Here's the two bows I was talking about.
The most recent was a Canyon Maple bow about 67" NTN but with Recurves

You can see in this next two pictures how thin it is

In this picture, my ring is about 1/4" thick and the limb is about that thick past where I'm holding (it fluffed up quite a bit where it blew up so it's a little thicker there so it's not a good example). I know I measured it with calipers and it was almost 1/4" but I can't remember exactly. Probably 5/16th. Unfortunately I threw both away so I can't remeasure them.

The other bow was a Red Oak Board bow from Lowe's. It was about 64". It was a little thicker than the maple, closer to 3/8.

Both were inferior woods with more radical designs (recurves for at a shorter length). They also may have experienced damage before the final tillering that caused the breaks (serious torque while trying to get out twist on the maple; on the Red Oak it raised splinter while attempting to brace). I backed both with linen due to these issues. However, both still got more than an inch of set, which was telling that it wasn't just a freak internal weakness but was stressed considerably for the design as well.