This was a big Tree which has been cracked by a windstorm. It growed at

1400m SL, where I harvest my maple, beech, and ash.
I always wanted to try the beech too, but the littler ones have a lot of knots and the big ones are just to big

So i was very happy to find this splint. I just chopped it off the trunk and took it with me. This peace was already debarked, and quit dry - the trunk lay on the ground for about 4 month. So the stain comes from that. The last grow rings are very tight (8 rings per 1/4"). TTT 67".
I couldn't find any about beech for bows, so I wanted to give it a try as it feels dense too.
Roughed it out, - a Sudbury design matched best to the stave. The surface of the splint is still visible in the handle and inner limbs, will have to glue up a peace to the handle.
But before I keep on working on this I will wait what you guys think about...
Simk was already loughing at me and wished me good luck - he says beech is no good bowwood...
some pics