I'm working on a red oak board bow, trying to bring the poundage up a bit.
-At first tillering it was around 36# @28" (I'm tillering to 30", where it was ~41#). I want to bring it up to a bare minimum of 40# @ 28".
So, I shortened it up a little.
-It was ~66" ntn (didn't do the best job measuring).
-I took a bit off and adjusted the width taper. It's now 63.5" ntn. I have the limbs tapering from 1.75" at the fades to 3/8" tips. 8.5" of non-working handle should give me 55" of working wood.
Just clamped the new nocks today.
I also toasted the belly and added just a teensy bit of reflex (with my wife's new heat gun... which she got for cake decorating and hasn't had a chance to play with yet... #inthedoghouse).

But anyway... it's my first time using heat this way, and I seem to recall reading something in TBB about waiting a certain amount of time after treating with dry heat to allow the moisture content to stabilize before you re-tiller it. I cannot remember how long they said. The nearest copy is in the local library, and I haven't gotten down there recently.
Anybody know?