Yes, that is copperhead and black rat snake. I had only one copperhead skin and could never find another one to match so I just built a short bow and spliced it. I had that skin for 3 years waiting for a match then I started liking the short bows... convenient.
Side profile after shooting is about 3/4" string follow but goes back to about1/2" reflex to the nocks, not horn tips.
I didn't go crazy on the reflexing due to a crazy time I had on an earlier short sinewbacked bow I could never get strung after the sinew cured and got hold of it.

I just wanted to reduce string follow and keep it from breaking.
As for the 24", I cannot straighten my arm due to cerebral palsy and the short length of the bow. I s'pose both play a factor. I normally draw 25-26, depending on the weight of the bow.
