All that is fine except there is only a limited amount of movement you can get from a wooden limb, so if you use that movement to brace the bow you can't also use it as draw length.
So with 2" of reflex you may get a 26" draw before it starts to take set or pull out the reflex, but without the reflex you'd get 28"
To answer your question:-
You can't just add up the weights... well I s'pose you can, but your target draw weight was for the braced bow, so that is how you must measure it.
As an illustration of the argument by reductio ad absurdum (reducing to the absurd... I think Harry Potter uses this technique

I expect any bow could take over 500# if it was clamped at one end pulled at the other in line with it's length.
Of course this is irrelevant, but it shows how there is only one important weight.
As long as you can hit target weight and draw without taking set, you can add as much reflex as you like
