I have other projects on the go, or the wife finds some for me

I've a long term crossbow project, I do bits of art, sculpture, DIY, refurbishing old tools etc*.
Never work on bows unless I really want to, certainly never because I "ought to".
When in doubt I'll tidy the work shop, sort out staves, contemplate other bow styles, do some reading or armchair bow making.
Sure as heck after a while something or maybe someone asking something will re-ignite the enthusiasm.
Funnily enough enough I've written a lot on my blog lately about the crossbow... and someone asked a mate of mine "What's up with Del, has he stopped making bows?" My mate reassured him I was just on a break

* If you don't have a lathe, if you can find a small old second hand one, they are V useful and fun to refurbish.