Here is another Osage bow i just finished up. Actually it started out life as a much longer stave. It was going to be a hunting bow for my buddy, but at the longer length was too weak for what he needed. So i sinewed the back and shortened it. That changed everything. I really didn't think it would be much of a shooter, but i was wrong. 51# @ 23", 53" OAL. Futhark runes on the stripes for added "Magic".

You will notice that it bends mostly through the handle. On my last horsebow, yall helped make me aware of the fact that i seem to be neglecting the outer portions of the limb. Im sure this puts more stress through the center. But may i ask if this will be detrimental to the longevity of this bow? Because im happy with how this one shoots in its current state.
Well, hope yall enjoy the pics!