Author Topic: Brad's Method of Applying Snakeskins  (Read 8986 times)

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Brad's Method of Applying Snakeskins
« on: April 17, 2008, 02:51:50 am »
I noticed it mentioned in a recent thread that some people are having trouble using the ace bandage method for applying snake skins.  I had some of the same problems while using that method; the skin slipping off center, indentations from the ace bandage in the skin, and glue sometimes seeping out and attaching the bandage to the skin, to only mention a few.  Luckily for me, while attending MoJam a few years back, Brad Merkel put on a demonstration of his method of applying snake skins using painters tape.  Since seeing his demonstration it is the only method I use, with excellent results.  It is one of those methods after seeing you think “why didn't I think of it, it's so simple”.  Just happened I put a Black Rat snake skin on a bow this afternoon, so I took a few pictures that might help.  Here is my version of Brad’s method:

Use whatever glue you prefer, I have used TB I, II, III, and liquid Hide glue, but like the liquid hide glue the best because it has a longer working time and can be reheated and adjusted if needed.  Next, apply the skin using your preferred method, adjust/line up the snake skin, and then work out the air bubbles.  Now starting at the handle and working to the tip start taping the skin to the limb with 3-5 inch strips of painters tape applied around the bow with the ends taped to each other on the bottom of the limb.  Overlap each piece of tape about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch as you go.  Also, push down on the tape as you wrap it around the limb and it will remove most of the air bubbles and push excess glue out.  I use several different sizes of tape ¾”, 1’, 1 ½”, and 2”, depending on shape and design of the limb: For snakey limbs the ¾” works best and on straight limbs the 2” work fine and is a lot faster.  As clear as mud?  Here are a few pictures that might help my explanation:

If you need more pictures let me know and I will do a step by step demonstration with more pictures and some video.

A few things that I found to make this process go smoother:
After applying three to six pieces of tape I run my thumbs along the back and sides of the bow to make sure all of the air bubbles and excess glue is pushed out. 
Before starting the glue up, rip off thirty to forty pieces of tape, depending on the width of the tape and the length of the limb, and stick them in a row along your work bench; it makes the process go a lot faster, which is important when using any of the Tite Bond glues.
Line up the scales/pattern before you start taping and check it during the entire process.  Unlike with an ace bandage, the skin won’t move side to side because the tape adheres to the bottom of the bow preventing movement.
Use Painters tape!  Not any other type of tape, including masking, duct, duck, electrical or whatever other types you can think of using.  The glue will not stick to the painters tape and using it will save you a lot of time removing the tape after the glue has cured.
Give this method a try the next time you put snake skins on a bow, it can save you a lot of headache and work.

Walt Francis

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Re: Brad's Method of Applying Snakeskins
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2008, 05:48:43 pm »
Saw that demo too, makes it seem easy....Brian
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Re: Brad's Method of Applying Snakeskins
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2008, 03:49:51 pm »
It's also easy to do if you have a friend standing there with a roll of tape tearing off the pieces!

I have to vouch for this method...If I can manage to do it, anyone can!

We'll see what it looks like in a week, though.  :-\
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Re: Brad's Method of Applying Snakeskins
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2008, 03:54:32 pm »
Thanks Walt! that's almost too simple :).
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Re: Brad's Method of Applying Snakeskins
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2008, 12:21:59 am »
Thanks Walt, can't wait to try!!!!   Even better since I'm a painter and the tape is always in my truck!!

  Do you think it would work with rawhide!!! ???
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Re: Brad's Method of Applying Snakeskins
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 01:48:40 am »
Dang! I wish I had that many clamps!!!!
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