks for the advice and I will check those two out. Can’t wait to get more into this and pick up some of the skills that go with it, especially knapping.

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Arrow recommendation for 55 pound longbow
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2020, 11:43:34 am »
Welcome to PA!  These folks have a wealth of knowledge   
and are more than willing to help!  You can get free humor now and
then too :)!  Take your time, dry your shafts and cut around 40” or more,
you will cull a lot of shafts.
Hawk dancer
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!