Hi all....i just buy 2 poles of bamboo...i realy dont know whatt speacies is..but you will see in the pictures...that the nodes are pretty faar away 30cm one from another.....i have something that i wanna show you.....i know that on bamboo its best that the power fibers to be as much as posibile to the surface ...but it something strange to this bamboo...to one end it seams that the bamboo is thinner and to the other end its verry thick...and the power fibers seam to be in the middle of the bamboo wall....and something els i wanna ask you....this poles wass not split....i found themm like this...and they have many little splits all over the lenght....you think that this 2 piecces of bamboo are ruined al ready?

it seams that iff i scrap that outer skinn...some off the little splits are disepearing.....but i have a fiew that i think they are a liitle moore deept thenn that...i will put some pictures and i wait for your replays....

Here you can see the craks in the bamboo...some of themm are not verry deept...but i have a fiew that i think they are deeper...

And here is what i wass talking aboute....it seams that the power fibers are in the middle of the wall and not to the surface of the wall...or maybe this is how it should be...its the first time i work with bamboo so i dont have experience with this....i just buy this 2 pieces of bamboo as a learning process...
This is the wider end of the bamboo...

And this is the thicker end...\