Well, things were going great until last night when a frost wiped out about half of my corn, most of my buckwheat, and all of my potatoes. This despite my getting up at 3 am to spray them down, and again at 5:30. The taters and some of the corn will probably bounce back, but the buckwheat might just be a loss. Bummer. Hate to give up on good pancakes and GREAT chicken feed. I might replant it if I can find any more seed.
Oats are doing great, though, as are the tomatoes and melons (protected by those water wall things). We're going to be up to our necks in sugar peas, lettuce, and spinach in a couple weeks. If it's frost hardy, I can grow it. But when Mother Nature decides something ain't happening, she usually gets her way.
Mrs. Badger decided to get chickens. We built a nice coop and now we have about 20 red rangers for meat and grasshopper patrol, plus a dozen or so wyandottes (my favorite breed) and Rhode Island Reds to keep long-term for eggs. We're building the chicken run in a 4' wide perimeter around the garden, so any grasshoppers that want to get in have to run the gauntlet.
We're also getting a lab puppy next week. Just another mellow, low-key summer around Badger Manor...