Great work gang !
I love the PA family from the young (new to the family) to the old (friends that have been around a while) y'all are great !
Miss Gomez
Keep up the good work , we need good writers that are falling in love with what we do , Thanks .
Thanks for caring so deeply about our health.
Folks please pay attention to what this young fellow is telling us
It is crucial to our health and well being.
With out advise from my DR that lines up with perfectly with what he has laid out here there would have been so many memories from this past decade that I could not have enjoyed .
I have already told you how proud I am of what you have become and thanks for sharing your journeys with us !
It's always good to hear from you
Thanks again for returning to the pages of PA old friend!
I truly thank each and everyone that contributes and each one that works so hard to keep this magazine going !
Passing on the greatest addiction century by century
I love you all