Author Topic: Alone again.  (Read 159664 times)

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Offline GlisGlis

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #540 on: August 07, 2023, 01:39:31 pm »
What really astounds me is how many underestimate the risks of eating unknown mushrooms.
There are NO empirical methods to tell one edible mushroom from a poisonus one!
All the pseudo rules to tell an edible mushroom (except direct and deep knowledge) are basically BULLS...!!!!!
The fact a critter can eat it means absolutely NOTHING !!! The human digestive system has substancial differences from digestive systems of other animals.
Long exposure to heat (cooking) could in some case deactivate some toxines but in many cases wont
Poisons from mushrooms can have a very wide range of effects.
Even if obviously a fast dead seems the worst you must take into account that also a slow, cumulative, irreversible, painful and radical damage to many vital organs is very possible.
So even eating small portion and assuming it is safe to eat because there have been no issues is WRONG

The only rule with mushrooms is :
You are not 200% sure it is edible? DO NOT EAT

On top of that mushrooms are mostly water, minerals and fibers so they provide almost nothing in term of energy. Why take the risk???

I've been mushrooms picking for many years with a mychologist , author of books, and in many occasions he showed me mushrooms that for special conditons showed characters differents from their standard that could lead to improper classification and tragic mistakes
once again:
You are not 200% sure it is edible? DO NOT EAT

Offline White Falcon

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #541 on: August 08, 2023, 10:11:14 am »

Offline Pappy

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #542 on: August 14, 2023, 07:22:18 am »
Ya I thought that was kind of risky myself, I have heard of putting a small piece in your lip to see if you had any ill effects but may just be an old wives tail, wouldn't have taken the chance myself. Been tapping it so haven't seen the last one, looking forward to seeing how that goes for him. :-\ Pappy
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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #543 on: August 14, 2023, 08:30:55 am »
This season wraps up next week.

 I have started watching the Tasmania version, hard to understand those folk, their accents are very thick Aussie. I have turned on closed captioning but even that can't sort everything out.

Offline Muskyman

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #544 on: August 14, 2023, 02:58:22 pm »
I’ve been watching too. As far as the mushrooms go I seem to remember reading one time that part of the problem with them is that some don’t really start making you sick until they are in your digestive tract. By then you can’t get them pumped out or anything that might save you. Mushrooms scare me unless they come from the grocery store. I’ve picked and eaten morels in the spring but that’s about it.  I remember once while turkey hunting a guy we used to see every year gave us some, I want to say pink bottoms. We ate them but, my brother said I’ll hold the gun on you while you eat them then you can hold the gun on me while I eat them. After we got back home I looked them up and it said that a mushroom called, I think a deaths angel, looks very similar. I’m thinking that was the end of my wild mushroom eating days. I like them but not enough to take the chance..

Offline bjrogg

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #545 on: August 19, 2023, 12:05:41 pm »
Spoiler alert!!

I watched the final episode of Alone .

I think this one was really close.

I’m not going to say who won the contest.

One thing I will say is they all won something money can’t reward you the same way.

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Offline WhistlingBadger

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #546 on: August 19, 2023, 02:02:33 pm »
Spoiler alert!!

I watched the final episode of Alone .

I think this one was really close.

I’m not going to say who won the contest.

One thing I will say is they all won something money can’t reward you the same way.


Agreed.  I appreciate anybody that even tries to get on this show, but I developed a lot of respect for the final three contestants.  I guess we're trying not to be spoilers...So I'll say that the last guy to tap out was in a good spot and left because chose to:  he had accomplished what he set out to do.  His only reason for staying would have been for the money, and he decided that wasn't worth the damage it was doing to his body.  I can really respect that.

I love watching the endings of these.  I always get a little choked up seeing the winner react when their loved one shows up with the news.  I think about how much I miss my wife and daughter on a few days of hunting or work travel.  I can't even imagine what a relief it would be to have them walk out of the trees unexpectedly after living completely alone for a couple months.  It's always a powerful reminder to me of what's really important in this world.
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Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for."
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #547 on: August 19, 2023, 08:23:31 pm »
I think he was the big winner WB. I think it was truly life changing experience for him.

A hot cup of coffee and a beautiful sunrise

Offline Pappy

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #548 on: August 21, 2023, 07:01:41 am »
Watched it and didn't end the way I though it would  ;) Watched the Ausi. one also, not sure how it will play out but dropping like flies at just day 2.
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Offline BrianS

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #549 on: August 21, 2023, 01:24:53 pm »
This was the First season of the Alone Show I watched. I was very impressed. I spend a lot of time alone camping spring, summer and fall. I do not have many folks interested in doing it so I go alone or else do not go. I do not do the survival camping they do on the Alone Show. The time alone is nice but after a bit, I personally tire of being alone. Not that I like hoards of people around me but I do like a few people around to talk with. Last Fall I spend considerable time alone hunting out of a tent camp. During the daylight hours I kept busy and did not mind being alone but the Late fall nights are very long ( having a radio and some books to read helps).  I found the nights long.  Very impressive that they lasted as long as they did if they truely did it alone.
Take care, Brian

Offline GlisGlis

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #550 on: September 11, 2023, 04:22:20 am »
Just noticed there is a UK version of alone
11 participants in Canada. Same concept as standard Alone
If you are in UK (or if you use a proxy) you can see all episodes for free by registering on channel4 dot com (there are also Alone seasons 6, 7, 8 and 9 !)
« Last Edit: September 11, 2023, 04:40:09 am by GlisGlis »

Offline White Falcon

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #551 on: September 16, 2023, 03:39:35 pm »
Who won, been in the hospital the whole month of August and some with my wife.

Offline bjrogg

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #552 on: September 17, 2023, 06:57:55 am »
I think it was Allen . The one who made the fishing lures. He played a good game. I honestly thought Wyatt was going to win and I think his experience was a win. I think he will probably be sober for the rest of his life. When you have a serious drinking problem that’s a huge win.

A hot cup of coffee and a beautiful sunrise

Offline White Falcon

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #553 on: September 19, 2023, 02:55:52 pm »

Offline GlisGlis

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Re: Alone again.
« Reply #554 on: May 27, 2024, 05:58:30 am »
Alone 2024
thursday 13 9/8C
Gwich’in land, Nortern territories CA

Without giving away details, the channel said that would include “remarkable game harvests, clever inventions, painful medical mishaps and nerve-wracking animal encounters,” as well as one of the longest-running seasons in the show’s history – a factor determined by how long at least two contenders are able to keep going.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 02:29:44 pm by GlisGlis »