OK! A bit of levity regarding genealogy! The Dutch are from Holland, which is now the Netherlands, why aren't we the Netherlandese? Or Hollandes? The Flemish are from Flanders, why aren't they Flanderese? My grandfather's family on my mother's side is from Vier Duine(?) (high dune?) Became Verdine here in the states. Any way the bow still has to have a very good tiller to make weight and shoot well! However, this week is for burning charcoal! Our club is hosting the National NMLRA Territorials, black powder shooting! One more glass of Tullamore DEW, and who caress?! Happy Fatner's Day Everyone!! Our bow club had a shoot in the only weekend Little Fiddle Woman can get away to go fishing - guess what we are doing that weekend!

. I like to wet sworn, too! Phooey, make that two glasses! If you can make sense of that - meet. Me at MoJam and we will partake of a beverage!