This bow was doomed from the start but has been holding its own pretty dang well. Initially I expected the bow to break at one of the 8-9 grain run-outs it has on one limb. So I backed it with one layer of thin black linen before I started to tiller it.
The bow was tillered out to 40lbs at 24 with about 2-2.5 of set mostly in the center 1/3 and it was a sloppy shooter. I wasnt happy with it at all, but it held together. I figured I had nothing to lose so I reverse braced it into 2-3 reflex and heat treated the center 1/2 of the bow over the coals of my fire pit for 15-20 minutes. I waited about 2 weeks and began tillering it. I expected the heat treat to do almost nothing as the bow already took on so much set.
Man O man was I surprised at what happened. The bow was retillered for a more circular full draw, gained weight, and retains about 1/2 reflex after resting. It has about 1/2 string follow immediately after unbracing.
The bow is 47 nock to nock and draws ~45lb @ 23. Ive drawn it out to 24 while shooting. The side profile is almost a slight 5 curve look while unbraced. Its taken a little set mid limb where the heat treat ended. Even though I thought it was doomed from the start it is my favorite shortbow so far and slings em where I look. Finish is pine pitch and bacon grease heated in over a fire and then a final coat of bacon grease rubbed in over the fire also to get rid of the stickiness. Im still working on my ratios of the primitive finish.
My phone has been really weird and sporadic at loading pictures sideways. I never know what picture will load sideways.