Author Topic: Been a long time, how is everyone?  (Read 2794 times)

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Offline EdwardS

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Been a long time, how is everyone?
« on: December 15, 2018, 10:45:23 am »
I've been gone a while working on real life stuff (divorce, near-fatal illness, bankruptcy, new fiancee) and I've moved from Jasper AL to Brewton AL, right near the Florida line.  I lost all but two bows in the divorce and move, lost all my supplies and tools in the divorce (what does my ex need with bags of pounded sinew?)  My bow doesn't even have a string.  I am not posting for sympathy, just to let you know I'm working steadily away at making all those replacements, using what i learned from the originals I made what to do better this time.

There are lots of you I have missed.  I'd love to know how you guys are doing.  Even though I lost all that, my life is so much better.  I have the best person anyone could ask for.  She takes such good care of me, and I take care of her (actual legal caretakers, we're both disabled) and she fully supports my working on all this (and is even interested in learning how to make a lot of what I make.)  So I'm blessed beyond comparison, even if I lost my stuff.  She is truly the virtuous woman of the Bible. 

I have plenty of privet, cherry, and oak here, just have to find the right piece.  First privet I cut had a 390 degree twist in it.  It literally spiraled.  After that was a cedar, too many branches for my skill level and almost no heartwood. 

Is there anyone here in South AL that can point me in the right direction for wood, most likely boards?  I need to pass my horn bow down to my son and build a new, sinew-backed bow.  When I measured my fiancee's DL, (28.5 in) She asked me to measure my maximum DL.  I got 42 in.  36-38 is where I like best, but my kyudo or Manchu draws can get a lot longer.  I figure a 76" stave with heavy sinew would work if I'm careful.  I'll post a question about it in Bows after this. 

I've missed this place.  I'm just now finally getting back into the swing of things.  I'm working up some stuff so I can try to trade for things I can't get here (or haven't figured out how to get yet.)  But I'm definitely glad to be back.

Offline JEB

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Re: Been a long time, how is everyone?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2018, 10:50:16 am »
Welcome back. I won't be home for awhile but when I do get home if I can help you out with some materials they are yours.

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Been a long time, how is everyone?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2018, 12:11:56 pm »
Welcome back, Edawrd!  Glad to hear things are going better for you, now.  I'm a more or less new guy here, many newer than me, too.  Good luck!
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Offline Zuma

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Re: Been a long time, how is everyone?
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2018, 09:40:06 pm »
Glad you are on the recovery road Edward.  May the spirit of the holidays bring you good things.
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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Been a long time, how is everyone?
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2018, 04:51:18 pm »
I have measured a bunch of folk for draw length and the longest was 32", most big guys with be 29-30.

How did you come up with your measurement?

Offline EdwardS

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Re: Been a long time, how is everyone?
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2018, 10:39:02 pm »
Well, most people's arm span is equal to their height.  Mine is not.  Due to Marfan syndrome, my arm span is close to a foot more than my height.  Therefore, when I draw to the corner of my mouth I draw 36".  A Manchu or kyudo draw (which is FAR more comfortable) can go well into the 40+" territory.  I'm 6' 4.5" and have an armspan of 7' 3".  I originally topped out at 6' 7" but broke my back in three places and lost some height between that and the scoliosis.  As my elbows are deformed as well (Dupuytren's contracture) the "bone on bone" of a comfortable draw occurs in a different place for me.  And finally, I use either thumb or pinch draw, which adds an inch or two to my DL.  I ruined my hand in the same crash that broke my back and cannot reliably release three under or split.

I know I'm not normal.  I taught a student with Marfan syndrome to shoot as well, and she ended up buying kyudo carbons so she could get long enough arrows.  I'm more into "I'll just go gather rivercane like Pop taught me to do" than buying carbons, but she wasn't into bowhunting or into preserving this knowledge base, she just really, really loved shooting.

Drawing a 28" bow is like one of you drawing a 23" Plains bow.  It's not very comfortable and my accuracy suffers.  I'm sure i could adjust, but it wouldn't be as comfortable as just drawing longer.  I guess I'm just too used to it now.

Offline Pappy

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Re: Been a long time, how is everyone?
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2018, 02:32:05 pm »
Welcome back, seems you have had a rough time of it. Hope life smooths out a bit for you. :)
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Offline Aaron H

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Re: Been a long time, how is everyone?
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2018, 04:52:52 pm »
Glad to see you back Edward

Offline loon

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Re: Been a long time, how is everyone?
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2018, 08:19:15 pm »
Welcome back!!

Offline BowEd

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Re: Been a long time, how is everyone?
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2018, 04:36:02 am »
Welcome back...Don't know you but that's a very challenging situation you're in.Wishing you the best.
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Offline EdwardS

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Re: Been a long time, how is everyone?
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2018, 09:01:04 pm »
Thanks for the warm wishes everyone.  I'm in a decent spot for sawmill s and ipe here, just got to go out and get it.  Gonna hit up butchers and deer processors as well.  There's stuff if you'll just look for it.  Tools are my difficulty ATM, all I have is borrowed.  Hoping to do some trading after I get some materials gathered.