DC, do you heat one spot and then move once it reacjed temp or keep your heat gun moving th entire time. To me it doesn't seem possible for the heat to move through the wood fast enough to make heating in one spot effective but I do know a lot of folks do it that way. How long does it take you to do a limb?
Heat one spot and move along. I tried waving it around and my arm about died after 10 min

. Not to mention the boredom. It takes forever to do a limb(about 1 1/2 hours I think) and I usually try to do little things like weigh staves that are drying just to break the tedium.
Water has a higher thermal conductivity than wood. So it makes sense that the wetter wood will get hotter quicker.
Density plays a part too. The denser wood will get hot quicker. Imagine heating a piece of metal vs a piece of foam.
I never thought of it that way. I was thinking that the moisture might cap the temp at around 212° and slow it down(kinda water cooled) but what you're saying makes sense. I agree that denser will get hotter quicker but in this case it was the reverse. OS has an SG of 1.2 and Nine Bark measured .9. Both very dense but still.
PS I just looked back and Bryce thinks that denser conducts slower. So 1 and 1.