Hi all,
I've read on this site for several years, but just joined because I wanted to post pictures of my bow and get people's thoughts on it. Hopefully, it's ok that it's a board bow and not a self bow.
I've made a few kids bows in the past for my son and his friends. Last fall I built a bow for myself.
It's a red oak board bow. Its backed with dynel cloth set in West System epoxy. The handle and tips are walnut. I put about 6 coats of tung oil on it and then a coat of spar urethane.
It's 72" long, 70" nock to nock. I originally though it was 47# at 28", but since then I've built a tillering tree and it measures 50# at 28". By the way, I'm measuring from the string side of the handle plus 1 3/4", that's correct, right?
It's taken a couple of inches of set. The lower limb is weaker than the upper. It also has what looks to be chrysals? but I'm only comparing to pictures I've seen on forums. That leads me to always have in the back of my mind that it could fail.
In addition to the bow, I made the string (14 strand continuous b50), a bow stringer, and a finger tab. I ordered a spline test set of wooden arrows from Three Rivers and have been shooting those.
To me, it shoots great. It's very smooth and easy to shoot. I love how light the bow is (just under 22 ozs).
I'm hoping to hunt with it this fall. I was a little surprised at the arrow speed, I had thought that it should be shooting about 150 fps. I recently got a chronograph and the fastest I've seen with my arrows (540 grain) is 138. Is this too slow for hunting? By the way, I would say I've shot a minimum of 800 arrows with it.
Thanks for looking and any thoughts you have on it that might go into a next bow.
And now some pics...


One of my better groups at 20 yards

Today's best shooting at 11 yards