What kind of wood are you using Jeff? Is that a lighter color ipe?
I agree more deflex will make your bow smoother to draw, but I'm not sure it will do anything for performance. I think the reason this bow and the last few you've posted are fast is because there's very little working limb, and not a lot of set. Of course this requires very good tillering and proper wood selection, and you seem to have figured that out.

Like DC mentions, the more you deflex the more you'll have to reflex to get the same amount of total reflex. So the relief you get from the deflex is almost negated by the extra amount of reflex you add. It's all about finding the balance that works within your design and materials.
I personally love the way deflexed bows draw and shoot. I will continue to make R/D's for that reason alone.
It's almost time that you start teaching us how it's done with this style.