Author Topic: New scale  (Read 1697 times)

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Offline DC

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New scale
« on: October 26, 2018, 05:09:00 pm »
I just bought a new scale. It goes to 330#(150kg) I hesitated buying a digital because of the readout size but this one is nice. It's 3/4" high. Also other digital scales try to accomplish too much with too few buttons and you end up having to push too many buttons to get started. This one has really only one option and that is to hold max weight. You can turn that off so it works like an analog scale which I prefer for tillering. The smallest weight I had for testing was my 2# spining weight. I weighed it on my grain scale and it was 31.95 oz. On this scale it was 1.98#. Close enough for me. And it's repeatable. It's 1.98# no matter how many times I weigh it, whether I power it down. I tried a 10" pull on one bow and got the same weight every time. I'm impressed. $35 Can. Worth every penny. The coin in the picture is a Can quarter, same size as an American one.

Offline penderbender

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Re: New scale
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2018, 09:07:33 am »
Nice scale Don. Have you tried out the war bow yet? What's it pulling? Cheers- Brendan

Offline DC

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Re: New scale
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2018, 10:30:20 am »
That's what i'm working up to. I had to get the scale, a new stringer, a new long string and reinforce my tillering tree. My tillering tree is attached to my workbench which weighs about 300 lbs and I think pulling this thing is going to drag the bench. All that and being a whole bunch chicken I haven't got it braced since Cumberland. I'm working toward it though :D